The Heavenly Demon's Return
In the world of Murim, where martial arts reign supreme and power is the only law, a legendary figure known as the "Heavenly Demon" once ruled with an iron fist. Feared by all, he was the pinnacle of martial prowess, a man who had transcended the limits of human potential. But at the height of his power, he vanished without a trace, leaving behind only myths and legends.
Centuries later, a young orphan named Jin Ha-Ru lives a humble life in a small village, unaware of his true heritage. Ha-Ru is different from others—his reflexes are unnaturally sharp, his strength far beyond that of a normal person, and he possesses an innate understanding of martial arts that he can't explain. Despite his extraordinary abilities, Ha-Ru lives a simple life, content with helping his village and protecting those he cares about.
One fateful day, a group of bandits attacks the village, slaughtering everyone in their path. Ha-Ru, driven by rage and grief, unleashes a power he never knew he had—a dark, overwhelming energy that annihilates the bandits in an instant. Unbeknownst to him, this power is the legacy of the Heavenly Demon, and his awakening has drawn the attention of the Murim world.