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Evelyn Evelyn Amv

The Billionaire's Rental Wife Is A Hot Shot

“I will let you be on top from tonight, please don’t divorce me, darling!” ----- Evelyn’s fairytale life shattered when a stranger stormed in, claiming to be the real daughter of the Wright family with proof. Her enviable privileges? Stripped away. Her spotless reputation? Tarnished. Her four-year engagement? Abruptly annulled. But the worst betrayal came from her once-loving father, all set to marry her off to settle a business score—with a man twice her age! Everyone in the circle attended this scandalous wedding, eager to witness the downfall of the supposed fake heiress. Yet, the climax was not what even Evelyn had anticipated! Zevian Reign, the nation’s richest tycoon, known for being every woman’s fantasy and the nightmare of all his rivals, made a dramatic entrance. His arrival stunned the guests, but his brazen wish was even more startling! He casually demanded to replace the groom and marry the beautiful bride. No one dared to challenge, nor did anyone have the guts to disobey him. They were left with no choice but to watch the wedding unfold. And it was Evelyn’s time to smirk, for she was now the devil’s wife. And all those who had ruined her, they would pay back in tenfold! ++++ [Excerpt] "Why would I ditch my husband for a loser?" Evelyn chuckled, crossing her arms defiantly. "He is better than him in all the aspects." Her gaze drifted to her ex-fiancé nearby, and she continued with a smirk, "Actually, a lot better in bed." As Annabelle’s face flushed with disdain, Evelyn patted her back and leaned in to deliver another slap. "So, good luck with licking my leftovers, dear step-sister. He's a perfect match for you."
Zelra · 842.5K Views

Istri Sewaan Miliarder adalah Orang Penting

“Aku akan membiarkanmu berada di atas mulai malam ini, tolong jangan ceraikan aku, sayang!” ----- Kehidupan dongeng Evelyn hancur ketika seorang orang asing masuk, mengklaim menjadi putri sejati Keluarga Wright dengan bukti. Privilegenya yang dicemburui? Direnggut. Reputasinya yang tanpa cela? Tercemar. Pertunangannya yang telah berlangsung empat tahun? Secara mendadak dibatalkan. Namun, pengkhianatan terburuk datang dari ayahnya yang dulu mencintainya, yang siap menjodohkannya demi menyelesaikan masalah bisnis—dengan seorang pria berusia dua kali lipat darinya! Semua orang di lingkaran itu menghadiri pernikahan skandal ini, ingin menyaksikan kejatuhan sang pewaris palsu. Namun, klimaksnya tidak seperti yang bahkan Evelyn perkirakan! Zevian Reign, taipan terkaya di negara itu, dikenal sebagai fantasi setiap wanita dan mimpi buruk semua rivalnya, membuat kedatangan yang dramatis. Kedatangannya membuat tamu-tamu tercengang, namun keinginannya yang terang-terangan lebih mengejutkan lagi! Dia dengan santai menuntut untuk menggantikan pengantin pria dan menikahi pengantin wanita yang cantik. Tidak ada yang berani menantang, juga tidak ada yang memiliki keberanian untuk menentangnya. Mereka tidak punya pilihan selain menyaksikan pernikahan itu terungkap. Dan saatnya Evelyn tersenyum sinis, karena kini dia adalah istri iblis. Dan semua orang yang telah merusaknya, mereka akan membayar sepuluh kali lipat! ++++ [Potongan] “Mengapa aku harus meninggalkan suamiku demi seorang pecundang?” Evelyn tertawa, melipat tangan dengan tegas. “Dia lebih baik darinya dalam segala aspek.” Pandangannya beralih ke mantan tunangannya yang berada di dekat sana, dan dia melanjutkan dengan senyuman sinis, “Sebenarnya, jauh lebih baik di ranjang.” Saat wajah Annabelle memerah karena merasa terhina, Evelyn menepuk punggungnya dan mendekat untuk memberikan tamparan lain. “Jadi, semoga berhasil dengan menjilat sisa-sisaku, sayang adik tiriku. Dia adalah pasangan yang sempurna untukmu.”
Zelra · 11.5K Views

La femme de location du milliardaire est une pointure

« Je te laisserai être sur le dessus dès ce soir, s'il te plaît ne me divorce pas, chéri ! » ----- La vie de conte de fées d'Evelyn a volé en éclats lorsqu'un inconnu a fait irruption, prétendant être la véritable fille de la famille Wright avec des preuves. Ses privilèges enviés ? Envoyés aux oubliettes. Sa réputation immaculée ? Salie. Ses quatre ans de fiançailles ? Brutalement annulées. Mais la plus grande trahison venait de son père autrefois aimant, prêt à la marier pour régler une affaire commerciale – avec un homme deux fois son âge ! Tout le monde dans le cercle a assisté à ce mariage scandaleux, impatients d'assister à la chute de la prétendue fausse héritière. Pourtant, le point culminant n'était pas ce même Evelyn avait anticipé! Zevian Reign, le magnat le plus riche de la nation, connu pour être le fantasme de chaque femme et le cauchemar de tous ses rivaux, a fait une entrée spectaculaire. Son arrivée a stupéfié les invités, mais son souhait effronté fut encore plus surprenant ! Il a demandé avec désinvolture à remplacer le marié et à épouser la magnifique mariée. Personne n'a osé contester, ni n'a eu le courage de lui désobéir. Ils n'avaient d'autre choix que d'assister au mariage. Et c'était l'heure pour Evelyn de sourire en coin, car elle était désormais la femme du diable. Et tous ceux qui l'avaient ruinée, ils paieraient au centuple ! ++++ [Extrait] « Pourquoi larguerais-je mon mari pour un perdant ? » Evelyn rigola en croisant les bras avec défi. « Il est meilleur que lui dans tous les aspects. » Son regard se porta sur son ex-fiancé, non loin de là, et elle continua avec un sourire en coin, « En fait, beaucoup mieux au lit. » Alors que le visage d'Annabelle rougissait de dégoût, Evelyn lui tapota le dos et se pencha pour asséner une autre gifle. « Alors, bonne chance avec lécher mes restes, chère demi-sœur. Il est parfait pour toi. »
Zelra · 26.8K Views

La esposa de alquiler del millonario es una mujer de éxito

—¡Desde esta noche te dejaré estar arriba, por favor no me divorcies, querido! ----- La vida de cuento de hadas de Evelyn se hizo añicos cuando un extraño irrumpió, afirmando ser la verdadera hija de la familia Wright con pruebas. ¿Sus envidiables privilegios? Arrancados. ¿Su impecable reputación? Empeñada. ¿Su compromiso de cuatro años? Anulado abruptamente. Pero la peor traición vino de su antes amoroso padre, dispuesto a casarla para saldar una cuenta empresarial... ¡con un hombre de el doble de su edad! Todos en el círculo asistieron a esta escandalosa boda, ansiosos por presenciar la caída de la supuesta falsa heredera. Sin embargo, ¡el clímax no fue lo que ni siquiera Evelyn había anticipado! Zevian Reign, el magnate más rico de la nación, conocido por ser la fantasía de toda mujer y la pesadilla de todos sus rivales, hizo una entrada dramática. Su llegada dejó atónitos a los invitados, pero su osado deseo fue aún más sorprendente. Exigió casualmente reemplazar al novio y casarse con la hermosa novia. Nadie se atrevió a desafiarlo, ni nadie tuvo el valor de desobedecerlo. No les quedó más remedio que ver cómo se desarrollaba la boda. Y era el momento de Evelyn para sonreír con suficiencia, pues ahora era la esposa del diablo. ¡Y todos aquellos que la habían arruinado, pagarían el precio por diez! ++++ [Extracto] —¿Por qué iba a dejar a mi marido por un perdedor? —se rió Evelyn, cruzando sus brazos desafiantemente—. Él es mejor que él en todos los aspectos. —Su mirada se desvió hacia su ex prometido cercano, y continuó con una sonrisa burlona—. De hecho, mucho mejor en la cama. Con el rostro de Annabelle enrojecido de desdén, Evelyn le dio palmaditas en la espalda y se inclinó para darle otra bofetada. —Así que, buena suerte lamiendo mis sobras, querida hermanastra. Él es un partido perfecto para ti."
Zelra · 29.8K Views

I Have Reincarnate Yet Once Again

The first princess of the Cristiane Empire, Evelyn de P la Cristiane was arrogant, willful and selfish. She always shouts at her maids and tortured them. She was abandoned by her mother since she was born in the Black Rose Palace, far away from the main palace. The reason was unknown to everyone. Everyone in the empire called her "The Abandoned Princess" " The Unlucky Princess" " The Powerless Princess". She was the object of ridicule throughout the entire empire. But everything changes at the Black Rose Palace when Princess Evelyn has a stair accident. When she awoke a week later, the arrogant, willful and selfish princess seemed to have completely disappeared. She becomes silent, sighing frequently and becomes disinterested in everything. In fact, the princess was an infinite reincarnator who always forgets her previous memories after reincarnation and regained those memories after undergoing some form of stimulation. But this time, she realizes that she is actually being reincarnated in a reverse harem novel's world from thousands of years ago. And now the main story of the novel is finally starting but she doesn't care. But she started getting unwanted attention and interests of others. As first, she didn't care but later she starts getting a bit worried as the male leads start showing interest in her rather than the female lead. Heir to the Grand Duke, Captain of the Shadow Knights, Future Master of the Mage Tower, Prince of a Desert Kingdom, a mysterious wealthy merchant, The Prince of the Elves. Even some unexpected peoples. Evelyn: Logically, I am the ancestor of even your ancestor's ancestor. So, would you all please go away?. I'm already tired of this reincarnation thing. i don't want to be forced to remember anyone's name now.
Mystery_Girl_107 · 3.6K Views

Crimson Veil

Elara has spent her entire life as a hunter, sworn to rid the world of vampires and protect humanity. But when a mission goes wrong and she’s bitten by a powerful vampire lord, her world is turned upside down. Instead of dying, she awakens an ancient power deep within her—a long-lost bloodline tied to the Purebloods, a vampiric clan believed to be extinct. Now, Elara is more than just a hunter; she is both the weapon and the curse. Torn between her hunter upbringing and her new vampiric nature, she must hide her transformation from her family while navigating the deadly politics of vampire society. As Elara delves into the mysteries of her bloodline, she encounters Lucien—an enigmatic vampire elder with a dangerous allure. In a moment of heated passion, Lucien’s hands gripped her hips, pulling her close. His fangs grazed her neck, sending a shock of pleasure through her body. Elara gasped, her body arching as his lips claimed hers in a breathless kiss. His mouth trailed lower, teeth scraping her exposed skin, and a sharp bite sent her spiraling into ecstasy. The pleasure and pain blurred as she surrendered to the darkness, her world consumed by raw, primal desire. She was his—completely. But the deeper she falls into Lucien’s seductive grasp, the more she risks everything—her family, her humanity, and her soul. With a prophecy looming that could either save or doom the vampire race, Elara must decide: Will she fight against the growing darkness within her, or embrace her destiny as the last Pureblood and claim the throne of the vampire world?
Evelyn_Noir · 623 Views
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