Dante Vitale is a teenager growing up in the harsh streets of 1990s New York, where survival is a daily struggle. Torn between protecting his younger brother Leo and escaping the criminal life his father’s debts have trapped them in, Dante finds himself fighting in underground arenas to make ends meet. But when the Italian mafia tightens its grip on his family, forcing him into dangerous jobs, Dante realizes that fighting for survival might be more literal than he ever imagined.
As the stakes rise, Dante must balance school, work, and his brutal fights, all while navigating the dark world of organized crime. His fists may be powerful, but they aren’t enough to shield Leo from the growing dangers around them. The line between right and wrong blurs as Dante is dragged deeper into the mafia's world, where loyalty is everything and betrayal can cost you your life.
Can Dante fight his way out of this underworld, or will the weight of two worlds crush him?