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Lan Zhan Recognize Wei Ying

A Verdadeira Herdeira é a Grande Figura

``` A ex-grande senhora, Ying Zijin, acordou um dia como a filha perdida da família Ying, que estava desaparecida por quinze anos. A família Ying prontamente adotou outra criança para substituí-la. Ao retornar à família abastada, todos a ridicularizaram por não ser tão inteligente, capaz, sensata e elegante quanto uma falsa herdeira. Seus pais a consideraram uma mancha na família e a advertiram para não alimentar ilusões de ser uma dama da família. Eles disseram que ela deveria ser grata por ser uma filha adotiva, ou senão a mandariam embora. Ying Zijin: "Então eu vou embora. Não precisam me acompanhar." Enquanto a família Ying celebrava com alegria e outros esperavam para ver a verdadeira herdeira fazer papel de boba, figuras influentes de várias áreas entraram em ação. O ídolo mais bem cotado com os fãs mais influentes disse, "Senhorita Ying, é só me avisar se precisar de algo." O herdeiro de um monopólio econômico global disse, "Família Ying? O que é isso? Chefe, devemos simplesmente acabar com eles?" O número um artista marcial no país perguntou, "Quem ousa intimidar minha mestra?" O gênio garoto adolescente com um QI de 228 disse, "Essa é minha irmã." Um homem com uma aparência incrivelmente sedutora sorriu preguiçosamente e casualmente, dizendo, "Certo, então me chame de cunhado." As figuras influentes ficaram confusas. Quando a verdadeira identidade da herdeira foi restaurada, isso causou uma sensação na internet. A família Ying enlouqueceu e se ajoelhou, chorando e implorando para que ela voltasse. A família poderosa internacional disse, "Desculpem, deixem-me apresentá-la. Esta é a nossa verdadeira herdeira." Renascido como um rei, fazendo um forte retorno e lançando um contra-ataque! ```
Qing Qian · 63.4K Views

A Garota Sortuda da Fazenda

Depois de morrer inesperadamente, ela renasceu como uma garotinha de dez anos em uma antiga família de agricultores, com poucos cômodos em sua casa e ainda menos hectares de terra, sem contar uma casa cheia de idosos, fracos, doentes e deficientes. Felizmente, os mais velhos da família eram bondosos e honestos, seus irmãos amorosos e bem-naturezados, e os vizinhos harmoniosos e amigáveis. Para Yang Mengchen, que havia sofrido o tormento de seus parentes e suportado todo tipo de zombaria e reprimenda desde jovem, isso foi verdadeiramente uma bênção do céu. Para sustentar a família que amava, ela assumiu resolutamente a pesada responsabilidade de prover para eles. Se ela, uma CEO corporativa moderna que já havia dominado o mundo dos negócios, não pudesse alimentar uma família, então quem poderia? Receitas farmacêuticas, construção de estufas, abertura de lojas... Não só sua família começou a viver uma vida confortável e próspera, mas ela também liderou as aldeias ao redor na criação de uma magnífica cena pastoral! Com dinheiro e fama, conforme cresceu, Yang Mengchen decidiu que era hora de escolher um marido, e assim, jovens talentos de todo o mundo começaram a afluir para ela. Quem diria que um deus da morte de rosto sombrio estaria bloqueando a entrada da Casa da Família Yang? "Você é alto demais, você é baixo demais, você é gordo demais, você é magro demais, você é escuro demais, você é pálido demais, você é ignorante, você é enganoso e astuto... Todos eliminados!" Num instante, a entrada estava vazia, e Yang Mengchen ficou instantaneamente furiosa, "Príncipe, você afugentou todos. Como vou escolher um marido agora?" "Quero ver quem ousa casar com você. Não me importaria em enviá-lo ao Submundo como um noivo!" Yang Mengchen... Um certo Príncipe contava seus méritos nos dedos: "Tenho poder, prestígio e substância, sem concubinas, sem amores secretos, sem devaneios — Eu incorporo os padrões das três obediências e quatro virtudes de um marido... Em resumo, só eu, este homem bom sem igual, sou digno de você!" Os guardas: Ó sábio e valente Príncipe, é realmente bom ser tão deficiente em seu papel de marido?
Lan Shao · 39.4K Views

Semua Orang Ingin Memanjakan Putri Keberuntungan

``` Keluarga Duke sudah seabad tanpa adanya putri. Ketika akhirnya seorang putri lahir, seharusnya dia menerima segala cinta dan manja, tetapi ternyata putri yang sebenarnya telah tertukar saat lahir dan dibesarkan oleh keluarga pemburu yang baik hati. Sejak mereka mengadopsi gadis tersebut, para pemburu tampaknya menjadi beruntung dalam segala hal—binatang buruan tampaknya berlari ke dalam perangkap dan jaring yang mereka pasang, dan mereka selalu menemukan ramuan langka di mana pun mereka pergi. Sepuluh tahun kemudian, keluarga Duke akhirnya menyadari kebenaran bahwa putri mereka telah tertukar dan melakukan perjalanan ribuan mil untuk membawanya pulang. Setelah kembali ke keluarga aslinya, putri tersebut tidak diragukan lagi dimanja habis-habisan oleh setiap anggota keluarganya... Setelah dewasa, Lin Qingluo menguasai seni bela diri dan mencapai puncak dunia persilatan. Bergabung di medan perang bersama saudara-saudaranya dan ayahnya, dia menghancurkan musuh-musuh mereka dan dikenal sebagai Dewi Perang, mendapatkan tak terhitung pengagum. Tuan dari Pavilion Rahasia Surgawi: Reputasi Anda mendahului Anda, nona—tak ada yang sebanding dengan Anda, seperti rumor yang mengatakan. Kepala dari Lembah Ramuan: Kemampuan Anda dalam pengobatan luar biasa, dan saya mengakui keahlian Anda. Saya bersumpah setia sebagai imbalan atas bimbingan Anda untuk berlatih pengobatan dan membantu orang-orang. Pangeran Pertama dari Negara Qi: Terima kasih telah menyelamatkan saya. Saya berhutang nyawa pada Anda. Lin Qingluo: Seorang pangeran yang lekat hati telah mencuri hati saya, dan dia lah yang selalu saya pikirkan. Tak ada orang lain dalam benak saya. ```
Ting Lan Listening to the Rain · 53K Views

La verdadera heredera es la gran figura

La ex gran figura, Ying Zijin, despertó un día como la hija perdida de la familia Ying, que había estado desaparecida durante quince años. La familia Ying rápidamente adoptó a otro niño para reemplazarla. Al regresar a la familia adinerada, todos se burlaron de ella por no ser tan inteligente, capaz, sensata y elegante como una heredera falsa. Sus padres la consideraban una mancha en la familia y le advirtieron que no albergara ilusiones de ser una dama de la familia. Dijeron que debería estar agradecida por ser una hija adoptiva, o de lo contrario la enviarían lejos. —Me iré entonces —Ying Zijin dijo—. No hace falta que me acompañen. Mientras la familia Ying celebraba jubilosamente y otros esperaban ver a la verdadera heredera hacer el ridículo, figuras influyentes de varios campos tomaron cartas en el asunto. —Señorita Ying, házmelo saber si necesitas algo —dijo el ídolo mejor clasificado con los fans más influyentes. —¿Familia Ying? ¿Qué es eso? Jefe, ¿deberíamos simplemente acabar con ellos? —dijo el heredero de un monopolio económico global. —¿Quién se atreve a molestar a mi maestro? —preguntó el mejor artista marcial del país. —Esa es mi hermana —dijo el genio adolescente con un CI de 228. —Claro, entonces llámame cuñado —dijo un hombre con una apariencia increíblemente seductora sonriendo con pereza y de manera casual. Las figuras influyentes estaban confundidas. Cuando la verdadera identidad de la heredera fue restaurada, causó sensación en Internet. La familia Ying se volvió loca y se arrodilló, llorando y suplicándole que volviera. —Permítanme presentarla. Esta es nuestra verdadera heredera —dijo la familia poderosa internacional. Renacido como rey, haciendo un fuerte regreso y lanzando un contraataque.
Qing Qian · 125.4K Views

Sang Pewaris Sejati adalah Orang Besar yang Sebenarnya

Orang besar yang dulunya, Ying Zijin, bangun suatu hari sebagai putri yang hilang dari keluarga Ying, yang telah menghilang selama lima belas tahun. Keluarga Ying segera mengadopsi anak lain untuk menggantikannya. Setelah kembali ke keluarga kaya raya, semua orang mengejeknya karena tidak secerdas, sekapabel, sebijaksana, dan seanggun putri palsu. Orang tuanya menganggapnya sebagai noda di keluarga dan memperingatkan dia untuk tidak berharap bisa menjadi nyonya di keluarga. Mereka bilang dia harus bersyukur bisa menjadi anak asuh, jika tidak mereka akan mengirimnya pergi. Ying Zijin: "Saya akan pergi. Tidak usah diantar." Sementara keluarga Ying merayakan dengan sukacita dan yang lainnya menunggu untuk melihat pewaris yang sebenarnya mempermalukan dirinya sendiri, tokoh berpengaruh dari berbagai bidang mulai bertindak. Idola papan atas dengan penggemar paling berpengaruh berkata, "Nona Ying, cukup beritahu saya jika Anda memerlukan sesuatu." Ahli waris monopoli ekonomi global berkata, "Keluarga Ying? Apa itu? Bos, kita hapus saja mereka?" Seniman bela diri nomor satu di negara ini bertanya, "Siapa yang berani mengganggu tuan saya?" Remaja jenius dengan IQ 228 berkata, "Itu saudara perempuan saya." Seorang pria dengan penampilan yang sangat menggoda tersenyum sinis dan santai, berkata, "Baiklah, panggil aku kakak ipar." Tokoh-tokoh berpengaruh itu bingung. Ketika identitas sejati pewaris yang sebenarnya dipulihkan, itu menyebabkan sensasi di internet. Keluarga Ying menjadi gila dan berlutut, menangis dan memohon dia untuk kembali. Keluarga berkuasa internasional berkata, "Maaf, izinkan saya memperkenalkannya. Ini adalah pewaris kami yang sebenarnya." Terlahir Kembali sebagai raja, melakukan comeback yang kuat dan melancarkan serangan balik!
Qing Qian · 152.3K Views

La fille chanceuse de la ferme

Après être morte de manière inattendue, elle renaissait en tant que petite fille de dix ans dans une famille de fermiers de l'époque ancestrale, avec à peine quelques pièces dans sa maison et encore moins d'arpents de terre, sans parler d'un foyer composé de personnes âgées, faibles, malades et handicapées. Heureusement, les anciens de la famille étaient gentils et honnêtes, ses frères affectueux et bienveillants, et les voisins harmonieux et amicaux. Pour Yang Mengchen, qui avait souffert du tourment de ses parents et enduré toutes sortes de moqueries et de réprimandes depuis sa jeunesse, c'était véritablement une bénédiction du ciel. Pour soutenir la famille qu'elle aimait, elle prit résolument la lourde responsabilité de subvenir à leurs besoins. Si elle, une CEO d'entreprise moderne qui avait autrefois dominé le monde des affaires, ne pouvait pas nourrir une famille, alors qui le pourrait ? Recettes pharmaceutiques, construction de serres, ouverture de magasins... Non seulement sa famille commença à vivre une vie confortable et prospère, mais elle mena également les villages environnants à créer une scène pastorale magnifique ! Avec de l'argent et de la renommée, en grandissant, Yang Mengchen décida qu'il était temps de choisir un mari, et ainsi, de jeunes talents du monde entier commencèrent à affluer vers elle. Qui aurait su qu'un sombre dieu de la mort bloquerait l'entrée de la maison de la famille Yang ? "Tu es trop grand, tu es trop court, tu es trop gros, tu es trop maigre, tu es trop sombre, tu es trop pâle, tu es inculte, tu es trompeur et sournois... Tous éliminés !" D'un coup, l'entrée était vide, et Yang Mengchen était instantanément furieuse, "Prince, tu as chassé tout le monde. Comment suis-je censée choisir un mari maintenant ?" "J'aimerais bien voir qui oserait t'épouser. Je ne m'opposerais pas à l'envoyer dans le Monde souterrain en tant que marié !" Yang Mengchen... Un certain Prince énumérait ses mérites sur ses doigts : "J'ai du pouvoir, du prestige, et des biens, pas de concubines, pas d'amours secrètes, pas de frasques — J'incarne les normes des trois obéissances et des quatre vertus d'un mari... En bref, seul moi, cet homme sans pareil, suis digne de toi !" Les gardes : Oh sage et vaillant Prince, est-il vraiment bon d'être si en manque dans ton rôle de mari ?
Lan Shao · 77.6K Views

Todos Querem Mimam a Filha Sortuda

A família do Duque passou um século sem ter filhas. Quando finalmente nasceu uma filha para eles, ela deveria ter recebido todo o amor e mimos, mas acontece que a verdadeira filha tinha sido trocada ao nascer e acolhida por uma família de caçadores bondosos. Desde que adotaram a menina, os caçadores pareciam ter sorte em tudo — os animais pareciam correr para as armadilhas e redes que eles colocavam, e eles encontravam ervas raras por onde andavam. Dez anos depois, a família do Duque finalmente percebeu a verdade de que sua filha tinha sido trocada e viajou mais de mil milhas para trazê-la de volta para casa. Depois que ela retornou à sua verdadeira família, a filha foi indubitavelmente mimada por todos os membros de sua família... Depois que cresceu, Lin Qingluo se destacou em artes marciais e chegou ao auge do mundo marcial. Juntando-se ao campo de batalha com seus irmãos e pai, ela esmagou seus inimigos e ficou conhecida como uma Deusa da Guerra, ganhando inúmeros admiradores. Senhor do Pavilhão do Segredo Celestial: Sua reputação a precede, milady — ninguém se compara a você, assim como dizem os rumores. Chefe do Vale das Poções: Suas habilidades com medicina são extraordinárias, e eu me curvo à sua expertise. Ofereço minha lealdade em troca de sua tutoria para praticar medicina e ajudar as pessoas. O Primeiro Príncipe da Nação Qi: Obrigado por me resgatar. Devo-lhe uma dívida de vida. Lin Qingluo: Um príncipe insistente roubou meu coração, e ele é tudo o que consigo pensar. Não há outra pessoa em minha mente.
Ting Lan Listening to the Rain · 55.4K Views

Switched Marriage: The Coddled Little Wife

After dying in a car accident, Lin Chu Xia awakens to find herself returned to the age of twenty, the year she was supposed to be married, along with her elder sister Lin Jia Yi who has also been reborn. The first thing her sister does is snatch away the man she was once married to, who in her previous life was extremely wealthy. Not only that, Lin Jia Yi insists on giving Lin Chu Xia her own apathetic and workaholic husband from the past life who rarely returned home. Lin Chu Xia laughs, as this arrangement suits her just fine, hoping her kind sister does not regret her decision. She's curious to see if her indifferent ex-husband can rise to be the highly pursued President Li without her. As for herself, armed with full skills and a space ability, she doesn’t mind the lack of parental love, because her in-laws are there to dote on her. She starts businesses and factories, living a life that becomes more prosperous by the day. As for that workaholic husband who barely comes home twice a year? It doesn’t matter to her, as long as it doesn't interfere with her money-making, she’s content to be his invisible woman in the background. ... Qin Yang, compelled by his mother’s heartfelt words, returns home to marry a young bride. A man who prioritizes work over family, he thinks providing money is fulfilling his duty as a husband. However, he discovers that his wife has more money, a larger presence, broader connections, and is adored by everyone she meets—leaving him in a daze. Between clenched teeth, Qin Yang decides: If money won’t work, he’ll leave her with kids!
Zhi Lan · 172.2K Views

She Rebuilt Her Fallen Country With Storage Space

While enjoying the favor of a handsome man, she learned that her country was ruined and her family was destroyed. What should a fallen princess do? Xiang Ying says, of course, she should use space to her advantage, empty the palace, and leave nothing for the enemy army! As the captain of a post-apocalyptic infrastructure team, she was thrown into a book by an explosion. The enemy army entered the palace, famine was impending, and she was encircled as a prisoner of war, taking care of three children. Such a catastrophic beginning made Xiang Ying exclaim, the good days are coming! Compared to the post-apocalypse, what is this? On the road to exile, while others suffered, she enjoyed melons. When everyone else was munching on dry bread, Xiang Ying and her children were savoring sumptuous meals. Everyone grew thinner, except for the three children who remained plump and cheerful, patting their bellies and saying wildly: Mother, we can’t eat any more, really! Xiang Ying, holding hot pot, milk tea, and roast chicken, enjoyed the scenery along the road, hoarding supplies as they fled, making life more flavorful. The villainess mocked her: What use is only having food? You're still a conquered slave! Xiang Ying pulled out the Imperial Jade Seal: Right, from today onwards, I will be the Empress. The enemy army was dumbfounded; she never said the thirty thousand wanderers she brought were elite troops! * On the day Xiang Ying restored her country, the man who accompanied her through hardships held her hand. Jie Chen: For the sake of our three children, can we finally become official? Xiang Ying: Men should keep to their places, not seek a title. Jie Chen: ...With the country as my betrothal, my Jade Seal and my nation are all yours. Xiang Ying: Deal! Tonight's our wedding night!
White Peach Sweet Porridge · 336.7K Views

Grand Eternal Odyssey

“But that doesn’t mean we have to accept it. I Dao Wei, will never blame anyone for my own shortcomings! The so-called Law of the Jungle is something I will rewrite with my own hands!” Each word he spoke seemed to resonate with power, the air around him growing heavy with the force of his conviction. The dark child looked up, his anger wavering, replaced by something akin to fear as Dao Wei’s words crashed down on him like mountains, crushing the doubts that had festered within. “This is my Law!” Dao Wei declared, his voice rising as he drew himself to his full height. “And I am the Law!” Rumble! The sky began to change. Dark clouds gathered overhead, swirling in a furious dance as the heavens themselves seemed to respond to Dao Wei’s challenge. The wind howled through the peaks, and the ground trembled beneath the feet of those watching, as if the entire mountain was bracing itself for what was to come. The clouds grew darker, more ominous, the air charged with a strange energy. Thunder rumbled in the distance, a low growl that steadily grew louder, shaking the very foundations of the Sword Peak. The disciples and elders looked up in alarm, their faces pale as they realized the magnitude of what was happening. “Haa! Even if the Heavens try to stop me, I’ll split open the Heavens themselves!” Dao Wei’s voice rang out, defiant and unyielding, carrying with it a power that defied the very laws of nature...
Kaeon_MidKnight · 56.3K Views

Young Master System: My Mother Is the Matriarch

Li Wei lived a dull, overworked life—until destiny (or a rogue truck) intervened, catapulting him into a world of mystical cultivators and deadly power struggles. Waking up in the body of Li Wei, the infamous and lazy heir of the Immortal Ice Sect, he finds himself in a precarious position: surrounded by enemies, burdened by a reputation for arrogance, and targeted for assassination. The only thing worse than inheriting this life? Realizing his new body’s cultivation potential is off the charts... if only the previous owner hadn’t been an idle narcissist. With the sect matriarch as his coldly disappointed mother, a stoic yet dangerously competent protector in the ice-cold beauty Leng Yue, and a mysterious "Young Master System" pushing him toward reckless behavior, Li Wei must balance survival with ambition. Every quest forces him to embrace the absurdities of an over-the-top cultivation world—whether humiliating enemies or accumulating riches—while concealing his true identity as a transmigrator. But as he’s exiled from the safety of his sect and thrown into the chaotic world below, Li Wei quickly learns that charisma, cunning, and a knack for manipulation might be even deadlier than swordsmanship. After all, why fight fair when you can command, deceive, and dominate? With ancient relics, feuding clans, and dangerous beauties complicating his journey, Li Wei's rise through the cultivation ranks is anything but conventional. What starts as a quest for survival may just become a path to unstoppable power... assuming his outrageous system quests don’t get him killed first. Will Li Wei overcome his past’s shameful legacy, outsmart his enemies, and become the true master of his destiny—or will his laziness, scheming rivals, and shameless arrogance bring him to ruin?
System_Department · 126.2K Views

The Forsaken-Grade Cultivator

It’s 2100, and Vincent Carter – Ying – is a twenty-year-old virgin with a penchant for profanity, he has but three guiding principles: “In a world where honour and valour seem like unaffordable luxuries, cowardice remains the pragmatist’s ultimate virtue. Spinelessness isn’t shameful, it’s simply self-preservative romance.” “Doubt is unironically the cheapest superpower a person can have, after all if it’s human, it’s probably plotting something. And if it’s plotting something, it’s probably hiding something. And if it’s hiding something… well, you get the idea. So question everything, one sceptical step at a time.” And lastly, “Muscle heads – because who needs brains when you can just flex your way through life? Couldn’t be me, I’ll tell you that much.” Armed with nothing but these… questionable (?) values, as well as experiences shaped by a hellish life in the slums, Ying dives headfirst into the latest VR sensation – Cultivation Climax, a world brimming with great magic, ancient mysteries, and blood-curdling conspiracies just waiting to be unravelled. However, because Ying’s life is just that kind of special, he is greeted with a rather ‘lovely’ surprise upon opening his eyes to the new world… Ding! [Your misfortune is truly astounding!] [You have awakened the absolute WORST talent for Cultivation!] ‘…’ “…W-what?!” Yes, what indeed. I'm the author.
A_literal_Sunfish · 65.7K Views
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