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Ro Ghoul Tatara

Transmigration: Donnant tout mon amour au deuxième rôle masculin.

``` Liu Yi a toujours aimé lire des romans à l'eau de rose depuis qu'elle est jeune, maintenant qu'elle a vingt ans, son amour pour les romans sentimentaux n'a pas diminué mais au contraire, il s'est intensifié au point où elle se demandait si passer toute sa journée à lire des romans est l'une des raisons de sa vie de célibataire. Liu Yi a lu beaucoup de romans au cours de ses vingt années d'existence mais n'a jamais été capable de se défaire de sa toute nouvelle obsession, elle a lu le roman plus de fois qu'elle ne peut compter et finissait toujours par pleurer à la fin. Elle se sentait désolée pour le second rôle masculin qui n'a reçu de l'amour d'aucun des membres de sa famille à l'exception de son grand-père et la femme qu'il a fini par apprécier n'avait d'yeux que pour le protagoniste. Ce qui a le plus blessé Liu Yi, c'était lorsque le second rôle masculin a donné son rein à l'héroïne malgré sa maladie cardiaque et qu'en retour, il a reçu une invitation à son mariage avec le protagoniste. Liu Yi détestait l'auteur du livre et détestait l'héroïne, elle savait que ce n'était qu'un livre mais pour une raison quelconque, elle ne pouvait tout simplement pas passer à autre chose, elle trouvait que ce qui était arrivé au second rôle masculin était injuste et souhaitait pouvoir faire quelque chose pour changer son destin injuste, c'étaient ses pensées alors que ses yeux s'alourdissaient de sommeil. Liu Yi a ouvert les yeux lorsqu'elle a entendu quelqu'un l'appeler mademoiselle et a été surprise de constater qu'elle n'était pas seulement dans le corps d'une enfant de dix ans mais qu'elle était dans le roman, dans le même monde que le second rôle masculin. Savoir cela a rempli son cœur de joie, peut-être que personne n'avait aimé le second rôle masculin mais elle si, elle allait donner au second rôle masculin tout l'amour qu'elle avait, mais le seul problème, c'est qu'elle n'était pas seulement dans le corps d'une enfant de dix ans qui s'est avéré être la demi-sœur de l'héroïne mais aussi, la demi-sœur de l'héroïne n'est-elle pas morte à l'âge de dix-huit ans ? Le pire, c'est que l'auteur n'a jamais précisé qui ou quoi l'a exactement tuée. ```
Rosepetals456 · 10.8K Views

Après avoir tout perdu, elle revient en tant que Dieu

[Doux, satisfaisant et passionné ; Câlins en groupe ; Tourmenter les séducteurs] Si Fuqing a ouvert les yeux pour constater que sa chance avait été volée. Tout le monde voulait aussi la voir quitter l'industrie du divertissement. Après avoir eu une seconde chance dans la vie, elle voulait juste rien faire cette fois. Pourtant, certaines personnes qui ne connaissaient pas leur place essayaient de profiter de sa célébrité sans aucun vrai talent à présenter. Cela ne pouvait pas continuer. Elle devait agir contre eux. Si Fuqing pincit son poignet et entra en action. Après cela, internet la critiquait d'être suffisamment effrontée pour courtiser Yu Yao, et que sa vie privée était indécente, mais… Une chanteuse de renommée internationale : Je suis capable d'être ici aujourd'hui grâce à Qingqing. Un célébrité masculin de premier plan : Éloignez-vous de ma sœur #YuYao Une chaîne sportive internationale officielle : Félicitations à Si Fuqing pour avoir obtenu la 13ème médaille d'or personnelle. Au début, Yu Yao ne prêtait aucune attention à Si Fuqing. Mais lorsqu'il apprit la vérité et regretta, allant jusqu'à s'agenouiller pour que Si Fuqing pose à nouveau son regard sur lui, il ne put que publier un statut sur les réseaux sociaux disant, [#SiFuqing, Bonjour, Neuvième Tante]. Ce jour-là, internet fut paralysé. Dans les annales de l'histoire, l'Empereur Yin s'est fait connaître à un jeune âge. Il était parfait, puissant et bienveillant. Pourtant, il mourut à l'âge de 27 ans des suites d'une maladie, ayant vécu une courte vie sans épouse ni enfants. Il était un Adonis inaccessible pour beaucoup. Personne ne savait que lorsqu'il ouvrit les yeux une fois de plus, il s'éveilla dans le futur où 1500 ans s'étaient écoulés. Cette fois, il vit des gratte-ciel qu'il avait autrefois imaginés. Peu après, l'identité de l'Empereur Yin fut révélée. Lorsque Si Fuqing apprit que son idole était à portée de main, elle fut si impressionnée qu'elle voulut… Si Fuqing : Je vais travailler dur ! Empereur Yin : Rembourse-moi avec ton corps. Si Fuqing : ??? 'Je suis là pour travailler dur, mais c'est de moi que tu veux ?' Une déesse magnifique et polyvalente x Un empereur résolu et noble De méprisée sur internet, à couronnée numéro un tandis qu'elle combattait son Adonis en face à face.
Qing Qian · 49.8K Views

Beansprucht und markiert von ihrem Stiefbruder Kumpels

"Lassen Sie mich mal sehen." Der gut aussehende Professor mit seinen breiten Schultern und kräftigen Muskeln hob mich mühelos hoch und setzte mich auf den Schreibtisch. Seine kräftigen Hände senkten sanft den Gurt meiner Uniform, um den blauen Fleck vom Training zu untersuchen. "Helanie! Warum tust du dir am Ende immer weh?" Seine Stimme wurde heiser und jagte mir einen Schauer über den Rücken, während ich um Atem rang. Ich musste mich daran erinnern, dass er mein Professor ist... und mein Stiefbruder. Ich sollte mich nicht von seiner Berührung verführen lassen. "Wenn dich noch einmal jemand schikaniert, komm in mein Büro, und ich kümmere mich um ihn", murmelte er, und seine schönen Augen fixierten meine. Obwohl ich wusste, dass er verboten ist, konnte ich nicht anders, als mich zu fragen - sollte ich ihm von der Verbindung erzählen, die ich in der Nacht, als er betrunken war, gespürt hatte? .. Als ihre Eltern sich gegenseitig verstießen, wurde Helanie vom Engel ihres Vaters zu einem vernachlässigten und vergessenen Kind. Aber an ihrem achtzehnten Geburtstag nahmen die Dinge eine dunkle Wendung. Als ihr Körper läufig wurde, zog sie eine Gruppe von Alphas an. Anstatt sie zu retten, rannte ihr heimlicher Alpha-Freund davon. Diese Nacht veränderte Helanies Leben für immer. Da sie beschuldigt wurde, dem Angriff zugestimmt zu haben, wurde sie von ihrem eigenen Rudel zur Hinrichtung verurteilt. Verzweifelt floh sie, fest entschlossen, ihre Mutter zu finden. Was sie nicht erwartet hatte, war, dass ihre Mutter sich darauf vorbereitete, einen schurkischen König mit vier gefährlich gut aussehenden und bestialischen Söhnen zu heiraten. Die Dinge werden noch düsterer, als sie sich mit ihren tyrannischen Stiefbrüdern anfreundet. Wird sie ihren Klauen entkommen können, oder wird ihre Verführung ihr Leben bis zum nächsten Extrem ruinieren? .. Facebook - Alexis Dee
AlexisDee · 10.6K Views

Guia para Dominar Meus Maridos Magnatas

``` Luo Huian era a mais bela, forte e narcisista —— Corte! Corte! Corte! Tome dois, e faça de novo. Luo Huian era a imortal mais bela, forte e sábia no reino da paz e harmonia. Seus dois pais a mimavam, e ela tinha um generoso suprimento de recursos e pílulas. Sua vida era perfeita. No entanto, sua vida perfeita chegou ao fim abrupto quando Luo Huian, uma imortal cuja responsabilidade era trazer paz àqueles que tinham alcançado seus fins e perdido a fé—— Assistiu a um homem saltando de um prédio. Por conta de suas crenças inflexíveis e senso de justiça, ela não salvou o valentão. Infelizmente, aquele homem era o filho dos céus. A perda de sua vida trouxe problemas infinitos na vida de Luo Huian e ela foi punida pelos céus. Ela foi enviada ao mundo dos humanos onde tinha que resgatar pelo menos quinhentas pessoas salvando suas vidas quando estivessem no limite da razão. Para um imortal isso seria um trabalho fácil, certo? Errado. Sua avó enviou Luo Huian para um mundo onde as Pedras da Penumbra haviam causado caos. Bestas e monstros nasciam das Pedras da Penumbra que sugavam cada gota de felicidade dos humanos. Este mundo era dominado por caçadores que podiam matar as bestas com os poderes que haviam despertado. E neste mundo cruel, Luo Huian tirou a sorte grande. Ela acordou no corpo de um caçador classe F! Caramba. Se isso já não fosse ruim o suficiente, a antiga dona havia se confessado ao primo por afinidade e foi expulsa da família. Duplo sapo na panela quente. Sem um único centavo no bolso, Luo Huian sai para completar sua missão. Mas o que aconteceria quando Luo Huian, que era uma caçadora classe F, aniquilasse os Devastadores e Hollows da classe Z que nem mesmo os caçadores de classe S conseguiam? Assista-a defender-se dos perigos e ao mesmo tempo salvar a vida das pessoas. Mas nesta pequena missão, há um pequeno obstáculo —— As três tentações sedutoras. *********** Resistindo à tentação, toma 1: “MMMPH,” Luo Huian empurrava o mer que a havia derrubado na cama enquanto estava sentado em sua cintura. “Sai de cima.” “Não posso,” respondeu Qi Yongrui enquanto tirava sua camisa. “Papai Shun disse que está com inveja do Tio Wang. Ele também quer segurar um neto. Então, esposa, vamos nos esforçar muito hoje à noite, certo?” Luo Huian: Queridos Céus, salvem-me, sou uma mulher sem desejos! **** Resistindo à tentação, toma 2: “Você acha que ele é bonito?” Fan Meilin questionou a mulher que estava ao seu lado. Embora ele fosse quem ganhou a corrida e o troféu, sua esposa estava olhando para o outro mer. “Bem sim,” Luo Huian, que era uma apreciadora da beleza, concordou imediatamente. “Mas por que você está perguntando?” Os olhos de Fan Meilin brilharam enquanto sorria para ela e se inclinava mais perto de seu corpo, sussurrando em seu ouvido, “Ele pode ser bonito, mas eu sou um motorista melhor. Não só na pista, mas também na cama, quer tentar, querida?” Luo Huian: Resistam à tentação! A qualquer custo! Eu sou uma mulher de coração de ferro. ***** Resistindo à tentação, toma 3: “Isso é necessário?” Luo Huian questionou enquanto estava sentada no sofá, observando o mer traçar seus dedos em suas curvas enquanto ela estava apenas de trajes de banho modernos. O mer assentiu enquanto escrevia em seu pequeno bloco de notas, “Preciso traçar cada centímetro da sua pele para criar minha obra-prima, então não se mexa.” Após terminar de escrever, ele entregou o bloco de notas para Luo Huian, seus dedos roçando a curva do seu seio, cintura e ——— Luo Huian: Minha virtude está em extremo risco! ** Fl tentando fazer de tudo para salvar sua virtude de ser tomada, pois isso atrasaria sua cultivação X Mls tentando de tudo para arrancá-la dela. *********** Aviso de gatilho: embora o livro seja ambientado em um cenário cômico, podem haver alguns tópicos sensíveis como depressão e solidão. *********** ```
fairytail72 · 2.3K Views

Maze of Shadows

Seventeen-year-old Yotsuba Emi seems to have it all: wealth, beauty, intelligence, and a bright future as the heiress to her family’s business empire. But her charmed life is shattered when she is suddenly pulled into a deadly phenomenon known as The Maze of Shadows. The Maze is a nightmarish series of ever-changing dungeons where survival is the only rule. Ghosts, vampires, ghouls, and monsters lurk in every corner, and the only way to escape is to complete the dungeon’s tasks before the timer runs out. Failure means death, and survival often demands sacrifices Emi never imagined making. Each dungeon is more dangerous than the last, and the people trapped with Emi—strangers, criminals, even children—rarely survive long enough to reach the next level. Yet, she can’t escape the Maze’s grasp. Every victory only earns her a temporary reprieve before she is thrown into the next, deadlier trial. As Emi fights to survive, she discovers fragments of the Maze’s dark secrets. What is the purpose of these cruel games? Who—or what—created the Maze? And most importantly, can it ever be destroyed? With her sharp mind, unwavering determination, and a growing arsenal of skills purchased with the coins she earns, Emi is determined to find answers. But in the Maze of Shadows, survival comes at a cost—and the price may be more than she’s willing to pay. This novel is a work of fiction. All characters, names, and events are entirely the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
Emily_9123 · 1.4K Views

Row Online: I have administrative class

Adam was once an ordinary gamer, spending endless nights mastering "RO Online," a forgotten, poorly-rated game. Despite its lackluster graphics and dwindling player base, Adam pushed through every level, defeated every boss, and claimed victory—only to delete his account out of frustration, thinking it all meaningless. Two months later, everything changed. The game relaunched in a revolutionary AR-integrated format, connecting directly to the real world. Its in-game currency merged with real-world finances, creating a new economy where gamers rose to unimaginable wealth. As the game evolved further, its powers began blending with reality itself—turning players into modern-day heroes and rulers. But Adam, with his deleted account, could only watch from the sidelines, struggling to reclaim his former glory. Betrayed by friends, robbed by corporations, and crushed by his own regrets, his journey ended tragically in an accident caused by a drunk player abusing their newfound powers. However, fate wasn't finished with Adam. Waking up ten years in the past—the very day he deleted his account—he now knows the future of the game and the immense potential it holds. With his memories intact and a second chance at life, Adam logs back in and is shocked to discover an unprecedented reward: the Administrative Class, granted for being the only player to fully clear the game before its relaunch. Now, Adam holds the power to bend the game’s reality to his will. Rules, limitations, and even the game’s own mechanics are his to control. But his abilities come with limits—and enemies. Corporations, rival players, and a corrupted system threaten to exploit the game’s integration into reality. This time, Adam isn't just playing to survive. He's playing to dominate. With his Administrative Class, he’ll rewrite the rules of the game—and reality itself. Tags - R18, Adult-Content, Action, Adventure, Romance, Kingdom-building, wars...etc.
Alphaboss · 6.4K Views

Host, Please Be Honest! What Exactly Are You?

Author-san here! Well, you're smart to stop by here. So I won't praise you all anymore. (^_^)  This is my original work, and I know you all will like it. So shamelessly pop your popcorn and read away!  Oh… And don't forget to check out my other books: • I'm The King Of Technology •Help!: I Think My System Is Trying To Kill Me! And, •In A Cultivation World With An Entertainment Park... You can also visit my website for more books: Ps/// THE PACE WILL BE SLOW AT THE BEGINNING TO SET EVERYTHING IN MOTION. But after a while, it will pick up quickly. . . Now, back to the synopsis. Er-Erhmm.. (narrator-voice on) ... In another world called Blue Star, the famous son of wealth, Dorian D. Tian, is thrown into a whirl of unfortunate circumstances, resulting in his death. . His parents had a brutal car accident that left them in a coma, and his uncle had quickly taken over the company,  and seized the company, making sure that he was financially crippled for good. With that, the famous young master struggled desperately. And in the end, he gave in to his despair and depression, leaving the sad, lonely world. The end? Heh... Think again! Because in that brief moment, the lifeless corpse suddenly opened its eyes, revealing a deep calm look. That's right. Another mysterious soul had entered the body. But if one thought this story was just about revenge, then sorry... that wasn't even the half of it! .... The mysterious entity suddenly triggered an exorcist system. And from then on, both humans and even those from the underworld shuddered in fear and despair at the mysterious soul's cruelty. [Humans]: "Demon! Demon! You're definitely a demon!" [Demons]: "Help! Help! The famous demon wants to eat me!" [Evil Spirits]: "You!... Are you the one who is an evil spirit or us? Why the hell did it seem like you're the demonic one instead?" [Ghouls]: "You stay away from me! Stay away from me now, you evil entity!" [Hellhounds]: "Are you sure you're not the son of hades?" The system couldn't help looking at its host in doubt. Its indicators said that its host was indeed mortal. But why did it feel like something was wrong with its host? Dorian lightly chuckled in amusement. He would also like to ask the same question. What exactly was his identity? Well, this would be the biggest mystery of all. But Dorian wasn't in a hurry. Who were his enemies, and who were his allies? Soon, he would find the truth. In the meantime, why not play a little? "Demon! stay back!" "Oooo~~~... I... I want to go back to the underworld where it's safe." "Run for your lives! The demon is here!" …..
lumydee · 2.6M Views

Bloodied Soul Bound: Resurrection Of Calamity

His lucid green-blue eyes refused to look away from the alluring sight before, feeling a certain stir in his lower insides as his instincts fully triggered. The air around was tainted with the provocating yet intoxicating scent that filled his sensitive nostrils, watching the bright red liquid slowly sip out of the broken skin on her shoulder. He gulped. Gingerly shifting his gaze to the pair of brown doe orbs, Leviathan immediately noticed the hint of mirth in her eyes. Kamyla grinned, "Are you really so desperate to taste it?" Leviathan didn't respond, struggling to resist the strong temptation of the woman lying underneath him; not to mention her lascivious features protruding from her barely clothed body. His fingers dug deeper into the sheet on both sides of her head. He grinned, "How cheap do you think I am?" "Then do it", her eyes glittered with mischief. "Taste it". Leviathan clenched his jaws, preventing his eyes from wandering back to her corrupting blood. Kamyla then let out a chuckle, raising her hand to cover her bleeding injury. His eyes slitted. "Levi..." The severally disapproved nickname rolled off her tongue, causing him to cringe in annoyance. "If you really want my blood so badly..." She slowly wiped the blood on her thumb, bringing it to her lips to lick it off. Leviathan bit his lower lip. "Then you'll have to earn it". • • • In the year 1503, One of the most powerful Empires in central west Africa, the Sah' Jangi Empire, began to experience strange unexplainable disappearances of their citizens in various kingdoms. To solve the mystery affecting their society, the Royal family alongside the chief priest, decided to summon an ancient demigod to come to their aid — only to accidentally summon a foreign demon god — one with strange pale skin colour different from theirs, but possessed with unimaginable powers enough to help them in their plight. But unknown to them, the arrival of the odd-looking demon prince brings nothing but calamity as dark secrets and lies buried deep in their empire history are brought into the light; causing great changes to all the lands and its people. Especially after he crossing paths with the strongest female warrior of the capital. Kamyla Odjafah. Tags: BWWM. Son of hell. African mythology. Black female lead. War. devilson. African historical fiction. Demons. African fantasy fiction. Ghouls. Witches. Giants. Spirits. Power Couple.
DestinyNdi · 44.1K Views

Through the whiskered veil

When seventeen-year-old Calypso chases a wounded cat into the forest one cold morning, she doesn’t expect her world to unravel. Drawn through a strange barrier—an ethereal whiskered veil—she wakes in a world unlike anything she’s ever imagined. This is a land of glowing forests, impossible creatures, and ancient beings with motives she cannot comprehend. Alone and disoriented, Calypso must navigate a realm that was never meant for her kind. As she searches for answers—and a way home—she encounters unlikely allies who challenge her assumptions about the world and herself. Nora, a quiet ghoul with a knack for the unknown from this worlds cruel rules, offers Calypso practical guidance and a glimmer of hope. Osa, a stoic warrior burdened by his own past, becomes an unlikely protector with secrets he fiercely guards. And Collun, a mischievous traveler with a sharp tongue and a penchant for trouble, seems to know far more than he lets on. Their paths intertwine as Calypso learns of the mysterious Nini, an elusive figure whose influence stretches across the realm , forced to guide the group. Calypso’s growing connection to Yonig, Nini’s quiet and enigmatic half-avian employee, leaves her torn between distrust and curiosity. Yonig’s cryptic warnings and unreadable demeanor suggest he holds the key to her predicament, but his loyalties remain unclear. As they venture deeper into the forest’s heart, Calypso and her companions are hunted by creatures drawn to her vulnerability. Each step reveals more of the world’s perilous beauty—and the cost of trespassing into a place she doesn’t belong. Together, they must unravel the mysteries of this world and confront the dark forces that brought them together. Blending dark fantasy, mystery, and survival, Through the Whiskered Veil is a story of courage, unlikely friendships, and the fragile boundaries between worlds. in
SAEVOR · 1.9K Views
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