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Goosebumps Harold Biddle

The Original Character Lives in the Fanfic World

There was a popular comic that captured the hearts of readers not because of its plot, but rather the bromance between the two protagonists, a crown prince and a duke. Their friendship & mutual trust led fans to ship them endlessly, with countless fanfiction stories ranging from dating to marriage or even incorporating omegaverse settings. One particular m-preg fanfic novel became extremely popular among fans, where the previously cold duke becomes pregnant. But the popularity of both the original comic and this novel caused everything to become unbalanced, until something strange happened - these works of fiction turn into real worlds that collided, creating an error that connected them together. In the world of the comic: Carlton from the fanfic world gazed up at his husband with longing eyes. "Husband..." He pouted, "Why don't you kiss me today?" Alaric from the comic world recoiled slightly and goosebumps broke out over his skin as he moved away. "Please don't come close to me..." He said tersely. Meanwhile, in another world: Alaric from the fanfic world, pulled his beloved Carlton into a warm embrace and peppered kisses on his cheeks. "Darling, are you mad at me?" Alaric asked affectionately. "It's okay, you're still cute." He leaned down to whisper into his ear before continuing. "But don't forget to comfort all our children, they think you're mad at them." Suddenly, seven children barged into the room and called out to their fathers. "Father, Daddy!" they exclaimed. Carlton's frozen expression spoke volumes about his state of mind as he tried to process what was happening. His murderous gaze fixed on Alaric as he muttered through gritted teeth. "Whose children do you say they are....?"
callciel_rin · 33.3K Views

The Darker Sins

A secret mission was all it took for Elise to gain the infamous twins, Azael and Reuel's attention and from then on, there was no stopping them. While the twins want her, Elise wants nothing to do with them. Amidst the growing infatuation and feelings, Elise has even to protect herself from the danger she has unknowingly put herself into. ---------------------------------------------------------------- “You were ours the day you stepped inside our club,” Azael said as he strode towards her and Elise took a step back instantly. “I belong to no one.” She declared as she maintained her gaze on him. But her wavering voice gave her away and Azael arched his lips, taking it as a challenge. “Are you sure, darling? Why does your heartbeat say otherwise?” Reuel approached her from behind and Elise was now trapped between the twins. “I…” Elise licked her lips as she maintained her gaze on the man before her while her mind was focused on Reuel’s wandering hands that were inching towards her waist. “You what, gorgeous?” Azael probed as he smirked at her evilly and Elise was lost in his mysterious depths instantly. “Tell us you want us, Elise.” Reuel urged from behind. “Tell us, baby. Tell us you want us as much as we want you.” Azael ran a finger along her arm and goosebumps peppered on her skin instantly. “Tell us, Elise.” And that was all it took for Elise to surrender. “I want you.” ---------------------------------------------------------------- This book contains mature content including violence and sexual themes. It is also a reverse harem romance and explores many different aspects of BDSM. Read at your own discretion.
prada_murthy · 30K Views

La Extraña Novia del Príncipe Maldito

``` El mayor error de la vida de Alicia fue intentar suicidarse. Se encontró en el cuerpo de una princesa de 19 años exiliada, en la Edad Media. ¿Y qué más? Fue forzada a casarse con el príncipe Harold; el infame príncipe de cabello blanco y de mal genio que no dudaría en matar a alguien por la razón más irrelevante. Ahora, su boda es en solo unas horas y la "princesa", que resulta ser Alicia, se supone que debe mostrar algunas habilidades "principescas" a los invitados. Pregunta rápida: ¿Está permitido el twerking en la Edad Media? Una cosa sabía con certeza, la boda iba a ser un desastre y el príncipe de mal genio la iba a matar antes de que encontrara el camino de vuelta a casa. ¡Dios la ayude! ThatAmazingGirl en colaboración con Miss_Behaviour (las escritoras de "Enamorado/a de un/a Cleptómano/a") te traen otro libro. "LA EXTRAÑA NOVIA DEL PRÍNCIPE MALDITO" ¿Qué harías si de repente te encontraras en el cuerpo de una princesa en la antigüedad? Además, él no es solo un hombre lobo, también está maldito por la diosa lunar. EXTRACTO: ¿Qué debería hacer? Estaba confundida y no tenía idea de lo que estaba pasando. ¡Las bodas en la Edad Media eran extrañas! ¿Qué diablos es "Recitación de virtudes"? ¿Debería fingir desmayarse? Ese era el único pensamiento que tenía sentido. Así que eso fue lo que hizo. Se desplomó lentamente en el suelo y escuchó cómo todos comenzaron a jadear y exclamar. Alicia quería que la sacaran de allí y luego encontraría una manera de escapar. Pero tal vez después de todo era desafortunada, porque cuando miró por debajo de sus pestañas, preguntándose por qué nadie venía a cargarla, vio una túnica dorada, antes de que la persona se agachara frente a ella. Cerró los ojos fuertemente y contuvo la respiración. Después de todo, era actriz. Podría hacerlo a la perfección. "Esa fue una mala actuación, mi señora", la voz profunda habló, causando escalofríos en su piel. Aterrador. "Solo te daré tres segundos para levantarte". Su voz no era realmente amenazadora, pero de alguna manera imponía miedo, especialmente por la manera lenta y cuidadosa con la que hablaba. Había oído que era de mal genio. ¿Qué haría después de que pasaran los tres segundos? ¿La mataría? Entonces, ¿moriría aquí? ¿Cómo sabía él que estaba fingiendo? ¿Era la gente de la Edad Media normalmente inteligente? Abrió un ojo para echarle un vistazo y lo vio mirándola fijamente con una sonrisa burlona. ¡No había manera de que la boda no ocurriera! ¡Iba a morir sin duda! ******* Hombre lobo (Comprobado) Príncipe maldito (Comprobado) Transmigración (Comprobado) Comedia (Comprobado) Romance (Doble comprobado) ¡Añádela a tu biblioteca! ```
ThatAmazingGirl · 116.9K Views

A Estranha Noiva do Príncipe Amaldiçoado

O maior erro da vida de Alícia, foi tentar cometer suicídio. Ela se viu no corpo de uma princesa de 19 anos em exílio, na idade média. E mais? Ela foi forçada a casar-se com o Príncipe Harold; o infame Príncipe de cabelos brancos e temperamento explosivo que não se importaria em matar alguém pelo motivo mais irrelevante. Agora, seu casamento é daqui a apenas algumas horas e a 'princesa', que por acaso é Alícia, deve mostrar algumas habilidades 'principescas' aos convidados. Pergunta rápida: É permitido fazer twerk na idade média? Uma coisa ela sabia com certeza, o casamento seria um desastre e o Príncipe de temperamento explosivo a mataria antes que ela encontrasse um jeito de voltar para casa. Deus a Ajude! ThatAmazingGirl em colaboração com Miss_Behaviour (As escritoras de Apaixonada(o) Por Um(a) Cleptomaníaco(a)) estão trazendo-lhe outro livro. "A ESTRANHA NOIVA DO PRÍNCIPE AMALDIÇOADO" O que você faria se de repente se encontrasse no corpo de uma princesa na época antiga? E mais, ele não é apenas um lobisomem, ele também é amaldiçoado pela deusa da lua. TRECHO: O que ela deveria fazer? Estava confusa e não tinha ideia do que estava acontecendo. Casamentos na idade média eram estranhos! O que diabos é 'Recitação das Virtudes'? Deveria fingir desmaiar? Esse foi o único pensamento que fez sentido. Então foi o que ela fez. Ela lentamente desabou no chão e ouviu todos começarem a arfar e exclamar. Alícia queria que a tirassem dali e então encontraria uma maneira de fugir. Mas talvez ela tivesse mesmo azar, porque quando ela espiou por debaixo dos cílios, se perguntando por que ninguém estava vindo para carregá-la para fora, viu uma túnica dourada, antes de a pessoa se agachar diante dela. Ela fechou seus olhos fortemente e prendeu a respiração. Afinal de contas, ela era uma atriz. Ela poderia encenar isso impecavelmente. "Foi uma má atuação, minha senhora." A voz profunda falou, causando arrepios em sua pele. Assustador. "Eu só vou te dar três segundos para se levantar." Sua voz não era realmente ameaçadora, mas de algum modo ele comandava medo, especialmente com a maneira lenta e cuidadosa com que ele falava. Ela ouviu que ele era mal-humorado. O que ele faria após os três segundos passarem? Ele a mataria? Então ela morreria aqui? Como ele sabia que ela estava fingindo? As pessoas na idade média geralmente eram inteligentes? Ela abriu um olho para espiar e o viu olhando diretamente para ela com um sorriso sarcástico. NÃO HAVIA COMO O CASAMENTO NÃO ACONTECER. ELA ESTAVA MORTA! ******* Lobisomem (Check) Príncipe amaldiçoado (Check) Transmigração (Check) Comédia (Check) Romance (Duplo Check) ADICIONE À SUA BIBLIOTECA!
ThatAmazingGirl · 122.9K Views

La curieuse épouse maudite du Prince

``` La plus grosse erreur d’Alicia, c’était d’avoir tenté de se suicider. Elle se retrouva dans le corps d’une princesse de 19 ans en exil, au Moyen Âge. Quoi de plus ? Elle était forcée d’épouser le Prince Harold ; le fameux Prince aux cheveux blancs et au tempérament de feu qui ne se gênerait pas pour tuer quelqu’un pour la raison la plus futile. Maintenant, son mariage n’est que dans quelques heures et la « princesse », qui se trouve être Alicia, doit démontrer quelques « compétences de princesse » aux invités. Petite question : Est-ce que le twerk est autorisé au Moyen Âge ? Elle savait une chose avec certitude, le mariage allait être un désastre et le Prince colérique allait la tuer avant qu’elle trouve un moyen de retourner chez elle. Que Dieu l’aide ! ThatAmazingGirl en collaboration avec Miss_Behaviour (Les auteures de In Love With A Klepto) vous présente un autre livre. « LA MARIÉE ÉTRANGE DU PRINCE MAUDIT » Que feriez-vous si vous vous retrouviez soudainement dans le corps d’une princesse à l’époque ancienne ? Qui plus est, il n’est pas seulement un loup-garou, il est aussi maudit par la déesse de la lune. EXTRAIT : Que devait-elle faire ? Elle était confuse et n’avait aucune idée de ce qui se passait. Les mariages au Moyen Âge étaient bizarres ! Mais qu’est-ce que c’est que la « récitation des vertus » ? Devrait-elle faire semblant de s’évanouir ? C’était la seule idée qui avait un sens. Alors c’est ce qu’elle fit. Elle s’effondra lentement sur le sol et entendit tout le monde commencer à s'exclamer et à pousser des cris. Alicia voulait qu'ils la sortent de là et ensuite elle trouverait un moyen de s'échapper. Mais peut-être qu’elle n’avait pas de chance après tout, parce que lorsqu’elle entrouvrit les yeux sous ses cils, se demandant pourquoi personne ne venait la porter, elle vit une robe dorée, avant que la personne ne se penche devant elle. Elle ferma les yeux fort et retint son souffle. Après tout, elle était actrice. Elle pouvait mener ça à bien sans faille. « C'était une mauvaise performance, ma dame. » La voix profonde parla, provoquant des frissons sur sa peau. Effrayant. « Je vous donne seulement trois secondes pour vous lever. » Sa voix n'était pas vraiment menaçante, mais d’une certaine manière il inspirait la crainte, particulièrement avec la manière lente et soignée avec laquelle il parlait. On disait de lui qu’il était colérique. Que ferait-il après que les trois secondes soient passées ? Allait-il la tuer ? Mourrait-elle ici ? Comment savait-il même qu’elle faisait semblant ? Les gens au Moyen Âge étaient-ils généralement intelligents ? Elle ouvrit un œil pour l’entrevoir et le vit la regardant droit dans les yeux avec un sourire narquois. IL N’Y AVAIT AUCUN MOYEN QUE LE MARIAGE N’AIT PAS LIEU. ELLE ÉTAIT TELLEMENT MORTE ! ******* Loup-garou (Coché) Prince maudit (Coché) Transmigration (Coché) Comédie (Coché) Romance (Doublement cochée) AJOUTEZ À VOTRE BIBLIOTHÈQUE ! ```
ThatAmazingGirl · 83K Views

Pengantin Aneh Pangeran Terkutuk

``` Kesalahan terbesar dalam hidup Alicia adalah mencoba untuk bunuh diri. Ia mendapati dirinya dalam tubuh seorang putri berusia 19 tahun yang sedang dalam pembuangan, di zaman pertengahan. Lebih dari itu? Ia dipaksa untuk menikahi Pangeran Harold; Pangeran berambut putih yang terkenal berapi-api dan tidak akan keberatan membunuh seseorang atas alasan paling tidak penting sekalipun. Sekarang, pernikahannya hanya tinggal beberapa jam lagi dan 'putri', yang kebetulan adalah Alicia, seharusnya menunjukkan beberapa keterampilan 'kesatriaan' kepada para tamu. Pertanyaan cepat: Apakah twerking diizinkan di zaman pertengahan? Ia tahu satu hal pasti, pernikahannya akan menjadi bencana dan pangeran yang berapi-api itu akan membunuhnya sebelum ia menemukan jalan pulang ke rumah. Tuhan Tolonglah Dia! ThatAmazingGirl bekerja sama dengan Miss_Behaviour (Penulis In Love With A Klepto) membawa Anda sebuah buku lain. "THE CURSED PRINCE'S STRANGE BRIDE" Apa yang akan Anda lakukan jika tiba-tiba Anda mendapati diri Anda dalam tubuh seorang putri di zaman kuno? Lebih dari itu, dia bukan hanya manusia serigala, dia juga dikutuk oleh dewi bulan. CUPILKAN: Apa yang harus dia lakukan? Dia bingung dan tidak tahu apa yang terjadi. Pernikahan di zaman pertengahan itu aneh! Apa itu 'Pembacaan Keutamaan'? Haruskah dia berpura-pura pingsan? Itu adalah satu-satunya pikiran yang masuk akal. Jadi itulah yang dia lakukan. Perlahan-lahan dia terjatuh ke tanah dan mendengar bagaimana semua orang mulai terkejut dan berteriak. Alicia menginginkan mereka untuk membawanya keluar dari sana dan kemudian dia akan mencari cara untuk melarikan diri. Tapi mungkin dia hanya tidak beruntung, karena ketika dia mengintip di bawah bulu matanya, bertanya-tanya mengapa tidak ada yang datang untuk membawanya keluar, dia melihat sebuah jubah emas, sebelum orang itu jongkok di hadapannya. Dia menutup matanya dengan erat dan menghentikan nafasnya. Dia adalah seorang aktris, setelah semua. Dia bisa melakukan ini dengan sempurna. "Itu akting yang buruk, nyonya." Suara dalam itu berbicara, membuat bulu kuduknya berdiri. Menakutkan. "Aku hanya akan memberimu tiga detik untuk bangun." Suara itu tidak benar-benar mengancam, tapi entah bagaimana dia memerintahkan rasa takut, terutama dengan cara bicaranya yang lambat dan hati-hati. Dia pernah mendengar dia mudah marah. Apa yang akan dia lakukan setelah tiga detik berlalu? Apakah dia akan membunuhnya? Lalu apakah dia akan mati di sini? Bagaimana dia bisa tahu dia hanya pura-pura? Apakah orang-orang di zaman pertengahan biasanya cerdas? Dia membuka satu mata untuk mengintip pangeran itu dan melihat dia menatapnya dengan senyum mengejek. TIDAK MUNGKIN PERNIKAHAN INI TIDAK JADI. DIA BENAR-BENAR AKAN MATI! ******* Manusia serigala (Check) Pangeran terkutuk (Check) Transmigrasi (Check) Komedi (Check) Romansa (Cek Dua Kali) TAMBAHKAN KE PERPUSTAKAAN ANDA! ```
ThatAmazingGirl · 39.6K Views

The Betrayed Hunter: Rise of a Kingdom

Kyle Blade, the youngest Demon Hunter of the Golden Continent, was renowned as the nemesis of demons, and a protector of humanity. However, he was thrust onto a different path after being betrayed by the very humans he had sworn to defend. Kyle fixed his eyes on Harold, and chuckled darkly. "I make a promise to you fools. If I survive this night, I will witness the collapse of all three nations. And you, Harold, I will personally relieve you of your head and claim your father's throne for myself. I will forge a new kingdom from the ashes of the old, uniting the races under my banner. I understand that many will be innocent, but if they stand in my way, i will not hesitate to kill them. So..." He turned his gaze upon the assembled enemies, their eyes reflecting a mixture of fear and hatred. "Ensure you succeed in killing me." Kyle continued: "For if I survive, you will witness your kingdoms consumed by flames, and I will be the architect of their destruction." With his promise, he lunged towards the forces, who outnumbered him by thirty to one. __ Resurrected from death, Kyle moved on the path for revenge, and to uncover the truth behind the age-old blood feud between demons, elves and humans. Fully aware that his new path would draw the wrath of the humans, Elves and demons. Kyle pressed onward; for him, nothing was more important than his revenge... He will do whatever it takes, and watch the three huge kingdoms crumble before him. __ [First Conquest.] "These ignorant fools extinguished Juliet's life. I will ensure the entire continent pays the price. They are all complicit in this tragedy, and they will face my wrath together. This village… this is merely the beginning." An almost palpable wave of killing intent radiated from his body, a cold, invisible pressure that caused Gabriela and the assembled soldiers to instinctively take a step back. The air around him crackled with barely suppressed violence. * * * Welcome and please check it out, maybe 10 chapters, and then decide. You can check out my other books: _ Solo leveling: I am the Only Supreme With the cheating system. _ Reborn with the all seeing eyes _ Return of the Supreme Beast tamer. _ Thanks again for checking it out!
OP_Supreme · 8.3K Views

Descendent of the Moon

The grip he has on my hair loosens as he kneads my nipple between his thumb and index finger. My back is now arching forward, leaning into his touch. I want more. He chuckles in response. His breath coats my neck as he does so. "So needy," he taunts me before he removes his hands from my body. I'm ready to protest against the loss of his touch, but before I can, he grips my shoulders in his warm palms, pushing me back onto the sheets and pillows. I shudder in delight. Our eyes connect, and I feel the fire in my body ignite from how he looks at me. His eyes scan my body for a fleeting moment before he grabs the blanket and pulls it up.  "Spread your legs," he demands. His tone was low and husky. I comply, and he rewards me with a grin that says everything he doesn't need to say out loud. "You're perfect," he says in a whisper as he crawls further onto the bed between my legs. He's hovering over me. One hand cups my face as he leans down, resting his other arm on his elbow next to my face.  My fingers are tracing the outline of his toned abs. Enjoying the goosebumps rippling across his skin as a result. I watch as he closes his eyes, taking a moment to absorb this feeling before closing the gap between our lips. His lips are delicious.  "Mmm," I hummed against his lips. He deepens the kiss, sliding his tongue in my mouth. Our tongues collided like a happy accident. I slide my fingers up his chest and wrap my hands around the back of his neck, pulling him closer to me. He groans in response, vibrating against my lips. His dick is hard and pressed against my core, making it throb with need.  --------------- Phoenix was adopted by humans as a baby. She grew up in a small rural territory knowing nothing of her species or what the future held for her. She soon meets her 'mate' and discovers the secrets her human parents had kept from her all these years. In a fit, she runs away to discover that more than one man held the mate bond with her. Her first mate spent years trying to hunt her down just to find her with another fated mate. Devastated and broken he decides that he will reject her, but she becomes a target of evil no one understands. Both of her mates reluctantly stick together to keep her safe and now they are all stuck under one roof, can they figure out their differences? Will she choose her first or second mate? Or is there a third mate that is her true destiny?
R_Love3 · 38.1K Views

The CEO's Hired Girlfriend

Desperate times they say, call for desperate measures. Fiona Lopez, after her mother gets diagnosed with cancer turns to a hire a girlfriend agency in order to foot her mother's medical bills. Having successfully paid for the medical bills, Fiona decides to find a decent job before her mother is discharged but gets caught up in a web when she goes for her job interview only to find out that her supposed boss is none other than the man she had played a fake girlfriend for on her last job. Desperate for a job, and not wanting to return to her former job, she is forced into working closely with him even though she doesn't want to. While working closely with him, she soon realizes that love bridges all gaps when she finds herself falling helplessly in love with Liam. Liam Parker is a dashingly handsome, aloof, and indifferent young CEO of the PK Enterprise. After his last relationship where he caught his girlfriend getting engaged to a business partner, Liam decided that he wasn't cut out for love. But when he turns to hiring a girlfriend in an attempt to evade marriage, everything changes for Liam when he meets and falls for his hired girlfriend at first sight. Not only does he fight to get Fiona's love, but he fights to gain approval from his mother too. *****Excerpt**** "I'm sorry Mr. Parker but you have it all wrong. We don't have sex with our clients. It's against protocols," she explained and Liam nodded. "No one would know we did it, right? I won't tell and surely you won't," he said and Fiona looked at him incredulously. "I guess you're drunk," she said flatly and he nodded and stood up. He walked closer to her and whispered to her ears, causing goosebumps to sprout all over her body. "Yes, I'm drunk and you're the only one that can sober me up right now. So, how much?" he asked and Fiona gave him a confused look. What was he asking? How much what? Did she tell him she was selling anything to him? She mused as her brows drew together. "How much? How much for what?" she asked and he ran his finger down her cheek, making it hard for her to concentrate. "How much would it cost me to have my cock buried inside you....." before he could finish, a hot-sounding slap landed on his face, causing him to turn to the side.
BabyAngel2 · 440.5K Views

Evolution:- against of monster and human

Volume 1: The Rise of Chaos It all started with a colossal celestial stone streaking across the sky, crashing into Earth with an impact that shook the planet. But this was no ordinary meteor—it carried something far more valuable and dangerous than any mineral or element known to mankind. Within its core was the Celestial Cell, a microscopic entity capable of altering life itself. Governments and scientists across the world raced to study it, but only one man, Dr. Harold Greaves, uncovered its true potential—it could enhance living beings beyond human limitations. Strength, speed, intelligence, endurance—the Celestial Cell could unlock evolution itself. But with such power came greed. High-ranking officials, secret organizations, and the world’s most ruthless criminals sought control over the cell. Among them was Darius Kane, a dying assassin who injected himself with the cell in a desperate bid for survival. Instead of simply healing, he became an unstoppable force—his body evolved every second, growing stronger, faster, and immune to all known weaponry. With his newfound power, Kane turned against humanity. He formed a ruthless empire, destroying cities, bending governments to his will, and turning the world into his playground of destruction. Only one man stood against him—Aadi, a secret agent from RAW (India’s elite intelligence agency). Aadi was no ordinary operative; he was a prodigy of science, strategy, and combat, having built his own AI and satellite network at just fifteen. With nothing but his intelligence, elite training, and unshakable will, Aadi fought against Kane’s growing army of enhanced criminals. The battle was relentless and brutal, but after months of war, Aadi outwitted Kane, ultimately defeating him in a legendary confrontation. The world was saved. Humanity rejoiced. But the war had only just begun… --- Volume 2: The Awakening of the Beasts With Kane defeated and the celestial cell seemingly secured, Earth tried to return to normal. But something far more terrifying was brewing. Unbeknownst to humanity, the Celestial Cell had not just affected humans—it had leaked into the ecosystem, spreading to animals, plants, and even microorganisms. Animals that had been ordinary—dogs, lions, eagles, even insects—evolved into monstrous versions of themselves, growing in size, strength, and intelligence. Some creatures could now think, strategize, and communicate telepathically. Nature itself had turned against humanity. Scientists scrambled to understand this new evolutionary wave, but just as they began to uncover its secrets, a far greater threat arrived from beyond the stars. A fleet of mysterious extraterrestrial warships descended upon Earth, unleashing devastating attacks on major cities. Unlike Kane’s reign of terror, this was calculated, precise, and merciless. The alien invaders had come for the Celestial Cell. They were a race known as the Zypherians, a highly advanced civilization that had long sought the power of the Celestial Cell. Their soldiers wielded plasma-based weaponry, their armor was impenetrable, and their ships could wipe out entire continents with a single strike. Earth’s defenses were obliterated within hours. But once again, Aadi stood at the frontlines. Using his intelligence, stealth, and unmatched combat skills, Aadi led a resistance, devising a plan to outmaneuver the Zypherians. He hacked into their communication networks, deciphered their attack patterns, and used their own technology against them. With a combination of human ingenuity, sacrifice, and raw determination, Aadi led humanity to another miraculous victory, forcing the Zypherians to retreat.
master_storys · 554 Views

Innocent Bride

R-18 CONTENT AVAILABLE. A DARK ROMANCE NOVEL. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!! I stood trembling before him with my eyes fixed downward in a mixture of fear and defiance. I knew I had disobeyed his direct order and now I must face the consequences. His chiseled features seemed to harden as he stared at me with his piercing eyes burning with intensity. "You were told to stay in the room," his deep, velvety voice resonated through the dimly lit space, sending shivers down my spine. "You were explicitly instructed not to leave. Yet, you deliberately disobeyed me." My gaze remained fixed on the floor, my heart raced with anticipation. I knew I had crossed a line this time. He began to circle around me, his powerful strides eating up the distance. His broad shoulders and lean waist seemed to radiate an aura of raw power, making my breath hitch in my throat. "You know the rules," he said, his voice dripped with an unsettling calmness. "You know what happens when you disobey me." As he stopped behind me, I felt a shiver run down my spine. His warm breath whispered against my ear, sending goosebumps across my skin. His lips brushed against my earlobe, making my pulse quicken. "You will be punished," he whispered, his voice low and husky. "And you will learn to obey me." Without warning, he spun me around, forcing me to face the large, mirror hanging on the wall. My eyes widened as he grasped my wrists, holding them captive behind my back. His chest pressed against my back as his heat radiated into me. "Look at yourself," he whispered, his breath caressing my ear. "Look at the disobedient girl staring back at you." As I gazed into the mirror, I felt his eyes burning into my soul. His grip on my wrists tightened, and I felt a surge of fear mixed with anticipation. what is this feeling?
Sayrah_ · 6.2K Views

Divorce With Benefits: A Second Chance At Love

#Married #Office Romance Jerica Evans, a devoted wife and clerk at City Hall, feels her world slowly unraveling as the cracks in her once-loving marriage deepen. Her husband, Jared, a high-powered lawyer with a fierce courtroom reputation known as "The Siberian Beast," has grown distant, and his cold demeanor leaves Jerica questioning everything. Once the pillar of her life, Jared now feels like a stranger, more lighthouse than man—steady but unreachable, leaving Jerica adrift in loneliness and suspicion. When she catches him leaving work early with a mysterious woman in a red dress, her world shatters. As she balances her growing suspicion with the suspicious arrival of Harold Braddock, Jerica's former flame, the lines between loyalty, betrayal, and her own desires blur. Her once steady life spirals as her husband’s frosty demeanor and her own emotional wounds collide. As the emotional distance between her and Jared widens, Jerica must decide whether to fight for a love that seems to have slipped away—or walk away from the man who once completed her. What will she decide? What is Jared's secret? Was their marriage truly over? Has she truly stopped loving him? This is a heartstring-pulling journey of love, pride, and the devastating cost of hidden truths and unspoken desires, where one woman must decide if she’ll fight for the man she married or leave him behind to save herself. Please support the book by voting. Leave reviews and tell me what you feel in the comments.
Golda · 168.2K Views

The Cursed Prince's Strange Bride

The biggest mistake of Alicia's life, was trying to commit suicide. She found herself in the body of a 19 years old princess in exile, in the middle ages. What's more? She was forced to marry Prince Harold; the infamous white-haired hot tempered Prince who wouldn't mind killing someone for the most irrelevant reason. Now, her wedding is only a few hours from now and the 'princess', which happens to be Alicia, is supposed to display some 'princessly' skills to the guest. Quick question: Is twerking allowed in the middle ages? She knew one thing for sure, the wedding was going to be a disaster and the hot tempered prince was going to kill her before she found her way back home. God Help Her! ThatAmazingGirl in collaboration with Miss_Behaviour (The writers of In Love With A Klepto) is bringing you another book. "THE CURSED PRINCE'S STRANGE BRIDE" What would you do if you suddenly found yourself in the body of a princess in the ancient time? What's more, he isn't only a werewolf, he is also cursed by the moon goddess. EXCERPT: What should she do? She was confused and had no idea what was going on. Weddings in the middle ages was weird! What the hell is 'Virtues recitation'? Should she pretend to faint? That was the only thought that made sense. So that was what she did. She slowly collapsed on the ground and heard how everyone began to gasp and exclaim.  Alicia wanted them to take her out of there and then she would find a way to escape. But maybe she was unlucky after all, because when she peeped under her lashes, wondering why no one was coming to carry her out, she saw a golden robe, before the person crouched down in front of her. She shut her eyes tightly and stilled her breath. She was an actress, after all. She could pull this off flawlessly.  "That was a bad act, my lady." The deep voice spoke, causing goosebumps to rise on her skin. Scary. "I will only give you three seconds to get up."  His voice wasn't really threatening, but somehow he commanded fear, especially with the slow and careful way he spoke. She had heard he was bad-tempered. What would he do after the three seconds passed? Would he kill her? Then would she die here? How did he even know she was pretending? Were people in the middle ages usually smart? She opened one eye to peek at him and saw him staring right at her with a smirk.  THERE WAS NO WAY THE WEDDING WASN'T HAPPENING. SHE WAS SO DEAD! ******* Werewolf (Check) Cursed prince (Check) Transmigration (Check) Comedy (Check) Romance (Double Check) ADD TO YOUR LIBRARY!
ThatAmazingGirl · 2.8M Views

Eternal Flame (Am I The Villain?)

"I don't believe you." I answer him with unusual calmness, trying to convince him that I know that he's just spewing bullshit to see me go crazy and that this is all just a sad, sinister joke. This can't be true. "In fact, why should I believe anything you say?" Although I'm starting to question everything, he doesn't need to know that. He just smirks, looks too proud of himself, and begins to walk backward, away from me. "You don't have to believe me, darling. You'll see for yourself, soon. Very soon." It sounds much like a promise of the unknown future that they stop my mind on the track. Goosebumps spread all over my hands and the back of my neck. A bad premonition clouds my heart. What do you mean, soon? And how does he know? No, wait. What's with him? Is he a fortune teller too, now? Am I supposed to believe his words, no question asked? The fact that I'm considering any of his words is enough proof that I'm indeed going insane. And maybe I'm a tad bit desperate to find answers to all of this mess that's my life from the past few weeks. He knows, and he's taking advantage of it. I'm not sure how he knows, but I'm pretty annoyed that he could sway me easily with a few words. I need to stay the hell away from this nuisance. Just as I'm about to turn around and forget what he says, he decides to say something that I will remember long after my journey begins. "In fact, never believe in anyone, Elena. Not even The One's above." the last word he says before he turns around and completely disappears from my sight. His words leave me puzzled and speechless. I don't know what to think anymore. All of this new information only furthered my confusion. If any of what he says turns out to be true, then what's the meaning of this? I don't know anything anymore. But I know what I need to find out first. What in the world am I?
nocommonsense13 · 404 Views

Eternal Flame trilogy (my original work)

"I don't believe you." I answer him calmly, trying to convince him that I know that he was just spewing bullshit to make me go crazy, that this is all just a sad pathetic joke. This can't be true. "In fact, I don't believe anything you've said to me." I say more to try to convince myself, although I'm starting to question everything, but he doesn't need to know that. He just smirks, looks too proud of himself and begin to walks backward, away from me. "You don't have to believe me, darling. You'll see for yourself, soon. Very soon." It sounds much like a promise of the unknown future that they stop me on my track. Goosebumps spread all over my hands and the back of my neck. A bad premonition clouds my my heart. No, wait. What's with him? Does he think that he is a fortune teller too, now? Am I supposed to believe his words, no question asked? The fact that I'm considering any of his words are just enough prove that I'm indeed going insane. No, he is insane. And maybe, I'm a tad bit desperate to find answers to all of this mess that's my life these past few weeks. And he's taking advantage of it, I'm not sure how he knows but I'm pretty annoyed that he could sways me easily like this. I need to stay the hell away from this nuisance. Just as I'm about to turn around and forget what he says, he decides to say something that I will remember long after my journey begins. "In fact, never believe in anyone, Elena. Not even The One's above." are the last word he says before he turn around and completely disappear from my sight. His words leave me puzzled and speechless. I don't know what to think anymore. All of this new information only further my confusion as it is. If any of what he says turn out to be true then what's meaning of this? I don't know anything anymore. Only one thought clouding my mind. What in the world is going on?
nocommonsense13 · 3.9K Views

Strongest Principal in the world

Helena Aurelia, a strikingly beautiful 20-year-old with jet-black hair and piercing black eyes, serves as the humble principal of Academia Magnifica, the most prestigious magical academy on the continent. Behind her modest exterior, Helena conceals her identity as a Ninth-Circle Archmagus—one of the most powerful beings in existence. She chose a life of quiet dedication to nurturing young minds, avoiding public displays of her unparalleled might. Her life of anonymity shatters when a brash student, Kalver Bronwyn, mocks her authority and threatens her with the influence of his noble father, Duke Harold Bronwyn. Kalver's arrogance pushes Helena beyond her limits, prompting her to deliver a swift and lethal demonstration of her power. This act sets off a chain of events, igniting the wrath of the Duke and ultimately leading Helena to obliterate his entire lineage in an unmatched display of arcane supremacy. As the noble hierarchy quakes under her defiance, Helena steps into the limelight, no longer content to let the corrupted aristocracy dictate the world's fate. Declaring herself an Archmagus, she challenges the entrenched systems of power, dismantling the Grand Council of Nobles and initiating sweeping reforms. Yet, even as she reshapes the world, signs of a far greater threat from beyond the mortal realm begin to emerge. In a world teetering on the edge of transformation, Helena's journey becomes not only one of revelation and justice but also of preparing humanity for an impending cosmic peril. With Academia Magnifica as the last bastion of hope, the young principal and her students must rise to meet a destiny that could reshape reality itself. Helena Aurelia is no ordinary principal—she is the strongest in the world, and her story has only just begun.
Wx56110 · 2.2K Views
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