The Hollow Rebirth
In a world decimated by monsters known as the Wretched, Kellan Veyra has spent ten years scraping by in the ruins of humanity. Alone and haunted by the deaths of his family, he has resigned himself to a hollow existence—until he stumbles upon a mysterious artifact in the ruins of a forgotten city. Promising him the chance to rewrite the past, the artifact transports him through time.
But when Kellan wakes, he finds himself not in his adult body, but as an infant, back in a world untouched by the apocalypse. The only thing intact is his adult mind and memories, leaving him helpless in a crib, unable to speak or act. As he observes his family and the people he lost, Kellan realizes the future he came from is already unraveling. Strange presences stalk him, monsters seem to awaken years too early, and a voice warns him: the cycle cannot be broken.
Faced with the impossible, Kellan must uncover the truth behind the artifact and its cryptic warnings. Is the apocalypse inevitable, or can he use his second chance to save the world and his loved ones?
I upload at least 1 chapter daily, and I am also publishing this story to Royal road as well.