This story follows a boy named Hiro and his life. When he was little, he had a female best friend. Her name is Azuki, and she is Hiro's neighbor as well. So both of them used to spend all their time together. They used to enjoy their childhood together, but their joy didn’t last long.. On that fateful day. Hiro and Azuki had an accident. As a result of that accident, Azuki lost her memories and Hiro is in a coma.
A few days later, Hiro regained consciousness, but when he found Azuki, she was not in the hospital, and no one told him. As a result, he blamed himself for what happened. His personality began to change. He started to feel guilty about the accident. He avoided talking to anyone. He began to hate himself.
That accident is becoming a nightmare for him. So one day, he swears he will find Azuki no matter what it takes or no matter how long it takes. As a child, he searches for azuki in his neighborhood. He also tried to find her when he was in middle school.
Now he is in high school, but his personality hasn't changed at all. All these years, he is only trying to find Azuki.
Now what will happen next and how will it change his life?
This may be the story of the boy named Hiro, but there are different stories lies in this story. Every character has their own stories and problems to deal with, but with help of helping each other they try to find themselves and chase to live a happy life.