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Qi Shi Jing Shen

Wiedergeburt in den 80ern: Die Gelehrtenfrau ist niedlich

Durch Heiratsschwindel betrogen, ein Leben lang als Kindermädchen ohne Bezahlung ausgebeutet und schließlich von ihrer Adoptivmutter vor dem Krankenbett ihres Adoptivvaters zu Tode geprügelt, fand Shen Mianmians elendes Leben ein Ende. Als sie ihre Augen wieder öffnete, fand sie sich im Alter von fünfzehn Jahren wieder. Shen Mianmian schwor sich, ihrem vergangenen Schicksal zu entfliehen und ihre bösartige Cousine und Adoptivmutter zu bestrafen, doch dabei strahlte sie versehentlich zu hell. Die drittletzte Schülerin der Schule stieg plötzlich an die Spitze auf, wurde zur begehrten Kandidatin an den renommierten Universitäten und erregte das Aufsehen aller Lehrer und Schüler... Während andere mit dem Studium beschäftigt waren, gründete Shen Mianmian kleine Unternehmen, um Geld zu verdienen... Während andere sich auf die Aufnahmeprüfungen für das College vorbereiteten, kaufte Shen Mianmian auf einen Schlag die beiden berüchtigtsten Spukhäuser in Peking... Sie wurde in den Augen aller zu einer Kuriosität, und man spottete über sie, dass sie, selbst wenn sie das Vermögen hätte, sie zu kaufen, nicht das Leben hätte, um in ihnen zu leben. Während andere ihren Abschluss machten und sich auf die Suche nach einem Arbeitsplatz machten, wurden die von Shen Mianmian gekauften Spukhäuser von der Regierung beschlagnahmt, was ihr eine beträchtliche Abrissentschädigung einbrachte. Diejenigen, die sich über sie lustig gemacht hatten, konnten nicht anders, als sich zweimal zu ohrfeigen... und sich überall zu erkundigen, wo es Spukhäuser zu kaufen gab. Shen Mianmian, die sich ursprünglich Geld für die Studiengebühren leihen musste, nutzte die Abrissgelder und ihren Wiedergeburtsvorteil, um ein geeignetes Grundstück zu kaufen und ein Mietshaus zu bauen, und wurde so zur reichsten und wohlhabendsten Vermieterin Pekings... Eines Tages wurde Shen Mianmian, die einen Beutel mit Schlüsseln bei sich trug und gerade die Miete kassiert hatte, zum Amt für Zivilangelegenheiten geschleppt. "Shen Mianmian, es wird Zeit, dass Sie Ihre Schulden bei mir zurückzahlen."
Yin Family's Sixth Child · 8.3K Views

El Contraataque de la Madrastra: Criando a un Niño en una Época Pasada

[Esposa Delicada VS Hombre Duro, Consintiendo a la Esposa + Doble Virtud + Vida Diaria Criando Niños] La streamer amante de la comida Shen Mingzhu transmigró al papel de una malvada madrastra de una novela de épocas pasadas, convirtiéndose en una figura de contraste para la aldeana Shen Baolan. Shen Baolan era amable y virtuosa, tratando a su hijastro como si fuera propio, mientras que el personaje original era severo y malvado, ya sea golpeando o regañando al hijastro. Shen Baolan disfrutaba de sus años crepusculares gracias a su prometedor hijastro, mientras que el personaje original fue quemada viva por su retorcido y siniestro hijastro. Para cambiar el trágico desenlace, Shen Mingzhu se remangó, preparada para arreglar las cosas correctamente. — Shen Baolan tuvo un sueño. El hombre con el que estaba a punto de casarse moriría medio año después, dejándola viuda y sin nada, destinada a llevar una vida de miseria. Mientras tanto, Shen Mingzhu, por haberse casado con el hombre adecuado, se convirtió en una dama rica envidiable. Ambas del mismo pueblo, ambas convertidas en madrastras de alguien, ¿por qué debería Shen Mingzhu vivir una vida mejor que la suya? Ella se casaría con el hombre con quien estaba casada Shen Mingzhu, ¡y viviría la buena vida de Shen Mingzhu! — Pasaron cinco años. Shen Mingzhu se había convertido en estudiante universitaria, el hombre de Shen Mingzhu no murió sino que se convirtió en un gran jefe, y el hijastro de Shen Mingzhu se convirtió en un niño prodigio. Shen Baolan, que anhelaba que su esposo tuviera éxito, seguía esperando amargamente el día en que su hombre alcanzaría la grandeza.
Seven Queens · 25.5K Views

Renaissance dans les années 80 : La Femme Érudite est Mignonne

Trompée pour se marier, exploitée toute une vie comme nourrice sans salaire et finalement battue à mort par sa mère adoptive devant le lit de malade de son père adoptif, la misérable vie de Shen Mianmian prit fin. Lorsqu'elle ouvrit de nouveau les yeux, elle se retrouva à quinze ans. Shen Mianmian jura d'échapper à son destin passé, de punir sa cousine malveillante et sa mère adoptive, mais brilla accidentellement trop fort dans le processus. L'avant-dernière élève à l'école s'éleva soudainement au sommet, devenant la candidate convoitée par des universités prestigieuses, provoquant une sensation parmi tous les enseignants et étudiants... Tandis que d'autres étaient occupés à étudier, Shen Mianmian était occupée à lancer des petites entreprises pour gagner de l'argent... Tandis que d'autres se préparaient pour l'examen d'entrée au collège, Shen Mianmian achetait en une fois les deux maisons hantées les plus notoires de Pékin... devenant une curiosité aux yeux de tous, ils se moquaient d'elle en disant que même si elle avait la fortune pour les acheter, elle pourrait ne pas avoir la vie pour y habiter. Lorsque d'autres étaient diplômés et occupés à chercher du travail, les propriétés hantées achetées par Shen Mianmian furent réquisitionnées par le gouvernement, lui rapportant une somme considérable en compensation pour la démolition. Ceux qui s'étaient moqués d'elle ne purent s'empêcher de se gifler deux fois... demandant partout où pourraient se vendre des maisons hantées. Shen Mianmian, qui avait initialement besoin d'emprunter de l'argent pour les frais de scolarité, utilisa les fonds de la démolition et tira parti de son avantage de renaissance pour acheter un terrain adéquat et construire un immeuble de location, se transformant en la propriétaire la plus riche et la plus prospère de Pékin... Un jour, Shen Mianmian, portant un sac de clés et venant tout juste de percevoir le loyer, fut entraînée au Bureau des Affaires Civiles. "Shen Mianmian, il est temps pour toi de rembourser ce que tu me dois."
Yin Family's Sixth Child · 24.6K Views

Après avoir été piégée par sa famille, elle a été choyée par un PDG d'une famille riche

Jing Yao a couché avec le PDG d'une riche famille qui était réputé pour se tenir à l'écart des femmes. Elle est même tombée enceinte. Jing Yao a grandi sans recevoir d'amour de ses parents. Bien qu'elle et sa sœur fussent jumelles, elle ne ressemblait en rien à sa sœur aînée. Ses parents favorisaient sa sœur aînée. Jing Yao a été forcée de commencer à travailler jeune, tandis que sa sœur pouvait rester à la maison à ne rien faire. Jing Yao devait payer ses propres frais de scolarité. Un seul sac à main que possédait sa sœur coûtait plusieurs dizaines de milliers. Non seulement cela, mais sa sœur aînée sortait même avec son fiancé, avec qui elle était fiancée depuis l'enfance. Formellement parlant, Jing Yao était la deuxième sœur de la famille. Cependant, en réalité, elle était tellement pauvre qu'elle ne pouvait même pas payer son propre loyer. Sa famille ne lui avait jamais montré aucun soin ou affection. Pour le bien du mariage de sa sœur aînée, la mère biologique de Jing Yao l'a piégée en la faisant boire avec un investisseur. Elle a même été droguée. Heureusement, elle était suffisamment alerte pour s'enfuir. Cependant, elle s'est enfuie dans la mauvaise direction. En conséquence, elle a fini par coucher avec Liang Xun. Après être rentrée chez elle, la mère de Jing Yao l'a engueulée. Son odieux de fiancé l'a humiliée. Jing Yao a annulé le mariage sur le champ. Depuis lors, elle a quitté la famille Jing. Plus tard, Liang Xun a découvert que Jing Yao était enceinte. Il l'a approchée et lui a demandé de l'épouser. Cependant, Jing Yao l'a rejeté. Liang Xun lui a directement offert 100 millions comme cadeau de mariage, et elle a finalement accepté. Des rumeurs ont commencé à se répandre sur internet. Jing Yao, une célébrité récemment populaire, était soupçonnée de s'être impliquée dans la relation de sa sœur aînée. Certains ont même dit qu'elle était la sugar baby de Liang Xun. Malgré les critiques, Jing Yao a publié un post positif en réponse. "Je n'ai pas de sœur aînée et je suis la sugar mommy de Liang Xun." Liang Xun a immédiatement commenté son post. "Ma femme a raison."
Mountain Springs · 53.3K Views

The Stepmother's Counterattack: Raising a Child in a Bygone Era

[Delicate Wife VS Tough Guy, Spoiling Wife + Double Virtue + Raising Kids Daily Life] The foodie livestreamer Shen Mingzhu transmigrated into the role of a wicked stepmother from a bygone era's novel, becoming a contrasting figure to the village's Shen Baolan. Shen Baolan was kind and virtuous, treating her stepson as her own, while the original character was harsh and mean, either beating or scolding the stepson. Shen Baolan enjoyed her twilight years thanks to her promising stepson, whereas the original character was burned alive by her twisted and sinister stepson. In order to change the tragic outcome, Shen Mingzhu rolled up her sleeves, prepared to sort things out properly. —— Shen Baolan had a dream. The man she was about to marry would die half a year later, leaving her a widow with nothing, bound to lead a life of misery. Meanwhile, Shen Mingzhu, for having married the right man, became an enviable rich lady. Both from the same village, both becoming stepmothers to someone, why should Shen Mingzhu live a better life than her? She would marry the man Shen Mingzhu was married to, and live Shen Mingzhu's good life! —— Five years passed. Shen Mingzhu had become a college student, Shen Mingzhu's man didn't die but instead became a big boss, and Shen Mingzhu's stepson turned into a child prodigy. Shen Baolan, who pined for her husband to succeed, was still bitterly waiting for the day her man would rise to greatness.
Seven Queens · 1M Views

Aceitando Minha Herança Massiva Após o Divórcio

Shen Yan insistiu em se casar com este Fu Hang, mesmo correndo o risco de ser abandonada por sua família e parentes. Ela pensou que, após três anos, ela seria capaz de derreter o gelo em seu coração. No entanto, quando este homem a deteve e a forçou a ajoelhar-se diante de sua família para confessar erros que nunca cometeu, Shen Yan percebeu que o coração deste homem era feito de gelo. Quando ela caiu na água junto com sua cunhada, Chloe Lindsey, Fu Hang pulou na primeira oportunidade e salvou Chloe Lindsey. Ele levou Lin Xing para o hospital, enquanto Shen Yan, que não sabia nadar, só podia esperar pelo guarda para salvá-la. A criança no ventre de Chloe Lindsey não sobreviveu à provação e ela sofreu um aborto. Fu Hang trouxe Shen Yan para sua família sem nenhuma explicação e pediu que ela se ajoelhasse e admitisse seu erro. Seus olhos sob as sobrancelhas afiadas eram impiedosamente penetrantes como se ele cravasse uma faca no coração de Shen Yan. "Depois que o Irmão Mais Velho faleceu, ele só deixou um filho para trás. Você não deveria ter matado essa criança!" "Eu não fiz isso. Foi ela quem pulou!" "O que você está esperando? Ajoelhe-se e admita seu erro!" Três anos após seu casamento, Shen Yan estava convencida de que até um cachorro era mais valioso do que ela na Família Fu, quanto mais Chloe Lindsey, quem Fu Hang realmente amava. Justo antes de um de seus joelhos tocar o chão, Fu Hang ainda pensava que Shen Yan admitiria seu erro. Ele pouco esperava que Shen Yan se endireitasse lentamente e dissesse, "Fu Hang, vamos nos divorciar. Vou fingir que alimentei esses últimos três anos aos cães. Ninguém vale a pena desperdiçar minha juventude depois disso!" Portanto, Shen Yan decidiu voltar para casa e aceitar sua herança que valia centenas de bilhões. Uma vida gloriosa a esperava!
JQK · 101.1K Views

i have a wish system

Shi Feng was an ordinary, laid-back university student with little ambition and a knack for procrastination—until the day a single offhand wish turned his life upside down. When the mysterious Wish System appeared before him, offering the power to fulfill others' desires in exchange for points, Shi Feng’s world suddenly expanded. From small, everyday wishes to life-changing dreams, each fulfilled wish not only earns him points but brings him closer to achieving his own aspirations. The system is simple: Fulfill wishes to earn points. Use points to grant your own desires. The bigger the wish, the greater the reward. But there’s a catch—Shi Feng must navigate the tricky balance of helping others while hiding his newfound powers. As his journey unfolds, Shi Feng discovers that granting wishes isn’t always straightforward, especially when human nature, unexpected challenges, and his own desires come into play. From earning skills that turn him into a master chef overnight to using his wits to solve complex problems, Shi Feng quickly learns that strategy and creativity are just as important as his golden finger. With an ambitious vision, a growing list of fulfilled wishes, and a system that could make him unstoppable, Shi Feng embarks on a slow-paced yet extraordinary journey of self-discovery, humor, and the occasional chaos. Can Shi Feng rise from mediocrity to greatness, or will the pressures of fulfilling wishes—and his own ambitions—be too much to handle? Find out in "I Have a Wish System," a modern urban fantasy brimming with wit, charm, and an endless stream of wishes waiting to be granted. ---
readnowsleeplater · 361 Views

Matchmaking Agency: Operation Love!!!

Jing Yun looked at the scene before him. The prince who was supposed to fall in love with the sleeping princess was making love eyes at the frog. "Fuck." Yu Xian cursed—out of the three of them, she was always the quickest to think, so it wasn't a suprise that she was the first to realize how badly they messed up. He could already see her scrambling towards Gu Feng, probably to choke the other, but Jing Yun was still processing everything so he's not in the right state to stop her. After a couple of minutes, he could hear a cry coming from the corner, though he barely managed to register it, too focused on the sight of the prince currently making out with the frog. "YOU BASTARD! YOU GAVE HIM THE WRONG POTION!!!" . . . The Matchmaking Agency, an organization with the sole purpose of tying the heart's of people, and making the love blossom, despite this, the agency and it's workers does everything, well...except for that purpose. "We set off a bomb, pissed off a god, messed with an Empire and now we're inside a monster's mouth...are you sure this has anything to do with love?" Jing Yun asked as he looked at his fellow workmates—the three of them were currently floating on a green liquid, probably the monster's saliva. "Love is complicated." "We're going to die! STOP TALKING AND DO SOMETHING!!!" Jing Yun contemplated on Yu Xian's wistful answer and then to Gu Feng's life and death scream. With a nod, Jing Yun concluded: Love is really complicated. "Stop with that bullshit, we're being eaten alive for fuck's sake!" Truly complicated.
Crazy_Fish · 174 Views

Will you love me??

Gan Qi, 19 years old, uprooted from her hometown, she came alone from the countryside to Shanghai to find a job but unforturnately encountered criminals who were obsessed with her good looks. She ran into the 30-year-old Lu Qingxiang who was just betrayed by his girlfriend and frustrated by his career of the manufacture of robots, he inadvertently saved her by chance. Since then, Gan Qi followed Lu Qingxiang in obscurity. With the development of Qingxiang's career, his mother urged him to get married, he casually married with Gan Qi and got a child, he thought that their marriage is each takes what he needs, she married him just for the sake of money, and he married her by the order of his mother. Deeply hurted by his first love, this marriage had not been able to repair the heart of Qingxiang, they had been dead and lived for ten years of married life of sex with no love. Qingxiang made unlimited demands to her and Gan Qi always followed his advices. Ten years later, Gan Qi's aunt died, she had no choice but to return to her hometown and met her childhood friend Yang Xing, they became partners to run a dance studio, they got along very well, Gan Qi's love rekindled, she wanted to divorce Qingxiang. At the same time, with the huge success of his career of AI, Qingxiang has become the man of the hour. He has also countless confidantes around him, he saw Gan Qi change and started to be tempted, their marriage can still last? Will there be love between them?
Chienjiao · 676 Views

The Shen Demon| Cultivation| BL

"It doesn’t matter who is from what clan, when in the end we share the same enemy." Seiji Shen is a respected cultivator who is always caring and quick to look after his own. Shaoqing Liu is a boy who has always admired Seiji from afar. His world gets ten times better when Seiji joins his clan. Everett Lin is from a clan that strives for perfection. Yongliang Lei is a boy who always followed his mother's wishes. That is until he met Everett. How can he love someone from the one clan his mother always hated? However, the two clans have a common enemy who strives to take over the world. They will stop at nothing until they are at the top. It is Seiji and Everett’s mission to bring their clans together to help defeat the demon clan. Many hardships and betrayals befall them along the one. Yet, by working together they realize anything can happen. !!! This fiction is only inspired by Chinese cultivation and Chinese culture. I am in no way Chinese and I mean no disrespect. Please correct me if you find any aspects of this story wrong or disrespectful. - LGBT Content - Violence - Mentions of Molestation - Major and Minor character deaths -Some spicy scenes ;) **Make sure to thank my girlfriend bbeanfluff! This is as much her story as it is mine. We plan everything together. And when I get stuck in my writing, she helps me get through it. We both equally created the characters together as well Will release once daily at 19:00 (GMT+8)
Urcrayontastic · 53.3K Views
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