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Yao Guai

Do CEO a Concubina

Yan Zheyun foi criado para ser um vencedor. Seus pais estavam na lista da Forbes, ele foi o orador da turma de formandos na melhor universidade do país, e a cereja do bolo foi ser votado como o 'garoto dos sonhos' por quatro anos seguidos por seus colegas. E agora, com apenas vinte e cinco anos, Yan Zheyun era o orgulhoso presidente e CEO de sua própria empresa de tecnologia. Mas o que deveria ter sido o dia mais feliz de sua vida se transformou no pior quando ele ouviu uma estranha voz robótica enquanto atravessava a rua para pegar um café, apenas porque não podia esperar sua secretária voltar da sala de fotocópias. [RELATÓRIO DE ERRO #193842347: ALMA DE OUTRO MUNDO DETECTADA. INICIANDO SEQUÊNCIA DE DEPORTAÇÃO.] E então ele morreu. Em um acidente de carro muito chato, muito comum. ...exceto que talvez ele não tenha morrido. A primeira coisa que Yan Zheyun pensou depois que abriu os olhos e se viu em um quarto que parecia o cenário de um daqueles dramas do palácio interno foi: Nossa, o café não valeu a pena. A segunda coisa que ele pensou depois de perceber que estava agora em um romance histórico BL e havia transmigrado para o corpo de uma beleza trágica que estava (prestes a ser) usada e abusada por seus vários amantes foi: Deve ter sido a técnica errada para abrir os olhos, deixe-me tentar novamente... não, ainda estou aqui. Bem. F**da-se. De CEO a escravo insignificante, Yan Zheyun não conseguia acreditar na sua sorte. Preso em um mundo estranho e cercado por tops loucos (respectivamente conhecidos como 'O Amigo de Infância', 'O Filho do General', 'O Príncipe Herdeiro', 'Outro Príncipe', 'Aquele Duque Assustador' etc.), Yan Zheyun percebeu que seu único dia de experiência como CEO não o havia preparado adequadamente para essa nova vida de infelicidade. Mas ele não era do tipo que desistia sem lutar, então... Yan Zheyun resolutamente decidiu ficar longe da aterrorizante trama romântica, tentar escrever para si mesmo uma nova trama política e, aproveitando, abraçar algumas coxas poderosas, bajular alguns poderosos. E em uma monarquia dinástica, de quem seriam melhores coxas para abraçar do que as do próprio imperador? Liu Yao: ...Este Soberano permite que você abrace outras partes também. Par: - Imperador Top Que-Parece-Sério-Mas-É-Secretamente-Gentil! VS Escravo Bottom Que-Parece-Um-Coelho-Mas-É-Secretamente-Uma-Raposa! - NÃO é um harém, toda a história é 1v1 Avisos: - Este romance lida com alguns assuntos pesados ​​que surgem como resultado da escravidão e de um sistema de castas. Adicionei avisos de gatilho onde relevante, mas só para avisar, os canalhas são chamados de canalhas por um motivo! Atualizações: 21:00 GMT+8 Ilustrado por: HAZHE
Queeniecat · 1.6K Views

Sistem Penyelamatan Penjahat (BL)

``` Sehubungan dengan meningkatnya kasus bunuh diri di negara itu, pemerintah menciptakan sebuah sistem simulator yang terhubung dengan gelombang otak manusia, membawa mereka untuk berpindah dunia ke ribuan dunia dan mengalami berbagai aspek kehidupan untuk merangsang keinginan bertahan hidup. Hanya ketika pengukur kemauan terisi 100% barulah mereka bisa kembali ke kehidupan. Lu Yizhou. Pria. Lajang. Berusia 22 tahun. Pada suatu hari, dia bunuh diri dengan mengubur dirinya di tanah bersalju. Dan kemudian, dia ditarik ke dalam simulator. 666: Selamat datang, Tuan Rumah! Selamat, Anda adalah orang ke-666 yang bergabung dengan proyek ini! Tuan Rumah sangat beruntung mendapatkan 666, karena 666 adalah sistem yang paling tampan, masuk akal, dan paling luar biasa! Lu Yizhou: ...Bisakah saya ganti sistemnya? Anda berisik. 666: QAQ Lu Yizhou: Tak peduli berapa kali saya berpindah dunia, pengukur kemauan saya takkan terpenuhi. 666: N—Jangan menyerah! Tuan Rumah seharusnya tidak menyerah QAQ uwaaa, jangan tinggalkan 666 sendirian! Anda adalah yang pertama, satu-satunya, bagaimana bisa Anda begitu tak berperasaan dan meninggalkan saya begitu saja?! Lu Yizhou: ...kenapa terasa salah? . . . Maka, dia mulai melompat dari satu dunia ke dunia lain untuk menyelamatkan penjahat. Lu Yizhou: Mengapa saya harus menyelamatkan penjahat? 666: Ckckck, Tuan Rumah terlalu polos! Tentu saja, itu karena mereka lebih hebat daripada pemeran pria utama; lebih kaya, berkuasa, penuh sumber daya, berwibawa dan tampan! Lu Yizhou: ...itu hanya kesukaan Anda, kan? 666: Tuan Rumah, mengapa Anda tidak percaya pada 666?! QAQ . . . Dia pikir dia tidak punya apa-apa lagi untuk dijalani. Dengan membawa hati yang lelah dan tubuh yang mati rasa, dia tenggelam ke dasar jurang untuk menemukan...bintang bersinar. ******* Indah, dingin, kaku dan secara tidak terduga naif gong x posesif, manja dan licik shou yang tahu cara menggunakan pesonanya Tag tambahan: transmigrasi cepat, fantasi, petualangan, komedi, gelap, misteri, tragedi, cepat, seme/gong/top protagonis, lawan bicara jatuh cinta terlebih dahulu, yaoi, dewasa, pikiran bunuh diri, masa lalu sangat berpengaruh, 1 lawan 1 Temukan saya di: Instagram: delanasiwarka Server Discord: Discord: delanasiwarka#1490 ```
delanasiwarka · 3.1K Views

Système de Sauvetage du Méchant (BL)

``` En raison des cas croissants de suicide dans le pays, le gouvernement a créé un système simulateur lié aux ondes cérébrales humaines, les emmenant transmigrer dans des milliers de mondes et à expérimenter de nombreux aspects de la vie afin de stimuler la volonté de vivre. Seulement quand le volontémètre était rempli à 100 % pouvaient-ils finalement revenir à la vie. Lu Yizhou. Masculin. Célibataire. 22 ans. Un certain jour, il s'est suicidé en s'enterrant dans la terre des neiges. Et puis, il a été tiré dans le simulateur. 666 : Bienvenue, hôte ! Félicitations, vous êtes la 666ème personne à rejoindre ce projet ! L'hôte a beaucoup de chance d'obtenir 666, car 666 est le système le plus séduisant, le plus sensé et le plus merveilleux ! Lu Yizhou : ...Puis-je changer de système ? Tu es bruyant. 666 : QAQ Lu Yizhou : Peu importe le nombre de fois où je transmigre, mon volontémètre ne se remplit pas. 666 : N—Non, n'abandonne pas ! L'hôte ne devrait pas abandonner QAQ uwaaa, ne laisse pas 666 tout seul ! Tu es mon premier, mon unique, comment peux-tu être si insensible et me laisser derrière toi comme ça ?! Lu Yizhou : ...pourquoi cela sonne-t-il faux ? . . . Ainsi, il commença à sauter d'un monde à l'autre pour sauver le méchant. Lu Yizhou : Pourquoi dois-je sauver les méchants ? 666 : Ckckck, Hôte, tu es trop innocent ! Bien sûr, c'est parce qu'ils sont plus formidables que le protagoniste masculin ; plus riches, puissants, ingénieux, dominateurs et séduisants ! Lu Yizhou : ...ce ne sont que tes préférences, n'est-ce pas ? 666 : Hôte, pourquoi ne crois-tu pas 666 ?! QAQ . . . Il pensait qu'il n'avait plus rien pour lequel vivre. Emportant avec lui un cœur las et un corps engourdi, il a coulé au fond de l'abysse pour y trouver... une étoile scintillante. ******* Beau, stoïque, dense et étonnamment naïf gong x possessif, gâté et calculateur shou qui savait utiliser son charme Tags supplémentaires : transmigration rapide, fantasy, aventure, comédie, sombre, mystère, tragédie, rythme rapide, seme/gong/top protagoniste, l'intérêt amoureux tombe amoureux en premier, yaoi, mature, pensées suicidaires, le passé joue un grand rôle, 1 vs 1 Retrouvez-moi sur : Instagram : delanasiwarka Serveur Discord : Discord : delanasiwarka#1490 ```
delanasiwarka · 5.5K Views

Después de que todo le fuera arrebatado, ella regresa como una diosa

—Si Fuqing abrió los ojos para descubrir que le habían robado la suerte. Todos también querían que saliera de la industria del entretenimiento. —Después de tener una segunda oportunidad en la vida, esta vez solo quería no hacer nada. Sin embargo, algunas personas que no conocían su lugar seguían tratando de aprovecharse de su fama sin tener verdaderos talentos para mostrar. Esto no podía ser. Tenía que hacer algo al respecto. —Si Fuqing se pellizcó la muñeca y tomó medidas. —Después de eso, internet la criticó por ser lo suficientemente descarada para cortejar a Yu Yao, y que su vida privada era indecente, pero… —Una cantante internacional: Puedo estar aquí hoy todo gracias a Qingqing. —Un celebridad masculina de primera categoría: Aléjense de mi hermana #YuYao. —Un canal internacional de deportes oficial: Felicitaciones a Si Fuqing por asegurar la 13ª medalla de oro personal. —Al principio, Yu Yao no prestaba atención a Si Fuqing. Pero cuando más tarde aprendió la verdad y se arrepintió, incluso poniéndose de rodillas para que Si Fuqing volviera a mirarlo, solo pudo publicar un estado en las redes sociales diciendo, [#SiFuqing, Hola, Novena Tía]. —Ese día, internet quedó paralizado. —En los registros de la historia, el Emperador Yin se hizo famoso a una edad temprana. Era perfecto, poderoso y benevolente. Sin embargo, murió a la edad de 27 años por enfermedad, habiendo vivido solo una vida corta sin esposa ni hijos. Fue un Adonis inalcanzable para muchos. —Nadie sabía que cuando abrió los ojos una vez más, se despertó en el futuro donde habían pasado 1500 años. —Esta vez, vio edificios altos que antes había imaginado. —Poco después, la identidad del Emperador Yin fue expuesta. Cuando Si Fuqing se enteró de que su ídolo estaba al alcance de la mano, estaba tan impresionada que quería… —Si Fuqing: ¡Trabajaré duro! —Emperador Yin: Répágame con tu cuerpo. —Si Fuqing: ??? 'Aquí estoy intentando trabajar duro, ¿pero tú me quieres a mí en su lugar?' —Una diosa todoterreno y hermosa x Un emperador resuelto y noble —Desde ser despreciada en internet, hasta ser coronada como número uno mientras luchaba uno a uno con su Adonis.
Qing Qian · 17.4K Views

After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God

[Sweet, Satisfying, and Passionate; Group Pampering; Torture Casanovas] Si Fuqing opened her eyes to find that her luck has been stolen. Everyone wanted her out of the entertainment industry too. After getting a second chance at life, she just wanted to do nothing this time. Yet, some people who didn’t know their place kept trying to rub off on her fame without any genuine talents to show for. This wouldn’t do. She had to do something about them. Si Fuqing pinched her wrist and took action. After that, the internet berated her for being shameless enough to court Yu Yao, and that her private life was indecent, but… An international songstress: I’m able to stand here today all because of Qingqing. A top-rate male celebrity: Stay away from my sister #YuYao An official international sports channel: Congratulations to Si Fuqing for securing the 13th personal gold medal. At first, Yu Yao paid no mind to Si Fuqing. But when he later learned the truth and regretted, even getting down on his knees so Si Fuqing would look his way again, he could only post a status on social media saying, [#SiFuqing, Hello, Ninth Aunt]. That day, the internet was paralyzed. In the records of history, Emperor Yin rose to fame at a young age. He was perfect, powerful, and benevolent. Yet, he died at the age of 27 due to illness, having lived only a short life with no wife or children. He was an unattainable Adonis for many. No one knew that when he opened his eyes once more, he woke up in the future where 1500 years had passed. This time, he saw tall buildings that he had once imagined before. Shortly after, Emperor Yin’s identity was exposed. When Si Fuqing learned that her idol was within arm’s reach, she was so impressed that she wanted to… Si Fuqing: I’ll work hard! Emperor Yin: Repay me with your body. Si Fuqing: ??? ‘Here I am trying to work hard, but you want me instead?’ An all-rounder and gorgeous goddess x A resolute and noble emperor From being scorned on the internet, to being crowned as number one while she fought her Adonis one-on-one.
Qing Qian · 2.2M Views

Dual Cultivation God Returns

"Wu Long, the God of Pleasure, has fallen as he failed to breakthrough." This news have shocked all of the Seven Boundless Worlds. Meanwhile, a sixteen-year-old disciple of a dual cultivation sect was startled awake from a coma, and after some moments of calming down and gathering his thoughts, a dangerous light flickered deep in his eyes: "Jun Shaoshan, I will climb back to the top and make you pay for everything, no one has ever been safe after offending me, Wu Long!" -------------- Dual cultivation is a method of cultivation that can be seen described in a lot of cultivation novels where a man and a woman cultivates together by having sex. -------------- ***DIscord Link: The Image on the cover is AI-generated with some minor adjustments and text editing done over it. Please check the auxiliary chapter with Frequently Asked Questions since there may be some answers to the questions you might want to ask. If you want to ask questions regarding the novel before reading you can do so in the comment section of the said auxiliary chapter. If you have posted a review and it is not appearing on the novel page and not changing the novel score, it may have stuck in the system (happened in the past and occasionally happening now). Please comment under the FAQ auxiliary chapter mentioned above if you notice this happen. I can usually contact support in daytime on weekdays and the problem is fixed within days and the 'stuck' reviews appear on the page. Thank you XD -------------- ***The explicit chapters will be marked in the chapter name after the chapter number as (R18) and will contain no crucial plot, only explicit scene, so if you want to read it as a novel without explicit scenes you absolutely can by just skipping the explicit chapters. Though as a disclaimer: dual cultivation IS the theme of the novel so there will still be some provocative or slightly explicit content in the normal chapters, but not full-on long explicit scenes. ***Since it seems that there are a lot of people that are very particular about what they want I will put here some of the things to expect so that it is easier for people to decide if they want to read this or not: - NO yaoi, NO yuri, NO incest ; - NO rape ( it may be mentioned, but only as a thing that exists, not in relation to any particular character ); - MC's heroines will NEVER cheat on him; - MC's heroines will NOT ALWAYS have V cards (but there will be a lot of them who do); These are all non-negotiable so if you cannot tolerate a novel that adheres to any of the above sentences you should probably skip this one. !!! WARNING (ADVERTISEMENT) there will be MILFs. XD
DaoistGreenOnion · 3M Views

The Licentious Cultivator

Update: 2 Chapters Weekly! After leading a domineering life as Venerable of the main world, Xue Ritian meets his end at the hands of the strongest warrior from the Primordial Dragon Race; Long Aotian. But the strengths of a Venerable knows no bounds and Xue Ritian's soul is forcefully refined in the Cycle of Reincarnation. Now, he is reincarnated as a young Lu Zheng in China's Lu Clan and must fight his way back to the top of the cultivation ladder and exact his revenge on his foes. Embark on this journey with Lu Zheng and see what is next to come ------------- The genre is Xianxia. Characters in the novel absorb energy (Qi) from their surroundings and use it as the basis of their strength. ------------- **Character is reincarated and will receive strong powerscaling and a fair level of omnipotence at the beginning. **Contrary to the title of the book, there are will be very little amounts of sexual relations. When there are (cuz there will be), expect them not to consume too much of the chapter. **In case you are expectant of what the novel might have to offer and what it won't, - There is NO yuri, NO yaoi, NO incest - There will be NO mentions of rape (thank goodness) - MC will HAVE an harem This is my first novel so the first chapters are a bit rough but I promise, the writing gets fine tuned as the story progresses. I have received offers to go premium but I would prefer The Licentious Cultivator (LC for short) to remain free till the very end. **WARNING: LC is a product of me playing around. I can't promise regular updates but I always stock up on chapters in my drafts whenever I have the time. P.S.: Feel free to leave a review and comment. They give me that extra 'hoompf' Enjoy XD
LonelySnow23 · 353.6K Views

WHAT! I Have To Kill Heaven's Son To Live!

For as long as Reon could remember, he lived as a loner, focusing solely on his studies and part-time jobs to get by. No family, no social life, no personal life, no happiness, no sadness. . . . But then, he was transmigrated into a novel he had read for the first time, all because of a complaint about the main character—though he was not the protagonist, but merely a subordinate of a minor third-rate villain! How can someone be so petty? . . . However, he didn't mind. Since he found himself in a fantasy world filled with magic, swords, and cultivation, he resolved to live life to the fullest, something he had missed in his previous existence. In a realm where the strong are respected and the weak are crushed like ants. . . . In this world, he will choose to embrace adventure and romance, a wine glass in one hand and a woman in the other. For all of this, he needed strength... . . . [Ding! Host has awakened the "Heaven Plundering System!" If the host wants to survive in this world, he must kill heaven's child, or he may perish...] . . . WHAAT! . . . . ****WARNING**** . . . . If you prefer a dense, shy, beta, submissive protagonist, then this novel is not for you. Here, the main character will be Domineering, Ruthless, Calm, Intelligent, Cunning, and Alpha-type—caring only for his loved ones while remaining cold toward the rest of the world. . . . Additionally, female leads will be Strong, Intelligent, and Loyal—not merely waiting for the main character to come and rescue them like a fairytale prince. . . . The harem in this story will be large, with each member being capable and equally important to the plot. Every character will have their own significance and development, contributing meaningfully to the story. . . . NO NTR!! NO YURI!! NO FUTA!! NO YAOI!! . . . [There will be smut scenes in later chapters, it will be marked as (R-18) beside the headline. Minors, please exercise caution] . . . °°°°This is my first novel, and since English is not my primary language, I ask for your understanding if you come across any mistakes. The story will unfold at a slower pace, so I encourage fellow Daoists to be patient and support me on this journey. If you have any suggestions or ideas, feel free to share them in the comments. I will consider adding them if I find them truly good.°°°°
MysticWanderer · 82.2K Views

Reborn as a Mountain: I Defy the Heavens with a Smile

When a mountain comes to life, awakening its consciousness, it takes on another form—a Mountain Spirit. And that’s me reborn with extraordinary Divine powers. Want to know what these divine powers are? Well, one of them allows me to accelerate herb growth—up to one hundred times faster! Impressive, right? But wait, there’s more! I also possess a ‘golden finger’—which is ‘Space-Time’ system that lets me fish for lost techniques, weapons, pill formulas, and other treasures from the rivers of time and space. With these at my disposal, I’m sure to become stronger, at least stronger than the beautiful sect master who claims my mountain as her personal retreat and constantly drag me into her matters. It’s not an easy life, but no need to worry! I’m not just any spirit—I’m a human spirit born from a mountain, which means I have an extraordinary talent for cultivation. To top it off, my system was generous enough to grant me a divine cultivation technique right from the start. There’s just one tiny problem: it’s a dual cultivation technique, and I need a partner to cultivate it. So, I had no choice but to convince the sect master’s stunning disciple to help me out. I mean, it’s not like I’m after her gorgeous long legs, her curvaceous thighs, or her… well, you get the point. I’m just a humble cultivator trying to grow stronger by any means necessary. If only she’d run into some trouble, so I could swoop in and save the day. That would make things a lot easier for me… but alas, life is never that simple. Still, I’ll find a way. With my Space-Time system, my mountain’s power, and a little charm, I’ll outgrow this mountain and surpass everyone—even the sect master. And maybe, just maybe, I’ll enjoy the beauties along the way. *** No NTR, No Yuri, No Yaoi *** LinkTree- Discord-
Around_The_Moon · 81.9K Views

Level Up in Earth Evolution

The Earth's Evolution begins with the first phase Monster Invasion, and everyone receiving a system. The system allows them to choose classes like RPG games: Warrior, Mage, Paladin, Healer, and many more. ____ Li Wei and Li Xin were both shut-in gamers and stepsiblings. They were bored with normal life and yearned to live as if they were in RPG games. When suddenly the world started to change suddenly like they wanted. Li Wei selected special class, "Jack-of-all-Trades," because he desired to master everything. There was no problem and everything was going well, when suddenly he was forced to accept the quest to kill gods, along with the upgrade of his system. Little did he know that he was chosen mistakenly because of his bad luck. However, every time he kills a monster, he gains 10× more XP and rewards than a normal person, making him stronger. ___ It was when the second phase of Earth Evolution starts, making everyone stunned because it begins with 'World Rebuilding.' The Earth begins to absorb nearby worlds, changing the whole map, adding dungeons and spawning monsters. The Earth was changing, similar to fantasy world's described in games and novels. ____ Li Wei and Li Xin were in trouble as people discovered their extraordinary strength; because of this they escape from the city of earth and head towards unknown forest where they stumbled upon a city from another world. The city was just like a fantasy where Adventures Guild existed with all kinds of quests. *** Author's Note: The story is slow paced, MC is overpowered and there is a lot of romance. There are also a lot of auxiliary chapters where I added the mc and his party's status such as their levels and skills. However it doesn't mean you have to read them it's just for people who wants to know more. *** Content Warning: R18, No NTR, No Yaoi *** LinkTree- Discord-
Around_The_Moon · 992.5K Views
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