Bonded with Love
The girl gave a sudden cry of protest. The leader of the beggars had caught her arm and, as she reached out for her dagger, the second man caught her free arm and twisted it up and away from her belt.......
Authur sighed and quickly turned throwing back his cloak and drew his sword from where it was hanging behind his left shoulder. Producing weapons from under their rag clothes, the band of four beggars turned to deal with the newcomer.
Authur sent the first man sprawling in the dust with a shrewd blow from his sword, as a dagger was raised to strike him. The second beggar had a cudgel, and as he slashed at Authur, he found himself facing an incredibly long sword, probably the longest he had seen in his life, snaking over the top of his hand to prick at his throat. The man howled, tripping over his feet in an effort to avoid the wicked looking sword. The third beggar attempted to come over from behind Authur, but Authur as if having eyes behind him quickly stepped to his right hand side, throwing his sword from his right hand to his left hand to meet the leader of the gang who himself had a wicked looking blade of his own also, which was sent flying at an incredibly fast speed from his hand. The leader howled and doubled over, clutching at his elbow.
It was over.........