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Reincarnated With A Glitched System: Why Is My MP Not Running Out?

Alternative Title: "Reincarnated as the Hero's Daughter: Why Is My MP Not Running Out? After living a life filled with hardships and suffering which ended in her ultimate sacrifice to protect her family and defeat the foes that she hated the most, our protagonist suddenly finds herself being brought to a white space where a God of Reincarnation quickly realizes he committed a mistake. "Wait, you're not from Earth?! Oh, my bad!" After being mistaken for a "good soul" due to her high positive karma count, she is reincarnated by error and given a glitched system as her only gift to explore this new world. Now, she finds herself being reincarnated as a half-elf girl named Sylph with two loving and doting parents. However, as she grows up, she begins to find weird things... "Why is my father just slaying a dragon leisurely?" "Eh? My mother can heal any wound or disease?!" "Wait! Why is my MP never running out? What's going on in here?!" Join Sylph as she explores a new world of endless possibilities, fights against the ghosts of the past that torment her parents’ lives, discovers herself and makes good friends along the way. Who knows? Perhaps this time she’ll even save the world! MP = Mana Points Over 100000 Words available for FREE! Daily Chapters Note : Vote for the Novel for extra weekly chapters. 100 Power Stones = 1 Extra Chapter per week 200 Power Stones = 2 Extra Chapters per week 500 Power Stones = 5 Extra chapters per week 10 Golden Tickets = 2 Extra chapters per week 20 Golden Tickets = 3 Extra chapters per week 50 Golden Tickets = 7 Extra chapters per week
PancakesWitch · 3.6M Views

Überraschende Heirat mit einem Milliardär

Rain Claytons Leben gerät aus den Fugen, als sie das Auto ihres betrügerischen Freundes demoliert, nur um herauszufinden, dass es nicht ihm gehört, sondern einem Fremden. Zu allem Überfluss entdeckt sie zufällig, dass sie mit diesem Fremden verheiratet ist, und zwar mit keinem Geringeren als Alexander Lancaster, dem zurückgezogen lebenden stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden und CEO der mächtigen Lancaster Group. Rain, die in einer Familie aufgewachsen ist, die sie misshandelt hat, und nun von ihrem Vater unter Druck gesetzt wird, den psychopathischen Sohn des Bürgermeisters zu heiraten, sieht diese überraschende Heirat als Segen an. Nach Jahren des Leidens scheint der Himmel endlich Mitleid mit ihr zu haben und schenkt ihr einen gut aussehenden Milliardärs-Ehemann - einen Mann, der rücksichtslos zu seinen Feinden ist und genau das, was sie braucht, um den Fängen ihrer Familie zu entkommen. Doch es gibt ein großes Problem: Alexander will die sofortige Scheidung. Rain ist fest entschlossen, ihn zu behalten, und handelt eine Verlängerung ihrer Ehe zu seinen Bedingungen aus. Jetzt muss sie ihn nur noch davon überzeugen, sie für immer zu behalten... Seit ihrer Überraschungshochzeit sind einige Wochen vergangen... "Was machst du da?" Rain platzte heraus, ihre Augen weit aufgerissen, als sie Alexander auf ihr Bett krabbeln sah. "Ich erfülle meine ehelichen Pflichten", antwortete er mit einem lässigen Grinsen. "Du kannst hier nicht schlafen! Das ist gegen unseren Vertrag!" "Ich breche ihn nicht", sagte Alexander achselzuckend. "Der Vertrag besagt, dass du alle ehelichen Pflichten erfüllst, nur nicht mein Bett teilst. Er sagt nichts darüber aus, dass ich meine ehelichen Pflichten nicht erfülle, auch nicht, dass ich dein Bett mit dir teile." Die Situation hatte sich verändert, und es schien, dass sie nicht mehr die einzige war, die die Kontrolle hatte...
Eustoma_Reyna · 25.2K Views

Transmigration: Le Petit Chef Mène la Danse

Le nouveau roman "Tremble, Grands Êtres de l'Univers" est actuellement en cours de publication~ Du jour au lendemain, une magnifique déesse de la cuisine se transforme en la méprisée Petite Étoile du Désastre Une maison délabrée de trois pièces, un père handicapé, une mère fragile et deux jeunes soeurs maigrichonnes à s'occuper Comment ?! Sa mère a donné naissance à trois filles juste parce qu'elle portait la poisse à la vie de ses oncles ? Son père est tombé du toit et est alité depuis six mois, juste parce qu'elle jouait avec de la boue à proximité ? Un seul coup de fil à ses grands-parents et l'un tombe malade tandis que l'autre a un accident ; même les fils chéris de la famille de son Oncle s'étouffent avec leur nourriture parce que, par hasard, c'est le jour de son anniversaire Humph ! L'Oncle pourrait le tolérer, mais pas la Tante ! Si je ne montre pas ma puissance, vont-ils tous me traiter comme le chat Garfield ?! Ils pensent qu'avec cinq taels d'argent, ils peuvent me vendre à un faible maladif pour porter bonheur ? Bien, puisque je suis la Petite Étoile du Désastre, transformons leur maison en zone de désastre ! Ils veulent vendre ma petite soeur dans une famille riche pour qu'elle devienne esclave ou servante ? Elle crie, saisit un hachoir, combat les démons qu'elle rencontre et pourfend les fantômes sur son passage. Dès lors, sa réputation de mégère sauvage se répand dans tout le village Tant pis si je suis sauvage. Pour l'amour des miens, je deviens avec joie la Dame de Cuisine peu commune. Avec mes talents culinaires exceptionnels, j'ouvre un restaurant, deviens une chef renommée, invente de nouvelles recettes, conquiers le cœur des gourmands, et même découvre de nouvelles façons d'amasser une grande fortune, menant ainsi ma famille toute entière vers la richesse et un meilleur niveau de vie ! Quant à ces parents sans honte qui reviennent lécher leur visage et reconnaitre des liens de parenté, elle offre un sourire sucré, les salue d'un geste de la main : Bon voyage. L’acte de désaveu est déjà encadré et accroché au mur ! Et pour les hommes, eh bien, même ma petite soeur le sait : Être beau ne remplit pas l'estomac. Un homme qui gagne de l'argent, gâte sa femme et suit les trois obéissances et les quatre vertus est un beau-frère de qualité supérieure. Déclaration sérieuse : Cet article est purement fictif. Veuillez ne pas imiter les intrigues, comportements, actions, etc. Chérissez votre vie et vivez bien~
Xin Yue Ge · 19.4K Views

Ich wurde zu einer Ehe verführt, nachdem es mir nicht gelungen war, den tyrannischen Großkotz zu bezirzen

# THERAPEUTISCH # EHEFRAUEN, DIE KOCHEN # HARTNÄCKIG Sang Qianqian, die älteste Tochter der Familie Sang, war achtzehn Jahre alt, als sie sich auf den ersten Blick in Shen Hanyu verliebte. "Ich liebe dich, Shen Hanyu." "Aber ich nicht", antwortete Shen Hanyu unbarmherzig, jedes Wort entschlossen. "Wütend plante die wohlhabende Tochter ihre Rache an Shen Hanyu, musste aber feststellen, dass er ein kaltblütiger, tyrannischer Großkotz werden würde, der ihre Familie zerstören würde! Nachdem sie ihn verlassen hatte, vermisste er Sang Qianqian wie verrückt, die nun ein sorgloses Leben führte, nachdem sie weit weggezogen war und ihren Tod vorgetäuscht hatte. Plötzlich hörte sie die Nachricht, dass Shen Hanyu, inzwischen ein Magnat und scheinbar noch verrückter, ihr Grab exhumieren ließ und nun auf der Suche nach ihr war. Alarmiert packte sie schnell ihre Sachen zusammen, um wieder zu fliehen... nur um festzustellen, dass der Mann selbst vor ihrer Tür stand und zähneknirschend sagte: "Wieder fliehen? Da sie wusste, dass eine Flucht aussichtslos war, änderte Sang Qianqian ihre Vorgehensweise und versuchte, sich mit Charme aus der gefährlichen Situation zu befreien, was ihr jedoch nicht gelang und sie sich schließlich selbst unterwarf.***Jahre später, als sie erkannte, dass sie ausgetrickst worden war, warf Sang Qianqiang die Scheidungspapiere vor Shen Hanyu. "Ich will die Scheidung!"Shen Qianyu zog sie einfach in seine Arme und beugte sich zu einem Kuss vor. Nach einer Weile zog er sie weg und fragte heiser: "Willst du immer noch die Scheidung? "Benommen von dem Kuss murmelte Song Qianqian: "Nein..." "Dann nenn mich Darling." "D-Darling... "Shen Hanyu nickte zufrieden. "Braves Mädchen."
Little Tower of Blossoms · 33.8K Views

Leyenda olvidada de la Flor Ensangrentada

``` —Vive la vida que deseas esta vez. Una asesina sin igual, nombre en código: Hua, ya había comenzado su carrera desde que era niña. Su historial de misiones era perfecto y aquellos que se consideraban sus enemigos acababan muertos sin saber por qué. Cuando la guerra terminó, fue enviada a una institución donde era vigilada estrechamente. El médico a cargo le dio una novela wuxia ordinaria para leer. Una avalancha ocurrió después de que terminó de leer. Cuando despertó, se había convertido en Nan Hua, la joven señorita de una poderosa familia militar en la novela que leyó. La chica también era la ex prometida del personaje principal, quien moriría por obstruir el amor del personaje principal. Ahora que ella había tomado el control, ¿quién se atrevería a actuar tan presuntuosamente a su alrededor? ¡Nunca sabrían cómo terminaron de manera tan miserable! Pero... personaje principal, ¿qué estás haciendo merodeando a su alrededor? ¿No deberías concentrarte en la guerra inminente y salvar a tu protagonista femenina? ¿Por qué estás intentando de todas las maneras ganarte su favor en cambio, eh? ... Historia situada en un mundo ficticio con cultura similar a la antigua China. Únete al discord para conversar con la autora y otros lectores: Agradecimiento especial para Jiyen (usuario de webnovel Cookiejiyen) que ha creado una hermosa portada *enviando corazones* ... PD: Esta historia también está publicada en Amazon, si la lees allí, por favor deja un comentario. Gracias ^^ ... Secuela: Flor Astral [en curso] ... Otras novelas: - Flores florecen del campo de batalla [completa] - Bajo el velo de la noche [completa] - 7 Caminos de los Lirios [en pausa larga] - 1 Año de Comienzo [completa] - Dama Villana [completa] - Ciencia y Fantasía [completa] - 2 Años de Reinicio [completa] - La Emperatriz Silenciosa [en curso] - La Pequeña Gata del Villano [en curso] ... Sígueme en IG: @sora100518 ```
Sorahana · 106.7K Views

Wiedergeborene Jungfräulein: Phoenix in leuchtendem Rot

[Status: ABGESCHLOSSEN] In ihrem früheren Leben hatte Adrienne Jiang alle Mittel eingesetzt, um das Leben ihrer Mutter zu retten. Ihr Vater hatte sie vernachlässigt, nachdem er seine Geliebte geheiratet hatte, und ließ zu, dass das Mutter-Tochter-Gespann sie bis zum Ende schikanierte. Der ältere Bruder, auf den sie sich verlassen zu können glaubte, zeigte ihr die kalte Schulter und schimpfte sie stattdessen aus, weil sie die lebenserhaltenden Maßnahmen ihrer Mutter nicht abgeschnitten hatte. In ihrer Verzweiflung wäre Adrienne beinahe in die von ihrer Stiefschwester gestellte Falle getappt. Schließlich ging sie eine vertragliche Ehe mit dem Bruder ihrer besten Freundin, Alistair Han, ein, für den sie schon seit ihrer Jugend schwärmte. Erst dann erkannte sie, dass der Mann manipulativ und obsessiv war und sie nicht aus den Augen lassen wollte. Sie wurde behandelt wie ein Vogel, der in einem goldenen Käfig gefangen ist. Am Ende fand sie durch den Verrat ihres Bruders den Tod, und alles ging im Feuer unter. Nach ihrer Wiedergeburt war sie entschlossen, nicht länger ein Taugenichts zu sein. Lennox Qin, der bösartige junge Herr der Familie Qin, sollte das nächste Familienoberhaupt werden. Aufgrund eines Vorfalls wurde er jedoch verkrüppelt und für unwürdig befunden. Als sich seine und Adriennes Wege kreuzten, kamen sie zu einer Übereinkunft. "Ich werde dich heiraten, um dein Unglück zu vertreiben und für zwei Jahre deine Frau zu sein. Im Gegenzug erlaubst du mir, dich zu benutzen, um die Familien Han und Jiang zu vernichten." Der Mann, der im Rollstuhl saß, hob bei ihrer Erklärung nur eine Augenbraue. Dann verzogen sich seine Lippen zu einem verwegenen Lächeln und er stimmte ohne mit der Wimper zu zucken zu. Doch als die Zeit fast abgelaufen war, beeilte er sich, sie davon zu überzeugen, in ihrer Ehe zu bleiben. "Madame Qin verdient nur das Beste. Wenn es die Welt ist, die du dir wünschst, werde ich sie dir auf einem Silbertablett servieren. Du kannst die ganze Welt haben, aber Liebling, vergiss nicht, dass dir zwar alles gehört, aber du gehörst zu mir." Adrienne runzelte die Stirn. "Aber du magst mich doch gar nicht ..." Sie überlegte, dass ihr Mann vielleicht den Verstand verloren hatte. "Nein, das habe ich nicht, aber ich liebe dich jetzt. Du bist sogar die Einzige, an die ich in diesen Tagen denke." Es schien ihr jedoch, dass nicht nur ihr Mann versuchte, ihre Aufmerksamkeit zu gewinnen, sondern auch ihre Schwiegereltern. Herausgeber/Korrekturleser: ninaviews Warnung für zukünftige r18-Szenen und Themen, die nicht für ein junges Publikum geeignet sind. Copyright2023 anjeeriku
anjeeriku · 40.2K Views

O Príncipe Amaldiçoado

``` Este livro é sobre fazer bebês. [COMPLETO no capítulo 715] O príncipe herdeiro foi amaldiçoado no dia em que nasceu, prevendo que jamais seria feliz. Pior ainda, nenhuma mulher poderia tocá-lo sem morrer. Assim, encontrar uma esposa para gerar um herdeiro tornou-se o maior desafio da família real, já que o príncipe é filho único. Até que um dia.. uma servo que tentou matá-lo não morreu após tocá-lo. Emmelyn era uma princesa de uma de suas colônias que jurou vingar a morte de sua família matando o príncipe herdeiro. E foi assim que ela acabou no seu castelo. Percebendo que ela era a única mulher com quem ele poderia ter um relacionamento sexual, sem matá-la, o príncipe fez um acordo para deixá-la ir e libertar seu reino de sua opressão se ela lhe desse três herdeiros. Emmelyn disse sim, mas todos os dias que estavam juntos, ela fazia planos para matá-lo e obter sua vingança. Emmelyn conseguirá o que deseja, ou acabará cada vez mais envolvida com o inimigo que era considerado o próprio diabo encarnado pelos seus adversários? EXCERTO: "Você será a mãe dos meus filhos," disse o homem com um tom autoritário. Suas palavras descaradas deixaram Emmelyn sem palavras e chocada, ainda mais do que o beijo que ele havia dado em seus lábios antes. "Eu preciso de três filhos de você." "Eh... espera.. o quê? Espere um minuto," Emmelyn, que saiu de seu choque, esfregou os lábios apressadamente como se tentasse remover as marcas do diabo deles. "Eu não quero ser sua esposa! Não quero me casar com você, seu diabo!!" O homem franziu a testa e estreitou os olhos ameaçadoramente. "Quem falou alguma coisa sobre casamento?" NO DIA SEGUINTE "Vamos," disse o príncipe. "Vamos pra onde?" perguntou Emmelyn, sem entender. "Vamos fazer bebês." *** CONFIRA MEUS OUTROS LIVROS com todos os maridos devotados: - A Esposa do Rei é a Companheira do Alfa - EM ANDAMENTO - O Rei Amaldiçoado - COMPLETO - Em Busca do Pó de Estrela - COMPLETO - Os Alquimistas - COMPLETO - O Príncipe Que Não Pode Se Apaixonar - COMPLETO - Até Que A Morte Nos Separe - COMPLETO EU NÃO FAÇO HISTÓRIAS DE ROMANCE LENTO. Este livro é MUITO ENGRAÇADO e MUITO PICANTE. Apenas para ADULTOS e pessoas de mente aberta. ME COMPRE UM CAFÉ? Assista ao trailer do livro no TikTok/Instagram: @missrealitybites Servidor do Discord: ```
Missrealitybites · 73.1K Views

What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

In the most cliched fashion, a giant truck-kun smashed into my World, killing everyone with it. And in the next most cliched event, I was given a second chance in life by the gods to live another life in a world of swords, magic and dragons! It’s literally a dream come true! Be a hero? Who has the time?! Conquer the world? Like hell I’ll do something so troublesome! Diving into dungeons, exploring ancient ruins and meeting all the weirdos of the world? Sign me right up!! I’m only interested in travelling the world to find the most interesting materials I can use to write the best story I can! I’ll show you my creativity and dazzle this new world with the stories I’ll write! I’ll fight with dragons, swim with krakens, wrestle giants, eat all the cakes and bed the beauties! Time to live this life however I want! Eh? A psycho is running around the world saying that they are the hero who will slay the demon lord? Why is there such a crazy person? There’s someone out there threatening the world with nukes? How did they even find out how to make those? Some crazy hobo is going into other people’s houses to smash pots to look for money? That guy really must be crazy. What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy? ----- [Character Creation:] [Gender:] [Male] [Female] >[Futa] *** Notes: Any R-rated scenes will be denoted by a '*' followed by an 'R' with the number of 'R's showing how much of it is R-rated. '*R' would be around 25%, '*RR' would be about 50% and '*RRR' would most likely be the entire chapter. You can join our discord through this link:
Draekai · 4.4M Views

Verliebt in meinen unfreiwilligen CEO-Ehemann

Das Aufwachen aus dem Koma war die geringste von Serenas Sorgen, als sie erfährt, dass sie verheiratet ist! Sie kann sich nicht mehr erinnern, wer sie ist. Ihre Eltern haben vor, sie zu töten. Was macht eine junge Frau in so einer Situation? Sie fängt natürlich ihren gutaussehenden, reichen Ehemann ein! Serena wird ihn nicht gehen lassen, bis sie die Wahrheit herausgefunden hat. Aiden Hawk hat aus Bequemlichkeit geheiratet. Von seiner Großmutter erpresst, hat er sich den perfekten Plan ausgedacht. Eine Frau auf dem Sterbebett zu heiraten und die Rolle ihres trauernden Liebhabers zu spielen. Wenn sie stirbt, kann er tun und lassen, was er will! Doch zur Überraschung aller kam sie lebend zurück! Mehr noch, sie klebt an ihm wie Leim! Wird ihre zufällige Ehe funktionieren oder werden sie für immer getrennt sein? *Picture credits: Queenfrieza Schnipsel: Ihre Augen weiteten sich vor Schreck, als er hinüberging und die Tür des Krankenhauszimmers mit einem Klicken verschloss. "Was tun Sie da?", fragte sie zittrig. Der Ausdruck auf seinem Gesicht gefiel ihr nicht. Er hob eine Augenbraue und zog grinsend den Mundwinkel hoch. "Was glaubst du denn, was ich tue?" "Warum... warum hast du die Tür verschlossen?" "Meine Frau ... Du bist nach so langer Zeit aufgewacht. Natürlich muss ich etwas Zeit mit dir verbringen, ohne dass du mich störst..." Serena beobachtete ihn, als er auf sie zuging, seine Anwesenheit schien den Raum zu erfüllen. Ihr Herz drohte ihr fast aus der Brust zu springen... Sie wollte vom Bett springen, aber ihre Beine waren nutzlos und sie hatte keine Kraft...
har_k · 8.9K Views

The Crimson General Desires no Prince! (GL)

A festive day, a week have the kingdom of Polestin celebrated for their victory with the crimson general leading their army. The soldiers who served have been guaranteed a spot inside a local bar of the capital city. Clank! "The Crimson General despite being a woman is a talented warrior! Three cheers for the general!" "That woman saved me when I needed it! All hail the general!" "She's like a sister to all the soldier! All hail our general!" Every warrior kept on drinking as the news reached them that the war with their neighboring kingdom was over, the ruler raised their white flag as they asked for mercy- being beneath the crimson general. "General! Come drink with us!" "..." The Crimson General, for how she got her name is because of her crimson hair that became the trademark of her legendary name already spreading across the many kingdoms. "I don't drink." she denies the invitation her comrades and just sat down on the table watching the others enjoy themselves. "Enjoy, general! You might even find a man here that suits to your liking! You know... your type I think...! The general would love a soft-spoken man!" "...No." "Hah! That's a shame! In any case I heard that you'll be receiving a reward for helping win the war!" "A reward... I wonder what could it be." ... The reward: "You can choose any of my children to marry you. I have the finest royal princes for you to choose. That is my reward." The King motions to his left side showing his sons who smiles, sitting in their throne meeting her gaze.. "Eh?" "My liege, forgive me but this is..." "Are my children not good enough for you? General, I applaud your accomplishment. Isn't marrying into the royal family a good enough reward for the general?" The King asked the general who swallowed the lump in her throat looking at the princes in display. "I choose-!" Everyone stopped and waiting for the girl to continue. "I choose the princess instead!"
Zerin_Lee · 79K Views

Skill Forge: Broken Extra Character

Amidst the eerie silence of an unfamiliar hall, a cacophony of confused voices rose, mingling in a chorus of bewilderment. "Where are we?" "What happened?" "I thought I died!" Each utterance hung in the air, a testament to the collective disbelief gripping the room. As the haze of confusion lifted, disjointed memories surfaced, fragments of lives cut short by tragedy. "I remember... I was stabbed..." ventured one voice, echoed by another's affirmation of a similar fate. "I... I died in a plane crash," muttered a third, only to be met with a stunned agreement from a fellow survivor. Amidst the chaos of bewildered voices, one man stood apart, his expression a mask of contemplation amidst the turmoil. As his companions recounted their brushes with death, his mind churned with questions, each more confounding than the last. "I got shot... I remember it vividly," he murmured to himself, his voice barely audible above the din. "So how am I still here?" The enigma of their shared resurrection gnawed at him, compelling him to seek answers in the depths of his memories. With each revelation of a paired demise—a male and female, bound by the same tragic fate—a flicker of recognition ignited within him. "This... this seems familiar," he mused, the pieces of a puzzle slowly coalescing in his mind. But the picture remained incomplete, obscured by the fog of uncertainty that shrouded their surroundings. As the words "pairs, pairs, pairs" echoed in his mind like a cryptic mantra, a sudden realization struck him with the force of a revelation. "It can't be... don't tell me..." he whispered, his voice trembling with disbelief. With a sense of urgency, he began to scan his surroundings, searching for any sign or clue that could confirm his suspicions. Then, as if guided by an unseen force, his gaze shifted upwards, and there, bathed in an ethereal light, stood an angelic figure with golden apparel, its gaze fixed upon him with a warm smile. The sight took his breath away, filling him with a mixture of awe and trepidation. The man's heart raced as faced a real angel, his mind struggling to comprehend the surreal encounter unfolding before him. The angel's words, spoken with an air of amusement, only deepened the enigma shrouding their meeting. "I never expected anyone to notice me," the angel remarked, a hint of playfulness in its voice. "I was concealing my presence to let everyone fully calm down, but to think someone noticed me. Just who are you?" Ethan's disbelief and confusion intensified at the angel's question. "Eh... Ethan Rivers," he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. As Aurelia, the angel, finally revealed himself to the bewildered assembly, a hush fell over the room, each soul drawn in by his radiant presence and commanding aura. Ethan's gaze lingered on Aurelia. "Greetings, lost souls," Aurelia declared, his voice resonating with a majestic power that seemed to fill the very air around them. "I am Aurelia, and I shall be your guide to your new life." As Aurelia extended his arms in a gesture of welcome, Ethan felt a surge of rage and hesitation, "This it bad, really bad."
Dark_Eyez · 961.6K Views

[BL] My Darling Host Refuses To Take Off His Fursuit!!

My first novel yaey (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧ Guwuys I don't settle for 1.5k words per chapter but do tell me if I need to shorten them huhuwu Give this book a chance ples (⁠´⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠ω⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠`⁠) ——— Furan Shi only wanted to be a cutie little princess. That's it. So when he died, nobody missed him. After his family and relatives, the next person to attend his funeral was his homeroom teacher and friends™, his murderer, and then a mysterious red-eyed crow. Said mysterious crow sucked his soul right out and offered him a better life than this. No, he still won't be a cutie princess, but he can be the next best thing after that. He was invited to transmigrate into different realities without any restrictions. It wasn't a Villain system, a Cannon fodder system... it doesn't belong to any category. Just experiencing the worlds should be enough to satisfy it. Furan Shi agreed with one condition. Filter: ‘Animal Characteristics’ System: Are you… sure about this? Furan Shi, pouting: Is that not possible..? System: … you're welcome to do as you like =͟͟͞͞(꒪ᗜ꒪‧̣̥̇) [Yes, this is a quick transmigration novel.] [Yes, all cutesy cutie pie bc I am sad.] [Yes, the host is always a demihuman, more often than not part animal haha.] [No, the host isn't always an animal demihuman.] [And no, this isn't necessarily about furries. Eh, but I'm open to negotiations.. ╮(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)╭] I do apologize in advance. I can only offer a small, squishy Furan Shi with ears and tail(/s). Also, I'm trying my best to make this as light-themed as possible for people like me who just wanted to relax, aka not much brain games... ehe..
santaVanilla · 21.4K Views

Oops, Mommy Slept With A Tyrant

As the overweight daughter of the Sutton family, Kelsie is an eyesore to everyone. Her father can't wait to get rid of her, his wife and their daughter daughter too. The man she's supposed to marry can't stand her and looks for ways to end their engagement, all to no avail. But on the day she's to get married, she finds out she's pregnant. Her fiancé finally uses the opportunity to break off his engagement to her and her father sends her packing to her aunt in another city never to return after she refuses to remove the baby like he asked her to. Six years later, she returns to the city to claim her position as the heiress of her mother's fortune, which her father and his wife and daughter has been living off of all these years. But not as the overweight duckling everyone expected, but as a stunning, glamorous woman. Behind her are three children: a daughter who looks exactly like her, a handsome son, and another handsome son who looks too much like the most powerful man in the city. Unexpectedly, the dimwit, her fiancé who broke off their engagement comes begging for them to get married like they were supposed to. "So what if you're stunning now and lost all that weight? Everyone knows you used to be an ugly duckling. Who knows the underhanded ways you resorted to to lose weight. Forget our past and marry me again." The woman looked at him and snickered. "Aren't you the heir of the Baker family? Why would you marry a fatso like me?" The man huffed and said arrogantly. "Hmph! Do whatever you want. But I assure you that no one in Silicon Valley will want to marry a woman saddled with bastard children" The triplets came up on his face and snorted in disdain. "Who's this? Where is daddy when a man like this harasses mommy?” “I told you he wasn’t worth her. Hurry up and call him quickly.” The man who was in the middle of a conference call ended it as soon as he heard the news and went straight to where she was. “Are you hitting on my wife? Bastards? Are you calling the beloved children of Jett Adler bastards?” “Eh-what? Jett Adler? The most powerful man in the city? How is that even possible!”
LittleGoddess_ · 21K Views

The Extra's Dominance

'My life is boring.' Cole thought when he was 14 years old. He thinks that there's nothing special about him or his life. And he thought that the only reason he was alive is because he was not dead yet. But then, at the age of 16, Cole developed a hobby. And that's reading novels. When he's reading, he feels emotions he normally wouldn't feel! Cole feels like he's been brought into a different world! And reading novels makes him forget about the boredom he's feeling! So he really enjoys and like novels! To the point that he even started making one! Yes, Cole became a novel author and his works were seen and read by many people around the world! And seeing people talking about his work and supporting him made Cole enjoy writing too! But after reading and writing novels again and again for a long, Cole started to feel less excitement and thrill in doing them... Nevertheless, he didn't stop. Cole feels like he would be bored to death if he stop, so he just continued. Ting-! "Huh?" But then one day, while Cole was reading through the comments of his novel. He received a mail... The sender was anonymous and the content of it didn't make sense to him. "My work has been chosen...?" "They will grant my wish?" "What kind of bullshit is this?" So Cole didn't pay attention to the mail. ... "Eh?" But then, he suddenly woke up in a different body and a different world! Cole was sent inside his novel! And he became Raven Obadiah? Who's that? The protagonist? No. The villain? No. One of the major characters? No. I don't know who the fuck Raven is too! Cole doesn't know him too! In short, he's just a fucking extra with no importance in the novel! But there's something weird about Raven's life that Cole doesn't know... And Cole, receiving a chance to have a life he could only dream of in the past... "Hiding strength?" "Staying an extra?" "Letting the main characters handle everything?" "Those sounds boring as fuck!" Cole, or should I say, Raven, decided to live a life full of excitement! He will do whatever he wants, and he wouldn't let anyone stop him!
Drei05 · 1.8M Views


Eloise Xaquille ialah seorang lelaki tampan berkacukan perancis yang di lahirkan di Portugal,Dia seorang lelaki yang tampan dan bergaya, berbadan Maskular,Tegas dalam bekerja, tidak suka membuang masa dan tidak takut kepada apa-apa ancaman yang akan datang pada dirinya. Laleta Amara ialah seorang gadis berasal dari Malaysia,Laleta Amara seorang yang ceria,jujur orangnya dan tidak suka berbohong, seorang gadis yang straight to the point,ayu dan juga matang.Laleta amat menyukai Bunga tulip kerana baginya bunga tulip sangat cantik bila ia mekar. Maka terjadilah pertemuan yang tidak di jangka antara Eloise dan Laleta. "Sorry sir....I didn't mean it"-Laleta Amara "Eh tidak mengapa cik...manis.."-Eloise Xaquille "Eh..boleh cakap melayu?"-Laleta Amara "eh.. mestilah,Saya ada Muhammad dan bin.Muhammad Eloise Xaquille Bin Ahmad David Hamdan,Daddy saya orang Portugal kacukan Melayu, mummy saya Dahlia Hilda berkacukan Perancis dan Melayu"-Eloise Xaquille "Waw ..rumit..."-Laleta Amara "Haha,So how about you?"-Eloise Xaquille "Nurul Laleta Amara Binti Ahmad Khaliff"-Laleta Amara "Laleta means...Tulips in Bulgaria, right? Ms.Tulip?"- Eloise Xaquille "Yeah... how did you know?"-Laleta Amara "Saya study kat sana dulu"-Eloise Xaquille "ohh...tapi muka Encik tak macam asia.. but tadi Encik cakap parents Encik ada mix dari luar Malaysia..."-Laleta Amara "Eu nasci em portugal..."-Eloise Xaquille "Huh? apa portugal?"-Laleta Amara "i was born in Portugal" -Eloise Xaquille Sejak pertemuan itu, Eloise meminta number talifon Laleta untuk memudahkan dia menghubungi Laleta memandangkan Laleta ialah pekerja di Syarikat milik keluarganya. "Good morning are you?"-Eloise Xaquille "Good morning Mr.boss...i'm good,how about you?"-Laleta Amara "A bit mess lah..i think.. i'm gonna die soon...i miss you..."-Eloise Xaquille "Huh?"-Laleta Amara "i said,i miss you..."-Eloise Xaquille "Mengada Awak ni boss"-Laleta Amara Eloise hanya tersenyum nakal sambil mengenyitkan sebelah mata kepada Laleta.
sitinurbazilah · 132 Views

Resource System

After being mysteriously transmigrated to another world, Zastan Miles awakens a system that changes everything. [Ding!] [Resource System activated!] [Starter Pack opened.] [Congratulations! You've obtained the 'Gold Mine'] Gold Mine(Level 1) Producing 0.22g/second | 5$ worth of gold every second ... Zastan soon discovers that the System offers a variety of mines. Dirt Mine - 1000$ Stone Mine - 2500$ Iron Mine - 10000$ Gold Mine - 100000000$ Diamond Mine - 2500000000$ Upon reaching level 2, he unlocks the System Mall, which operates on a different currency: Points. These points are earned by producing various items, ranging from Metal Rods (1 Point) to Wooden Furniture (5 Points). The points can then be obtained by producing things from Metal Rods(1 Point), Wooden Furniture(5 Points), and so on. All-cure pill - 100 Points AI Technology - 100,000 Points Anti-Gravity engine - 50,000,000 Points Dyson Sphere Technology - 1,000,000,000 Points Biochemical Person: An Artificial human being with 100% loyalty to the host. MK1: 100 Points - Standard human stats MK2: 500 Points - 3x standard human stats MK3: 5,000 Points - 10x standard human stats Zastan begins his journey by traveling to the city of Luminae. With gold in hand, he sold these then started production. He started off from selling metal rods by the thousands. His ambitions grew, leading him to establish a furniture company that generates tens of thousands of Points daily, followed by an electronics company producing hundreds of thousands of Points. Not stopping there, he formed 'Dragon', a mercenary group that becomes legendary for its flawless record. Feared and respected, Dragon rises to prominence as the world’s most formidable mercenary force. With the wealth from Dragon, Zastan launches 'Genesis', a technology company decades ahead of anything the world has seen. Those who try to steal his groundbreaking innovations face swift and ruthless retaliation from Dragon. As whispers spread, people begun to connect the dots, realizing that one man stands behind both the mercenary group and the tech giant. A man whose wealth and power rival entire nations. A man who treats their world as his personal playground. And the question is—what will he do next? Take over the world? Treat everyone as his 'things'?
Zoroku · 36.6K Views

Mendadak Menikah

Follow Instagram @sere_nity_lee untuk info novel terbaru Serenity Lee Juara 4 WPC 32 #59 Female Lead Menikahi Pria Asing || Vol 1-3 TAMAT ======================== "Jadi, Mas, dosen aku?" tanya Audia saat mereka berdua dalam perjalanan di dalam mobil pribadi Alvin. Alvin berdehem sekali. "Ya, begitulah." "Pantes aku, kok, kaya ngerasa kenal sama muka Mas Alvin," tutur Audia menyocokan memorinya. "Mas ngajar apa, ya?"  "Arsitektur." Audia menganggukan kepala sambil mulutnya membentuk huruf 'o'. 'Eh?  ....  Wait  ...  what?' Tiba-tiba syaraf-syaraf otaknya menekan memori di hipokampus. "Pak Mandala?" tanya Audia memastikan. Yang langsung mendapat anggukan dari Alvin. "No way!" jerit Audia tidak percaya. Matanya membulat menatap lekat Alvin. "Kenapa?" tanya Alvin heran. "Pak Mandala yang kutau, mengajar memakai kacamata. Kok, bisa beda banget, ya, tanpa kacamata?" ujar Audia masih tidak percaya, bahwa yang di hadapannya ini adalah 'pak Mandala yang itu'. Dosen angkuh, sok cool, pelit senyum, muka datar,  killer. Sangat berbeda dengan Alvin yang kini menjadi suaminya. Tak disangka 'pak Mandala yang itu' dan Alvin—suaminya, ternyata adalah orang yang sama. 'Orang menyebalkan itu ternyata suamiku?' batinnya. 'Oh tidaaaaaak!' * * *** Calon mempelai wanita mendadak mengundurkan diri dari pernikahan karena perjodohan. Kemudian kabur dan tidak diketahui kabar beritanya. Tinggallah sang calon mempelai pria terdiam terpaku di hadapan tamu undangan. Bimbang sesaat. Membatalkan akad nikahnya atau mencari calon mempelai wanita pengganti dadakan. Hingga netranya menangkap seorang wanita bergaun putih yang duduk di antara tamu undangan. Yang tak lain adalah mahasiswa di kampusnya tempat ia baru saja mengajar. Sebagai dosen pengganti. Bagaimanakah kelanjutan kisah pernikahan mereka ini? Akankah benih-benih cinta tumbuh di antara dua orang asing ini? Dengan segudang tanda tanya pada hati sang mempelai wanita, mengapa dirinya yang dipilih di antara sekian banyak wanita lajang lainnya yang turut hadir di pernikahan akbar anak salah satu pengusaha real estate terkenal di Indonesia itu. Cover === SIMAK KOMENTAR DI SETIAP BAB, SUDAH TAYANG KUIS DADAKAN DAN BERHADIAH SOUVENIER MENARIK UNTUK PEMBACA SETIA MENDADAK MENIKAH ^^ MASUKKAN COLLECTION/TAP LOVE/ADD SEBELUM BACA. AGAR CERITA INI ADA DI DALAM DAFTAR BACAAN KAKAK DAN MENDAPAT NOTIFIKASI SAAT UPDATE BAB BARU ^^ DUKUNG TERUS CERITA INI YA KAK DENGAN MELEMPAR POWER STONE SI BATU BIRU UNTUK CERITA INI! — 1 POWER STONE NANTINYA KAKAK DAPAT 1 VOUCHER GRATIS LHO BUAT BUKA BUKU YANG TERKUNCI. JANGAN LUPA, REVIEW BINTANG 5 YA! MAMPIR JUGA KE CERITAKU YANG LAIN YA KAK: 1. Elegi Cinta Asha 2. ALISHA (PRETENDING) 3. Zarina the Abandoned CEO 4. Terpotek Cinta CEO Botak tapi Ganteng 5. Annethaxia Luo Putri Negeri Salju 6. Saat Kita Muda 7. Angela the Alpha's Mate TERIMA KASIH
Serenity_Lee · 833.8K Views
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