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Inuyasha Dearest

El Amor de un Licántropo

``` —Él detuvo el auto. El agarre en la manta se tensó mientras Raine se preguntaba si había hecho algo mal. Podía sentirlo cuando Torak extendió su mano hacia ella. ¿Me golpeará? Raine se estremeció con ese pensamiento. Torak le retiró la capucha de la cabeza y suavemente apartó su cabello detrás de su oreja. —No —dijo él firmemente—. Quiero verte, no te escondas... —“El espíritu del ángel guardián insuflará nueva vida en el niño humano. Tres ángeles guardianes nacerán de nuevo en el mundo terrenal y los tres serán sus protectores”. —¡¿Protectores?! —Jedrek estalló—. Al final, se detuvo y se giró para mirar a la diosa de la luna desde la lejanía, sus ojos brillaban rojos de ira. Su lobo estaba furioso. —¿Por qué crees que ayudaremos? —preguntó Kace entrecerrando sus ojos negros como la obsidiana, su lobo había tomado control de él. Él era el más joven de los tres y el menos temperamental entre ellos. Los tres habían sido maldecidos por Selene debido a sus acciones feroces para obtener poder y autoridad supremos. La diosa de la luna no les bendijo con una compañera como castigo de su conducta atroz y los forzó a involucrarse en esta guerra mortal con los demonios. —¿Nos convertirás en esclavos de esas criaturas enfermizas!? —preguntó Torak incrédulo—. ¿No temes que los partamos en dos? El ángel guardián era tan frágil y ellos, como licántropos, no apreciaban las debilidades. —No, no lo harán —dijo Selene con paciencia—. No serán sus esclavos ni les harán daño, los cuidarán en todas las formas posibles. Jedrek rió de manera amenazante al oír esto, no les importaba la resurrección de la bestia, una vez que cruzaban su territorio, con o sin el ángel guardián, desgarraría sus cuerpos. —Seré la última persona que verán, en cuanto los encuentre —se refería tanto al ángel guardián como al demonio. Pero, la siguiente voz de Selene estaba teñida de alegría cuando habló. —No lastimarás a tu compañera. ============================ Sesión 1 (capítulo 1 - 394): Torak Donovan - Raine (completado). Sesión 2 (capítulo 395 - 628): Kace Donovan - Esperanza (completado) Sesión 3 (capítulo 629 - 1083): Jedrek Donovan - Lila (completado) Sesión 4 (capítulo 1084 - en curso): Historias Paralelas ============================ Esta es una historia de hombres lobo y, por supuesto, ¡de fantasía! Como cada quien tiene su propia versión de la vida sobrenatural, aquí estoy intentando escribir la mía. Si has leído otras historias de hombres lobo, te darás cuenta de que existen similitudes y diferencias. ============================ ***¡Precaución! El inglés no es mi primer idioma, así que es posible que encuentres errores gramaticales (aunque no es mi intención), si te resulta incómodo, por favor házmelo saber para que pueda corregirlo. *Has sido advertido ^^ ¡Todo comentario constructivo es muy bienvenido! .......................................................................................... ##Encuéntrame en Instagram: jikan_yo_tomare ##Portada por: @Gisel.arts Echa un vistazo a mis otras historias: **PURPLE DAWN TILL DUSK: dearest through the time **THE STORY OF DUSK ```
jikanyotomare · 195.2K Views

L'Amour d'un Lycan

``` TERMINÉ ! Extrait : Il y a un an, Raine a été libérée de l'institution mentale et a dû vivre dans l'orphelinat. Ce n'était pas le meilleur endroit. Surtout pas pour quelqu'un comme elle. Jusqu'à cette nuit fatidique où elle l'a rencontré. *** Il arrêta la voiture. L'étreinte sur la couverture se resserra alors que Raine se demandait si elle avait fait quelque chose de mal. Elle le sentait lorsque Torak tendait la main vers elle. Va-t-il me frapper ? Raine frissonna à cette pensée. Torak repoussa la capuche de sa tête et replaça doucement ses cheveux derrière son oreille. "Ne fais pas ça." Il dit fermement, "Je veux te voir, ne te cache pas..." ************** "L'esprit de l'ange gardien insufflera une nouvelle vie à l'enfant humain. Trois anges gardiens naîtront de nouveau dans le monde terrestre et vous trois serez leurs protecteurs." "Protecteurs !?" s'exclama Jedrek. Finalement, il s'arrêta de marcher et se retourna pour regarder la déesse lunaire de loin, ses yeux luisants de colère rouge. Son loup était furieux. "Pourquoi penses-tu que nous aiderons ?" demanda Kace en rétrécissant ses yeux noirs d'obsidienne, son loup prenant le contrôle de lui. Il était le plus jeune des trois et le moins colérique d'entre eux. Les trois étaient maudits par Sélène à cause de leur action féroce pour acquérir un pouvoir suprême et une autorité. La déesse lunaire ne les a pas bénis avec une âme sœur comme punition de leur manière atroce et les a forcés à s'impliquer dans cette guerre mortelle avec les démons. "Vous allez nous transformer en esclaves pour ces créatures maladives !?" demanda Torak avec incrédulité. "N'as-tu pas peur que nous les brisions en deux ?" L'ange gardien était si fragile et eux, en tant que lycanthropes, n'appréciaient pas les faiblesses. "Non, vous ne le ferez pas." dit Sélène avec patience. "Vous ne serez pas leurs esclaves ni ne leur ferez de mal, vous les chérirez de toutes les manières possibles." Jedrek rit menaçant en entendant cela, ils se fichaient de la résurrection de la bête, une fois qu'elle traversait leur territoire, avec ou sans l'ange gardien, il déchirerait leur corps en morceaux. "Je serai la dernière personne qu'ils verront, une fois que je les trouverai." Il faisait référence à l'ange gardien et au démon. Mais, la prochaine voix de Sélène était empreinte de bonne humeur lorsqu'elle parla. "Tu ne blesseras pas ton âme sœur." ============================ Session 1 (chapitre 1 - 394) : Torak Donovan - Raine (terminée). Session 2 (chapitre 395 - 628) : Kace Donovan - Espérance (terminée) Session 3 (chapitre 629 - 1083) : Jedrek Donovan - Lilac (terminée) Session 4 (chapitre 1084 - en cours) : Histoires annexes ============================ Ceci est une histoire de loup-garou et bien sûr de la fantasy ! Comme tout le monde a sa propre version de la vie surnaturelle, voici que j'essaie d'écrire la mienne. Si vous avez lu d'autres histoires de loups-garous, vous remarquerez qu'il y a des similitudes et des différences. ============================ ***Attention ! L'anglais n'est pas ma langue maternelle, il est donc possible que vous trouviez des erreurs grammaticales (je ne l'ai pas fait intentionnellement), si cela vous met mal à l'aise, veuillez me le faire savoir afin que je puisse corriger cela. *Vous êtes prévenus ^^ Toute critique constructive est la bienvenue ! .......................................................................................... ##Rencontrez-moi sur Instagram : jikan_yo_tomare ##Couverture par : @Gisel.arts Découvrez mes autres histoires : **PURPLE DAWN TILL DUSK: dearest through the time **THE STORY OF DUSK ```
jikanyotomare · 71.3K Views

Cinta Seorang Lycan

``` SELESAI! Potongan: Setahun yang lalu Raine keluar dari lembaga kejiwaan dan harus tinggal di panti asuhan. Itu bukan tempat terbaik. Paling tidak, tidak untuk seseorang sepertinya. Hingga satu malam yang menentukan dia bertemu dengannya. *** Ia menghentikan mobilnya. Cengkeraman pada selimut itu semakin kuat saat Raine bertanya-tanya apakah dia telah melakukan sesuatu yang salah. Ia bisa merasakannya ketika Torak mengulurkan tangannya kepadanya. Apakah dia akan memukul saya? Raine menggigil dengan pemikiran itu. Torak menarik kap hoodie Raine sehingga terbuka dan dengan lembut merapikan rambutnya ke belakang telinganya. "Jangan." Katanya tegas, "Aku ingin melihatmu, jangan menyembunyikan dirimu…" ************** “Roh dari malaikat pelindung akan meniupkan kehidupan baru ke dalam anak manusia. Tiga malaikat pelindung akan terlahir kembali ke dunia duniawi dan kalian bertigalah yang akan menjadi penjaga mereka.” “Penjaga!!?” Jedrek terkejut. Akhirnya, ia berhenti berjalan dan berbalik untuk memandang dewi bulan dari kejauhan, matanya berkilat merah dalam kemarahan. Serigala dalam dirinya sangat marah. “Kenapa kau pikir kami akan membantu?” tanya Kace sambil menyempitkan matanya yang serupa obsidian hitam, serigalanya mengambil alih dirinya. Dia adalah yang termuda di antara mereka bertiga dan yang paling bisa mengendalikan amarahnya. Mereka bertiga dikutuk oleh Selene karena tindakan buas mereka dalam mencari kekuasaan dan kekuatan tertinggi. Dewi bulan tidak memberkati mereka dengan pasangan sebagai hukuman atas cara mereka yang kejam dan memaksa mereka untuk terlibat dalam perang mematikan ini dengan para iblis. “Kau akan menjadikan kami budak bagi makhluk-makhluk sakit itu!?” Torak bertanya tidak percaya. “Tidakkah kau takut bahwa kami akan mematahkan mereka menjadi dua?” Malaikat pelindung sangat rapuh dan mereka sebagai lycanthrope tidak menghargai kelemahan. “Tidak, kalian tidak akan.” Selene berkata dengan sabar. “Kalian tidak akan menjadi budak mereka atau menyakiti mereka, kalian akan menghargai mereka dengan setiap cara yang mungkin.” Jedrek tertawa mengancam mendengar ini, mereka tidak peduli tentang kebangkitan si binatang buas, sekali mereka melewati wilayah mereka, dengan atau tanpa malaikat pelindung, dia akan merobek-robek tubuh mereka. "Saya akan menjadi orang terakhir yang mereka lihat, begitu saya menemukan mereka.” Ia mengacu pada malaikat pelindung dan iblis tersebut. Namun, suara berikutnya dari Selene dipenuhi dengan ceria saat dia berbicara. “Kalian tidak akan menyakiti pasangan kalian.” ============================ Sesi 1 (bab 1 - 394) : Torak Donovan - Raine (selesai). Sesi 2 (bab 395 - 628) : Kace Donovan - Hope (selesai) Sesi 3 (bab 629 - 1083) : Jedrek Donovan - Lilac (selesai) Sesi 4 (bab 1084 - berlanjut) : Cerita Sampingan ============================ Ini adalah cerita manusia serigala dan tentu saja sebuah fantasi! Karena setiap orang memiliki versi mereka sendiri tentang kehidupan supranatural, di sinilah saya mencoba menulis versi saya. Jika Anda telah membaca cerita manusia serigala lainnya, Anda akan sadar ada kemiripan dan perbedaan. ============================ ***Perhatian! Bahasa Inggris bukanlah bahasa pertama saya, jadi ada kemungkinan Anda akan menemukan kesalahan tata bahasa (saya tidak melakukannya dengan sengaja sih), jika itu membuat Anda tidak nyaman, tolong beritahu saya agar saya bisa memperbaikinya. *Anda telah diperingatkan ^^ Kritik konstruktif sangat saya tunggu! .......................................................................................... ##Temui saya di instragram : jikan_yo_tomare ##Cover oleh: @Gisel.arts Lihat cerita-cerita lain saya: **PURPLE DAWN TILL DUSK: dearest through the time **THE STORY OF DUSK ```
jikanyotomare · 5.6K Views

Fangs of Desire

Volume 1: Fangs of Desire [Mature Content] All Astra desired was freedom to roam outside the confines of the palace but that dream shutters after their kingdom is invaded, and her dearest brothers massacred. Astra's life takes a drastic turn when her father gives her off as a bride to the same enemy Kingdom in exchange of a peace treaty. Adding to her horror, the same man rumored to have killed her brothers is going to be her husband and she vows to have her revenge come what may. Theron, the Crown Prince of Ardenia Kingdom, is regarded as the pillar of the nation. He has brought Ardenia to power since he became the Commander and conquered countless kingdoms expanding their territories, but only a handful people have come face to face with him. A union formed by revenge and hate, rises emotions when Astra discovers a devastating truth about her husband on their wedding night, which makes her anger and hatred for him dissipate like it never existed. *********** "Wife, don't you love me anymore?" a childish yet saddened voice rang across the quiet room. "Why would you think that?" Astra asked trying to wriggle out of the man's embrace. "You forgot my morning... kiss," he whispered the last word in her ear, blushing furiously. Astra stopped struggling and held the man's face into her palm smiling lovingly before she gave him a quick peck. She bit her lower lip feeling a bit shy her little face turning pinkish. "Now will you let go of me?" "No... I want more!" the man said and without waiting for her response, he lifted Astra like a princess she was dropping her to the bed then followed her. "I want more, wife." _________________________________________________ Volume 2: His Heart's Desire A continuation of a forgotten tale unfolds bringing them together again, but only he knows the truth. The truth about her nightmares, the truth about her true self and their past: only he knows. All he has to do is unveil that truth to her so he can live with her forever. He owes her that much: a whole lifetime of love. He succeeds in making her his but the misery from their past still roams around them in an unknown form. But this time he vows to protect her well. Even if she does not remember him, he does. She was, is and will always be his beautiful wife. He only has one desire: her. Yes, she is his Heart's Desire. ************** "...For every breath feels like a punishment without you. I feel... no, I am soulless without you. So, my princess, I'll wait for the day you will love me back." She gazed at him unblinkingly and for the first time, she felt her heart let go of all the restrains. The barriers she had built against him had crushed a long time ago, but her ego blinded her feelings for him. Like promised, he had conquered her, and she was now at his mercy. "Is it too late, for me to say I... love you?" the last words were said in a whisper, but he still heard her. "Never, my wife," overwhelmed by emotions, he managed the three words before engulfing her in a tight hug. Tears fell from his eyes, but this time, they were tears of joy mixed with a smile. How long had he waited for this moment? "I love you a lot, my beautiful wife."
GraceDaniels · 23.6K Views

Unwanted Warrior Luna

"Nathaniel, p-please don't dishonor my love this way!" Alexandra requested the Alpha of the Red Moon Pack. He looked at her coldly as if she was his sole enemy in this entire world. At some point, he couldn't control his anger. "Love!" He groaned. "Do you even know what it means?" Tears covered her face, the harshness of his tone was so painful that everything seemed shuttered infront of her, but still she requested him, "G-give me death! Give me death instead of this humiliation! I'm your mate! I supposed to be your luna!" His monsterious laughter made the hall a living hell. "I am Nathaniel, the Alpha of Red Moon Pack rejecting you as my mate! I wanted to make you my luna but the betrayal I received, even making you my wh*re will not meet the revenge!" To protect her boyfriend Nathaniel and his pack, Alexandra fought the whole world but in a world where love turned into betrayal and revenge became the pulse of the night. She had no idea that the dark-loving Nathaniel would turn his blade against her, accusing her of betraying him and putting out the flame that was her life. While Nathaniel was sulking over his feelings for Charlotte, the daughter of his notorious foe, his faithful warrior suffers the consequences. Alexandra was supposed to be the pack's future Luna but ended up being the pack's crazy threat. However, when Charlotte suffered an unimaginable end, Nathaniel's delusion of happiness was shattered, and suspicions were directed towards Alexandra. After overcoming Nathaniel's continuous search for eighteen years, fate's twisted plan ultimately returned Alexandra to his clutch. Alexandra returned to Nathaniel's miserable world making tensions rose and accusations flew out this time, instead of coming as a Luna, she was a force to be battled with. Would she be able to cut through the lies, establish her innocence, and get revenge on the person who planned her death? ||My dearest readers, give it try to support the author. Please don't forget to vote and post a positive review that will help this book to grow. Your opinions matter in the end. Love.||
Seven_Author · 67.8K Views

Time Gap Queen and the Alpha Apex Predators

Completed but under editing. Continues in: Reign of the Time Gap Queen The plot thickens as you read. MATURE CONTENT! Free Reading. Give it a fair read before disregarding it or you'll miss out on a lot, or at least read the second novel and come back after editing is completed. No love-triangle. Vol 0: 1-15 "What else did you find?" "Well, I found our first female pregnant corpse but..." I paused not sure if I wanna share this with him or not. "But?" Orlando repeated. "I don't know something is odd about how she died. Her neck wasn't broken but it appears to be crushed. On the side of her neck, I saw two round holes resembling to look like fangs or some sorta sharp pointed teeth." I finally just told him. He first looked at me weirdly before bursting out into laughter. "Fangs like a vampire?" He teased and I should've seen this coming. I burst into a hard enough uproar to pee myself. "You are so mean!" I chuckled. "Alright, I'll be nice to my vampire nerd," he said winking at me. "You haven't found anybody else that lived in the city?" He asked just wondering. "Oddly enough, we haven't," I shared. Yet Orlando does it again. "Yup, that definitely sounds like a vampire to me!" 24-year-old Victoria Perkins is a trainee archeologist and paleontologist. On her way to earning her first degree with the best outscoring records in her class. Victoria was given a lifetime opportunity to excavate in Egypt. Many team members were chosen and hired by Mr. Collin who is funding the excavation to find a Pharaoh. During the excavation, her psychic gift to mentally travel between past and present was triggered. By using her time-gap gift she found the clues the Pharaoh had left behind for his love to find him. Which made her team leader and boss named Tom envious that she keeps finding these artifacts. Following each clue, Victoria found the Pharaoh but was fired by Tom the next day. So her team carried on without her to study this mummified Pharaoh. Something about his remains didn't seem natural. Before any questions could be answered the whole team was Murdered. All but Victoria. She was blamed for the crime and arrested. Without trial, she was found guilty and left to rot in her cell awaiting execution. ~ Vol 1:16-377 Kai strides up and embraced his hands around my waist. "Humm," Kai hummed so poetically that I found myself captured by how sexy he is. He leaned forward into my ear whispering seductively. "Or maybe it's because deep down inside. You like me more than you are willing to admit." His words breathed into my ear like an easy-flowing breeze. I found myself melting in goo for this man who kidnapped me. ~ One of the most powerful multi-billionaire Empire CEOs of the world was the Collin Royal family business. Kai Collin came to Egypt and bailed her out and paid for her Freedom. Well, her Freedom from jail but not from him. Victoria learned the hard way she was now the property of Kai Collin. But who was this mysterious Kai Collin? Everybody knew the Collin family but Kai Collin's name had submerged from out of nowhere. Yet that wasn't half of the mystery. Victoria was trapped by this mysterious attractive man who acted strange; Kai didn't know how to drive or what a cell phone was. Even though her heart belongs to her fiance, Orlando Mill the son of an equally powerful Empire CEO family too. But this doesn't stop Kai from becoming possessive of her enough that he steals her away from Orlando. Between her lover, kidnapper, and much worse that lurks within the shadows; How much heartbreak and loss can Victoria face? Who is the real villain creeping into Victoria's life only to kill everyone she's dearest to? Vol 0: Is about the excavation in Egypt and Victoria's relationship with Orlando. Vol 1: Kai joins the story. Murder will happen. There will be some hot steamy love scenes. Things will get dark, sensitive, emotional, creepy, and a bit bloody for some viewers.
Sara_Weber_9938 · 298.1K Views

The King’s wife is the Devil reincarnated 2

Not everyday you get to see a girl behaving like the devil's reincarnation. Well meet one who acts like the devil Ruby has no emotions whatsoever, she won't save a child she sees dieing inside the fire, she won't risk her life to save a stupid pregnant woman, she doesn't care about any one. Ruby was born from the rarest of all bloodline. As a child, she was meek, humble and beautiful. Quite an eye catching princess that many old men wanted her betrothed to their sons even at such a tender age. Unfortunately Ruby's mother, the queen, didn't agree to the request of her husband using their only daughter to grow power. Ruby was loved by everyone and everyone who came across her, fell in love with her at first sight, she had that charm as a child but all that changed when Ruby's mother died. Ruby was just twelve years old at the time and suddenly secrets that had been hidden began to unravel. Ruby's father had a mistress behind Ruby's mother's back all these while, he never actually loved her mother. The pain of loosing her most dearest family member pushed Ruby to the side, she became depressed and soon fell into a deep coma which lasted for one week. Everyone knew that Vampires who went into that depression, after one week, they Never remained the same. All their emotions and humanity are locked away bringing only the part of them that doesn't care. But When Ruby came out, she came out worse than any other night creature who existed. She was calm, too calm, but she had the heart of the devil. And she woke up with a goal, to torture each and every member of her deceased mother's family and that was what she did. She got married to a mysterious King afterwards with a deal to do nothing but bare his heir and live her life as freely as she wants but sadly it doesn't goes as planned as this mysterious King has more than she can chew. Follow Ruby as she figures out a way to save her diminishing soul. She's not your typical nice female lead, she's your worst nightmare
Tessa_Osi_Udotor · 3.4K Views

The Tyrant Father's Pampered Daughter

# pretendtobeafool # emperor # koi # femaleleadisacutebaby The Great Qi’s emperor had been hoping for a daughter, but he got 28 sons instead! This tyrant went to the altar and prayed, saying that if he could get a daughter, he would never kill indiscriminately again and would give peace to the world! To everyone’s surprise, Heaven actually agreed! Ten months later, Qi’s only princess, Gu Nuo’er, was born with tremendous luck. Starting her life surrounded by cunning ministers, being targeted by enemy nations, and in a world filled with natural disasters, the little princess waved her hand and indicated that she wasn’t afraid! With her great luck, she helped her tyrant father clean up the imperial court, pleased the women in the harem, and brought good luck to everyone around her. Slowly, she became a dear princess treasured by all. Tyrant father: The throne is Nuo’er’s cradle. I can even give her the entire nation if she wills it! Prince brothers: We’re handsome, talented, and rich, but we won’t marry. We’ll use our life to pamper our sister! Minister uncles: Whoever bullies our princess shall not blame us for besieging them and eradicating their existence! By the time Nuonuo was all grown up, everyone realized that the youth who grew up with her had been eyeing her for the longest time now… Green-eyed wolf boy, Ye Siming: Dearest Nuonuo, I’ll wreak havoc in the families of those who made you cry, and take the lives of those who hurt you. If you like, my life is yours too.
Peach Porridge · 3.1M Views

My Wife is a Goddess: 99 Secret Kisses

He praised her, “Wifey, you are a genius!” She coughed to hide her embarrassment. “Of course, I am. But hey, don’t call me ‘wifey’. It sounds so weird.” He smiled calmly and pulled her closer. “If I don’t call my beloved my wife ‘wifey’ then whom should I call ‘wifey’? I don’t want my wifey to get jealous…” “I won’t be jealous. Cross my heart and hope to die.” She struggled to move away from him. His close proximity was making her heart race. She couldn't understand how he could speak like that with his calm and collected appearance. “Wifey, don’t say so ominous. Let me give you something that will make you feel better.” He hugged her warmly and planted a soft kiss on her nape. She almost jumped feeling that sensation. “Eek! Don’t do something so shameless!” Her face instantly turned red. “Wifey, I love you…” Ignoring her pretest, he kissed her again. “Mm! I said don’t do this!” If this continues, she will lose her reasoning and melt like water. When the first time they had met in the bar she avoided him like a plague, even though she was drunk. The second time they had met was at a birthday party. She protected him and stood between a gun and him, thinking that he was just an innocent bodyguard. The third time they had met was in a garage. She trembled in fear as she faced a terrorist; however, she did not back down. He found her intriguing, but she found freedom intriguing. Even still, her hope for freedom was torn when she had to return to China, only to be met with a family threat to get married. He saw this as his chance and seized her – his soon-to-be sister-in-law – from this marriage. He made her his bride. When they agreed to get married, she thought that he was just a simple bodyguard, and he thought that she was just a simple psychiatrist. But things changed soon after that. He noticed how she was different from others. He noticed how she avoided him like a plague. That's why he secretly created a honey trap for her. Serious and stoic Xue Lin has fallen right into her husband's sweet trap. Will she be able to understand his feelings and accept him? **WARNING: DO NOT PLAGIARIZE OR PUBLISH THIS WORK ON OTHER SITES. IF YOU LIKE THE WORK, TELL OTHERS TO READ IN WEBNOVEL.COM -------------- Cover credit: Dearest Reader @waphels -------------- Book series: 1. Handsome CEO's Darling Wife 2. My Wife is a Goddess: 99 Secret Kisses 3. Lost Happiness 4. The Cobra Another book: My Beloved Tangled by Fate ------------- All the announcements, spoilers, and updates will be given on the Discord channel. So keep in touch. Discord server- Instagram: Facebook page: Flow07
Flow07 · 2.6M Views

After Being A Marriage Stand-in, I Disguised As An Ugly Woman

The Xia family had two daughters. One was Xia Rou, known as Jiang City’s number one beauty, and the other was Xia Yan, notorious and disfigured. Beautiful Xia Rou got engaged to the Mo family’s young master, but rumor had it that Young Master Mo was a cripple. Xia Rou refused to wed him. Hence, her notorious sister, Xia Yan, was forced to marry into the Mo family in her place. Young Master Mo was furious. “You’re not Xia Rou! How dare the Xia family cheat in this marriage!” Covering her face with a mask, Xia Yan said, “Young Master Mo isn’t crippled as the rumors claim. He’s even healthy, tall, and handsome. Xia Rou will surely regret if she finds out.” After their marriage, Young Master Mo’s friends gathered round. “Our sister-in-law must be gorgeous. You’re a lucky man!” When Young Master Mo thought of the woman who had to wear a mask even in her sleep to hide her ugliness, he flared up in anger. “Scram! Whoever brings up that woman again will have to marry her instead!” Then, Young Master Mo was radiating happiness. His friends gathered round once more. “Just what does our sister-in-law look like? Do you have to be so mysterious about it?” He flashed them a mischievous grin. “Scram! My dearest wife is the prettiest woman I’ve ever seen. You average folks aren’t worthy of gazing at her beauty, do you understand?” Everyone was dumbstruck. Has Young Master Mo lost his mind because his wife was too ugly? Back at home, Xia Yan was packing her bags. “Mo He, I’m divorcing you. You bully, humiliate, and dislike me!” Young Master Mo quickly hugged his wife. “My dearest wife, I’ll only dote on and love you. I can even give you my life!” Later on, Xia Yan realized that destiny wouldn’t appear out of nowhere. It had been fate all along.
JQK · 240.2K Views

My Dearest wife... Make a Choice¡!

In her past life~ She was brought up by an ancient, heavenly deity- who once ruled all the realms, being the epitome of fear in one’s heart.
 Growing up~ She turned out to be an evil queen with a notorious reputation in all the said realms. 

 “Hmm? Why was I not aware of the existence of such magnificent artwork?” She questioned her commander, while grazing the cheekbones of the God-like entity, whose mere presence made the remaining army of hers unable to approach anywhere near him, while his gaze was fixated on her,….. whereas her eyes were full of marvel and She- was totally captivated by him.


 He was the emperor of the world. A bloodthirsty tyrant who doesn’t know the meaning of forgiveness. 

 He was worshiped by the poor, praised by the rich, and feared by his enemies. A leader, and a supreme ruler was what he was!

But a fateful encounter with a wounded woman, turned his world upside-down.

 At what cost? The world he built and protected with all his might, crumbled and turned into ashes in front of his eyes, his people betrayed him, he lost his only son, and most importantly he lost his pride.

 When all was lost, and he was wallowed in an endless darkness of despair~ He found out about his real identity.

 “Sleep” came an emotionless voice, turning him immobile and collapsing on the bloody grounds he stood on! 

“-till the time comes.......-husband ~” said the person, gently wiping the blood off of his carefully-sculpted-looking face.



In the modern era~

 All she wanted was a Mom…..So, she turned herself into a mother.

 Whenever she got hurt, She was in need of a Dad-who’d protect her…..So, she created a conscience as her Dad.

 She is the happiest person in the world! That’s how she looks to others, unless one gets to know her.

 She is a superior being who knows herself well, always conscious of her personalities she created……until one day, when her hidden conscience she calls her Dad-took over her, to subdue a being with golden eyes who called her “Wife~”

 What bewildered her the most was, ‘ The wife calling being ‘ happened to be the world-renowned superstar, whom she got acquainted with a few days ago in her office.

 While she was trying to calm her mind with the unprecedented turn of events, by busying her mind with the “task” she was given… She somehow became the wife of the insanely handsome/cold-looking/ prodigal/world-renowned Businessman /Ruler of underworld aka Cold-blooded King/ who also happened to be the head to one of the two ancient royal families- ruling the world, from the shadows, from a long time ago.

 Unwilling to accept his terms then, she ran away from the place during the day…..only to be trapped by night.

Her: “You! What do you think of me?huh?!?” She yelled at him furiously, unable to contain her anger any longer, seeing him in her bedroom. Him: *Silence

 After a while, “ …..-My wife.” He replied, shutting her mouth with his.

AsPr · 925.2K Views


"Your Lord, if your wish is to amuse me, then retrieve your acts." She interrupted me, and I knew I had done her erroneous. "My apologies. I did not know when to ask, speak, talk, or request for your name. My utterances before were out of nervousness, my princess. I don’t know the effects it has had, but I am glad. Glad of your presence, and my presence as stated, as long as our speeches rhyme, am happy. " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~***************~~~~~~~~~~~~~* He knew his stand, he knew his label, he knew.., he sure knew. A bastard’ To some it was just a name, an English decent name, but to many, especially those in the highest ranks of the social class, knew, they knew what kind of hefty drift being associated with such a labeled man meant to his whole, they knew. And he,… he.., was born as one, a bastard. A bastard, a bastard was what he came to know his name as,… Lord Willock,.. a duke’s son but a King’s decent to be precise, lived a life of now, as tomorrow was nothing but a luck. The boy, knew all, he knew love, ooh how wou;d he forget the face of the dazzling girl who made her forget all his worries, right on the ballroom dance floor. How would he forget, how would he forget, he was a bastard, if every conversation seemed to have nothing but the name on it.., However, maybe destiny was meant to be linient or tough on him, its all his fate to face. Dearest reader, let’s embark on the journey of Lord Willock, and see what lemons life throws at him, and his coping mechanisms, in times of tragedy, and maybe he was more fated for good fortune than just a label..? A labeled man was meant for ‘death!!!’ A word and statement well known.., ~~~~~~~~~~~~****************~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ But, as stated earlier, as you all know, all wizards, royals, peasants, and members of higher social classes have one thing in common. They all had a fear—not a fear of debts or of God—but a fear of shame, and he, he who was borne out of the shame, bore the sin. A debt and label, he alone shall carry; and a bastard he became. May God have mercy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I appreciate all of you dearest readers for taking the opportunity to join me in my fantastical world, through my fondness for Willock. As we embark on this journey, and as you join me to see through the eyes of this young lad, I wish you all the enjoyment you desire, and may all your desires take the best of turns. This is a novel I'm quite, or rather, I'd say, I love writing. As the plot rises to its course and falls to its rhythms, I hope you will enjoy all the nuances of our dearest Willock. I acknowledge all of you and encourage you to keep pushing me to do more, and to reach the best of my potentials. All love. Enjoy, fam...
Rhoda_Andrian · 34.3K Views
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