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Dusk Mane Necrozma Tin

My Pet Beast is really not an Evil God

Gary Smith arrived in a peculiar world of beastmasters, where an ancient taboo was reborn from the depth of time, and an evil god was lurking. In this world, birds and beasts, rivers and mountains, even elements could spawn spiritual power and turn into pet beasts. Among them, the powerful ones became ecological niches by themselves, radiating secret realm ecosystems such as the Yellow Spring, Skeleton Kingdom, Succubus Nest, and Kingdom of the Sky Tree, nurturing countless followers. The beastmasters make contracts with the pet beasts, nurture them, and control the spiritual power. After witnessing the "Taboo Sun" event, Gary Smith obtained the ability to extract materials from everything in the world and compile "Secret Food". Through the Evolutionary Secret Food, the combination of "The Shattered Dusk World" + "Ancient Dragon’s Dead Egg" results in the Feast of the End. When the pet beast consumes it, it evolves into the Dusk Dragon God. The Dusk Domain erodes the world, turning into the God at the end of time. The Skill Secret Food allows the pet beasts to plunder skills from everything, becoming omniscient and omnipotent. The Sacrificial Secret Food snatches the taboo time, sacrifices the ancient beings, and blasphemes against the gods. His style of beast control also started to become peculiar. There is the Spider Shadow that devours ancient dragons and weaves dreams of all lives with its threads, the Red Master that pollutes the multiverse, and the Devourer of the Realms, who consumes worlds... In response to this, he explained, "My pet beasts are just a bit peculiar. They really are not evil gods!"
Morning dusk crow · 1M Views

Cinta Seorang Lycan

``` SELESAI! Potongan: Setahun yang lalu Raine keluar dari lembaga kejiwaan dan harus tinggal di panti asuhan. Itu bukan tempat terbaik. Paling tidak, tidak untuk seseorang sepertinya. Hingga satu malam yang menentukan dia bertemu dengannya. *** Ia menghentikan mobilnya. Cengkeraman pada selimut itu semakin kuat saat Raine bertanya-tanya apakah dia telah melakukan sesuatu yang salah. Ia bisa merasakannya ketika Torak mengulurkan tangannya kepadanya. Apakah dia akan memukul saya? Raine menggigil dengan pemikiran itu. Torak menarik kap hoodie Raine sehingga terbuka dan dengan lembut merapikan rambutnya ke belakang telinganya. "Jangan." Katanya tegas, "Aku ingin melihatmu, jangan menyembunyikan dirimu…" ************** “Roh dari malaikat pelindung akan meniupkan kehidupan baru ke dalam anak manusia. Tiga malaikat pelindung akan terlahir kembali ke dunia duniawi dan kalian bertigalah yang akan menjadi penjaga mereka.” “Penjaga!!?” Jedrek terkejut. Akhirnya, ia berhenti berjalan dan berbalik untuk memandang dewi bulan dari kejauhan, matanya berkilat merah dalam kemarahan. Serigala dalam dirinya sangat marah. “Kenapa kau pikir kami akan membantu?” tanya Kace sambil menyempitkan matanya yang serupa obsidian hitam, serigalanya mengambil alih dirinya. Dia adalah yang termuda di antara mereka bertiga dan yang paling bisa mengendalikan amarahnya. Mereka bertiga dikutuk oleh Selene karena tindakan buas mereka dalam mencari kekuasaan dan kekuatan tertinggi. Dewi bulan tidak memberkati mereka dengan pasangan sebagai hukuman atas cara mereka yang kejam dan memaksa mereka untuk terlibat dalam perang mematikan ini dengan para iblis. “Kau akan menjadikan kami budak bagi makhluk-makhluk sakit itu!?” Torak bertanya tidak percaya. “Tidakkah kau takut bahwa kami akan mematahkan mereka menjadi dua?” Malaikat pelindung sangat rapuh dan mereka sebagai lycanthrope tidak menghargai kelemahan. “Tidak, kalian tidak akan.” Selene berkata dengan sabar. “Kalian tidak akan menjadi budak mereka atau menyakiti mereka, kalian akan menghargai mereka dengan setiap cara yang mungkin.” Jedrek tertawa mengancam mendengar ini, mereka tidak peduli tentang kebangkitan si binatang buas, sekali mereka melewati wilayah mereka, dengan atau tanpa malaikat pelindung, dia akan merobek-robek tubuh mereka. "Saya akan menjadi orang terakhir yang mereka lihat, begitu saya menemukan mereka.” Ia mengacu pada malaikat pelindung dan iblis tersebut. Namun, suara berikutnya dari Selene dipenuhi dengan ceria saat dia berbicara. “Kalian tidak akan menyakiti pasangan kalian.” ============================ Sesi 1 (bab 1 - 394) : Torak Donovan - Raine (selesai). Sesi 2 (bab 395 - 628) : Kace Donovan - Hope (selesai) Sesi 3 (bab 629 - 1083) : Jedrek Donovan - Lilac (selesai) Sesi 4 (bab 1084 - berlanjut) : Cerita Sampingan ============================ Ini adalah cerita manusia serigala dan tentu saja sebuah fantasi! Karena setiap orang memiliki versi mereka sendiri tentang kehidupan supranatural, di sinilah saya mencoba menulis versi saya. Jika Anda telah membaca cerita manusia serigala lainnya, Anda akan sadar ada kemiripan dan perbedaan. ============================ ***Perhatian! Bahasa Inggris bukanlah bahasa pertama saya, jadi ada kemungkinan Anda akan menemukan kesalahan tata bahasa (saya tidak melakukannya dengan sengaja sih), jika itu membuat Anda tidak nyaman, tolong beritahu saya agar saya bisa memperbaikinya. *Anda telah diperingatkan ^^ Kritik konstruktif sangat saya tunggu! .......................................................................................... ##Temui saya di instragram : jikan_yo_tomare ##Cover oleh: @Gisel.arts Lihat cerita-cerita lain saya: **PURPLE DAWN TILL DUSK: dearest through the time **THE STORY OF DUSK ```
jikanyotomare · 5.6K Views

El Amor de un Licántropo

``` —Él detuvo el auto. El agarre en la manta se tensó mientras Raine se preguntaba si había hecho algo mal. Podía sentirlo cuando Torak extendió su mano hacia ella. ¿Me golpeará? Raine se estremeció con ese pensamiento. Torak le retiró la capucha de la cabeza y suavemente apartó su cabello detrás de su oreja. —No —dijo él firmemente—. Quiero verte, no te escondas... —“El espíritu del ángel guardián insuflará nueva vida en el niño humano. Tres ángeles guardianes nacerán de nuevo en el mundo terrenal y los tres serán sus protectores”. —¡¿Protectores?! —Jedrek estalló—. Al final, se detuvo y se giró para mirar a la diosa de la luna desde la lejanía, sus ojos brillaban rojos de ira. Su lobo estaba furioso. —¿Por qué crees que ayudaremos? —preguntó Kace entrecerrando sus ojos negros como la obsidiana, su lobo había tomado control de él. Él era el más joven de los tres y el menos temperamental entre ellos. Los tres habían sido maldecidos por Selene debido a sus acciones feroces para obtener poder y autoridad supremos. La diosa de la luna no les bendijo con una compañera como castigo de su conducta atroz y los forzó a involucrarse en esta guerra mortal con los demonios. —¿Nos convertirás en esclavos de esas criaturas enfermizas!? —preguntó Torak incrédulo—. ¿No temes que los partamos en dos? El ángel guardián era tan frágil y ellos, como licántropos, no apreciaban las debilidades. —No, no lo harán —dijo Selene con paciencia—. No serán sus esclavos ni les harán daño, los cuidarán en todas las formas posibles. Jedrek rió de manera amenazante al oír esto, no les importaba la resurrección de la bestia, una vez que cruzaban su territorio, con o sin el ángel guardián, desgarraría sus cuerpos. —Seré la última persona que verán, en cuanto los encuentre —se refería tanto al ángel guardián como al demonio. Pero, la siguiente voz de Selene estaba teñida de alegría cuando habló. —No lastimarás a tu compañera. ============================ Sesión 1 (capítulo 1 - 394): Torak Donovan - Raine (completado). Sesión 2 (capítulo 395 - 628): Kace Donovan - Esperanza (completado) Sesión 3 (capítulo 629 - 1083): Jedrek Donovan - Lila (completado) Sesión 4 (capítulo 1084 - en curso): Historias Paralelas ============================ Esta es una historia de hombres lobo y, por supuesto, ¡de fantasía! Como cada quien tiene su propia versión de la vida sobrenatural, aquí estoy intentando escribir la mía. Si has leído otras historias de hombres lobo, te darás cuenta de que existen similitudes y diferencias. ============================ ***¡Precaución! El inglés no es mi primer idioma, así que es posible que encuentres errores gramaticales (aunque no es mi intención), si te resulta incómodo, por favor házmelo saber para que pueda corregirlo. *Has sido advertido ^^ ¡Todo comentario constructivo es muy bienvenido! .......................................................................................... ##Encuéntrame en Instagram: jikan_yo_tomare ##Portada por: @Gisel.arts Echa un vistazo a mis otras historias: **PURPLE DAWN TILL DUSK: dearest through the time **THE STORY OF DUSK ```
jikanyotomare · 194.9K Views

Die Liebe eines Lykaners

ABGESCHLOSSEN! Schnipsel: Vor einem Jahr wurde Raine aus der Nervenheilanstalt entlassen und musste im Waisenhaus leben. Es war nicht der beste Ort. Zumindest nicht für jemanden wie sie. Bis sie eines Abends auf ihn traf. *** Er hielt den Wagen an. Sie klammerte sich fester an die Decke und Raine fragte sich, ob sie etwas falsch gemacht hatte. Sie konnte es spüren, als Torak seine Hand nach ihr ausstreckte. Wird er mich schlagen? Raine schauderte bei diesem Gedanken. Torak zog ihr den Kapuzenpulli vom Kopf und strich ihr sanft das Haar hinter das Ohr. "Tu das nicht." Sagte er fest, "Ich will dich sehen, versteck dich nicht..." ************** "Der Geist des Schutzengels wird dem Menschenkind neues Leben einhauchen. Drei Schutzengel werden wieder in die irdische Welt hineingeboren werden und ihr drei werdet ihre Beschützer sein." "Beschützer!!!?" Jedrek schnaubte. Schließlich blieb er stehen, drehte der Mondgöttin den Rücken zu und blickte sie aus der Ferne an, seine Augen glitzerten rot vor Zorn. Seine Wölfin war wütend. "Warum glaubst du, dass wir dir helfen werden?" fragte Kace und verengte seine obsidianschwarzen Augen, während sein Wolf die Kontrolle über ihn übernahm. Er war der Jüngste der drei und der am wenigsten temperamentvolle unter ihnen. Die drei waren von Selene verflucht worden, weil sie mit ihrer Wildheit die höchste Macht und Autorität anstrebten. Die Mondgöttin segnete sie zur Strafe für ihr grausames Verhalten nicht mit einer Gefährtin und zwang sie, sich an diesem tödlichen Krieg mit den Dämonen zu beteiligen. "Ihr wollt uns zu Sklaven für diese kränklichen Kreaturen machen!?" fragte Torak ungläubig. "Habt ihr keine Angst, dass wir sie in zwei Hälften reißen?" Der Schutzengel war so zerbrechlich und sie als Lykanthropen wussten die Schwächen nicht zu schätzen. "Nein, das werdet ihr nicht." sagte Selene geduldig. "Du wirst nicht ihr Sklave sein und sie nicht verletzen, du wirst sie in jeder Hinsicht wertschätzen." Jedrek lachte bedrohlich, als er das hörte, die Wiederauferstandenen der Bestie waren ihnen egal, sobald sie ihr Territorium betraten, mit oder ohne Schutzengel, würde er ihren Körper in Stücke reißen. "Ich werde der letzte Mensch sein, den sie sehen werden, wenn ich sie finde." Er bezog sich sowohl auf den Schutzengel als auch auf den Dämon. Aber die nächste Stimme von Selene war von Heiterkeit durchzogen, als sie sprach. "Du wirst deiner Gefährtin nicht wehtun." ============================ Sitzung 1 (Kapitel 1 - 394) : Torak Donovan - Raine (abgeschlossen). Sitzung 2 (Kapitel 395 - 628) : Kace Donovan - Hope (abgeschlossen) Sitzung 3 (Kapitel 629 - 1083) : Jedrek Donovan - Lilac (abgeschlossen) Session 4 (Kapitel 1084 - in Arbeit) : Nebengeschichten ============================ Dies ist eine Werwolfgeschichte und natürlich eine Fantasy! Da jeder seine eigene Version des übernatürlichen Lebens hat, versuche ich hier, meine zu schreiben. Wenn du schon andere Werwolfgeschichten gelesen hast, wirst du wissen, dass es Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede gibt. ============================ ***Vorsicht! Englisch ist nicht meine Muttersprache, daher besteht die Möglichkeit, dass Sie grammatikalische Fehler finden (ich habe es nicht absichtlich getan), wenn es Ihnen unangenehm ist, lassen Sie es mich bitte wissen, damit ich es korrigieren kann. *Du bist gewarnt worden ^^ Jede konstruktive Kritik ist sehr willkommen! .......................................................................................... ##Meet me on instragram : jikan_yo_tomare ##Cover by: @Gisel.arts Schau dir meine anderen Geschichten an: **PURPLE DAWN TILL DUSK: am liebsten durch die Zeit **DIE GESCHICHTE DER DÄMMERUNG
jikanyotomare · 163.6K Views

Beastbound: Awakening of the Hunter

After awakening, Oliver found himself living as a poor farmer on the edge of the forests of the Kingdom of Rivendell, in a dilapidated home with scarce food. The kingdom’s forests were filled with magical beasts and toxic gases, and people believed they were perilous. However, he had awakened a super magic core that could capture creatures and endlessly transform its form. By capturing magical beasts, he gained incredible powers. He captured a Silver-Maned Boar, which granted him Superhuman Strength, enabling him to overpower foes with sheer brute force. Later, he captured a Thunderhawk, a majestic bird that soared through storms. This creature bestowed upon him the ability known as Storm's Embrace, allowing him to summon lightning strikes and control winds with a mere thought. Finally, he captured a Celestial Serpent, an immense creature adorned with shimmering scales that glinted like stars. This powerful beast endowed him with an Aetheric Shield, creating a formidable barrier that absorbed and reflected magical attacks, enhancing his own spells with celestial energy. As time flowed and the world changed, one day, Oliver, now the ruler of the earth and seas, looked up at the sky. The starry river above sparkled with unmatched beauty; it was said that within the starry sea resided deities. Having captured so many magical creatures and grown so powerful, he pondered the possibility: what if he could capture a god? What to expect: -Weak to strong male MC -Daily releases -Fast paced with frequent powerups -Fantasy setting with magic -Unique Mana Core System
Metalwater · 4.3K Views

Ölümcül Şeyler: Bir Psikopatın Doğuşu

TANITIM Aşk? Aşk mı? Evet sana aşıktım belki de hala öyleyim ama içimde senin aşkından daha büyük bir şey var. Daha güçlü bir şey. Beni her gün daha fazla tüketen bir şey. Nefret gibi ama değil daha büyük daha şiddetli bir şey. Nefretle aşk arasında çok ince bir çizgi vardı ve sen hep o çizginin üzerinde dolaştın. Belki de defalarca sınırı geçtin ama ben görmemeyi seçtim. Sonra bir gün bende bu oyundan sıkıldım. Çizginin üzerinde dolanmandan da buna gözlerimi kapatmaktan da sıkıldım. Sorunumuz sana aşık olmam değil o kısmı geçeli o kadar çok oluyor ki. Sorunumuz senin beni dönüştürdüğün şey, çünkü aşkım(!) Ben ilk tanıştığımızda bir çiçektim beni öpebilirdin koklayabilirdin sevebilirdin ama sen benim yapraklarımı koparmayı seçtin. Benimle beni parçalayarak oynadın. Sonra ben bir ateş oldum. Artık beni öpemezdin koklayamazdın sevemezdin. Seni yakardım. Bu bana yaklaşma demekti. Bu ben sessizce zarar vermeden yanıyorum demekti ama sen, sen beni yok etmek istedin. Sen yanmama bile izin vermedin. Yarattığın acıya bile saygın yoktu. Şimdi ben git gide büyüyen bir alev topuyum. Durmayacağım. Ta ki seni yakalayana kadar. Seni yakaladığımda etinin kemiğinden ayrıldığını hissedeceksin canın öyle yanacak ki yok olmak isteyeceksin ama ben buna izin vermeyeceğim. Seni yakıyor olmamın her anını zevkle izleyeceğim. Çünkü sevgilim, sen aşkın değerini bilemedin. Ama acının yaşattığı hissi hiç unutamayacaksın. Acı, seni bana tutsak edecek. Acı olduğu sürece hep benimle kalacaksın.
Zeynep_Marangoz · 4.4K Views

Until Dusk Protocol

At the heart of a wish lies an attempt at completion, a human desire to become our true and final selves. Wishes are fuelled by regrets and are bound eternally to the past, serving as approximations of what once was. We all experience regret and nostalgia, leading us to make wishes and find despair, but can we become our true selves despite this all? That's where the story of a girl who struggles to control her desires begins... Two souls sharing the same body and memory are living in Kyoto 2031. Tang-Ji Shizukesa, a girl who's grown up in her previous life with a hardcore passion for gaming, is now a bookworm in her new life who has no interest in video games. Along with her, Kazami and Hoyeon, the three childhood friends who separated 7 years ago due to an accident, have now been reunited again in a VRMMORPG game known as Dusk Protocol. The game has a unique combat system known as "Leere," a physical manifestation of an individual soul that can be conjured into deadly weapons. As Tang-Ji navigates this virtual world, she confronts the echoes of her past and the dissonance between her former self and her present identity. How will she cope with the rediscovery of a life she thought she left behind? How will Kazami and Hoyeon react to the new Tang-Ji? In a world where reality is malleable and death is just a click of a button away, the boundaries between past and present blur, forcing everyone to grapple with the truth of who they truly are. Disclaimer: This novel contains explicit language, violence, racism, and sexual scenes. There are also scenes that deal with various traumas, from physical to emotional to mental. (THE CHARACTERS’ CIRCUMSTANCES , TRAITS, AND BELIEFS IN THIS NOVEL ARE ALL BASED ON A TRUE STORY.)
Hiese_Kirisaku · 29.1K Views

Building a Business Empire with my Technological System

Michael Reyes is your typical college student, caught in the relentless cycle of balancing studies and part-time work. As a second-year mechanical engineering student, his days are packed from dawn till dusk. Mornings are dedicated to lectures and coursework, while afternoons are spent at a part-time job that helps him make ends meet. Evenings are his only respite, though often spent more on studying than sleeping, if he gets the chance to rest at all. His life is a constant juggle, trying to keep up with demanding academic requirements while also contributing financially to his household. He's a hardworking, average student – not the top of his class, but not at the bottom either. But Michael's life takes an unexpected turn when he gains access to a mysterious Technological System. This system offers him a glimpse into future technologies, granting him knowledge and tools far beyond his time. When he realized its potential, his first words are. "I'm going to be rich!" Follow as Michael build his own business empire rivaling Apple, Microsoft, even Google. Disclaimer: 'Building a Business Empire with my Technological System' is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. This book may reference real companies and organizations, but these references are for narrative purposes only and are not intended to depict actual conduct or involvement of these entities. The use of these names and references is not meant to harm, defame, or discredit these companies or organizations.
Faux1231 · 2.1M Views

Darling CEO I'll marry you: His wife is a nightingale

Xia Lihua was born with a beautiful voice. A voice as sweet as hers was hard to find. She used to be her cousin sister's shadow singer. Her family exiled her to the United States when she was set up by her cousin sister and stepsister. She returned to her own country after completing high school in America only to discover her father had given orders for some guys to murder her. After narrowly escaping death, she was saved by a friend who rushed her to the hospital and with the help of a genius hacker she was able to eventually escape from the country, hiding in Milan for two years. Except for her grandfather who doted on her, the rest of the Xia family assumed that she was dead. After three years, she returned, stronger than ever, to face-slap the scumbags and exact retribution. She is now the nation's sister- a top idol and a movie queen. She is also known as the Ice Empress in business world! People called her the Nightingale because of her melodic voice, little did she know that she will be become the night songstress of the man whom she hated the most. She didn't know that she was the reason why the demon king couldn't sleep at night. All he could think about from morning till dusk was her. He could wreck devastation on earth for her, and this time he would do anything to keep her. The devil bigshot has made up his mind and is chasing her! Netizens: Is Emperor Yang pursuing you, sister Hua? Xia Lihua: No! He is just my ex-fiancé and a die-hard fan. Emperor Yang: What ex-fiancé? Bullshit! Tell them that you are my wife, little bird. Author note: The author is not Chinese and this is her own story. THIS IS NOT A TRANSLATION. [ Update: Cover art by- @dixerqua ;) (DO NOT STEAL!!!) ]
Dixerqua · 1.3M Views


In a distant land, beyond a mystical gate, there existed a formidable warrior known as Z. Renowned for his extraordinary strength and unmatched combat skills, Z was not merely a fighter; he was the protector of a magical portal hidden beyond the gate. This gate was rumored to hold immense power and wealth, yet it was fiercely guarded by an ancient creature. Many had tried to cross the threshold, but none had triumphed over the guardian and unveiled its mysteries. Z dedicated years to training for the moment he would confront the creature and demonstrate his worthiness for the gate's power. At last, that moment arrived. Armed with his weapon and fueled by resolve, Z approached the gate, calling out to the formidable beast lurking beyond. The creature emerged, its scales shimmering in the light, eyes ablaze with intelligence. It unleashed a thunderous roar, challenging Z to a duel. Without hesitation, Z charged forward, evading the creature's fiery breath and targeting its weak points. The clash continued for hours, each fighter countering the other's moves. As dusk fell, Z spotted an opportunity. With a final, powerful strike, he brought the creature down, watching it fall in defeat. The gate began to shimmer, its power inviting Z. Taking a deep breath, Z stepped through the gate into the unknown. What awaited him beyond was a mystery. Yet one truth remained - Z had established himself as the greatest warrior, and his tale would echo through the ages. As he vanished beyond the gate, an air of wonder and intrigue enveloped the realm. What adventures lay ahead? What trials would he encounter, and what treasures would he find?
Crownlord · 1.4K Views

Forgotten Grief

In the desolate expanse of Abbyss, Arizona, fifteen-year-old Ricardo Fergie lives an untroubled life, his youthful exuberance a stark contrast to the harsh landscape. Alongside him is Phoenix Sergie, a newcomer from Moscow, who bears the weight of a foreign past. Their friendship blossoms amid shared dreams and the thrill of adventure, particularly their obsession with a video game called The Gun, where danger lurks in every corner. However, the normalcy of their lives shatters when a thunderous explosion rocks their school, plunging Sergie into a harrowing nightmare. Awakening alone in a dark, abandoned classroom, he confronts a chilling reality where bones litter the halls and despair hangs heavy in the air. Determined to find Ricardo, he embarks on a treacherous journey through the desolation of Abbyss, where nature has reclaimed the ruins of civilization. As dusk falls, Sergie encounters Dante Vex, a mysterious young man with striking white hair who claims to be a vampire. Despite his initial skepticism, Sergie's need for companionship drives him to accept Dante's offer of shelter. Their interactions blend humor with tension, and as they navigate the perils of their ravaged world, Sergie grapples with his feelings of loneliness and fear. Together, they uncover dark secrets hidden in the shadows, and Sergie clings to the hope of reuniting with Ricardo, all while facing the uncertain dangers that lurk in the remnants of their once-vibrant town. In this eerie tale of survival and friendship, Sergie must confront not only the horrors of their reality but also the depth of his own courage and resilience in a world turned upside down.
BlackQuilFantom · 4.4K Views
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