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Chick Lit

In the Era of Catastrophe: I Light Up the Ray of Hope with Technology

The world has fallen into a huge disaster. The environment has deteriorated, monsters are running amok, and resources are scarce. Human survival is facing an unprecedented crisis. And the protagonist has a special ability in such a desperate situation and can light up the technology tree. Starting as an unappreciated little person, he uses his ability to unlock one key technology after another. The protagonist first uses technology to improve the living conditions of people around him in the shelter. He creates a highly efficient energy collection device, solving the problem of insufficient energy and making the shelter no longer threatened by darkness and cold. After that, he develops powerful weapons to fight the raging monsters and enhances human defense capabilities. As the technology tree is continuously lit up, the protagonist also invents equipment that can purify the environment and gradually improve the polluted land and water sources, giving humans more living space. In this process, the protagonist not only has to face external challenges brought by disasters but also deal with complex internal human conflicts of interests and suspicions. But he always persists. Taking technology as the light of hope, he leads humans to strive to rebuild their homes in the disaster era and move forward towards the goal of restoring world order and prosperity, becoming the hope star of humans in the dark period.
GGbond · 3.5K Views


Pathways leading to Purgatory leave the world in a constant state of fear. This hell holds demons that would rip any human to shreds. Then there is Kenny who wishes to be the most powerful Vanquisher to ever be know in order to obtain the status of a noble and get his family out of the slums. Though the boy’s dream is completely crushed by the cruel reality of the world. There are those who are born fortunate, and those who are not. Kenny’s first ability is a completely useless one. With his determination wavering, Kenny’s father begins to teach him how to wield a sword. Everday, Kenny trains in order to close the gap between him and those who were born talented. After some unexpected events, Kenny’s hard work finally pays off and he joins the Vanquisher Corps. Not only that, but he is chosen for an expedition only a few weeks later. Though not everything goes as planned. Kenny’s expedition squad was unexpectedly attacked by an A-Rank demon. Kenny made the noble sacrifice to stay behind and buy time for his team to escape and leave him behind. His sacrifice was not in vain, for his team had survived. He accepted his death, but began to reminisce his moments with his family and friends. This lit a fire in Kenny. He decided to survive in this hell and make it back home. No matter what. Now, he is stuck in Purgatory. As he begins his journey to survival and reunification with his loved ones, Kenny begins to uncover the horrific mystery’s and history behind Purgatory. As well as the dangers it holds. *This is my first novel and may not be to your liking since I just barely began to read myself. I would love any feedback from you and if you have any questions, don’t be afraid and feel free to ask them.
Bonbone · 26.7K Views

Mariage surprise avec un milliardaire

La vie de Rain Clayton prend un tournant inattendu lorsqu'elle détruit la voiture de son petit ami infidèle, seulement pour découvrir qu'elle n'appartient pas à lui—elle est celle d'un inconnu. Pis encore, elle découvre par accident qu'elle est mariée à cet inconnu, nul autre qu'Alexandre Lancaster, le Vice-Président reclus et PDG du puissant Groupe Lancaster. Élevée dans une famille qui la maltraitait et maintenant sous la pression de son père pour épouser le fils psychopathe du maire, Rain voit ce mariage surprise comme une bénédiction déguisée. Après des années de souffrance, il semble que les cieux aient enfin pris pitié d'elle, lui offrant un mari milliardaire séduisant—un homme impitoyable envers ses ennemis et exactement ce dont elle a besoin pour échapper aux griffes de sa famille. Mais il y a un gros problème : Alexandre veut un divorce immédiat. Déterminée à le garder, Rain conclut un marché pour prolonger leur mariage, selon ses conditions. Maintenant, tout ce qu'elle a à faire, c'est le convaincre de la garder pour toujours... Quelques semaines ont passé depuis leur mariage surprise… « Que fais-tu ? » s'exclama Rain, les yeux écarquillés alors qu'elle observait Alexandre ramper sur son lit. « J'accomplis mes devoirs de mari, » répondit-il avec un sourire narquois. « Tu ne peux pas dormir ici ! C'est contraire à notre contrat ! » « Je ne le viole pas, » dit Alexandre en haussant les épaules. « Le contrat spécifie que tu rempliras tous les devoirs d'épouse, sauf partager mon lit. Il ne dit rien concernant le fait que je ne puisse pas accomplir les devoirs de mari, y compris partager ton lit. » La situation avait basculé, et on dirait qu'elle n'était plus la seule à avoir le contrôle...
Eustoma_Reyna · 98.8K Views

La femme de location du milliardaire est une pointure

« Je te laisserai être sur le dessus dès ce soir, s'il te plaît ne me divorce pas, chéri ! » ----- La vie de conte de fées d'Evelyn a volé en éclats lorsqu'un inconnu a fait irruption, prétendant être la véritable fille de la famille Wright avec des preuves. Ses privilèges enviés ? Envoyés aux oubliettes. Sa réputation immaculée ? Salie. Ses quatre ans de fiançailles ? Brutalement annulées. Mais la plus grande trahison venait de son père autrefois aimant, prêt à la marier pour régler une affaire commerciale – avec un homme deux fois son âge ! Tout le monde dans le cercle a assisté à ce mariage scandaleux, impatients d'assister à la chute de la prétendue fausse héritière. Pourtant, le point culminant n'était pas ce même Evelyn avait anticipé! Zevian Reign, le magnat le plus riche de la nation, connu pour être le fantasme de chaque femme et le cauchemar de tous ses rivaux, a fait une entrée spectaculaire. Son arrivée a stupéfié les invités, mais son souhait effronté fut encore plus surprenant ! Il a demandé avec désinvolture à remplacer le marié et à épouser la magnifique mariée. Personne n'a osé contester, ni n'a eu le courage de lui désobéir. Ils n'avaient d'autre choix que d'assister au mariage. Et c'était l'heure pour Evelyn de sourire en coin, car elle était désormais la femme du diable. Et tous ceux qui l'avaient ruinée, ils paieraient au centuple ! ++++ [Extrait] « Pourquoi larguerais-je mon mari pour un perdant ? » Evelyn rigola en croisant les bras avec défi. « Il est meilleur que lui dans tous les aspects. » Son regard se porta sur son ex-fiancé, non loin de là, et elle continua avec un sourire en coin, « En fait, beaucoup mieux au lit. » Alors que le visage d'Annabelle rougissait de dégoût, Evelyn lui tapota le dos et se pencha pour asséner une autre gifle. « Alors, bonne chance avec lécher mes restes, chère demi-sœur. Il est parfait pour toi. »
Zelra · 27.1K Views

Guide pour apprivoiser mes maris vilains

Suite du guide pour élever mes adorables maris. Mo Qiang, une architecte a été choisie par la fée de la nature qui l'a amenée dans le monde interstellaire où elle a été punie pour faire revivre la nature qu'elle a détruite de ses propres mains en créant une architecture qu'elle pensait ouvrir la voie vers le futur. Maintenant, coincée avec un système de revivification de la nature dans un monde plein de gaz toxiques et de trucs intergalactiques où elle doit tout recommencer à zéro et planter plus de forêts et de récoltes tout en créant un monde vivable pour les humains, Mo Qiang souffrait. Mais ça a l'air facile, non ? Non ! Sur son chemin, elle a trois maris méchants, tous les trois veulent la tuer pour pouvoir épouser sa sœur capable après l'avoir rejetée, elle qui était nulle et bonne à rien. Mo Qiang n'a rien contre eux, en fait, elle est plus que prête à divorcer d'eux après avoir sécurisé sa vie et augmenté sa faveur dans leurs cœurs de sorte qu'ils ne la tueront pas mais —— Pourquoi viennent-ils pour elle maintenant ? Allô, vous vouliez tous épouser sa sœur, non ? Extrait : « Voilà, » dit Mo Qiang en poussant l'accord de divorce en regardant son premier mari qui était doux mais venimeux comme un serpent. « J'ai déjà signé le document de notre divorce, tu peux y jeter un œil — attend, pourquoi est-ce que tu enlèves tes vêtements ? » La sirène la regarda et sourit doucement en retirant ses lunettes et dit, « On dirait que mon épouse n'est pas contente que je ne lui ai pas donné d'enfant, ne t'inquiète pas, je vais travailler dur ce soir. » Mo Qiang : « ….. » Je ne veux pas que tu travailles dur ! Prends le deuxième ! « Prends ça et signe-le, » dit Mo Qiang, cette fois plus fermement en regardant son deuxième mari qui lisait un scénario pour son film. « Je suis sûre que tu veux divorcer de moi, n'est-ce pas ? J'ai déjà signé — ouah ! Pourquoi tu me mets sur le lit ? » Demanda-t-elle en regardant le visage magnifique. Son deuxième mari la fixa et d'une expression et d'une voix aussi froides que l'eau, dit, « Je dois répéter une scène d'amour, aide-moi, chère épouse. » Mo Qiang : « …… » Ce film que tu tournes est basé sur l'apocalypse Zerg, ne me mens pas ! Avec qui vas-tu faire l'amour ? Un Zerg ? Prends le troisième ! « Huff, huff... c'est l'accord de divorce, signe-le... Je sais que ta compagnie n'autorise pas les idoles à sortir avec quelqu'un, alors tiens signe-le, » dit-elle à son troisième mari qui s'entraînait à danser. La sirène, habillée d'une chemise en soie ample et de la sueur coulant le long de son corps, jeta un œil au document qu'elle lui tendait, puis étreignit Mo Qiang. Une seconde plus tard, elle entendit sa voix sanglotante alors qu'il parsemait son cou de baisers, « Épouse, tu ne me veux plus ? Est-ce le nouvel idole qui a attiré ton attention, je le savais ! Je vais m'occuper de lui ! » « Pose ce couteau, veux-tu ! » Et pourquoi le troisième prince de la famille impériale qui la détestait à mort lui court après avec des fleurs ? Elle a déjà assez à faire ! ….
fairytail72 · 48.3K Views

Je suis la Méchante dans l'Apocalypse

La fête de fiançailles tant attendue se transforme en annonce de rupture et en avis d'expulsion de la maison. En une journée, Anna a tout perdu. Elle a accidentellement activé un espace et pris les fournitures de l'entreprise pour se venger. Mais qui aurait cru que des catastrophes naturelles allaient survenir ? Le monde change et les ressources se raréfient. Donc, le style de peinture a changé. Quand d'autres personnes se bousculent pour trouver quelque chose à manger, Anna cuisinait encore chez elle. Quand d'autres personnes se battent pour de la nourriture, Anna était allongée sur son lit en grignotant ses chips préférées. Quand d'autres personnes travaillent dur pour obtenir de l'eau, Anna était confortablement allongée dans sa baignoire. Les parents sont venus frapper à la porte pour demander de l'aide. Anna les a seulement regardés froidement et a craché, "Dégagez !" Son ex-fiancé est également venu, demandant réconciliation et amour. Son nouvel homme l'a mis à la porte et l'a claquée. Il a ensuite regardé Anna d'un air pitoyable. "Chérie, tu ne me veux plus ? Je suis facile à entretenir." Anna a regardé l'homme à l'allure de chiot et l'a tiré plus près avec un sourire sur le visage. . . . Ce n'est que plus tard qu'elle a réalisé que le chiot est en fait un grand méchant loup... Mais les marchandises ne pouvaient pas être rendues ! … Notes : la couverture est une image d'IA. Je l'ai juste un peu retouchée.
SoraKeith · 39K Views


"Once upon a time..." "There was a young man named Fionn." "He was the king of the Hyperboreans, a civilization that thrived in the distant north of the world, where peace and harmony reigned beneath skies of eternal frost." "One day, during one of his habitual walks beyond the walls of his grand, crystalline castle, Fionn heard a peculiar sound—a sharp squealing that pierced the stillness of the white forest surrounding his domain." "Startled and alert, he gripped the hilt of his regal sword and followed the noise, his boots crunching softly over snow-dusted leaves. As he pushed through the pale foliage, the source of the sound revealed itself—a girl, cornered by a thur." "The creature was monstrous, towering over both the girl and Fionn himself. Its thick, gnarled skin was the color of ash, mottled with scars and patches of coarse, dark hair. A pair of jagged tusks jutted from its wide, snarling mouth, and its eyes glowed faintly, like embers in a dying fire. Long, sinewy arms ended in clawed hands that could snap trees like twigs, and its breath came out in ragged, steaming huffs, filling the air with a stench of decay." "The thur growled, advancing on the girl with a lumbering gait, its massive frame causing the ground to tremble faintly beneath its weight. Every instinct in Fionn's body screamed at him to flee, but he stood firm." "Drawing his sword in one fluid motion, the king lunged forward. With a single, decisive strike, he felled the monster, its roar silenced as it collapsed into the snow." "-Are you all right?- Fionn asked, his voice steady but gentle as he turned toward the girl." "But she didn't respond. She didn't even look at him." "Fionn frowned, puzzled by her silence. Perhaps she was too shaken by the attack to speak, he thought. Yet, something else caught his attention—something even more peculiar." "Her skin. It wasn't the pale, snowy white of the Hyperboreans. It was... pink. A soft, warm hue unlike anything he had ever seen." "-Ehm... I know this might sound a little inappropriate, but... where are you from? You don't look like anyone from here,- Fionn ventured cautiously, hoping for a reply. But still, she said nothing." "-Wait!- He suddenly realized, his eyes widening. -Could it be that you don't understand me?-" "If she didn't respond because she didn't know his language, then she couldn't be from Hyperborea—or even anywhere nearby. But where else could she be from? Beyond Hyperborea, there was only the vast, unending sea... wasn't there?" "-Could it be that she's from one of the other Nine Worl—- Fionn's thoughts were abruptly interrupted as the girl rose to her feet." "She stepped closer to him, her movements deliberate but strange, her expression unreadable. She—Oh!" ~Ronf~ ~Ronf~ ~Ronf~ "Looks like Artair is already asleep..." The mother lowered the book gently, a warm smile on her lips as she gazed at her son's peaceful face. "He must have played a lot today. I usually read him more of the story before he falls asleep..." Leaning over, she placed a soft kiss on his forehead. "Good night, my little Artair." With a quiet sigh, she tucked the blanket around him even more snugly than before, then rose from the bedside. Extinguishing the torch that lit his room, she left, closing the door behind her with care. In the dim stillness of the house, she paused, looking out through the small window at the darkened village. Her thoughts turned inward as she whispered to herself: "I hope, at least, that you'll be able to live a life free from war..."
EBS · 673 Views

The Undead's Personal Slave

Samantha never expected to find magic in her hometown, let alone in a dimly lit bar on a rainy Tuesday night. Yet here she was, perched on a barstool at the Black Swan, her world about to tilt on its axis. The air thrummed with an otherworldly energy she couldn't quite place. Ethereal dancers moved like smoke across the floor, their bodies fluid and mesmerizing. As Samantha nursed her drink, she felt the weight of curious stares prickling her skin. That's when she saw him. Marcus. A name she didn't know yet, but one that would soon be etched into her very soul. Their eyes locked across the crowded room, and Samantha's breath caught in her throat. He moved with predatory grace, all lean muscle and barely restrained power. Their first interaction was as intoxicating as it was bewildering. One moment, he was her gallant protector, rescuing her from an overly aggressive drunk. The next, his eyes hardened to chips of ice as he snarled, "Stupid girl," before melting into the shadows. Samantha's mind reeled, but her body hummed with an excitement she couldn't explain. Little did she know, this encounter was merely the first step into a world beyond her wildest fantasies – a realm where vampires ruled the night and pain blurred exquisitely with pleasure. As she delved deeper into this hidden society, Samantha found herself drawn to the intoxicating blend of power, submission, and supernatural allure. The crack of a whip, the whisper of leather, the exquisite sting of fangs – each sensation pushed her boundaries and ignited desires she never knew existed. But with every ecstatic high came the sobering reality of danger. Vampire politics were as deadly as they were intricate, and Samantha soon realized she was a pawn in a game where the stakes were life, death, and eternal servitude. As she left the Black Swan that night, Samantha couldn't shake the feeling that she stood on the precipice of something life-changing. She had no idea how right she was, or how deeply she would fall into a passionate, dangerous dance with forces beyond her imagination. The real question was: in this world where pleasure and peril intertwined so intimately, would she emerge empowered... or lose herself completely?
rach_sales · 81.1K Views

The scarlet Lamb

Summary The story is a fantasy story with a slight horror aesthetic coupled with slight romance but not too much for this is mainly an action novel. Disclaimer: lots of gore and profanity will be used, with lit RPGs. Yes it's another reincarnation story but one where the MC doesn't know how to make everything in modern time. There will be slight evolution but not much for I want to keep him as close to a sheep as possible but he will get humanoid form but he won't turn into a human. No Graphic R18 scene. I'm not writing a smut story! I will add art of the characters and monsters as much as I am able to in the comments at the end, so please check them out when you finish reading the chapter! If you really like the story and or character art please help support my work by visiting my etsy store where I will be selling them on t-shirts or other nick-knacks. Alright that enough self promotion now onto the main sum. Summary: Enter the world of Redsorrth, a world filled with magic and dangers >:)! A world filled with all the fantasy classics like dwarves, elves, beast-men etc.. with classic monsters such as… goblins, demons and dragons. This fantasy classic story takes place where our hero Babbitt is a newborn sheep where he must survive to become a shepherd, but how will he survive when his race is always being hunted! For sheep flesh makes the best sacrifices to the gods as well as to feed their enemy stomachs, for sheep is the most prized of delicacies! For they are Hunted down for their wool, blood and flesh, while their innocent souls make the best conduit for the demons and gods alike. How long will he survive being born at one of the human farms? Will he escape to find the higher forms of his race? Or will he forever be stuck as a sheep for the slaughter? Will he meet a cute female sheepy…. Well I guess the only way to know is to read and find out!
Sulfates_Cidif · 8.4K Views

MISSION: Make her fall for me

Love was nothing for Stella Cruze, the daughter of Magdalene Cruze, the  most puissant,dominated rich woman in town with a lot of companies.Member of a mafia clan and her popularity centered on her domineering demeanor and  overwhelming wealth Taking the first place in ranking of wealth. Stella was overwhelmingly beautiful and so attractive but inherited the domineering behavior of her mother.Stella ,as the only child of Magdalene already inherited Magdalene's wealth. Love was nothing to  Stella ,to her love was a waste of time that always results in pain. Apollo Dun was the son of the Don,Lucus, the most dangerous Mafia boss.All Apollo wanted from the day his mom left was to make his father proud but it seemed like an impossible dream since Aaron Dunn, his step brother —same age—always got in the way. Lucus got diagnosed with  Alzheimer's disease and was going to die in two years. All he wants before his death is to take the first place in ranking of wealth.So he tells his sons to take control over the Cruze Empire. But how can this be done without falling for the  attractive Stella Cruze. ----------------------- Excerpt "Don't try me Apollo"Her words conveyed anger but her voice showed how much she wanted this. Apollo held her chin, lifting her head a little."Or else?"he asked with a smirk.He didn't comprehend why he was enjoying this.Fine, because making her fall for him was easy than expected but it felt like he wanted this and he didn't comprehend this feeling. His closeness made her heart pound so fast.She felt her chicks turn red.Stella looked away and struggled to free herself from his grip. "Just..leave me alone"She said. "What if I say I won't?"Apollo asked with a grin ."Just admit it Stella, you want me"He added. That he said was true but she was too stubborn to accept it . Love was not on her menu. "Dream on" Finally she removed her had from his and walked pass him, catching her breathe.Then, suddenly he pulled her by the waist . They were close to each other and their lips were a mere inch away.This was the best chance for Apollo to do what he wanted from the first day he set his eyes on her.....To kiss her. They both stared at each other's lips. "You better be ready for this."Apollo said. "W—what—"She felt his lips connected to to her. I don't own the cover so please ask the owner for permission before using it. Thank you. I hope you'll like my second book.
Clairemade · 19.1K Views

Mr. CEO, You're Out!

Su Wan married the man she had loved for ten years with a heart full of joy. On their wedding night, however, he said to her, "Su Wan, you've been given the status of Mrs. Xu. All you need to do is fulfill your duties. The only things you can get from me are power and money, nothing else." Su Wan, holding a sincere heart as if it were red-hot coal, wanted to tell him that she had secretly loved him for many years. But before she could give away her true feelings, they were thrown to the ground and shattered. Everyone thought that Su Wan must be very happy to marry A city's most noble man, Gu Nanzhou. Even Su Wan herself thought so. But that was just what she thought. Until one day, Su Wan realized that no matter what she did, she could not warm Gu Nanzhou's indifferent heart, and she no longer hoped to gain his love. She chose to leave, to set each other free, leaving only a divorce agreement behind. Everyone knew that Gu Nanzhou had no feelings for Su Wan and that marrying her was merely a reluctant decision. On the day of their divorce, his friends celebrated for him. In the lively atmosphere of the private room, the cold yet noble man didn't utter a word. With his legs crossed and fingertips glowing with a scarlet light, his expression was obscured by the swirling smoke, his mood impenetrable to others. And nobody knew that after Su Wan left, there were countless sleepless nights when Gu Nanzhou sat in her room, his fingers holding the divorce agreement turning white with tension. Later, at a banquet, Gu Nanzhou cornered Su Wan in a dimly lit corner. The man's eyes were slightly red, his voice low and hoarse, his usually indifferent and serene face now showing an unprecedented disarray, almost begging the person in his arms. "Wanwan, please don't divorce me, okay?"
Seven Summer Leaves · 133.3K Views


" why ?" Veronica asked . zacks breath hardened , his chest heaving deeply " why what ?" he asked. " why did you stop, why did you stop all of it , you stopped treating me the way you used to" Veronica replied blinking back tears . " Veronica, i thought you wanted me out of your life ?" . "Noo !". " i didn't, i don't, i never wanted you out of my life " Veronica yelled , tears rolling down her holden brown eyes . zack abruptly got on his knees , cupping her face in his large palm ." stop , stop crying, you are making me feel even worse " . " i like , i like all thise times , you stalk me, torment me , torture me, huant me, you make me suffer the the way i like it and just stopped all that , you left like i wasn't worth all that anymore " . " No that's a lie, i want you, i want to destroy you". he replied chuckling dryly . His laughter rolling over in the empty room. " Veronica i want to make you mine , ruin you that you will have no where else to run to but to come back to me but.. Veronica you don't deserve such toxic love " he said his thumb wipping tears off her face . " No , that's what i want , it al i need zack , please " Veronica pleaded with him starring deep into his eyes . zack grabbed her both hands in one of his jerking her back into reality " stop this madness " . " No i Will not, I wiil yell, i wil scream zack , i want you , i have completly lost it ". zack face lit in a crocked smile bitting on his lower lip. " calm down , you need to remember that we are still in hostage " . " oh that , i kidnapped us , you never wanted to to cross path with me , so i arranged for us to be kidnapped ". " Jesus Veronica, you are crazy " zack replied flashing her a proud smile. Veronica giggled brushing her arm on his hand " I know" . " you are beautiful mama " he said brushing the strands of hair on her face aside, pulling her face closer , capturing her lips for a rough kiss . " so how do we get out of here mami ?" he asked his eyes darting around the room .
HELLAT · 669 Views

the prophecy: oh she's the one

The history of the prophecy was shrouded in mystery and legend. But according to the tales, it began with a blind seer embedded by the gods with the vision of a child prophesied to unite all clans, ushering an era of peace.      The vampires were the first to learn of the prophecy, which foretold that the child would be of their own flesh and blood. Yet, instead of embracing this revelation, their hearts ignited with a fierce hatred for the unborn child, leading them to rebel against it's coming.      Meanwhile, the werewolves, upon discovering the dark rebellion of the vampires, vowed to protect the child. This decision further tore the six clans apart, as some members, driven by fear, chose to side with the vampires while others rallied behind the werewolves.      As the night of the blood-red moon approached—700 years after the prophecy was first foretold— the prophesied child was born into the human world, seemingly cursed by fate and shunned by her own kind. . . . In a dimly lit chamber, a man approaches a fierce figure seated on a throne-like chair.      “My Lord... the child is alive,” he stammered, his head bowed and body visibly trembling with fear.      “Hmph,” Lord Neil scoffed, his eyes closed and lips curled into a sinister smile that sent chills down the messenger's spine.      “She's alive, you say?” he asked, his voice heavy with authority as he breathed out smoke that swirled in the air like a dark warning.    The messenger's heart skipped two beats as sweat dripped down his face; he slowly nods his head in affirmation      “Then she tricked me,”Neil declared, his expression suddenly cold as he opened his eyes, revealing crimson orbs that seemed capable of burning any soul at a glance.      “Summon Mia!” he roared, crushing the last remnants of his cigarette with his hand, his fangs elongating in anticipation of the chaos to come. Now with her fate and life wrapped around an ancient prophecy, Would she fulfill her destiny or succumb to the darkness that surrounds her?
Desylmo · 2.4K Views

The Strongest Lord: My Strength Correspond To My Subjects!

Reborn in a fantasy world as a fetus in his mother's womb, Fredrinn was excited and expectant. Unfortunately, he was nothing more than a son of a village leader. His life was mediocre, and he became a lowly soldier in someone else's territory. Misfortune fell upon his family, and his father unexpectedly died in a venture to trade with the local villages. He was called back by his mother to continue his father's legacy as the village head. Seeing no prospect for the future in being a lowly soldier at his age, Fredrinn planned to spend the rest of his life as a village head. It was then... [Ding! Successfully became the head of a force.] [National Strength Gathering System has been activated!] [Analyzing the current force...] [Ding! Detected, there are 1 family member, 139 villagers, and 49 livestock!] [Would you like to bind them and have a share of their strength?] [Current Force: Level 1 (Village)] [Family members could share 10% of their strength. 2 talents could be shared.] [Members could share 5% of their strength. A talent could be shared.] [Livestock could share 1% of their strength.] With this, Fredrinn decided to be a qualified village head, expand his family tree, nurture his fellow villagers, and breed powerful livestock with his utmost sincerity, quietly increasing his strength. Family members, citizens, livestock... Their numbers increased slowly, and by the time Fredrinn came out to face the fantasy world, he realized. Have you seen a squire killing off hundreds of knights? Have you seen an ordinary knight brutally beating an invincible Grand Knight with a Divine Physique like he was handling a chick? Have you seen a lone Town Master suppressing Emperors with just a lift of his finger? Have you seen peerless, powerful Monarchs groveling just to be with a single man who was not even a King? ... Have you seen a mortal Emperor holding the fort alone against the invading gods and demons?
I_am_A_Bystander · 29.4K Views

Perfect Imperfection: Resurrection of the Wayward Heart

#Entertainment #Showbiz Nobody's life is perfect, they say. But what if one becomes the epitome of imperfection. That's what her life had been. Imperfection. Her very existence, a flaw. All her life she had been aware of it and rebelled against it. Until she became the only imperfection in someone's perfect life. She got to let him go. And that's what she had done. ... An artist who neither had passion to strive better, nor cared for her reputation or popularity. This is the story of a self-destructive artist who herself is not sure of her own identity. A story of bird who has lost its will to fly. But as the gust of wind wills to throw her off the branch, she once again spread her wings and soar the sky again. Higher than ever. ... Everyone in the Han Entertainment knows that Ying Yue was just a background arranged by the company to make the uprising star Li Yi shine bright. Ying Yue herself never tried to fight against that. She felt the need to question the unfair contract she was forced to sign with the company. All she wanted was to wait till the period of the contract ends, so that she could finally get away from the spotlight of people hatred. But the company feared that the puppet in their hand would go to someone else to be a thorn in their path. So they lit up a fire that would burn her career to ash. Ying Yue was finally ready to bury herself, when a call came in to remind herself of the person she was. The rebellious heart of hers which she had buried for the past three years was finally resurrected. And on her journey to finding her lost self once again, she comes across the very person who taught her what love was. And also heartbreak. }}=SNEAK PEEK={{ [ She still remembers that Christmas Eve. She was in his arms, under the cover of the dark moonless sky. Neither not mining the chilling snow underneath them. She told him then,  "My life is filled with flaws. Meeting me has become the only imperfection in your otherwise perfect life."  To which he stared into her eyes and gave her the sweetest kiss he had given. As if he was pulling her into his very soul and showering her with his endless warmth. "Well… You are the perfect imperfection I need in my life." ]
A_Mis · 2.6K Views

For Vengeance, I Ascend Once More

[Warning: This novel can get brutal and has some some R18 scenes which you will be warned of at the beginnings of the chapters] ....... What is existence? It is divided into two Spaces. The Mortis, where one can find Worlds. The Immortis, where one can find Realms. Both divided by a boundary that keeps the two separate. However, as vast as this world is, only a single individual's story is relevant. A man who rose from the depths of a dark society in the Mortis and ended up being a symbol power, prosperity and fear in the Immortis. Revered and respect by experts of all realms of power. He was granted a title to acknowledge him as a powerful expert. A King. However, there’s a saying in the Immortis. ‘Like the Mobius of Birth, one’s life always comes back around with all the vile darkness one thinks they’ve left behind.’ The man who had become a King, lost everything to a cycle that came to bite him in the back. Betrayal. Everything that he built. The wife he loved. The children he raised. All of it was lost. He returned to square one. Back to the Mortis, where he began. Join him on his journey to ascend again. His fury is not abated. He wishes to tear down his enemies for they did. The traitors for their betrayal. Will he rise alone? Will he follow the same path as the last time? Will he overpower his enemies? Find out in the story of a dark King. The King of.... ......... "You are rage." As he said so, he slashed down with the sword, his arms not quite able to bring down the sword in a perfect slash. However, it was a slash nonetheless. It was clumsy, but it was fine. The young man raised his arms and grasped his sword above his head again. "You are pain," he said as he slashed down with a better steadiness that made his slash look a bit more elegant. The look in his eyes turned colder as the evening breeze brushed past him. Before him was not the sea or the moon or the stars. There was the face of his enemies as they dared to bring to ruin all that he had built. "You are fear," he said as he brought down his sword again, its rusting blade showing nothing of the magnificence a sword should bear. What was the True Way of the Sword? It was to cause bloodshed. It was to cause pain. It was to cause sorrow. It was to tear away families from their fathers, husbands, children, mothers. Every weapon was forged to cut down a life. Whether it was to protect or not. A life would be taken by the silver blade as it slashed down. The bulky man in the forge, hammering away at the heated metal would seek to make a sword stronger and sharpen it afterwards so it wouldn't fail to behead a foe. A sword's purpose and instinct was to kill. "You are torment!" The young man slashed again with all his might, his slash being a silver light could be seen as it was lit in the night. "You are war!" He lowered his stance as he felt the sword slice through the air seamlessly. "You are madness!" The sword blew a bit of the sand on the shore as he swung down. "You are destruction!" he said as he slashed. 'I will walk this path again. It has worked for me before and it will continue to work now,' he thought. He slashed again. 'None shall remain standing when I return to the Realms above.' ........... Cover is not to artist..
Shade_Arjuun · 41.6K Views
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