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Ragazzi e ragazze, tutti rinchiusi nello stesso lurido posto. Vittime delle loro azioni. Vittime di ciò con cui si sono macchiati. Vittime di chi li ha cresciuti. Ma soprattutto, vittime di loro stessi. Quando sei vittima di te stesso non puoi correre da nessuna parte. Solo imparando ad affrontare la realtà, solo così, potrai dire di essere veramente libero. Ma ci si può liberare della propria mente? Non potrai mai sentirti libero se prima non impari a convivere con quel che hai fatto pagandone le conseguenze. Alcune cicatrici è difficile guarirle. Dipende dove te le porti, se nel corpo, o nella mente. I pensieri fanno male, logorano. Le azioni ne conseguono. Ma quando ti ritrovi in un posto dove quel che hai fatto ti viene messo tutto su un tavolo, non puoi non guardare in faccia la realtà. Così impari a conviverci h 24, rimanendo solo tu coi tuoi pensieri perenni. Loro verranno uniti da una sola cosa, ovvero, una cella fredda ed un pavimento polveroso dove parlare dei loro maledetti problemi. E questa, è la loro storia... Lui, per lei è come una calamita Lei, per lui è la persona sbagliata. Lui, è la tempesta. Lei, è la calma. Lui, è la persona da cui vorresti stare lontano. Lei, è la persona a cui vorresti stare affianco. Lei, è cresciuta volendo pensare al futuro. Lui, è cresciuto restando intrappolato nel passato. Lei, angelo dannato in cerca di emozione. Lui, demone disperato in cerca di pace. Lei, vittima del pericolo. Lui, vittima del crimine. ⏩©copyright,tutti i diritti riservati sequel: "VIVERE NEL PERICOLO". STORIA COMPLETATA⏪
thestories01 · 45.5K Views

Mon épouse super féroce bien-aimée

"Le nouveau livre 'Réprimandée comme l'étoile de la mort, tous les grands du Capital se précipitent pour me gâter' est maintenant disponible !" Également connu sous le nom de "Ère Renaissante : S'enrichir avec le Système de Connexion." [Une protagoniste féminine énergique vs. un protagoniste masculin vindicatif, sarcastique et élégant] Après une explosion en laboratoire, Lin Tang retourne à cette époque de pauvreté et est liée à un système de connexion. Avant qu'elle ait le temps de réclamer le pack de cadeaux pour nouveaux venus, son fiancé, arborant un air confiant, vient rompre les fiançailles. La raison, c'est qu'il est sur le point de décrocher un emploi stable. Lin Tang regarde l'homme ordinaire mais sûr de lui, entrouvre légèrement ses lèvres rouges et dit : "... romps-les !" Moins d'un mois plus tard, son ex-fiancé est renvoyé pour une raison quelconque. Lin Tang fait un tour dans le comté et devient l'officier exécutif de la Station de Diffusion dans l'Usine Textile. OS interne de l'ex-fiancé : Est-il trop tard pour se réconcilier maintenant ? - Ces temps étaient difficiles ! Même choyée par ses trois grands frères et ses parents, tout, de la nourriture aux vêtements et même le savon, nécessitait des coupons... Même une vie frugale ne pouvait pas atténuer la misère. Regardant la bouillie noire dans le bol, Lin Tang resta silencieuse, “......” Heureusement, elle avait un système ! Besoin de quelque chose ? Il suffit de se connecter pour l'obtenir. - Plusieurs années plus tard. Un homme séduisant regardait sa délicate femme au teint clair, gardant son sérieux tout en disant, “J'ai entendu dire que tu pouvais assommer un sanglier avec juste deux coups de poing ?” Les yeux de Lin Tang pétillèrent, ses doigts exerçant doucement de la force, le Pot d'Émail dans sa main se déforma. Elle répondit d'un ton sérieux, “Absurdités ! Ne crois pas ces rumeurs. Nous sommes des gens civilisés et ne pouvons pas être aussi barbares !”
a visitor from South Flight · 10.6K Views

Esposa Amada do Bilionário

A primeira vez que se encontraram, ela invadiu o quarto dele bem quando ele tinha acabado de sair do banho. Calmamente enfrentou o olhar perigoso dele e provocou ousadamente, “E aí, gato, belo corpo~” A segunda vez que se encontraram foi em um banquete extravagante. Ela tinha sido encantadora e exuberante. Logo após torturar alguém, ela se inclinou em direção a ele e perguntou de maneira coquete, “Ouvi dizer que você tem me chamado de sua namorada e me usando como escudo. Então, pode ajudar uma ferramenta como eu?” Desde então, Mestre Qin ganhou em casa um pequeno monstro caótico que o irritava todo dia. Todos diziam que a verdadeira filha da família An não se comparava à falsa filha porque foi criada como uma caipira. Ela nem se comparava ao cabelo da falsa filha. Ah, mas todos receberam um tapa na cara, junto com a filha falsa. Eles foram até torturados até que se sentissem nauseados. Depois, diziam que mesmo que a verdadeira filha se comparasse à falsa, ela ainda era apenas uma filha abandonada que não era amada pelos pais e não tinha poder, que ela não valia o Mestre Qin. Sem que eles soubessem, quando os pais dela perceberam isso, eles e seus quatro irmãos estavam implorando para que ela voltasse para casa. Até que um dia, a verdadeira filha anunciou que estava se retirando de cena para cuidar do marido e dos filhos. Naquele momento, inúmeros magnatas e magnatas lamentaram, implorando para que ela ficasse... A pequena monstra selvagem, audaciosa e encantadora VS o CEO abstêmio, protetor e flertador
Jun An'an · 49.8K Views

Depois de ser incriminada por sua família, ela foi mimada por um CEO de uma família rica

Jing Yao dormiu com o CEO de uma família rica que tinha fama de se afastar das mulheres. Ela até engravidou. Jing Yao cresceu sem receber qualquer amor de seus pais. Embora ela e sua irmã fossem gêmeas, ela não se parecia em nada com sua irmã mais velha. Seus pais favoreciam sua irmã mais velha. Jing Yao foi obrigada a começar a trabalhar desde jovem, enquanto sua irmã podia ficar em casa sem fazer nada. Jing Yao tinha que pagar suas próprias mensalidades. Uma única bolsa que sua irmã possuía custava dezenas de milhares. Não apenas isso, mas sua irmã mais velha até ficou com seu noivo, com quem estava noiva desde criança. Formalmente falando, Jing Yao era a segunda irmã na família. No entanto, na realidade, ela era tão pobre que nem conseguia pagar seu próprio aluguel. Sua família nunca lhe mostrou qualquer cuidado ou afeto. Pelo bem do casamento de sua irmã mais velha, a mãe biológica de Jing Yao a armou fazendo-a beber com um investidor. Ela foi até drogada. Felizmente, ela estava alerta o suficiente para fugir. No entanto, ela correu na direção errada. Como resultado, ela acabou dormindo com Liang Xun. Depois de voltar para casa, a mãe de Jing Yao gritou com ela. Seu noivo idiota a humilhou. Jing Yao cancelou o casamento na hora. Desde então, ela deixou a família Jing. Mais tarde, Liang Xun descobriu que Jing Yao estava grávida. Ele a procurou e pediu para que ela se casasse com ele. No entanto, Jing Yao o rejeitou. Liang Xun ofereceu diretamente 100 milhões como presente de casamento, e ela acabou aceitando. Rumores começaram a se espalhar na internet. Jing Yao, uma celebridade feminina que recentemente ganhou popularidade, estava sendo acusada de se envolver no relacionamento de sua irmã mais velha. Alguns até disseram que ela era a sugar baby de Liang Xun. Apesar das críticas, Jing Yao publicou uma resposta positiva. "Eu não tenho uma irmã mais velha, e eu sou a sugar mommy de Liang Xun." Liang Xun imediatamente comentou na publicação dela. "Minha esposa está certa."
Mountain Springs · 29.5K Views

L'identité de Madame choque à nouveau toute la ville

Qiao Nian a vécu dans la maison de la famille Qiao pendant 18 ans avant que ses parents biologiques ne la retrouvent. Soudainement, toutes les familles riches de la ville savaient que la famille Qiao avait une fausse fille ! Une vraie fille de famille aisée serait douée, douce et gentille. Une fausse fille ne serait pas capable d’acquérir des compétences et n’accomplirait rien. Tout le monde voulait voir à quel point elle serait misérable lorsqu'elle retournerait dans son ravin après avoir été expulsée d'une famille riche ! Qiao Nian pensait aussi que ses parents biologiques étaient de pauvres professeurs du comté de Luohe. Qui aurait cru que son frère conduisait une Phaeton d'une valeur de trois cent mille yuans ! Son père biologique était aussi un professeur qui enseignait à l'Université de Tsinghua ! Le gros bonnet de la famille de canailles est devenu un lèche-bottes et s'est incliné devant son grand-père… Qiao Nian était sidérée. Euh… cela ne revenait pas au même que dire oui ! Après avoir été libérée de la famille de canailles, Qiao Nian a pu être elle-même. Elle était la première étudiante à l'examen d'entrée à l'université, une star des diffusions en direct et l'héritière d'un patrimoine culturel inestimable… Ses identités ont été révélées et lorsqu'elle a commencé à apparaître dans les recherches populaires de la ville, la famille de canailles est devenue verte. Les anti-fans se moquaient : À quoi ça sert d'essayer de feindre une image ? Tu ne fais que coller à mon frère tous les jours, n'est-ce pas ? Qiao Nian a répondu : Je suis désolée mais j'ai déjà trouvé chaussure à mon pied. Frère Aîné : @Qiao Nian. Permettez-moi de vous la présenter. Voici ma sœur. Grand-père fortuné : Ma chère petite-fille, pourquoi travailles-tu si dur ? Si tu veux un vélo, grand-père te l'achètera ! Les riches et puissants de Pékin colportaient une rumeur selon laquelle Maître Wang cachait une épouse dans sa maison luxueuse. Peu importe combien de personnes ont essayé de le convaincre, il ne l'a jamais emmenée rencontrer quelqu'un. S'il était interrogé, il répondrait la même phrase. « Ma femme vient de la campagne et elle est timide. » Jusqu'au jour où quelqu'un a vu le noble et froid Maître Wang tenir la taille svelte d'une fille tout en se cachant dans un coin de mur et en murmurant les yeux rouges. « Chérie, quand me donneras-tu un titre ? » [Fausse fille qui vient en réalité d'une famille véritablement riche] + [Deux gros bonnets]
Brother Ling · 62.9K Views

La Renaissance du Dieu Immortel Sans Nom

``` La Terre a subi un étrange changement. S'étendant des millions de fois sa taille originale, sa population fut soudainement divisée en deux. D'un côté, il y avait un groupe d'humains technologiquement avancés. Mais, de l'autre, un monde de cultivation avait grandi et prospéré. Les secrets ayant mené à ce changement ont été cachés dans l'obscurité depuis bien trop longtemps... Jusqu'au jour où un garçon né du côté Mortel du monde fut découvert comme ayant le talent d'entrer du côté Martial. Ayant perdu ses deux parents face à une marée cachée, il choisit de tout quitter derrière lui pour entrer dans cette terre de dangers. Quelles vérités allait-il dévoiler ? Que découvrirait-il sur ce qui séparait les Mortels des Cultivateurs ? Quels maux cachés voulaient s'assurer que son peuple ne se lève jamais et n'acquiert de pouvoir ? Et comment ces maux... traiteraient-ils de lui ? ---- Cette liste de choses que je hais est plutôt longue. La première est que je hais être mis à l'épreuve plus que tout. La deuxième est que je hais être mis à l'épreuve plus que tout. La troisième est aussi que je hais être mis à l'épreuve plus que tout. Les profondeurs de l'océan sont trop peu profondes, la lumière du soleil trop faible, le sol trop banal et les cieux trop exiguës. Pour ceux nés de ce monde incolore qui se croient dignes de me juger... Je ne peux que dire que c'est risible. Je suis le Dieu Immortel Sans Nom car même les Cieux eux-mêmes ne sont pas dignes de me nommer. Même sans connaître ma propre identité, je dessécherai les océans jusqu'à ce que seule une terre fendue subsiste, je plongerai le soleil dans une obscurité éternelle, je briserai le sol sous mes pieds et fendrai les cieux avec ma lame. Suis-je trop arrogant ? Quel droit as-tu de penser cela ? ---- ```
Awespec · 59.4K Views

Mage le plus puissant avec le système de Luxure

``` [ Avertissement : Contenu Mature R-18 ] La mort est-elle une fin ou un nouveau début ? Je ne sais pas. Mais, pour notre protagoniste, c'était ce dernier. Max, un vingtenaire vierge, fut attaqué par un ours en forêt et mourut d'une mort plutôt réticente et prématurée. Heureusement pour lui... ce n'était pas la fin de son histoire. Il se réveilla et se retrouva transmigré dans un monde rempli de magie, de merveilles et... de belles femmes. Dieu semblait être content de lui car non seulement il était le plus jeune fils d'un noble dans ce monde, mais il avait aussi reçu un système -Le Système de Luxure- pour devenir le mage le plus fort et atteindre des sommets jamais égalés. Tout semblait incroyable mais était-ce vrai ou juste une illusion ? Rejoignez le passionnant voyage de Maxwell Garfield dans ce monde merveilleux pour s'élever au sommet. ______________________________ [Points à noter] 1. Comme vous l'avez sans doute déjà deviné à partir du titre, mais permettez-moi de vous dire que l'histoire sera remplie de nombreuses aventures sexuelles. Alors... vous êtes les bienvenus pour en profiter..... 2. Cependant... ne vous attendez pas à ce que le personnage principal ait des relations sexuelles avec chaque femme qu'il rencontre. Je vais me concentrer sur l'histoire, et j'essaierai de ne pas insérer aveuglément des scènes de sexe à tort et à travers. 3. Plus important encore, c'est ma première expérience en écriture donc la qualité des 50 premiers chapitres ou à peu près peut être un peu médiocre (Mais cela ne devrait pas vous poser de problème si quelques petites erreurs ne vous dérangent pas). 4. C'est une histoire au rythme lent. Si vous voulez que tout soit explosif et rapide, peut-être que ce n'est pas pour vous. Note importante : Si vous appréciez l'histoire, n'oubliez pas de voter pour vos GTs, Power stones et aussi, si vous le pouvez, d'envoyer quelques CADEAUX. Cette pauvre âme vous en serait reconnaissante. Consultez également mon autre œuvre : [ L'Ascension du Dieu de Guerre le Plus Fort ] & [ Mon système de diable pervers ] Bonne lecture~ ________________ ```
Blizzard54k · 101.9K Views

A Esposa Oculta do CEO Frio

``` O que acontece quando um CEO Poderoso no mundo da moda, que já prometeu casar com a namorada, é obrigado a se casar com uma mulher de uma família humilde, comparada ao seu ilustre contexto familiar, contra a sua vontade? Fu Hua, um nome bem conhecido na indústria da moda é forçado a se casar com uma mulher chamada Jia Li, que estava muito abaixo do seu nível, pelo seu Avô, diante de quem ninguém na sua família ousava contrariar, inclusive ele. Ao longo do tempo, algo aconteceu e Fu Hua teve que aceitar o casamento, mas com condições. Mas o que acontece quando Jia consome seu casamento com Fu Hua e lhe dá um pequeno brotinho em troca? O que acontece quando o Marido descobre seu talento oculto, ele começará lentamente a se apaixonar por ela? Mas e se Jia Li descobrisse que Fu Hua sempre teve os olhos nela desde a primeira vez que se encontraram, qual seria a reação dela? ***************** Fu Hua liga para Jia Li pelo telefone para ajudá-lo a dobrar suas roupas, e Jia Li entra no seu quarto para assisti-lo pensando que ele não estava lá. Jia Li entrou no seu quarto e fechou a porta sem olhar para trás. Ela tinha apenas dado alguns passos quando ouviu a porta travar atrás dela. Ela ficou um pouco assustada quando olhou para trás e viu Fu Hua olhando para ela com um sorriso. "Como você... Estava aqui esse tempo todo?" Ela perguntou em choque. "Está assustada?" Fu Hua perguntou enquanto caminhava em sua direção com um sorriso perigoso. O desfecho foi que a inocente Jia Li foi completamente devorada pelo lobo faminto. Capa do livro encomendada pela artista Laylee Siga-me no Instagram: @authorpaschalinelily Entre no meu servidor do discord para obter informações em primeira mão... ```
Paschalinelily · 107.6K Views

Ascensão do Sacrifício: Tornei-me Invencível Após Entrar no Templo Matador de Deuses.

``` Atualização Diária! 9 AM PST ---------------------- João Foster, um dos principais especialistas de um certo estúdio de jogos, que uma vez ofendeu um bebê endinheirado. Como resultado, ele foi incriminado e vinculado ao pior talento - "Sacrifício", no novo jogo "GODSLAYER" no dia do lançamento do jogo. John foi o único entre os sacrificados que insistiu em não deletar seu personagem. Supostamente para ser sacrificado a O Diabo, John persistiu em sua busca. Depois de ser morto várias vezes, ele ainda avançava em direção a O Diabo com sua carne e sangue! [Ding: Você foi morto, perdendo 10 pontos de durabilidade de Arma e Equipamento.] [Ding: Você foi morto, perdendo 10 pontos de durabilidade de Arma e Equipamento.] ... Após múltiplas falhas, John ficou surpreso ao descobrir que suas habilidades e Exp estavam melhorando rapidamente enquanto lutava contra O Diabo! Alguns meses mais tarde, quando jogadores de todo o mundo estavam ocupados subindo de nível, uma notificação do sistema soou como um trovão: [Ding: 'Jogador Anônimo' matou com sucesso o CHEFE Mundial - Diabo 'Azazel', conquistando a recompensa de Primeira Morte!] ---------------------- Entrada no WSA 2023! Por favor, mostre seu apoio se você gosta da história! Como você pode mostrar seu apoio? Dê Pedra de Poder! 150=1 capítulo bônus 200=2 capítulos bônus 500=3 capítulos bônus O lançamento bônus ocorrerá na semana seguinte! ```
White_Ink · 49.1K Views

Kingdom Building Game: Starting Out With A Million Upgrade Points!

"World conquest was never part of the plan." Yu Chen was just an ordinary programmer, slaving away at his desk, fixing bugs for a popular kingdom-building game. His life was a cycle of endless work, sleepless nights, and little appreciation. One fateful night, while struggling to fix a game-breaking bug that granted players an absurd amount of upgrade points, his exhausted heart gave out. But death wasn't the end for Yu Chen. He awoke in a world strangly familiar—he had transmigrated into the very game he had been working on, now inhabiting the body of a notorious tyrant emperor, Arkanos Bloodbane, whose empire was on the brink of destruction. Surrounded by enemies, with rebellions simmering within and war on every front, Yu Chen, now Arkanos, quickly realizes the gravity of his situation. But to his shock, he discovers that he still has access to the game's system interface—complete with the million upgrade points from the bug he had tried to fix! With his knowledge of game mechanics, strategic mind, and a wealth of upgrade points, Arkanos sets out to turn the crumbling empire into an unstoppable force. He begins by summoning legendary heroes, deploying advanced technologies never before seen in this world, and revolutionizing his military and infrastructure. As he pushes his empire to greatness, Arkanos must navigate the treacherous politics of the imperial court, fend off treacherous factions, and outmaneuver the rival nations that seek to destroy him. But with each victory, he realizes that this world is not just a game—it's his new reality. The stakes are higher, the dangers more real, and the consequences of failure more dire than ever.
Zurbluris · 99K Views

A Noble Daughter's Reprisal

A Noble's Daughter Betrayed: Eva's Path to Redemption and Revenge! Eva, the sole heiress of the esteemed Arco Viscountcy, had always been groomed to inherit her family's legacy. Devoted to the idea of assuming her rightful position, she dedicated her entire life to preparing for the role. However, societal norms dictated that women must prove their worth through noble accomplishments, and earning a title proved to be an elusive challenge for Eva. Under mounting pressure from her peers, Eva's father succumbs to the influence of other nobles, compelling him to arrange a marriage for his daughter with a complete stranger. As Eva resigns herself to this unfamiliar existence as someone else's wife, a chilling tragedy strikes. Her fiancé, driven by dark motives, mercilessly slaughters Eva's parents, leaving her with a haunting choice. Now faced with a dire ultimatum, Eva stands at a critical crossroads. Should she allow her family's hard-earned legacy to crumble into oblivion, or will she embark on a perilous journey to earn the merits required for both vengeance and the reclamation of her birthright? Follow Eva as she sets forth on a path strewn with challenges, betrayal, and the pursuit of justice. Witness her transformation from a pawn trapped in an unjust system to a formidable force, driven by an unwavering determination to avenge her family's demise and restore honor to their name. Prepare for a gripping tale of sacrifice, resilience, and the indomitable spirit of a noblewoman scorned. [Special Thanks to RedPandaChick for editing this story for you guys to enjoy!] [Yuu Tsukiyama Thank you for getting the new cover to its last stages.] Discord Link:
DarkElven6 · 308K Views

Second Take On Romance - The A-List Actor Wants Me

One sunny day, Shen Jingwei, a Z-list actor, received an opportunity to attend an open-call audition the very next day. It was for the role of an antagonist in a new BL C-Drama, "Dance Of The Dragons", which was adapted from a novel of the same title. He agreed to join the audition due to several factors, among which his manager's threat to jump off the 20th floor, his dire need for money, and also the fact that his rank in the film industry could not go any lower. One look at the panel of judges made him want to turn on his heel to leave, but it was all too late. Because who would expect the poor Z-List actor to meet his mortal enemy/ex-boyfriend, Yan Renzhong, the A-List Actor responsible for his decline long before he even learned how to fly? ------------------ "You and I... are playing a couple of lovers, who will go on to get married and have children with each other." Shen Jingwei could sense blood coming up his throat. What was the point of saying it out loud, again? "Yes," he forced himself to agree nonetheless. Yan Renzhong pinned him with a stare. "We have unresolved issues from the past. I hope you won't let them affect your and my performance in the drama. Act the professional you are supposed to be." "..." "And don't call me 'Emperor Yan' anymore." Yan Renzhong left after delivering one blow after another, not even waiting to see if Shen Jingwei succumbed to his injuries or not. What? Whattt? Whattttttttt?
Lu_Shui · 262.1K Views


Synopsis: 'The Unknown" The city was a tapestry of ancient rivalries, woven with threads of power and magic. In its heart beat the pulse of two dynasties, the Dawn Kingdom and the Night Kingdom, locked in an eternal dance of light and darkness. But beneath the fade of splendor lay a sinister truth-a conspiracy that would shake the foundations of both realms. One fateful night, the air crackled with treachery as the forces of evil descended upon the unsuspecting city. In a cruel twist of fate, the good witches of the Dawn Kingdom fell victim to a malevolent plot, their lives snuffed out in a whirlwind of betrayal. Among the fallen was Eithan, heir to the throne, his dreams of a united kingdom shattered in an instant. Yet, amidst the chaos, a glimmer of hope remained-Nisa, his beloved, spared from the clutches of death by some twist of fortune. Together, they were laid to rest in a remote island sanctuary, a silent testament to the tragedy that had befallen them. But time, it seemed, was not content to let their story end there. Thirty years passed like shadows in the night, until one fateful evening, when Nisa felt the stirrings of destiny calling her name. Driven by a restless longing, she ventured beyond the confines of her solitude, seeking solace in the mundane pleasures of the mortal world. As the rain poured down in sheets, washing away the sins of the past, Nisa found herself drawn to a forgotten corner of the city-a place where memories lay dormant, waiting to be awakened. And then, like a bolt from the blue, fate intervened. A chain, ethereal and glowing with otherworldly light, materialized before her eyes, beckoning her closer with its silent plea for aid. With trembling hands, Nisa reached out, her fingers closing around the cool metal links. And in that moment, she heard it-a voice, soft and haunting, whispering words of warning and redemption. Terrified yet resolute, Nisa stood at the crossroads of destiny, her heart torn between love and duty. For she knew that whatever path she chose, the consequences would be dire, the sacrifices profound. But as the seconds slipped away like grains of sand in an hourglass, Nisa knew that she could no longer afford to hesitate. With a steely resolve, she made her choice, the chain glowing brighter with each passing heartbeat-a beacon of hope in a world consumed by darkness .And so, with the weight of centuries upon her shoulders, Nisa took her first step into the unknown, her fate intertwined with that of her beloved Eithan, in a tale of revenge, mystery, and undying love.
delphine_siri · 8 Views

Demon Lord Detour

In a realm where magic and mayhem reign, the fearsome Demon Lord Grumblethor finds himself in the human world, utterly transformed into a comically peculiar figure. Tasked with solving a mischievous gnome problem, he stumbles into an unlikely alliance with a bumbling knight, Sir Percival, and an eloquent skeleton, Morty. Together, they unravel a series of absurd adventures filled with laughter, friendship, and surprising camaraderie. As they navigate through the chaos of both human and demon realms, Grumblethor and his newfound companions discover the power of positivity and the unexpected bonds that can form in the most peculiar circumstances. Their journey takes a twist when a disgruntled demon, Zorgon, joins their comical crew, leading to a series of hilarious confrontations and an unforeseen alliance. In the depths of the underworld, they encounter a realm that is in dire need of laughter, as mischievous imps wreak havoc with absurd pranks. The mismatched group of heroes and imps, with their peculiarities and quirks, introduce comedy to the darkest corners of the underworld, proving that humor can brighten even the gloomiest of places. "Demon Lord's Delight" is a comical and heartwarming tale of self-discovery, the unbreakable bonds of friendship, and the transformative power of laughter. With vivid visuals and rich humor, this story invites readers into a world where the unexpected is celebrated, and where even the darkest beings can find delight in the most unlikely of places.
ZeroPower · 6K Views

The Enforcer's Heart

A girl had been locked away in a basement, her condition dire. Her wrists were tied with ropes, and her face reflected fear and exhaustion. Four men stood in the room, mocking her pain with twisted enjoyment. One of them laughed and said, “Don’t bother trying to escape, it’s impossible for you to get out of here.” Another added, “Let’s go outside for a smoke, leave her here to rot. We’ll be back in a while.” Laughing, the four men left the basement, shutting the door behind them. The girl quickly composed herself, determined to free herself from the ropes. After several moments of struggle, she finally loosened the bonds. Her hands and legs were badly bruised, but she ignored the pain and pushed forward. She slipped out of the basement and ran into the dark alley. Her torn gown fluttered in the cold night air, and her loose hair flew wildly behind her as she sprinted, her breath coming in sharp gasps. Despite the pain and fatigue, she didn’t stop. Silence surrounded her, except for the sound of her footsteps echoing in the night. Her body ached, but she kept going, her steps growing more desperate with every passing second. Eventually, she found herself at the edge of a dense forest. Through her blurred vision, she saw a river flowing ahead. There was a faint glimmer of hope in her eyes as she stumbled towards it. Kneeling by the water, she tried to drink, her hands shaking. But before she could take more than a few sips, her strength gave out, and she collapsed unconscious by the riverbank. Outside Mumbai – Edge of the Forest On the edge of this forest stood a grand cottage, owned by Abir Rajvansh. Abir Rajvansh – 30 years old, standing 6 feet 2 inches tall, with sharp features, a wheatish complexion, and a dark, commanding aura. On the surface, Abir appeared as a successful businessman, but deep down, his life was a storm of secrets. Cold and ruthless, Abir viewed the world as nothing more than a game to be played. His eyes always reflected a hidden hatred and anger, emotions he had buried deep within. The Personality of Abir Rajvansh Abir’s calm exterior hid a mind constantly at war. His past cast long shadows over his soul, making him indifferent to the emotions of others. To him, people were mere pawns, and those who dared to challenge him often found their lives reduced to ashes. He had never tasted defeat and knew how to erase his enemies in silence, leaving no trace behind. Abir had come to his cottage with a group of friends to celebrate his birthday. But their celebration was interrupted when one of his friends, who had gone near the river, discovered the unconscious girl lying there. Abir was informed immediately. He raised an eyebrow in surprise and said, “A girl? Out here, in this wilderness?” Questions filled his mind, but he knew something unusual was at play. When Abir saw the girl lying there, her lifeless face and disheveled state, he couldn’t take his eyes off her for a moment. There was a strange restlessness in his gaze that he didn’t quite understand. Without hesitation, he ordered his men to carry her inside the cottage. Now, the question loomed—who was this girl, and how had she ended up here? Abir was eager to uncover the truth, but something else stirred in his heart—an unfamiliar emotion that he couldn’t quite place.
Mister_Evriya · 12.7K Views

Global New History

A young archaeologist is gazing at a huge stone block, his heart filled with curiosity and awe for ancient civilizations. His gaze seems to travel through time and space, back to the cradle of human civilization - the Mesopotamian plain. There, the ancient Sumerians created the world's earliest writing and urban civilization. Their wisdom is like brilliant stars, illuminating the beginning of human history. As time passes, the sparks of human civilization ignite in different regions. The glory of ancient Greek city-states is remarkable. Athens' democratic system, Sparta's martial spirit, and the wisdom of numerous philosophers have jointly forged the glory of ancient Greek civilization. During this period, thinkers like Plato and Aristotle have had a profound influence. Their pursuit of truth and reflection on human nature have laid the foundation for the development of philosophy in later generations. In the far east, Qin Shi Huang unified the six kingdoms and established a vast empire. The construction of the Great Wall testifies to the tenacity and wisdom of the Chinese nation. It is not only a military defense line but also a symbol of the unity and struggle of the Chinese nation. Qin Shi Huang's great unification opened a new chapter in Chinese history, and his political system and cultural policies have had a profound impact on later generations. In India, the glory of the Maurya Dynasty and the spread of Buddhism have influenced the entire Asia. Ashoka's rule brought India to an unprecedented prosperity, and the teachings of Buddhism spread to neighboring countries along with trade and cultural exchanges. The compassion, wisdom, and peace concept of Buddhism have injected new vitality into the development of human civilization. As time goes by, medieval Europe fell into darkness. The constraints of feudalism, the oppression of religion, and frequent wars made the people of Europe live in dire straits. However, the dawn of the Renaissance brought new hope. The masterpieces of artists like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo have become treasures of human civilization. With their outstanding artistic talent, they have demonstrated human creativity and the pursuit of beauty. The Silk Road connects the east and the west, bringing the blending of trade and culture. Chinese silk, tea, and porcelain are transported to the west through the Silk Road, while western spices, gems, and cultures also enter China. This ancient trade route not only promotes economic development but also strengthens exchanges and cooperation between different civilizations. At the same time, wars are constantly changing the world pattern. Alexander the Great's eastern expedition spread Greek culture to the east and promoted the integration of eastern and western cultures. The western expedition of the Mongol cavalry swept across Eurasia and established a vast empire. Although wars have brought destruction and pain, they have also promoted exchanges and integration between different ethnic groups.
DaoistIFLMK2 · 4K Views
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