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Hanuman Chalisa Ankit Batra

The Timeless Veil

Rudra was in the middle of his morning exercise, the rhythmic thud of his feet on the ground and the cool morning air clearing his mind. But his routine was abruptly interrupted by a sound that sent a chill down his spine—the piercing wail of the base siren. That siren only meant one thing: enemy jets were closing in on Indian airspace. Rudra was the first to engage the income Pakistani jets, locking onto an F-16. His MiG might have been old, but in his hands, it was deadly. His first missile found its mark, taking down one of the Pakistani jets. He quickly locked onto a second F-16, but this time, the enemy pilot deployed flares, deflecting the missile. As Rudra maneuvered for another strike, Captain Jorawar’s F-16 swooped in. Rudra managed to avoid the missile fired by Jorawar with a rapid maneuver, but the intense move took a toll on his aging MiG—his engine caught fire, and alarms began blaring in the cockpit. He ejected just in time, but disaster struck—his parachute caught fire, leaving him falling fast towards the earth. As Rudra fell, the cold wind whipping against his face, his life flashed before his eyes—not just the battles and the glory, but the regrets that weighed heavy on his heart. In those final moments, a thought gripped him: if somehow, by some miracle, I survive this... if I get another chance... I will live my life to the fullest. It wasn’t just about duty anymore; it was about making amends, about healing the wounds that time and circumstance had torn open. His mind turned to his foster family—the people who had taken him in after he lost his parents at the age of four. Commander Karanveer Batra, his father's friend, had raised him like his own son, alongside his own children. Yet, despite all the love they had given him, a distance had grown between them. The estrangement had left a scar on his mind, one that made him realize the difference between true blood and a foster family. The girl he had once loved, with all the intensity of a young heart, had ended up marrying his foster brother. She had become his sister-in-law, and Rudra had never dated anyone after that. The pain of that unrequited love had strained his relationship with his brother, and by extension, with his foster father and sister. He could still see his foster father's disappointed, pained face and his sister's helpless, sad eyes. If I survive... I’ll make things right, he vowed. I’ll repair those bonds, and I’ll create a family of my own—a family that I can truly call my own. As these thoughts filled his mind, a strange calm settled over him, and slowly, the world around him faded away. In the distance, the reinforcements from Jamnagar arrived, forcing Jorawar and his squadron to retreat. But for Rudra, the battle was over. What went unnoticed, however, was that Rudra's body had fallen onto the ancient steps of a Shiva temple, believed to be self-manifested. The temple stood silent and untouched, yet from within its depths, a thick, unnatural fog began to seep out, swirling with purpose as it crept closer to his still form—its intent unknown, its origin a mystery. Squadron Leader Rudra Pratap was born in 1992. At 32 years old, he had never married, dedicating his life to duty. And this seemed to be the end of his story... or perhaps, the beginning of something new. Follow Rudra on his journey as he defies fate, transforming from a patriotic soldier into a shrewd and calculating businessman. Watch as he not only reshapes his own life, but alters the balance of global power in his relentless pursuit of success. .................................................. #India 2 Chapters/Week
SolisArcanum · 12.6K Views

Sundara Kānda: Hanuman's Odyssey

Whereas Mahabharata's Bhagvad-Gita is taken as a philosophical guide, Ramayana's Sundara Kãnda is sought for spiritual solace; many believe that reading it or hearing it recited would remove all hurdles and usher in good tidings! Miracles apart, it's in the nature of this great epic to inculcate fortitude and generate hope in man for it’s a depiction of how Hanuman goes about his errand against all odds. Besides, it portrays how Seetha, on the verge of self-immolation, overcomes despair to see life in a new light? With rhythm of its verse and the flow of the narrative this sloka to sloka transcreation of the canto beautiful of Valmiki's adi kavya - the foremost poetical composition in the world, Hanuman's Odyssey that paves the way for Rama to rescue his kidnapped wife is bound to charm the readers and listeners alike. Interestingly, as the following verse illustrates, this epic was the forerunner of the magic realism of our times – “Gripped she then him by shadow / Cast which Hanuman coast to coast, Recalled he in dismay then / What Sugreev said at outset / That one fiend had aptitude / To grip its prey by mere shadow.” On a personal note, my paternal grandfather, Bulusu Thimmaiah-garu, like many in his time, was a life-long practitioner of Sundara Kãnda parayana (the epic’s daily recital in part or full), whose spirituality could have providentially guided me in this, rather an effortless, trans-creative endeavour.
BS_Murthy · 36.4K Views

Jangan Rebut Suamiku

Volume 1 Sabila Hanum harus menerima kenyataan jika suami yang ia cintai dengan tega menghianatinya secara terang-terangan. Kondisi Sabila yang semakin memburuk pasca penyakit stroke yang di deritanya memaksanya harus menghabiskan waktu di atas tempat tidur. Tommy Permana suami Sabila yang telah mengikrarkan janji akan merawat Sabila sampai sembuh, kini telah mengingkari janjinya tersebut. Tanpa dosa Tommy telah menarik penghianatan masuk kedalam istana indah yang telah dibangun oleh dirinya bersama Sabila. Dengan tekad yang kuat dan doa-doa yang tak pernah putus Sabila panjatkan, mukjizat datang untuk Sabila. Sabila dinyatakan sembuh total dari penyakit stroke yang di deritanya, sampai pada akhirnya karma membalas perbuatan Tommy dan hal itu tak membuat Sabila dendam. Sabila justru merawat Tommy dengan tangan penuh kasih sayang, hingga akhirnya Tommy menyesali semua perbuatannya. Volume 2 Santi tidak menyangka jika hubungan percintaannya dengan Rahman Permana harus menghadapi kerikil tajam. Santi terpaksa menjauhi Rahman atas perintah Ibunda Diana yang merupakan istri dari koleganya Rahman. Beliau mengancam Santi dengan cara akan memutus hubungan kerja antara suaminya dan Rahman, jika Santi masih berhubungan dengan Rahman. Santi merasa tertekan dan bingung, di sisi lain Santi sangat mencintai Rahman dan tidak ingin berpisah dengannya. Namun di sisi lain Santi juga tidak ingin jika bisnis yang selama ini telah Rahman rintis menjadi bangkrut. Demi kebaikan bersama, Santi menyetujui perjanjian itu dan meminta Ibunda Diana untuk tidak memutus hubungan kerjasama antara suaminya dan Rahman. Santi pun memutuskan untuk kembali ke Jogja untuk fokus dengan kuliahnya, di perjalanan pulang Santi bertemu dengan Semesta. Laki-laki yang tidak sengaja melihatnya menangis di kereta, lalu Semesta memberikan Santi selembar tisu. Kedekatan mereka pun berlanjut ketika Santi tau jika Semesta bekerja di kebun jeruk milik eyangnya. Selama di Jogja hubungan Santi dan juga Rahman makin memanas, Rahman merasa jika Santi telah berubah dan tidak perhatian lagi padanya. Untuk menyelesaikan masalah mereka berdua, Rahman terpaksa melibatkan Sabila yang notabene ibu angkat Santi untuk memberikan solusi. Namun sayang, Santi menjadi salah paham dengan perkataan ibu angkatnya. Santi memutuskan untuk pergi dari rumah dan menaiki bus dengan tujuan ke Surabaya. Dan sesampainya di Surabaya, Santi bingung harus pergi kemana. Karena ia tiba di Surabaya tepat dini hari, ia terpaksa untuk berjalan menyusuri area sekitar terminal untuk mencari penginapan. Namun na'as Santi mengalami peristiwa perampokan dan para perampok tersebut mendorong Santi hingga terjatuh dan kepalanya membentur trotoar. Santi pingsan, lalu tak lama kemudian datang seseorang menolongnya dan membawa Santi ke rumah sakit. Dan laki-laki itu bernama Bima Aksara, Bima tidak menyangka jika wanita yang di tolongnya semalam sangat mirip dengan almarhumah calon istrinya yang meninggal 1 bulan yang lalu akibat kecelakaan. Setelah Santi sadar, namun sayang Santi mengalami hilang ingatan dan akhirnya Bima memberi nama Santi dengan sebutan "Zahra" sesuai dengan nama almarhumah calon istrinya. Mampu kah santi menjalani kenyataan setelah hilang ingatan? dan siapakah orang pertama yang Santi ingat ketika ingatannya kembali pulih?
julietasyakur · 634.2K Views
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