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Bat Mite

Das Haustier des Tyrannen

Widder Aime Heathcliffe. Eine Prinzessin aus dem kleinen Königreich Rikhill wurde von allen geliebt. Mit ihrer bezaubernd zurückhaltenden Schönheit und ihrem klugen Verstand hatte sie viel Aufmerksamkeit erregt und die Herzen vieler erobert. Einer von ihnen war der schneidige Kronprinz des Maganti-Reiches. Überwältigt von der Sehnsucht nach ihr und seinem Interesse an dem Land des kleinen Königreichs, machte der Kronprinz des besagten Reiches vor nichts Halt. Die Ritter des Maganti-Reiches marschierten durch die Massen und eroberten das vierhundert Jahre alte Königreich Rikhill. Das Königreich Rikhill fiel über Nacht in den Ruin. Der Kronprinz ließ kein Mitglied der königlichen Familie am Leben, außer seiner Kriegstrophäe Aries. Nachdem er in seinen Händen gelitten hatte, fand Widder die perfekte Gelegenheit zur Flucht. Damals nahm er sie mit zum Weltgipfel. Ein Treffen der Herrscher aller Königreiche und Reiche zu Friedensgesprächen. Dort traf sie den Kaiser von Haimirich, Eustass Silvestri Abel Bloodworth. Von Verzweiflung überwältigt, flehte Aries ihn an, sie bei sich aufzunehmen. Es war zu spät, als sie erkannte, dass der Mann, den sie um Hilfe bat, noch viel grausamer, verdrehter und geradezu teuflischer war als der Kronprinz, weil er sie als sein... Haustier annahm! EXZERPT: Als ein Paar karmesinroter Augen über ihr schwebte, hielt Aries den Atem an. Als sich seine Lippen teuflisch kräuselten, konnte sie nicht schnell genug reagieren, als er ihre Position schnell veränderte. Sie merkte es erst, als sie ihn sattelte und mit großen Augen auf Abel hinunterblickte. "Niemand steht in diesem Reich über mir - nicht einmal das Gesetz, aber sieh dich an", sagte er mit einem teuflischen Grinsen. "Du starrst auf mich herab... so entmutigend." Aries biss sich auf die Lippe und legte ihre Handfläche auf ihre eingefärbte Brust. "Eure Majestät..." "Verstehst du jetzt, welche Macht du hast, Liebling?" Abel wickelte seine Finger vorsichtig um ihr Handgelenk, erfreut über ihre Reaktion. "Nur du, Widder, darfst dich über mich erheben und bist der einzige Mensch auf dieser Welt, der auf mich herabschauen darf. Niemand sonst." Er hob einen Arm und fuhr mit den Fingern durch ihr Haar und legte seine Handfläche auf ihren Hinterkopf, bevor er sie nach unten zog, bis ihr Gesicht eine Handbreit von ihm entfernt war. "Nutze das lieber zu deiner eigenen Verfügung", flüsterte er und legte den Kopf schief, als er ihn anhob, um zu fordern, was ihm gehörte. SIE. Darf ich vorstellen: Eustass Silvestri Abel Bloodworth, der sadistische Tyrann, der ein Imperium mit eiserner Faust regierte. Als sein Haustier Aries immer mehr in sein langweiliges, düsteres Leben eindrang, war er drauf und dran, sie zu töten. Doch jedes Mal, wenn er daran dachte, ihr das Leben zu nehmen, änderte er leider seine Meinung. Je länger er sie an seiner Seite hatte, desto schwieriger wurde es, sie loszuwerden. Und je mehr er sich nach etwas Tieferem und Dunklerem sehnte... es machte ihn wahnsinnig. Was würde Abel mit dem Geheimnis, das er vor ihr verbarg, tun, wenn Aries die verrottende Wahrheit hinter dem Reich und dem Kaiser herausfand? Würde er sie töten? Oder sie küssen? Sie vielleicht in einen Käfig sperren? Und würde sie versuchen zu fliehen, wenn sie herausfindet, dass Abel nicht nur ein normaler Mensch ist? Oder würde sie akzeptieren, dass er nicht nur ein leibhaftiger Dämon war? War es in einer komplizierten Welt, die sie schwarz färbte, überhaupt möglich, dass zwischen einem Haustier und seinem Herrn Liebe aufblühte? Beobachte, wie diese beiden das gefährliche und verrückte Spiel von Liebe und Lust spielen. Wer würde der Meister und wer das Haustier sein? Wer war die Beute? Lesen Sie, um mehr herauszufinden. --------- Originalgeschichte von: alienfrommars FOLGE MIR AUF INSTAGRAM für originelle Zeichenkunst: @authoralienfrommars Discord-Server: Haftungsausschluss: Cover nicht von mir. Habe es von Pinterest. Credits an den Künstler.
alienfrommars · 65.9K Views

Eine wilde Nacht

Lucinda Perry, ein sozialer Einsiedler und Workaholic, nimmt sich vor, an ihrem fünfundzwanzigsten Geburtstag so richtig die Sau rauszulassen und sich sogar einen One-Night-Stand zu gönnen, wenn sie auf der Arbeit ihre längst verdiente Beförderung erhält. Wenige Tage vor ihrem fünfundzwanzigsten Geburtstag wird sie nicht nur in eine höhere Position befördert, sondern auch in die Hauptverwaltung in einer anderen Stadt. Da sie ihre Geburtstagsnacht in einer neuen Stadt verbringen muss, geht sie in einen Club, wo sie einen sehr gut aussehenden Fremden, Thomas Hank, kennenlernt, der ihr anbietet, ihr One-Night-Stand zu sein, nachdem er einen Blick auf ihre "Dare-to-Do"-Liste geworfen hat, auf der auch ein One-Night-Stand stand. Thomas Hank, der in der Vergangenheit von mehreren Frauen ausgenutzt wurde, ist fest entschlossen, die Frau seiner Träume zu bekommen, die ihn um seiner selbst willen liebt und nicht wegen seines Reichtums. Als er im Club die süße und naive Lucinda Perry kennenlernt, beschließt er, ihr seine wahre Identität vorzuenthalten und herauszufinden, ob sie es wert ist, ihn zu halten. ***Auszug*** Was gibt es Unterhaltsameres als eine verrückte Nebenfigur? Begrüßen Sie Sonia und Bryan. Sonias Herz hörte für eine Sekunde auf zu schlagen, und dann schossen ihr im selben Moment verschiedene Gedanken durch den Kopf. Bryan Hank? Ihr prominenter Schwarm kniete direkt vor ihr und bat sie, seine Frau zu werden? Hatte er sie mit jemandem verwechselt? War es möglich, dass es sich um einen Sketch handelte, oder vielleicht um einen dieser Prominentenstreiche, bei denen Kameras darauf warteten, sie dabei zu erwischen, wie sie sich zum Narren machte? Oder träumte sie vielleicht? fragte sich Sonia, als sie sich umschaute, aber alles, was sie sah, waren Schaulustige. "Bitte! Werden Sie meine Frau und machen Sie mich zum glücklichsten Mann der Welt", sagte er mit sehr lauter Stimme, die die Aufmerksamkeit aller auf sich zog. Ihr Redakteur, auf den sie seit über einer Stunde wartete, weil er versuchte, einen Vertrag mit einem Filmproduzenten abzuschließen, der sich für eine ihrer Geschichten interessierte, tauchte in diesem Moment auf: "Sonia, Sie kennen Bryan Hank?" fragte ihr Redakteur erstaunt, als er die Szene vor ihm sah. Es schien eine Stunde vergangen zu sein, seit Bryan auf die Knie gegangen war, aber es war nur eine Minute gewesen. Bryan wusste, dass keine Frau so verrückt wäre, einen solch verrückten Vorschlag anzunehmen, und selbst wenn, wäre es ein Leichtes, sie zu bezahlen und die ganze Sache abzublasen, denn alles, was er wollte, war der Skandal, der daraus entstehen konnte. Die Schlagzeilen würden entweder von seinem abgelehnten Heiratsantrag oder von seiner angeblichen Verlobung handeln, was ausreichen würde, um Sophia vom Haken zu lassen. "Ja!" sagte Sonia, während sie aufgeregt mit dem Kopf wippte und ihm den Finger reichte, damit er ihr den Ring anstecken konnte. "Ja?" fragte Bryan verwirrt, als er ihre Antwort hörte. "Ja! Ich werde deine Frau sein und dich zum glücklichsten Mann der Welt machen!" sagte Sonia kichernd und wackelte mit ihren Fingern, bis Bryan den Ring auf ihren Finger schob. Überraschenderweise hatte der Ring genau ihre Größe, und er saß an ihrem Finger, als wäre er nur für sie gemacht worden. Um sie herum ertönte Applaus, als Sonia mit einem breiten Lächeln im Gesicht aufstand und Bryan umarmte, bevor sie ihn direkt auf die Lippen küsste. Bryan war von ihrer Dreistigkeit etwas überrascht, erholte sich aber schnell wieder, denn dies war sein Spiel, und er musste mitspielen. Schließlich war er derjenige, der sie zuerst angesprochen hatte. Als sie also versuchte, den Kuss zu unterbrechen, hielt er ihr Kinn und knabberte langsam an ihrer Unterlippe, bevor er ihre Lippen mit seiner Zunge teilte und neckisch daran saugte, was Sonia ein Stöhnen entlockte. Sonia fühlte sich schwindelig. Das war zu schön, um wahr zu sein. Es musste einfach ein Traum sein. Wie sonst sollte sie sich erklären, dass sie in einem Moment in der Lobby eines Hotels saß und auf ihren Redakteur wartete, und im nächsten Moment mit ihrem prominenten Schwarm verlobt war und ihn hier auf offener Straße küsste? (PS: Das Foto stammt von mir, das Bild von @imagineTishaD)
Miss_Behaviour · 129.8K Views

Harem-Powered Kingdom Building: Empire of Carnal Sin

[Warning: r18, smut, MC does morally questionable things] [Disclaimer: The Gods and Goddesses in the story's world have absolutely no relation to any Gods that are worshipped in the real world. The purpose they serve is also entirely different.] ~Even if you're someone who typically doesn't enjoy works with smut, I request you to give this novel a chance (provided you're 18 or older of course). It would be awesome if you could at least read Volume 1 before deciding whether or not this is your cup of tea.~ This is an action + kingdom-building story where the MC and his kingdom (Realm) are metaphorically powered by his lustful acts. The story begins with Hiro's (the MC) transmigration into a magical world. At first glance, this "World" might look quite similar to many other fantasy worlds that you've come across on your reading adventures. Status screens, levels, classes, gods, kingdoms, elves - all that good stuff. But it will soon become clear that this World has its own "Rules". These (mostly) game-like Rules will bring out unique character interactions. They will be what differentiates the World in my story from other similar fantasy worlds. Now about the characters - specifically the main character. The MC (Hiro) will be thrust into the role of Ruler in the new World right off the bat. He starts with a bottom-tier, barebones realm and makes his way to the top. I'm going to say this right away - Hiro is a deeply flawed character at the start. Yes he might be overpowered and good at getting things he wants, but that does not make him flawless. Hiro has glaring emotional flaws at the beginning. He is intelligent but not in the emotional sense. He is lustful but not truly loving. He is apathetic towards death (both of himself and of others). The women who surround him will also have their own problems, both internal and external. As the story progresses, it won't just be the MC and his realm growing in power. Hiro and his harem will also mature emotionally. Hiro's character growth will be a slow, grueling burn. It isn't going to be a smooth straight line from point A to point B. But when it finally does happen, it will be worth it. That's all from me, your author. I hope you enjoy the ride. P.S - Power stones, golden tickets, gifts, adding this to library, reviews, comments, paragraph comments - all these things help immensely and are greatly appreciated. Thanks and Enjoy! :)
AkaiShuuichi · 50.5K Views

Fangless: The Alpha's Vampire Mate

“I'm on the hunt for someone special, someone who would howl at the full moon with me. And you, my dear, seem to check all the right boxes,” Thorin tried to seduce Riona with his mesmerizing gaze. “Not in this lifetime, not in any lifetime.” But Riona couldn’t stand the sight of that smug face. What did Thorin hope to gain from a fangless vampire who couldn’t even turn into a bat, anyway? There must be something seriously wrong with the brain of that infuriating Alpha werewolf. *** Since their parents died, Riona Kahler and her brother have been adopted by the King of Eira, who treats them more like overworked houseplants than a cherished family. As the only vampires in Eira without fangs, they're outcasts among their own kind, toothless and ridiculed. Riona's spirit remains unbroken until her brother falls ill due to the palace's cruelty. Determined to protect him, Riona vows to escape, but there's only one way to do that. Thorin Klein is one of the most famous Alpha werewolves, renowned not only for his charming looks but also for claiming the Alpha title at the tender age of thirteen. Despite his howling success, his mother’s powerful werewolf clan, the Klein, never acknowledged him because his father went rogue. Determined to prove his worth to the Klein clan, Thorin believes he has finally found a potential solution. Though Riona couldn’t stand being around Thorin for more than one second, Riona realizes that marriage is their only path to achieving their goals. It's a love story that bites and barks in all the right places. #werewolf #Alpha #vampire #fromslavetoqueen #enemiestolovers #strongFL #contractmarriage
merakifiction · 161.1K Views

Creating A Succubus Army In A Fantasy World!

[Warning: Sexual content, lemons, comedy, MILFs, face-slapping, and a shameless protagonist!] ..... Creed Walden was a man of culture. Refined. Sophisticated. A true enjoyer of the finer things in life. Which was exactly why he ended up getting shot in the nuts. Who knew that messing with a gangster’s woman would lead to such unfortunate circumstances? One moment, he was enjoying the peak of pleasure, the next—BANG! Eternal darkness. But instead of fading into nothingness, he woke up… in a completely different world. A world he knew. It was the setting of a novel he had read ten years ago—a brutal, unforgiving wasteland where monstrous creatures roamed, and humanity teetered on the brink of extinction. The Apocalypse had begun. Here, humans awakened incredible talents to survive. Some became swordmasters, capable of cutting mountains in half. Others became mages, wielding fire and lightning at their fingertips. The strong ruled, the weak perished, and only those with true power could thrive. And Creed? He awakened… a summoning ability. Not bad, right? He could call forth mighty beasts, legendary heroes, or divine warriors to fight for him! At least, that’s what he thought. Until his first summon appeared. A gorgeous, sultry woman with horns, bat-like wings, and a very inappropriate outfit. A Succubus. It didn’t take long for Creed to realize the shocking truth—his summoning ability could only summon Succubi! The apocalypse was raging. Civilization was collapsing. People were awakening godlike powers to fight for survival. And here he was. Surrounded by beautiful, seductive demons who thrived on… other kinds of energy. Creed leaned back with a grin, his eyes gleaming with a mix of amusement and wicked excitement. “...Well, I suppose there are worse fates.”
DungeonHunter · 92.7K Views

Mr. President: You Are The Daddy Of My Triplets

"M... Marissa! Are they my kids?" Rafael's eyes weren't moving away from the adorable kids' faces. "No, Rafael. They are not," Marissa said with a fake smile, "They aren't yours. Remember?" she batted her lashes quite dramatically, "We were never married!" Marissa Aaron’s elder sister Valerie Aaron jilted her blind boyfriend on her wedding day and ran off. For face-saving, Merissa's family pleaded to her to marry Raphael Sinclair. The irony? She was not allowed to tell her blind husband that she was not Valerie but Merissa Aaron. On the day of Raphael's successful eye surgery, Marissa got to know that Valerie was back to take her rightful place as Sinclaire’s daughter-in-law. Marissa tried explaining to her husband that she was the one married to him, but he did not believe her. Instead of any more convincing, heartbroken Merissa decided to leave the city without telling him, her secret. Raphael Sinclair was the classic definition of drop-dead gorgeous and was the only heir of the Sinclair group of industries. What would he do when he came to know that all this time the woman who offered him, her love and her body was not Valerie but her younger sister Marissa Aaron? How would he react when he came to know that he was the father of the babies Marissa was carrying in her womb? Would he go after Marissa and win her back? And the million-dollar question! Would Marissa ever be able to forgive him and love him again?
JessicaKaye911 · 3.2M Views

In a Reincarnation Loop: Surviving as the Most Overpowered

#r18 #smut #No-Yuri #No-NTR "I Died for my own happiness, I died because of my selfishness, I died because I feared living without her again, But I died only after I killed the Gods." Rael, the Demon King, died. He was born from the Great Darkness and was given the name of 'The Last Demon.' Rael's birth was the beginning of the world's demise and the end of all life in it. His birth was the start of his loneliness, which would eventually become the cause of his madness and destruction. But when that girl showed up, he felt the loneliness slowly fade away. The girl, with a smile so kind, became the first one to look at him without any trace of fear or disgust. That girl's smile, the way she talked to him, and her eyes full of genuine affection... they were all he needed to become the person he was. He would never let anyone take her away. She was his everything, and no one could separate him from her. But... "Why!" 'It should've been fine.' 'We should've lived happily together.' 'Yet why...!' "Why she has to sacrifice herself for me, when she was the one who was supposed to live a happy life?" "Why she had to give the future we could've shared together, just for my sake?" Those were his last words as he died fighting the Gods, but he knew deep inside his heart that he wouldn't be able to see her again. And yet... "Where am I?" He wakes up in the same girl's room, naked, but in another world. Ding! [Infinite Harem System has been activated!] Now he is gonna evolve his harem. The one who has the strength to defeat the Gods, the one who possesses the most powerful and destructive power. And those are the Demonic Queens, who have the power to shake the universe. Ding! [Bat Queen has evolved to S+ Rank.] [Vampire Queen's teeth have upgraded to max level.] [Dragon Queen....] [Queen of Bees, Queen of Scorpions, Queen of Tentacle Monsters.... All of them have maxed their abilities and are evolving to their ultimate form.] But, he has more than ten queens, so how is he gonna manage all of them? "I will be fine," said Rael. Rael, the Demon King. His new story begins. No, his harem starts now! P. S. Cover isn't mine.
FightLoveSystem · 87.6K Views

Emmêlé sous le clair de lune: Non transformé

Être le défaut de la meute, c'est déjà assez mal. Être REJETÉE ? Par votre propre compagnon destiné ? Ouais. ÇA, c'est un tout nouveau niveau de bassesse. Ava Grey est le défaut de la meute, une changeuse de forme sans loup. Elle se débat dans la vie avec le vague rêve de liberté. Son opportunité survient quand elle est soudainement informée qu'elle assistera au Gala Lunaire, un bal annuel pour les jeunes adultes shifters afin de trouver leurs compagnons destinés. Et elle le trouve. Il est séduisant et intense, et ses baisers envoient du désir dans ses veines comme une drogue. Jusqu'à ce qu'il la REJETTE. Ava n'est pas prête à retourner à sa vie morne. Elle s'évade et forge une nouvelle identité loin de sa meute et loin de son compagnon alpha. Elle se fait de nouveaux amis et est même adoptée de force par un husky hilarant. Mais juste au moment où elle trouve le bonheur et s'installe dans sa nouvelle vie, des événements étranges commencent à se produire... Son husky cachait des secrets. Elle entend des murmures selon lesquels des meutes de shifters sont à sa recherche partout. Et elle peut sentir une odeur familière dans son appartement, ce qui n'a aucun sens... parce que l'homme à qui elle appartient l'a rejetée. [Participation au Cupids Quill de mars 2024] --------- Ceci est une romance métamorphe de loup avec de multiples déclencheurs qui aiment danser main dans la main avec tous les thèmes sombres à travers un champ de fleurs mortes. Dans ce livre, vous trouverez les sommets les plus hauts et les creux les plus bas. Riez, pleurez, ragez ; vous pouvez tout faire en suivant Ava dans le voyage plutôt périlleux d'être une changeuse de forme en cette génération de romance de loups-garous. Il y a des scènes R18 éparpillées dans ce livre comme des bonbons jaillissant d'une piñata. Merci de lire de manière responsable. ------- DISCORD DE L'AUTEUR :
Lenaleia · 1.1M Views

Infinite Harem of Demonic Queens

[DROPPED!] #r18 #smut #No-Yuri #No-NTR "I Died for my own happiness, I died because of my selfishness, I died because I feared living without her again, But I died only after I killed the Gods." Rael, the Demon King, died. He was born from the Great Darkness and was given the name of 'The Last Demon.' Rael's birth was the beginning of the world's demise and the end of all life in it. His birth was the start of his loneliness, which would eventually become the cause of his madness and destruction. But when that girl showed up, he felt the loneliness slowly fade away. The girl, with a smile so kind, became the first one to look at him without any trace of fear or disgust. That girl's smile, the way she talked to him, and her eyes full of genuine affection... they were all he needed to become the person he was. He would never let anyone take her away. She was his everything, and no one could separate him from her. But... "Why!" 'It should've been fine.' 'We should've lived happily together.' 'Yet why...!' "Why she has to sacrifice herself for me, when she was the one who was supposed to live a happy life?" "Why she had to give the future we could've shared together, just for my sake?" Those were his last words as he died fighting the Gods, but he knew deep inside his heart that he wouldn't be able to see her again. And yet... "Where am I?" He wakes up in the same girl's room, naked, but in another world. Ding! [Infinite Harem System has been activated!] Now he is gonna evolve his harem. The one who has the strength to defeat the Gods, the one who possesses the most powerful and destructive power. And those are the Demonic Queens, who have the power to shake the universe. Ding! [Bat Queen has evolved to S+ Rank.] [Vampire Queen's teeth have upgraded to max level.] [Dragon Queen....] [Queen of Bees, Queen of Scorpions, Queen of Tentacle Monsters.... All of them have maxed their abilities and are evolving to their ultimate form.] But, he has more than ten queens, so how is he gonna manage all of them? "I will be fine," said Rael. Rael, the Demon King. His new story begins. No, his harem starts now! P. S. Cover isn't mine.
AmDevilCrafts · 525.2K Views

Rebirth of the Hated Character

With every move of her hands and every batting of her lashes, Selene was able to captivate the world with her delicate beauty. She was the "Queen of Showbiz," the beloved of the Castillo family, unlike Keira, the ugly duckling of the family. It didn't matter the context or truth behind the issue, Keira was to be blamed by everyone. "Selene can do no wrong! How can such a delicate, fragile thing think ill of someone? It must be Keira who is making up lies!" "How dare you cause your sister to become sick! Receive your punishment!" Such words were a norm for Keira. The place she called home was Hell's Gate, and the people she called family were poisonous demons. Her life was filled with blame and abuse hurled by her sister's supporters. She was schemed against, attacked, and ruined to the point of no return. The last nine months of her life were the worst. Her insomnia had developed into Sporadic Fatal Insomnia, causing her to lose weight as she suffered consistent sleepless nights. At the age of 23, Keira Castillo passed away alone in her dingy apartment. Her final moments were filled with dread as she begged and prayed to whichever god was listening. "If only I had one more chance..." To her delight, she had regressed to when she was 18. 'The man you love? I'm taking him. The title 'Queen of Showbiz'? That's also mine. Everything you gained from stepping all over me, I will take. My dear Selene, I will play you in the palms of my hands and live my life the way I was supposed to.'
YuaLinn · 232.3K Views


Hi, I’m Liam Remmick, and this is the story of how I killed my father, Steve Nazar—a total douche bag. If you’re gonna listen, I better start from the beginning. Don’t worry about spoilers; I don’t care if I ruin a thing or two. My mom, Shayla Remmick, left me at a young age, and I’ve been fending for myself ever since. She died when I was ten, so yeah, you can guess the rest. Unlike other kids with amazing dads, mine’s an absolute asshole. He fucked my mom, rejected her when she got pregnant, and then tried to eliminate us. Nice guy, right? Mom died protecting me from his assassins. Father of the year. After her death, I bounced between foster homes until they got tired of me. Now, I live in a cave with bats instead of cockroaches—it’s a win, right? I’ve learned to handle them. When I’m not eating bat meat, I hunt for mushrooms, snails, and wild boars—though I’ve only caught broken bones so far. Don’t judge me; I’m an eleven-year-old living alone. ……………………………..✍️ A blond-haired man in his fifties stands combat-ready, wielding a sword against a grey-haired man. The grey-haired man, Seth, has a one-bladed scythe floating beside him. “Each time we do this, you’re always the one on the ground. Don’t you think you should give up?” Seth asks, smirking. “This time will be different. I’ll wipe that smirk off your face, Seth,” Steve replies. Their blades clash, sparks flying as they exchange blows. “You’re still as reckless as ever, Steve,” Seth says, dodging a wild swing. “And you’re still as arrogant,” Steve retorts, landing a kick that Seth barely blocks. The two combatants dance across the battlefield, their movements lightning-fast. Seth summons a swirling vortex of shadows, attempting to ensnare Steve. But Steve counters with his “Ten Thousand Swords” technique, unleashing a barrage of sword strikes that shred the shadows. Seth leaps back, avoiding the attacks by mere inches. “You’ve improved.” Steve sneers. “Not enough to take you down?” Seth smiles grimly. “We’ll see.” With a swift gesture, Seth unleashes a wave of dark energy. Steve counters with his sword, channeling a burst of light energy. The two forces collide, unleashing a shockwave that shakes the ground. Their battle rages on, neither warrior yielding. …………………………….. ✍️ Welcome back. This story isn’t about them; it’s about me. You’ll meet them soon enough. So, do I have your attention? Good! Isn’t this a story you want to see to the end? Let’s begin. Oh, and this story’s called Shadow.
Chime_Chinonso_ · 9.1K Views


“What? YOU NUKED EARTH!!” Well damn, that's a way to start a book. But rn I just know that youre asking yourself "how did all this even start". Well it all began in a simple ceremony.The ceremony that would lead to humanity's EXTINCTION and the planets DESTRUCTION. --- During a prestigious NASA ceremony to celebrate Dr. Halsey's hibernation drug, everything goes upside down as a virus is released to the atmosphere by a man who names himself mastermind. Within seconds it all turns into a global nightmare, as the released virus that mutates animals into human-eating monsters. Leo the son of the Dr Halsey and his friend are consumed into the chaos as they start to get attacked mutated humans and overgrown insects, as they are fleeing, help arrives. The S. W. A. T Come in to the rescue and get Leo and Kai into a helicopter promising the two safety. But as they fly above the city skies, they get attacked by an oversized bat, that kills Kai who was trying to save Leo, but in doing so, Leo would fall off the plane and hit his head on a city pole as he turns night lights off. He is miraculously awoken 3 years into the future where he finds himself In the last and final habitat for humanity, the arc 247. Turns out while Leo was sleeping the world it's greatest fear yet and the invasion was coming in fast, so humans utilised the hibernation drug Leo's father made[Dr Halsey] and left the planet with only a billion humans and then nuked the earth. Hoping to kill off these mutants by they had only added to their problems and made it worse. Truly the phrase best fire with fire went badly for humanity as the creatures started to gain supernatural and unexplainable powers, tabbing into their greatest potential while they started to copy human looks. As Leo is awoken, he is faced by two choices, either to become a formling hunter and join the race to get back the country or refuse and keep sleeping until he is awoken into the further future, where earth are saved by formling hunters. What will he choose?
Cyclode · 21.4K Views

La Seducción de la Corona

[Advertencia: contenido maduro r18+/fuerte] Él es su salvación. Ella, su perdición. Sin embargo, se niega a dejarla ir... Mineah, la Princesa más joven de Ebodia, fue maldecida al nacer para permanecer inmaculada y traer desgracia a los que la rodean. Esta profecía se cierne sobre ella como una nube oscura, creciendo cada año que no se cumple. Existe en rumores susurrados como una figura lastimera: frágil, sumisa, indeseable. Debajo de esa máscara se encuentra una zorra fuerte y feroz digna de ser reina. Y esta posible reina ha puesto sus ojos en romper su maldición, incluso si eso significa engañar al vampiro más astuto que jamás haya nacido. Nikolai, aunque recluso y enigmático, es reverenciado por el Reino de Valcrez como un gobernante sabio y poderoso. Sin que sus leales súbditos lo sepan, su imagen de perfección es una red de mentiras que, si se expone, puede hacer que su reino y todo lo que aprecian se derrumbe bajo sus pies. Cuando estos dos encuentran sus caminos cruzados en una alianza matrimonial, comienza el juego de la Seducción de la Corona. Pero, ¿quién es el cazador y quién es la presa? ******** Extracto: —¿Por qué te estás desnudando frente a mí? —preguntó con el ceño fruncido, haciendo poco por ocultar la irritación en su voz—. ¡Su objetivo era capturar solo su corazón, no todo su cuerpo! —¿No se me permite tomar un baño con mi esposa? —respondió con tono frío—. Pedí a propósito una bañera grande para estar seguro de que los dos cabríamos en ella juntos. Ella suspiró, sin apartar la mirada de él mientras recuperaba la compostura. Al verlo sonreír con suficiencia, se obligó a sentirse cómoda mientras él hablaba. —Así está mejor. Dijiste tú misma que nadie te obligó a casarte conmigo. En cambio, te ofreciste y te ofreciste voluntariamente para hacerlo, así que espero que tengas la seguridad suficiente para compartir un baño con tu marido —afirmó con confianza Nikolai—. Después de todo, pronto haremos más que solo esto. Descarado... Evitando rodar los ojos, logró darle una sonrisa mientras decía: —No me culpes si luego mueres por mi culpa. **** Nota: La portada del libro fue encargada y es propiedad del autor. Por favor, no la utilice!
Eustoma_Reyna · 262.9K Views

Do CEO a Concubina

Yan Zheyun foi criado para ser um vencedor. Seus pais estavam na lista da Forbes, ele foi o orador da turma de formandos na melhor universidade do país, e a cereja do bolo foi ser votado como o 'garoto dos sonhos' por quatro anos seguidos por seus colegas. E agora, com apenas vinte e cinco anos, Yan Zheyun era o orgulhoso presidente e CEO de sua própria empresa de tecnologia. Mas o que deveria ter sido o dia mais feliz de sua vida se transformou no pior quando ele ouviu uma estranha voz robótica enquanto atravessava a rua para pegar um café, apenas porque não podia esperar sua secretária voltar da sala de fotocópias. [RELATÓRIO DE ERRO #193842347: ALMA DE OUTRO MUNDO DETECTADA. INICIANDO SEQUÊNCIA DE DEPORTAÇÃO.] E então ele morreu. Em um acidente de carro muito chato, muito comum. ...exceto que talvez ele não tenha morrido. A primeira coisa que Yan Zheyun pensou depois que abriu os olhos e se viu em um quarto que parecia o cenário de um daqueles dramas do palácio interno foi: Nossa, o café não valeu a pena. A segunda coisa que ele pensou depois de perceber que estava agora em um romance histórico BL e havia transmigrado para o corpo de uma beleza trágica que estava (prestes a ser) usada e abusada por seus vários amantes foi: Deve ter sido a técnica errada para abrir os olhos, deixe-me tentar novamente... não, ainda estou aqui. Bem. F**da-se. De CEO a escravo insignificante, Yan Zheyun não conseguia acreditar na sua sorte. Preso em um mundo estranho e cercado por tops loucos (respectivamente conhecidos como 'O Amigo de Infância', 'O Filho do General', 'O Príncipe Herdeiro', 'Outro Príncipe', 'Aquele Duque Assustador' etc.), Yan Zheyun percebeu que seu único dia de experiência como CEO não o havia preparado adequadamente para essa nova vida de infelicidade. Mas ele não era do tipo que desistia sem lutar, então... Yan Zheyun resolutamente decidiu ficar longe da aterrorizante trama romântica, tentar escrever para si mesmo uma nova trama política e, aproveitando, abraçar algumas coxas poderosas, bajular alguns poderosos. E em uma monarquia dinástica, de quem seriam melhores coxas para abraçar do que as do próprio imperador? Liu Yao: ...Este Soberano permite que você abrace outras partes também. Par: - Imperador Top Que-Parece-Sério-Mas-É-Secretamente-Gentil! VS Escravo Bottom Que-Parece-Um-Coelho-Mas-É-Secretamente-Uma-Raposa! - NÃO é um harém, toda a história é 1v1 Avisos: - Este romance lida com alguns assuntos pesados ​​que surgem como resultado da escravidão e de um sistema de castas. Adicionei avisos de gatilho onde relevante, mas só para avisar, os canalhas são chamados de canalhas por um motivo! Atualizações: 21:00 GMT+8 Ilustrado por: HAZHE
Queeniecat · 55.7K Views
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