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Ling Batao

Ich habe meine Erinnerungen zurückgewonnen und bin nach meiner Scheidung reich geworden

"Gu Dai, ich habe dich nur geheiratet, um Großvater glücklich zu machen. Wenn eine andere Großvater gerettet hätte, hätte ich sie genauso geheiratet! Bilde dir nicht zu viel auf dich ein!" In den drei Jahren ihrer Ehe beleidigte Gu Dais Mann sie bei vielen Gelegenheiten. Sie hätte nicht geglaubt, dass sie einmal verwöhnt und wohlhabend war, wenn sie nicht plötzlich ihr Gedächtnis wiedererlangt hätte. Warum hat sie diesem Mann drei Jahre lang bereitwillig gedient? Dieser Mann war sogar so verachtenswert, dass er sich in eine andere Frau verliebte! Das erste, was Gu Dai tat, nachdem sie ihr Gedächtnis wiedererlangt hatte, war, sich scheiden zu lassen! In der ganzen Hauptstadt verbreitete sich das Gerücht, dass sich das Mädchen aus den Slums von Herrn Song scheiden lassen wollte! "Ernsthaft? Ist sie nicht eine Goldgräberin?" fragten alle. "Sie spielt nur den Unnahbaren. Glaubt ihr, dass sie jemals weitermachen kann?" fragte Mr. Song. Unmittelbar danach erfuhren alle, dass Gu Dai zur Familie Gu in die Hauptstadt zurückgekehrt war. Sie war nun die junge Dame der reichsten Familie der Stadt. Es stellte sich heraus, dass sie die junge Frau der Familie Gu war, die nach einem Unfall auf einem Kreuzfahrtschiff vor drei Jahren verschwunden war! "Herr Song, Frau Gu ist eine Nummer zu groß für Sie", sagten alle. "Na und? Sie weiß nicht, wie man für die Zukunft plant. Außer Geld hat sie nichts", sagte Herr Song. Kurze Zeit später entdeckten die Leute Gu Dais vielfältige Identitäten. Sie war eine angesehene Hackerin, eine Wunderärztin, die beste Designerin des Landes... Sie war alles, wonach Song Ling gesucht hatte. Als sie sich wieder trafen, hielt er sie fest und flehte sie mit Tränen in den Augen an. "Dai, es macht mir nichts aus, wenn du Gefühle für andere hast. Kannst du mich bitte trotzdem an deiner Seite bleiben lassen?"
Mountain Springs · 40.9K Views

Recuperé mis recuerdos y me hice rico después de divorciarme

—Gu Dai, solo me casé contigo para hacer feliz al Abuelo. Si alguien más hubiera salvado al Abuelo, ¡me habría casado con ella de igual modo! No te creas tan importante. —A lo largo de los tres años de matrimonio, el esposo de Gu Dai la insultó en muchas ocasiones. Ella no habría creído que alguna vez fue mimada y rica si no hubiera recuperado repentinamente su memoria. —¿Por qué había servido voluntariamente a este hombre durante tres años? ¡Este hombre incluso tenía la desfachatez de enamorarse de otra mujer! —¡Lo primero que hizo Gu Dai después de recuperar su memoria fue obtener un divorcio! —Los rumores se extendieron por toda la capital de que la chica de los barrios bajos estaba obteniendo un divorcio del Señor Song! —¿En serio? ¿No es ella una cazafortunas? —preguntaba todo el mundo. —Ella solo está jugando a ser la difícil. ¿Crees que realmente puede seguir adelante? —preguntó el Señor Song. Inmediatamente después de eso, todo el mundo descubrió que Gu Dai había vuelto a la familia Gu en la capital. Ahora era la joven dama de la familia más rica de la ciudad. ¡Resultó que ella era la joven dama de la familia Gu que había desaparecido después de un accidente de crucero ocurrido hace tres años! —Señor Song, la señorita Gu está fuera de su alcance —decía todo el mundo. —¿Y qué? Ella no sabe planificar el futuro. Aparte de dinero, no tiene nada más —dijo el Señor Song. No mucho después, la gente comenzó a descubrir las múltiples identidades de Gu Dai. Era una hacker de alto nivel, una doctora milagrosa, la mejor diseñadora del país... Era todo lo que Song Ling había estado buscando. Cuando se encontraron de nuevo, él la agarró y le suplicó con lágrimas en los ojos: —Dai, no me importará si tienes sentimientos por otros. ¿Podrías dejarme quedarme a tu lado de todos modos?
Mountain Springs · 97.3K Views

Die Identität von Madam schockiert erneut die ganze Stadt

Qiao Nian lebte 18 Jahre lang im Haus der Familie Qiao, bevor ihre leiblichen Eltern sie fanden. Plötzlich wussten alle wohlhabenden Familien der Stadt, dass die Familie Qiao eine falsche Tochter hatte! Eine echte Tochter einer wohlhabenden Familie wäre begabt, sanft und freundlich. Eine falsche Tochter wäre nicht in der Lage, irgendwelche Fähigkeiten zu erlernen und nichts zu erreichen. Jeder wollte sehen, wie unglücklich sie werden würde, wenn sie in ihre Schlucht zurückkehrte, nachdem sie aus einer reichen Familie hinausgeworfen worden war! Qiao Nian dachte auch, dass ihre leiblichen Eltern arme Lehrer aus dem Kreis Luohe waren. Wer wusste schon, dass ihr Bruder einen Phaeton fuhr, der dreihunderttausend Yuan wert war! Ihr leiblicher Vater war auch ein Professor, der an der Tsinghua-Universität lehrte! Der Big Boss der Familie von Abschaum wurde zum Schleimer und verbeugte sich vor ihrem Großvater... Qiao Nian war verblüfft. Ähm... das war nicht dasselbe wie ein Ja zu sagen! Nachdem sie sich von der Familie des Abschaums befreit hatte, konnte Qiao Nian sie selbst sein. Sie war die beste Schülerin in der College-Aufnahmeprüfung, ein Live-Sendestar und die Erbin eines unschätzbaren Kulturerbes... Ihre Identität wurde aufgedeckt, und als sie in den Suchanzeigen der Stadt auftauchte, wurde die Familie des Abschaums grün. Die Anti-Fans spotteten: Was soll der Versuch, ein Bild zu fälschen? Hältst du dich nicht einfach jeden Tag an meinen Bruder? Qiao Nian antwortete: Es tut mir leid, aber ich habe bereits ein Spiel. Oberster Bruder: @Qiao Nian. Ich möchte sie allen vorstellen. Das ist meine Schwester. Wohlhabender Großvater: Meine liebe Enkelin, warum arbeitest du so hart? Wenn du ein Fahrrad willst, wird Großvater es dir kaufen! Die Reichen und Mächtigen in Peking verbreiteten das Gerücht, dass Meister Wang in seinem luxuriösen Haus eine Frau versteckte. Egal, wie sehr die Leute versuchten, ihn zu überreden, er ging nie mit ihr aus, um jemanden zu treffen. Wenn man ihn fragte, sagte er immer denselben Satz. "Meine Frau kommt vom Land und ist schüchtern." Bis eines Tages jemand sah, wie der edle und kalte Meister Wang die schlanke Taille eines Mädchens umklammerte, sich in einer Mauerecke versteckte und mit roten Augen murmelte. "Baby, wann wirst du mir einen Titel geben?" [Falsche Tochter, die aus einer wirklich reichen Familie stammt] + [Zwei große Bosse]
Brother Ling · 24.7K Views

Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Qiao Nian lived in the Qiao family’s house for 18 years before her biological parents found her. Suddenly, all the wealthy families in the city knew that the Qiao family had a fake daughter! A true daughter of an affluent family would be talented, gentle, and kind. A fake daughter would not be able to pick up any skills and accomplish nothing. Everyone wanted to see how miserable she would become when she went back to her ravine after being kicked out of a rich family! Qiao Nian also thought that her biological parents were poor teachers from Luohe County. Who knew that her brother drove a Phaeton that was worth three hundred thousand yuan! Her biological father was also a professor who taught at Tsinghua University! The big boss of the family of scums became a bootlicker and bowed in front of her grandpa… Qiao Nian was dumbfounded. Erm… this wasn’t the same as saying yes! After being freed from the family of scums, Qiao Nian was able to be herself. She was the top student in the college entrance examination, a live broadcast star and the heir of an invaluable cultural heritage… Her identities were revealed and when she started to appear on the hot searches in the city, the family of scums turned green. The anti-fans mocked: What’s the point of trying to fake an image? Aren’t you just sticking to my brother everyday? Qiao Nian responded: I’m sorry but I already have a match. Top Brother: @Qiao Nian. Let me introduce her to everyone. This is my sister. Wealthy Grandpa: My dear granddaughter, why are you working so hard? If you want a bicycle, grandpa will buy it for you! The rich and powerful in Beijing spread a rumor that Master Wang was hiding a wife in his luxurious house. No matter how much people tried to persuade him, he never took her out to meet anyone. If he were asked, he would say the same sentence. “My wife is from the countryside and she is shy.” That was until one day when someone saw the noble and cold Master Wang holding a girl’s slender waist while hiding in a corner of a wall and muttering with red eyes. “Baby, when will you give me a title?” [Fake daughter who is from a truly wealthy family] + [Two big bosses]
Brother Ling · 13.3M Views

NTR: Choice Based System

*WARNING* MATURE AUDIENCE ONLY [cultivation and mythology] [Dark] [for readers] "dear readers, this is dark novel with taboo themes and the fist part of the novel contains heavy corruption, the MC will face hardship in the beginning of the corruption ark as corruption and in the later of the corruption ark, the MC will start taking revenge, till the end of revenge arc and yes there is happy ending but how? you'll know at the end of the novel." Genre: cultivation, R18, system, NTR, Milf, bestiality, mythology, Heavy corruption etc,. [Note to readers: While some may assume this novel is solely intended as explicit content, it actually contains a compelling story-line. The novel is divided into two parts: the first explores themes of corruption, while the second focuses on revenge.] "Please remember, this novel is more than just an erotic tale - there's a rich, intriguing story woven throughout. I urge you to keep supporting me, as your motivation is what drives me to continue crafting an engaging story." Synopsis: Ye Yang, the 4th young master of the Ye cultivation clan, was once the weakest member of his family. His feeble cultivation and stagnant growth made him a target for bullying, and he was stripped of his chance to become clan head. While his peers surpassed him, reaching advanced stages like Qi Awakening and Meridian Opening Cultivation Stage, Ye Yang remained stuck at the 9th level of Body Tempering. Ashamed and defeated, he isolated himself from his family, refusing to meet anyone, including his mother Yu Mei and sisters Ye Ling and Ye Mu. Although his father saw him as a disgrace to the Ye family, he still tried to help Ye Yang overcome his limitations. In a desperate attempt to escape his misery, Ye Yang tried to end his life by cutting his wrist. But as he lay dying, a mysterious voice intervened: "If you don't want to live for yourself, then be mine and entertain me." Ye Yang lost consciousness, only to awaken the next morning to a strange screen window: [Choice-based System] [Welcome: Player Ye Yang] This marked the beginning of his transformation, as he embarked on a journey guided by the enigmatic System, confronting his dark past, and uncovering the secrets of his world. [EXTRA INFO] *In chapter 15 you can see unofficial map of the world* *you can read about cultivation stages/realm in comment section of first chapter* [Leave your reviews] Author's other work - Demonic Son-in Law OG_Novalist
OG_novalist · 1M Views

Setelah Menjadi Umpan Meriam, Dia Menampar Wajah Semua Orang

Ketika Ling Miao membuka matanya, dia menemukan bahwa dia telah membaca buku itu dan menjadi pasangan wanita umpan meriam yang tidak berguna dalam novel pengembangan otak cinta. Dia memiliki akar spiritual tingkat rendah dan diracuni oleh racun aneh kekuatannya.   Untuk berbaring dan mati dengan tenang, dia memilih untuk melarikan diri dari sekte tempat pahlawan wanita itu berada, berlari sejauh mungkin. Tanpa diduga, dia melarikan diri ke kandang pahlawan wanita lain, di mana semua orang menunggu untuk menumpahkan darah mereka demi pahlawan wanita tersebut.   Awalnya, dia hanya ingin mencari sudut untuk menjadi pecundang kecilnya secara diam-diam, tapi tuan dan kakak laki-lakinya sangat baik, jadi dia memutuskan untuk menyelamatkan Mereka.   Kakak laki laki senior jatuh cinta pada pahlawan wanita itu pada pandangan pertama dan bersedia menjadi gudang obat mujarab kelilingnya.   Kakak Senior: Begitu dia menitikkan air mata, mau tak mau aku jatuh cinta padanya.   Ling Miao dengan tenang mengikat orang itu dan menemukan seseorang yang menangis padanya sepanjang hari. Sejak saat itu, dia menjadi stres setiap kali dia melihat pahlawan wanita itu menangis.   Kakak laki-laki kedua yandere memaksakan terobosan untuk menyelamatkan pahlawan wanita itu tetapi diganggu dan menjadi gila.   Kakak Kedua: Wu Daozi menghitung bahwa saya akan mengalami bencana bunga persik hari ini. Saya akan bertemu seorang wanita dan disakiti olehnya.   Ling Miao dengan elegan memecat kakak laki-laki kedua dan memukulnya: Panatua Wu sangat kuat, dia bahkan berpikir bahwa aku akan menyerangmu secara diam-diam hari ini!   Kakak keempat yang lucu memblokir serangan fatal raja iblis terhadap sang pahlawan wanita, dan meninggal secara tragis di pelukan sang pahlawan wanita.   Ling Miao langsung menendang orang itu ke dalam sarang monster itu, dan sebelum meledakkan pintu masuknya, dia juga memberinya pesan: Otak cinta adalah kejahatan besar.   Semuanya: Mengapa dia, seorang pecundang kecil dengan akar spiritual tingkat rendah, begitu gila?   Ling Miao terkekeh: Saya sangat kuat! Di bawah tangan besi, semua makhluk hidup setara!
hanaahanaa17 · 13.9K Views

Princess Treatment: Paggamot ng Prinsesa

"Princess Treatment" is an enchanting and visually stunning animated series set to captivate for adults of rated TV-14. This Filipino-Chinese-Thai collaboration takes viewers on a magical journey through a vibrant and imaginative world. The series genre you mentioned, "Princess Treatment: Paggamot ng Prinsesa 2024 plus for Filipino-Chinese-Thai Fantasy, Adventure, Romance, Historical Drama, Coming-of-Age, Comedy, and Animated series," is rated TV-14. This means that it may be unsuitable for children under the age of 14 due to the presence of suggestive themes, violence, or language that may be inappropriate for younger viewers. The story follows the life of Princess Mei Ling, a young and spirited princess born into a noble Filipino-Chinese-Thai lineage. She possesses an extraordinary gift, the ability to communicate with animals. Mei Ling's unique talent becomes the key to unlocking the mysteries of her kingdom and restoring harmony to the land. Mei Ling's journey begins when an ancient curse befalls her kingdom, plunging it into darkness and despair. Determined to save her people, she embarks on an epic adventure filled with thrilling quests, mythical creatures, and unexpected allies. Along the way, Mei Ling discovers the true power of love, friendship, and self-acceptance. The animation style of "Princess Treatment" is a seamless fusion of traditional Filipino, Chinese, and Thai artistic influences, resulting in breathtaking visuals and intricate character designs. The landscapes are beautifully rendered, showcasing the rich cultural heritage of each country. The series also explores themes of cultural diversity, unity, and the importance of embracing one's heritage. Through the various characters Mei Ling encounters on her quest, viewers will learn about the traditions, beliefs, and values of the Filipino, Chinese, and Thai cultures. "Princess Treatment" not only delivers a captivating and engaging narrative but also serves as a celebration of the beauty and richness of cultural fusion. It offers a unique blend of fantasy, adventure, and cultural exploration, making it a must-watch for animation enthusiasts and fans of diverse storytelling alike.
Keisha_Lavandero20 · 34.1K Views

Favoured By The Grandmaster Who Can't Resist Me(BL)

"You would always treasure me," the grandmaster smiled weakly, blood gurgling in his mouth as he gripped the blade that was firmly embedded into his chest. " like destroying the things you treasure, Chi Cheng?" Chi Cheng's eyes blazed with murderous intent, his lips curling into a snarl as he twisted the blade further into the Grandmaster's chest. "In all your perfections, dear Grandmaster, loving me was your greatest flaw." ************* Jing Ling was a celestial beast who was on the run from his brethren and had been banished by the Celestial Realm for his crimes and treason against the supreme courts. He sought refuge in the body of a deceased child from the Chi Clan in the mortal realm. Raised in the identity of the child, currently known as Chi Chengxin, he faces challenges related to his complex cultivation skills after seventeen years. Thus, Chi Chengxin sought solace in the affections of Han Yijun, a senior disciple of the Northern Ice Sect, despite the rumors about his lack of aptitude and the shame he brought to his clan during his new life. Chi Cheng's father enlists him as an Ice Sect pupil in the hopes that the Grandmaster of Ice will see his potential. And the idea of being with Han Yijun at last brings him joy. However, the charming and kind Han Yijun gives in to the pleasure of another, and on the first day of his arrival, he is betrayed and suffers heartache. But the Grandmaster, who is charmed by Chi Cheng but constrained by his oaths and obligations, has a sense of affection that heals his damaged heart. And Chi Cheng, using the Grandmaster's favour and love to his advantage, is more eager than ever to get revenge on Han Yijun. But Chi Cheng's nightmarish past become linked with his drive for vengeance and his mischievous actions that put him in danger. When he learns of the Grandmaster's true intentions, Chi Cheng becomes conflicted between his heart and mind. Is the Grandmaster a man he should love in the first place? But how can one love the man who intends to kill them? Read the story to find out! ********* Note: The story doesn't follow an omegaverse trope but there is a factor of mpreg much later in the story. join my discord server to chat with me: find link under my profile cover picture is ai made by me
_Zhiying · 1M Views

Heavenly Rebirth: Path of the Martial God

### **Heavenly Rebirth: Path of the Martial God** Jin Wu, a modern martial artist, meets an untimely end and awakens in the ancient, mystical realm of Tianxia. Reborn with the Lotus Heart, an artifact imbued with the essence of a long-lost martial god, Jin Wu finds himself in the body of a young disciple of the Heavenly Blossom Sect. Determined to master his new abilities and understand his destiny, he begins a journey that will challenge his skills, resolve, and understanding of true power. Guided by the wise and formidable Master Li, Jin Wu trains alongside his newfound friends: Lan Mei, a skilled healer with a fierce spirit; Xiao Yu, a talented swordsman with a quick wit; Feng Ling, a brilliant strategist with a calm demeanor; and Zhao Yan, a stoic warrior with unparalleled strength. Together, they form a bond that grows stronger with each trial they face. As Jin Wu delves deeper into his training, he uncovers the dark schemes of the Shadowmoon Sect and the awakening of ancient Shadow Fiends, posing a grave threat to the balance of the realm. With the power of the Lotus Heart, Jin Wu must confront these dangers head-on, while also navigating the complex dynamics of sect politics and forging alliances. Volume 1 of "Heavenly Rebirth: Path of the Martial God" follows Jin Wu's initial steps on his path of cultivation. From intense training sessions and epic battles to mystical encounters and secret discoveries, Jin Wu's journey is one of growth, resilience, and unwavering determination. As he and his companions strive to protect their sect and uphold their values, they learn that true strength lies not just in power, but in unity and the bonds of friendship. Join Jin Wu and the Heavenly Blossom Sect as they embark on a thrilling adventure filled with martial arts, ancient mysteries, and the pursuit of greatness in a world where destiny is forged through the strength of the spirit and the might of the blade. ---
DaoistmNBQ9a · 23.3K Views

Journey To Become an Insanely Pampered Wife

Xiang Ling, the precious blue star, cultivated for ten thousand years and finally faced her heavenly tribulation to ascend to the position of an Immortal. Unfortunately, her tribulation occurred the very night when the Crown Prince of the Heavenly Realm was undergoing Nirvana. While Xiang Ling passed her tribulation, the heavenly thunder disturbed Nirvana, and the Crown Prince failed to ascend. In her rage, the Heavenly Empress punished Xiang Ling and sent her to the Mortal Realm to face life tribulation. When Xiang Ling opened her eyes in the Mortal Realm, she found herself inside the body of an eighteen-year-old girl who shared the same name as hers. It didn't take long for Xiang Ling to realize just how harsh her punishment was. The original owner of the body was the only daughter of the County Magistrate of Dongzhi Province and was famous throughout the province for her shameless, unfilial, and overbearing attitude. She was known to create trouble for her parents and siblings. She was famous for bullying the young ladies and masters of other families. She tortured the servants. She regularly visited brothels, pawn shops, and other places where a girl should never go. But if all these weren't already enough, she was also famous for bullying her husbands. Right! Xiang Ling was married and not only to one man but to five men in total. Now, it was not only the entire province and her family that hated her, even her husbands despised her and wanted to get rid of her. Could Xiang Ling possibly survive in the Mortal Realm when every other person seemed to hate her to the core? * * * Warning: Mature content in the story! This is a Reverse Harem novel. ----- This story is part of the WSA 2024 contest, so please show your support for the story and the author! ----- For more updates about the story, follow me on Instagram: @nightsummer20 ******* Disclaimer: The book cover is mine.
Nightsummer20 · 866.6K Views

Why am I The Villain?!

What is a villain? Is it someone who commits heinous crimes? Someone who takes advantage of others? No, a villain is a stepping stone for the protagonist. Someone to be humiliated and face slapped! ____________________________________ A shut-in NEET dies and is reborn as The Imperial Prince of The Taiyang Immortal Dynasty. Shen Tian The villain of his favorite manhwas "Damnit! Why am I the villain?!" But suddenly, Shen Tian heard a bell sound and a robotic voice as a screen appeared in front of him. [Ding!] [Congratulations for obtaining The Villain System] With the system, he can change his fate by stealing the fortune from the protagonists. While gaining rewards for committing evil acts. [Ding!] [Host has framed the Heaven's Chosen: Shen Yu of defiling the Heroine: Mei Ling.!!] [Shen Yu's fate has decreased by 500.] [Gained 250 Evil Points.] [Ding!] [Host has tricked the Heroine: Su MIng to distrust the Heaven's Chosen: Ye Chen!] [Ye Chen's fate has decreased by 50.] [Gained 25 Evil Points.] [Ding!] [Host has prevented the Heaven's Chosen: Xiao Lang from obtaining The Jade Blade!] [Xiao Lang's fate has decreased by 300.] [Gained 150 Evil Points.] [Ding!] [Host has obtained The Eternal Rainbow Phoenix Root!] [Ding!] [Host has obtained The Demonic Heart!] [...] with the help of the system, Shen Tian gains more powerful by beating up protagonists! "Hahaha! Bring on the protagonists! Even if you're a Immortal, I'll still take your fortune!" ____________________________________ Author's Note: •This is my first time writing a novel so please be kind to me and comment your thoughts •The update schedule might not be consistent. •The MC is a villain, so he will do villainous things. If you want to watch some righteous MC, this isn't for you. ____________________________________ Tags: [Villain MC], [Evil MC], [Smart MC], [Manipulative MC], [Genius MC], [Reincarnation], [Action], [Adventure], [Overpowered], [Superpowers], [Cultivation], [Magic], [Face Slapping], [Romance], [Harem], [R18], [Heroines], [Maid], [Saintess], [Princess], [Empress], [Immortal], [Demon], [Yokai], [Spirit], [Wives], [Concubine], [Mistresses], [Milf], [Gilf], [Loli], [Incest], [Rape], [Slavery], [BDSM], [Mind Control] [Brainwashing], [NTR], [Cuckholding]
OtakuMaster · 0 Views

The Villainess?

How did I get here? The last thing I remember was falling asleep after finishing the book: Trials Of Love. How did I become the villainess Camilla who has the same name as me? **************** Our female lead, Camilla used to be a very extrovert person who had many friends and was socially liked by everyone. However, after her parent's death, she was assigned to live with her Uncle and Aunt. Over time she slowly distances herself from her friends as she believes that she doesn't deserve happiness. She thought that she was the reason her parents died. Back then her parents died in a car accident when they were speeding toward the hospital where she was kept. On that very eventful morning, she had accidentally burnt her hand during food tech and was rushed straight towards the hospital. When her parents heard they too rushed over there hence they got into a car accident and eventually passed away. The only thing that would bring her happiness was that one book her parents left for her: Trials of love. It talked about a young boy named Damian who grew up in poverty but eventually became the grand duke of the Thedo empire. The Thedo empire was named after the first King founder of the empire. Damian grew to love his housekeeper's youngest daughter Eveline. The two had to go through many trials until they earned their happy ending... Of course with the occasional villainess ruining the happy pair. But who would've thought that our female lead ended up as the villainess? The character she hated the most. Camilla Rose Avery was the lost daughter of the present King and Queen. Camilla had been stolen when she was a year old by a maid. She was found by her older brother when he ran into her in an orphanage on one of his royal tours. Her love for Damian meant that she would try to kill Eveline. Because of her evil deed, she ended up being banished to the eastern empire when Damian became the grand duke. He married Eveline and then the story closed. Ella transmigrates into Camilla. However, there was still time to fix everything. She would be kind to Damian in the hope that he would remember her kindness in the future. Our female lead has decided to change her destiny so she tried very hard not to fall in love with Damian. However, the storyline seems to be changing. Why is the male lead running after the villainess this time? ********************************************************** Please vote for this book as I've entered a completion with it. English isn't my first language so bear with my grammatical. mistakes. The book cover is not mine, I found it on Pinterest. Please support my other books: - Prince and his wives ( sterilizing) - Rebirth for him (sterilizing)
Xiao_Ling16 · 161.6K Views

Strikeforce XII: Awakening Of The Bullied Nerd

You have heard that the weak, quiet kid can be dangerous, but do you believe it? When Dante's father suddenly moves them to NYC he already knew it won't be easy after living in a small countryside all his life. He isn't exaggerating because Dante Martinez has always been a weakling. He never defends himself. He is a nerd who rambles a lot about science when he is nervous and the unlucky him has a half sight which means he needs his glasses to even see well making him the perfect target for his bullies. Rumors of aliens trying to invade the world turns into a new sensation but many people thought it was all a lie. But when Dante uses a perfume he found in a waste bin and accidentally awakens his superpowers, he realizes the rumor is true. If he doesn't use his power, the whole human existence will be wiped off by aliens. He is officially the 12th member of Strikeforce [Strikeforce XII] Can the weak nerd be the hero that will save the world or will he be too weak to even last in the Strikeforce? “Akiro Nakamura, Kara Johnson, Liam O’Connor, Rajesh Patel, Mei-Ling Zhang, Sofia Volkov, Isaac Evans, Elena Castillo, Amir Al-Farouq, Talia Hunter, Ethan Ramirez…” [Warning! Unrecognized energy detected.] [Warning! Power overload is imminent.] [Adapting to new parameters…] [Abilities unlocked: Fire, Water, Electricity.] [Dante Martinez: Power Awakened.] [Strikeforce XII are READY] “Welcome to Strikeforce XII” “Mission 12: Earth’s Last Hope - Save the World”
maryasunflower1 · 1.1K Views

I sell instant noodles in the wasteland [Through the Book]

狼狼崽子 - Author 我在废土卖泡面[穿书] - Name Status in COO:- 122 [END] Chu Ling is obsessed with a novel "My Wife is Dumb in the Doomsday" and is deeply attracted to the heroine's wife Gu Xiyan. Although this woman is a mute, she has become the ruler of the doomsday step by step with her eyes that can see through people's hearts. But the heroine actually used her to climb up. Chu Ling was about to comment on the author, but a car accident caused him to travel into the novel and he became a cannon fodder with only a few lines of records. What's worse is that the system binding error changed the original doomsday survival system to the fat house happy system. "Do you want this braised beef noodles or this old sauerkraut noodles?" Chu Ling was trying hard to sell instant noodles to survive in the doomsday, but he didn't expect to meet Gu Xiyan. Thinking that the heroine's future behavior would hurt her, Chu Ling was determined to help Gu Xiyan escape from the clutches of the heroine! "Gu Xiyan fell in love with the heroine because she saved her life! If I go and save Gu Xiyan, won't she not fall in love with the heroine? I'm such a little genius!" Chu Ling stared at Gu Xiyan from a distance, thinking, Gu Xiyan is so pretty, she is indeed the person I like. Huh? Why is she blushing? Gu Xiyan has been a mute since she was a child. She thought she would be a mute all her life, but she didn't expect to suddenly awaken the ability to read minds. Listening to those sanctimonious people saying vulgar words in their hearts, it turns out that the end of the world not only destroyed the world, but also the human heart. But the noisy voice kept coming. Gu Xiyan noticed that the source of the voice was a mercenary who had been staring at her. She didn't seem to have any expression on her face. Gu Xiyan originally thought that she only had money in her eyes like everyone else, but the voice in her heart was deafening. "She is so pretty! I like her so much! I wonder if she eats instant noodles?" The confession made Gu Xiyan's heart numb. The doomsday settings are all private, and there will be superpower elements. The writing skills are limited, and I am not very good at writing emotional lines. Content tags: strong and strong, special affection , supernatural power , end of the world, book-traveling, wasteland main characterPerspectiveChu LinginteractiveGu Xiyan One sentence introduction: If you love her, you should treat her to instant noodles. Concept: Persevere and never give up
astraaalll · 327 Views

Fate and the Cursed Child

Fate and the Cursed Child --- On a dark, stormy night, a child named Ye Ling is born in a remote village. His arrival is marked by thunder and shadows, and the village elder warns that he is a cursed child, destined to bring calamity. Despite the villagers’ fear and mistrust, Ye Ling’s mother believes he is innocent and protects him, allowing him to grow up on the village outskirts. As Ye Ling grows, he begins to sense a strange power within him—a dark, primal force that stirs under intense emotions, granting him unusual strength but at a dangerous cost. This power draws the attention of mystical creatures, spiritual clans, and beast tribes, who see him as either a weapon or a threat. Seeking to break his curse and uncover his origins, Ye Ling embarks on a journey beyond the village, determined to control his “beast” within and to understand the destiny that binds him. On this path, he encounters allies and rivals: a mysterious girl who attempts to tame his power, a beast king who views him with equal parts fear and respect, and an old friend bound to his fate. Through battles, trials, and sacrifices, Ye Ling transforms from a rejected boy into a formidable force. As he learns to tame and harness his cursed nature, he discovers that his curse may be the key to reshaping his destiny. But as he approaches the truth, Ye Ling faces an ultimate choice: to fully embrace his power and control his own fate, or to sacrifice himself to prevent the foretold disaster. In the end, he will decide if his curse is truly his doom or a path to freedom and redemption.
grey_igorot · 2.3K Views
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