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Lana Competition

La Ley de la Atracción

``` Todo comenzó con un beso robado en su primer encuentro. [Advertencia: Contenido para adultos *NO hay violación y NO hay grandes malentendidos!] Estado: COMPLETADO ****** —Señorita Lana Huang... Espere pronto una notificación de acoso en su puerta... Eso fue lo que Lana consiguió por besar a un extraño para salvarse de un matrimonio arreglado e indeseado. —Hasta donde recuerdo, me correspondiste ferozmente e incluso dominaste todo el beso. Claramente disfrutaste tu momento conmigo, ¡así que por favor no hagas que suene como si hubiera abusado de ti sin justificación! Y te dije, ¡estoy listo para compensarte! —¿Y cómo planeas hacer eso, eh? —Liam se acercó, intentando intimidar a la mujer orgullosa que ni siquiera parpadeó bajo su presión asfixiante. Lana retrocedió unos pasos, levantó la mano y gruñó: —¡Detente justo ahí Abogado Sy si no quieres probar el dolor de una patada en tus bolas después de ser besado! ***** Conoce a Lana Huang, una mujer orgullosa que escaló la escalera del éxito en su carrera. Una abogada y una mujer audaz, excepcionalmente hermosa que hace soñar y babear a los hombres por ella. El amor era lo último en su agenda porque odiaba a los hombres... Pero el destino quiso jugarle una broma al besar sin querer a Liam Sy, un hombre rico, poderoso y arrogante. Un abogado de profesión, la fama y el éxito lo seguían a donde quiera que iba. Un abogado feroz que ganaba cada caso que tomaba. El orgullo corría por su sangre y el amor no estaba en su agenda porque odiaba a las mujeres... ¿Qué pasaría cuando estos dos... guapos y hermosos, orgullosos y obstinados, odiadores de mujeres y odiadores de hombres... se unieran y se vieran involucrados en un matrimonio? Bienvenidos a un torbellino de romance entre estos dos: una montaña rusa de amor cuando se mezcla con el orgullo, los celos, la terquedad y el odio... ¿Bofetadas? ¡Por qué no! Seguramente les encantará seguir su viaje donde ambos tomaron el riesgo de enamorarse... Un viaje de odio que se convierte en amor... ================ Nota de la Autora: Espero que disfruten leyendo esta novela ORIGINAL mía. Esto es definitivamente un final feliz. Muchas gracias de antemano por su apoyo. Con mucho amor, EUSTOMA_reyna Otros Libros: El CEO Que Me Odia (completado) El General Que Me Odia (completado) El Doctor Que Me Ama (completado) No me Beses (en proceso) El Indomable: Juego de Corazones La Trampa de la Corona contáctenme en: Enlace de Discord: twitter: @EUSTOMA_reyna instagram: eustoma_reyna Página de Facebook: @eustoma.reyna La portada del libro es mía... arte de la portada por ava_arts38 (instagram) ```
Eustoma_Reyna · 66.2K Views

Journey of the Common Cultivator

Journey of the Common Cultivator In a world where cultivation determines one's fate, Huang Wei finds himself reborn into a low-ranking noble family. Without any memories or skills from his past life, he must rely on his slightly above-average talent to navigate the complex world of cultivation. With no golden finger or exceptional abilities, Huang Wei embarks on a monumental journey spanning decades, centuries, millennia, and eons. Through diligent practice, perseverance, and strategic decisions, he gradually rises through the ranks, facing challenges and setbacks along the way. As Huang Wei advances in age and cultivation, he must also navigate the complexities of becoming an elder, ancestor, and revered figure. This includes confronting the concerns of lifespan, legacy, and the weight of responsibility. Witness Huang Wei's transformation from an unknown youth to a respected elder, as he: Grapples with the physical and mental changes of aging Adapts to shifting social dynamics and generational expectations Balances personal ambition with responsibility to family, clan, and community Confronts the impermanence of life and the importance of legacy Moreover, Huang Wei's journey is marked by: True cultivation bottlenecks: facing plateaus, stagnation, and the struggle to break through Fierce competition for resources: scarce materials, limited opportunities, and rival cultivators Deep exploration of cultivation: uncovering hidden principles, understanding spiritual energies, and mastering arcane techniques Set against the backdrop of a traditional cultivation world, Journey of the Common Cultivator eschews typical tropes of instant success and instead focuses on the slow, arduous process of self-improvement. Genre: Fantasy, Cultivation, Adventure Themes: Perseverance, Self-Improvement, Strategy, Character Development, Exploration of Cultivation, Aging, Legacy, Competition, Resource Management Key Features: No instant success or overpowered protagonist Gradual, step-by-step progression Emphasis on cultivation techniques, strategies, and philosophies Realistic portrayal of time passage (decades → centuries → millennia → eons) Focus on character development, relationships, and legacy Deep exploration of the cultivation world, its mechanics, and spiritual principles Nuanced portrayal of aging, generational change, and the concerns of lifespan Authentic cultivation challenges: bottlenecks, resource scarcity, and competition
IRL_Daoist · 2.5K Views

Kisah 12 Dewa

Kisah 12 Makhluk yang berdiri diatas puncak kekuasaan. Makhluk-makhluk yang naik ke tempat paling tinggi diseluruh Dimensi. Dengan kecedasan, kelicikan, kekuatan daya tarik dan ambisi. Awal mula terciptanya 7 makhluk Ilahi. Seorang pemuda yang menaklukan jagat raya dibawa kekuasaanya. Sang Penguasa yang ditunjuk Tuhan untuk memimpin jalan para Dewa dan Seluruh makhluk kepada kebenaran yang sejati. Kuasa yang memerintah Jagat raya dengan berbagai mancam makhluk. Dia memiliki seorang Puteri yang sangat sakti mandraguna juga cantik tidak bandingan di seluruh jagat. Dia Sang Maharaja Semesta pertama mengelilingi Semesta untuk menyatukan seluruh Alam dibawah kepemimpinanya. Dia menggunakan armada perang untuk menjelajah dari satu planet ke planet yang lain. 12 Dewa yang tidak mau tunduk kepada Adipati raksa mereka mulai menghimpun kekuatan dan berperang melawan Adipati raksa. Begitu juga para Pemimpin dari setiap Planet yang ditaklukan mulai memberontak. Menceritakan perjalanan Wijaya kusumah setelah mendapatkan gelar Sang Hyang baru kelana yang menguasai takdir dua Dunia. Dunia manusia dan Dunia binatang Ilahi. Bersama 12 Makhluk lainnya. Mereka dipuja seperti Dewa setelah berperangelawan Adipati raksa yang menjadi penguasa tirani setelah berkuasa sangat lama di Lima Alam semesta. Shinta Shiro yuma sang Dewi ular perempuan paling cantik di seluruh Alam semesta yang membuat tiga Dewa berperang untuk memperebutkannya. Mereka adalah Kenji Akirayama Sang penguasa surgawi tak tertandingi, Aji saka Dewa Naga pertama di galaxi bimasakti, dan Shinjiro kenji kira Sang Dewa kematian. Shinta memilih Raja Iblis Sebagai pendamping hidup menjadikan dia musuh empat ras manusia, Naga, Dewa dan Iblis itu sendiri. Kisah Sang Malapetaka yang terbebas dari segel dua Kaisar Naga Illahi dari ujung tergelap Alam semesta. Dia datang untuk menghancurkan Kerajaan Naga Ilahi tetapi Kerajaan telah hancur. Yang Saat ini berdiri adalah Kerajaan Lubang Dunia orion. Yang berdiiri di puncak kekuasaan. Kerajaan terbesar diAlam semesta akhirnya hancur akibat perang yang diprakarsai 12 makhluk yang menjadi 12 Dewa tertinggi. Kedua belas makhluk tersebut adalah Shinta shiro yuma Sang Dewi ular, Sang prawersari ratna dyah intan. Wijaya kusumah Dewa garuda sakti, Sang Hyang baru kelana, Kenji akirayama penguasa surgawi, Sang hyang nur cahya nirwana. Kenji kira Dewa kiamat, Sang Hyang Kala. Aji saka Dewa Naga, Sang Hyang Naga niskala. Kotaro sun Dewa matahari Sang Hyang Cahya niskala. Sun Fuji yuma Dewa angin Sang Hyang bayu kelana, Kaguya yuki murayama Dewi bumi Prameswari Dyah Purwa pratiwi. Yuki fujita Dewi kematian Praweswari Dyah Kala, Kenji thian Akirayama Dewa langit Sang Hyang Nur Niskala, dan Fujita yuki Dewi langit Praweswari Dyah ratna wulansari Perang Besar pertama yang tercatat di Alam semesta terjadi.
MuhammadFauziInsan · 33.6K Views

The Law of Attraction

It all started with a stolen kiss on their first encounter. [Warning: Mature content *NO rape and NO major misunderstanding!] Status: COMPLETED ****** “Miss Lana Huang… Expect a notice of harassment on your doorway soon…” That was what Lana got for kissing a stranger to save herself from an unwanted arranged marriage. “As far as I remember, you kissed me back fiercely and even dominated the entire kiss. You clearly had enjoyed your moment with me, so please don’t make it sound like I took undue advantage of you! And I told you, I’m ready to compensate you!” “And how do you plan to do that, huh?” Liam stepped closer, trying to intimidate the proud woman who did not even bat an eyelid under his suffocating pressure. Lana stepped backwards a few steps, raised her hand and growled, “Stop right there Attorney Sy if you don’t wanna taste the pain of getting kicked on your balls after getting kissed!” ***** Meet Lana Huang, a proud woman who climbed the ladder of success in her career. A lawyer and a bold woman, exceptionally beautiful to make men dream and drool for her. Love was the last thing on her schedule because she was a man hater… But fate wanted to play a trick on her as she unintentionally kissed Liam Sy, a wealthy, powerful and arrogant man. A lawyer by profession, fame and success followed wherever he went. A fierce attorney who won every case he put his hands on. Pride ran in his blood and love was not on his agenda because he was a woman hater... What would happen when these two... handsome and beautiful, proud and stubborn, woman-hater and man-hater... come together and get involved into a marriage? Welcome to a whirlwind of romance between these two - a roller coaster ride of love when it got mixed up with pride, jealousy, stubbornness and hate… Face slapping? Why not!  Surely you would love to follow their journey where both took the risk of falling in love… A journey of hate turning into love... ================ Author's Note: Hope you enjoy reading this ORIGINAL novel of mine. This is absolutely a happy ending. Many thanks in advance for your support. With Lots of Love, EUSTOMA_reyna Other Books: The CEO Who Hates Me (completed) The General Who Hates Me (completed) The Doctor Who Loves Me (completed) Kiss Me Not (in writing) The Untamed: Game of Hearts The Crown's Entrapment contact me at: Discord Link: twitter: @EUSTOMA_reyna instagram: eustoma_reyna Facebook Page: @eustoma.reyna
Eustoma_Reyna · 11.2M Views
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