If running from a husband was a sport, I would win! but it's not..
- Born from a prompt given by 'Weekly Love Tales - Swapped'. (and presenting it for your amusement)
- Two sets of twins whose paths crossed with a random dance. (was it random?)
- Parents who did not see further than top of their nose. (or did they?)
- A girl, Lilly, got begged by her crying sister Petunia. (she perfected those tears)
- A boy.. (well, nah he is too old to be a boy)
- A man, Jonah, got swindled by his shrewd (?) brother Noah. (how she gets to be a girl, only 4 years difference? (women are girls all their life))
- A brand new series is now being presented to you! (by an author who is overpowered by characters regularly (they do what they want, I just write it down for them))
Run, run, run, run away!
Run, run, run, run away!
I'm the fastest! I'm the strongest!
I'm the winner of every contest!
Disclaimer: as long it's in long distance running, surfing, skii jumping, decathlon, and eventually shooting range if I can squeeze it in the schedule.
I trained aikido until highschool.
Well, I am a rich heir and CEO in charge of my family's corporation.
Well fine, I am a master chef of top 7 cuisines, but that's my dirty little secret, don't spread it around!
Petunia & Noah *swoon*
Such a perfect couple! We should open a matchmaking business.