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Loli Bang

Crônicas Abissais

Na parte norte do mundo, uma longa batalha entre várias raças e a raça demônio finalmente alcançou seu fim. A Senhora Demônio, uma figura de cabelos negros e olhos vermelhos, reina de seu palácio de obsidiana, tendo derrotado repetidamente a Deusa, o ser mais poderoso do mundo. No entanto, ela se abstém de matá-la, sabendo que ela apenas renascerá para liderar outro ataque. Enquanto a deusa se ajoelha diante dela, gravemente ferida e impotente, os sons de explosões ecoam do lado de fora, sinalizando a iminente vitória da aliança. Apesar de seu imenso poder, a senhora demônio reconhece a fraqueza geral dos demônios comparada aos humanos e à Aliança. O desenvolvimento da energia de luta e mana permitiu que humanos ordinários lutassem contra demônios, levando à derrota do exército demônio. Consciente da intenção da Aliança de escravizar o demônio abissal, a Senhora Demônio decide lançar um feitiço proibido que custará sua vida. Quando as forças da Aliança invadem o palácio, hesitam ao sentir a energia do feitiço. A Senhora Demônio jura resistir e renascer para salvar seu povo. Enquanto isso, a deusa reflete sobre o tratamento passado da senhora demônio para com ela e reconhece seu respeito e dedicação ao seu povo. Enquanto a senhora demônio se prepara para lançar o feitiço, a deusa pergunta se ela pode abandonar seu plano e viver livremente. No entanto, senhoras demônio têm o dever de restaurar a glória da raça demônio e proteger seu povo. Entendendo a resolução da senhora demônio, a deusa prepara sua espada, pretendendo colidir com o feitiço proibido da senhora demônio. A explosão resultante cria uma nuvem em forma de cogumelo, marcando o fim do conflito e o início de uma nova era. A Senhora Demônio e a Deusa se tornam figuras históricas, suas histórias contadas ocasionalmente.
Hail_The_loli · 2.3K Views

History academy arco 1

Esto empieza cuando Dios, crea la vida. Estos somos nosotros, nosotros somos la esperanza que cubre el mundo con el manto divino de nuestro Dios. Teoría del "Combate Cósmico": Dios, el Big Bang y la Lucha Eterna El Origen Divino: En el principio, existía un ser supremo, Dios, que trascendía el tiempo y el espacio. Dios deseaba crear un universo vibrante y lleno de vida. Sin embargo, no quería simplemente pronunciarlo en existencia; quería que surgiera de una lucha épica. El Combate Primordial: Dios se enfrentó a un ser igualmente poderoso pero oscuro, llamado "Karla'k". Durante eones, Dios y Karla'k libraron una batalla titánica en los abismos del no-tiempo. Sus choques crearon ondas de energía cósmica. El Nacimiento del Big Bang: En un momento crucial, Dios reunió toda su fuerza y golpeó a Karla'k con una explosión de luz y energía inimaginable. Ese impacto fue el Big Bang. El universo nació de la colisión entre la divinidad y la oscuridad. La Creación en Expansión: El Big Bang liberó partículas, átomos y energía. El espacio-tiempo se expandió rápidamente. Las galaxias, las estrellas y los planetas surgieron como escombros de la batalla cósmica. La Herencia del Combate: La radiación de fondo de microondas es el eco de la lucha entre Dios y Karla'k. Los agujeros negros son las cicatrices donde la energía divina y la oscuridad se fusionaron. La Vida y la Conciencia: En algún rincón del universo, la energía liberada por el Big Bang se organizó en moléculas, luego en células y finalmente en seres vivos. La conciencia humana es la chispa divina que recuerda la épica batalla y busca comprender su propósito.
Victor_Jose_Perez · 15.4K Views

The Guardian of Dark Night

Duan Holster 24 tahun berambut hitam dan mata hitam seorang mahasiswa tingkat akhir yang tinggal bersama neneknya. Duan bekerja sebagai penjaga toko, setelah mengakhiri kelas, setiap siang hari hingga malam, Duan bekerja selama 10 jam. Pada suatu hari Sebuah serangan terjadi dalam serangan pada toko tempatnya bekerja, tiga perampok datang ke tokonya, satu dari jauh menodong pistol, dua orang mencoba mendekat dengan salah satunya membawa pisau. "Beri semuanya atau mati" Rampok meminta. "Tolong tenang, ambil saja ini semua". Sepertinya pekerjaan ku berakhir disini pikir Duan. Pria terakhir mencoba mengambil uang dalam penyimpanan. "Minggir jangan melakukan apapun" Pach!!, sebuah pukulan mendarat di pipi Duan dan Dia terlempar membenturkan kepala belakang mengenai meja kasir di belakangnya. 'Sial ambil saja tidak usah memukul' pikir Duan dalam benaknya. Duan berdiri dengan sedikit linglung, pria yang membawa pisau mencoba menusuknya, Duan menghindarinya ke kanan menyerempet lengan kirin, Duan memposisikan kaki kanannya ingin maju ke depan tapi merasakan bahaya, Dia melompat mundur dan dan suara bang bang kaca disamping Duan sebelum pecah. Duan dengan reflek langsung menunduk 'Sial kenapa bergerak sih' mereka waspada terhadap perlawanan Duan. Duan memberi sarat dengan mengangkat dua tangan keatas mencoba berdiri untuk menyerah tapi di abaikan oleh pria membawa pisau. Wuss wuss wuus, tiga tusukan yang cepat dilakukan ke arah dada nya. 'uhh!!!' tusuk terakhir mengenai ulu hati dan suara pistol meletus 'bang! bang!' peluru mengenai kepalanya dan Duan terjatuh terkapar dengan wajar menghadap lantai, darah mulai membanjiri area tersebut. Delapan detik sebelum kematian kenangan terlintas dalam pikirannya 'aku tidak memiliki banyak kenangan indah untuk dibawa mati' Dia yang di besarkan oleh neneknya saja yang tidak memiliki teman seorang pun karena terlalu lusuh. Setelah kegelapan pun datang di pikirannya dan Duan mati, setelah beberapa waktu berlalu, Dalam kegelapan Duan Merasakan hangat. Matanya terbuka!!!
Nugo8588 · 125 Views

Abyssal Chronicles

In the northern part of the world, a long-standing battle between various races and the demon race has finally reached its end. The Demon Lord, a figure with black hair, red eyes, rules from her obsidian palace, having repeatedly defeated the Goddess, the strongest being in the world. However, she refrains from killing her, knowing she will only be reborn to lead another attack. As the goddess kneels before her, badly injured and helpless, the sounds of explosions echo outside, signaling the imminent victory of the alliance. Despite her immense power, the demon lord acknowledges the demon's overall weakness compared to humans and the Alliance. The development of fighting energy and mana has allowed ordinary humans to fight demons, leading to the demon army's defeat. Aware of the Alliance's intent to enslave the abyssal demon, the Demon Lord decides to cast a forbidden spell that will cost her life. As the Alliance forces storm the palace, they hesitate upon sensing the spell's energy. The Demon Lord vows to resist and be reborn to save her people. Meanwhile, the goddess reflects on the demon lord's past treatment of her and acknowledges her respect and dedication to her people. As the demon lord prepares to cast the spell, the goddess asks if she can abandon her plan and live freely. However, demon lords are duty-bound to restore the demon race's glory and protect her people. Understanding the demon lord's resolve, the goddess readies her sword, intending to clash with the demo lord's forbidden spell. The resulting explosion creates a mushroom cloud, marking the end of the conflict and the start of a new era. The Demon Lord and the Goddess become historical figures, their stories occasionally told.
Hail_The_loli · 2.1M Views

Fallen Chronicles

"Ah... Finally done," Renji leaned back in his chair as the game he had been playing for many years reached 100% cleranse, with all achievement and none of his waifus or people dying. "Hm... there is still one final scene left. Is it my victory ccg or smt like that!?" "I'll check that later," He stretched, feeling his stiff muscles craking. and shut down his computer. "Guess I should go get some snaks ... Or at least a drink." Without changing out of his t-shirt and sweatpants, Renji headed out. He slipped on his sneakers and stepped into the evening air. The setting sun caught him by surprise. "... Wait... how long did i play this time!? Sigh... i need to stop playing that hard or my death will be on that chair." Renji walked towards the convenience store while his mind was still half in the game world. Halfway there, he noticed a woman standing on the sidewalk. Something about her made him stop and stare for a long time. Her golden hair seemed to shimmer in the fading light, and her eyes... there was something familiar about them... 'Heh!? is that elves ears!?' The Woman came closer to him and before passing him, she said in a sweet voice, *Good luck Ash...* Renji: "?_?" Before Renji could process what was happening, she was gone. He blinked and rubbed his eyes "Am I seeing things?" he mumbled to himself. "Ah... they say gaming for too long drives you crazy... i need to lessen them..." After sighing helplessly, he continued to the store. In the brightly lit store, Renji grabbed an energy drink and paid without a word. As he walked back to his apartment, he couldn't shake the strange encounter from his mind. Back in his room, Renji paused. His computer screen was still on, and the game was still running. "That's weird," he said. "I thought I closed it." *Thanks for Playing!* As Renji looked at the screen showing a "congrats" message with fireworks, and a side note near the inbox, icon, "Hmm!? a gift for finishing the game!?" [Congratulations, You have fulfilled the requirements to unlock ******* Would you like to proceed?] Renji: "?_?" ----
Hail_The_loli · 1.8M Views
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