The Wound revolves around characters that try to come with the past events that significantly influenced and shaped their lives. Kevin a former gang member is just out of jail, he is seeking to find a way to mend one mistake he had done in the past, when young he had committed terrible acts on a woman he had met just that night, but he had not intended to he had been highly intoxicated, he had done alot of destruction but that young womans pleadings had hit hit differently he had never been in that position before, also kevin was walking a tight rope while in jail he met martin, known as the chameleon he had sensitive information that he used as protection in jail. And through him Kevin had survived jail, but now that he is outside he has to get the list and also he had to get the rest of Martin's cash to make sure his family safety, this was a promise he had made on his deathbed. Kevin now is caught between two worlds he has to stay alive from the government that are constantly on his back and he has to survive criminals who are out seeking revange for thinking Kevin is a traitor. Annie on the other hand is the woman who once got to see Kevin's dark side, but she had survived and for seven years she had waited for an oppotunity to meet this monster who destroyed her life while she was still a young naive university girl. She missed her first chance to carry out her plot but gets a second chance, when Kevin moves to town. She makes a mistake of getting to close to Kevin for a perfect chance to exert her revange but things change whe she knows of his regrets and guilt that has been overburdening him for years. They fall inlove, amidst all these venomous surrounding, the question is will they survive? Will Kevin get to meet his daughter? will their love grow? Or will death win?