The Chronicles of a Fantastical Adventure through Space
After mankind united to defeat the Demon Lord, the world enters an era of peace. Due to this, an industrial revolution occurred and technology developed at a rapid pace with the power of mana. A little over 200 years later, mankind reached for the stars.
800 years after this, mankind has spread throughout the galaxy, encountering intelligent life and alien monsters alike. Like the days of old, adventurers, working under the intergalactic Adventurer's Guild, go on quests to defeat these new alien monsters.
Melissa is a beastman girl who grew up in the slums, when her parents are taken by debt collectors, she barely escapes but falls into a dangerous situation where she is saved by enthusiastic and skilled adventurer, Ark.
After realising her own potential, she becomes an adventurer and joins Ark and the adventuring party 'Chimera'.
These are the chronicles of Melissa, Ark, and the crew of the Chimera as they adventure through space, hunting monsters, taking down bad guys and resolving the struggles of their daily lives!