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Slam Dank

Ich habe meinen behinderten Ehemann in der Hochzeitsnacht aufgeweckt!

# 1V1 # FONDNESSOVERTIME Shi Qians Stiefmutter stellte ihr eine Falle und zwang sie, einen vegetativen Mann zu heiraten. Es gab drei gute Dinge an ihm. Er war reich, gut aussehend ... und er konnte nicht aufwachen! Fu Sinian, der mehr als drei Jahre lang im Koma gelegen hatte, wachte auf und stellte fest, dass er plötzlich eine Frau hatte. Seine zierliche Frau war blond, schön und hatte lange Beine. "Wenn du mich nicht liebst, brauche ich dich nicht!" sagte Fu Sinian und warf kalt die Scheidungspapiere weg.***Nicht lange danach wurde der berühmte Shi Qian auf einem Foto in dem luxuriösen Auto des Großindustriellen Fu Sinian erwischt. Fu Sinian stellte dies öffentlich klar und sagte: "Fräulein Shi und ich sind miteinander bekannt": "Seid ihr nur Bekannte? Sie werden beide im selben Auto herumgefahren! Wir warten darauf, dass du uns mit deinen Worten ins Gesicht schlägst, junger Meister Fu! Neun Millionen Fans schauen zu und warten!" Wenig später wurde der in den Kreisen beliebte Shi Qian wieder einmal dabei fotografiert, wie er zur gleichen Zeit wie Fu Sinian das Hotel betrat und erst nach drei Tagen wieder herauskam. Fu Sinian stellte erneut klar: "Fräulein Shi und ich sind nicht in einer solchen Beziehung. Wir sind nicht zusammen. "Netizens: "Herr Fu muss bei seinen Bemühungen versagt haben! Wenn es ein Mädchen gibt, mit dem der junge Meister Fu in dieser Welt nicht umgehen kann, dann ist es seine Göttin Shi Qian!"Dreißig Millionen Fans aßen weiter Popcorn und sahen sich das Drama an! Später wurde Shi Qian, die zweihundert Millionen Fans hat, bei der Preisverleihung für die beste Schauspielerin krank! Fu Sinian betrat langsam die Bühne, umarmte Shi Qians Taille und sagte: "Vielen Dank für die Anteilnahme aller. Frau Fu ist schwanger mit unserem zweiten Kind!"Alle zweihundert Millionen Fans waren verwirrt. Die schöne Shi Qian war mit ihrem zweiten Kind schwanger? Sie verfolgten die ganze Zeit, wie sich das Drama entwickelte! Wann haben sie denn nicht mehr mitgemacht?
Wisps of blue smoke · 49.5K Views

Der Gegenangriff der Stiefmutter: Kindererziehung in einer längst vergangenen Ära

(Zarte Ehefrau vs. harter Kerl, Verwöhnende Ehefrau + Doppeltugend + Kindererziehung im Alltag) Die Foodie-Livestreamerin Shen Mingzhu schlüpfte in die Rolle einer bösen Stiefmutter aus einem Roman einer vergangenen Epoche und wurde so zu einer Gegenfigur zu Shen Baolan aus dem Dorf. Shen Baolan war gütig und tugendhaft und behandelte ihren Stiefsohn wie ihren eigenen, während die Originalfigur hart und gemein war und den Stiefsohn entweder schlug oder schimpfte. Shen Baolan genoss ihren Lebensabend dank ihres vielversprechenden Stiefsohns, während die Originalfigur von ihrem verdrehten und finsteren Stiefsohn bei lebendigem Leib verbrannt wurde. Um den tragischen Ausgang zu ändern, krempelte Shen Mingzhu die Ärmel hoch und machte sich bereit, die Dinge in Ordnung zu bringen. -- Shen Baolan hatte einen Traum. Der Mann, den sie heiraten wollte, würde ein halbes Jahr später sterben und sie als Witwe mit nichts zurücklassen, die ein Leben im Elend führen musste. Währenddessen wurde Shen Mingzhu, weil sie den richtigen Mann geheiratet hatte, zu einer beneidenswert reichen Dame. Beide stammten aus demselben Dorf, beide wurden Stiefmütter von jemandem, warum sollte Shen Mingzhu ein besseres Leben führen als sie? Sie würde den Mann heiraten, mit dem Shen Mingzhu verheiratet war, und das gute Leben von Shen Mingzhu führen! -- Fünf Jahre vergingen. Shen Mingzhu war Studentin geworden, Shen Mingzhus Mann starb nicht, sondern wurde ein Big Boss, und Shen Mingzhus Stiefsohn wurde zum Wunderkind. Shen Baolan, die den Erfolg ihres Mannes herbeisehnte, wartete immer noch verbittert auf den Tag, an dem ihr Mann zu Größe aufsteigen würde.
Seven Queens · 5.8K Views

Das Kanonenfutter im globalen Apokalypse-Spiel lebt ein gemächliches Leben

#dotingmalelead #Infrastruktur #RPG #OPMc (Achtung! Nicht lesen, während du trinkst. Der Autor ist nicht verantwortlich für einen Erstickungsanfall aufgrund von übermäßigem Glück. XD Ich will nur gute Laune verbreiten. Wenn du deprimiert bist und dich traurig fühlst, lies meinen Roman!) Li Chunhua hätte nie erwartet, dass sie in eine andere Welt versetzt werden würde, nachdem sie ein seltsames Buch gelesen hatte, das sie in der Sektenbibliothek gefunden hatte. Als sie die Augen öffnete, wurden in ihrem Kopf Erinnerungen an ein anderes Mädchen wach, dessen Aussehen und Name dem ihren ähnelte. Sie wurde tatsächlich zum bösartigen Kanonenfutter in dem Angstroman mit männlicher Hauptrolle, den sie gelesen hatte. Angesichts der Aussicht auf einen elenden Tod beschloss Chunhua, sich von den männlichen Haupt- und Nebenfiguren fernzuhalten, und beschloss, unauffällig zu leben. Dank ihres Koi-Körpers war ihr Weg zu einem bequemen Leben ein Kinderspiel. Während andere noch hungern, weil es an Nahrung mangelt, hat Chunhua bereits mit der Landwirtschaft und der Aufzucht von Lebendvieh begonnen. Als andere noch keine richtige Unterkunft hatten, baute sie bereits Straßen. Obwohl sie nur ihre schreckliche Küche aß, war ihr Leben bereits gut! [Herzlichen Glückwunsch zur Aufwertung deiner strohgedeckten Hütte zur Blockhütte der Stufe 1.] [Herzlichen Glückwunsch für die Aufwertung deiner Blockhütte der Stufe 1 zu einem Steinhaus der Stufe 2.] [Glückwunsch...] Alles lief gut, bis sie im Wald einen bewusstlosen, mit Schmutz bedeckten Mann auffing. Sie glaubte immer an karmische Konditionierung und kümmerte sich deshalb um ihn, bis er wieder auf den Beinen war. Bis er ihr eines Tages seinen wahren Namen verriet. Li Chunhua war verblüfft. Unglaublich, der Mann, den ich gerettet habe, war tatsächlich der Hauptdarsteller! Ist es zu spät, ihn wieder zurück in den Wald zu werfen? Der Gesichtsausdruck eines gewissen Jemandes verfinsterte sich und er warf sie auf das Bett. "Du wagst es!"
The_Sweet_Dumpling · 17.4K Views

Der verkrüppelte Boss liebt mich

Das einst reiche Mädchen Shen Hanxing verlor ihre Mutter, als sie geboren wurde. Als sie noch klein war, wurde sie von ihrem eigenen Vater im Ausland ausgesetzt und war auf sich allein gestellt. Neunzehn Jahre später holte ihr Vater sie persönlich aus Übersee nach Hause, um ihre jüngere Schwester zu ersetzen und ihren Verlobten Ji Yan zu heiraten, der nach einem Autounfall die Sinne seiner Beine verloren hatte. Vater: "Du kennst deinen Platz. Du heiratest bereits über deinen Stand hinaus, wenn du Ji Yan mit deinem Status heiratest." Jüngere Schwester: "Danke, dass du bereit bist, dich für meine Liebe zu opfern~" Shen Hanxing lächelte schwach: "Stimmen Sie meinen beiden Bedingungen zu, und ich werde ihn gerne heiraten." Danach betrat sie mit leerem Gepäck das Haus der Familie Ji. Der Mann im Rollstuhl brüllte sie in dem dunklen Raum wütend an. "Hau ab!" Shen Hanxing schaltete schnell das Licht ein, zog den Vorhang auf und streckte dem Mann mit der Lampe hinter ihr die Hand entgegen. "Hallo. Darf ich mich vorstellen? Ich bin deine Frau, Shen Hanxing." Als er sie das erste Mal sah, behandelte er sie kühl. Und dann schätzte er sie. Ji Yan sah diese Frau an, die plötzlich in ihr Leben getreten war. Sie nutzte ihre Kraft, um seinen wilden und frechen jüngeren Bruder zu zähmen. Sie heilte geduldig und mitfühlend seine ängstliche und introvertierte jüngere Schwester. Sie setzte alles ein, was sie hatte, um diese kalte Familie langsam zu unterstützen... Und dann tappte Shen Hanxing in eine Falle. Bevor sie in die Dunkelheit abdriftete, sah sie den Mann, der eigentlich im Rollstuhl sitzen sollte, ängstlich auf sie zulaufen. Als sie wieder aufwachte, zeigte der Mann auf das Waschbrett, die Tastatur und die Durian und fragte: "Hanxing, auf welches soll ich mich knien?"
Wuxia · 83.4K Views

He Comes At Night

He inches closer, a single finger roaming her heated skin. Breath mingling with breath. A loud bang vibrates through the room, so thunderous as if god himself was furious. Slowly he looks up staring out the large glass windows to the backyard, "You have a visitor." His rasps calmly. "Who?" Rose quickly fires, feigning ignorance. She knew well enough who it was. Her nightly visitor has arrived. Surprising, He only visits when she is alone. "One who comes out at night. Lurking in the shadows, in the darkness... just like its intensions." He looks down still leaning on top her, once more pinning her with his intense gaze. "Are you afraid?" His voice dead serious, eyes going back to look outside. And Rose lied, "No." But is it a lie when her fear was never really rooting enough to make her run the other way but instead often getting mixed with exhilaration. "You should be." He leaves her staring wide eyed on the sofa and goes to stand before the glass panes. "It's not happy to see me here. I can see the raging pits of fire in it's gaze. Ready to burn me right where I stand." he chuckled, sounding most sinister, "It definitely wants to rip my innards out." "You should take off your shirt." He suggests casually. "Excuse me?" "Let's see if it riles him up even more to shatter instead of just slamming the windows like a wuss." He rouses under his breath, his excited provocative tone not escaping Rose's attention. What the hell is he up to? "This isn't funny." Rose sputters out, standing up from the couch. "I'm not trying to be." He faces her again, sporting a deadpan face. "Whatever. You think I'm one of your stupid fan girls to take my shirt off just because you want to rile someone up? Besides, there's probably no one outside and you're only making it up to see my boobs like a pervert." His eyes roams her from top to bottom, there was distaste evident in his gaze. "When he comes at night and leaves a little something for you, maybe then you take off your clothes for him... like a slut." Rome stared into her eyes with nothing behind those icy orbs to show for a lack of meaning behind his words. Because he means every single thing he says to her. "Get. Out. Now!" Rose boomed furiously. "Whatever, I was leaving anyway. This has become boring." He walks towards her front door. "Wait. How do you know he comes at night and leaves something?" her eyes narrow. "Because I've seen it before." "You saw him? It is a real guy?" Rose wanted to confirm, for some reason she thought otherwise. "I never said I saw him. I've only seen it happening to someone else." "Whom?" "You don't need to know." He closes off. "Then at least tell me what happened to her? Can I meet this person?" "You can't." Refusing calmly he was almost out the door when Rose pleads against hope. "Please." "You can't because she disappeared." Those were the words that finally did it. Brought her racing heart and buzzing head to a sudden halt. "Never to be seen again." "When he stops visiting, that's when you should be most afraid." His words rang like a siren in the silence of her mind as he left. Now she felt true fear for the first time. == In the embrace of her ancestral town, Rose seeks refuge from the echoes of her past. Little does she know, her return to her roots will awaken dormant shadows, shattering ordinary her existence. For when the darkness falls over the town, from the pitch black rises a shadowy figure that haunt her nights. In the darkness he sweeps her off the ground in terrible fear and the allure of sinister intrigue. And once the sun comes, a man with a god awful attitude, haunts her in the broad day light. Causing her to swell with pure disdain. With each passing night, it draws closer to Rose, casting a chilling spell that both terrifies and exhilarates her. Thrust into a labyrinth of mysteries can she navigate the treacherous path laid before her, or will her nightly visitor consume her whole?
AkumaQuil · 7.4K Views

Glitchy Dungeon Sim: What do you mean I need to have s*x to survive!?

Ilse thought her breakup with Ana was final—a clean, mutual parting. But Ana couldn't let go. For three days, Ana's obsessive texts, voicemails, and relentless stalking pushed Ilse to the edge. Blocking her didn't work; ignoring her didn't help. One dull, lonely night, Ilse tries to drown her stress with cheap beer, a vibrator, and an old dungeon-crawling RPG. Halfway through, her phone buzzes: an anonymous call. Ana. The sound of her voice sends Ilse into a panic. She screams, tells her to stay away, slams the phone down—but minutes later, there's a knock at the door. Ana is there, eyes wide and manic, clutching a knife and an ancient, bloodstained book. Ana chants something in a language that doesn't belong in this world. The blade plunges into Ilse's body, followed by a desperate, cuddle. As Ilse's vision fades, After being given a choice by an entity. Ilse wakes up somewhere else. A glitchy, corrupted world stretches before her, where reality bends like an old game on the verge of crashing. Naked, vulnerable, and utterly classless, Ilse stumbles through a bizarre urban sprawl, barely surviving. Living off mana pockets. A battle priestess, share's her energy with her. Giving her a choice, to play this world like a game or to succumb to the cycle. In this world, mana is life. And the most potent way to leech it? Through acts of intimacy. Ilse is thrust into a twisted realm where sex isn't just survival—it's power. However corruption threatens to change it all for the worse. **** UPDATES MONDAYS TUESDAYS WEDNESDAYS
Lewdwhisperer · 3.1K Views

After Death She Got Transmigrated!!

“what? She killed her own son?” Whispers like those filled the air, everywhere she walked. “Gosh, what a monster!” All sound suddenly stopped the moment she went into the church, getting on her knees, and closing both hands that shook out of fear, starvation and a bit of something else together. “father… please forgive me.” Her eyes closed, and she pressed her head onto the ground. The wonderful statue that stood Almighty above her shined always. “I beg for your forgiveness dear father.” She said again but this time in a Shaky voice, tears nearly now rolling out her eyes. The door opened and a tall handsome man walked in. That man was her husband, and he looked at her with disgust. “Dakota…” she turned while still being on her knees, her hand reaching for his legs, but then, he moved back. Avoiding her completely. “now you come here for forgiveness?” he nearly scoffed Her eyes widened. Her husband too? She chuckled, tears pricking the side of her eyes. Her beautiful blond hair had became messy, and her complexion turned pale, her finger nails looked like they needed serious manicure. “it… it wasn’t my fault… it wasn’t.” She sobbed, but instead of him comforting her, he only turned his back. She looked up and the door slammed hard, silence staying still with her. “Dakota?” in a weak pleading voice, she called, and after no response, clenched her fists. Why did she have to get punished for what wasn’t even her fault? She sobbed once again, this time, uncontrollably. Her eyes now swelling with tears, and her hands trying to brush them away. It kept on coming. “what have I done for everyone to point hatred to me? Huh?!…”veronica looked down at the knife they usually used for slicing the bread, it seemed they had forgotten it this time. she took the knife, hesitant at first, but after getting deeper into realization that no one was coming to stop her, pressed it against her neck. “everyone has turned their backs on me when I needed them… so,” a smile tainted her lips. “I atone for all, my sins.” Splash!
popply · 8.1K Views

Reborn in another world as a Hermaphrodite

There was once an innocent little boy who was about to graduate high school. But suddenly, a truck ran him over before he could step foot in adult life. From his cruel twist of fate, he learns that after a person dies, they simply go to a result screen—a simple score system based on how publicly known they are. Being the nobody, he only had enough points to use the wheel spin—three shots that would determine his upcoming life. The wheel first landed on females, crushing his hope of keeping his gender. But he wasn't just going to give up so easily as the male section remained. The next spin didn't land on what he hoped for. With one last shot, he slammed the button and prayed. A miracle, almost as if god answered his prayer, appeared right before his eyes as it landed on a male. "Thank you, god! I knew you'd never give up on me like that——Wait, what do you mean that's a bug?" Before he could say anything, he was reborn into a fantasy world where magic and cultivation coexist. Want to find out what he got for his upcoming adventure? Well, let's just say he experiences the three stages of grief with his awful luck. --- Disclaimer: Some of the love interests are related to the main character, and the main character's love interests are only towards women. Four chapters a week. The upload schedule may be a little wacky, and no bonus chapter for now as I'm still currently in college. Discord server if you want to talk or have questions:
IPI · 272.9K Views

Eternal quest: God's hidden path.

Check out my other novels too, guys!!! Author's note: Uploading it once more, but as nobody has read it, it won't matter right? I have nothing more to say, whether you are new here or have come from my other novel, I really appreciate it if you at least try it once, I am not an expert yet, so it might not be up to your standards, but I will just say one thing... This kind of story, you won't find anything like this anywhere. So be a part of it when it's in its beginning phase. I may sound narcissistic but that's the truth. And if you are reading till now, then do read the synopsis. This will be the only time I will be showing the POV of the main character. You can think of it as a chapter that will never be uploaded. Topic: The end of everything, the beginning of an end. *** On a night, an eerily feeling lingered in the surroundings. The night sky filled with thunderous lighting, screaming as if sensing an inevitable doom. At the center of different carcasses of the monsters that attacked our planet, I was holding a piece of cloth, that belonged to a woman who disappeared right in front of my eyes and I couldn't do anything. "Please bring her back... I beg you..." Looking at the sky, I begged it. A figure emerged in the sky, a figure which only I have been able to see. "You can ask for anything, I will even give up my life... Just bring her back..." I begged again, kneeling in front of him, I slammed my head on the ground, but he didn't say anything. "Please... help me... I know you can do this... please..." I kept on begging and screaming, but he didn't do anything just moving his hands. No look of remorse was in his eyes, no feeling for us. All of the lifeforms were just a plaything for him, just a means of his enjoyment. Even after knowing all this, I couldn't do anything, "She is everything to me... I will die in her stead... I beg you... bring her back... please..." No matter what I did, nothing happened. It was at this moment I realized, to him we are nothing more than a means of enjoyment. The more sad and despair we felt the more he enjoys. The more we break, the more fun it is for him. I couldn't control my anger at that moment, I was furious, furious at my puny strength, my helplessness, and his cruelty. "I will kill you..." It was then I decided... "I will end your everything..." To end all... "I will make you feel the same thing that I have been through..." To make him feel the same burden... "I will erase your existence from this world..." To free this world... "I will make you regret ever laying your eyes on this world... I will make sure of that..." But nothing went as planned, suddenly out of nowhere, I felt my body hollowing out and I fell on the ground without being able to move at all... But the flames of revenge still lingered in my eyes... *** Discord link:
Worthless_Wanderer · 6.1K Views


Emmie’s heart pounded as the figure rose from the shadows, thicker and grayer than before—a far more earthbound and sinister version of the one he thought he’d conquered. The sparkling light from the crystals above seemed to be sucked away, leaving a suffocating emptiness. Even the sound of his friends’ breaths around him grew faint, their voices—one of concern, another of reassurance—muffled echoes through the cavern behind him. Yet he knew he had to press forward, deeper into the darkness, and face this alone. For now. The figure stepped closer, slow and deliberate, its glowing eyes radiating an icy malevolence. “You think you’ve overcome your fears?” it hissed, its voice sharp and grating. “That was nothing. I am the fog inside you—the one you ignore, the one that carves at you.” Emmie swallowed hard, forcing himself upright despite the shaking in his legs. “I’m not afraid of you,” he said, summoning courage he didn’t fully feel. “I’ve come too far to turn back.” The figure’s laughter crawled down his spine. “Brave, so brave… but so foolish. You’ve barely begun to uncover the truths buried in your soul. Your doubts, your regrets, your anger—they feed me.” For a moment, Emmie faltered. The words clawed at wounds he’d tried to ignore, stirring his doubts: Could he truly protect his friends? Were his choices enough? The darkness seemed to press closer, suffocating him with its weight. But then he remembered Mira’s voice, full of faith. He thought of Amara’s bright laughter and Cory’s unwavering support. They had believed in him when he couldn’t believe in himself. “Maybe I do doubt,” Emmie admitted, meeting the figure’s glowing gaze. “But those doubts don’t define me. My friends believe in me, and I believe in myself.” The figure’s eyes narrowed, frustration flickering within. “Conviction alone won’t save you,” it hissed. “Your friends are far, and here, it’s just you and me.” It raised its arm, and the shadows coiled into smoky tendrils, striking toward him. Emmie dodged just in time as they slammed into the ground, shattering the stone and sending shards flying. His heart raced, his footing unsteady, but he pushed himself upright. A faint light flickered in his hand—small but wholly his. The figure laughed, mocking him. “Is that all? A tiny flicker? Pathetic.” Emmie clenched his jaw. “It’s enough,” he said. “This light is everything I fought for, everything I believe in.” The figure snarled, and the darkness surged again, crashing against Emmie’s light. Straining against the tide, he closed his eyes and steadied his breathing. He thought of his friends, their unwavering faith, and his purpose. The light steadied, burning brighter. At that moment, he heard their voices—Mira, Amara, and Cory—calling to him. The sound reignited his resolve. As their light joined his, the shadow recoiled, its form shattering under their combined strength. The figure’s voice echoed as it faded: “This isn’t over, Emmie. This is just the beginning.” Emmie stood firm, unwavering. “I’ll be ready. Let’s finish this.”
WordsmithX · 4K Views


*EXTRACT* "Look around you, what do you see? “he asked in normal tone, not loud, not low She look around and found out that everything, objects and humans were all froze on their spot, Nothing was moving, except for these two standing at the roadside, "I don't care! I don't care if you aren't human, in fact I hate humans”, she blurted out and his eyes widened "Don't love me.... Am not human, don’t--" The rest of his words were swallowed by him, as she slams her lips on his, Fireflies, green in color surrounded them, witnessing the sight, Her name is Charlotte Bronte, a pretty, hot and Sexy actress in her twenties, known for her bossy character Being the only daughter of Clifford Bronte, the wealthiest man in Florida, she gets anything she wants at the snap of her fingers, When I say "anything", It's means anything no matter how much they cost or how rare it's is, But the Almighty Charlotte Bronte, the most popular actress in Florida, has someone she's crazy about, someone she wants to see so badly, "Who is that? “her life saver, ever since an unknown man saved her from a car accident, she’s being longing to see him What happened when her life saver wasn't a human as she has expected, would she let go of him?, What happens when she realized that she has fallen deeply in love with her life saver Who is he? Would he accept or reject her? Another thing you should be curious about is, was her accident planned or fated to happen Curious about this questions, right?
Eldora_6146 · 1.8K Views

Mordred's Rebirth

This story is kind of based on the Arthurian legend. ******* He was called many things. Bastard, the False King, The Traitor, Treacherous Knight. Sir Mordred was a villain, one who according to the prophecy of the grand wizard Merlin, would destroy the kingdom of King Arthur Pendragon. And he did but at the cost of his life. As he lay dying on the bloody ground of Camlann after the mighty clash between him and Arthur, a bloody tear fell down his face. All he wanted was to be acknowledged by his father but all the things he did eventually led to disaster. Now with death’s cold hands grasping him, he hoped for a short peace before the fiery rings of hell. But that was not the end of his journey. ******* “Hold up.” “What is that infernal noise?” “Oh my goodness! It's driving me crazy! And it's not stopping!” Mordred sprang awake, slamming his fist on the digital alarm clock on the nightstand. 'What in Merlin's Beard is happening!?', he thought when he realized something. Well, a lot of things. First of all. How the heck is he alive? Second. What is a digital alarm? That's when memories that didn't belong to him flooded his head. They felt familiar but everything was wrong. How the heck is Morgan Le Fay his sister? She was his aunt! And how is the wizard Merlin so young! “Oh. I get it now”. He, Sir Mordred has been reborn in the body of a different version of himself, in a modern and futuristic world where he is the youngest son of Arthur Pendragon. But even in this world, He is the hated son of the High King. "Now what?", Mordred realized that the world he is in now is different from his previous one, with the only familiar details being the names of the people he knew. “Oh? Are you still reading?” Mordred smiled, looking at the readers. “Well, how about you join me on this new crazy journey in a crazy new world of heroes, villains, monsters, and even gods?” “Are you ready?” "Let's go!" ********************************************** The story is loosely based on the Arthurian legend. I am only using the popular names but the plot is different. The story is purely fictional with a few things from the actual legend being incorporated along with some stuff from other popular works. The characters may have different personalities from the original ones from the legend. There will also be names that may seem quite familiar as well. The cover image doesn't belong to me. Please check out my other work: The First Deviation.
just_a_fox · 166.4K Views

Delilah's Inn: Mated To Death's Luna.

[Content Warning: This story contains several dark themes, including death and gore. Please read with caution.] The female lead may or may not display cruelty. (Proceed with caution if you choose to roast her.) _____________ The art of revenge is often a slow burn - calculated, patient and emotionally restrained. But what happens when vengeance strikes instantly? After being banished and dethroned as Luna by her pack Veronica Gordon is betrayed by her fiance' and is brutally murdered by him and his lover,her body shredded for organ trafficking on the eve of her wedding. Death should have been the end,but Veronica defies it, striking a deal for a second chance. Bound to the site of her deminse and granted the powers for her revenge, she transforms the place into Delilah's Inn,an establishment named after the infamous biblical seductress. Her mission is clear: lure and destroy cheating men and their accomplices. Centuries later, Delilah's Inn becomes a legend, immortalised in a mysterious novel with only 200 copies printed every five years. Adonis McCallum, a 24 year old university student and devoted fan of the tale, devours every edition. But his obsession takes a grim turn when he meets the same fate as Veronica - betrayed and murdered by his lover. Instead of passing on, Adonis is sent to the Inn by The Grim Reaper,who hopes to expedite his soul collection. Yet Adonis,with his innocence intact, proves immune to the Inn's seductive power. To escape and reclaim his life, he strikes an unlikely deal with the Grim Reaper: make Veronica fall in love with him - a woman whose heart has been dead for over a century cursed to feel nothing but cruelty. As Adonis navigates the sinister politics,lies and anguish entangled within Delilah's Inn, he must decide if his freedom is worth breaking through Veronica's icy facade - or if her revenge will claim him too. ______ TROPES: •— Werewolf. •—Dominant FL. •—Isekai x Transmigration. •—Dark Romance. •—Betrayal x Revenge. •—Slow Burn (some what) •—Horror?(I'll leave that you to decide) •—Boss × Employee relationship. •—Reverse Grumpy x Sunshine. •— Possessive x obsessive. •— Morally Grey FL. ______ Recommended Reading Theme: Dark. Recommended Reading Font: Lora Or Merriweather. _____ EXCERPT: I walked into the room, my chest still heaving as I stopped in front of her. She sat there, calm and unbothered, as though she hadn’t just spilled blood in the lobby like it was her second nature. Her crimson-polished nails clicked rhythmically against the smooth table. Her gaze was fixed on the open book in front of her—a book she hadn’t turned a single page of all morning. “I see you love standing, Adonis.” Her voice was calm, almost too calm. She didn’t bother looking up. “It was just a hug, Veronica,” I said through gritted teeth. “You shouldn’t have done that. Maya has served you loyally for years—” “Until she touched what is mine.” Her voice sliced through my words, sharp and absolute. I laughed bitterly, shaking my head. “What’s yours? What’s the point of being yours when you treat me like… like I’m nothing?” The book slammed shut with a deafening clap. She rose to her feet in one fluid motion, every step toward me deliberate, predatory. Her eyes met mine, cold and unrelenting. “No one touches you but me, Adonis. Good, bad, whatever label you want to slap on it—I don’t care.” My breath caught in my throat, but I forced myself to hold my ground. “That’s not love, Veronica.” She tilted her head, a cruel smile tugging at her lips. “Love?” She laughed, soft but sharp, the sound laced with mockery. “Don’t insult me.”
Eby_Namani · 2.6K Views

The Dark Angel Will Never Let Her Go

He will always find her. In every life he will find her. He will love her. He will be her doom. This is their curse. Seri was a smalltown girl. She had a good life, loving supportive parents and friends, a bright future as an artist ahead of her. Her world abruptly changes when she meets a handsome stranger at a bar. His presence threatens to tear her heart apart as she learns the truth about herself. Her lineage. Her past. and their curse. When sudden disappearance shake her town and someone close to her disappears, Seri's world shatters. A war is brewing between Heaven and Earth, mortals and immortals. It will be the final war. Seri will embark on a journey that threatens to unravel the secrets hidden long ago. these secrets will force her to make a choice, one that could tip the scales deciding the fate of the world. This book is a bit of a slow burn but when it picks up the steam will satisfy the wait. Exerts from the book: *BANG* My ears were ringing, it suddenly got so much colder. Hard to breathe. Next to me mother shrieks in horror looking at my stomach. There’s blood. It was leaking from me. Pain slammed into me, felt like I was hit with a thousand knives. It was so agonizing I tried to brace myself back against the railing. Hard to breathe. I could feel the warmth of my blood dripping from my mouth. Looking down and a dark red color drenched me. Mother on her knees wailing uncontrollably. Detaching my clipped life vest to look at my hole. Blood now smeared my vision as I tried to wipe the red from my eyes. Screams and footsteps echoed loudly in my ears. Then suddenly I’m falling. “Hey now, hey now, fainting at the sight of me are you?” His sensual voice slipped in my ears like smooth milk chocolate. the taste of iron consumed my mouth, hot blood flooded me when I tried to laugh. It hurt. Oh god why did it hurt so bad. Tears drifted down my cheeks the salt leaving a trail of it’s path behind it. “You’re gonna be okay, I promise.” “You found me.” a smile creeped up my face. “I’ll always find you.” The ship began to lift into the air and people began to fall. I blink and then I’m falling. With one breath in I hit the ice cold water. Paralyzed. I couldn’t move. The screams and cries of woman and children pounded with water. Slipping. I was slipping under the violent thrashing waves. The air being sucked from my lungs. I try to open to breathe only got water to rush in instead. I was drowning. I was going to die. Gasping for air only to swallow more water. The water was like liquid ice touching my skin, but my lungs burned. A scream burst from my mouth only to be drowned by the water that came in after. I sank deeper and deeper.* *I saw his eyes flash a glowing white before he closed them and started kissing me again. This time it was gentler and softer than before. He tasted like warm honey biscuits. He was passionate and relaxed with his movement. I didn’t stop him. No, instead, I let him claim my lips. I run my hands though his hair pulling his face closer to mine. He rests his body on me, his weight heavy against my smaller frame, pressing me into the bed. The pressure of his body weight made me want to spread my legs and when I did a fire sparked inside me, my core was a blaze. My intimate area felt wet and hot like lava, and it was like everything around me melted away and I was lost in this kiss. This single moment in my life was undoing me. He pulled my head up sliding his arm underneath my neck to keep his body lifted slightly as he ran his fingers up my side. My body jolted; my hips instinctively lifted upwards, pushing against him. I could feel him harden between my legs and an unfamiliar ache stirred inside me, I moaned into his mouth. I could feel my body burning up again. I was getting dizzy, and I started to sweat. Or was that steam coming from us? Stars began dancing in my vision. Then a darkness swallowed me, and I was lost.* discord for this book is:
Devonany · 34.5K Views

My Billionaire Ex-Husband's Sadistic love

[Warning: strong mature content] Jasmine Everly was humiliated and thrown out of the house after being served with divorce papers by her husband, Sabastian Donovan, the only person she had ever loved, all due to a heartbreaking misunderstanding. She was so dependent on Sabastian that she had no one else and nowhere else to turn. Hurt and broken, she contemplated the end, but fate intervened when she discovered her pregnancy after enduring multiple miscarriages. This gave her the reason and determination to live. She worked hard to stand on her own just to give her daughter everything. After 6 years, she meets her ex-husband again as an investor in the design studio she works for, and he demands that she work with him for a month. What happens in a month? Why does he want her now? Will he find out that he has a daughter? Will they finally solve their misunderstanding and get back together? Or does he still love her? Will they have a happy ending? --------- He let my hands go and moved back a little, asking, "So she is not my daughter?" His voice was so calm, mirroring his eyes. It.... It's scary. Why did he suddenly turn so clam...? "No." I stood my ground, even though my heart was shouting to tell him the truth. All of a sudden, he grabbed my throat and slammed me against the wall, making my eyes widen. The unknown sensation spread across my skin like a wildfire. "So what if she is not my daughter? You still belong to me! But not in the fucking way I promised, but in the way you deserve!" His dark harsh voice vibrated on the edge of the earshell and sent a shiver down my spine, breaking out the cold sweat. "Wha...what....?!" My words were swallowed by his kiss, harsh unforgiving and hungry kiss. My body froze against his huge one as he pushed me against the wall with his, making me a sandwich between him and the wall. My eyes rolled back, and my mind stopped working as all I could feel was him, his body, and his lips. "You are always mine! Remember this, Jas!".
Hanna_SwethaAuthor · 207.8K Views

His Naughty Lessons

[ Caution: High Heat Advisory ] “Harper, stop undressing me with your eyes. The plot isn’t going that way… YET.” Harper McKenzie, a newbie web novel author, has a problem — she struggles with romance scenes. As someone with almost nonexistent real-life experience in the matter, she can’t get the intimate chemistry right, and those chapters always come out dry and cringy. Fortunately for her, Harper finds a freelance editor willing to workshop her writing. But the surprise? That editor turns out to be her childhood friend and the very first crush of her life. What happens now when he offers her personal lessons on how to write the hottest romance … and love scenes? -------------- Note: this is a fun, cozy, sweet story with a low-drama plot. No love triangles, no misunderstandings, no memory loss / car accidents / terminal illnesses / etc.. Mature content abounds, starting out soft but heats up quickly. You’ve been warned! -------------- Sneak Peek: He slid her bra over her shoulders and, with impossibly quick and skilled work, tied the lacy garment around her wrists. “Spread your legs wider,” he ordered. Harper’s already faltering heartbeat faltered some more. The command in his tone was foreign, but it crashed over her like a heat wave, and even though she could barely begin to picture how salacious she must look, with her hands bound and thighs spread wide like an offering to be ravished, she could feel the scorching need coiling hotter and hotter in her core. Her body obeyed eagerly on its own accord, bringing herself fully open just like she was told. Eli grinned. Moving between her legs, he trailed hot kisses along her inner thigh, leaving sizzling little fires crackling in its wake. “Good girl. Now, what should your character say next?” A finger glided over her wet and wanting flesh in a slippery stroke, making her heart slam to a hard stop as a moan tore free. “Write the next line for me, what should I say before I unravel you with my tongue and make you scream my name?”
Witchhazel · 1.4M Views

The Heiress Twisted Fate

Destiny Ganzon is the epitome of a perfect heiress. She is beautiful, intelligent, and doted by her father, Alejandro, the Real Estate Magnate of the country, until one day, her mother died, and everything changed when his father remarried. Excerpt: A loud smack! "How dare you ruin my reputation, Destiny?" Alejandro asked after he slapped his daughter. That was the first time he used force on his only hier. "Dad, you have to believe me, it wasn't true, you raised me well. Do you think I will do something like that?" She asked back, caressing her beautiful face. "No, this time I had enough of your lies; your stepmother was right; you are only a nuisance and only bring shame to our family!" He angrily responded. "I had warned you. I will disinherit you. You will not receive even a single cent from me, and you must leave this house right now, or else I will ask the guards to drag you out!" He added before he turned his heels and walked away from his study with the loud slamming of the door. One scandal led to another, and what she couldn't accept was her first love and childhood sweetheart, Red Galvez, was part of their betrayal. Destiny's world crumbled, and she couldn't believe her stepmother and stepsister finally succeeded in planning her downfall. With a broken heart and no choice, Destiny left their mansion and lived an ordinary life with her nanny, the only person who never left her side. She pretended to forget her old life and started living and embracing the mundane world. Still, she promised herself that she would do everything to make her enemies, including Red, pay the price of their betrayal. But it was more complicated than she thought since her father was brainwashed with his wife and stepdaughter, and they made her life a living hell. Years later, Destiny met Red again, and he was still the same hot and gorgeous. On top of that, her ex became one of the highest-paid attorneys in the country. All unwanted memories came rushing back to her. Destiny hated him with all her heart, but Red promised to help her win back what was rightfully hers. Can Destiny forgive Red and trust the hottest attorney to claim back her inheritance without breaking her heart?
sirenbeauty · 116.2K Views
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