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Eva Collins was your everyday average elementary school teacher, she was beautiful, kind and had her way with children. She works a full shift at a prestigious elementary school for the rich and has her life easy until that one day. Eva has the chance to acquaint herself with the sibling of one of her pupils but this encounter forever changes her once simple but plain life. "God...when are they coming for little Avry....the caretaker who usually comes for her has taken far too long now" Eva wonders as she looks at the six year old little girl beside her. The little girl yawns from tiredness. Eva sighed heavily and looked at the little girl beside her with a light smile. "Hey Avry.....can I ask you something" Eva asks gently. Avry nods her head softly as her big adorable eyes stare at her teacher. "Do you wanna come home with's getting pretty late and I can't leave you here" Avry's eyes sparkled from excitement. "Yes Miss Eva....I wanna come with you" Eva smiles brightly but she can't help but scowl inside "What kind of people forget about a little girl at school to such hours" Eva checked her watch and saw that it was eight thirty pm and the school had practically closed. 'Huhhhh...' ...................... But little did Eva know that this little action of care and responsibility had already changed her life. Eva sat quietly in her living room and checked her watch. It was nine twenty and no one had called about Avry Walker from the school yet. She had informed the school that she would take Avry home to atleast have something to eat and rest. They had allowed her since she stayed quite close to the school and had a respectable personality. Suddenly Eva heard a knock on her door and glanced at Avry who was watching cartoons slightly. She got up and walked towards the door. She peeked through the peep hole of her apartment door and saw a man. He was completely shrouded in darkness and beside him stood another man. Eva couldn't make out their faces at all since it was dark outside. Eva picked up the baseball bat next to the door and slowly opened the door. A chilling gush of cold wind immediately brushed against her skin. Eva didn't know whether it was because of the cold rain outside or that indifferent cold stare that the man with the black investigator hat gave her. And still Eva couldn't make out his face since he held his head low. Eva glanced at the other man who stood their calmly like a faithful assistant. He was quite good looking. "Who are you" Eva asked as her grip on the bat tightened. The assistant like man smiled calmly but didn't answer her question "We're here for Miss Avry" Eva looked at them suspiciously but suddenly Avry's soft but tired voice came from behind. "Big're here" Eva glanced at the man whom the words had been directed to and she saw the man who had been holding his head low lift it up. Since the light from the living room could now fall on his face, Eva saw him clearly. Eva immediately froze in amazement and her heart had slowed but it beat hard as she looked at that ethereal face. .............. From that day, Eva had a feeling that nothing in her life would remain the same. Join Eva as she unlocks dark and dangerous secrets about this mysterious man. But her curiosity to know this man brings her deeper into a world she knows nothing about. She is soon faced with something even more dangerous and she can nolonger turn back. She wants to run but her emotions and heart have already been captured by him and she is faced with a dilemma. Their love was forbidden and she was in danger from things she had once thought were fairy tales.
writerxs · 5.1K Views

Reinkarnasi Raja Iblis Sang Pengubah Wujud

Kyoto Seinaru berjalan-jalan bersama teman wanitanya,Tomori-San di sebuah kota metropolitan. Mereka menikmati masa-masa mereka bersama sehingga- dia mengetahui bahawa Tomori langsung tidak mencintainya bahkan mengejeknya kerana mudah untuk diperdaya. Dia tersedar bahawa dirinya telah ditipu oleh satu-satunya orang yang dia paling percayai di dunia ini. Dia akhirnya menatap tanah tempatnya berdiri sambil tertanya-tanya, Kenapa air mata aku langsung tak mengalir keluar? Dia akhirnya sedar ini bukan kali pertama dirinya di tempatkan dalam situasi yang menyakitkan ini. Dalam amarah yang membuak-buak, perempuan di depannya menghilang tanpa meninggalkan sebarang tanda. Dalam hatinya yang terdalam dia tertanya, Jika benar ada kehidupan yang tidak terhingga yang akan aku tempuhi, Akankah aku berjumpa dengan perempuan yang jujur di kehidupan berikutnya, Atau adakah hati yang kosong ini akan kekal kosong selamanya. Dia tersedar dan mendapati bahawa dirinya telah hidup semula namun tidak untuk mendapatkan perempuan yang dicarinya selama ini, malah menjadi perempuan itu sendiri. Dia juga sedar akan kenyataan bahawa dia kini bukan sahaja bukan seorang lelaki lagi malah bukan juga seorang manusia. Dia ialah succubus yang bermata merah menyala dan berambut putih yang panjang mengurai sambil tersambung ekor yang runcing di pinggulnya. Bagi manusia, bangsa Iblis merupakan bangsa yang jahat menyebabkan mereka bersatu padu menentangnya. Dia sedar kini semakin susah untuk dirinya meraih cinta yang dikejar Selamat ini sehinggalah- seseorang lelaki yang datang dari mana menyambut hangat dirinya dan melayaninya dengan baik. Adakah dia akan meraih cinta yang dikejarnya selama ini, walaupun tidak seperti yang diharapkannya... P/s : Ini adalah versi Bahasa Malaysia Reborned of the Shapeshift Demon King karya Seinaruz Ini hanyalah draf kepada cerita yang telah diterbitkan namun turut diterbitkan sebagai bahan bacaan tambahan. Tiada gambar novel kerana gambarnya tidak mahu dimuat turun oleh WebNovel. Enjoy!
Seinaruz · 8K Views

The Demon CEO Finds Lost Love

SEASON 2 TELAH SELESAI SEASON 3 UNTUK SEMENTARA HIATUS, DEMI PERSIAPAN KONFLIK BARU MENGUSUNG SCI-FI. HIATUS...!!! Maaf jika Season 3 tidak langsung saya garap. jujur mengusung tema Sci-fi yang di padukan dengan romance itu sulit. Apalagi, sebenarnya novel saya basic nya itu adalah kisah cinta ala-ala CEO, yang di gemari para ibu-ibu. sedangkan di season 3 nanti banting setir ke sci-fi demi alur. Jadi, mohon pengertiannya. Tapi karena memang dari season 1 sudah membawa alur menuju ke sana. Maka harus saya lanjutkan juga membawa SCI-FI. INGAT!!! tidak semudah itu membuat cerita, saya bukan kekurangan ide, hanya masih dilema akan lanjut atau di buat sekuel. Karena memang jalan ceritanya genre nya akan sedikit berubah. AKAN DI LANJUTKAN SEASON 3 SETELAH 3 TAHUN YANG AKAN DATANG. TERIMA KASIH . MOHON DOANYA SEMOGA 3 TAHUN YG AKAN DATANG SAYA MASIH BISA MELANJUTKAN CERITA INI KE SEASON 3. Dapatkah seorang atheis berhati dingin jatuh cinta? Temui Ludius Lu! Pria atheis berdarah dingin, penguasa sekaligus CEO yang mendominasi Seluruh Daratan China ini mampu mendapatkan apapun yang ia inginkan, termasuk wanita. Tapi...kenapa dia tak bisa dapatkan hati gadis ini? Ia tidak tahu apa yang salah dengan dirinya? Mengapa ia tidak bisa menaklukkan wanita lemah sepertinya? Hatinya yang beku sekian lamanya begitu mudahnya dicairkan oleh seorang gadis tak berdaya. Gadis yang terlahir dari rahim wanita Indonesia ini, Silvia Zhu, seorang wanita berkeyakinan kuat. Demi mengemban amanah Ayahnya sebelum meninggal, Ia bertekad pergi ke Negara China untuk mencari keluarga Ayahnya berada. Tapi apakah Silvia tahu, bahwa niatannya akan berujung pada sebuah Takdir?? Takdir yang merubah hidup keduanya, menggoncang hati sang penguasa dingin. Akankah Ludius berhasil mendapatkan hati Silvia? Ketika Takdir di hadapkan pada dua kehidupan yang saling berlawanan, apa yang akan terjadi? Sequel dari Novel ini "Ludius, cukup..! mengapa kamu selalu menanggungnya sendiri? Tidakkah itu menyakitkan?" Bisik Silvia, air matanya tiba-tiba saja menetes. Ludius hanya terdiam, mulutnya seakan terkunci untuk berbicara. 'Silvia, kamu tidak tahu betapa kejam dunia ini. Jika aku ingin bertahan, maka aku harus berdiri tegak di depan semua orang. Selama ini aku sudah membuang hati dan perasaanku, yang ku anggap sebagai kelemahan ku. Tapi kamu mampu melihat sisi lemah ku'. Ludius melepas pelukannya, Dia mengusap air mata Silvia dengan lembut. "Jangan menangis, aku tidak pernah mengizinkanmu untuk itu. Kamu tahu.. Kamu adalah wanita pertama yang mampu menebak isi hatiku". "Walau begitu kamu masih tidak mau membaginya denganku?" Perkataan Silvia penuh makna. "Belum waktunya, Jika tiba saatnya aku pasti akan membaginya denganmu". Ludius menarik tangan Silvia menuju hamparan bunga yang memenuhi taman. Mereka duduk di bangku di tengah hamparan bunga.  Angin berhembus menyibakkan rambut Silvia,  "Ludius, Bukankah bunga ini menenangkan hati mu? Disini seakan kita bisa lebih jujur pada hati kita sendiri" ucap Silvia yang masih menikmati kesejukan angin yang berhembus. "Entahlah.. aku hanya merasa sedikit nyaman berada di sini". jawab Ludius yang masih memandang hamparan bunga. // // // // // TAG MAFIA, CEO, SWEET ROMANCE, COLD MAN, PERFECT HUSBAND, ACTION, ARROGANT, SWEET, MISTERY, BOSS, PERFECT PARTNER, KILL, BLOOD, TRAGEDY, Di Volume ke 2 nantinya akan banyak pemain baru, cinta dan aksi serta mengungkap masalah yang masih tertinggal di Volume 1. Bagi pembaca baru saya sarankan membaca Volume 1 terlebih dahulu untuk memahami alur cerita. copyright Embun_nada Hak cipta di lindungi undang-undang, dilarang mengcopy dan sebagainya tanpa sepengetahuan penulis. fb Embun_nada dan Rotul nada instagram Embun nada
embun_nada2 · 1.9M Views


Tidak ada yang tahu, dengan apa yang akan terjadi di hari esok. Bahkan setiap detik yang ada di depan mata sekali pun, kita tidak tahu apa yang akan terjadi. Manusia dilahirkan dalam keadaan tidak bisa memilih dari rahim mana kita dilahirkan. Kaya dan miskin. Bahagia dan sedih. Susah dan senang. Merupakan perpaduan yang mewarnai setiap kisah perjalanan hidup manusia di dunia ini. Begitu pun dengan cinta. Kita tidak bisa memilih dengan siapa kita akan berjodoh. Kita tidak bisa memilih dengan siapa kita akan menghabiskan hidup. Aneska Belavina yang artinya anak perempuan yang cantik jelita dengan kepribadian baik dan mempunyai hati yang murni. Seorang gadis pekerja keras yang berjuang untuk bisa bertahan hidup di dunia ini seorang diri. Tidak ada kata menyerah dalam kamus hidupnya, apa pun yang menjadi penghalangnya selalu bisa diselesaikan dengan baik. Sejak kecil hidupnya penuh dengan cobaan, dari Ayah yang meninggalkannya dan Ibu yang telah berpulang untuk selamanya. Berbagai terpaan hidup yang dialaminya, membuat dirinya menjadi sosok yang tangguh, tidak takut dengan apa pun. Ervin Wijaya, laki-laki yang tidak pernah kekurangan apa pun dalam hidupnya. Punya paras yang tampan, uang dan kekuasaan serta mempunyai istri yang cantik dan seorang model yang terkenal. Pasangan yang terlihat selalu romantis di depan semua orang tetapi sebenarnya pernikahan mereka penuh dengan pertengkaran. Cinta datang di tempat dan waktu yang salah, tetapi siapa yang bisa menolak jika cinta telah bertakhta di hati? "Ervin, lebih baik apa yang terjadi di antara kita lupakan saja. Aku selalu dihantui perasaan bersalah karena mencintai laki-laki yang jelas bukan untukku." "Aneska, aku tahu cinta kita bukan pada tempatnya tetapi salahkah bila aku mencintai dengan sepenuh hatiku?" "Cintamu bukan untukku. Ada wanita lain yang lebih berhak atas cintamu dan yang lebih berhak atas semua dirimu." "Tapi aku mencintaimu Aneska, tubuhku bersamanya tetapi hatiku bersamamu." "Ervin, kalau kita tetap egois dengan perasaan kita. Nanti akan ada hati yang terluka. Aku tidak mau itu terjadi." Menghabiskan waktu bersama orang yang kita cintai adalah impian setiap orang. Tetapi, bagaimana kalau cinta hadir pada waktu dan tempat yang salah? Karena cinta, manusia menjadi kuat tetapi karena cinta pula, manusia menjadi lemah. Akankah takdir memihak pada kekuatan cinta yang Aneska dan Ervin rasakan? Ini adalah novelku yang menceritakan tentang perjuangan seorang Aneska yang bertahan hidup melawan kerasnya dunia. Cinta yang membuatnya tetap bertahan tetapi cintanya pula yang membuat dirinya berada dalam persimpangan. Note : Terdapat konten dewasa dan kekerasan, bijaklah dalam membaca.
lyns_marlyn · 73.2K Views

The Contracted Madame Shin

Namanya adalah Ni Luh Putu Amelia yang terlahir dari keluarga miskin perpaduan dari Bali dan Jawa. Ketika Bapaknya meninggal dunia, Amelia dan ibunya diusir dari rumah tanpa uang sepeserpun. Amelia berjuang mengais rejeki daengan bekerja sebagai pembantu rumah tangga dari seorang tamu dari Korea akibat bantuan dari teman Bapaknya. Tetapi hal tersebut hanya cukup untuk membayar uang kost dan makan mereka berdua sehari-hari. Ibu Amelia yang mempunyai lemah jantung tidak dapat bekerja keras dan hal tersebut yang menjadi alasan keluarga bapakku. Karena ibunyatidak mampu menghasilkan uang. Hingga sahabat karib Amelia memberikan iklan di telepon genggamnya. ‘DICARI ASSISTEN PRIBADI UNTUK PENGUSAHA DARI NEGARA KOREA SYARAT: WANITA UMUR 18 – 24 TAHUN. SEHAT JASMANI DAN TIDAK MEMPUNYAI GANGGUAN JIWA. MAMPU BEKERJA KERAS DAN BISA BERKOMUNIKASI DENGAN BAHASA INGRIS. HARUS BERSEDIA UNTUK TINGGAL DI DALAM RUMAH MAJIKAN. KEUNTUNGAN: GAJI POKOK + BONUS + UANG MAKAN + UANG PULSA + BPJSTKI’ Shin Woo Yeo atau lebih dikenal dengan William Shin adalah pengusaha kaya raya dari korea. William lebih suka tinggal di Bali dan mengendalikan bisnisnya dari Indonesia dikarenakan tuntutan dari keluarganya untuk terus bisa menghasilkan penerus sedangkan dia masih berusaha melupakan kekasih hatinya yang meninggal dunia di seoul. Kali ini keluarganya tidak main-main dan ingin menjodohkannya dengan gadis pilihan orang tuanya kecuali Will bisa menemukan istri terlebih dahulu. Tetapi asistennya salah memasang iklan untuknya dan mengirimkannya ke bagian personalia tanpa mendapatkan persetujuan dari Will. Akankah Will bisa mendapatkan kebebasannya dengan mencari istri palsu sehingga terlepas dari perjodohan orang tuanya? Akankah pekerjaan sebagai personal assistant bagi Amelia bisa menjadi resolusi tahun barunya dan memberikan kehidupan yang lebih layak untuk ibunya? Apakah Will bisa melupakan memori kecelakaan yang membunuh tunangannya? Dan menemukan kebahagiaannya Kembali di Tahun Baru? Ikuti kisah cinta Amelia dan William Shin yang bermula dari kesalah pahaman.
Poetri_cantique · 217.4K Views

after the resurrection

One last thing that did not leave my head after the resurrection At night, on the first day in the capital, Sanaa, 28 years ago, I realized that my father rented a house for us without windows, and I did not care at that time because the door was enough to cross my small body towards the city. We fell asleep to shorten the night quickly, taking advantage of the fatigue of travel Tomorrow morning, I woke up to the sound of the television of the owner of the house, who lives on the second and last floor.. I did not know what television was at the time. Nader woke up and asked him what that sound was?! He heard, then his eyes grew large, and he jogged to remove the cover to put his ear on the door. He said: Where does this sound come from?!! I do not know We slowly opened the door. We pulled our heads out to see, for nearly five years, at the mouth of the ladder, a child carrying bread and eggs. He said: Who are you? I'm Raidan and this is Nader, and you? He said: I am Nable. Saddam's head peeked out from between two iron bars at the top of the ladder and shouted: Nabell the episode has begun, ! We went up with him uninvited, as curiosity was pushing us unconsciously to know what this episode was, and when we arrived in front of the screen, the astonishment grew and grew in my face, and Nader's in a hysterical manner.... A huge wooden box with a glass in the middle, inside was a cartoon of a very beautiful and yellow-haired girl wearing An elegant outfit and carrying a sword Saddam cut us off, saying: You don't know Oscar? We: Oscar??!! Saddam: This is you ( idiots ) on TV! We: TV??!!! Nabil: Yes, TV.. He added that this watch of ten men her father taught her to fight because he did not have a boy with him, and he was silent because we did not turn towards him from the beginning.. Suddenly we heard my mother's frightened scream calling for us, so we hurried and the doors looked similar, and we entered the bedroom to find Nabil and Saddam's father falling asleep in the womb of the mother. We closed our eyes and turned around, and if Nabil had not directed us to the exit, our hearts would have stopped in horror at the scene we saw and my mother's voice that shook the world.. We went down and as soon as we got to the door, my mother greeted us with a stick in her hand, two hits in the head and another in the butt. As for the rest of the punishment, it was an endless screaming from my mother's throat, which was difficult to silence.. In the coming days, except when we used to ask permission to go up to our new friends’ apartment, every time my mother lost us, she would go straight up with her scratched hand and take us home the same way. In military service, he barely paid the rent and spent on us, so it lasted a lot until the owner of the house got bored of us he would often refuse to open the door for us, and we would return disappointed, howling and yelling: We want TV. And when my father decided to replace the television by going out to a Street, we forgot to accept this offer and filled our bodies with dirt and the dirt of the city while we were playing with friends we found who agreed to play with them without conditions.
Raidan_Alasbahi · 1.9K Views

Horror thoughts

Content warning: Horror thoughts She waits with a watchful eye, staring at the pasta. It doesn’t boil. Pacing back and forth across the empty kitchen with the useless pots and pans still in the creaky cupboard, she adds another pinch of salt to the pasta. It still doesn’t boil. She thinks about putting on a bit of music while she waits, but the downstairs neighbors hate when she does that, and she can’t remember where she last left her headphones. They might be in her coat pocket or they might not, perhaps she left them on top of the back bed in the room with the leftover textbooks. Or maybe she didn’t, maybe she left them hanging off the tiny coat rack, right next to her keys. Wherever she left them it’s too much work to run and find them, especially when the pot might boil soon. As soon as it boils, she’ll put the pasta in. As soon as it boils. The tiny apartment is only temporary, and the only burner fizzles on her. She coaxes it, fights it, begs it to make a bigger flame but it does not, settling proudly for the dull little spark that it is. Blowing on a flame coaxes a campfire; she wonders if it’ll help the stove. Probably not. She watches the blue flame dance and stares right through it. Her phone lights up. She has a notification, another message she’s not going to read. Why bother, when she knows exactly what it will say? Still, she checks the name. She reads the first two letters and flips the phone over, wincing as it lands a bit too hard on the counter. Fortunately, it’s not cracked. Unfortunately, that part of the counter is still covered in uncleaned bacon grease from his disaster yesterday, and now her phone is too. The television buzzes a commercial from the living area, or whatever passes as such. She cranes her neck to check the ad, but it's not selling anything good, just some sort of medical plan for old people, the kind of thing she couldn't afford even if she chopped off both arms and sold them. When she left home, she swore up and down she wasn’t ever going to be the kind of person who left the TV on. She wasn’t going to eat in front of it, didn’t even need a good model really, just something to use to occasionally watch old cartoons and maybe a new show if he wanted to. Now, the TV is always on, always buzzing, always saying something, just a little too quiet to hear. The pot on the stove is still not boiling. She thinks she remembered to top the water off with cold water, but maybe she didn’t. She wonders if throwing in a tablespoon or two now will change anything. Probably not; her greasy phone buzzes again. She flips it over, checks the name, and turns it back down. He’s not going to write her. She knows that. Still, she checks, just in case. Banana bread would probably be a smart thing to make,
Zoha_meer · 1.4K Views

My honest mistake

***only few chapters have mature content**** Dhruv loved his best friend's sister. Both families were happy with their relationship and arranged their marriage. Suddenly Amrutha denied marrying Dhruv which made everyone shocked. Then the next day, Amrutha announced her marriage with Dhruv's younger brother Karthik which was a big lie. What might the reason behind her lie? Why did Karthik help Amrutha to affect the relationship between the two brothers? What is the mystery behind it? To know why Amrutha did the honest mistake, read the story... Look over the roller coaster of love to hate and hate to love between Dhruv and Amrutha... ---------------------------------------------------------------- " What movie do you want to watch?" He asked. " Twilight," she said. " What?" He asked with shock. " My classmate said it is a very good movie and one has to watch it with their boyfriend. Till now, I have no boyfriend so  I didn't watch it. I always watch cartoons at my home. Please….play that movie. I want to see what the interesting things are in it" she said innocently. She dragged him onto his bed and leaned on the bedpost. It was very awkward for him to talk with her.  Suddenly she took the remote from his hand and started playing the movie on television. He sat quietly without talking to her.  She leaned on his shoulder intertwining her fingers with his. She was watching the movie without blinking her eyes whereas he was cursing himself to bring her to his home. His body became so hot with her closeness and even his situation became worse when there are the most intimate scenes in the movie.  He gulped his throat and tried to remove his hand from her grip.  " Stay with me. My friend told me to see with my boyfriend" she stopped him pulling towards her. He lost his balance due to the sudden act and fell on her. That was the last string of his control.  " You are looking so handsome that the main lead" Amrutha complimented him. " Really…?" He questioned with a smile. " You look more handsome when you smile. Do you know it?" She said. " Thank you…" he said with a wide smile. " What about me? Am I beautiful?" She questioned. " You are so beautiful, just like a fairy," he said cupping her face. " Thank you…." She kissed his cheeks. He looked at their position and tried to stand properly. Before that, she kept her hands around his neck. His eyes roamed towards her face to her neck then down to the low neck of her dress.  He was mesmerized by her beauty.  He lost his sanity thereafter and started sucking her lips fervently. She pulled him closer to him experiencing the new feelings in her body as she was not in her right senses. Without breaking their kiss his hands were roaming on her all-body curves. She moaned his name enjoying the pleasure of his touch. Dhruv got his sense back when he heard her husky voice and stood up from the bed. He felt ashamed of himself for betraying his best friend and crossing his limit with his sister.  He was scared that if Arvind came to know the truth, he might lose his friendship. Instantly he moved away from her. *†****************************"*"** To know why Dhruv and Amrutha separate read this story? Will they fight their fate and become together? let's see who wins love or fate????
peacock_writer · 670.5K Views

The Girl He Could Never Leave Behind

A girl with a fantasy to have it all, a lost boy-man looking for something more to life. Kayleigh, who knows nothing about living a life and Edward who knows all the wrong ways to live the life!Until one day... We were left alone on the table while our friends were on the dance floor ,dancing. I looked at him and I saw him looking everywhere but at me, his eyes landed on me couple of minutes later and made a disgusted face at the same time another round of drinks arrived. I stood up bottoming up the glass, my throat burnt but I needed it more than anything today; I grabbed Eddie's hand and dragged him towards the emergency exit he looked mad but I was glad he was letting me lead him. The moment we neared the exit door he yanked my hand off and grabbed my shoulder, he looked so angry right now that if this would a cartoon smoke would be fuming out of his ears. "Geez woman, what is wrong with you? why can't you leave me alone!" I raised my eyebrow, "you seriously have guts to ask me that after what you are doing to me?" He covered the distance between us without taking off his hands from my shoulder but this time he seemed even more angry, "What are you trying to say?" I gulped in fear while trying to get out of his hold," I am not your toy that you'll sleep with me whenever you please and later Ignore me like I don't exist" He froze as I said the truth out loud with courage, "This is over!" saying that, I freed myself from his hold and raised my finger at him,"Don't you dare cross my path again or I promise you I will make your life hell!" He stood there trying to recover from the shock while I walked out with my newfound pride and honour. Eddie never understood love at least he thought he did by doing things in his own twisted ways; While Kayleigh knew love but she never found it in a man, or will she find it any day soon?
somanikrupa · 37.4K Views

The 90's Kid - Season Two

In this second season, tensions on the playground rise with the heat, water guns and laser rifles shoot into the fun-filled air, and Millie steps out of her destined timeline to help the uncle-nephew duo made up of Wes and Jace. But their antics haven’t gone unnoticed by the Time Cops and other prying eyes. Now Royal Valley itself could be in danger. And what secrets may be buried underneath the King Arcade amusement park? Season One:'s-kid---season-one_21714385905126005 This is a novelization of a cartoon show that never existed. But now it can, inside your head. Formatted like a show, every episode is the same length, so it's easy to fit into your busy schedule! Or just do how the modern kids do and binge it. The 90's Kid is a fun, mostly light-hearted romp oozing with nostalgia but also written to appeal to anyone from any generation who likes Back to the Future, time travel in general, fun, pop culture, media, callbacks, obscure references, water gun fights, sleepovers, amusement parks, classic Nickelodeon, vaporwave, video games, lazy summers, recess, secret kid clubs, or even school itself, if that's their thing. The series website has art, nostalgic commercials, a cast page, more background info, and even Spotify playlists! As it was written prior to our troubled version of 2020, the story partially takes place in a more idealistic version of the year. But that's okay; time travel is all about alternate timelines anyway.
digiGekko · 14.8K Views
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