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Mars Ufo


Devastated by the death of her destined mate and her family, Reana refused to choose another mate for three years. But with the council breathing down her neck, she had no other choice but to consider her options: Beta Ryan, the one who was chosen by the pack to become her second chance mate. But to everyone's surprise, she chose a servant, Ryder. The pack members and the council were livid. How could they bow to a servant turned Alpha? It was already enough that their Black Moon Pack was magnanimous to strays – in the past, giving them a home and work to help their living conditions, but now, one of such people would become their Alpha? Impossible! No way! What if Ryder was a spy? An enemy in disguise? Meanwhile, Ryder, the servant, was more than that. He was the feared and revered Alpha Snow of the Southern Islands - the dared-devil who was at war with the moon goddess for three lifetimes, just for Reana. And this lifetime, he was going all out, laying all his cards down. Who cares what he has to become just to claim his woman? Since Reana would not marry an Alpha from other packs, yet, was destined to become a Luna, then joining her pack as a 'pitiful' servant was his best bet. *** Reana's heart skipped a beat. There was something about the way Ryder said 'My Luna' that sent a shiver down her spine. The possessive undertone was unmistakable, and for a moment, Reana felt a flutter in her chest. She looked away, trying to compose herself. Perhaps, he didn't mean it that way, after all, he was the first to call her that. It was either 'Luna Reana' or plainly 'Luna.' With this conclusion, she turned back to him, her face cold and indifferent as usual, intending to respond. "You're my cho—" She stopped herself, her gaze drifting to the smudge of blood on his cheek. She didn't like the stain; it marred his handsome face like a drop of red ink on a white ceremonial dress. Without thinking, Reana reached out to clean the blood. As her hand made contact with his warm skin, a jolt of electricity coursed through her. Startled and about to withdraw her hand, Ryder suddenly leaned into her touch. Reana's heart skipped another beat. Ryder's eyes locked onto hers, his gaze burning with intensity. "Does My Luna find me worthy to become her chosen mate?" he asked, his voice low and husky. "I think I have good qualities. I don't have a mate, nor have I ever touched any woman. I'm still a virgin…" *** Please, check the review and character profile first, then prologue chapter before you dive into the story. It's very, very important. More tags~ #Rebirth #Obsession
Hassy_101 · 68.7K Views

Setting souls

The two men couldn't have looked more out of place on the cold afternoon streets of New Hadepee. The first was a scrawny fellow, no taller than five foot eight, wearing a white shirt marred with ugly reddish-brown stains and a pair of plain tan pants. His companion, by contrast, carried himself with an air of quiet authority—a regal-looking man with a neatly trimmed black beard, wrapped in a great black coat with a red scarf pulled snug around his neck. "I heard the man himself has come back," the one in the stained shirt said, carefully balancing on the curb with his arms outstretched. "Oh? And where did you hear that?" his companion asked, turning his head with amusement to watch the precarious balancing act. "Welp, the sergeant major told me to go down to Olker, so I figured that could only mean he's back," the man in the white shirt replied. "Vistor has close cultural and political ties with the kingdom of Olker. Don't you think it's just a protection job?" the older man in black inquired, a hint of humor in his voice. "Oh, come on, Mang, you know they'd never give someone like me a protection job," the man in the white shirt scoffed, jumping off the curb and spinning around a lamppost. The older man—now known as Mang—came to a halt, reaching into his coat and pulling out an envelope. "Well, Tai, I suppose you're wrong." Mang handed the envelope to him. Tai peeled open the envelope, sliding out the letter and studying it carefully. "Oh wow, so Marlin is marrying the queen of those people?" he asked with a shrug. "She is not a queen. Don't let anyone call her that," Mang snapped. "And if her people weren't so damn difficult, we would have annexed them already." "So we let them succeed but not Gascon? Whose idea was that? They're more like us than those humans are," Tai said, frowning. "Gascon was willing to sell to the Emperor for a small chunk of change," Mang quipped. "The Noctrous family was not." "Ok so what's that matter, all we need is a little persuasion to change their minds? We killed the chief of Gnomandale and sent his stuffed head back to them, then they sold Gnomendale to us. All we need to do to get Olker is beat the hell out of Sylvie and she will sell." Tai folds the letter and places it back into the envelope. "Tai, the people of Vistor don't have the heart to see us beat up the Eladrin people like we did the Gnomes, and plus their Chief tramp Silvye is much too pretty for us to put her head on a stick."  "Welp, it's our loss," Tai muttered, spitting onto the sidewalk. "No, it's not. Not if Chester is back…" Tai frowned. "What's Chester gonna do?" "Last I recall, his fallout with Sylvie wasn't just a petty disagreement. Before he died, he built a fleet of ships and hid them in a cove somewhere. If he wanted revenge, all he'd need is an army." "And who the hell would fight for him?" "The same people who fight for us—the poor." This is a prequel to Then Maker, another story of mine. The writing may feel somewhat outdated compared to my more recent work, but it consists of a series of scenes that occur before the main events of the novel. The description is one of my most recent pieces, which is why it differs in style from the rest of the book.
Thornton_Chase · 953 Views

Enredados en Luz de Luna: Inalterados

—Ser el defecto de la manada ya es bastante malo. ¿Pero ser rechazada? ¿Por tu propio compañero destinado? Sí. Eso es un nivel completamente nuevo de miseria. Ava Grey es el defecto de la manada, una cambiante sin lobo. Lucha por la vida con el sueño vago de la libertad. Su oportunidad llega cuando de repente le informan que asistirá a la Gala Lunar, un baile anual para los cambiaformas jóvenes adultos para encontrar a sus compañeros destinados. Y ella lo encuentra. Él es hermoso e intenso, y sus besos le envían deseo por las venas como una droga. Hasta que él la rechaza. Ava no está por volver a su aburrida vida. Escapa y fragua una nueva identidad lejos de su manada, y lejos de su compañero alfa. Hace nuevos amigos y hasta es adoptada a la fuerza por un husky hilarante. Pero justo cuando se acomoda y encuentra la felicidad, comienzan a ocurrir cosas extrañas... Su husky ha estado guardando secretos. Escucha rumores de que las manadas de cambiantes por todas partes la están buscando. Y puede oler un aroma familiar en su apartamento, lo cual no tiene sentido alguno... porque el hombre al que pertenece la rechazó. [Entrada de Cupids Quill Mar 2024] --------- Este es un romance de cambiantes lobo con múltiples desencadenantes que gustan de pasearse de la mano con todos los temas oscuros por un prado de flores muertas. En este libro encontrarás los picos más altos y los valles más profundos. Ríe, llora, enfúrate; puedes hacerlo todo mientras sigues a Ava en el viaje bastante peligroso de ser un cambiante lobo en esta generación de romances de hombres lobo. Hay escenas R18 esparcidas por este libro como dulces saltando de una piñata. Por favor, lee de manera responsable. ------- DISCORD DEL AUTOR:
Lenaleia · 1.4M Views

Terjerat dalam Cahaya Bulan: Tidak Berubah

Menjadi cacat di dalam kawanan sudah cukup buruk. Ditolak? Oleh pasangan sejatimu sendiri? Ya. ITU adalah tingkat rendah yang baru. Ava Grey adalah cacat dalam kawanan, seorang shifter tanpa serigala. Dia berjuang dalam hidup dengan impian kebebasan yang samar. Kesempatannya datang ketika tiba-tiba dia diberi tahu bahwa dia akan menghadiri Gala Bulan, sebuah pesta dansa tahunan untuk shifters muda dewasa untuk menemukan pasangan sejati mereka. Dan dia menemukannya. Dia tampan dan intens, dan ciumannya mengirimkan keinginan melalui pembuluh darahnya seperti narkoba. Hingga dia MENOLAKnya. Ava tidak akan kembali ke kehidupan suramnya. Dia melarikan diri dan membentuk identitas baru jauh dari kawanan, dan jauh dari pasangan alpha nya. Dia berteman baru dan bahkan diadopsi secara paksa oleh seekor husky yang lucu. Tapi tepat ketika dia mulai menetap dan menemukan kebahagiaan, hal-hal aneh mulai terjadi... Husky-nya telah menyimpan rahasia. Dia mendengar bisikan bahwa kawanan shifter di mana-mana sedang mencarinya. Dan dia dapat mencium aroma familiar di apartemennya, yang tidak masuk akal sama sekali... karena pria yang aromanya itu telah menolaknya. [Entri Cupids Quill Mar 2024] --------- Ini adalah roman shifter serigala dengan banyak pemicu yang suka berdansa beriringan dengan semua tema gelap melalui sebuah padang bunga mati. Dalam buku ini Anda akan menemukan titik tertinggi dan terendah. Tertawa, menangis, marah; Anda dapat melakukannya semua saat Anda mengikuti Ava dalam perjalanan yang cukup berbahaya menjadi pemindah serigala di generasi ini dari roman werewolf. Ada adegan R18 yang disebarkan di seluruh buku ini seperti permen yang meledak dari pinata. Silakan baca dengan tanggung jawab. ------- DISCORD PENULIS:
Lenaleia · 54.1K Views

Enredado ao Luar: Inalterado

Ser o defeito da alcateia já é ruim o suficiente. Ser REJEITADA? Pelo seu próprio companheiro predestinado? É. ISSO é um nível completamente novo de humilhação. Ava Cinza é o defeito da alcateia, uma transformista sem lobo. Ela luta pela vida com o sonho vago de liberdade. Sua oportunidade chega quando ela é subitamente informada que irá comparecer ao Gala Lunar, um baile anual para jovens transformistas encontrarem seus companheiros predestinados. E ela o encontra. Ele é lindo e intenso, e seus beijos despertam desejo em suas veias como uma droga. Até que ele a REJEITA. Ava não está disposta a voltar para sua vida desanimadora. Ela foge e forja uma nova identidade longe de sua alcateia, e longe de seu companheiro alfa. Ela faz novos amigos e até é adotada à força por um husky hilário. Mas, justo quando ela se instala e encontra a felicidade, coisas estranhas começam a acontecer... Seu husky tem guardado segredos. Ela está ouvindo sussurros de que alcateias de transformistas por toda parte estão procurando por ela. E ela pode sentir um cheiro familiar em seu apartamento, o que não faz sentido algum... porque o homem a quem pertence a rejeitou. [Entrada do Cupids Quill Mar 2024] --------- Este é um romance de transformista lobo com gatilhos múltiplos que gostam de valsar de mãos dadas com todos os temas sombrios através de um campo de flores mortas. Neste livro, você encontrará os picos mais altos e os vales mais profundos. Ria, chore, enfureça-se; você pode fazer tudo isso enquanto acompanha Ava na jornada perigosa de ser uma transformista lobo nesta geração de romances de lobisomens. Há cenas R18 espalhadas por este livro como doces saltando de uma pinhata. Por favor, leia com responsabilidade. ------- DISCORD DO AUTOR: ```
Lenaleia · 1.2M Views

Abismo en la tierra

Oliver, un estudiante de física traumatizado por la muerte de sus padres y obsesionado con la supervivencia, se ve inmerso en una crisis global cuando un video viral expone la aparición de criaturas marinas mutantes en Nayarit, México. Paralelamente, Nico, un joven trabajador de una fábrica petrolera, y su leal amigo Arny son testigos del primer ataque de un calamar gigante de 35 metros, mutado por residuos nucleares. Mientras Oliver cuestiona la crueldad humana hacia la naturaleza tras presenciar actos de violencia contra animales, Nico y Arny arriesgan sus vidas para documentar a la bestia, descubriendo experimentos oscuros y mutaciones vinculadas a la contaminación industrial. La trama se entrelaza cuando Oliver, tras sobrevivir a un catastrófico accidente automovilístico donde salva a un niño atrapado en llamas, conecta con las investigaciones de Nico y Arny. Juntos, aunque separados por la distancia, enfrentan la escalada de mutaciones: desde peces agresivos en laboratorios alemanes hasta batallas épicas entre el calamar y una langosta gigante, símbolos de la naturaleza rebelándose contra la humanidad. Mientras la ONU debate soluciones infructuosas, Nico y Arny graban pruebas cruciales, aunque su valentía los lleva al borde de la muerte cuando el calamar los persigue en una persecución acuática desesperada. Oliver, por su parte, confronta su trauma y se convierte en un emblema de resistencia, cuestionando si la redención es posible ante un planeta que, convertido en depredador, busca purgarse de su peor plaga: el ser humano. Con un tono apocalíptico y filosófico, la historia explora cómo la ambición, la indiferencia y la destrucción ambiental desatan monstruos tanto en el mar como en el alma humana. Nico, Arny y Oliver, cada uno desde su lucha, revelan que el verdadero horror no está en las bestias mutantes, sino en la capacidad humana para corromperlo todo… incluso su propia supervivencia.
dioreo · 4.6K Views

Verstrickt im Mondlicht: Unverändert

Der Packungsfehler zu sein ist schon schlimm genug. ABGELEHNT zu werden? Von deinem eigenen Schicksalsgefährten? Ja. DAS ist eine ganz neue Stufe des Abstiegs. Ava Grey ist der Rudeldefekt, eine wolfslose Shifterin. Sie kämpft sich durch ihr Leben mit dem vagen Traum von Freiheit. Ihre Chance kommt, als sie plötzlich erfährt, dass sie an der Lunar Gala teilnehmen wird, einem jährlichen Ball für junge erwachsene Shifter, die ihre Schicksalsgefährten finden wollen. Und sie findet ihn. Er ist schön und intensiv, und seine Küsse lassen das Verlangen wie eine Droge durch ihre Adern fließen. Bis er sie ABWEIST. Ava will nicht in ihr tristes Leben zurückkehren. Sie flieht und baut sich eine neue Identität auf, weit weg von ihrem Rudel und von ihrem Alphamännchen. Sie findet neue Freunde und wird sogar von einem witzigen Husky zwangsadoptiert. Doch gerade als sie sich eingewöhnt und ihr Glück gefunden hat, geschehen seltsame Dinge... Ihr Husky hat Geheimnisse vor ihr. Sie hört Geflüster, dass Shifter-Rudel überall auf der Welt nach ihr suchen. Und sie kann einen vertrauten Geruch in ihrer Wohnung riechen, der überhaupt keinen Sinn ergibt ... weil der Mann, zu dem er gehört, sie zurückgewiesen hat. [Cupids Quill Mar 2024 Eintrag] --------- Dies ist eine Wolfshifter-Romanze mit mehreren Auslösern, die gerne Hand in Hand mit all den dunklen Themen durch eine Wiese voller toter Blumen wandern. In diesem Buch finden Sie die höchsten Höhen und die tiefsten Tiefen. Lachen, weinen, wüten; du kannst alles tun, wenn du Ava auf ihrer gefährlichen Reise als Wolfswandler in dieser Generation von Werwolfsromanen folgst. Es gibt R18-Szenen, die in diesem Buch verstreut sind wie Süßigkeiten, die aus einer Pinata fallen. Bitte lesen Sie verantwortungsbewusst. ------- AUTORENDISKORD:
Lenaleia · 1.4M Views


This is a work of fiction, any names, characters, stories or events, are fictitious! (Even the country in the story is just the author's fantasy as the author never visited those countries in the story) Armipotent is an archaic adjective meaning "strong in battle." Basically, it refers to someone who is physically tough in war. Originally, it was used to refer to the Roman god of war, Mars. ===================== Tang Shaoyang, an orphan who dropped out of the middle school to fight on the street as he found out school was useless for a penniless orphan like him. Tang Shaoyang dropped out of his school, fighting on the street, and made a name for himself. Berserker Tang from Youyouliucun. Afterward, Dragon Wing triad recruited him and everything was good for him. Even though the public deemed him as a tumor of society, Tang Shaoyang was having a decent life. Until one day, everything changed as an absurd and strange game started. "... Game starts! Stage one: Survival for The Fittest!" After the game started, zombies appeared out of nowhere. ... Ding! "You have killed 1000 zombies less than 24 hours since the game started! You gained 3 Talents!" Dong! "You may choose 3 Talents! please choose carefully!" Tang Shaoyang held his chin and mused what Talent he had to choose. "With Zombies appear everywhere, I need an infinite strength... this is one, I still need to choose 2 Talents more..." Then a lewd smile formed on his lips. "I want an infinite strength, charm and charisma to conquer women, and the last one, I want to upgrade my **** so I can please my women!" After saying this, Tang Shaoyang laughed aloud. "Hahaha, there's no way such talent exists... ehhhhh?!!!" Ding! Dong! "3 Talents are consumed! You have been granted Divine Body! Good Luck, Gamer Tang Shaoyang!" Tang Shaoyang immediately checked the detail of Divine Body. After a brief silence, he muttered unbelievably. "Such Talents really exist..." Note: I don't own the cover. If the creator wants me to take down the cover or put credit, please notify me by replying to my review at the Review section.
HotIce · 7.7M Views

Einar : The Forsaken

Einar Stonbrol's life in modern times was a bleak one. A struggling alcoholic, he wandered aimlessly, void of purpose or direction. His days blended together in a haze of cheap liquor and broken dreams. But fate, it seemed, had other plans. Reborn in a fantasy world, Einar finds himself in a realm where magic and mythical creatures reign supreme. At first, he's as lost as ever, but something within him stirs. Perhaps it's the thrill of battle, or the camaraderie of his newfound companions, but Einar begins to awaken to his new life. As he navigates this strange new world, Einar discovers that his past experiences – though marred by alcoholism – have granted him unexpected advantages. His tolerance for pain and hardship serves him well in the face of danger, and his sharp wit, once dulled by alcohol, now proves a valuable asset. Determined to make the most of his second chance, Einar sets out to become the strongest being in this realm. He faces formidable foes, forges unbreakable bonds with unlikely allies, and uncovers hidden secrets about his past and the world around him. The mantle of "The Forsaken" follows him, a reminder of his past life's struggles and his newfound purpose. Einar's journey is one of redemption, as he battles to overcome the demons of his past and forge a new destiny. Will he find a way to balance his ambition with the bonds of friendship and the greater good, or will the shadows of his former life consume him once more? In "Einar the Forsaken," the lines between legend and reality blur, and the fate of a world hangs in the balance. Join Einar on his epic quest to reclaim his life and forge a new legacy.
The_Lost_Dreamer · 15.3K Views

The Ultimate Dominion: Founding an Indomitable Empire

[Warning: Mature Content] Rayden Zephyrios, a remarkably handsome and robust young man, is unexpectedly summoned to an alternate realm. In this new world, he is designated to serve as a Combat Magician, tasked with enhancing the military prowess of a certain kingdom. However, after an evaluation of his magical capabilities, it is revealed that he possesses only two innate abilities: telekinesis and plant growth—both of which are considered rather mundane and commonplace among the populace. Deeming Rayden's potential impact negligible, the king decides to grant him his freedom, bestowing upon him several bags of gold and independent ownership of expansive lands located within the treacherous wilderness of the borderlands. Far from feeling disheartened or disadvantaged, Rayden views this new chapter of his life as increasingly alluring, unburdened by the constraints he once faced on Earth. In a surprising twist, upon re-evaluating his inherent abilities, Rayden discovers that the initial assessment was marred by a technical error. In reality, he possesses Ultimate Gravity Magic, enabling him to manipulate gravitational forces to the most extreme degrees, and Ultimate Verdant Magic, granting him mastery and absolute control over all forms of plant life. With these formidable powers at his disposal, Rayden sets forth on an ambitious mission to establish a realm where he can live freely, unencumbered by any form of scarcity or need. (Content Advisory: This narrative contains mature themes, including intense violence and yuri elements. It is crafted specifically for readers who are comfortable with and can appreciate such complex themes. If you are under the legal age or find these elements unsettling, it is advised to discontinue reading.) (Cover Image: Ai-Generated)
Asura_Ranker · 18.8K Views

Dear Dia; My Sweet Sixteenth Diary 1

This isn't your typical high school tale...  "The 'Divas' messed with the wrong Bitch" St. Nicholas High-'The Column' Annabel Mace just turned sixteen, five years after "acute lymphoblastic leukemia" ALL for short took her mom away. Turning sixteen is supposed to be sweet but to Anna, without her mom it was anything but. Having no friends, dad always away, stepmom- a bitch, stepbrother - a pain in the ass, she chose to confide in her long lost confidante, Dia whom she stopped speaking to after her mom's demise. Entry after entry she poured out the  emotions that came with this new age to Dia who never judged her, whom she trusted with her dirtiest and ugliest secrets, including her crush on Liam Denvers, the hottest boy in school. A modern Greek god. St. Nicholas High- all time sweetheart, captain of the football squad. The boy who makes her heart race. And her hate for Felicia Burner, a single divorcée, her father's former secretary, Henry's mom and the gold digger her dad had married three years after her mom died. Even her disdain for Henry Burner, the stupid stepbrother she got from the wedlock. And her adventures as she crosses items from her 'Sixteen-to-do-list'. But when the notorious 'Divas' of St. Nicholas High (Mia Hover, Susan Sams and Alicia Stones) gets wind of their deepest secrets, sixteen became an age she would never forget.  What will beget of Annabel Mace, will the pain forever mar her, will she be able to rise above the pangs, will Dia become a memory of the past, will she forge ahead with their friendship, will Liam Denvers keep his promise of being her prom date after realizing her infatuation towards him, will Felicia Burner ever forgive her, will Henry Burner ever speak to her again, will Daddy be able to look at her again, will she be able to face the school again and will her life ever know happiness once more? Find out in the book "Dear Dia; My Sweet Sixteenth Diary".                                 Josephine Boldface,                                St. Nicholas High,                             The Column Correspondent. 
Henry_Raggins · 18.1K Views

Exodus Gamble

The world is ending in 30 days, and Leah Móu refuses to die twice. In her first life, she did everything by the book—waited for the military lottery, got a spot on their overcrowded ship, and died eight years into the journey. Starved, beaten, and forgotten. Now, she's back—thirty days before Earth's destruction—and this time? Screw the lottery. She wants luxury. She wants security. She wants a private ship. There’s just one problem. The one man rich enough to buy her a ticket off this dying rock doesn’t have a ship—because he’s not planning to leave. Kael Orion Voss—retired Alpha general, supermarket mogul, and certified pain-in-the-ass—fully intends to die with the planet. His genetically modified body is breaking down. He’s got thirty good years left, and he’d rather spend them sipping scotch in his penthouse than wasting a decade rotting in a tin can heading for Mars or so he thought. Leah crashes into his life—literally—with insane claims that Earth is about to explode. And worse? She wants him to gamble billions on a military ship auction he wasn’t invited to. She’s crazy. She’s desperate. So why can’t he bring himself to throw her out? Maybe it’s the way she knows things no one should know. Maybe it’s the fire in her eyes that says she’s already survived hell. Or maybe… it’s the way his Alpha instincts scream when she gets too close. Because Leah’s not just a con artist. She’s an Omega. His Omega. And the world may be ending—but suddenly, Kael has something worth living for. Release Rate: Weekday 2ch M-T BONUS: Reviews +1ch (Use+) Notes: Rewriting due to being too draggy
Sophia3515 · 8.4K Views

On the brink of death:A werewolf and human love story

Clara Wilson the heiress to Diamond Group got engaged to the love of her life Isaac Hartford the heir to Starlight Group, due to an unforeseen betrayal, Clara Wilson on the brink of death on the night of full moon, Alpha and his pack hunting for prey, rescues Clara and turned her to a werewolf through an Alpha's bite. will she survive from the Alpha's bite? Excerpts: The ambient sound of waves gently lapping against the hull, coupled with the distant hum of the ship's engines, only amplifies her thoughts. She forces a smile, raising her glass in a toast, masking her emotions with practiced ease. The couple clinks their glasses with hers, their happiness an unspoken contrast to the quiet yearning in her heart. "I'll go inside the suite and rest now you guys enjoy." She said making her way to the suite. "Babe I need to get something inside the suite." Isaac said. "Alright don't keep me here waiting, I can't do without seeing you for a second." "Really that's my girl." He said, kisses her forehead and left. Isaac didn't go to their suite but he went to Jacqueline's suite he pushed opened the door. "Did I scare you?" He asked. "Why didn't you knock on the door before coming in what if I'm undressing." "Sighed softly it's not like this is the first time I'm seeing you undressed should I get rid of your night gown." He said kissing her collar bone. She didn't reject his offer, wrapped her arms around his neck he kissed her thin lips vigorously. Few minutes passed Isaac had not returned yet, she decided to go and check on him, she checked their suite he was not there, she headed to Jacqueline's suite to ask her If she had seen Isaac. She opened the door to Jacqueline's suite and then, her eyes flickered tears rapidly streamed down her face a pang of shame stabbed at her watching her best friend and the love of her life together on bed exchanging intimacies. "! How could you do this to me? What are you two doing together on bed?" Both of them stared at her without any sigh of remorsefulness. "It's just like what you're seeing right now" She moved closer to the bed drags the sheet off Jacqueline exposing her nakedness grabbed her brown hair hitting her head against the cluttered table beside the bed. Jacqueline stretches her hand reaching for the wine she held it and hits Clara's head with the wine bottle, the glass shattered against Clara's head. The sharp crack echoed in the tense silence and crimson blood began to seep, dripping onto the plush carpet and pooling under the shards of broken glass, Clara fainted. The room descended into chaos, the once romantic moments now marred by betrayal and violence. "Oh my goodness what have you done Jacqueline." "Is she dead?" She asked curiously in fear. "What are we going to do now?" "I don't think she is dead yet she fainted probably." He said.  "I know what to do." He carried her heading to the edge of the ship Jacqueline followed him , Isaac pulled off his shirt soaked with blood used it to clean the blood stain on his hand and neck. He folded the shirt and throws it into the sea. Jacqueline standing at the edge of the ship bitting her fingers  panicked about the situation. "Please don't kill me, help me I promise not to cause any trouble for both of you, I will forgive and pretend nothing happened here." Clara muttered in pain. "So you're finally awake"
Hira_pen1 · 3.3K Views
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