The Cursed One...
In a realm where love and betrayal intertwine, Princess Candice Sapphira's existence is a constant reminder of her mother's infidelity. Her mere presence is a source of shame for the King, who longs to rid himself of her. However, the King's mother, the formidable witch Theodore, has her own agenda. In a bid to avenge her son's heartbreak, she casts a powerful curse on Candice: she will never love in return.
As Candice grows, she embarks on a captivating adventure to break the chains of her curse. With courage and determination, she confronts the darkness that surrounds her, seeking to redefine her destiny and discover the true essence of love. Will she succeed in overcoming the witch’s spell, or will she remain forever trapped in a life devoid of affection? Join Candice on her journey of self-discovery and empowerment in this enchanting tale of resilience and hope.