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Gl Mangwa

The Scum Emperor's Redemption System

[Disclaimer: Contains comedic humor and elements that may not be your preference. There is Gender-Bend, NSFW in Some Chapters, Futanari, GL/Yuri, Harem, Gore. Future Chapters Will Have More NSFW Scenes. Be warned before reading and go to other books you may like.] A devastating tragedy befell the Imperial Family of the Valtirium Empire, with the emperor and his offsprings meeting a grim fate. Amidst the destruction, one unexpected heir remained - the youngest and most infamous of the Imperial children, Argider Valtirium. A lustful man who bedded several women. Upon inheriting the crown, Argider seized the opportunity to cast off the shackles of responsibility and propriety. Driven by a mix of grief, resentment, and an insatiable desire for personal pleasure, he indulged in every whim and vice that came his way. However, fate played a cruel trick; he was assassinated. Then, in mockingly after he finally promised to act on his duties, he awoke the next day as a... girl?! - [Welcome To The Redemption System. Repent Or Stay As A Woman Forever!] "?!" In order to return to his former self, Argider needed to become a better person. Will he endure the all the forced character developments, the consequences of his actions, the constant disturbance between him and his desires, and last of all, redeem himself as a human? Follow him on his journey to get through the political ambitions, personal struggles, wars amongst the people who he had done wrong, and reflections after becoming a woman. ___________________________________ If you're liking the story so far, please drop some gifts and donation so that this story can continue! The novel needs some funding 100 Power Stones = 1 Extra Chapter 200 Power Stones = 2 Extra Chapters 300 Power Stones = 3 Extra chapters 1 Golden Tickets = 1 Extra chapters per week 5 Golden Tickets = 2 Extra chapters per week 10 Golden Tickets = 3 Extra chapters per week Patreon Link: Other Social Links (Instagram, Twitter, Discord, etc) :
Celipse · 216.8K Views

Aimé par un homme plus âgé

La dote est de deux millions de dollars, pas un centime de moins. Jiang Yu a déjà dix-huit ans et peut se marier maintenant. Envoyez l'argent sur ma carte, et cette affaire est réglée !" Jiang Yu regardait sa mère, qui parlait sans arrêt à la table des négociations. Elle la regardait fixer son prix pendant qu'elle vendait Jiang Yu. Jiang Yu n'en revenait pas. Il y a dix-huit ans, ils ont ramené à la maison le mauvais bébé de l'hôpital, et Jiang Yu, la véritable fille d'une famille aisée, s'est retrouvée dans un orphelinat jusqu'à l'année dernière. Jiang Ran, la fausse fille de la famille Jiang, a grandi avec une cuillère en argent dans la bouche. Avec des ressources supérieures depuis qu'elle était jeune, elle était plus remarquable que Jiang Yu à tous égards et était devenue la fierté de la famille Jiang. Jiang Yu, qui errait la plupart du temps dans le monde extérieur, n'était rien d'autre qu'une péquenaude qui rendait sa mère risée du cercle mondain. Cependant, Jiang Yu ne se doutait pas de la haine immense de sa mère envers elle. Le jour de ses dix-huit ans, sa mère la 'vendit' pour une somme nommée. Jiang Yu dit, "Si vous voulez marier votre fille à quelqu'un d'autre, ça devrait être Jiang Ran. Je suis votre véritable fille. C'est vous qui avez pris Jiang Ran par erreur à la maison !" Sa mère répliqua, "Tais-toi. J'aurais souhaité ne jamais t'avoir donné naissance. Tu n'as apporté que honte à moi !" Jiang Ran dit, "Grande Sœur, tout ce que Maman fait est pour ton bien. Ne blâme pas Maman." Sa mère dit, "Je suis convaincue qu'elle n'est rien d'autre qu'un percepteur de dettes qui est venu me réclamer son dû ! Ou tu me donnes deux millions de dollars, ou tu te maries sagement !" Jiang Yu a quitté la maison dans le désespoir. Par un concours de circonstances étrange, elle s'est retrouvée à épouser accidentellement un PDG. Dès lors, l'homme de trente ans choyait sa femme de dix-huit ans jusqu'aux cieux. La petite fille disait, "Monsieur, quelqu'un a maltraité ta femme !" L'homme dit, "Quel incapable aveugle ose donc te maltraiter ?"
Mountain Springs · 67.8K Views

Alle wollen die glückliche Tochter verwöhnen

Die Familie des Herzogs hat ein Jahrhundert lang keine Töchter gehabt. Als ihnen endlich eine Tochter geboren wurde, hätte sie all die Liebe und Verwöhnung bekommen sollen, aber es stellte sich heraus, dass die echte Tochter bei der Geburt vertauscht und von einer Familie gutherziger Jäger aufgenommen worden war. Seit sie das Mädchen adoptiert hatten, schienen die Jäger bei allem Glück zu haben - das Wild lief in die Fallen und Netze, die sie auslegten, und sie fanden überall seltene Kräuter. Zehn Tränen später erkannte die Familie des Herzogs endlich die Wahrheit, dass ihre Tochter vertauscht worden war, und reiste über tausend Meilen weit, um sie nach Hause zu holen. Nachdem sie zu ihrer richtigen Familie zurückgekehrt war, wurde die Tochter zweifellos von allen Familienmitgliedern verwöhnt... Nachdem sie aufgewachsen war, zeichnete sich Lin Qingluo in den Kampfkünsten aus und stieg zur Spitze der Kampfkunstwelt auf. Als sie sich mit ihren Brüdern und ihrem Vater auf das Schlachtfeld begab, vernichtete sie ihre Feinde, wurde als Kriegsgöttin bekannt und gewann unzählige Bewunderer. Herr des Pavillons des himmlischen Geheimnisses: Dein Ruf eilt dir voraus, Milady - niemand ist mit dir vergleichbar, wie die Gerüchte besagen. Oberhaupt des Trank-Tals: Eure Fähigkeiten in der Medizin sind außergewöhnlich, und ich beuge mich Eurem Wissen. Ich verspreche Euch meine Loyalität, wenn Ihr mir beibringt, Medizin zu praktizieren und den Menschen zu helfen. Der Erste Prinz der Qi-Nation: Danke, dass Ihr mich gerettet habt. Ich stehe für mein Leben in Eurer Schuld. Lin Qingluo: Ein anhänglicher Prinz hat mein Herz gestohlen, und ich kann an nichts anderes mehr denken als an ihn. Ich habe keine andere Person im Kopf.
Ting Lan Listening to the Rain · 19.2K Views

Vom CEO zur Konkubine

Yan Zheyun wurde als Gewinner geboren und gezüchtet. Seine Eltern standen auf der Forbes-Liste, er war der Abschiedsredner seiner Abschlussklasse an der besten Universität des Landes, und als Sahnehäubchen wurde er von seinen Mitschülern vier Jahre in Folge zum "Schulbesten" gewählt. Und jetzt, mit nur fünfundzwanzig, war Yan Zheyun stolzer Vorsitzender und CEO seines eigenen Technologieunternehmens. Doch der Tag, der eigentlich der glücklichste seines Lebens hätte sein sollen, wurde zum schlimmsten, als er auf dem Weg zum Kaffee eine seltsame Roboterstimme hörte, nur weil er es nicht erwarten konnte, dass seine Sekretärin aus dem Kopierraum zurückkam. [FEHLERBERICHT #193842347: ANDERSWELTLICHE SEELE ENTDECKT. ABSCHIEBUNGSSEQUENZ EINLEITEN]. Und dann ist er gestorben. Bei einem sehr langweiligen, sehr alltäglichen Autounfall. ...außer vielleicht, dass er es nicht tat. Das erste, was Yan Zheyun dachte, als er die Augen öffnete und sich in einem Schlafzimmer wiederfand, das aussah wie die Kulisse eines dieser inneren Palastdramen, war: Wow, der Kaffee war es nicht wert. Das Zweite, was er dachte, als er feststellte, dass er sich in einem historischen BL-Roman befand und in den Körper einer tragischen Schönheit gewandert war, die von ihren zahlreichen Geliebten benutzt und missbraucht wurde (werden sollte), war: Ich muss meine Augen mit der falschen Technik geöffnet haben, lass es mich noch einmal versuchen ... nein, immer noch da. Naja. F**k. Vom CEO zum niederen Sklaven, Yan Zheyun konnte sein Glück nicht fassen. Gefangen in einer fremden Welt und umgeben von verrückten Oberhäuptern (auch bekannt als "Der Kindheitsfreund", "Der Sohn des Generals", "Der Kronprinz", "Ein anderer Prinz", "Der unheimliche Herzog" usw.), wurde Yan Zheyun klar, dass seine eintägige Erfahrung als CEO ihn nicht ausreichend auf dieses neue Leben voller Elend vorbereitet hatte. Aber er war nicht der Typ, der kampflos aufgibt, und so beschloss Yan Zheyun, sich von dem schrecklichen romantischen Handlungsstrang fernzuhalten, sich einen neuen politischen Handlungsstrang zu suchen und dabei ein paar dicke Schenkel zu umarmen und sich die Gunst der Mächtigen zu sichern. Und wessen Schenkel würden sich in einer dynastischen Monarchie besser zum Umarmen eignen als der des Kaisers selbst? Liu Yao: ...Dieser Herrscher erlaubt Euch, auch andere Teile zu umarmen. Paarung: - Der-Souverän-schaut-stern-aber-ist-geheim-lieb!Kaiser oben VS-ich-schaue-aus-wie-ein-Kaninchen-aber-ich-bin-geheim-ein-Fuchs!Sklaven-unten - KEIN Harem, die ganze Geschichte ist 1v1 Warnungen: - Dieser Roman behandelt einige schwere Themen, die sich aus der Sklaverei und dem Kastensystem ergeben. Ich habe Triggerwarnungen hinzugefügt, wo es relevant ist, aber nur als Vorwarnung, die Drecksäcke werden nicht ohne Grund Drecksäcke genannt! Aktualisierungen: 21:00 GMT+8 Illustriert von: HAZHE
Queeniecat · 16.7K Views

Crônicas Abissais

Na parte norte do mundo, uma longa batalha entre várias raças e a raça demônio finalmente alcançou seu fim. A Senhora Demônio, uma figura de cabelos negros e olhos vermelhos, reina de seu palácio de obsidiana, tendo derrotado repetidamente a Deusa, o ser mais poderoso do mundo. No entanto, ela se abstém de matá-la, sabendo que ela apenas renascerá para liderar outro ataque. Enquanto a deusa se ajoelha diante dela, gravemente ferida e impotente, os sons de explosões ecoam do lado de fora, sinalizando a iminente vitória da aliança. Apesar de seu imenso poder, a senhora demônio reconhece a fraqueza geral dos demônios comparada aos humanos e à Aliança. O desenvolvimento da energia de luta e mana permitiu que humanos ordinários lutassem contra demônios, levando à derrota do exército demônio. Consciente da intenção da Aliança de escravizar o demônio abissal, a Senhora Demônio decide lançar um feitiço proibido que custará sua vida. Quando as forças da Aliança invadem o palácio, hesitam ao sentir a energia do feitiço. A Senhora Demônio jura resistir e renascer para salvar seu povo. Enquanto isso, a deusa reflete sobre o tratamento passado da senhora demônio para com ela e reconhece seu respeito e dedicação ao seu povo. Enquanto a senhora demônio se prepara para lançar o feitiço, a deusa pergunta se ela pode abandonar seu plano e viver livremente. No entanto, senhoras demônio têm o dever de restaurar a glória da raça demônio e proteger seu povo. Entendendo a resolução da senhora demônio, a deusa prepara sua espada, pretendendo colidir com o feitiço proibido da senhora demônio. A explosão resultante cria uma nuvem em forma de cogumelo, marcando o fim do conflito e o início de uma nova era. A Senhora Demônio e a Deusa se tornam figuras históricas, suas histórias contadas ocasionalmente.
Hail_The_loli · 8.4K Views

Gutaussehende CEOs liebenswerte Ehefrau

"Du bist das Mondlicht, das die Dunkelheit der Nacht erhellt. Du bist der Regen, der das ausgetrocknete Land flickt. Du bist der Atem, der mein Herz lebendig hält." "Haha, Gatte, du wirst immer besser darin mir zu schmeicheln" "Solange es für dich ist, kann ich in allem besser werden, was du willst, meine liebe Frau." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Während sie um ihr Leben rennt, opfert sie sich, um ihren Geliebten entkommen zu lassen. Hua Lan wacht in einem fremden, luxuriösen Zimmer auf und stellt fest, dass sie sich an nichts von sich selbst erinnern kann. Als sie erfährt, dass die Informationen über ihre Existenz ausgelöscht sind und dass sie sich vor den Leuten in Acht nehmen muss, die hinter ihr her sind, beginnt Hua Lan ein neues Leben mit einer neuen Identität. Umgeben von ihrem gut aussehenden Ehemann und seiner liebevollen Familie, passt sich Hua Lan (jetzt Mu Lan) an ihr neues Leben an. Aber jetzt hört sie in ihren Träumen ein Mädchen flüstern: "Solange du nicht sagst 'Ich liebe dich', werde ich unsere Erinnerungen für mich behalten. Lebe wohl, meine Liebe." Mu Liang weiß, dass um sie herum etwas Geheimnisvolles vor sich geht. Sie hat einen rätselhaften Hintergrund und verblüffende Fähigkeiten. Aber es ist ihm egal, wer sie in der Vergangenheit war und warum man sie immer wieder angreift. Er kann nur daran denken, sie zu lieben, sie zu schätzen und sie einzusperren, damit sie nie wieder in ihre Vergangenheit zurückkehren kann. Denn er weiß, dass er nicht einen Moment ohne sie leben kann. Sie versuchen, das Geheimnis um Hua Lan zu lüften. Aber sie braucht ihr Gedächtnis zurück. Der beste Arzt kann nicht verstehen, warum sie sich an nichts mehr erinnern kann. Wenn sie jedoch in ein Paar grausame Augen blickt, tut ihr der Kopf weh. Da sie ihr Gedächtnis nicht wiedererlangen kann, müssen sie einen anderen Weg wählen, um ihre Rätsel zu lösen. Aber was wird sie tun, nachdem sie ihr Gedächtnis wiedererlangt hat? Jemand und einige Leute müssen ein paar Ohrfeigen bekommen. Aber wer wird die Ohrfeigen bekommen? Und wer wird am Ende lachen können? ~WILLKOMMEN ZUM ERSTEN ORIGINAL CEO BUCH AUF WEBNOVEL ***Dies ist eine Geschichte über ein Mädchen, das für sich selbst und die Menschen, die ihr wichtig sind, kämpft. Sie versucht herauszufinden, wer sie ist, nachdem sie ihr Gedächtnis verloren hat, und die Menschen um sie herum werden ihr helfen, die Rätsel um sie herum zu lösen. ***wird überarbeitet. wenn du Fehler findest, weise bitte darauf hin*** **WARNUNG: PLAGIIEREN SIE NICHT UND VERÖFFENTLICHEN SIE DIESE ARBEIT NICHT AUF ANDEREN SEITEN. WENN IHNEN DAS WERK GEFÄLLT, EMPFEHLEN SIE ES ANDEREN IN WEBNOVEL.COM ZU LESEN. __________________________________ Buchreihe: 1. Handsome CEO's Darling Wife 2. Meine Frau ist eine Göttin: 99 geheime Küsse 3. Verlorene Glückseligkeit 4. Die Kobra Weitere Bücher: 1. Meine Geliebte 2. Vom Schicksal verwirrt __________________________________ Discord-Server - Instagram: flow07.autor Facebook-Seite: Flow07 Unterstützen Sie mich. Gönner: Kaufen Sie mir einen Kaffee:
Flow07 · 58.2K Views

The Ogre Strength Fairy and the Eldest 'Son'

~Updates Daily~ (usually near 8PM ET / 1AM GMT) Other Tags: #GL #Slice of Life #Comedy #TheStrongActingWeak #ChildhoodSweethearts (It counts!) Single love interest Yuri! No lengthy misunderstandings over this fact~ --- After failing to ascend to the heights of Divinity despite all her preparations, an ancient cultivator finds herself not embracing the emptiness of the void - but the interior warmth of a womb. Her memories intact despite her spirit being a merest fraction of her height - and her trusted Astralism unchanged - she carefully starts over from an infant. How to navigate her family: [really easy with only two parents and an estate full of servants!] How to portray herself: [everyone likes 'sweet' kids and trusts (underestimates) 'weak' girls!] How 'quickly' to reveal the power she gathers: [this region is a 'backwater', let's just take it slow~] How her marriage was arranged before birth: [my parents adore me so at an appropriate time I'll just have it cance- oh?] Dealing with an 'amusing' deceit: ['he' looks worried still, but 'he' doesn't have to worry from me!] Confronting the 'boy' in private: [whatever their iffy plan is, I just obtained a husband-wife~] Even in a new life, | Elua er Goltbred | can't and doesn't *want* to change who she really is. A scheming cultivator. A possessive lover. Neither of those things had been a real hindrance to the Peak of Demi-God. Balancing the two in this life - without driving away the young 'boy' she decided would be hers - centers as much around helping | Qatrand er Yecine | find herself... as it is hoping to ease the fiance into how messed up the 'younger' girl honestly is. It's a good thing that the reborn cultivator can improvise with her ridiculous control of an Illusion Astralism - because plans fail and unexpected things happen when you're not *really* a genius. Like her Physique in this life allowing the lightest 'grip' to crack stone... | Qat | (the nickname picked almost instantly!) despite being a little stunted by her family environment early on, finds her future wife to be 'cute' on their first meeting. ... she really shouldn't have let on. It made her | El | kind of vain. Oh, and muscles. | Elua | : I just like looking at them, okay!? Is it so weird? People can have hobbies... - - - > Types of Cultivation // Spiritual (Soul), Physical (Body), Essence (Qi) > Aspect Trinity // Astralism, Physique, Element 'Ranks' Initial - Early, Mid, Late Lower Realms // Enchanter, Primalist, Breacher Upper Realms // Defier, Demi-god, Divinity - Echelons (First -> Seventh[Peak]) - - - Cover Art: AI Text Prompt Generation + title (etc.) added with an image editor. I also tend to do other 'fixes' in post! Potential trigger warnings: > A FL that may seem (to some) like they are being groomed due to 'true age' difference. > A MC that gets a little 'thirsty' a little 'young' but tries to 'keep her own pants on' until the proper age. > A toxic family environment willing to force an unloved child into the role of a crossdresser. A child that grew more than okay with it. > 'Pretty Good Dad' intentionally 'picked on' by his 'sweet daughter' for being a relatively 'minor obstacle'. Seriously, you were warned, average fathers with teenagers. Do not engage your trauma.
Seraphelki · 220.5K Views

I Became a Scumbag in The End Times With a System and a Wife? (GL)

Lu Wuqi was killed while trying to protect a little girl from tens of bullets. But instead of dying, she became the successor of the 'RV upgrade system' and was reborn in a melodramatic post apocalyptic novel and became the scumbag with the same name as her who gave her wife to others to play with to save her life. The scumbag even tried to kill their baby by abandoning her in this world filled with rampant zombies. In the original novel, Lu Wuqi was a vain alpha woman who was even cheating on her wife. she didn't even want to endure the hardships and only wanted to curry favor with the boss of a gang by selling her wife. She wanted to let her wife be the plaything of the whole gang just to enjoy a glass of wine and food. She also felt that their baby daughter was nothing but a burden in the end times and even tried to let her be the food of zombies, this scene was seen by the heroine Yun Qingyue and in a moment of desperation, she awakened superpowers and killed the whole gang as well as the original Lu Wuqi and escaped from there with her daughter. Later, She even met her destined alpha 'Lin Ge' who respected and loved her very much. They even set up their own base and recruited a lot of members and their base also became the only place where omegas could stay safe. Their base also grew larger as they became stronger and they even established their own kingdom after eradicating the zombies. Lu Wuqi couldn't help but feel unfair : qAq... Why am I a scumbag trash.... qAq... Fortunately, Lu Wuqi was an expert mercenary in her previous life and even the boss of her own mercenary agency. Her fighting skills and physical fitness were extremely amazing, coupled with the 'RV upgrade system' , she changed her original destiny written in the novel. She escaped with the cub and the heroine and even made their own magical RV. Later, she slowly regained the trust of the heroine and even grew to love her and their little cub by her whole heart. Lu Wuqi : Hmmphh!! Who said, I was a straight woman?? I obviously Love my wife very much... hehee,.... .. .. # A little Sneak Peek : Lu Wuqi was currently kneeling on her knees outside their bedroom, Lu Wuqi : Babyyyy~~ I'm Sorry, I will be gentle next time... Yun Qingyue : Shameless!! You always say this.... #Another day, Yun Qingyue : I seem to have just seen your dear white moonlight... Lu Wuqi (Scared Jpg.) : Really? I mean... what white moonlight?? I don't have any.. Yun Qingyue : With a smile on her face : Really?? Lu Wuqi : qAq.... THIS IS MY ORIGINAL BOOK!!! READ AND ENJOY...
Saim_Hossain · 89.8K Views

Elysium: Desired by the Cold-hearted Princess [GL]

 It all started with losing her mother, getting thrown into a boarding school, and then having the rumored witch-like princess of the kingdom desire her and want her by all means necessary. But it isn't the innocent type of desire she had expected. It's something much darker than she could ever handle.         ****  Sera didn't think her life would ever take a turn for the worst until her worthless father remarried her mother's half sister and, on her orders, sent Sera to a boarding school that was far off in a different kingdom—Elysium High, an all-girls academy for the most prestigious daughters in all of the seven kingdoms.    In Elysium, only the most powerful could survive, as even the prettiest and most innocent-looking faces had skeletons in their closests and would ruin anyone or anything that got in their way. Unfortunately for innocent and naive Sera, she would become the newest prey of Elysium, and everyone wants a piece of the beautiful redhead.     But what happens when the most unexpected person also takes an interest in her?   Electra's name alone was enough to get the entire school shaking in fear. Not only was she the only heir to the most powerful kingdom in the realm, she was also known as the cold-hearted queen of Elysium High. Nothing and no one ever caught Electra's attention, until the arrival of Sera, where everything changed.     And all it took was for clumsy Sera to bump into the most powerful one of them all.  *** THIS BOOK IS RATED 18+! It contains matured content such as: ⁃ Bullying ⁃ Smut (BDSM included) ⁃ Violence. ⁃ Harem So read with caution, and don't say you weren't warned!
jobetgrayson · 309.7K Views

Blood Riding Hood

Genre: GL, Action, Smut, Fantasy Tags: r18, Powers, Magic, Dark, Demons, Monsters Eve Sevral, a pure-blooded vampire and master swordswoman, stands as a formidable force in a world veiled in darkness and blood. Born into the illustrious Sevral family, renowned throughout the vampire realm for their pure lineage and immense power, Eve's life took a drastic turn when she betrayed her kin. Now an outcast, she roams the lands as a mercenary, her name whispered in both fear and awe. Brutal and arrogant, Eve's demeanor is one of unyielding confidence and ruthless efficiency. Yet, beneath this exterior lies a complex character bound by her own moral code—she never targets the innocent, whether they be human or otherwise. Her skills in swordsmanship are unparalleled, and when combined with her mastery of blood magic, she becomes an unstoppable force on the battlefield. Eve's world, Ezka, is a sprawling land teeming with a myriad of species and beasts—dwarves, elves, dragons, imps, and horrors beyond imagination. Amidst this chaos, Eve's journey is both solitary and crowded. Within her mind reside two harbingers of evil: Traikx Khan, a high-ranking demon from the 12 hells who is a sadist who revels in manipulation and suffering, and Ebojak, the spirit of a cursed being once vanquished by the legendary group of heroes known as "Selene's Chosen.", it lavishes within the premises of battle, carnage, and destruction Despite the malevolent nature of these entities, Eve maintains a peculiar relationship with them. Conversations with Traikx Khan and Ebojak are not uncommon, as she navigates her path through Ezka. However, their true motives remain a mystery, adding layers of complexity to her existence. Driven by a relentless pursuit of wealth and pleasure, Eve's motivations are as carnal as they are mercenary. Each job she takes brings her closer to her desires, whether it be the gleam of gold or the thrill of indulgence. As she navigates a treacherous world filled with danger and deceit, Eve's journey is one of survival, power, and the quest for her own form of redemption, forever shadowed by the legacy of the Sevral name.
Cronus_T1mE · 5K Views

[BL] My Darling Host Refuses To Take Off His Fursuit!!

My first novel yaey (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧ ——— Furan Shi only wanted to be a cutie little princess. That's it. So when he died, nobody missed him. After his family and relatives, the next person to attend his funeral was his homeroom teacher and friends™, his murderer, and then a mysterious red-eyed crow. Said mysterious crow sucked his soul right out and offered him a better life than this. No, he still won't be a cutie princess, but he can be the next best thing after that. He was invited to transmigrate into different realities without any restrictions. It wasn't a Villain system, a Cannon fodder system... it doesn't belong to any category. Just experiencing the worlds should be enough to satisfy it. Furan Shi agreed with one condition. Filter: ‘Animal Characteristics’ System: Are you… sure about this? Furan Shi, pouting: Is that not possible..? System: … you're welcome to do as you like =͟͟͞͞(꒪ᗜ꒪‧̣̥̇) [Yes, this is a quick transmigration novel.] [Yes, this has bl, but the transmigrator would change genders in some worlds hence the gl tag please click away if you're not comfortable with this one.] [Yes, all cutesy cutie pie bc I have the big sad.] [Yes, the host is always a demihuman, more often than not part animal haha.] [No, the host isn't always an animal demihuman.] [And no, this isn't necessarily about furries. Eh, but I'm open to negotiations.. ╮(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)╭] I do apologize in advance if this is not your cup of tea. I'm trying my best to make this as light-themed and fast-paced as possible for people like me who just wanted to relax, aka not much brain games... not much face slapping.. ehe..
santaVanilla · 28.1K Views

Otome Game: I, The Heroine Will Be Your Savior! (GL)

A streamer who had thousands of fans in Japan, who loved otome games, reviews them posting online and making a living out of streaming. One day one of her fans sent her a very horrible rated otome game but since she was curious and it was her passion to rate every otome game that ever existed, she downloaded it and played it for the whole day. "What the heck?! All the love interests are horrible on this game?!" The production company who made the game, [Love Lily Blossom Otome Game]. Such a long name by the way, made all the love interest have some sort of distorted personality and even if the heroine does end up with one of them, she'll be either locked in the love interest's mansion, exiled, or will be the love interest's slave?! Only the villainess was the only sensible one but even she got the worst ending too for being engaged with the crown prince- and dying at every route she's on. "The author of this game is... psychotic. Why invest a Millions of Yen in a game like this? I wish I could save the Villainess myself." One day, she suddenly dies and realizes she's not in her own body anymore. She was being pinned down by the Villainess in the wall proceeding to threaten her. "If you don't leave the crown prince alone. I'll have no choice but to use other ways to shut you up." she says coldly, glaring at the cowering girl. Well that was the Villainess thought but the former streamer was just so confused and excited she couldn't help but shout- "I-I'm the Heroine of Love Lily Bloom?!" The Villainess looked at her weirdly once the Heroine was eyed leveled with her gaze. Those pupils dilated and seemed to have formed heart shapes irises. "You-! I'm going to save you!" I, The Heroine Will Be Your Savior! November 2021: First Idea Made. April 28, 2022: Revised. Cover Artist 2022: Sage Auger Cover Artist 2023: Myka
Zerin_Lee · 613.7K Views
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