My Job As A Slave Warrior
In the distant year 3000, a mysterious orb crashes onto Earth's surface, giving birth to deadly kaiju: colossal creatures that wreak havoc, decimating half of the planet. Forty-six years later, humans harness this orb's power, using it as an energy source to rejuvenate their world.
This newfound energy, however, triggers a transformation in women across the globe, gifting them extraordinary abilities, enabling them to finally combat the kaiju menace.
Meanwhile, in men, it lies dormant until they share a kiss with a woman, allowing them to metamorphose into pseudo-kaiju-like beings.
Despite Earth's newfound ability to resist, the kaiju remain formidable in size and strength. To safeguard their cities, a specialized unit emerges to confront all threats.
While the kaiju pose a significant threat to the world, on the horizon, an even greater threat looms, one unlike any they've encountered previously.