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Sabrina Carpenter Feather

Su amante es su ex esposa

``` —Su mayor venganza: sedúcelo, rompe su matrimonio, roba su fortuna y por último... déjalo. ***** La vida de Sabrina Williams se desmorona tras descubrir el engaño de su esposo y la adquisición deshonesta de la fortuna de su familia. Presumida muerta después de un trágico incidente, Sabrina resurge cinco años después con una nueva identidad y un ardiente deseo de venganza. Su regreso provoca un caos romántico entre el círculo íntimo del CEO, un deslumbrante desfile de solteros atractivos compitiendo por su atención. Sabrina Williams se encuentra en el centro de un remolino romántico con contendientes inesperados: su mejor amigo protector, un poderoso Jefe de la Mafia y su posesivo exesposo. El escenario está listo para un apasionante tira y afloja, un choque de amor y venganza con las emociones a flor de piel. ¡Todos los jugadores están listos, y el juego apenas comienza! ***** Cuando el escándalo con su exesposo se esparce en internet, los detractores la maldicen etiquetándola como Amante Sinvergüenza, Destructora de Hogares Inútil y Zorra Malvada... sin embargo, varios solteros poderosos se unen para defenderla. —¡Que se vayan al infierno los haters! PD: a esas modelos que antagonizaron a mi Diosa, les retiro el patrocinio de nuestra marca —dijo el CEO de la Compañía de Moda más Importante. —¡Noticias falsas! Tomaremos acciones legales por difamar a mi Diosa. Los artistas que la maldijeron serán vetados de mi compañía —anunció el Presidente de la Compañía de Entretenimiento más Grande. —¡Cállense, haters! ¡No pisen nunca uno de nuestros hoteles y resorts! —gruñó el Vicepresidente de la Empresa de Hoteles y Resorts más Grande. —¡Atrás! Borren esos comentarios maliciosos, o mi banda los perseguirá. ¡Mataré a todos los que se atrevan a ridiculizar a mi Reina! —amenazó el Jefe de la Mafia Dominante. —... —pronunció el mundo. Entonces, un comentario de confesión aparece de repente en medio del caos. —Todos pueden odiarte pero yo siempre estaré allí para ti. Sabby... te amo... te he amado desde nuestra infancia... Mi primer amor... y mi último —confesó el mejor amigo de la FL. Su exesposo ya no puede quedarse callado y declara al público. —Ella no es mi amante. Ella es mi esposa legal —afirmó el Exesposo Posesivo. —¡Esposa legal una mierda! ¡Muere ya, desgraciado loco! —espetó el amigo de la FL, Lanny. ```
ellezar_g · 39.1K Views

Majikannya adalah Mantan Istrinya

[Peringatan: R18+] "Balas Dendam Termegahnya--Rayu dia, Hancurkan pernikahannya, Curi kekayaannya, dan terakhir... BUANG dia." ***** Kehidupan Sabrina Williams hancur setelah mengetahui pengkhianatan suaminya dan perolehan curang atas kekayaan keluarganya. Dikira sudah meninggal setelah sebuah insiden tragis, Sabrina muncul kembali lima tahun kemudian dengan identitas baru dan hasrat balas dendam yang membakar. Kembalinya dia memicu kekacauan romantis di lingkaran dalam CEO, sekelompok pria tampan yang bersaing memperebutkan perhatiannya. Sabrina Williams menemukan dirinya di pusat pusaran romantis dengan peserta yang tidak terduga – sahabatnya yang protektif, seorang Bos Mafia yang kuat, dan mantan suaminya yang posesif. Panggung telah disiapkan untuk tarik-ulur yang menggetarkan – pertarungan cinta dan balas dendam dengan emosi yang memuncak. Para pemain sudah siap, dan permainannya baru saja dimulai! ***** Ketika skandalnya dengan Mantan suaminya tersebar di internet, para pembenci mengutuknya memberinya julukan Pelacur Tidak Tahu Malu, Perusak Rumah Tangga Tidak Berguna, dan Pelacur Jahat... namun beberapa bujangan yang kuat bersatu untuk membela dirinya. CEO Perusahaan Fesyen Teratas: "Pembenci, pergi ke neraka! PS: untuk para model yang memusuhi Dewiku, dengan ini saya menarik dukungan merek dari mereka." Presiden Perusahaan Hiburan Terbesar: "Berita palsu! Kami akan mengambil tindakan hukum karena memfitnah Dewiku! Artis yang mengutuknya akan dilarang dari perusahaan saya." Wakil Ketua Perusahaan Hotel dan Resor Terbesar: "Diam, Pembenci! Jangan pernah menginjakkan kaki di salah satu hotel dan resor kami!" Bos Mafia yang Mendominasi: "Mundur! Hapus komentar jahat itu, atau gengku akan memburu kalian. Aku akan membunuh semua orang yang berani menertawakan Ratu saya! Semua orang: "..." Kemudian sebuah komentar pengakuan tiba-tiba muncul di tengah kekacauan. Sahabat FL: "Semua orang bisa membencimu tapi aku akan selalu ada untukmu. Sabby... aku mencintaimu... Aku telah mencintaimu sejak tahun-tahun masa kecil kita... Cinta pertamaku... dan yang terakhir." Mantan suaminya tidak bisa diam lagi dan menyatakan kepada publik. Mantan Suami yang Posesif: "Dia bukan simpananku. Dia adalah istriku secara sah." Sahabat FL Lanny: "Istri sah Sebuah Pantat! Benar-benar bajingan gila, mati saja!"
ellezar_g · 17.6K Views

Sa Maîtresse est Son Ex-Femme

[Avertissement : R18+] « Sa plus grande revanche — Le séduire, briser son mariage, voler sa fortune, et enfin... le larguer. » ***** La vie de Sabrina Williams s'effondre après avoir découvert la tromperie de son mari et l'acquisition sournoise de la fortune de sa famille. Présumée morte après un tragique accident, Sabrina réapparaît cinq ans plus tard avec une nouvelle identité et une soif ardente de vengeance. Son retour déclenche un chaos romantique parmi le cercle intime du PDG, une éblouissante gamme de beaux célibataires luttant pour attirer son attention. Sabrina Williams se retrouve au centre d'un tourbillon romantique avec des prétendants inattendus – son meilleur ami protecteur, un puissant Patron de la Mafia, et son ex-mari possessif. La scène est prête pour un tiraillement intense – un choc entre amour et vengeance avec des émotions à vif. Les joueurs sont tous là, et la partie ne fait que commencer ! ***** Lorsque son scandale avec son ex-mari se répand sur internet, les critiques la maudissent en la qualifiant de Maîtresse Effrontée, Briseuse de Ménage Sans Valeur et Salope Diabolique... cependant, plusieurs puissants célibataires se regroupent pour la défendre. PDG de la Première Compagnie de Mode : « Que les haters aillent en enfer ! PS : pour ces mannequins qui ont antagonisé ma Déesse, je retire le parrainage de notre marque à leur égard. » Président de la Plus Grande Compagnie de Divertissement : « Fake news ! Nous allons entamer une action en justice pour diffamation envers ma Déesse ! Les artistes qui l'ont maudite seront bannis de ma compagnie. » Vice-Président de la Plus Grande Compagnie d'Hôtels et de Resorts : « Taisez-vous, Critiques ! Ne mettez jamais les pieds dans l'un de nos hôtels et resorts ! » Patron de la Mafia Dominateur : « Reculez ! Effacez ces commentaires malveillants, ou sinon, ma bande vous traquera. Je tuerai quiconque ose ridiculiser ma Reine ! » Tout le monde : « ... » Puis un commentaire de confession apparaît soudainement au milieu du chaos. Meilleur ami de FL : « Tout le monde peut te haïr mais je serai toujours là pour toi. Sabby... Je t'aime... Je t'aime depuis nos années d'enfance... Mon premier amour... et mon dernier. » Son ex-mari ne peut plus rester silencieux et déclare publiquement. Ex-mari Possessif : « Ce n'est pas ma maîtresse. C'est ma femme légalement. » Ami de FL, Lanny : « Femme légale mon cul ! Espèce de salaud fou, crève ! »
ellezar_g · 77.7K Views

Sua amante é sua ex-esposa

[Aviso: R18+] "Sua Maior Vingança--Seduza-o, Destrua seu casamento, Roube sua fortuna e, por último... DESCARTE-o." ***** A vida de Sabrina Williams desmorona após descobrir a traição de seu marido e a aquisição desonesta da fortuna de sua família. Presumida morta depois de um trágico incidente, Sabrina ressurge cinco anos depois com uma nova identidade e um ardente desejo de vingança. Seu retorno provoca um caos romântico entre o círculo íntimo do CEO, um deslumbrante leque de belos solteiros disputando sua atenção. Sabrina Williams se vê no centro de um furacão romântico com pretendentes inesperados – seu protetor melhor amigo, um poderoso Chefe da Máfia e seu possessivo ex-marido. O palco está montado para uma tensa batalha de cabo de guerra – um confronto de amor e vingança com as emoções à flor da pele. Os jogadores estão todos presentes, e o jogo está apenas começando! ***** Quando seu escândalo com o Ex-marido se espalha na internet, os detratores a amaldiçoam, marcando-a como Amante Sem Vergonha, Destruidora de Lares Inútil e Vadia Maligna... porém, vários solteiros poderosos se unem para defendê-la. CEO da Principal Empresa de Moda: "Odiadores vão para o inferno! PS: para aquelas modelos que antagonizaram minha Deusa, eu tiro o patrocínio da nossa marca delas." Presidente da Maior Empresa de Entretenimento: "Notícia falsa! Tomaremos medidas legais por difamar minha Deusa! Artistas que a amaldiçoaram serão proibidos na minha empresa." Vice-Presidente da Maior Empresa de Hotéis e Resorts: "Calem a boca, Detratores! Não ousem pisar em um dos nossos hotéis e resorts!" Chefe da Máfia Dominador: "Recuem! Apaguem esses comentários maldosos, ou senão minha gangue irá atrás de vocês. Matarei todos que ousarem ridicularizar minha Rainha!" Todo mundo: "..." Então, um comentário de confissão surge repentinamente no meio do caos. Melhor amigo da FL: "Todos podem te odiar, mas eu sempre estarei lá por você. Sabby... Eu te amo... Eu te amo desde a nossa infância... Meu primeiro amor... e o último." Seu ex-marido não pode mais ficar calado e declara ao público. Ex-marido Possessivo: "Ela não é minha amante. Ela é minha esposa legal." Amigo da FL Lanny: "Esposa legal uma ova! Cara doido, vai morrer!"
ellezar_g · 56.5K Views

His Mistress is His Ex-Wife

[Warning: R18+] "Her Greatest Revenge--Seduce him, Break his marriage, Steal his fortune, and lastly... DUMP him." ***** Sabrina Williams' life crumbles after discovering her husband's deceit and the underhanded acquisition of her family's fortune. Presumed dead after a tragic incident, Sabrina reemerges five years later with a new identity and a burning hunger for revenge. Her return sparks romantic chaos amongst the CEO's inner circle, a dazzling array of handsome bachelors vying for her attention. Sabrina Williams finds herself at the center of a romantic whirlwind with unexpected contenders– her protective best friend, a powerful Mafia Boss, and her possessive ex-husband. The stage is set for a pulsating tug-of-war—a clash of love and revenge with emotions running high. The players are all in, and the game is just getting started! ***** When her scandal with her Ex-husband spreads on the internet, bashers curse her tagging her as Shameless Mistress, Worthless Homewrecker, and Evil Slut... however several mighty bachelors unite to defend her. CEO of Top Fashion Company: "Haters go to hell! PS: to those models who antagonized my Goddess, I hereby take our brand sponsorship from them." President of the Largest Entertainment Company: "Fake news! We will take legal action for slandering my Goddess! Artists who cursed her will be banned from my company." Vice Chairman of Biggest Hotel and Resort Company: "Shut up, Bashers! Don't ever step in one of our hotels and resorts!" Domineering Mafia Boss: "Back off! Erase those malicious comments, or else my gang will hunt you down. I'll kill everyone who dares ridicule my Queen! Everyone: "..." Then a confession comment suddenly pops up amidst the chaos. FL's Best friend: "Everyone can hate you but I'll always be there for you. Sabby... I love you... I've been loving you since our childhood years... My first love... and my last." Her ex-husband can no longer stay quiet and declares to the public. Possessive Ex-husband: "She's not my mistress. She's my legal wife." FL Friend Lanny: "Legal Wife your Ass! Crazy Jerk just die!"
ellezar_g · 1.4M Views

The Grand Mistress

Simione needed to become a mistress. Not just another rich man's mistress, but M Conglomerate's President, Hawk Monsanto's. Truth was, the young billionaire does not interest Simione of any sort nor was his very attractive gorgeous looks concerned her. She just needed him for one thing, his fiancée Feather Han, owed her big time and that ballerina bitch had to pay with the most precious thing Simione desired, her broken heart. Hawk Monsanto rose to the top for one reason; he wanted to be the perfect match for the Han Scintillait's heiress. When he thought it was the right time to get what his heart desired, he willingly bleeds millions just to arrange a wedding engagement. However, whether it was work of fate or work of an evil seductress, he stumbled upon a rare beauty that he cannot set his eyes off. And before his money and rationality could ever warn him, Hawk had fallen into something his billions cannot buy. *** "Who are you?" Hawk managed to ask between his ragged breath. "That depends on who you want me to be," The girl uttered and for the first time, Hawk saw her upturned honey-colored eyes. Looking into it was like drowning yourself into something magical, something hypnotizing and very much irresistible that when the girl tiptoed to meet his lips, he willingly lowered his head to welcome her. And he was right there, opening his mouth for her—warm and wet—giving everything he must give and was kissing her back with equal ardor. The girl wrapped her arms around his neck, and he responded by pressing the girl's body closer, the fiancee forgotten. However, when Hawk was at the point of wanting more, the girl pulled away and Hawk opened his eyes bewildered onto her sudden retreat. He was gasping for air and would very much like to pull her back to finish the bliss she had started. But she only smiled at him, feeling very empowered by the fact that the M Conglomerate's President had already fallen into her trap. "What's the matter?" He asked, confused as to what made her stop. "Nothing," Her smile widened a little more, making her face bright and goddess-like and Hawk became more defenseless with that. "It's just that I only want you to have a free taste. The next of course comes with a big price"
Zijay · 1.5M Views

El retorno de los guerreros elementares

“Los gemelos no pueden estar juntos, o el mundo será destruido.” Dijo Sabrina sin emoción: "¡Tenemos que separaros!" El dolor de una nueva existencia. “¡Simon!” El llanto de la niña hizo mudanzas en el tejido de la trama.  “Yo tomaré todo lo que tienes, abuelo, y te destruiré” El odio del niño hizo quebró lazos. Dos almas que volvieron al mundo, desde temprano, solo para experimentar nuevamente el dolor y el sufrimiento. Pero había personas que de esa vez les acompañarían para luchar contra su destino escrito en piedra, y les mostrarían que vivir, no era solo desespero, cuando había alguien de tu lado. “Te ayudaré”, dijo el joven . “Enfrentaremos eso juntos” “En el pasado, cometimos errores tontos”, la chica que odiaba se puso de su lado. “Pero ahora, juntos, venceremos cualquier desafío, ¿no es para eso que volvimos?” En una dimensión rota, una niña le miraba con tanta codicia e interés que le dio pie de gallina. “Eres exactamente la cobaya que procuraba”, la niña lo miró con una sonrisa sádica que le hizo dar un paso para atrás reflexivamente. “Venga, cuidaré bien de ti” Adentrando en una tienda sospechosa e interesante, el hombre que la comandaba se viró para mirarla, sus ojos, negros, se volvieron azules, como si llamas lo incendiasen.  La chica dio un paso para atrás, sintiendo el peligro, pero la porta se cerró detrás de ella con un golpe y el hombre le sonrió. E con una voz magnética y seductora, le dijo calma y posesivamente. "Estás finalmente aquí, de esa vez, no te dejaré ir." Mientras los poderes dimensionales luchaban, planeaban, crecían, ganaban y perdían. El árbol del mundo dejó su última hoja caer. Iniciando. El fin. Esa historia es de mi autoría, pero también la publico en la webnovel. El español no es mi primer idioma, si hubiere errores, por favor avísame y sean pacientes. Plagió: no permitido, esa viene de mi cabeza, entonces, cuidado, no saben lo que hay en ella. Yo mismo tengo miedo de ella a veces :3
Miss_Fourier · 815 Views

Descendent: Rebirth of an Angel

Michael is the heir to the Bailon dynasty, a dynasty so expansive and rich the controlled half of Karmos City. His birth changed the lines of succession causing discontent and enemies in the Bailon family. All the while memories from his past life as an Archangel start to come back causing serious "episodes" in their wake. He is caught in between a war of succession that threatens his life, while also re-discovering his light powers that have now somehow changed. Celestial beasts arise out of nowhere creatures that shouldn't exist, yet they do and while dangerous, he discovers that they are his ticket to restoring his powers even acquiring the mystic gifts these monsters possess. Something horrible glimmers at the edge of his consciousness an event so catastrophic he left heaven in order to avoid it or prepare for it? A mission he embarked to bring Lucifer back however that has now changed his new mission wasn't to bring back his brethren rather he needed to kill Lucifer, and let the apocalypse happen. Excerpt: Prologue “A feathered wooden arrow shaft sticks out of my chest, black silky soft things why do they put them there anyway? Not that it matters. Dark red blood pools where the golden tipped arrow struck the chest pulverizing a rib tearing soft lung tissue underneath, breathing is difficult, extremely painful even. Lying on the ground a surface too soft and plain to be natural, blood continues to farther pool at my back, the celestial arrow must have gone through completely.” You will die Michael if you go on this journey You will die The warm fluid spreads under him almost a comforting presence except for the excruciating pain that comes with the open wound. “Humans! I thought they would love me” A labored chuckle ‘Yet here I am dying as a result of my arrogance, in retro-respect them killing each other ceaselessly should have been sign enough but no I had to heal them!’ strangely he wasn’t angry Elderine’s words reverberated endlessly in his mind. You will die You will die The sky shines twilight in the cloudy afternoon it would rain soon ‘Maybe it will wash away the blood, how optimistic of me.’ Blood continues to pour out ‘Michael the Arch-angel foiled by his kin and humans! Would make for a great poem I want to hear it.’ ‘How would it start…hmm…’ He groaned, life continued to flow out of him endlessly with every drop of his immortal blood. You will die A tear dropped from a corner of his eye down the side of his face, ‘Were angels capable of that? I guess so’ Another tear came out then more flowed out in pain, surprisingly he wasn’t crying because he was sad for himself, he had known his fate from the day he left heaven, but for those he couldn’t save, they had to suffer and die due to his recklessness he wouldn’t forgive himself or those who caused it “Elina…...Eva” he tried to shout raspy sounds came from his lips. You will die, You will return stronger than before. Soon he could not breathe any more, the Light became darkness. PS: just thought i should add this part this story does not in any way contravene or involve any type of religion, references to a religion if any are purely for fictional purposes, I do not intend to disrespect anyone.
Shinobi_rays76 · 36.5K Views

Dreams Come True: Can Dreams Turn Into Reality

Sabrina Iris Kline, a captivating journalist, unyielding in her pursuit of truth, unafraid to expose the veiled underbelly of society. Enduring relentless threats to her life, Sabrina remains steadfast, having already suffered immeasurable loss. Yet, the course of her existence takes an extraordinary twist when a mysterious enigma begins to materialize within her dreams—a man entirely foreign to her waking hours. Within the mesmerizing depths of "Dreams Come True...", get ready to embark on an enchanting odyssey, where the boundaries between reality and fantasy dissolve into ethereal whispers. Will Sabrina's heart surrender to the irresistible allure of this haunting stranger? Or shall he forever linger as a figment of her imagination, teasing her with a love she once believed unattainable? What if fate has more in store for her? What if she is destined never to encounter the man who brings solace to her restless mind, cradling her tenderly within her dreams? Prepare to traverse a realm where true love defies the constraints of probability, where Sabrina's unwavering resolve collides with an enigmatic connection that transcends the confines of time and space. Will she unravel the enigma shrouding her enigmatic dreams, or shall she eternally wander amidst a realm where reality merges with fantasy? Step into the pages of "Dreams Come True..." and unlock the concealed enigmas nestled within, as love and destiny converge in an indelible tapestry of mystery, ardor, and the extraordinary power of dreams.
neonmaxx20 · 2K Views

A Black Umbrella and White Feather

Huel lived in a world of cheesy romance novels and quiet reality. Deaf since childhood, he wore headphones not for music, but to avoid conversations he couldn’t hear. He carried a black umbrella everywhere—rain or shine—and spent every afternoon on the same park bench by the lake, watching people’s unspoken stories: a smile here, a tear there, hands clasped tight. One day, as Huel scribbled ideas for his latest story (*The Pirate’s Secret Pickle*), a loud, melodic laugh cut through his silence. He looked up. A snowy-white bird sat on a branch above him, chirping what sounded like… *giggles*. Before Huel could react, the bird hopped down—and transformed into a man. A *very* handsome man, with silver hair and a grin that sparkled. “Got you!” the man said, snatching Huel’s umbrella. His voice was clear, like bells. “I’ve been watching you ignore the world. Why?” Huel froze. He’d never heard a voice so vividly before. “H-How…?” The man tapped Huel’s headphones. “Magic. And I’m bored. You’re interesting.” He leaned closer, trapping Huel against the bench. “Let’s make a deal. I’ll give you the *best* romance plot of your life… if you let me be your boyfriend.” Huel’s face turned red. “Why?!” The man winked. “Because you’re the first human who noticed my laugh.” He tossed the umbrella into the air, and it turned into a flock of butterflies. “So? Deal?” ---
Sweet_SourKiwi · 389 Views

Angel's Redemption

Warren arrived at the hotel, his heart racing as he got to the roof. Panic seized him when he didn’t immediately see Anastasia. As he moved closer to the ledge, he finally spotted her—lying dangerously close to the edge, her body slack and seemingly on the brink of slipping into unconsciousness. The sight of the empty bottle of pills and whiskey shattered something inside him. “Oh, Ana,” he whispered, his voice thick with anguish as he approached her. But then, in a moment that seemed to stretch into eternity, he saw her body begin to roll off the edge. The horror that gripped him turned his blood to ice. Without a second thought, Warren launched himself over the ledge after her, diving headfirst through the night air. The wind roared in his ears, but he moved with the precision of a bullet, closing the distance between them in a heartbeat. When he finally caught her, relief surged through him. Cradling her tightly in his arms, he expanded his angelic wings, the pure white feathers cutting through the darkness as he propelled them upward, away from prying eyes. Outline: After the loss of her mother and the abuse she receives from her stepfamily, Anastasia finds herself living in a world where grief and betrayal are commonplace. She turns to her childhood best friend and first love, Bastian, for consolation. But after a tragic accident leaves him in a coma Anastasia's world crumbles when Bastian is in a car accident. Warren, a mysterious angel, enters her life just when it seems hope is lost. Because he is harboring secrets that may change everything, his presence is both comforting and unsettling. Her life will never be the same. Book 1 of 3 Angel's Redemption Angel's Redemption: The Forbidden Child Angel’s Redemption: The Final Celestrial War
GennyGordonSA · 8K Views

Shadow Lord's Forbidden Love

Synopsis: 500 years after the Spiritual Awakening, Martial Souls have become the foundation for all warriors, allowing them to communicate with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Every individual has only one Martial Soul, determining their potential in cultivation. Yet, Yang Xie, an ordinary youth, defies the heavens—awakening the god-level talent of Shadow Lord! While others struggle with a single Martial Soul, Yang Xie commands a shadow army that grows stronger alongside him: ☯ 1,000 Shadow Warriors... ☯ 10,000 Martial Masters... ☯ 100 million Martial Emperors...!!! "Training? Who needs it when my shadow soldiers are constantly growing stronger?" [God-Level Shadow Talents] ⚔ Devouring Shadow: Absorb the enemy’s shadow to gain their talent and energy! ⚔ Fusion Shadow: Merge thousands of shadow soldiers into one ultimate being—I am infinite! ⚔ Shadow Endowment: Bestow the devoured talents upon other creatures, creating an army of monsters! With this heaven-defying ability, Yang Xie sweeps across the world, his shadow army crushing even SSS-level geniuses as if they were mere ants. But his ambition does not stop there— His goal is the boundless sea of stars! When ancient beasts attempt to invade Blue Star—he destroys their entire nest! When the Demons, Bone Tribe, and Yaksha Clan conspire against humanity—his shadow army consumes them all for power! One-on-one? Yang Xie is a fair man... but he simply has too many soldiers! Who would have thought that this unstoppable Shadow Lord, standing at the peak of power, would eat soft rice, relying on a rich and beautiful school goddess to fund his cultivation? Despicable? No. Yang Xie just believes in making smart choices. [Cultivation Realms] ☯ Mortal Realms: Warrior → Martial Master → Martial General → Martial King → Martial Emperor → Martial God ☯ Transcendent Realms: Nirvana → Creation → Nirvana → Return to Truth → Transformation → Immortality → Feathered Immortal From the mortal world to the heavens, the Shadow Sovereign rises! This is the era of Yang Xie, the Lord of Shadows!
Business_Tales · 8.9K Views

This House Is Mine!—My Mistress Is My Soulmate!

Hey there, unlucky mortal! Welcome to 123 Serene Grove Lane, a place so legendary, so magical, and so ABSOLUTELY AMAZING that only a chosen few ever hear about it. And by "chosen few," I mean people who trip over random portals or get lost after making terrible life decisions. I'm IMP, "KING OF IMPS", the REAL STAR of this story. Forget the humans forget the moody demons, forget the boring heroes. This book I WROTE IT. It's about me, my glorious misadventures, and how I heroically survive. living with my boss, the incredible-yet-insufferable Xier. She's an artist. A sorceress. And somehow, despite my best efforts, still manages to keep her house standing. We also have Kevin, a VERY CONFUSED but disturbingly kind human carpenter who rents a room here (the biggest mistake of his life, btw). He's strong enough to build furniture with his bare hands, but soft enough to blush when Xier looks his way. Hilarious. He seither doomed... or already in too deep. Now, life at 123 Serene Grove Lane is NOT your typical "dark magic and world-ending prophecies" nonsense. BORING! We've got magic gardens that gossip when the wind blows, enchanted baths that refuse to drain properly, and random imp parties that definitely DON'T NEED PERMISSION. Expect heated arguments, accidental seductions, and AWKWARDLY INTENSE moments involving forbidden drinks. mysterious contracts, and questionable house rules. Do I care? Nope. I'm too busy being FABULOUS. Why read this Because you need a break from gloomy heroes and brooding prophecies. You need magic, mischief, and PASSIONATE CHAOS. You need ME. So. stop pretending you' re too busy. Open this book, join the fun, and remember everything here is MY IDEA. You're welcome.
Kinasalin · 7.8K Views

Twisted Fate: From A Stripper To A Billioniare's Contractual Bride

All it took for her perfectly crafted life to shatter was one night—a night with him. ..... Sabrina Kieran, the adopted and unloved daughter of the Kieran family, had been working as a stripper to support Kieran Holdings from behind the shadows. She thought she could please her family by not complaining, until her sister and her boyfriend tricked her. They drugged her and led her to the wrong room. That room happened to be her sister's fiance's suite. According to her sister's plan, Sabrina was supposed to be raped to death, bringing shame to the Kieran family. But things didn't go as planned. Sabrina ended up making out with Atticus Sawyer, her sister's fiance and the heir to the wealthiest family in Silverton City. .... “If you don't have something to talk about, I do,” the man's voice made her halt upon walking out of his suite. “You are the first woman to make my body react this way.” “What a flimsy excuse to make,” she said calmly, hiding the feeling of shame lingering in her. “Let's pretend this never happened between us,” she added, not understanding how she ended up in this man's bed with her sanity intact. “Sabrina Kieran, I can't forget about last night. That was the beginning of our marriage.” ____ What would become of Sabrina in her sudden marriage? When faced with the truth, proving everything she knew as lies, would she break down? Or fight for herself? Read on to find out what happens next. Follow me on Instagram @Authormuhammedshafa and TikTok @muhammedshafaauthor and Facebook: Author Shafa–Shinnystar 50 powerstone = 1 extra chapter 10GT= 1 extra chapter.
Muhammed_shafa · 65.2K Views
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