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Yaoi Vibrator

Del CEO a concubina

``` Yan Zheyun estaba predestinado a ser un ganador. Sus padres estaban en la lista de Forbes, fue el mejor de su clase al graduarse en la universidad más prestigiosa del país y la guinda del pastel fue ser votado como el "chico césped" cuatro años seguidos por sus compañeros. Y ahora, con apenas veinticinco años, Yan Zheyun era el orgulloso presidente y CEO de su propia empresa tecnológica. Pero lo que debería haber sido el día más feliz de su vida se convirtió en el peor cuando escuchó una extraña voz robótica mientras cruzaba la calle para tomar un café, solo porque no podía esperar a que su secretaria regresara de la sala de fotocopias. [INFORME DE ERROR #193842347: ALMA DE OTRO MUNDO DETECTADA. INICIANDO SECUENCIA DE DEPORTACIÓN.] Y luego murió. En un accidente de coche muy aburrido, muy común y corriente. …excepto que tal vez no lo hizo. Lo primero que Yan Zheyun pensó después de abrir los ojos y encontrarse en un dormitorio que parecía el set de uno de esos dramas del palacio interior fue: "Vaya, el café no valía la pena." Lo segundo que pensó después de darse cuenta de que ahora se encontraba en una novela histórica BL y había transmigrado al cuerpo de una trágica belleza que estaba (a punto de) ser utilizada y maltratada por sus múltiples amantes fue: "Debo haber abierto los ojos con la técnica equivocada, déjame intentarlo de nuevo... no, todavía sigo aquí. Bueno. Mierda." De CEO a esclavo de poca monta, Yan Zheyun no podía creer su suerte. Atrapado en un mundo extranjero y rodeado de tops locos (respectivamente conocidos como "El Amigo de la Infancia", "El Hijo del General", "El Príncipe Heredero", "Algún Otro Príncipe", "Ese Duque Espeluznante", etc.), Yan Zheyun se dio cuenta de que su experiencia de un día como CEO no lo había preparado adecuadamente para esta nueva vida de miseria. Pero no era de los que se rinden sin luchar, así que… Yan Zheyun se decidió resueltamente a mantenerse alejado de la aterradora línea romántica, intentar escribir una nueva línea argumental política y, de paso, abrazar algunos muslos gruesos, ganarse el favor de los poderosos. Y en una monarquía dinástica, ¿qué muslos serían mejor elección para abrazar que los del propio emperador? Liu Yao: …Este Soberano te permite abrazar otras partes también. Pareja: - ¡Emperador Top que parece serio pero en secreto es amable! VS ¡Esclavo Bottom que parece un conejo pero en secreto es un zorro! - NO es harem, toda la historia es 1v1 Advertencias: - Esta novela trata algunos temas duros que surgen como resultado de la esclavitud y un sistema de castas. He añadido advertencias de contenido donde es relevante pero solo para avisar, ¡a los canallas se les llama canallas por algo! Actualizaciones: 21:00 GMT+8 Ilustrado Por: HAZHE ```
Queeniecat · 10.9K Views

Vom CEO zur Konkubine

Yan Zheyun wurde als Gewinner geboren und gezüchtet. Seine Eltern standen auf der Forbes-Liste, er war der Abschiedsredner seiner Abschlussklasse an der besten Universität des Landes, und als Sahnehäubchen wurde er von seinen Mitschülern vier Jahre in Folge zum "Schulbesten" gewählt. Und jetzt, mit nur fünfundzwanzig, war Yan Zheyun stolzer Vorsitzender und CEO seines eigenen Technologieunternehmens. Doch der Tag, der eigentlich der glücklichste seines Lebens hätte sein sollen, wurde zum schlimmsten, als er auf dem Weg zum Kaffee eine seltsame Roboterstimme hörte, nur weil er es nicht erwarten konnte, dass seine Sekretärin aus dem Kopierraum zurückkam. [FEHLERBERICHT #193842347: ANDERSWELTLICHE SEELE ENTDECKT. ABSCHIEBUNGSSEQUENZ EINLEITEN]. Und dann ist er gestorben. Bei einem sehr langweiligen, sehr alltäglichen Autounfall. ...außer vielleicht, dass er es nicht tat. Das erste, was Yan Zheyun dachte, als er die Augen öffnete und sich in einem Schlafzimmer wiederfand, das aussah wie die Kulisse eines dieser inneren Palastdramen, war: Wow, der Kaffee war es nicht wert. Das Zweite, was er dachte, als er feststellte, dass er sich in einem historischen BL-Roman befand und in den Körper einer tragischen Schönheit gewandert war, die von ihren zahlreichen Geliebten benutzt und missbraucht wurde (werden sollte), war: Ich muss meine Augen mit der falschen Technik geöffnet haben, lass es mich noch einmal versuchen ... nein, immer noch da. Naja. F**k. Vom CEO zum niederen Sklaven, Yan Zheyun konnte sein Glück nicht fassen. Gefangen in einer fremden Welt und umgeben von verrückten Oberhäuptern (auch bekannt als "Der Kindheitsfreund", "Der Sohn des Generals", "Der Kronprinz", "Ein anderer Prinz", "Der unheimliche Herzog" usw.), wurde Yan Zheyun klar, dass seine eintägige Erfahrung als CEO ihn nicht ausreichend auf dieses neue Leben voller Elend vorbereitet hatte. Aber er war nicht der Typ, der kampflos aufgibt, und so beschloss Yan Zheyun, sich von dem schrecklichen romantischen Handlungsstrang fernzuhalten, sich einen neuen politischen Handlungsstrang zu suchen und dabei ein paar dicke Schenkel zu umarmen und sich die Gunst der Mächtigen zu sichern. Und wessen Schenkel würden sich in einer dynastischen Monarchie besser zum Umarmen eignen als der des Kaisers selbst? Liu Yao: ...Dieser Herrscher erlaubt Euch, auch andere Teile zu umarmen. Paarung: - Der-Souverän-schaut-stern-aber-ist-geheim-lieb!Kaiser oben VS-ich-schaue-aus-wie-ein-Kaninchen-aber-ich-bin-geheim-ein-Fuchs!Sklaven-unten - KEIN Harem, die ganze Geschichte ist 1v1 Warnungen: - Dieser Roman behandelt einige schwere Themen, die sich aus der Sklaverei und dem Kastensystem ergeben. Ich habe Triggerwarnungen hinzugefügt, wo es relevant ist, aber nur als Vorwarnung, die Drecksäcke werden nicht ohne Grund Drecksäcke genannt! Aktualisierungen: 21:00 GMT+8 Illustriert von: HAZHE
Queeniecat · 2.2K Views

Sistem Penyelamatan Penjahat (BL)

``` Sehubungan dengan meningkatnya kasus bunuh diri di negara itu, pemerintah menciptakan sebuah sistem simulator yang terhubung dengan gelombang otak manusia, membawa mereka untuk berpindah dunia ke ribuan dunia dan mengalami berbagai aspek kehidupan untuk merangsang keinginan bertahan hidup. Hanya ketika pengukur kemauan terisi 100% barulah mereka bisa kembali ke kehidupan. Lu Yizhou. Pria. Lajang. Berusia 22 tahun. Pada suatu hari, dia bunuh diri dengan mengubur dirinya di tanah bersalju. Dan kemudian, dia ditarik ke dalam simulator. 666: Selamat datang, Tuan Rumah! Selamat, Anda adalah orang ke-666 yang bergabung dengan proyek ini! Tuan Rumah sangat beruntung mendapatkan 666, karena 666 adalah sistem yang paling tampan, masuk akal, dan paling luar biasa! Lu Yizhou: ...Bisakah saya ganti sistemnya? Anda berisik. 666: QAQ Lu Yizhou: Tak peduli berapa kali saya berpindah dunia, pengukur kemauan saya takkan terpenuhi. 666: N—Jangan menyerah! Tuan Rumah seharusnya tidak menyerah QAQ uwaaa, jangan tinggalkan 666 sendirian! Anda adalah yang pertama, satu-satunya, bagaimana bisa Anda begitu tak berperasaan dan meninggalkan saya begitu saja?! Lu Yizhou: ...kenapa terasa salah? . . . Maka, dia mulai melompat dari satu dunia ke dunia lain untuk menyelamatkan penjahat. Lu Yizhou: Mengapa saya harus menyelamatkan penjahat? 666: Ckckck, Tuan Rumah terlalu polos! Tentu saja, itu karena mereka lebih hebat daripada pemeran pria utama; lebih kaya, berkuasa, penuh sumber daya, berwibawa dan tampan! Lu Yizhou: ...itu hanya kesukaan Anda, kan? 666: Tuan Rumah, mengapa Anda tidak percaya pada 666?! QAQ . . . Dia pikir dia tidak punya apa-apa lagi untuk dijalani. Dengan membawa hati yang lelah dan tubuh yang mati rasa, dia tenggelam ke dasar jurang untuk menemukan...bintang bersinar. ******* Indah, dingin, kaku dan secara tidak terduga naif gong x posesif, manja dan licik shou yang tahu cara menggunakan pesonanya Tag tambahan: transmigrasi cepat, fantasi, petualangan, komedi, gelap, misteri, tragedi, cepat, seme/gong/top protagonis, lawan bicara jatuh cinta terlebih dahulu, yaoi, dewasa, pikiran bunuh diri, masa lalu sangat berpengaruh, 1 lawan 1 Temukan saya di: Instagram: delanasiwarka Server Discord: Discord: delanasiwarka#1490 ```
delanasiwarka · 3.3K Views

Nachdem sie von ihrer Familie reingelegt wurde, wurde sie von einem CEO aus einer reichen Familie verwöhnt

Jing Yao schlief mit dem Vorstandsvorsitzenden aus einer reichen Familie, dem nachgesagt wurde, dass er sich von Frauen fernhält. Sie wurde sogar schwanger. Jing Yao wuchs ohne jegliche Liebe ihrer Eltern auf. Obwohl sie und ihre Schwester Zwillinge waren, sah sie ihrer älteren Schwester überhaupt nicht ähnlich. Ihre Eltern bevorzugten ihre ältere Schwester. Jing Yao war gezwungen, schon in jungen Jahren zu arbeiten, während ihre Schwester zu Hause bleiben und nichts tun konnte. Jing Yao musste ihr Schulgeld selbst bezahlen. Eine einzige Handtasche, die ihre Schwester besaß, kostete mehrere zehntausend Euro. Und nicht nur das, ihre ältere Schwester kam sogar mit ihrem Verlobten zusammen, mit dem sie seit ihrer Kindheit verlobt war. Formal gesehen war Jing Yao die zweite Schwester in der Familie. In Wirklichkeit war sie jedoch so arm, dass sie nicht einmal ihre eigene Miete bezahlen konnte. Ihre Familie hatte sich nie um sie gekümmert oder ihr Zuneigung entgegengebracht. Um die Heirat ihrer älteren Schwester zu ermöglichen, stellte Jing Yaos leibliche Mutter ihr eine Falle, indem sie sie mit einem Investor trinken ließ. Sie wurde sogar unter Drogen gesetzt. Zum Glück war sie wach genug, um wegzulaufen. Allerdings rannte sie in die falsche Richtung. Das Ergebnis war, dass sie mit Liang Xun schlief. Als sie nach Hause kam, schrie Jing Yaos Mutter sie an. Ihr idiotischer Verlobter hat sie gedemütigt. Jing Yao sagte die Hochzeit auf der Stelle ab. Seitdem hat sie die Familie Jing verlassen. Später fand Liang Xun heraus, dass Jing Yao schwanger war. Er trat an sie heran und bat sie, ihn zu heiraten. Jing Yao wies ihn jedoch zurück. Liang Xun bot ihr direkt 100 Millionen als Hochzeitsgeschenk an, und sie willigte schließlich ein. Im Internet machten Gerüchte die Runde. Jing Yao, eine weibliche Berühmtheit, die in letzter Zeit an Popularität gewonnen hat, soll sich in die Beziehung ihrer älteren Schwester eingemischt haben. Einige behaupteten sogar, sie sei Liang Xuns Sugar Baby. Obwohl sie kritisiert wurde, veröffentlichte Jing Yao einen positiven Beitrag als Antwort. "Ich habe keine ältere Schwester und bin Liang Xuns Zuckermami". Liang Xun kommentierte ihr Posting sofort. "Meine Frau hat recht."
Mountain Springs · 42.8K Views

I Am Tired Of Being A Hero

“Have you ever wished that a truck would hit you and you would transmigrate into a world filled with swords and magic? Perhaps you wished that you would be a hero, defeating the villains, protecting the land, and receiving all sorts of admiration and love from the people. I would give you one piece of advice. Perish that thought.” -Ravi West *** Ravi West was a hero of indisputable esteem. As a Sentinel, he traveled the Realms, killing villains and saving entire civilizations. His job was everything to him. Until Luxor. Luxor changed everything. Luxor changed him. Ravi was done. The tiredness etched into his bones. He laid down his mantle and vanished. He chose the most boring planet in his memory for his retirement, except this Earth was not like the one he remembered- Nests, monsters, superheroes, and villains filled the streets but that was not his business. He has a plan, a quiet, uncaring life filled with wine, food, and books. But the New Captain at the Bureau seemed to enjoy shattering all his carefully laid plans. He was the most annoying person Ravi had ever met, blonde hair, the most beautiful blue eyes, and a sunny smile, the righteous Arlen Sinclair constantly got involved in cases much bigger than him, dragging Ravi along into his Shenanigans. **** Grumpy, Cynic Shou who doesn't care if the world burns× Golden Retriever, Righteous Gong who is the first to bring the bucket to save the burning world. #Foundfamily #Sliceoflife, #crime, #mystery, #Superheros, #OverpoweredMc, #Protagonistfallsinlovefirst #MutualPampering #Powercouple #Superpowers #Cooking #Farming #yaoi #Detectives #Villains [This book is participating in the WSA contest] Disclaimer: The book cover to be taken down at owner's request.
Dark_Scholars · 859.4K Views

The Forsaken Heiress

HEED MY ADVICE, TO ALL WHO WILL LISTEN, THE FURY OF A WOMAN WHO LIVES ON REVENGE, EVEN IN THE FACE OF DEATH, IS A RECKONING THAT SPARES NO ONE. The Dukedom Heiress Luella Van-Rensselaer thought that by doing everything her family needed, she would have the beautiful and loving family she had always wanted. However, she ends up getting betrayed by her own twin sister and her fiancé. Having gotten fed up with her family and how badly they had put her through, Luella wishes for death, which her sister gives to her as she ends up dying in the hands of her sister and fiancé. Finally, finding the peace she had always wanted, she wakes up to when she was eighteen (18) years old as the funeral service of her father. And now filled with nothing but rage and memories of her past, she now aims to destroy the entire dukedom with its name. The Van-Rensselaer dukedom will end WITH her and BY her. ~+~ A MAN WHO LOVES HIS WOMAN WITH NO POWER OR WEALTH IS NOTHING BUT A DREAMER; BUT A MAN WHO LOVES HIS WOMAN WITH POWER AND WEALTH IS A PROTECTOR, WORTHY TO BE BY HER SIDE. And that was what Grand Duke Ozed Rhinelander was. A man who went to war for his woman, accumulated wealth for his woman, lives for his woman. And he would kill for his woman. When Luella decides to take revenge on her family, she goes to one person she fully trusts. ~+~ ~Fragment~ "Do you want this?" His voice was low, almost a growl, but there was a hint of something else beneath — something that made her heart skip a beat. She swallowed hard, her throat dry. The question hung in the air between them, heavy and tangible. "I… I don't know," She finally answered, her voice barely above a whisper. His lips curled into a smirk, a slow, dangerous smile that sent shivers down her spine. "Liar" he murmured, his voice a deep rumble that vibrated through her. "You want this. You want me." She opened her mouth to protest, to deny it, but he didn't give her a chance. His hand shot out, gripping her chin roughly, forcing her to look up at him. "Do you want me to prove it?" He asked, his voice dripping with challenge. ~+~ Tags: #Revenge #Strongfemalelead, #norape, #reincarnation, #Fakeidentity, #EdwardianEra, #VampireRomance #Smut #Supernaturalpowers #magic #darkfantasy #long-distance pining (The main characters are aware of each other's feelings but can't be physically be together yet. IN THE BEGINNING CHAPTERS). ~+~ Cover is mine. DO NOT USE ____ @AR
AraneaeRuber · 152.6K Views

Reborn as a Mountain: I Defy the Heavens with a Smile

When a mountain comes to life, awakening its consciousness, it takes on another form—a Mountain Spirit. And that’s me reborn with extraordinary Divine powers. Want to know what these divine powers are? Well, one of them allows me to accelerate herb growth—up to one hundred times faster! Impressive, right? But wait, there’s more! I also possess a ‘golden finger’—which is ‘Space-Time’ system that lets me fish for lost techniques, weapons, pill formulas, and other treasures from the rivers of time and space. With these at my disposal, I’m sure to become stronger, at least stronger than the beautiful sect master who claims my mountain as her personal retreat and constantly drag me into her matters. It’s not an easy life, but no need to worry! I’m not just any spirit—I’m a human spirit born from a mountain, which means I have an extraordinary talent for cultivation. To top it off, my system was generous enough to grant me a divine cultivation technique right from the start. There’s just one tiny problem: it’s a dual cultivation technique, and I need a partner to cultivate it. So, I had no choice but to convince the sect master’s stunning disciple to help me out. I mean, it’s not like I’m after her gorgeous long legs, her curvaceous thighs, or her… well, you get the point. I’m just a humble cultivator trying to grow stronger by any means necessary. If only she’d run into some trouble, so I could swoop in and save the day. That would make things a lot easier for me… but alas, life is never that simple. Still, I’ll find a way. With my Space-Time system, my mountain’s power, and a little charm, I’ll outgrow this mountain and surpass everyone—even the sect master. And maybe, just maybe, I’ll enjoy the beauties along the way. *** No NTR, No Yuri, No Yaoi *** LinkTree- Discord-
Around_The_Moon · 86.4K Views

Dual Cultivation God Returns

"Wu Long, the God of Pleasure, has fallen as he failed to breakthrough." This news have shocked all of the Seven Boundless Worlds. Meanwhile, a sixteen-year-old disciple of a dual cultivation sect was startled awake from a coma, and after some moments of calming down and gathering his thoughts, a dangerous light flickered deep in his eyes: "Jun Shaoshan, I will climb back to the top and make you pay for everything, no one has ever been safe after offending me, Wu Long!" -------------- Dual cultivation is a method of cultivation that can be seen described in a lot of cultivation novels where a man and a woman cultivates together by having sex. -------------- ***DIscord Link: The Image on the cover is AI-generated with some minor adjustments and text editing done over it. Please check the auxiliary chapter with Frequently Asked Questions since there may be some answers to the questions you might want to ask. If you want to ask questions regarding the novel before reading you can do so in the comment section of the said auxiliary chapter. If you have posted a review and it is not appearing on the novel page and not changing the novel score, it may have stuck in the system (happened in the past and occasionally happening now). Please comment under the FAQ auxiliary chapter mentioned above if you notice this happen. I can usually contact support in daytime on weekdays and the problem is fixed within days and the 'stuck' reviews appear on the page. Thank you XD -------------- ***The explicit chapters will be marked in the chapter name after the chapter number as (R18) and will contain no crucial plot, only explicit scene, so if you want to read it as a novel without explicit scenes you absolutely can by just skipping the explicit chapters. Though as a disclaimer: dual cultivation IS the theme of the novel so there will still be some provocative or slightly explicit content in the normal chapters, but not full-on long explicit scenes. ***Since it seems that there are a lot of people that are very particular about what they want I will put here some of the things to expect so that it is easier for people to decide if they want to read this or not: - NO yaoi, NO yuri, NO incest ; - NO rape ( it may be mentioned, but only as a thing that exists, not in relation to any particular character ); - MC's heroines will NEVER cheat on him; - MC's heroines will NOT ALWAYS have V cards (but there will be a lot of them who do); These are all non-negotiable so if you cannot tolerate a novel that adheres to any of the above sentences you should probably skip this one. !!! WARNING (ADVERTISEMENT) there will be MILFs. XD
DaoistGreenOnion · 3M Views

I am Crippled So What? I Can Summon SSS-Tier Beauties to Fight Instead

"If power demands blood, then let it flow. I'll trade souls for strength, no matter the cost." Once the cherished son of a great noble family, Arthur’s life completely shatters when he is betrayed by his so-called brothers. Helpless, he watched as the person who meant everything to him, his mother, get brutally murdered before his very own yet, powerless eyes. Her last breaths haunted him, the image of her bare bruised body burned into his mind, fueling a rage he could never contain. But rage alone was useless. In a world ruled solely by strength, Arthur’s was taken from him. His mana core was shattered, his sight left half-blinded and his body crippled. The once-promising noble son was now nothing more than a broken shell. Just an ordinary being, No, by the world’s standard maybe he was even lower than those. He no longer wished to live, what value was there in living if he could only suffer in silence, forever chained by the injustice he’d endured? Just at the time, a whisper rang in his ear. Was this his chance? “What are you?” [Searching familiar terms so Host may better understand...] [Search complete!] [I am the Sacrificial Summoning System.] A system? “So, the gods haven’t forsaken me after all.” [The more souls are sacrificed, the stronger the summon will be.] "Or maybe it's the devil," ******* Update Schedule: 1 Chapter a day. No Yuri, No Yaoi Check my Review for further details!
YourAverage_Reader · 3.6K Views

Signing-In: The Lazy Moon Goddess

Yue Xuexia is just an ordinary salted fish that rarely lives in her house, but suddenly one day she woke up, received a sign-in system, and thought she was dreaming. The sign-in system rewarded her with multiple things, including houses, money, cars, and talent scrolls, which led her to the life of the richest lady in the world. She could sign in once a day. One morning, with her eyes groggily and blurry, Xuexia was welcomed by a holographic screen only she could see. Yes, like the ones in the novels and manga. Ding! Xuexia waves her hand in the empty air and mumbles, "Noisy, I told you to turn off the damn alarm, whoever owns it!" When a robotic voice lingered near her ears saying, Signed in successfully. Congratulations to the host, and you've received [1 Million RMB in cash!] Xuexia, who is currently in need of great money, was in disbelief as she looked at the words one million and laughed. "Heh~ even in my dream, I was wishing to receive free money. What nonsense, let's go back to sleep. Yue Xuexia was about to close her eyes back to sleep when the old touch screen phone near her pillow vibrates. Bzzt~ Bzzzzzt~ "Urg~ who the hell is calling now?" complained Yue Xuexia in her half-asleep state. She picked up the phone only to see a message notification saying the following words: [Your bank card account ending with 5567 had received a deposit transfer from XXXX at 6:45 am. You had received a 1 million deposit and your current saving balance is 1,003,000.00 RMB (Autumn Field landbank)] Yue Xuaxia mumbled in disbelief and said, "Fucking hell! This is awesome." Who doesn’t like free things?~' This lady wants it too!!!
Nilphy · 953.7K Views
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