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[Romance Concluído.] obrigado por ler. Citação do Personagem Principal "No futuro, serei a pessoa mais rica da China e sentarei no meu trono com mulheres lindas em meus braços." **** Por favor, leia minha resenha ou leia o resumo até o final para que você saiba o que esperar deste romance ou de cada volume deste romance. Não consigo fixar minha resenha. (ordene pela resenha mais recente para o mais rápido.) *** novo romance= Sistema de Vinculação *** servidor discord= sinopse: Um dia, um jovem bonito morreu em um acidente de carro. Ele de repente acorda e se encontra em um lugar desconhecido, mas o que mais o surpreende é que ele está assumindo o corpo de outra pessoa. Ele se surpreende novamente quando descobre que está em um universo paralelo com as mesmas leis do seu mundo anterior. A princípio, ele só quer aproveitar a vida. Mas depois de aprender que seu predecessor deseja ser uma pessoa de sucesso e fazer sua família feliz, ele decide continuar o sonho de seu antecessor. Com o conhecimento de sua vida anterior, ele começa sua aventura para se tornar uma pessoa de sucesso, e claro, ele não esquece de seduzir lindas mulheres por onde passa. Acompanhe-o conforme ele embarca em sua jornada para se tornar uma pessoa de sucesso e conquistar os corações das lindas mulheres. *Tags= fatia de vida, de pobre a rico, ação, negócios, artes marciais, gangues, líder de gangue, líder feminina bonita, líder masculino bonito, interesses amorosos mais velhos, harém, MC cruel, múltiplas identidades, identidade secreta, R-18, romance, tempos modernos, MILF, amizade, guerra entre gangues, guerra contra escolas de artes marciais, tramas, traição, MC gênio, incesto, MC forte (OP no mesmo nível). *** enredo - primeiro volume = foco em relacionamento e negócios. A história é lenta e cheia de fatias de vida no início, mas melhora muito e o progresso da história se acelera mais tarde. Cometi tantos erros nos primeiros capítulos, mas por favor, dê uma chance. é repetitivo nos primeiros capítulos porque esta é minha primeira vez escrevendo uma história, então sou muito inexperiente. Tente, talvez você goste - segundo volume = Ajudando Lin Xing Xue e um pequeno problema. - terceiro volume = muitos problemas este volume está cheio de problemas, lutas e guerras. - último volume = a verdade, vingança, guerra e muitos problemas. este volume está em andamento agora ** Este romance contém conteúdo incestuoso, se você não gosta de incesto, isso significa que este romance não é para você. este romance também tem conteúdo R-18, então por favor não leia meu romance se você não for adulto. * Apoie-me: Não sou o dono da capa, peguei do Pinterest então se você é o dono da capa e quer que eu a retire, por favor me avise que imediatamente retirarei a capa.
Shooting_Star · 96.6K Views

The Beast Tamer Is A Slime

Neo Cromwell, an avid novel and manhwa reader, never expected that one day, he would actually transmigrate to a modern world where magical dungeons, beasts and awakened hunters coexist. But he transmigrated as a little beast inside one of the lowest-level dungeons— a slime. A palm-sized slime cub. Fellow dungeon beasts would love to devour him as a snack. The hunters would kill him with a single blow upon sight or use every single part of his body as materials. The worst is death, and the "best" outcome is to become the beast tamers and hunters' contracted beast. But who would want to contract a slime? Facing a dead end, Neo struggled to survive relying on his slime race's basic skills, until he was in a life and death moment— He awakened as a [Beast Tamer]. What? You want a slime to tame beasts and monsters? Or even more bizarre...tame the hunters? You bet! Neo started his counterattack journey as a literal "beast" tamer, the only beast tamer in the world, who is a beast itself. Who said that humans and the likes can't be called "beasts"? Leave the dungeon and blend with the hunters in the human world! Move to higher-level dungeons and grab resources from beasts and hunters! Open up "wasteland" wild districts full of rampant beasts! Challenge the tower, fight against other civilizations! With his ultimate skill [Slime Transformation] and [Beast Taming], he created the legend of the untamed slime. DING! [Devour] skill is activated. Linking skills: [Slime Transformation] — [Beast Taming] You choose. --------------------- Update schedule [After premium/chapter locked] Mon-Sun: 2 chps/day Bonus chapters: Weekend 3 chaps/Mass release 5/10/15 chps once a month
Zehell2218 · 9.9K Views

Luta, Fuga ou Congelamento: A História da Curandeira

``` Você já se perguntou como seria acordar em um corpo que não é seu? Um corpo muito, muito mais jovem? Eu não posso dizer que já tinha pensado muito sobre isso. Isso foi até uma noite em que um paciente entrou no departamento de emergência onde eu estava trabalhando e me deu um tiro à queima-roupa na cabeça. Sabe, se ele queria uma segunda opinião, era só pedir. Mas isso é o de menos... De alguma forma, de algum jeito, acordei num hospital estranho com uma mulher que parecia suspeitosamente com minha mãe segurando minha mão e chorando. Super feliz em vê-la, me levou alguns minutos para perceber que eu não era mais a doutora bem-sucedida de 25 anos em um dos hospitais mais prestigiados do mundo. Não, eu era uma menina de 6 anos que por um momento... queria sua mãe. Quando o apocalipse chega, cada um por si. Eu tenho três escolhas: lutar pelo que quero? Fugir e me esconder, ou ficar paralisada quando os demônios do meu passado voltarem para me assombrar? Você pode me conhecer como A Curandeira, mas esta é a minha história para contar. ------ Lutar, Fugir ou Paralisar é o segundo romance da série Renascimento no Apocalipse, desta vez apresentando A Curandeira: Wang Tian Mu e seus homens. Você não precisará ler o primeiro para entender este, e ela não vai ficar criança o tempo todo. Li Dai Lu e seus caras vão aparecer ocasionalmente, mas esta é estritamente a história de Wang Tian Mu! Espero que você curta! Outros Romances: Renascimento no Apocalipse: Terceira Vez é um Charme (Concluído) Naves da Estrela (Concluído) Dançando com Monstros (Em Andamento) Silenciosa como um Rato (Em Andamento) Me encontre no Discord: devilbesideyou666 (@Sakura#6289) ```
Devilbesideyou666 · 2.3K Views

Böser Ehemann, gefräßige Ehefrau: Miss Piggy kaufen, Brötchen gratis bekommen

[Status: ABGESCHLOSSEN] "Feng Tianyi! Dein Bruder hat meine Tang-Familie zerstört! Gibt es irgendetwas Gutes an deiner Familie?" "En. Siehst du nicht, wie unsere gut aussehenden Gene an unsere Kinder weitergegeben werden? Was die Schulden der Familie Feng angeht, so werde ich sie bezahlen." Sagte er nonchalant. Tang Moyu spottete und verschränkte die Arme vor der Brust. "Wie willst du das bezahlen?" "Wie wäre es, wenn ich dich mit meinem Körper bezahle?" "..." Wie schamlos! Der Mann, der in seinem Rollstuhl saß, brach in Gelächter aus, als er ihren hässlichen Gesichtsausdruck sah. "Miss Tang, es hat keinen Sinn, so zu tun, als hätten Sie es nicht gesehen, da Sie praktisch auf mein Bett geklettert sind und mich ausgenutzt haben." Vor fünf Jahren war Tang Moyu die Kaiserin der Geschäftswelt und befand sich auf dem Höhepunkt ihrer Karriere, bevor sie zu einem Nichts wurde, als ihr Verlobter sich in eine andere Frau verliebte. Das war in Ordnung, da es keine Liebe zwischen ihr und Feng Tianhua gab, aber wer hätte gedacht, dass dieses "Aschenputtel" ein Wolf im Schafspelz war? Und dann ist da noch Feng Tianyi, der berüchtigte Nachfolger der Feng-Familie, ein von der Kritik gefeierter Autor, der mit seinen Büchern ständig die Bestsellerlisten stürmt. Gerüchte besagen, dass er hitzköpfig und temperamentvoll war. Er war so rücksichtslos, dass weder Männer noch Frauen seine Gesellschaft wollten. Die Gerüchte besagen sogar, dass sein Gesicht so gut aussehend und nicht von dieser Welt war. Er war praktisch ein Gott unter den Menschen. Es war schade, dass er verkrüppelt war. Die beiden sollten sich nie wiedersehen, aber ein paar süße kleine Brötchen kamen dazwischen. "Onkel, wir haben kein Geld, um dir den Schaden zu bezahlen." sagte das ältere kleine Brötchen. "Meine Manuskripte sind unbezahlbar", erwiderte der hübsche Onkel amüsiert. "Onkel, wenn es dir nichts ausmacht, können wir mit unserer Mama bezahlen? Sie ist auch von unschätzbarem Wert." Und so trafen die beiden süßen Brötchen und der hübsche Onkel eine Vereinbarung, aber wer hätte gedacht, dass es sich bei der Frau um eine eiskalte Königin aus der Hölle handelte, die eine seltsame Vorliebe für Süßigkeiten hatte? -- Herausgeber/Lektorat: ninaviews Buchcover: Bizzybiin / Copyright 2020 anjeeriku
anjeeriku · 28.8K Views

Odyssey of the Blind God

``` Em um mundo desolado onde os humanos estão à beira da extinção, conquistando incontáveis masmorras, lutando contra feras ferozes, o que acontece com alguém cego e impotente? O glorioso destino de Nial foi tirado dele quando tinha apenas três anos, deixando-o cego e sem um traço de mana. 15 anos depois, ele ainda estava suportando a humilhação de uma sociedade corrompida que favorecia os poderosos. A sociedade quase tirou sua inocência e brilho, forçando-o a amadurecer, dando-lhe uma vontade inquebrantável. Porém, tudo mudou no momento em que despertou sua Origem. Ele devorou Maldições Antigas e massacrou Deuses e Diabos! Anjos? Ele vai fazê-los se ajoelhar! Diabos e afins? Todos estarão em seu poder ** Mesmo cego, eu vejo mais do que qualquer um! Eu devoro Maldições e assumo o controle sobre a escuridão. Marquem minhas palavras… [Serão todos vocês que terão de se ajoelhar diante de mim!] Então venham até mim Dragões, Anjos, Diabos e Deuses... se tiverem coragem! Caso contrário, minha ascensão será a ruína de vocês! Siga a odisséia de um jovem comum e cego rumo à divindade, pois o destino que uma vez lhe foi tirado lhe será devolvido. Testemunhe sua dor e crescimento para uma existência temida até mesmo pelos Deuses Antigos e Demônios dos tempos primordiais! ** [N/A: O comportamento do personagem principal nos estágios iniciais do Romance será diferente do que a Sinopse sugere. Por favor, tenha isso em mente ao ler :D] ```
HideousGrain · 56.1K Views

Mundo Etéreo: Estrada da Imortalidade do Figurante Vil

Bei YueYue era uma pessoa desinteressada e gentil. Depois, ela transmigrou e se tornou 'Huang Ying Yue', uma figurante malvada que é famosa por sua vileza, crueldade, luxúria, inumanidade e tinha uma personalidade ninfomaníaca no romance imortal que acabara de ler. No romance, a original ‘Huang Ying Yue’ fez incontáveis más ações para ofender muitos dos personagens poderosos presentes. Não apenas a heroína do romance, até todos os homens do harém da heroína foram assediados e abusados física e mentalmente por ‘ela’ de diferentes maneiras. O caminho para a imortalidade é cheio de espinhos, perigos e ameaças imprevisíveis. Os cultivadores do mal, monstros e demônios estão à solta em todo lugar. Enquanto perseguem o caminho da imortalidade, todos os cultivadores têm que se unir para eliminar esses seres do mal. Enquanto tenta alcançar seu objetivo, YueYue tem que enfrentar inimigos poderosos que 'Huang Ying Yue' ofendeu no passado, bem como as dívidas que 'Huang Ying Yue' cometeu. Ao mesmo tempo, ela tem que enfrentar a heroína de beleza glacial, Huang Bai Xing, que está cercada por inúmeros homens belos e fortunas desafiadoras do céu. Com o dedo de ouro e o amor dos céus, Huang Bai Xing recebeu dedos de ouro. Com dedos de ouro, Huang Bai Xing se torna mais forte dia após dia e espera pela melhor oportunidade para matar ‘Huang Ying Yue’. Pessoas poderosas, os homens de Huang Bai Xing, um por um sacam suas armas, com a intenção de matar e ensinar-lhe uma lição horrível porque 'ela' machucou a mulher deles. Felizmente, com o mundo pequeno etéreo desafiador do céu que ela recebeu, ela pode plantar as plantas espirituais, colher os frutos espirituais, cultivar com o abundante poder espiritual e enganar o tempo, tomando banho com a cascata espiritual dentro do espaço, enquanto mantém sua vida 'pacífica' de perseguir o caminho da imortalidade. Com o seu leal exército de bestas, ela embarca no caminho do cultivo para conhecer novas pessoas, amor, amizade, dificuldades, excitação e passado misterioso enquanto muda seu destino e o de todos ao seu redor para um futuro melhor. Subconscientemente, ela nem mesmo percebe que, por causa da sua personalidade, atrai inúmeros pêssegos em flor que mudaram sua vida monótona para sempre. Aviso: Final 1VN, uma mulher acaba com muitos homens. Existem amores proibidos (mas não sem cérebro) Por favor, leia as etiquetas antes de mergulhar no meu mundo. Capa de: Pinterest, Créditos ao legítimo proprietário. Minha conta no Instagram: Littlecarrot006_ Meu nome de usuário do DISCORD: littlecarrot6510 Meu segundo livro: Myth Of Miracle: Reborn To Defy My Fate Esse livro está participando do WSA 2024 (Em progresso) #Portalspace #Reverseharem #Taboo #Darkromance #Femaleleadxianxia #Xianxia #Np #Cultivo #Aventura #Imortalidade #Poligamia #Muitoshomensbonitos #Transmigrou #cannonfodder #Romance #Luta #Besta #Múltiploscontinentes #Passadomisterioso #FLgentilebondosamasnaofraca #Perdoarmasnaoesquecer #FLinteligente
Littlecarrot · 65.5K Views

Fallen General's Omega (BL)

I watch him, his green eyes brimming with concern as he gently massages my scarred leg. The sensation is both soothing and a stark reminder of my own inadequacy. The once-feared Crimson General, a symbol of power and invincibility, is now nothing but a frail shadow of his former self. I’ve been abandoned, left to decay in this forsaken place, my family and comrades long forgotten. Darkness had become my only solace, and I had resigned myself to it. Then he arrived, a beacon of light in my endless night. His presence, his care—it’s more than I ever deserved. Yet, I find myself clinging to him with an intensity that borders on madness. I hate that I need him so desperately, that his every action and word have become my lifeline. It consumes me, a torment I can't escape. "You don't have to do this. Please, don’t do this. I’m nothing. You deserve better. Leave. Please," I beg, my voice trembling with raw anguish, the very words tearing me apart. He continues his work, seemingly unaffected by my pleas. "Why are you here? Look at me! I’m nothing." Desperation and anger swell within me, mixing into a maelstrom of anxiety. I can’t comprehend the emotions coursing through me. "You're my alpha, where else would I be?" he responds softly, his gaze unwavering, as if my pleas were mere background noise. My heart races, torn between overwhelming relief and paralyzing dread. In that moment, I realize the truth: you would have to tear him from my cold, lifeless arms. I’m never letting go. - General Thorne, betrayed and broken, finds new life and love with Omega Noelle, who nurses him back to health. Their deepening bond reveals Thorne’s softer side, offering a chance at happiness. Unfortunately, Thorne’s past soon catches up with them, threatening their newfound peace. **** STOP!!!! HERE IS 9 REASONS YOU SHOULD GIVE THIS A SHOT 1. Omegaverse 2. The Alpha is a greenflag. 3. Fluff, and cheesey cliche romance. 4. Faceslapping and revenge. 5. Smut, with no dubcon or noncon. 6. OP husband. 7. Really cliche plot honestly. Those historical manhwas but make it gay. 8. The omega/bot is not a pushover. 9. I'm asking you give it a shot please.
Sofie_Vert01 · 554.4K Views

Why am I The Villain?!

What is a villain? Is it someone who commits heinous crimes? Someone who takes advantage of others? No, a villain is a stepping stone for the protagonist. Someone to be humiliated and face slapped! ____________________________________ A shut-in NEET dies and is reborn as The Imperial Prince of The Taiyang Immortal Dynasty. Shen Tian The villain of his favorite manhwas "Damnit! Why am I the villain?!" But suddenly, Shen Tian heard a bell sound and a robotic voice as a screen appeared in front of him. [Ding!] [Congratulations for obtaining The Villain System] With the system, he can change his fate by stealing the fortune from the protagonists. While gaining rewards for committing evil acts. [Ding!] [Host has framed the Heaven's Chosen: Shen Yu of defiling the Heroine: Mei Ling.!!] [Shen Yu's fate has decreased by 500.] [Gained 250 Evil Points.] [Ding!] [Host has tricked the Heroine: Su MIng to distrust the Heaven's Chosen: Ye Chen!] [Ye Chen's fate has decreased by 50.] [Gained 25 Evil Points.] [Ding!] [Host has prevented the Heaven's Chosen: Xiao Lang from obtaining The Jade Blade!] [Xiao Lang's fate has decreased by 300.] [Gained 150 Evil Points.] [Ding!] [Host has obtained The Eternal Rainbow Phoenix Root!] [Ding!] [Host has obtained The Demonic Heart!] [...] with the help of the system, Shen Tian gains more powerful by beating up protagonists! "Hahaha! Bring on the protagonists! Even if you're a Immortal, I'll still take your fortune!" ____________________________________ Author's Note: •This is my first time writing a novel so please be kind to me and comment your thoughts •The update schedule might not be consistent. •The MC is a villain, so he will do villainous things. If you want to watch some righteous MC, this isn't for you. ____________________________________ Tags: [Villain MC], [Evil MC], [Smart MC], [Manipulative MC], [Genius MC], [Reincarnation], [Action], [Adventure], [Overpowered], [Superpowers], [Cultivation], [Magic], [Face Slapping], [Romance], [Harem], [R18], [Heroines], [Maid], [Saintess], [Princess], [Empress], [Immortal], [Demon], [Yokai], [Spirit], [Wives], [Concubine], [Mistresses], [Milf], [Gilf], [Loli], [Incest], [Rape], [Slavery], [BDSM], [Mind Control] [Brainwashing], [NTR], [Cuckholding]
OtakuMaster · 0 Views

Another Shot At Life - My Mysterious Neighbour From Another World

Ananya's world in the dreamy city of Seoul was small yet secure – revolving around her academics, an intimate group of friends, and ardent love for her younger brother. But when a mysterious man moves in next door, her uneventful existence takes a drastic turn that transcends realms and realities. Is it for better or for worse? ***** Ananya Mehra, a 23-year old Indian girl pursuing her Masters in South Korea on a full-scholarship, has only one goal in life – to give her younger brother the best life she possibly can, after their parents' tragic passing in an accident she still blames herself for. However, her world is turned upside down when her new neighbour, Jung-wook, enters her life with some shocking revelations: that he does not belong to this world, that she is his answer to everything – and her life is possibly in danger!? While her closest friend Dae-jung’s warm gestures make her heart skip a beat, her mind still cannot help but waver to Jung-wook’s oft-weird yet endearing antics, pulling her deeper into a whirlwind of doubt and intrigue. But as he edges closer to revealing secrets that challenge the very fabric of her existence, Ananya is left questioning everything she thought she knew. Who really is Jung-wook, and why does he feel so familiar? What is his ulterior motive – and why her, of all people!? How can she trust him, a complete stranger, with her life when it may possibly be in danger? And why, despite all logic, does she still want to believe him? ******* Author’s Note: I'm sorry in advance if my uploads are inconsistent at any point, it might get a little tricky to juggle between my profession and my passion at times. I'll try sharing at least 2 chapters each week. :) Also, as you can probably guess from the cover, I am a beginner at digital art (and manhwa/manga art in general). Do let me know how you like this story and my rough attempt at art, thanks!
Anjie_M · 14.1K Views

Tales Of The Hunted Extra

What would you do if you found a book that can grant you anything except Wealth, Health and love?. Conquer the world?. Become immortal. Or accidentally write a novel about yourself talking of how you got trapped in a novel as an Extra?. This novel does not follow your typical plot of I got trapped in a novel as an extra but follows the plot I doomed myself by writing on a god tier artefact and now everything ice written on it will become true. Ace is a high schooler who loves fantasy;Anime,Novel,Manga,Manhwa, Games. Whatever it is you name it. Ace's destiny was sealed the moment he argued with his friend Barry about how to write a novel. Both got on a bet and decided to write a novel of their own to prove each other wrong. On the same day ace finds book of destiny thinking it's a cool notebook that Barry left for him but he is soon to discover the problems. Ace writes on the book of destiny and after fully making it, ace and Barry start to read together but suddenly get pulled inside the book. Becoming trapped in the same novel he wrote, Aceust follow through the story until it ends so that he can escape and go to the real world but that seems impossible as he might not survive. Following the story, he is playing a cunning extra who is being hunted down by the main charachter, side charachters, main villian, main lead. You name it, Everyone wants to catch Ace and end him. Will ace see through the whole story or will he die.Only destiny knows.
ShadenSword · 1.9K Views

Mendadak Menikah

Follow Instagram @sere_nity_lee untuk info novel terbaru Serenity Lee Juara 4 WPC 32 #59 Female Lead Menikahi Pria Asing || Vol 1-3 TAMAT ======================== "Jadi, Mas, dosen aku?" tanya Audia saat mereka berdua dalam perjalanan di dalam mobil pribadi Alvin. Alvin berdehem sekali. "Ya, begitulah." "Pantes aku, kok, kaya ngerasa kenal sama muka Mas Alvin," tutur Audia menyocokan memorinya. "Mas ngajar apa, ya?"  "Arsitektur." Audia menganggukan kepala sambil mulutnya membentuk huruf 'o'. 'Eh?  ....  Wait  ...  what?' Tiba-tiba syaraf-syaraf otaknya menekan memori di hipokampus. "Pak Mandala?" tanya Audia memastikan. Yang langsung mendapat anggukan dari Alvin. "No way!" jerit Audia tidak percaya. Matanya membulat menatap lekat Alvin. "Kenapa?" tanya Alvin heran. "Pak Mandala yang kutau, mengajar memakai kacamata. Kok, bisa beda banget, ya, tanpa kacamata?" ujar Audia masih tidak percaya, bahwa yang di hadapannya ini adalah 'pak Mandala yang itu'. Dosen angkuh, sok cool, pelit senyum, muka datar,  killer. Sangat berbeda dengan Alvin yang kini menjadi suaminya. Tak disangka 'pak Mandala yang itu' dan Alvin—suaminya, ternyata adalah orang yang sama. 'Orang menyebalkan itu ternyata suamiku?' batinnya. 'Oh tidaaaaaak!' * * *** Calon mempelai wanita mendadak mengundurkan diri dari pernikahan karena perjodohan. Kemudian kabur dan tidak diketahui kabar beritanya. Tinggallah sang calon mempelai pria terdiam terpaku di hadapan tamu undangan. Bimbang sesaat. Membatalkan akad nikahnya atau mencari calon mempelai wanita pengganti dadakan. Hingga netranya menangkap seorang wanita bergaun putih yang duduk di antara tamu undangan. Yang tak lain adalah mahasiswa di kampusnya tempat ia baru saja mengajar. Sebagai dosen pengganti. Bagaimanakah kelanjutan kisah pernikahan mereka ini? Akankah benih-benih cinta tumbuh di antara dua orang asing ini? Dengan segudang tanda tanya pada hati sang mempelai wanita, mengapa dirinya yang dipilih di antara sekian banyak wanita lajang lainnya yang turut hadir di pernikahan akbar anak salah satu pengusaha real estate terkenal di Indonesia itu. Cover === SIMAK KOMENTAR DI SETIAP BAB, SUDAH TAYANG KUIS DADAKAN DAN BERHADIAH SOUVENIER MENARIK UNTUK PEMBACA SETIA MENDADAK MENIKAH ^^ MASUKKAN COLLECTION/TAP LOVE/ADD SEBELUM BACA. AGAR CERITA INI ADA DI DALAM DAFTAR BACAAN KAKAK DAN MENDAPAT NOTIFIKASI SAAT UPDATE BAB BARU ^^ DUKUNG TERUS CERITA INI YA KAK DENGAN MELEMPAR POWER STONE SI BATU BIRU UNTUK CERITA INI! — 1 POWER STONE NANTINYA KAKAK DAPAT 1 VOUCHER GRATIS LHO BUAT BUKA BUKU YANG TERKUNCI. JANGAN LUPA, REVIEW BINTANG 5 YA! MAMPIR JUGA KE CERITAKU YANG LAIN YA KAK: 1. Elegi Cinta Asha 2. ALISHA (PRETENDING) 3. Zarina the Abandoned CEO 4. Terpotek Cinta CEO Botak tapi Ganteng 5. Annethaxia Luo Putri Negeri Salju 6. Saat Kita Muda 7. Angela the Alpha's Mate TERIMA KASIH
Serenity_Lee · 834.3K Views

Elegi Cinta Asha

Follow Instagram @sere_nity_lee untuk info novel terbaru Serenity Lee VOLUME 1 DAN 2 (Asha-Angga) Asha Haryanto, gadis tomboy yang manis, jago ilmu bela diri, namun kemampuan akademisnya hanya rata-rata. Tiba-tiba didekati Angga Darmanto, sang Bintang Kelas dan juga Primadona Sekolah. Selain tampan, kemampuan akademisnya juga di atas rata-rata. Segala cara Angga lakukan untuk menarik hati Asha. Ketika benih-benih cinta mulai tumbuh, Angga harus melanjutkan studinya di luar negeri. Angga pun berangkat ke Jerman, hingga tiga tahun kemudian mereka bertemu kembali. Dan Asha saat itu tengah berbadan dua, yang membuat Angga terkejut. Gadis pujaan hatinya ternyata telah menikah. Dengan kakak kelasnya yang bernama Bayu. Bagaimana akhir kisah mereka? Temukan jawabannya di dalam cerita ini ya. ==== VOLUME 3 (Keenan-Kanaya) Keenan Andriansyah (anak Asha-Bayu), jatuh cinta pada pandangan pertama dengan seorang gadis di sekolahnya, Kanaya Zettira Putri Herlambang, ODHA. Bagaimanakah lika-liku percintaan mereka pada akhirnya? Ikuti terus kisah ini hingga akhir. ==== VOLUME 4 New Love Stories Ada kisah percintaan Keenan Ada kisah perjuangan cinta Kevin Ada kisah cinta Kayla dan juga Alisha Bagaimanakah lika-liku percintaan mereka pada akhirnya? Ikuti terus kisah ini hingga akhir. ===== MASUKKAN COLLECTION/TAP LOVE/ADD SEBELUM BACA. AGAR CERITA INI ADA DI DALAM DAFTAR BACAAN KAKAK DAN MENDAPAT NOTIFIKASI SAAT UPDATE BAB BARU ^^ DUKUNG TERUS CERITA INI YA KAK DENGAN MELEMPAR POWER STONE SI BATU BIRU UNTUK CERITA INI! — 1 POWER STONE NANTINYA KAKAK DAPAT 1 VOUCHER GRATIS LHO BUAT BUKA BUKU YANG TERKUNCI. JANGAN LUPA, REVIEW BINTANG 5 YA! MAMPIR JUGA KE CERITAKU YANG LAIN YA KAK: 1. Mendadak Menikah 2. ALISHA (PRETENDING) 3. Zarina the Abandoned CEO 4. Terpotek Cinta CEO Botak tapi Ganteng 5. Annethaxia Luo Putri Negeri Salju 6. Saat Kita Muda 7. Angela the Alpha's Mate TERIMA KASIH
Serenity_Lee · 273.4K Views

Jasa Pindahan Surabaya Jakarta

Selamat datang di Pilar Transport, penyedia layanan pindahan dan sewa kendaraan angkut yang terpercaya di Bandung Antapani. Kami hadir untuk membantu Anda dengan solusi cepat, aman, dan efisien untuk berbagai kebutuhan pindahan dan pengiriman barang. Dengan tim profesional dan armada kendaraan yang lengkap, kami memastikan setiap proses berjalan lancar. Layanan Pindahan dan Angkut Terbaik: 1. Paket Pindahan Domestik - Untuk pindahan rumah dalam kota atau antar kota. 2. Pindahan Antar Kota - Kami siap membantu Anda pindahan ke luar kota dengan aman. 3. Pindahan Kantor - Solusi pindahan bisnis yang cepat dan aman. 4. Pindahan Apartemen - Pengiriman dan penataan barang ke apartemen dengan mudah. 5. Layanan Packing dan Unpacking - Kami bantu kemas barang dan menatanya kembali di lokasi tujuan. Layanan Sewa Truk dan PickUp: 1. Truk Berbagai Ukuran - Pilih ukuran kendaraan sesuai kebutuhan barang. 2. Sopir Profesional - Semua sopir kami berpengalaman dan berlisensi. 3. Layanan Antarpulau - Layanan pengiriman barang ke luar pulau. 4. Asuransi Barang - Jaminan keamanan barang selama proses pengiriman. Mengapa Memilih Pilar Transport? - Profesionalisme Terjamin - Tim ahli yang selalu siap membantu proses pindahan Anda. - Layanan Fleksibel - Kami menyesuaikan layanan dengan kebutuhan Anda. - Harga Kompetitif - Dapatkan penawaran harga terbaik dan terjangkau. - Keamanan dan Keandalan - Barang Anda dipastikan aman dengan layanan tracking dan asuransi. Hubungi Kami Sekarang! WA : 0811-2889-600 JASA PINDAHAN : Dapatkan konsultasi gratis dan penawaran terbaik untuk kebutuhan pindahan dan pengiriman barang Anda.
Vinny_Devi · 35.3K Views

Sewa Truk Surabaya

Selamat datang di Pilar Transport, penyedia layanan pindahan dan sewa kendaraan angkut yang terpercaya di Bandung Antapani. Kami hadir untuk membantu Anda dengan solusi cepat, aman, dan efisien untuk berbagai kebutuhan pindahan dan pengiriman barang. Dengan tim profesional dan armada kendaraan yang lengkap, kami memastikan setiap proses berjalan lancar. Layanan Pindahan dan Angkut Terbaik: 1. Paket Pindahan Domestik - Untuk pindahan rumah dalam kota atau antar kota. 2. Pindahan Antar Kota - Kami siap membantu Anda pindahan ke luar kota dengan aman. 3. Pindahan Kantor - Solusi pindahan bisnis yang cepat dan aman. 4. Pindahan Apartemen - Pengiriman dan penataan barang ke apartemen dengan mudah. 5. Layanan Packing dan Unpacking - Kami bantu kemas barang dan menatanya kembali di lokasi tujuan. Layanan Sewa Truk dan PickUp: 1. Truk Berbagai Ukuran - Pilih ukuran kendaraan sesuai kebutuhan barang. 2. Sopir Profesional - Semua sopir kami berpengalaman dan berlisensi. 3. Layanan Antarpulau - Layanan pengiriman barang ke luar pulau. 4. Asuransi Barang - Jaminan keamanan barang selama proses pengiriman. Mengapa Memilih Pilar Transport? - Profesionalisme Terjamin - Tim ahli yang selalu siap membantu proses pindahan Anda. - Layanan Fleksibel - Kami menyesuaikan layanan dengan kebutuhan Anda. - Harga Kompetitif - Dapatkan penawaran harga terbaik dan terjangkau. - Keamanan dan Keandalan - Barang Anda dipastikan aman dengan layanan tracking dan asuransi. Hubungi Kami Sekarang! WA : 0811-2889-600 JASA PINDAHAN : Dapatkan konsultasi gratis dan penawaran terbaik untuk kebutuhan pindahan dan pengiriman barang Anda.
Quina_Yunita · 28.5K Views

Shattered Vows: The Path of Retribution

Title: Shattered Vows: The Path of Retribution Genre : Revenge, Drama, Martial Arts, Manhwa --- Synopsis: Betrayed by the one he loved most, Han Jiwon, a powerful martial artist, finds himself on the brink of death. His lover, So-yeon, whom he trusted with his life, orchestrates his downfall to gain power and control over their martial clan. As he breathes his last in a violent battle, he vows that if he ever had another chance, he would make them all pay. In an unexpected twist of fate, Jiwon wakes up, not in the afterlife, but 10 years in the past, before his life spiraled out of control. His body is weak, but his mind holds all the knowledge of the future — including every secret technique, alliance, and betrayal that lies ahead. This time, armed with the painful lessons of his future, he will carve a new path. He must navigate through treacherous martial factions, avoid past mistakes, and rebuild his power. But more importantly, he has a new mission: exact revenge on So-yeon and everyone else who conspired against him. In his quest for retribution, Jiwon faces a difficult journey. Old enemies resurface, but now he knows their weaknesses. Old friends will still be drawn into deadly schemes, but this time, he will protect those who were once lost. And when it comes to So-yeon, the woman who betrayed him… she has no idea that the man she thought she killed has returned. --- Key Characters: - Han Jiwon: The protagonist. A martial artist once betrayed by the woman he loved. With his return to the past, he harbors a burning desire for revenge, but also grapples with whether he should change the fate of those he once cared for. - So-yeon: The cunning and ambitious lover who betrayed Jiwon. In the past, she presents herself as a kind and gentle woman, but Jiwon knows her true nature and plots to dismantle her plans before they even begin. - Baek Seung-ho: Jiwon’s former best friend, who was manipulated into betraying him. In this life, Jiwon aims to protect him and turn him into a loyal ally. - Master Yun: Jiwon’s old mentor, who will once again guide him in martial arts. This time, Jiwon seeks to not only surpass his old abilities but to master forbidden techniques that will make him unstoppable. --- Plot Points: 1. The Rebirth: Jiwon wakes up as his younger self and immediately begins laying the groundwork for his revenge. Knowing the future, he starts honing his martial skills faster than he ever did before. 2. Trust No One: Jiwon cautiously rebuilds his alliances, all while keeping his true intentions hidden. He uses his knowledge of people’s motivations and weaknesses to manipulate situations in his favor. 3. Gaining Power: As Jiwon grows stronger, he uncovers ancient martial arts techniques that were lost to time in his original life. He seeks to master them in preparation for the battles to come. 4. The Betrayer’s Web: Jiwon plays a dangerous game with So-yeon, pretending to be unaware of her deceit. While she moves forward with her plan, Jiwon sets his own traps, watching as her ambitions begin to crumble. 5. Revenge Unleashed: The time for vengeance draws near, and Jiwon sets in motion a chain of events that will lead to the downfall of So-yeon and everyone who wronged him. This time, no mercy will be given. --- - Shattered Vows: The Path of Retribution* is a gripping tale of revenge and martial prowess. As Jiwon battles his way through the world of martial arts, he must balance his thirst for revenge with the wisdom he gained from his past life. Will he fall victim to the same mistakes, or will he rise above and forge a new destiny?
Syno_Xia · 3.3K Views
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