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Das charismatische Glück des Bauernmädchens

Am Xishui-Fluss lebte eine Familie mit dem Nachnamen Ruo, die so viel Pech hatte, dass es schien, als sei das Unglück von ihrer Seele besessen. Während andere Familien reiche Ernten einfuhren, erntete die Familie Ruo nicht ein einziges Korn. Ihr angepflanztes Gemüse wurde von Insekten aufgefressen, ihre Hühner bekamen die Hühnerpest, ihre Schweine die Schweinepest... Obwohl der Haushalt voller starker Männer war, waren sie entweder verrückt, verkrüppelt oder blind... Aus einer Familie mit guten Aussichten wurde die ärmste im Umkreis von zehn Meilen. Das Einzige, worum die anderen die Familie Ruo beneideten, waren ihre blühenden männlichen Mitglieder! Die alte Dame der Familie Ruo hatte sechs Söhne zur Welt gebracht, die ihr dann vier Enkel schenkten. Sie träumte Tag und Nacht davon, eine Enkelin zu haben. Als sie endlich ein Enkelkind bekam, war das Kind zu ihrem Entsetzen geistig behindert: Mit über drei Jahren konnte es immer noch nicht sprechen oder gehen, konnte nicht einmal essen oder sich ohne Hilfe erleichtern. Alle dachten, die Familie Ruo würde ihr Schicksal in diesem Leben nicht mehr wenden! Bis das halb so alte, dreijährige, geistig behinderte Kind plötzlich rief: "Mama..." Der Himmel begann sich zu verändern. Die Welt begann sich geheimnisvoll zu verändern. Im Hof der Familie Ruo waren über Nacht die Kakis reif geworden. Das Gemüse auf den Feldern, das von den Insekten fast kahlgefressen worden war, wurde üppig und grün. Die alte Henne, die noch nie Eier gelegt hatte, begann plötzlich zu legen... Während andere vor einer Hungersnot standen, war die Kornkammer der Familie Ruo voll. Der älteste Sohn war nicht mehr verrückt, der zweite Sohn war nicht mehr verkrüppelt, der dritte Sohn war nicht mehr blind... Die alte Dame der Familie Ruo stemmte die Hände in die Hüften und lachte herzhaft in den Himmel: "Wer sagt denn, dass meine Xuanbao ein Dummkopf ist? Sie ist eindeutig ein Schatz an Segnungen!" (Dies ist ein Bauernroman mit einem Hauch von Feencharme, in dem die weibliche Hauptfigur in einem früheren Leben eine gerade erwachte Taglilie war, die sich als Mensch reinkarniert hat).
Fade in and out · 3.1K Views

Alle wollen die glückliche Tochter verwöhnen

Die Familie des Herzogs hat ein Jahrhundert lang keine Töchter gehabt. Als ihnen endlich eine Tochter geboren wurde, hätte sie all die Liebe und Verwöhnung bekommen sollen, aber es stellte sich heraus, dass die echte Tochter bei der Geburt vertauscht und von einer Familie gutherziger Jäger aufgenommen worden war. Seit sie das Mädchen adoptiert hatten, schienen die Jäger bei allem Glück zu haben - das Wild lief in die Fallen und Netze, die sie auslegten, und sie fanden überall seltene Kräuter. Zehn Tränen später erkannte die Familie des Herzogs endlich die Wahrheit, dass ihre Tochter vertauscht worden war, und reiste über tausend Meilen weit, um sie nach Hause zu holen. Nachdem sie zu ihrer richtigen Familie zurückgekehrt war, wurde die Tochter zweifellos von allen Familienmitgliedern verwöhnt... Nachdem sie aufgewachsen war, zeichnete sich Lin Qingluo in den Kampfkünsten aus und stieg zur Spitze der Kampfkunstwelt auf. Als sie sich mit ihren Brüdern und ihrem Vater auf das Schlachtfeld begab, vernichtete sie ihre Feinde, wurde als Kriegsgöttin bekannt und gewann unzählige Bewunderer. Herr des Pavillons des himmlischen Geheimnisses: Dein Ruf eilt dir voraus, Milady - niemand ist mit dir vergleichbar, wie die Gerüchte besagen. Oberhaupt des Trank-Tals: Eure Fähigkeiten in der Medizin sind außergewöhnlich, und ich beuge mich Eurem Wissen. Ich verspreche Euch meine Loyalität, wenn Ihr mir beibringt, Medizin zu praktizieren und den Menschen zu helfen. Der Erste Prinz der Qi-Nation: Danke, dass Ihr mich gerettet habt. Ich stehe für mein Leben in Eurer Schuld. Lin Qingluo: Ein anhänglicher Prinz hat mein Herz gestohlen, und ich kann an nichts anderes mehr denken als an ihn. Ich habe keine andere Person im Kopf.
Ting Lan Listening to the Rain · 13.7K Views

Spezialagent Wiedergeburt: Die omnipotente Göttin der schnellen Seelenwanderung

Sie ist die frisch gekürte beste Schauspielerin des Unterhaltungskreises und die lange verschollene zweite junge Dame der Familie Ye in der Kaiserstadt, was jeder wusste. Die älteste Tochter der Ye-Familie war der Vorsitzende der Fenghai-Gruppe, der dritte Sohn der Ye-Familie ein hohes Tier in der Kaiserstadt, aber die gefundene zweite junge Dame war nur eine Dekoration im Unterhaltungszirkel. Ihr Vater liebte sie nicht, ihre Mutter schätzte sie nicht. Doch niemand wusste, dass sie hinter dem Deckmantel einer bloßen Dekoration in Wirklichkeit eine außergewöhnliche Agentin war, die internationale Mächte als beunruhigend empfanden! Unerwartet machte sie einen Fehler, wurde ausgetrickst und verband sich versehentlich mit einem System, um Aufgaben zu erfüllen und Energie zu absorbieren. Seitdem dominierte sie in allen Paralleluniversen und schrieb das tragische Leben anderer um. Egal, in welcher Welt sie sich aufhielt, sie gedieh mühelos. Womit sie jedoch nicht gerechnet hatte, war die Begegnung mit einem mächtigen Mann einer geheimnisvollen Macht... Wenn sie endlich wieder zu alter Stärke zurückfindet, könnte sie ihre Identität als zweite junge Dame der Ye-Familie aufgeben; sie könnte das Erbe ihrer Familie ablehnen. Aber wenn sie nicht mit denen abrechnet, die sich gegen sie verschworen haben, wie soll sie dann ihrem hart erarbeiteten Titel als Chefagentin gerecht werden? Sobald ihre Identität vollständig aufgedeckt ist, wird ihre Zeit gekommen sein, zu glänzen! *** Der eine ist ein wunderbarer junger Krimiautor, der andere ein weltberühmter Chefagent - dies ist der Showdown zwischen zwei beeindruckenden Persönlichkeiten. *** Die alternativen Titel dieses Romans lauten "Die Heldin ist wirklich erstaunlich" und "Der Held ist wirklich gutaussehend". -【Refreshing】【Quick Transmigration】【1v1】
Road of Flowers · 2.8K Views

Verstrickt im Mondlicht: Unverändert

Der Packungsfehler zu sein ist schon schlimm genug. ABGELEHNT zu werden? Von deinem eigenen Schicksalsgefährten? Ja. DAS ist eine ganz neue Stufe des Abstiegs. Ava Grey ist der Rudeldefekt, eine wolfslose Shifterin. Sie kämpft sich durch ihr Leben mit dem vagen Traum von Freiheit. Ihre Chance kommt, als sie plötzlich erfährt, dass sie an der Lunar Gala teilnehmen wird, einem jährlichen Ball für junge erwachsene Shifter, die ihre Schicksalsgefährten finden wollen. Und sie findet ihn. Er ist schön und intensiv, und seine Küsse lassen das Verlangen wie eine Droge durch ihre Adern fließen. Bis er sie ABWEIST. Ava will nicht in ihr tristes Leben zurückkehren. Sie flieht und baut sich eine neue Identität auf, weit weg von ihrem Rudel und von ihrem Alphamännchen. Sie findet neue Freunde und wird sogar von einem witzigen Husky zwangsadoptiert. Doch gerade als sie sich eingewöhnt und ihr Glück gefunden hat, geschehen seltsame Dinge... Ihr Husky hat Geheimnisse vor ihr. Sie hört Geflüster, dass Shifter-Rudel überall auf der Welt nach ihr suchen. Und sie kann einen vertrauten Geruch in ihrer Wohnung riechen, der überhaupt keinen Sinn ergibt ... weil der Mann, zu dem er gehört, sie zurückgewiesen hat. [Cupids Quill Mar 2024 Eintrag] --------- Dies ist eine Wolfshifter-Romanze mit mehreren Auslösern, die gerne Hand in Hand mit all den dunklen Themen durch eine Wiese voller toter Blumen wandern. In diesem Buch finden Sie die höchsten Höhen und die tiefsten Tiefen. Lachen, weinen, wüten; du kannst alles tun, wenn du Ava auf ihrer gefährlichen Reise als Wolfswandler in dieser Generation von Werwolfsromanen folgst. Es gibt R18-Szenen, die in diesem Buch verstreut sind wie Süßigkeiten, die aus einer Pinata fallen. Bitte lesen Sie verantwortungsbewusst. ------- AUTORENDISKORD:
Lenaleia · 1.3M Views

Das Hexenjäger-System

Der doppelte Anbau ist keine Wahl, er ist eine Notwendigkeit. Nachdem er wie die meisten glücklichen (oder unglücklichen) Protagonisten von einem Lastwagen angefahren wurde, fand sich Vaan im Körper eines Waisenkindes in der Welt der Hexen und Dämonen wieder. Doch die gab es nicht immer. Dämonen haben die Welt terrorisiert, seit das Reich der Gehenna vor über 300 Jahren untergegangen ist, aber mit ihnen kam auch das Mana, das die Hexen hervorbrachte, um diese Dämonen zu bekämpfen. Seitdem wird die Welt der Menschen von Hexen beherrscht, und es entstanden die sieben Hexenkönigreiche, die an vorderster Front die Invasion der Dämonen bewachen. Um in der matriarchalischen Gesellschaft der Hexenkönigreiche zu überleben, musste Vaan, wie alle anderen Männer, die keine Magie anwenden können, lernen, den Hexen zu dienen, um zu überleben. Doch das war nicht ohne Vorteile. Jahrelange Forschung führte die Welt zu der Entdeckung, dass Intimität zwischen Männern und Frauen die Manaaufnahme der Hexen erhöhen kann. Aber gleichzeitig konnten Männer einen Teil dieses Manas absorbieren, um ihren Körperbau und ihre Lebenserwartung zu verbessern. Seitdem hat sich in den Rotlichtvierteln eine komplizierte Beziehung zwischen Männern und Hexen entwickelt. Die Liebe wurde zwanglos, und die Doppelkultivierung ist weit verbreitet. Als Wunderkind in der Kunst, Frauen zu gefallen, lebte Vaan seit seiner Transmigration als Waisenkind zwei Jahre lang problemlos. Doch eines Tages brach alles zusammen, als er fast umgebracht wurde und Lady Eniwse, der er diente, durchdrehte. Doch das war noch nicht das Ende. Mit der Erweckung des Hexenjäger-Systems wird Vaan die Welt erobern und der Herr der Hexen werden. ===== Genre: [Mature Content] [R-18] [Smut] [Magie] [Hexen] [Dämonen] [Geister] [Drachen] [Bestien] [Reinkarnation] [Abenteuer] [Action] [Mystery] [Akademie] [Schwach-zu-Stark] [Scheming MC] [Harem] [System] [Diener] [Sklaven] [Smart MC] [Alchemie] [Schmieden] [Missverständnisse] [Spielelemente] [Kingdom-Building] [Overpowered MC] ===== Hinweis: Enthält Zitronen. Hexen zu jagen bedeutet nicht unbedingt, Hexen zu töten, wenn du weißt, was ich meine ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ===== Fühlt euch frei, dem Discord beizutreten, um über den Roman zu diskutieren, oder nehmt die Roman-Update-Rolle an, um benachrichtigt zu werden, sobald neue Kapitel unter dem unten stehenden Link veröffentlicht werden; ===== Meine anderen Romane; Erster Roman: Prime Originator (Gemeinsames Universum) Zweiter Roman: Ich bin ein berüchtigter Boss in der alternativen Welt (Shared Universe) =====
Pointbreak · 49.9K Views

The Beast Tamer Is A Slime

Neo Cromwell, an avid novel and manhwa reader, never expected that one day, he would actually transmigrate to a modern world where magical dungeons, beasts and awakened hunters coexist. But he transmigrated as a little beast inside one of the lowest-level dungeons— a slime. A palm-sized slime cub. Fellow dungeon beasts would love to devour him as a snack. The hunters would kill him with a single blow upon sight or use every single part of his body as materials. The worst is death, and the "best" outcome is to become the beast tamers and hunters' contracted beast. But who would want to contract a slime? Facing a dead end, Neo struggled to survive relying on his slime race's basic skills, until he was in a life and death moment— He awakened as a [Beast Tamer]. What? You want a slime to tame beasts and monsters? Or even more bizarre...tame the hunters? You bet! Neo started his counterattack journey as a literal "beast" tamer, the only beast tamer in the world, who is a beast itself. Who said that humans and the likes can't be called "beasts"? Leave the dungeon and blend with the hunters in the human world! Move to higher-level dungeons and grab resources from beasts and hunters! Open up "wasteland" wild districts full of rampant beasts! Challenge the tower, fight against other civilizations! With his ultimate skill [Slime Transformation] and [Beast Taming], he created the legend of the untamed slime. DING! [Devour] skill is activated. Linking skills: [Slime Transformation] — [Beast Taming] You choose. --------------------- Update schedule [After premium/chapter locked] Mon-Sun: 2 chps/day Bonus chapters: Weekend 3 chaps/Mass release 5/10/15 chps once a month
Zehell2218 · 10.5K Views

I Became a Scumbag in The End Times With an RV System and a Wife? (GL)

Lu Wuqi was killed while trying to protect a little girl from tens of bullets. But instead of dying, she became the successor of the 'RV upgrade system' and was reborn in a melodramatic post apocalyptic novel and became the scumbag with the same name as her who gave her wife to others to play with to save her life. The scumbag even tried to kill their baby by abandoning her in this world filled with rampant zombies. In the original novel, Lu Wuqi was a vain alpha woman who was even cheating on her wife. she didn't even want to endure the hardships and only wanted to curry favor with the boss of a gang by selling her wife. She wanted to let her wife be the plaything of the whole gang just to enjoy a glass of wine and food. She also felt that their baby daughter was nothing but a burden in the end times and even tried to let her be the food of zombies, this scene was seen by the heroine Yun Qingyue and in a moment of desperation, she awakened superpowers and killed the whole gang as well as the original Lu Wuqi and escaped from there with her daughter. Later, She even met her destined alpha 'Lin Ge' who respected and loved her very much. They even set up their own base and recruited a lot of members and their base also became the only place where omegas could stay safe. Their base also grew larger as they became stronger and they even established their own kingdom after eradicating the zombies. Lu Wuqi couldn't help but feel unfair : qAq... Why am I a scumbag trash.... qAq... Fortunately, Lu Wuqi was an expert mercenary in her previous life and even the boss of her own mercenary agency. Her fighting skills and physical fitness were extremely amazing, coupled with the 'RV upgrade system' , she changed her original destiny written in the novel. She escaped with the cub and the heroine and even made their own magical RV. Later, she slowly regained the trust of the heroine and even grew to love her and their little cub by her whole heart. Lu Wuqi : Hmmphh!! Who said, I was a straight woman?? I obviously Love my wife very much... hehee,.... .. .. # A little Sneak Peek : Lu Wuqi was currently kneeling on her knees outside their bedroom, Lu Wuqi : Babyyyy~~ I'm Sorry, I will be gentle next time... Yun Qingyue : Shameless!! You always say this.... #Another day, Yun Qingyue : I seem to have just seen your dear white moonlight... Lu Wuqi (Scared Jpg.) : Really? I mean... what white moonlight?? I don't have any.. Yun Qingyue : With a smile on her face : Really?? Lu Wuqi : qAq.... THIS IS MY ORIGINAL BOOK!!! READ AND ENJOY...
Saim_Hossain · 4.7K Views

Elysium: Desired by the Cold-hearted Princess [GL]

 It all started with losing her mother, getting thrown into a boarding school, and then having the rumored witch-like princess of the kingdom desire her and want her by all means necessary. But it isn't the innocent type of desire she had expected. It's something much darker than she could ever handle.         ****  Sera didn't think her life would ever take a turn for the worst until her worthless father remarried her mother's half sister and, on her orders, sent Sera to a boarding school that was far off in a different kingdom—Elysium High, an all-girls academy for the most prestigious daughters in all of the seven kingdoms.    In Elysium, only the most powerful could survive, as even the prettiest and most innocent-looking faces had skeletons in their closests and would ruin anyone or anything that got in their way. Unfortunately for innocent and naive Sera, she would become the newest prey of Elysium, and everyone wants a piece of the beautiful redhead.     But what happens when the most unexpected person also takes an interest in her?   Electra's name alone was enough to get the entire school shaking in fear. Not only was she the only heir to the most powerful kingdom in the realm, she was also known as the cold-hearted queen of Elysium High. Nothing and no one ever caught Electra's attention, until the arrival of Sera, where everything changed.     And all it took was for clumsy Sera to bump into the most powerful one of them all.  *** THIS BOOK IS RATED 18+! It contains matured content such as: ⁃ Bullying ⁃ Smut (BDSM included) ⁃ Violence. ⁃ Harem So read with caution, and don't say you weren't warned!
jobetgrayson · 218.3K Views

The Scum Emperor's Redemption System

[Disclaimer: Gender-Bend, Contains NSFW in Some Chapters, Futanari, GL/Yuri, Harem, Gore, Future Chapters Will Have More NSFW Scenes] A devastating tragedy befell the Imperial Family of the Valtirium Empire, with the emperor and his offsprings meeting a grim fate. Amidst the destruction, one unexpected heir remained - the youngest and most infamous of the Imperial children, Argider Valtirium. A lustful man who bedded several women. Upon inheriting the crown, Argider seized the opportunity to cast off the shackles of responsibility and propriety. Driven by a mix of grief, resentment, and an insatiable desire for personal pleasure, he indulged in every whim and vice that came his way. However, fate played a cruel trick; he was assassinated. Then, in mockingly after he finally promised to act on his duties, he awoke the next day as a... girl?! - [Welcome To The Redemption System. Repent Or Stay As A Woman Forever!] "?!" In order to return to his former self, Argider needed to become a better person. Will he endure the all the forced character developments, the consequences of his actions, the constant disturbance between him and his desires, and last of all, redeem himself as a human? Follow him on his journey to get through the political ambitions, personal struggles, wars amongst the people who he had done wrong, and reflections after becoming a woman. ________________________________________________________ Hello, everyone! This is my 1st novel and I started writing to support myself through college so I can rely less on my parent because I am in a different city. So if you guys support me, it really means a lot and can rlly help me irl! This novel is merely a testing ground if I'm capable of writing at all, but here are the things you should know: 1. MC is not good or bad. They're a human. If you like the them or not is up to you. 2. Don't trust what I write. There will be plot twists. 3. Humor would be thrown around here and there while still being serious. 4. The story will be SLOW-PACED. So if you're expecting fast-paced, so sorry. I want to attempt on humanizing the characters as much as possible. 5. Politics and philosophy! 6. Weird fanservice have some fanservice. 7. The world will be morally gray, obviously. Don't get shocked if it casually says incest because it was common amongst royal families. 8. Action 9. Unexpected tear jerker 10. A lot of drawbacks 11. MC will work hard physically and mentally 12. Some unconventional concepts 13. Overall weird. Yes I am self-aware. 1 Gift Cola = 1 Extra Chapter 1 Gift Pizza = 2 Extra Chapter 1 Gift Time Capsule = 3 Extra Chapter 1 Gift Massage Chair = 4 Extra Chapter 1 Gift Car = 5 Extra Chapter 1 Gift Dragon = 6 Extra Chapter 1 Gift Castle = 7 Extra Chapter 1 Gift Spaceship = 8 Extra Chapter 100 Power Stones = 1 Extra Chapter 200 Power Stones = 2 Extra Chapters 300 Power Stones = 3 Extra chapters 1 Golden Tickets = 1 Extra chapters per week 5 Golden Tickets = 2 Extra chapters per week 10 Golden Tickets = 3 Extra chapters per week Patreon Link: Other Social Links (Instagram, Twitter, Discord, etc) :
Celipse · 101.1K Views

The Ogre Strength Fairy and the Eldest 'Son'

~Updates Daily~ (usually near 7PM ET / 12AM GMT) Other Tags: #GL #Slice of Life #Comedy #TheStrongActingWeak #ChildhoodSweethearts (It counts!) Single love interest Yuri! No lengthy misunderstandings over this fact~ --- After failing to ascend to the heights of Divinity despite all her preparations, an ancient cultivator finds herself not embracing the emptiness of the void - but the interior warmth of a womb. Her memories intact despite her spirit being a merest fraction of her height - and her trusted Astralism unchanged - she carefully starts over from an infant. How to navigate her family: [really easy with only two parents and an estate full of servants!] How to portray herself: [everyone likes 'sweet' kids and trusts (underestimates) 'weak' girls!] How 'quickly' to reveal the power she gathers: [this region is a 'backwater', let's just take it slow~] How her marriage was arranged before birth: [my parents adore me so at an appropriate time I'll just have it cance- oh?] Dealing with an 'amusing' deceit: ['he' looks worried still, but 'he' doesn't have to worry from me!] Confronting the 'boy' in private: [whatever their iffy plan is, I just obtained a husband-wife~] Even in a new life, | Elua er Goltbred | can't and doesn't *want* to change who she really is. A scheming cultivator. A possessive lover. Neither of those things had been a real hindrance to the Peak of Demi-God. Balancing the two in this life - without driving away the young 'boy' she decided would be hers - centers as much around helping | Qatrand er Yecine | find herself... as it is hoping to ease the fiance into how messed up the 'younger' girl honestly is. It's a good thing that the reborn cultivator can improvise with her ridiculous control of an Illusion Astralism - because plans fail and unexpected things happen when you're not *really* a genius. Like her Physique in this life allowing the lightest 'grip' to crack stone... | Qat | (the nickname picked almost instantly!) despite being a little stunted by her family environment early on, finds her future wife to be 'cute' on their first meeting. ... she really shouldn't have let on. It made her | El | kind of vain. Oh, and muscles. | Elua | : I just like looking at them, okay!? Is it so weird? People can have hobbies... - - - > Types of Cultivation // Spiritual (Soul), Physical (Body), Essence (Qi) > Aspect Trinity // Astralism, Physique, Element 'Ranks' Initial - Early, Mid, Late Lower Realms // Enchanter, Primalist, Breacher Upper Realms // Defier, Demi-god, Divinity - Echelons (First -> Seventh[Peak]) - - - Cover Art: AI Text Prompt Generation + title (etc.) added with an image editor. I also tend to do other 'fixes' in post! Potential trigger warnings: > A FL that may seem (to some) like they are being groomed due to 'true age' difference. > A MC that gets a little 'thirsty' a little 'young' but tries to 'keep her own pants on' until the proper age. > A toxic family environment willing to force an unloved child into the role of a crossdresser. A child that grew more than okay with it. > 'Pretty Good Dad' intentionally 'picked on' by his 'sweet daughter' for being a relatively 'minor obstacle'. Seriously, you were warned, average fathers with teenagers. Do not engage your trauma.
Seraphelki · 164.6K Views

Blueprints of Time (GL)

Blueprints of Time tells the captivating story of Ling Wei, a talented architect from modern times. While working on a renovation project for a centuries-old landmark, she stumbles upon mysterious blueprints that transport her back to an ancient era—though it's a parallel world unlike any she has known. Upon her arrival in this new world, Ling Wei faces a series of challenges. Lost and disoriented, she is mistaken for a young man due to her appearance. Embracing this misconception for convenience, she navigates the unfamiliar landscape and finds refuge in Dragon's Edge Woodcutters, a thriving woodcutting business owned by the resilient and beautiful Wu Meifen. Wu Meifen, a young single mother and determined businesswoman, is immediately captivated by Ling Wei, who she believes to be a resourceful young man. For Ling Wei, it is love at first sight. Despite the initial confusion and the secrets they both harbor, a bond begins to form between them. Amidst the bustling life of Dragon's Edge Woodcutters, Ling Wei and Wu Meifen agree to a marriage of convenience—Meifen for the stability and father figure Ling Wei can provide for her son, and Ling Wei for the chance to stay close to the woman she loves. As they work side by side, their relationship deepens through shared struggles, tender moments, and the slow burn of mutual attraction. Interwoven with their daily lives are the enigmatic blueprints that brought Ling Wei to this world. As she unravels their secrets, Ling Wei discovers that her journey through time is part of a greater destiny that ties her to Wu Meifen and the legacy of the woodcutting business. Blueprints of Time is a romantic tale that blends historical intrigue with the endearing anecdotes of two women from different worlds finding love against all odds. With each passing day, Ling Wei's pursuit of Wu Meifen's heart reveals the timeless blueprint of love, etched across the ages. ○○○○○ As Wu Meifen emerged from Ling Wei's small cabin, retying the sash of her outer shirt, she found herself face-to-face with her aunt, Wu Chen's wife, and her cousin, Zhang Mingyi. Zhang Mingyi's eyes widened in shock. "Why are you coming out from there?" Her aunt, already letting her imagination run wild, gasped, "Xiao Fen, you?!" At that exact moment, Ling Wei followed Meifen out, still fumbling with her own disheveled outerwear. "Ms. Wu, you don't have to—" Ling Wei began, intending to tell Meifen she felt much better and didn’t need further assistance. But she stopped short when she noticed Meifen standing stock-still, her eyes locked on her aunt and cousin, who were staring at them in disbelief. Sensing the brewing storm and the potential for scandal, Wu Meifen swiftly took control of the situation. "It's exactly what Auntie thinks," she declared, her voice steady. "And I have come to agree to this marriage." "You!!" The exclamation came in unison, filled with shock and disbelief. Wu Meifen's aunt and cousin were left speechless, their minds racing to comprehend the sudden revelation. Meanwhile, Ling Wei, caught off guard, stood 70% confused and 30% bewildered, her heart racing as she processed what had just happened. Had her crush just proposed to her, albeit indirectly? The thought sent a thrill through her, mingling excitement with the lingering confusion.
DrunkenForest · 21.8K Views

Fallen General's Omega (BL)

I watch him, his green eyes brimming with concern as he gently massages my scarred leg. The sensation is both soothing and a stark reminder of my own inadequacy. The once-feared Crimson General, a symbol of power and invincibility, is now nothing but a frail shadow of his former self. I’ve been abandoned, left to decay in this forsaken place, my family and comrades long forgotten. Darkness had become my only solace, and I had resigned myself to it. Then he arrived, a beacon of light in my endless night. His presence, his care—it’s more than I ever deserved. Yet, I find myself clinging to him with an intensity that borders on madness. I hate that I need him so desperately, that his every action and word have become my lifeline. It consumes me, a torment I can't escape. "You don't have to do this. Please, don’t do this. I’m nothing. You deserve better. Leave. Please," I beg, my voice trembling with raw anguish, the very words tearing me apart. He continues his work, seemingly unaffected by my pleas. "Why are you here? Look at me! I’m nothing." Desperation and anger swell within me, mixing into a maelstrom of anxiety. I can’t comprehend the emotions coursing through me. "You're my alpha, where else would I be?" he responds softly, his gaze unwavering, as if my pleas were mere background noise. My heart races, torn between overwhelming relief and paralyzing dread. In that moment, I realize the truth: you would have to tear him from my cold, lifeless arms. I’m never letting go. - General Thorne, betrayed and broken, finds new life and love with Omega Noelle, who nurses him back to health. Their deepening bond reveals Thorne’s softer side, offering a chance at happiness. Unfortunately, Thorne’s past soon catches up with them, threatening their newfound peace. **** STOP!!!! HERE IS 9 REASONS YOU SHOULD GIVE THIS A SHOT 1. Omegaverse 2. The Alpha is a greenflag. 3. Fluff, and cheesey cliche romance. 4. Faceslapping and revenge. 5. Smut, with no dubcon or noncon. 6. OP husband. 7. Really cliche plot honestly. Those historical manhwas but make it gay. 8. The omega/bot is not a pushover. 9. I'm asking you give it a shot please.
Sofie_Vert01 · 556.8K Views

The Crimson General Desires no Prince! (GL)

A festive day, a week have the kingdom of Polestin celebrated for their victory with the crimson general leading their army. The soldiers who served have been guaranteed a spot inside a local bar of the capital city. Clank! "The Crimson General despite being a woman is a talented warrior! Three cheers for the general!" "That woman saved me when I needed it! All hail the general!" "She's like a sister to all the soldier! All hail our general!" Every warrior kept on drinking as the news reached them that the war with their neighboring kingdom was over, the ruler raised their white flag as they asked for mercy- being beneath the crimson general. "General! Come drink with us!" "..." The Crimson General, for how she got her name is because of her crimson hair that became the trademark of her legendary name already spreading across the many kingdoms. "I don't drink." she denies the invitation her comrades and just sat down on the table watching the others enjoy themselves. "Enjoy, general! You might even find a man here that suits to your liking! You know... your type I think...! The general would love a soft-spoken man!" "...No." "Hah! That's a shame! In any case I heard that you'll be receiving a reward for helping win the war!" "A reward... I wonder what could it be." ... The reward: "You can choose any of my children to marry you. I have the finest royal princes for you to choose. That is my reward." The King motions to his left side showing his sons who smiles, sitting in their throne meeting her gaze.. "Eh?" "My liege, forgive me but this is..." "Are my children not good enough for you? General, I applaud your accomplishment. Isn't marrying into the royal family a good enough reward for the general?" The King asked the general who swallowed the lump in her throat looking at the princes in display. "I choose-!" Everyone stopped and waiting for the girl to continue. "I choose the princess instead!"
Zerin_Lee · 79.4K Views

Miss Not so Typical: Consider me Humored (GL)

Ginny Green, an aromantic nerd, accidentally slept with the infamous campus Princess, Persephone Campbell, but she can't remember. ** Ginny Green is an aromantic nerd who only believes that love only exists in movies and novels, but still wishes to find that special someone even though she's thinking that it's impossible. After she got drunk at a party, she found herself tangled in bed with the infamous campus Princess, Persephone Campbell. Persephone Campbell is an extremely attractive, charismatic, misjudged individual due to her wealthy background. Deemed by the people as coldhearted and a snob, but she's totally the opposite. She fell in love with Ginny after their faithful night together and would love to start a relationship with her. But there is a problem, Ginny is aromantic and doesn't want to be in a relationship with anyone. Now, Persephone is on a mission to make the aromantic nerd fall in love with her. ** "You're not going to run away and walk out of this room and pretend that this didn't happen, are you?" In every accidental one-night stand, of course, that thought is not an option anymore. Embrace each other at night like long-time lovers, and in the morning, shrug off every memory like it never happened. That's always been the case. And of course, that was Ginny's initial plan after assessing the situation. But looking at Persephone's threatening, yet smiling face, she knows well how screwed up she was. Let's just laugh first. "N-no, I wasn't thinking of that at all." "Good." Persephone smiled, satisfied with her answer. She gingerly moves closer to Ginny, wrapping both of her arms around her waist. Ginny can't seem to utter a single word. Seeing a naked Persephone in front of her was... was... was - she doesn't even have any words to describe it. ** This story is slowburn that contains fluff and will contain some mature scenes soon.
Talesofheaven · 161.9K Views

Contract Marriage: The Lycan Queen's Tempting Fate [GL]

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT 21+// She Hates Me, But She's Mine in EVERY Way] “No… I won't.” “Oh, petal, I wasn't asking. You WILL marry me.” **** Dr. Kiyomi, a neurosurgeon rogue lycan, lives in & never leaves the human hospital— the safest place for her. That’s until a high-profile mafia surgery goes wrong and she’s blamed for it despite being on leave. Suddenly the limelight is on her, forcing her rare last name back into the memories of people who have long wanted her dead — the Bogdan Lycans. As if that isn't enough, the Ivanov Russian mob is after her with vengeance in their hearts. Scared, Kiyomi leaves the hospital pretending to be a night-shift male nurse — which works, only for her to be kidnapped at the hospital’s entrance, by the cruel lycan queen’s guards who drag her to the queen Sakura’s human home. — — — Sakura Watanabe; the soulless crazy queen known to screw up everyone for fun. She ruins everything she touches and sucks the life out of everyone around her. She is bad, cruel, and a menace who does whatever she wants, however, and whenever she wants it. When she hears of Dr. Kiyomi’s misfortunes, she is curious to see what will make that lycan break, and orders that Kiyomi be brought to her, so she can sign the infamous Sakura contract that always leaves the signee dead, dead and dead. What Sakura doesn't factor in is the fact that the woman who walks through her door is her soulmate. And even worse is the desire she gets to protect Kiyomi. Not one to relent in the hands of fate, Sakura forces Kiyomi to sign the oppressive contract. What happens when Sakura's heart starts beating for Kiyomi, and she goes after everyone who hurt her soulmate? Will she cancel the contract and embrace love, or will she stay the stoic soulless queen with nothing to live for? And even better, how long can Sakura fight fate?
she_osprey · 325.6K Views
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