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The Untamed Lan Wangji

Élan: A Youngblood World

"Beware that you become not the very monster you ought to slay." An abstract entity of darkness in the guise of a human. A broken swordsman. A spoiled brat who can manipulate electricity. An unhinged fire-breathing boy. A magic-less girl whose very existence defies the Laws of Enchantmency. In a world where magic is a routinely constituent of life, there is still no telling where fate determines your place will be. When the Cardinal Empire of Nyrhaea sent forth its declaration of war, there was only one way to stop the raging bull: you grab it by its horns. Hence, Nyrhaean refugee Zakuro, with a group of graduating human youngsters, faces the dark forces head-on to stop the fated apocalyptic world war while dealing with the complications of entering adulthood. With the grotesque inside him growing hungrier by the day, threatening him of the looming hour he would fulfill destiny's bidding to be the key to the end of the world, the entity resorts to a selenophile girl who could only be his last hope to achieve freedom from the chains of fate. An antidote not without a soul-costing price. But how long can he endure to bury the roots of the calling past? And what are they willing to risk to save a world that hangs in the state of trust, relationship, and sanity? *~* Any material from this book is prohibited from being used or republished in any form or other platform without the writer's permission. If you are reading this on other platforms other than Wattpad and Webnovel, then the site might be illegally posting the story without the writers' awareness and rightful permission. Please report any case as such. Thank you!
rinaXhazurina · 11.8K Views

Alle wollen die glückliche Tochter verwöhnen

Die Familie des Herzogs hat ein Jahrhundert lang keine Töchter gehabt. Als ihnen endlich eine Tochter geboren wurde, hätte sie all die Liebe und Verwöhnung bekommen sollen, aber es stellte sich heraus, dass die echte Tochter bei der Geburt vertauscht und von einer Familie gutherziger Jäger aufgenommen worden war. Seit sie das Mädchen adoptiert hatten, schienen die Jäger bei allem Glück zu haben - das Wild lief in die Fallen und Netze, die sie auslegten, und sie fanden überall seltene Kräuter. Zehn Tränen später erkannte die Familie des Herzogs endlich die Wahrheit, dass ihre Tochter vertauscht worden war, und reiste über tausend Meilen weit, um sie nach Hause zu holen. Nachdem sie zu ihrer richtigen Familie zurückgekehrt war, wurde die Tochter zweifellos von allen Familienmitgliedern verwöhnt... Nachdem sie aufgewachsen war, zeichnete sich Lin Qingluo in den Kampfkünsten aus und stieg zur Spitze der Kampfkunstwelt auf. Als sie sich mit ihren Brüdern und ihrem Vater auf das Schlachtfeld begab, vernichtete sie ihre Feinde, wurde als Kriegsgöttin bekannt und gewann unzählige Bewunderer. Herr des Pavillons des himmlischen Geheimnisses: Dein Ruf eilt dir voraus, Milady - niemand ist mit dir vergleichbar, wie die Gerüchte besagen. Oberhaupt des Trank-Tals: Eure Fähigkeiten in der Medizin sind außergewöhnlich, und ich beuge mich Eurem Wissen. Ich verspreche Euch meine Loyalität, wenn Ihr mir beibringt, Medizin zu praktizieren und den Menschen zu helfen. Der Erste Prinz der Qi-Nation: Danke, dass Ihr mich gerettet habt. Ich stehe für mein Leben in Eurer Schuld. Lin Qingluo: Ein anhänglicher Prinz hat mein Herz gestohlen, und ich kann an nichts anderes mehr denken als an ihn. Ich habe keine andere Person im Kopf.
Ting Lan Listening to the Rain · 13.7K Views

Gadis Peternakan yang Beruntung

Setelah meninggal secara tak terduga, dia dilahirkan kembali sebagai seorang gadis kecil berusia sepuluh tahun di keluarga petani kuno, dengan hanya beberapa ruangan di rumahnya dan lebih sedikit lagi lahan, belum lagi rumah tangga yang dipenuhi oleh orang tua, lemah, sakit, dan cacat. Untungnya, para tetua di keluarga itu baik dan jujur, saudara-saudaranya penyayang dan berbudi luhur, dan tetangga-tetangga hidup rukun dan ramah. Bagi Yang Mengchen, yang telah menderita siksaan dari kerabatnya dan bertahan dari berbagai ejekan dan omelan sejak kecil, ini sungguh merupakan berkah dari surga. Untuk mendukung keluarga yang ia cintai, ia dengan tegas mengambil tanggung jawab berat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan mereka. Jika dia, seorang CEO korporasi modern yang pernah mendominasi dunia bisnis, tidak dapat memberi makan sebuah keluarga, lantas siapa lagi? Resep farmasi, membangun rumah kaca, membuka toko-toko... Tidak hanya keluarganya mulai hidup nyaman dan sejahtera, tapi dia juga memimpin desa-desa di sekitarnya dalam menciptakan pemandangan pastoral yang megah! Dengan uang dan ketenaran, saat dia tumbuh dewasa, Yang Mengchen memutuskan sudah waktunya untuk memilih suami, dan dengan demikian, pemuda-pemuda berbakat dari seluruh dunia mulai berdatangan kepadanya. Siapa yang tahu dewa kematian bermuka masam akan memblokade pintu masuk rumah Keluarga Yang? "Kamu terlalu tinggi, kamu terlalu pendek, kamu terlalu gemuk, kamu terlalu kurus, kamu terlalu gelap, kamu terlalu pucat, kamu tidak berpendidikan, kamu licik dan penuh tipu muslihat... Semua gugur!" Dalam sekejap, pintu masuk menjadi kosong, dan Yang Mengchen langsung marah, "Pangeran, kau telah mengusir semua orang. Bagaimana aku seharusnya memilih suami sekarang?" "Saya ingin melihat siapa yang berani menikahi Anda. Saya tidak keberatan mengirimnya ke Dunia Bawah sebagai pengantin pria!" Yang Mengchen... Seorang Pangeran tertentu menghitung kelebihannya dengan jari-jarinya: "Saya memiliki kekuasaan, prestise, dan substansi, tidak memiliki selir, tidak ada cinta rahasia, tidak berkeliaran— Saya mewakili standar tiga ketaatan dan empat kebajikan suami... Singkatnya, hanya saya, pria baik yang tak tertandingi, yang layak untuk Anda!" Pengawal: Oh Pangeran yang bijak dan gagah berani, apakah benar-benar bagus untuk begitu kurang dalam peran Anda sebagai suami?
Lan Shao · 17.2K Views

La fille chanceuse de la ferme

Après être morte de manière inattendue, elle renaissait en tant que petite fille de dix ans dans une famille de fermiers de l'époque ancestrale, avec à peine quelques pièces dans sa maison et encore moins d'arpents de terre, sans parler d'un foyer composé de personnes âgées, faibles, malades et handicapées. Heureusement, les anciens de la famille étaient gentils et honnêtes, ses frères affectueux et bienveillants, et les voisins harmonieux et amicaux. Pour Yang Mengchen, qui avait souffert du tourment de ses parents et enduré toutes sortes de moqueries et de réprimandes depuis sa jeunesse, c'était véritablement une bénédiction du ciel. Pour soutenir la famille qu'elle aimait, elle prit résolument la lourde responsabilité de subvenir à leurs besoins. Si elle, une CEO d'entreprise moderne qui avait autrefois dominé le monde des affaires, ne pouvait pas nourrir une famille, alors qui le pourrait ? Recettes pharmaceutiques, construction de serres, ouverture de magasins... Non seulement sa famille commença à vivre une vie confortable et prospère, mais elle mena également les villages environnants à créer une scène pastorale magnifique ! Avec de l'argent et de la renommée, en grandissant, Yang Mengchen décida qu'il était temps de choisir un mari, et ainsi, de jeunes talents du monde entier commencèrent à affluer vers elle. Qui aurait su qu'un sombre dieu de la mort bloquerait l'entrée de la maison de la famille Yang ? "Tu es trop grand, tu es trop court, tu es trop gros, tu es trop maigre, tu es trop sombre, tu es trop pâle, tu es inculte, tu es trompeur et sournois... Tous éliminés !" D'un coup, l'entrée était vide, et Yang Mengchen était instantanément furieuse, "Prince, tu as chassé tout le monde. Comment suis-je censée choisir un mari maintenant ?" "J'aimerais bien voir qui oserait t'épouser. Je ne m'opposerais pas à l'envoyer dans le Monde souterrain en tant que marié !" Yang Mengchen... Un certain Prince énumérait ses mérites sur ses doigts : "J'ai du pouvoir, du prestige, et des biens, pas de concubines, pas d'amours secrètes, pas de frasques — J'incarne les normes des trois obéissances et des quatre vertus d'un mari... En bref, seul moi, cet homme sans pareil, suis digne de toi !" Les gardes : Oh sage et vaillant Prince, est-il vraiment bon d'être si en manque dans ton rôle de mari ?
Lan Shao · 19.7K Views

Shadows of the White Moonlight

Synopsis of Shadows of the White Moonlight : In the dazzling city of Shanghai, where wealth and power collide, Lu Yan, the cold and aloof heir to the Lu Corporation, is forced into a contract marriage with Qin Lan, a woman from a modest background burdened by her family's financial struggles. For Lu Yan, the marriage is purely a business arrangement to secure his position as CEO, but for Qin Lan, it is a desperate act to save her ailing father. However, Qin Lan is walking into a marriage built on shadows. Lu Yan’s heart still belongs to his first love, Ji Yi, the glamorous and seemingly perfect woman who left him years ago to chase her own ambitions. To Lu Yan, no woman could ever replace Ji Yi—Qin Lan is merely a “substitute” bride to meet his family’s expectations. The emotional distance between them is palpable, with Lu Yan treating Qin Lan as nothing more than a tool for convenience. Yet as fate would have it, Ji Yi reappears in Lu Yan’s life, seeking to reclaim her place in his heart and his world. Her return stirs up old emotions in Lu Yan, throwing him into inner turmoil. Blinded by his lingering feelings for Ji Yi, Lu Yan continues to overlook the woman standing right beside him—Qin Lan, whose quiet resilience and unspoken love for him are beginning to grow stronger by the day. But Qin Lan isn’t a woman who easily succumbs to the pain of unrequited love. Determined to protect her dignity and keep her heart intact, she distances herself from Lu Yan, though her feelings for him grow deeper with each passing day. She knows she’s nothing but a substitute in his eyes, but she cannot stop her heart from yearning for him. As the story unfolds , readers are immersed in vivid and emotionally charged scenes that paint a picture of Shanghai’s elite society, filled with grand events, lavish business deals, and the tangled webs of love and betrayal. The novel explores Qin Lan’s quiet strength, as she navigates the coldness of her husband’s heart while slowly becoming indispensable to him in ways neither of them expected. When the truth about Ji Yi’s departure years ago comes to light—revealing her calculating motives and hidden betrayals—Lu Yan is faced with the painful realization that the perfect image of his "white moonlight" was nothing more than an illusion. It is only then that he begins to see Qin Lan for who she truly is: a woman of incredible strength, compassion, and quiet beauty who has stood by him without asking for anything in return. Torn between the shadow of his past and the warmth of his present, Lu Yan’s emotional journey is one of discovery, loss, and redemption. But will it be too late for him to win Qin Lan’s heart after treating her as a mere substitute for so long? As their marriage teeters on the edge of collapse, dramatic twists and heart-wrenching confrontations lead to a final, emotional showdown. In the end, it will take more than grand gestures to heal the wounds between them—Lu Yan must face his own insecurities, while Qin Lan must decide if she can trust her heart to a man who once made her feel invisible. Through elaborate flashbacks, richly detailed settings, and complex character development, Shadows of the White Moonlight tells the story of two people bound by a contract but separated by secrets, misunderstandings, and the ghost of first love. Will they find the courage to build a love that’s real, or will they be forever haunted by the shadows of the past? This novel will take readers on an emotional rollercoaster, packed with suspense, passion, betrayal, and, ultimately, a hard-earned love that transcends the shadows of “white moonlight.”
Yuan_likes_to_read · 4.6K Views

The Saga of the Onmyoji

Onmyoji are a class of spirit masters with special powers and has protected the human realm from the dark forces from the supernatural worlds Adam is one revered spirit master at the Tenmon So the ancient sect that has kept order in the human and supernatural realms for centuries. With his special powers to command and control spirits from the supernatural worlds, Adam has earned a reputation as an exorcist with a quest to find his long-lost parents. However, a call of distress from a fellow master changed all that. In a bid to save Kelly Nishimura Adam found himself walking into a fatal ambush. Though he rescued his teammate, Adam realized a prized relic, long guarded by his sect, has been and that may throw the realms into chaos. As he sought to hunt down the thief, he found himself battling enemies from the others realms and uncovered a dark conspiracy that threatened to re-ignite the centuries-old feud between the Onmyojis of Tenmon So and the Dākurōbu(Dark Robes). A war that will destroy the balance between the supernatural and human realms. Racing against time, Adam knew he must retrieve the relic and defeat foes before the human realm is consumed by darkness. Using all his powers, he must save his world from destruction. Little did he know, behind the conspiracy, is a larger scheme of things that will threaten to consume his quest to find his long-lost parents. The Saga of the Onmyoji is an exciting series of stories that promises the exciting elements of magic, mystical powers, and creatures. Besides breathless action, there will be interesting characters, each possessing different special powers, that will thrill the fans of fantasy and horror. The Saga promises to keep fans of fantasy and supernatural thrillers glued to every page of the thriller.
Thunder9 · 1.8K Views

The King Beyond The Screen

Jamie Wentworth is brilliant, isolated, and tired of living as the forgotten son in a powerful family that sees him only as a tool. He’s a genius who’s saved his father’s empire more times than anyone will admit, yet his intelligence has become his curse, chaining him to a loveless home and a relentless life. When he learns of a phenomenon known as The Simulation—a place where people disappear into an alternate reality of powers, danger, and epic quests—he’s drawn to it like a moth to flame. But the Simulation isn’t what Jamie expected. He enters as “Ghost,” a critically injured figure with no memories, no allies, and a fractured past. Equipped with a mysterious “Deck of Cards” skill, he’s able to toggle between roles—Extra, Villain, and the greyed out Protagonist. Each card grants him a persona with unique powers and risks, but swapping between them exacts a heavy toll on his body and mind. Forced to start as the weakest player in a ruthless prison world, Jamie must use his wits and courage to survive against those who’d see him fail. In this new world, he’ll uncover secrets, make dangerous allies, and unlock powers that will take him far beyond anything he’s known. To survive, Jamie will need to outplay scheming npcs, merciless factions, and his own dark legacy as he unravels the mystery of “Ghost”—and the truth of his own soul. But in the Simulation, there’s one rule above all: If you die here, you die in real life. The deeper he dives, the more he realizes this is his only chance at freedom… and his greatest gamble yet.
Cameo_Andrew · 2.4K Views
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