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The Untamed Lan Wangji

Semua Orang Ingin Memanjakan Putri Keberuntungan

``` Keluarga Duke sudah seabad tanpa adanya putri. Ketika akhirnya seorang putri lahir, seharusnya dia menerima segala cinta dan manja, tetapi ternyata putri yang sebenarnya telah tertukar saat lahir dan dibesarkan oleh keluarga pemburu yang baik hati. Sejak mereka mengadopsi gadis tersebut, para pemburu tampaknya menjadi beruntung dalam segala hal—binatang buruan tampaknya berlari ke dalam perangkap dan jaring yang mereka pasang, dan mereka selalu menemukan ramuan langka di mana pun mereka pergi. Sepuluh tahun kemudian, keluarga Duke akhirnya menyadari kebenaran bahwa putri mereka telah tertukar dan melakukan perjalanan ribuan mil untuk membawanya pulang. Setelah kembali ke keluarga aslinya, putri tersebut tidak diragukan lagi dimanja habis-habisan oleh setiap anggota keluarganya... Setelah dewasa, Lin Qingluo menguasai seni bela diri dan mencapai puncak dunia persilatan. Bergabung di medan perang bersama saudara-saudaranya dan ayahnya, dia menghancurkan musuh-musuh mereka dan dikenal sebagai Dewi Perang, mendapatkan tak terhitung pengagum. Tuan dari Pavilion Rahasia Surgawi: Reputasi Anda mendahului Anda, nona—tak ada yang sebanding dengan Anda, seperti rumor yang mengatakan. Kepala dari Lembah Ramuan: Kemampuan Anda dalam pengobatan luar biasa, dan saya mengakui keahlian Anda. Saya bersumpah setia sebagai imbalan atas bimbingan Anda untuk berlatih pengobatan dan membantu orang-orang. Pangeran Pertama dari Negara Qi: Terima kasih telah menyelamatkan saya. Saya berhutang nyawa pada Anda. Lin Qingluo: Seorang pangeran yang lekat hati telah mencuri hati saya, dan dia lah yang selalu saya pikirkan. Tak ada orang lain dalam benak saya. ```
Ting Lan Listening to the Rain · 31.7K Views

A Garota Sortuda da Fazenda

Depois de morrer inesperadamente, ela renasceu como uma garotinha de dez anos em uma antiga família de agricultores, com poucos cômodos em sua casa e ainda menos hectares de terra, sem contar uma casa cheia de idosos, fracos, doentes e deficientes. Felizmente, os mais velhos da família eram bondosos e honestos, seus irmãos amorosos e bem-naturezados, e os vizinhos harmoniosos e amigáveis. Para Yang Mengchen, que havia sofrido o tormento de seus parentes e suportado todo tipo de zombaria e reprimenda desde jovem, isso foi verdadeiramente uma bênção do céu. Para sustentar a família que amava, ela assumiu resolutamente a pesada responsabilidade de prover para eles. Se ela, uma CEO corporativa moderna que já havia dominado o mundo dos negócios, não pudesse alimentar uma família, então quem poderia? Receitas farmacêuticas, construção de estufas, abertura de lojas... Não só sua família começou a viver uma vida confortável e próspera, mas ela também liderou as aldeias ao redor na criação de uma magnífica cena pastoral! Com dinheiro e fama, conforme cresceu, Yang Mengchen decidiu que era hora de escolher um marido, e assim, jovens talentos de todo o mundo começaram a afluir para ela. Quem diria que um deus da morte de rosto sombrio estaria bloqueando a entrada da Casa da Família Yang? "Você é alto demais, você é baixo demais, você é gordo demais, você é magro demais, você é escuro demais, você é pálido demais, você é ignorante, você é enganoso e astuto... Todos eliminados!" Num instante, a entrada estava vazia, e Yang Mengchen ficou instantaneamente furiosa, "Príncipe, você afugentou todos. Como vou escolher um marido agora?" "Quero ver quem ousa casar com você. Não me importaria em enviá-lo ao Submundo como um noivo!" Yang Mengchen... Um certo Príncipe contava seus méritos nos dedos: "Tenho poder, prestígio e substância, sem concubinas, sem amores secretos, sem devaneios — Eu incorporo os padrões das três obediências e quatro virtudes de um marido... Em resumo, só eu, este homem bom sem igual, sou digno de você!" Os guardas: Ó sábio e valente Príncipe, é realmente bom ser tão deficiente em seu papel de marido?
Lan Shao · 31.2K Views

Todos quieren mimar a la hija afortunada

La familia del Duque no ha tenido hijas durante un siglo. Cuando finalmente nació una hija para ellos, ella debería haber recibido todo el amor y mimos, pero resulta que la verdadera hija había sido cambiada al nacer y acogida por una familia de cazadores bondadosos. Desde que adoptaron a la chica, los cazadores parecían tener suerte en todo: el juego parecía correr hacia las trampas y redes que ponían, y encontraban hierbas raras dondequiera que fueran. Diez años después, la familia del Duque finalmente se dio cuenta de la verdad de que su hija había sido cambiada y viajaron más de mil millas para llevarla a casa. Después de que volvió a su verdadera familia, la hija fue indudablemente consentida por cada miembro de su familia... Después de crecer, Lin Qingluo destacó en las artes marciales y ascendió al pico del mundo marcial. Unirse al campo de batalla con sus hermanos y su padre, aplastó a sus enemigos y se hizo conocida como una Diosa de la Guerra, ganando innumerables admiradores. —Su reputación le precede, milady, nadie se compara con usted, tal como dicen los rumores —señor del Pabellón del Secreto Celestial. —Sus habilidades con la medicina son extraordinarias, y me someto a su experiencia. Prometo mi lealtad a cambio de su tutela para practicar la medicina y ayudar a la gente —jefe del Valle de la Poción. —Gracias por rescatarme. Le debo una deuda de vida —el Primer Príncipe de la Nación Qi. —Un príncipe pegajoso ha robado mi corazón, y es en todo lo que puedo pensar. No hay otra persona en mi mente —Lin Qingluo.
Ting Lan Listening to the Rain · 69.6K Views

Das glückliche Bauernmädchen

Nach ihrem unerwarteten Tod wurde sie als zehnjähriges Mädchen in einer alten Bauernfamilie wiedergeboren, mit nur wenigen Zimmern in ihrem Haus und noch weniger Hektar Land, ganz zu schweigen von einem Haushalt mit alten, schwachen, kranken und behinderten Menschen. Glücklicherweise waren die Ältesten in der Familie freundlich und ehrlich, ihre Brüder liebevoll und gutmütig, und die Nachbarn harmonisch und freundlich. Für Yang Mengchen, die seit ihrer Jugend unter den Qualen ihrer Verwandten gelitten und alle Arten von Spott und Schimpfworten ertragen hatte, war dies wahrlich ein Segen des Himmels. Um die Familie, die sie liebte, zu unterstützen, nahm sie entschlossen die schwere Verantwortung auf sich, für sie zu sorgen. Wenn sie, eine moderne Konzernchefin, die einst die Geschäftswelt dominiert hatte, keine Familie ernähren konnte, wer dann? Sie entwickelte pharmazeutische Rezepte, baute Gewächshäuser, eröffnete Läden... Nicht nur ihre Familie begann, ein komfortables und wohlhabendes Leben zu führen, sondern sie führte auch die umliegenden Dörfer dazu, eine herrliche pastorale Szene zu schaffen! Als sie mit Geld und Ruhm aufwuchs, beschloss Yang Mengchen, dass es an der Zeit war, sich einen Ehemann zu suchen, und so begannen junge Talente aus der ganzen Welt zu ihr zu strömen. Wer hätte gedacht, dass ein grimmig dreinblickender Todesgott den Eingang zum Haus der Familie Yang versperren würde? "Du bist zu groß, du bist zu klein, du bist zu dick, du bist zu dünn, du bist zu dunkel, du bist zu blass, du bist ungebildet, du bist hinterlistig und verschlagen... Alle eliminiert!" Im Nu war der Eingang leer, und Yang Mengchen war sofort wütend: "Prinz, Sie haben alle vertrieben. Wie soll ich mir jetzt einen Ehemann aussuchen?" "Ich würde gerne sehen, wer es wagt, dich zu heiraten. Ich hätte nichts dagegen, ihn als Bräutigam in die Unterwelt zu schicken!" Yang Mengchen... Ein gewisser Prinz zählte seine Verdienste an den Fingern ab: "Ich habe Macht, Ansehen und Vermögen, keine Konkubinen, keine heimlichen Liebesaffären, kein Flirten - ich verkörpere die Standards der drei Gehorsamkeiten und vier Tugenden eines Ehemannes ... Kurzum, nur ich, dieser unvergleichlich gute Mann, bin Eurer würdig!" Die Wachen: Oh weiser und tapferer Prinz, ist es wirklich gut, dass Ihr Eurer Rolle als Ehemann so wenig gerecht werdet?
Lan Shao · 18K Views

I am the hidden class: Beast master

Mr writer : The series may seem slow until Chapter 7, but trust me, by Chapter 8, things get really interesting. Stick with it—once you hit Chapter 8, you'll be hooked! Prepare for a wild ride as Lan Tian’s journey unfolds and his true strength begins to emerge. Don't miss out on the exciting twists and epic battles that await! SYNOPSIS- in the sky and professions dictate humanity's fate, Lan Tian Hao was once humanity's greatest hero—a Thunder Swordsman who rose to SS-class, only to be brought low by monsters immune to his power. Betrayed by fate and haunted by failure, Lan Tian lost everything—his friends, his family, and the world he swore to protect. But destiny is not finished with him. Waking up six years in the past, Lan Tian finds himself at the turning point of his life, with a rare opportunity to rewrite history. The profession system, a phenomenon that grants humanity their fighting abilities, has yet to choose his path. This time, he abandons the road of the Thunder Swordsman and embraces the mysterious hidden class: Beastmaster. With the power to tame and command legendary creatures, Lan Tian vows to rebuild his strength, master his new abilities, and prepare for the Second Catastrophe before it can strike. Armed with knowledge of the future and fueled by an unyielding determination, he must uncover the secrets of the dungeons, rally unlikely allies, and face enemies both monstrous and human. But fate has a way of testing even the strongest resolve. Can Lan Tian navigate the perils of his second chance and save humanity, or is history doomed to repeat itself? In this epic tale of redemption, resilience, and power, one man must rise from the ashes of his past to lead humanity toward an uncertain future. The world is watching. Will Lan Tian emerge as the ultimate savior, or will he fall once again?
MR_Writer_ · 11.4K Views

love untamed

Love Untamed follows the emotional journey of Emma, a woman recovering from the scars of her past and searching for a way to heal and move forward. At the start of the story, Emma feels disconnected from herself, trapped by the lingering effects of a tumultuous past and a strained relationship with her father. She retreats to a secluded cabin in the mountains, hoping to find solace and clarity. There, she meets Lucas, a kind and understanding man who helps her navigate her pain and confront her inner demons. As Emma and Lucas grow closer, their bond deepens, and Emma begins to heal. Through their relationship, she learns to face her fears, accept her vulnerabilities, and rediscover a love for life. The story explores themes of forgiveness, both self-forgiveness and reconciliation with others, particularly Emma’s father, whose absence has haunted her for years. As she rebuilds the relationship with him, Emma finds peace in letting go of the past and embracing the future. The narrative reaches its turning point when Emma and Lucas attend a ball, marking the culmination of Emma’s journey toward self-acceptance. In this moment of clarity, Emma realizes that she is ready to let go of the past once and for all, stepping boldly into a future filled with love and possibility. As she and Lucas prepare to embark on a new chapter of their lives, they decide to pursue their shared dreams, whether it be traveling the world or giving back to others through charitable work. Ultimately, Love Untamed is a story of transformation and growth. Emma learns that love — unconditionally given and received — is the key to unlocking a future filled with hope, joy, and the promise of a life shared with someone who truly understands her. The novel concludes with Emma and Lucas embarking on their next adventure, hand in hand, knowing that no matter what challenges lie ahead, they will face them together, untamed and free.
Moses_Alozie · 3.4K Views

The Lucky Farm Girl

After dying unexpectedly, she was reborn as a ten-year-old little girl in an ancient farming family, with barely a few rooms in her house and even fewer acres of land, not to mention a household of the old, weak, sick, and disabled. Fortunately, the elders in the family were kind and honest, her brothers loving and good-natured, and the neighbors harmonious and friendly. For Yang Mengchen, who had suffered from her relatives' torment and endured all sorts of mockery and scolding since she was young, this was truly a blessing from heaven. To support the family she loved, she resolutely took on the heavy responsibility of providing for them. If she, a modern corporate CEO who had once dominated the business world, couldn't feed a family, then who could? Pharmaceutical recipes, building greenhouses, opening storefronts... Not only did her family start living a comfortable and prosperous life, but she also led the surrounding villages in creating a magnificent pastoral scene! With money and fame, as she grew up, Yang Mengchen decided it was time to choose a husband, and thus, young talents from around the world began to flock to her. Who knew a grim-faced god of death would be blocking the entrance to the Yang family's home? "You're too tall, you're too short, you're too fat, you're too skinny, you're too dark, you're too pale, you're uneducated, you're deceitful and sly... All eliminated!" In a moment, the entrance was empty, and Yang Mengchen was instantly furious, "Prince, you've driven everyone away. How am I supposed to choose a husband now?" "I would like to see who dares to marry you. I wouldn't mind sending him to the Underworld as a groom!" Yang Mengchen... A certain Prince counted his merits on his fingers: "I have power, prestige, and substance, no concubines, no secret love affairs, no gallivanting— I embody the standards of a husband's three obediences and four virtues... In short, only I, this unparalleled good man, am worthy of you!" The guards: Oh wise and valiant Prince, is it really good to be so lacking in your role as a husband?
Lan Shao · 1.2M Views

The Billionaire's Untamed Love

Celina, whose beauty is flawless, endowed with a curvaceous figure, having a mixture of naiveness and confidence in her attitude, most of it all guys can't seem to take their eyes off her cos of how glamorous she is. Born in a not-so-wealthy family,Her father "Mr Andrew saunders" dotes on her very much also the fact that she's his last daughter of his late 2nd wife.Because of this her step mom "Mrs Alisa saunders" with her two daughters"Alexa and Diana saunders"are jealous. Having a plan of disqualifying Celina of inheriting the property so it would be left for "Mrs Alisa"and her daughters.Due to circumstances she meets an enigmatic Prince charming and the most handsome billionaire who has a powerful aura that ring bells and attract all kinds of ladies to him, named "Leonardo de Caruso" know to be cold, calculative,ruthless, arrogant and most expecially has an impenetrable heart,but would he slowly fall love with a curvaceous,fiery,shy beauty?! would she be able to melt his icy heart.... would Leonardo they try to resist the undeniable connection to each other.leonardo who's never really interested in any ladies except for pleasure,changed drastically after the first encounter with Celina, would it be possible for him to be deeply attached to one woman? Even at that when their eyes meets there was nothing Celina could do but be in awe of him and their sizzling chemistry to each other and one thing with "Leonardo De Caruso"he would go extreme length to get what he wants even if it means claiming her as his lovely wife. Celina shy or naive will not easily accept him but with his charm and wit would make her bound to him,but would circumstances tear them apart or at the end of the tunnel would their love bloom and overcome everything together.
authoressreza · 2.5K Views

The Warmth of the Sun in the Winter

"They told me the stars could guide me home, but they never said the journey would leave me so utterly lost." Do you still remember your highschool deskmate? The boy with the brightest smile, that girl with the world's most beautiful silhouette? In three years of high school, the shadows of two people intertwine with the chalk, black and white both distinct, drifting around within the memories. The Su Yuanzhou in her memories was an underachiever in high school. He skips class to shoot pool, cheats on his exams and gets into fights. Yet, when she went back to the past she would always surprise herself for seeing a lot of his side, maybe if she did this before he probably wouldn't die. To be able to meet each other on this planet is some kind of fate, and to be able to illuminate our fleeting lives, how fortunate we are. ... Ren Yuxin was trailing behind Su Yuanzhou like a guilty puppy, her face plastered with an exaggerated pout. "Come here," Su Yuanzhou said, stopping in his tracks and turning to look at her. His tone was calm, but the slight twitch in his jaw betrayed his frustration. "Why?" Ren Yuxin asked, her voice overly cautious, taking a step back instead of forward. "Just come here." His patience was running thin. Ren Yuxin crossed her arms and tilted her head dramatically. "No! You’re going to hit me!" Su Yuanzhou froze, staring at her in disbelief. A few students nearby stifled their laughter, pretending not to watch the exchange. "I’m not going to hit you," he said, exasperated. "Do I look like that kind of person?" "Yes." Ren Yuxin nodded solemnly, her eyes wide with mock innocence. Su Yuanzhou sighed, rubbing his temples. How does she manage to drive me insane every single time? His patience—already minimal—was hanging by a thread. "Ren Yuxin," he said, his tone low and dangerous. "Come here. Now." "No way!" she retorted, taking another step back. "I know you’re mad because I—" She paused, looking guilty. "Because you what?" Su Yuanzhou prompted, narrowing his eyes. "... Because I accidentally sent that embarrassing video of you singing in the shower to our group chat," she admitted in a small voice, her eyes darting away. Su Yuanzhou’s face darkened instantly. He felt every shred of his dignity crumbling. "Accidentally?" he repeated, his voice rising. "It really was an accident!" Ren Yuxin protested, raising her hands defensively. "I didn’t mean to press send!" "Accident or not, you’re dead," Su Yuanzhou said, stepping toward her with purpose. "See! You are going to hit me!" she squealed, turning on her heels and running off. "Get back here!" he yelled, chasing after her.
Kissmet · 7.5K Views
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