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Krill Matt Damon

Dia Mencuri Aku Dari Suamiku yang Tidak Berguna

``` [SELESAI.] [Cerita Sampingan telah dirilis!] [Konten Dewasa.] "Bayi itu adalah anakku, dan begitu juga dirimu," Dia menyatakan, menunjuk perut Kate sambil matanya yang hijau tua menatap Kate, seperti ular siap menyerang. Kate tidak percaya bahwa dia– Henry Grant, bos barunya yang delapan tahun lebih muda darinya, adalah ayah dari anak yang belum lahir. "Kita seharusnya bersama secara default. Tapi aku akan memberimu pilihan. Pergi dan derita bersama suamimu yang tidak berguna itu, atau ikut denganku, aku akan menunjukkan kesenangan yang telah kamu lewatkan." ===== Selama lima tahun pernikahannya, Katherine "Kate" Woods, 32 tahun, selalu percaya dia mandul. Dia tidak bisa mengandung anak dan suaminya yang pemalas, Matt, selalu menghina dirinya karena itu, menyebutnya wanita yang tak berguna meskipun dia sendiri tidak pernah mendapatkan pekerjaan, memaksa Kate menjadi tulang punggung keluarga mereka. Tetapi, dia masih berani selingkuh dengan adik Kate sendiri! Hati yang patah, Kate melarikan diri ke kantornya di tengah malam dengan empat botol anggur merah yang kuat. Untuk kejutannya, dia tidak sendirian. Seorang pemuda tampan berdiri di kantornya, menontonnya. Dia menolak memberikan namanya, tetapi menawarkan untuk menemani Kate sepanjang malam. Dengan nafsu dan alkohol yang mengalir dalam darahnya, Kate dengan mudah menyerahkan dirinya pada insting-insting dasarnya yang paling terpendam, merayu pengunjung yang tanpa nama namun bersedia ini. Dalam mabuknya, dengan berani dia menyatakan, "Jika suamiku ingin tidur dengan setiap wanita di muka bumi, maka dua orang dapat memainkan permainan itu." Dia tidak peduli jika mereka melakukannya tanpa perlindungan, karena dia selalu mengira dirinya mandul. Hanya untuk mendapati dirinya menatap tes kehamilan yang positif sebulan kemudian. Kate Woods, wanita yang konon 'mandul,' hamil. Orang asing itu telah mencapai dalam satu malam apa yang tidak dapat Matt capai dalam lima tahun. - Sekarang Henry telah memberinya pilihan, akankah Kate meninggalkan suaminya yang pemalas itu dan melompat ke lautan ketidakpastian dengan pemuda ini? Atau akankah dia tinggal bersama Matt, suaminya yang telah berselingkuh itu demi kepentingan keluarga mereka? - Cover Resmi Berbayar. - Hubungi saya: Instagram: @ForeverPupa - ```
ForeverPupa · 29.1K Views

La Pequeña Esclava del Alfa

``` —Un híbrido medio humano sin lobo. Eso era todo lo que Harper Gray representaba. —Para escapar del abuso constante de su familia, Harper tomó la primera oportunidad para huir en el momento en que su manada fue atacada. Pero entre los escombros del caos y la ruina, encontró a su pareja. —Lamentablemente, no esperaba que la Diosa de la Luna la emparejara con el asesino más notorio de la tierra —Damon Valentine, el alfa de la misma manada que diezmó la suya. —Los cuentos de sus crueles fechorías se habían esparcido por doquier. Todo hombre lobo conocía el nombre; incluso algunos humanos lo temían, y Harper no era la excepción. No tenía planes de estar emparejada con alguien tan aterrador como Damon Valentine, y haría cualquier cosa para romper el enlace. —Sin embargo, Damon Valentine no tenía planes de dejar ir a su pequeña pareja. Capturada, Harper fue llevada de vuelta a la manada de Damon —no como su futura Luna, sino como la nueva esclava de la manada. —Para complicar aún más las cosas, Damon no era el único hombre con el que la Diosa de la Luna había emparejado a Harper. Blaise Valentine —el hermano gemelo de Damon — también tenía interés en su nueva mascota esclava. —Los hermanos Valentine tenían sus conflictos, pero estaban de acuerdo en una cosa: nunca dejarían ir a Harper. —Advertencia: —Dubcon —Temas R18 —Servidor de Discord: ```
saltedpepper · 296.7K Views

Le Petit Esclave de l'Alpha

Un hybride demi-humain sans loup. C'était tout ce que représentait Harper Gray. Pour échapper aux abus incessants de sa famille, Harper saisit la première occasion de fuir au moment où sa meute fut attaquée. Mais dans les décombres du chaos et de la ruine, elle trouva son compagnon. Malheureusement, elle ne s'attendait pas à ce que la Déesse de la Lune l'associe avec le tueur le plus notoire du pays ― Damon Valentine, l'Alpha de la meute qui avait décimé la sienne. Les récits de ses cruels méfaits s'étaient répandus à grande échelle. Chaque loup-garou connaissait le nom ; même certains humains le craignaient, et Harper n'était pas une exception. Elle n'avait aucun projet d'être liée à quelqu'un d'aussi terrifiant que Damon Valentine, et elle ferait tout pour briser le lien. Cependant, Damon Valentine n'avait pas l'intention de laisser sa petite compagne s'échapper. Capturée, Harper fut ramenée à la meute de Damon ― non pas en tant que future Luna, mais en tant que nouvelle esclave de la meute. Pour compliquer encore les choses, Damon n'était pas le seul homme à qui la Déesse de la Lune avait destiné Harper. Blaise Valentine — le frère jumeau de Damon — s'intéressait également à leur nouvelle esclave. Les frères Valentine avaient leur part de conflits mais étaient d'accord sur une chose : ils ne laisseraient jamais partir Harper. ― Avertissement : - Dubcon - Thèmes R18 ― Serveur Discord :
saltedpepper · 106.7K Views

Budak Kecil Sang Alpha

Seorang hibrida setengah manusia tanpa serigala. Itulah semua yang Harper Gray dianggap. Untuk melarikan diri dari kekerasan keluarga yang tak kunjung henti, Harper mengambil kesempatan pertama untuk melarikan diri saat kelompoknya diserang. Namun, dalam reruntuhan kericuhan dan kehancuran, ia menemukan pasangannya. Sayangnya, dia tidak mengira bahwa Dewi Bulan akan memasangkannya dengan pembunuh paling terkenal di tanah tersebut― Damon Valentine, alpha dari kelompok yang sama yang telah menghancurkan kelompoknya sendiri. Cerita tentang kekejaman yang ia lakukan telah tersebar luas. Setiap manusia serigala mengenal namanya; bahkan beberapa manusia pun takut padanya, dan Harper adalah salah satu dari mereka. Dia tidak berencana untuk berjodoh dengan seseorang yang menakutkan seperti Damon Valentine, dan dia akan melakukan apa saja untuk memutuskan ikatan tersebut. Namun, Damon Valentine tidak punya rencana untuk membiarkan pasangan mungilnya pergi. Harper yang tertangkap, dibawa kembali ke kelompok Damon — tidak sebagai Luna masa depan, melainkan sebagai budak baru kelompok tersebut. Untuk memperumit keadaan, Damon bukanlah satu-satunya pria yang dipasangkan Dewi Bulan dengan Harper. Blaise Valentine — saudara kembar Damon — juga tertarik dengan budak pet baru mereka. Saudara kembar Valentine memiliki bagian konflik mereka sendiri, tetapi setuju pada satu hal: mereka tidak akan pernah membiarkan Harper pergi. ― Peringatan: - Dubcon - Tema R18 ― Server Discord:
saltedpepper · 15.7K Views

Der kleine Sklave des Alphas

Ein wolfsloser halb-menschlicher Hybrid. Das war alles, was Harper Gray ausmachte. Um dem unerbittlichen Missbrauch durch ihre Familie zu entkommen, ergriff Harper die erste Gelegenheit zur Flucht, als ihr Rudel angegriffen wurde. Doch in den Trümmern von Chaos und Ruin fand sie ihren Gefährten. Leider hatte sie nicht damit gerechnet, dass die Mondgöttin sie mit dem berüchtigtsten Killer des Landes zusammenbringen würde - Damon Valentine, dem Alpha desselben Rudels, das ihr eigenes dezimiert hatte. Die Geschichten über seine grausamen Missetaten hatten sich weit und breit verbreitet. Jeder Werwolf kannte den Namen; sogar einige Menschen fürchteten ihn, und Harper war da keine Ausnahme. Sie hatte nicht vor, sich mit jemandem zu paaren, der so furchterregend war wie Damon Valentine, und sie würde alles tun, um das Band zu brechen. Doch Damon Valentine hatte nicht vor, seine kleine Gefährtin gehen zu lassen. Harper wurde gefangen genommen und zurück in Damons Rudel gebracht - nicht als seine zukünftige Luna, sondern als die neueste Sklavin seines Rudels. Um die Sache noch komplizierter zu machen, war Damon nicht der einzige Mann, mit dem die Mondgöttin Harper zusammengebracht hatte. Blaise Valentine - Damons Zwillingsbruder - hatte ebenfalls ein Interesse an ihrer neuen Sklavin. Die Valentine-Brüder hatten ihre eigenen Konflikte, waren sich aber in einem Punkt einig: Sie würden Harper niemals gehen lassen. - Warnung: - Dubcon - R18 Themen - Discord Server:
saltedpepper · 67.2K Views

Entwined: Stuck in Her Grip

◾ SYNOPSIS◾ He stood motionlessly, his cloth dripping of excess muddy liquid, his gaze fixed on the retreating petite figure, riding away on her bicycle. His face was as phlegmatic as ever, his icy stare lingering on the lucky lass. "Just say the word, Zay", his friend nudged. An almost inaudible sigh escaped his lips. He dug his finger into his hair, ruffling it a bit. He turned around and walked towards his car, not even sparing his friend a glance. As soon as he gets in, he shuts the car door, placing his head on the car's head rest while closing his eyes. His men understood the message and put down their guns. Jove shook his head and turned to walk to the car. "It's your first time, dude. What the heck happened?" He asked, walking into the car. "Take the wheels, Damon." His mesmerizing yet cold voice rang, ignoring Jove's question. Jove sighed dramatically and leant back on the seat, bringing out his phone - he was used to his best friend already. Zayde Stoll was the name. His name alone triggered lots of emotions - love, admiration, fear, hatred and every other feelings one could possibly have. He was dangerously handsome; an exact opposite of his real self. At 25, he already was the world's youngest billionaire, having the least number of ten companies in each country. His name made great men fall to their knees and everyone wondered how his fame grew that much. He was known to be eerily cold and he killed without second thoughts. He only needed to say the word and whoever would drop at his feet. He was a real description of a merciless demigod and people shook when he entered college. Jove was his best friend and the only person he talks to aside his Dad, despite their very striking differences. Jove complimented his name - he was one hell of a jovial person and really cheerful...but the heck, he was the world's biggest player. Although he condemned the manner with which Zayde handled his victims, he knew he couldn't do anything about it, having known Zayde since childhood. "Damon! You want to kill us?!" Jove suddenly yelled, yanking off the earpiece he had on. He had fallen back on impulse from the near death crash they barely escaped. He glanced at Zayde, a mistake at first, because the latter never acted like something just happened. His men kept stoic faces too, leaving him dumbfounded. "Am I the only living thing in this car? Because Damon almost sent us to our earliest graves and none of you will f**cking tell me you didn't see that!" Jove yelled. He was this close to being infuriated. Damon chuckled loudly. "It was only a mistake", he said with a shrug. "Yeah, a mistake that would've marked an end to my beautiful life", he said bluntly, his voice unable to mask the sarcasm. "You should be shameless at times, Jove." Boris said, turning back to look at Jove. Just then, Zayde put on his headphone with a slightly irritated huff, a clear indication everyone were disturbing him. They all shut up at once, returning to their previous activities. "You'll watch them kill me one day." Jove mumbled, sinking down into the seat.
Astra_Qilla · 2K Views

My Yandere Wives are Transcendents

An 11-year-old boy suddenly woke up, "...wait, where am I?" "...I see, so this is the so-called transmigration." "hahaha.....hellll yaaaahh." "It's my time to show the world who the boss is." But he didn't realize what he caused, "Wait, this isn't what should be... why is he here, and where's that prostitute? And why is my lover with him?" "Fuck, what the hell is happening here? He shouldn't be here, and that guy should be dead, but how is he alive....urgh," he grumbled. "This is MY FUCKING WORLD, why are these guys interfering...aahhhhh," he shouted. A transmigrator who thought 'doing good deeds and fighting against evil will make him a hero and ruler of this world' now made a very small mistake which leads to, "My a wonderful woman," the mob character. "Why? Why? Why? Why......" the mob character rumbled. "Do you....believe in god?" the mob character questioned with a messed-up expression. "S-Shall we get m-marry?" "..." the mob character was shocked. "I don't know why but I like you, I guess." "...." the mob character was too shocked. "I like you, so be my son-in-law?" "...." the mob character was too-too shocked. "How about marrying my daughter and me at the same time?....what do they call that hmmm...'oyakodon,' right?" 'cough, cough.' "What?" the mob character was finally snapped. "Big Brother, when will we get married?" "........" Transmigrator never expects a certain 'Mob character' and how that 'Mob character' becomes a great disaster for the entire world because of his single mistake. A/N: This is my first time writing, so give me your honest opinion whether it is good or bad, but please don't be harsh on me... okay, I will try my best. CHOTTO MATTE....The first five chapters, The Transmigrator will be one to explain everything about this new world. I know I am not introducing the MC suddenly, and it's hard to info dump, but it's just for the first few chapters, so don't be harsh on me. If you wondered who will be MC then, MC is just a 'Mob Character.' Additional Tags: Harem, Male MC, Beautiful Female leads, Vampires, Dragons, Elves, dwarfs, Mermaids, Revenge? Deadly Yandere, Incest, Tsundere, Kuudere...Slow-paced ///...Alternative Title: For HER, I am Only one...///
AbiLIon · 1.4M Views

Crown Of Hearts

***Together, they were like fire and ice.*** Damon pursued, ready to conquer while Alexander ran, trying so hard to remain cold and guarded. Alexander had thought guarding the sick crown prince was something so easy until he found himself cruelly yet so innocently tempted. ***excerpt*** "You will stay the hell away from me." Alexander threatened, his voice hard and tortured as he tried to recover from his emotional rollercoaster. "Oh really?" Damon drawled as he held up a wine glass to his lips, taking a sip as his eyes looked at the man that was standing quite a distance from him, ready to bolt. "Yes and I mean it your highness." Alexander replied and he watched the mischievous gleam that entered the prince's clear blue eyes that were quite a welcome compliment to his thick silver hair. "Alright." he relented and Alexander blinked, surprised but his relief lasted for seconds. "We will see how far you can run my honorable knight. Oh and just so you know, I love a good chase." Damon assured and it didn't take Alexander ages to know that he had close to no winning chance when it came to this one man. Oh yes, he was sweetly doomed.... ... Hey guys, I have decided to try writing something new, a genre I haven't tried before but one that I find interesting enough to explore. This book is a romance BL novel and if you are one that likes the genre or loves to try new things, please don't hesitate to try out my new book. Also, feel free to check out my other novel... The heiress's revenge: A rise from the ashes. Thank you!
Asha_Nova · 133.4K Views

Pebble: I Finally Got My Barbarian Build, But it’s Support?!

In the world of Tiamat, mortals are playthings for the gods—summoned to serve, survive, and entertain an unseen audience. Alain, an ordinary man from Earth, gets thrust into this world through an unexpected summoning, quickly stripped of his humanity and transformed into "Pebble," a brawny, low-intelligence character with a unique class called "The Battery." Tasked with walking a mysterious "Forest Path," Pebble quickly learns that his fate is being controlled by divine entities who act as his omniscient spectators, granting rewards, issuing tasks, and meddling with his every move. Pebble, with his new identity and peculiar skill set, teams up with an unlikely party of heroes: Phil, the eager snake-man rogue; Fred, the elderly wizard with unsteady but surprising powers; Bard, the charismatic musician; and Puffy, the foul-mouthed gnome who offers both guidance and exasperation. As Pebble struggles to navigate the rules of his new reality, he faces off against monsters, bandits, and divine "challenges" that range from inconvenient to life-threatening. Along the way, Pebble encounters gods who meddle in his life—sometimes offering aid, sometimes just making things harder. Among them are Glurt, the playful trickster; Artia, the shrewd, vengeful and alluring goddess; Aphrodite, who has her own plans for Pebble; and Reeki, the mysterious Mountain God who seems to have taken a special interest in him. As Pebble's viewership grows, he gains more power—but also more problems, as the gods begin to influence his decisions, pushing him toward a fate even he doesn’t fully understand. Haunted by his past life and the slow erosion of his Earthly hobbies and habits, Pebble tries to make sense of his role in this divine game. Aided by his comrades he must balance the absurdity of his situation with the reality of high-stakes danger. His class, "The Battery," holds mysterious potential that he's only beginning to uncover, and the path ahead is riddled with tasks that could lead him to greatness—or end his journey prematurely. Combining elements of dark humor, epic fantasy, and unpredictable divine interference, The Story of Pebble follows the adventures of a hero who never asked to be one, struggling to forge a path forward in a world where the line between game and reality is blurred—and where the gods are always watching.
Matt_Barbera · 27.1K Views

A Contract to Marry the Cold-hearted CEO

A one-night stand that should not have happened. A perfect night that had gone wrong. Was it fate or a mistake? Jules Morgan was just like any other girl. She dared to dream of marrying the ideal husband and living on a white picket fence. But such was not her luck when she found herself in bed with a stranger the fateful night before her wedding day. She had given herself to another man. Due to guilt, she ditched her groom at the altar, leaving Dale with a note that the wedding was off. She believed she did not deserve a good man like him. As if that was not bad enough, after a few weeks, Jules discovered she had conceived a child from her transgression. Now, she believed she had reached rock bottom. However, she was mistaken. That was not yet the worst part, as she uncovered the identity of her father's child. She knew right then she had to escape him. He could never know that they had a child. Besides, she did not have the heart to hurt Dale again by parading another man's child, especially this man's child. She left everything and attempted to raise her child alone. She was doing fine until her child ended up in the hospital in critical condition. She needed a large sum of money that she did not have. She had no family and barely had friends. She had no one. Except for Damon, the father of her child. She guessed desperate times required desperate measures. But what if he wanted more than she bargained for? *** "A child..." He looked at her with contempt. "You dare to tell me that we have a son." Then, a bellowing laughter echoed in the room. "I am telling the truth. And Oliver needs your help." She knew naming her son might help convince him. "He is very sick." "I am not a doctor. I can't cure him." He said philosophically, obviously mocking her. "I don't need you to treat him. I need your money." She blurted due to her frustration and desperation. The last thing she wanted was to reach out to him and ask for his help, but she had no more choices left. "Finally..." His eyes stared at her, making her feel like they were drilling into her skull. "... we are finally getting somewhere." "What do I get by giving you money?" He asked after a long silence. She looked at him dumbfounded. "You get to help your son." She shouted angrily, infuriated with the heartless man. She still could not understand how she ended up sleeping with him. If she had been only sensible that night, she would never have slept with him, not even in her dreams. "I don't even know if he was my son. For all I know, you could have slept with another guest that night." With that said, her hand swung hard toward his face. The contact was swift, causing her to wince from the impact, feeling the pain in her palm and fingers. But she could not help but wonder if she hurt him when he hardly moved. "Damn you!" She finally found her voice as she turned to leave. She did not need him or his money. She just had to find another way. "Not so fast." Suddenly, he grabbed her arm and yanked her back into his side. "Don't you want to hear my proposal," He added with a vicious smile. "I will give you the money you need and more if you help me with one thing." "What?" "Marry me." [Warning: Mature steamy content, slight violence (in the later chapters), and some inappropriate language] COVER PHOTO - Credit to the owner.
bishop1275 · 1.1M Views
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