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Apaixonando-se pelo Rei das Feras

[COMPLETO] Reth avançou em direção a ela, queixo baixo, fazendo com que a sombra projetada por sua mandíbula rígida cortasse a espessa gola de pele de seu colete. Seus cabelos haviam caído sobre seus olhos durante o confronto, então ele a espreitava por entre eles como um leão na grama. A cada passo, seu andar gracioso e ondulante a fazia lembrar de um predador perseguindo sua presa. Apesar do chão da floresta estar coberto de galhos e folhas, ele não fazia nenhum som. “Qu-quem é você?” Elia gaguejou, recuando, com as mãos para cima. Ele acompanhou cada passo dela até que ela bateu forte contra a árvore atrás dela — e não parou até que ele pairasse sobre ela, tão largo que seus ombros e peito formavam uma parede à sua frente. Ela podia sentir o calor emanando de sua pele no ar fresco da noite. “Eu sou o Rei Leonino.” Sua voz era um cascalho escuro e rouco. Atrás dele um coro de sibilos, uivos e chilreios de concordância se levantou do povo que observava. “E você é?” “Elia,” ela respirou. “Elia,” ele rosnou, inclinando-se mais perto, trazendo consigo o aroma de pinho e chuva e o almíscar de algo distintamente masculino. “Eu sou Reth.” Ele disse o nome com um estranho rolar gutural na garganta. “Eu sou o Rei das Feras. Eu sou o Líder do Clã, e eu sou Alfa de WildWood.” Vários rosnados se ergueram das multidões atrás dele, mas ele os ignorou. Elia engoliu enquanto ele se inclinava até que o cavanhaque em sua mandíbula roçasse sua bochecha. “Eu sou o Rei,” ele disse, “E você será minha parceira.” A floresta atrás dele irrompeu. ****** Elia é uma estudante universitária pobre até a noite em que é levada ao mundo dos Anima — governado por humanos cujos corações antigos pulsam com o sangue dos animais. Lá ela é forçada a um combate até a morte. Mas quando Elia sobrevive, e se recusa a matar seu último oponente, o Rei deve ou matar Elia ele mesmo, ou tomá-la como sua parceira. Reth, o brutal Rei das Feras com o sangue de leões, surpreende a todos quando escolhe a fraca humana Elia para se tornar sua Rainha. Ele promete a ela todo o conforto de sua riqueza e posição — mas deixa claro: Ela não aquecerá sua cama. Ele a escolheu para derrotar aqueles que tentavam pressioná-lo a mesclar sua linhagem Leonina com os Lobos. Elia precisa da ajuda dos Anima para se tornar mais forte e governá-los bem. Mas os Lobos vingativos veem apenas uma humana fraca que lhes trouxe vergonha. Conforme Elia e Reth se aproximam, os lobos estão determinados a destruí-la. Reth e Elia admitirão seus sentimentos um pelo outro a tempo de lutar pelo Reino — e por suas vidas — contra a traiçoeira tribo de lobos? Ou os lobos matarão Elia e roubarão o trono? [Conteúdo maduro - sem violência sexual] Arte da capa usada com permissão de direitos autorais pagos. Ilustrada por Aenaluck — veja mais arte incrível e apoie-os em
AimeeLynn · 143.9K Views


Evolution has changed us, we were just common men once, but over the years we changed. My Grandma told me Stories of how it all started,  The  "AI" (Artificial Intelligence) Project was a success, the goal was to create a perfect human through the use of Artificial Intelligence, making a Robot with human attributes. Movement, Respiration, Nutrition Irritability, Growth, Excretion, Reproduction and Death. The Company In charge of the project succeeded in producing fifty female Robots. This Robots were tested and allowed to live in the society alongside humans. They soon had a life, married, had Families and Increase in numbers. Humans and Robots living together and making families, the results were sets of offsprings known as Trybots part Human part Robot. This Trybots have abnormal abilities like Telepathy,  the ability to communicate with their thoughts, hear the thought of others and also control other people's thought. Teleportation, is the ability to transport oneself from place to another without any obstruction, also the ability to transport people from one place to another. Telekinesis, the ability to move objects, items, and things, and also the ability to stop, slow, and bring back time. This Super Humans began to multiply, handling positions in governments and making decisions, and not long they became head of government. Our Human Nation was now ruled by Trybots they called the new nation  the Red Nation, they built their own city with well advanced Technology, Good Health Care Facilities, and Good Education. Only Trybots were allowed to live in the city,  and only the Humans who were Trybot slaves and worked for the Trybots, were allowed to live in the city. The other Humans lived outside the city, and were known as commoners.
Shadrach_Okorondu_6227 · 3.3K Views

Obsession du contrat du PDG

[Avertissement : Contenu Mature, R18+] [Terminé] [Rejoignez mon serveur Discord pour voir plus de photos d'Amy et Henry.] Elle est fauchée et a tout perdu, il ne lui reste rien d'autre que des dettes et des passifs. Il est riche et a tout, héritier d'une entreprise valant plusieurs milliards. Deux personnes différentes, rapprochées par leurs besoins ou est-ce le destin? **** Amelia Bell avait seulement 22 ans lorsque ses parents, son frère et sa belle-sœur sont morts dans un accident de voiture. Les enfants blessés de son frère sont maintenant sa responsabilité. Elle a vendu tout ce qu'elle possédait, elle est criblée de dettes et tout ce qu'elle peut faire maintenant, c'est pleurer à chaudes larmes. Et puis cela l'a frappée… la réponse à sa question... où trouvera-t-elle l'argent pour l'opération ? Bien… elle n'avait pas tout fait jusqu'ici, elle n'avait pas encore essayé de se vendre. C'était un geste désespéré mais elle n'avait d'autres solutions. Elle fut immédiatement tirée de ses pensées lorsque l'homme cria. "C'est insensé, ses qualités sont tout simplement impossibles… Maintenant, il me demande de lui trouver une pure et innocente cette fois... Même si elles signaient un contrat de 6 mois pour être à lui, ces femmes tombaient toujours amoureuses de lui même si elles savaient qu’après 6 mois, elles seraient évincées de sa vie... ... Je ne pourrai jamais trouver cette femme pure et innocente qu’il recherche, même si je leur offre 5 millions d'avance." Sans hésitation, Amy courut après l'homme, montant les escaliers aussi vite qu'elle le pouvait. "Excusez-moi, monsieur." "De quoi avez-vous besoin, mademoiselle? Je suis pressé." "Je veux le travail… Le contrat de 6 mois, je peux le faire." "Donc je suppose que vous avez aussi entendu que j'ai besoin d'une femme pure et innocente, même moi je ne sais pas ce que cela signifie." "Est-ce qu'une vierge compterait ? Je-Je suis vierge, peut-être que c'est ce que veut votre patron, n'est-ce pas ?" Amy affirma avec audace. Puis enfin le patron, Monsieur Welsh, lui fit face... Elle ne s'attendait pas à ce qu'il soit si jeune, presque de son âge. Elle imaginait un vieil homme ou quelqu'un pas aussi beau que lui. "Vous ne devriez pas arrêter de respirer, ange, c'est dangereux, vous pourriez vous évanouir. Qui sait ce que je vais faire de vous une fois que vous perdrez connaissance." Amy eut le souffle coupé, 'Mais qu'est-ce qui vient de m'arriver,' elle maudit intérieurement tout en fixant toujours l'homme devant lui. Il se pencha alors vers elle. "J'ai entendu dire que vous avez quelque chose pour moi. J'ai hâte de recevoir votre cadeau, mon ange. Je suis Henry." ******** La couverture du livre est générée par IA et éditée par l'auteur, merci de ne pas l'utiliser sans permission.
Shiroi_Nami · 51.5K Views

Après avoir échoué à séduire le grand ponte tyrannique, j'ai été entraînée dans un mariage

# THÉRAPEUTIQUE # GÂTERSAFEMME # TÊTUE Sang Qianqian, la fille aînée de la famille Sang, avait dix-huit ans quand elle est tombée amoureuse de Shen Hanyu à première vue. "Je t'aime, Shen Hanyu." "Mais pas moi," répondit Shen Hanyu sans pitié, chaque mot plein de détermination. "Ni maintenant, ni jamais."Furieuse, la riche héritière planifia sa vengeance contre Shen Hanyu mais découvrit par hasard qu'il deviendrait un tyran froid et impitoyable qui détruirait sa famille ! Sa rancœur envers lui monta en flèche, mais après son départ, il manqua Sang Qianqian comme un fou, alors qu'elle menait maintenant une vie insouciante après avoir déménagé loin et feint sa mort. Soudain, elle entendit la nouvelle que Shen Hanyu, devenu un magnat et apparemment plus fou encore, avait fait exhumé sa tombe et était maintenant à sa recherche. Alarmée, elle se dépêcha de faire ses valises pour s'enfuir à nouveau... seulement pour trouver l'homme lui-même debout à sa porte, respirant à travers des dents serrées, "Tu fuis encore ? Vas-y."Sachant que l'évasion était futile, Sang Qianqian changea de tactique et tenta de s'en sortir en usant de son charme, mais échoua et finit par s'y soumettre.***Des années plus tard, réalisant qu'elle avait été dupée, Sang Qianqiang jeta les papiers du divorce devant Shen Hanyu. "Je veux divorcer !"Shen Qianyu la tira simplement dans ses bras et se pencha pour l'embrasser. Se détachant après un long moment, il demanda d'une voix rauque, "Tu veux toujours divorcer ?"Étourdie par le baiser, Song Qianqian marmonna, "N-Non..." "Alors appelle-moi chéri." "C-Chéri..."Shen Hanyu acquiesça, satisfait. "C'est bien, ma fille."
Little Tower of Blossoms · 77.2K Views

Coração das Trevas

Ele colocou uma mão na porta ao lado da cabeça dela antes de se inclinar para frente. O que ele estava fazendo? Tentando intimidá-la novamente? “A verdade é...” Ele começou a falar em voz baixa e ela esticou os ouvidos, mas tudo o que conseguia ouvir era a batida do seu coração. “Eu odeio quando você me toca porque eu gosto muito disso.” Os olhos dela se arregalaram de surpresa e ele se inclinou ainda mais antes de continuar falando. “Eu também odeio o jeito como você cheira...” ela pôde ouvi-lo inalar o aroma dela “Você tem um cheiro delicioso. E odeio seu cabelo porque é tentador. Eu quero passar meus dedos por ele, puxá-lo suavemente enquanto provo seus lábios e mordo seu pescoço.” Angélica de repente sentiu como se não houvesse mais ar no quarto. “Seu toque me deixa incapaz de resistir a fazer essas coisas e todas as outras coisas que eu quero fazer com você.” “Ou... outras coisas.” Ela respirou sem perceber que estava pensando alto. Um lado de seus lábios se curvou em um sorriso. “Imagine todas as coisas que um homem gostaria de fazer com você. Eu quero fazer essas coisas e muito mais.” Ele se inclinou mais, trazendo os lábios próximo ao ouvido dela. “Porque eu não sou um homem. Eu sou uma besta. Uma faminta. Então, a menos que você queira que eu a morda, evite me tocar.” **************** Uma mulher sozinha no mundo dos homens. Num tempo e lugar onde é difícil para uma mulher viver sozinha, proteger-se e prover a si mesma, Angélica precisa encontrar um provedor e um protetor depois que seu pai é acusado de ser um traidor e executado pelo rei. Agora conhecida como filha do traidor, ela deve sobreviver em um mundo cruel governado por homens, e para fazer isso ela acaba buscando proteção em um homem temido por todos. Um homem com muitas cicatrizes. Tanto físicas quanto mentais. Um homem punido por seu orgulho. Rayven é um homem com muitas cicatrizes. Elas cobrem seu rosto e punem sua alma. Ele nunca pode se mostrar sem que as pessoas recuem ao vê-lo. Exceto por uma mulher que vem voluntariamente bater à sua porta. Ela é um castigo adicional enviado a ele, ou será ela sua salvação?
JasmineJosef · 55.4K Views

Watch Kalki 2898 Full Movie Downlaod In Hindi Vegamovies 480p | 720p

Who Made the Movie? The movie was written and directed by Nag Ashwin. The director is the person who tells the actors what to do and makes all the big decisions about how the movie looks. Nag Ashwin had a big job because he had to mix mythology and science fiction in a way that would make the movie exciting and interesting. C. Aswani Dutt is the producer of the movie. A producer is the person who organizes everything and makes sure the movie can be made. C. Aswani Dutt worked under the banner of Vyjayanthi Movies, which is a company that makes films. They have made many popular movies, and "Kalki 2898 AD" is one of their big projects. Who are the Actors? "Kalki 2898 AD" has many famous actors in it. Here are some of the important cast roles: Prabhas (Bhairava): Prabhas is known for playing heroic roles. He is one of the main characters in the movie. Prabhas is very popular and many people love to watch his movies. Amitabh Bachchan (Ashwatthama): Amitabh Bachchan is a legendary actor. This means he has been acting for a very long time and is very famous. He adds great value to the movie because he is such a good actor. Kamal Haasan (Kali Purush): Kamal Haasan plays a powerful and long-living villain called Kali Purush. A villain is a bad guy in the story, and Kamal Haasan is very good at playing this role. Deepika Padukone (SUM – 80): Deepika Padukone is another big star in the movie. She is very famous and has acted in many popular films. Disha Patani (Roxie): Disha Patani also plays an important role in the movie. She is known for her great acting skills and adds a lot to the film. Pasupathy: Pasupathy is another actor in the movie. He is known for his strong performances and plays an important character. Why is the Movie Special? "Kalki 2898 AD" is special because it mixes two very different things: mythology and science fiction. It takes ancient stories and legends and combines them with ideas about the future and advanced technology. This makes the movie very exciting to watch because it has elements of both the old and the new. The Story of the Movie The movie tells the story of a hero who comes to save the world. Just like in many mythology stories, there is a battle between good and evil. The hero, played by Prabhas, has to fight against the villain, played by Kamal Haasan. The movie shows this battle in a futuristic setting with lots of cool technology and special effects. Why You Should Watch It You should watch "Kalki 2898 AD" because it is a very exciting movie. It has a great story, amazing actors, and fantastic special effects. The mix of mythology and science fiction makes it different from other movies. If you like stories about heroes, battles, and futuristic worlds, you will love this movie. How to Watch It Since the movie is in Telugu, you might need subtitles if you don’t speak the language. Subtitles are the words at the bottom of the screen that translate what the actors are saying. This way, you can understand the story even if you don’t speak Telugu. Conclusion "Kalki 2898 AD" is a super cool movie that everyone should watch. It mixes ancient mythology with futuristic science fiction to create an exciting and unique story. The movie was made by Nag Ashwin and produced by C. Aswani Dutt under Vyjayanthi Movies. It has many famous actors like Prabhas, Amitabh Bachchan, Kamal Haasan, Deepika Padukone, and Disha Patani. The movie is about a hero who fights against a powerful villain to save the world. If you like exciting stories with heroes, battles, and cool technology, you will love "Kalki 2898 AD".
Pakvegamovies · 27.5K Views

Sexual content with forbidden categories Porn sex is a thing in our da

story hi guys, me and my friend were friends since school days we both studied in same school and college, as adults we used to watch porn and discuss about that one day he said about my mom and said sexy things about her i stopped him and later when i came home i realised about incest after few days we talked about incest and we both liking that things and i liking mom to have sex with her and later when no one in home me and my friend went to mom room and took her bra and placed on our dicks and her size is 40D and she looks like bbw 38 years and 95kg big boobs , ass and white body parts, we used fantancies about 3some and later i tried to see her nude but i never succeded i seen her with blouse thats and i have recorded mom dress changing and in that video i seen her melons and navel with no pussy available later i decided to show to my friend and i deleted video by guilty and i taught it was wrong and left taughts and continue our life later after so many years he got a job and staying in bangalore with single room with kitchen and after 2 years i too got a job in bangalore and stayed with him since job location is nearer to that place we again begin to continue our sex taughts we had a nice internet connection and used to watch porn nights and later some days there was a family function in bangalore my mom needs to attend function in city and she didnt know about city much which is 150km away from bangalore and decided to stay in same room for 2 days after function she came to room late night and she was tired and she changed dress to nighty and slept and that strucutre made us to get boner we came out of room and he said wow look at her ass and boobs its reminding old days and infact even i too got that taughts later we went back and slept since there is no bed we have 2 queen size matress she was on left side i slept in middle and he was on my right next day next day she went and made breakfast and we ate and went to job that day thy did lockdown for 15 days and no option her to go back to home she was with us for 15 days 2nd day went normal with some casual talks and we seen movie and add some good food and later that night he asked me when she was asleep i will go next to her i want to see thouse melons and he went took his cock lightly touch on her ass and later i said dont want and i went back to middle and slept 3rd day she went to bath and came back she went to balcony and came after sometime my friend went and seen that her bra and panty was washed and we knew that she not wearing inners that day our eyes were on that parts though it was not showing anything but slightly her boobs ass were showing their structure that was hard day for us and after she asked me to buy her inners and night dress though it was lockdown that time online shopping were available and we open that site in laptop and booked her inners and night dress size of 40d and panty xxl size which we already knew that was hot time to buy inners with her, 3rd day night he went and bought viagra and gave to her at lunch without knowing her and asusal we need to watch a movie but he played evaru telugu movie with hot extreme scenes and we knew with viagra she will be in mood but it didnt worked she slept , on 4th day we are in high mood that dress were arrived after bathing she changed her dress and size was loose for her her armpits and cleavage were visible lightly and bra strap were visible which mading us to tempt that day night we seen porn videos of incest when she was asleep on 5th day we decided to tell her that this things to her and after breakfast my friend said everything fantacies about her and she was in anger by seeing us and she slapped him and scolded and that day we not talk after dinner we said that it is wrong but your structure body making us think like that and made her realize and show google porn things about incest and slowly she is not ready to do and after some talks and telling this is not bad and my friend .
INDARA · 41.3K Views

Not Yours To Own

Logs used to be apart of something, they used to live and respire. Trees had a sense of belonging, until they were cut down to for meaninglessness purpose. Over my sixteen years of my life I have never felt like a tree that was cut down to produce log. Despite the rough childhood that I endured. I have never felt this dead, despite my steady heartbeat and breathing which were a heavy indicator that I still lived. Right above the dark and cold hearted beast sets eyes upon my bark. The same beast that cut me from my root for his meaningless purpose. I should have felt guilty but I would be a damn liar if I said I felt any form of anger or guilt. Besides apart of being a log meant I were dead and the dead had no feelings. The traitorous beast's eyes roamed every inch of my pith. Eyes as dark as midnight and held back a winter storm waiting to freeze the entire universe with just a glare. The beast's breathing was ragged which reminded me of a choking hog. The smell of the beast's breath was one that could never be forgotten. It reminded me of rice water that went bad. His hands were as rough as sand paper as they roamed against my bark. At a fast pace the beast did his business above me. My mind was too crowded to think about what was happening. My body was also moving at his pace. The beast released a low growl to indicate that the job was finish and so was my life when two gunshot rang out. The beast's body fell to the floor and the crunching sound was a strong indicator that some bones were broken. A familiar voice called out but I was too weak to respond or comprehend what he was saying. But I knew my knight in shining armor had just slayed the beast. ....... Welcome to a world where parents trade their daughters for depth in which they owe. They even promise their daughters to the most rich and dangerous men for more wealth and status. Emeline Maier lived with both her parents for years. They lived a not so normal life until the mysterious death of her Grandfather caused more havoc in the family which cost them a fortune even Jeff Maire, Emeline's dad lost his job. She was her parent's most favourite child even though they never showed much interest in what she liked. They worshipped Emeline but the couple were forced to make a difficult decission which left Emeline in a compromising situation. Emeline's mother Yvonne Maier left when her daughter needed her the most. She decided she wanted to live a life which soothed her. She ran away leaving Jeff to father all three children. Jeff then became a drug addict leaving his eldest daughter Emeline to care for her younger siblings. It was up to her to play the maternal as well as the paternal role. She was only sixteen what much could she actually do. Jeff got involved with a mafia called Rocco. The most feared man across the world. When Rocco sets eyes upon Emeline, he found her very appealing. He saw how much the girl meant to her father. Jeff was forced to hand over his daughter as a ransome until he could repay his depth. Jeff refused knowing how valuable his Emeline was to him. But he knew Rocco would stop at nothing to destroy his family. Jeff gave her up. If only he knew the plans Dan Rocco had for his sweet little daughter. Emeline blind to what's going on in her life slowly discovers who her family really is and what they are capable of and who she truly is. Will she seeth's to avenge the death of her Grandfather? Or will she sit back and take whatever is handed to her? Read this exciting novel to discover which path Emeline chooses.
Sashae4l · 6K Views
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