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Deltarune Penumbra Phantasm

Emparejada al Alfa Enemigo

Lucian inclinó ligeramente la cabeza, permitiendo que el sol iluminara brevemente sus rasgos antes de dar un paso hacia atrás y desaparecer nuevamente entre las palmeras. Sabía que ese breve vistazo sería suficiente para dejarla preguntándose si realmente lo había visto o si su mente le estaba jugando una mala pasada. Mientras se alejaba más hacia las sombras, no pudo evitar sonreír para sí mismo. Había algo deliciosamente satisfactorio en ese pequeño intercambio. No había necesidad de palabras; Todo estaba dicho en las miradas furtivas y los silencios cargados de significado. Pero incluso mientras disfrutaba del juego, no podía ignorar la lucha interna que lo consumía. Cada vez que veía a Eliza, sentía cómo sus muros se debilitaban un poco más. Ella no era solo una pieza en su plan; Era mucho más que eso. Y esa realización lo enfurecía tanto como lo fascinaba. — ¿Qué estás haciendo conmigo? —murmuró para sí mientras se alejaba aún más hacia el mismo bosque cercano. El sol comenzaba a ponerse, tiñendo el cielo con tonos cálidos de rosa y naranja. Desde su nueva posición oculta, Lucian observó cómo Eliza se reunía con sus amigos alrededor de una fogata improvisada. Sus risas llenaron el aire nuevamente, pero él podía ver que la mente de Eliza estaba en otro lugar. Sus ojos seguían escaneando las sombras detrás de ellos, como si esperara verlo aparecer en cualquier momento. Un poco más tarde, observaba desde las sombras, su cuerpo inmóvil como un depredador acechando a su presa. La cabaña de Eliza estaba a pocos metros, bañada por la luz plateada de la luna llena. Desde su posición, podía verla a través de la ventana. Su cabello dorado caía en cascadas sobre sus hombros mientras se movía por la pequeña cocina, aparentemente distraída. Pero él sabía que no estaba tranquila. Lo había sentido en el aire, en la forma en que su energía vibraba con una mezcla de ansiedad y curiosidad. Había algo en ella que no le permitía estar lejos, algo que le hacía cuestionar sus propios propósitos. No podía permitirse el lujo de sucumbir a ese vínculo, no cuando su alma estaba consumida por un deseo de venganza que ardía como un fuego inextinguible. Eliza era un punto débil, un riesgo que no podía permitirse. Pero al mismo tiempo, era un riesgo del que no podía apartarse. Lucian cerró los ojos por un momento, dejando que la brisa marina le trajera el aroma de ella; esa mezcla embriagadora de vainilla con un toque de salvaje, algo que lo hacía querer acercarse más de lo prudente. Apretó los puños, intentando contener el impulso primitivo que lo empujaba hacia esa cabaña. Había venido aquí para observarla, para conocer al enemigo o al menos eso se decía a sí mismo. Pero en el fondo sabía que era una mentira. Había venido porque no podía mantenerse lejos. "Es una distracción", se recuerda con gravedad. "Una distracción peligrosa". Pero entonces la vio detenerse, su cuerpo tenso como si hubiera sentido su presencia. Un leve escalofrío recorrió su espalda al notar cómo giraba lentamente la cabeza hacia la ventana, sus ojos buscando algo—o alguien—en la penumbra. Lucian llamando para sí mismo, una sonrisa cargada de ironía y algo más oscuro. Ella lo sentía, incluso si no lo entendía del todo. La conexión entre ellos era fuerte, una cadena invisible que los ataba a pesar de sus esfuerzos por resistirse. Cuando Eliza se giró hacia la puerta tras escuchar un crujido en el porche, Lucian supo que era el momento. Dio un paso hacia adelante, dejando que sus botas crujieran deliberadamente sobre la madera. Quería que supiera que estaba allí, quería ver esa mezcla de miedo y fascinación en sus ojos cuando finalmente lo enfrentara. — ¿Vas a invitarme a entrar o debo quedarme aquí toda la noche? —preguntó con su tono más aterciopelado, dejando que su voz resonara como un susurro cargado de intenciones.
Danica2285 · 4.5K Views

Bloodstained Sovereign

In the penumbra of a fallen empire, **Lucien Valefor** walks alone, his shadow stretching across broken lands that once knelt before his bloodline. The last scion of the Valefor dynasty moves through the twilight realm between vengeance and despair, each footfall a testament to promises whispered in the dark. "Memory is the cruelest blade," he murmurs to the night, his voice carrying the weight of a thousand silenced screams. "It cuts deeper than steel, leaving wounds that time refuses to heal." The betrayal that stripped him of his birthright lives within him now—not as a wound, but as a companion, intimate and ever-present. His **Nyx Ascendance** pulses beneath his skin, darkness coalescing around his fingers like liquid obsidian. This power, born of sacrifice and suffering, is not merely wielded—it is experienced, a symphony of shadow that resonates with the hollow chambers of his heart. "They believed death would silence me," Lucien contemplates, watching the darkness dance between his palms. "But in death, I found a truth they fear to face—that endings are merely thresholds to more terrible beginnings." The moon bearing witness to his soliloquy casts silver light upon the scars that map his journey—each mark a verse in the epic of his fall and inevitable rise. His enemies sleep behind walls of stone and privilege, dreaming peaceful dreams of empires built upon his family's ashes. "The architecture of revenge requires patience," he tells the stillness around him. "Each moment of their false security is a stone in the monument of their eventual ruin." He is not the prince they remember—that man perished in the bloody theater of their betrayal. What returns to them now is something hollowed and hallowed by suffering, a vessel filled with purpose so pure it transcends morality. "I do not seek justice," Lucien acknowledges, his eyes reflecting landscapes of yet-unfought battles. "Justice implies balance, and some scales can never be balanced—only shattered and reforged." In the distance, the spires of his ancestral home pierce the horizon like accusing fingers. The throne that awaits him is no longer merely a seat of power but an altar upon which he will sacrifice those who believed him conquered. "They will learn," he whispers to the approaching dawn, "that nightmares do not fade with waking. Some terrors follow you into the light."
luc1feer · 5.2K Views


A phantasm of a metaphor made real, an allegory based upon principles of the dynamics of ontology itself. It leaves behind a barely-real whisper to mark its path. There’s about a million different creation mythos that we can go into, so I'll keep this one simple. Once before a time, there was a long unending quiet. I will not get into the specifics—just know that this quiet was inevitable. It prefigured all and it is what all will come back to in due time. And please, always remember: this is an allegory. *Ahem* anyway: eventually, a whisper, a euphony came into existence. Whether the whisper was the long quiet itself or something else that came out of it is irrelevant currently. Either way, that whisper moved across that unending quiet and ‘pointed’ to a section. It said: "This section will be an infinite world that will extend into an infinite number of dimensions. This will be the physical world" “These infinite dimensions will harbor any and all; this is where the 'simple' will live." Then, it looked to the ‘right’ of the physical world and said: "This will be an ascended plane of existence, mirroring the physical world; this will be a world build upon conscience, objective truths/axioms, and beings beyond simple comprehension" This world resembles a tower. A tower with a beyond infinite amount of floors, each floor sharing its own axioms, and each subsequent floor unequivocally surpassing the previous. These floors will be like fluid, not set in stone. It is known that the whisper said SOMETHING to this beyond infinite tower, but the specifics is not recorded here. Finally, the whisper created a network of strings. These strings exist in ‘the weave’, they connect all living minds and concepts together. T=1 Then the whisper went quiet. For the quiet is all there can and will be. (Updates:) Honestly, it’s hard to say. I’m pretty busy right now since I’m in my senior year of high school. I’m also a perfectionist, so each chapter I write goes through extensive rewrites and edits (some more than others). All I can say is that a new chapter will come out every few weeks or so. Don’t expect this story to be 1,500 chapters, though. I’m not looking to write it over the course of 9 years at the pace I work.
Girsu · 2.1K Views

Apocronos: "Sombras en Neo-Tokyo"

En las calles polvorientas y envueltas en la penumbra de Neo-Tokyo, donde la luz del sol apenas lograba filtrarse entre los escombros y los edificios en ruinas, un silencio inquietante se cernía sobre la ciudad. En este mundo post-apocalíptico, donde la supervivencia era un arte y el poder lo determinaba todo, se erguía un hombre singular, enmascarado y envuelto en sombras. Kaito Yukimura, conocido en los bajos fondos como el "Sombra del Desierto", caminaba con paso firme entre los callejones oscuros, su máscara de gas moderna ocultando su rostro y su saco blanco con negro ondeando detrás de él como un estandarte de misterio y elegancia en un mundo desolado. Su reputación precedía su presencia, sus movimientos eran silenciosos pero letales, y su presencia era un recordatorio constante de que, en este mundo de caos y desesperación, había aquellos que aún mantenían el control en las sombras. En esta noche particularmente oscura, Kaito se encontraba en una misión secreta, persiguiendo un rumor que flotaba en los susurros de los callejones. Un rumor de un artefacto perdido, un tesoro oculto en las profundidades de la ciudad, que prometía poder y riqueza para aquellos lo suficientemente valientes o desesperados como para buscarlo. Y así, con su destino entrelazado con los oscuros hilos de Neo-Tokyo, Kaito se adentró en las sombras una vez más, listo para enfrentar los peligros que acechaban en cada esquina y descubrir los secretos ocultos en los rincones más oscuros de la ciudad.
Dasque · 11.9K Views

Aren't VR games way too hard?

This wasn't my first VR game, but as always, I sucked. My favorite kind of ways to play was a meaty mage with high damage and favorably both high MP and HP regeneration. But while I tried to create this type of Avatar, l had no luck yet again. This game was way too hard! It was also almost impossible to level up like this and I died countless times. Also...I was basically an social inept and unble to perform well in a party or any other kind of group. I had too less talent to get stronger as fast as other players and the painfully low possibilities of my potential often sent me to the brink of my inner abyss. Still, I loved playing this game and kept on playing anyway. Until one day, my peace and serenity were broken by the undercurrents and remnants of political struggle in the city I resided. Forced to join the ruthless leader of the black market I had to let go of everything that hindered me to grow stronger. To find my oppressors who bullied, stole from me and made me wish to leave this game behind. On my way to revenge, my class was upgraded to a branch class of mage, - illusionist. Fit for my style of madness and an concealed weapon against my enemies. And this made me let loose of anything reining myself back. - "So, you said you were an illusionist. Do you already know what your class is able to do or shall I explain it to you?" The class instructor asked. "I can make weak hallucinations and cute phantasms." "..." he held the bridge of his nose. "You got to choose between scary and cute phantasms and chose cute? What the hell is wrong with you????" "te-he..." I tried to scratch my head cutely. "Don't te-he me, you imbecile!" he roared. "How the hell should I be your instructor when you can't even choose the basic skills that are suitable for fighting?!" "But the big wolf found the phantasm cute and was tamed." I smiled and showed him the hide of a deer I had placed in my inventory. "He even started hunting for me until I had enough and ran away." "..." The instructor was left speechless. Why did he have to babysit such a useless revenant? Couldn't he at least have someone with a bit more smartness? Why did he have to take care of this dorky mage?????? Update schedule: 1 - 2 Chapters every week
Shiro_Nightfallen · 30.4K Views

Dragon: Myth of the Bermuda Triangle

|NOVELLA #1| |7X WATTPAD FEATURED · AMBYS 2023 SHORTLIST| Twelve-year-old Will is a dragon. He's a member of the Water Clan that thrives in the Bermuda Triangle. His parents abandoned him seven years ago and never returned, leaving Will with just a magic necklace and the Ocean to guide him. Alone on a tropical island, his world will change when he meets her... a beautiful, young girl named Maddie. All he wants is to spend the rest of his life with her, which proves to be both a grave and miraculous mistake. A chain of events brings the two tweens together on the famous Carnival Ecstasy, where they must learn the truth behind the Bermuda Triangle, in order to save Will's legacy. However, darkness is in the air, as well as something that challenges the dragons' future once and for all. Who/What is the monster that dooms ships and planes to the bottom of the Triangle? What does it want from Will? His parents abandoned him for a reason, but only the young dragon can figure it out. *** *Claxton spin-off story, but it can easily be read as a standalone.* 2nd Draft Word Count: 10,000-20,000 - Featured on @Watt-Dragons || The Short Flight Reading List. - Featured on @WattpadShortStory || Phantasm and Sorcery Reading List. - Featured on @Fantasy || Middle Grade and Children's Fantasy Reading List. - Added to @Fantasy || Featured Fantasy Stories Reading List. - Featured on @talesofthedeep || Fintastic Reads ~ Sea Creatures Reading List. - Featured on @WattpadFriendsandFamily || Adventurous Crews Reading List.
CroodsGirl · 15.7K Views

Uprising Of The Perilous One [BL]

Title: The Gangster's Cultivation System Synopsis: In the gritty underworld of crime, Gu Wumao, a feared and renowned gangster, finds himself unexpectedly bound to a mysterious cultivation system that transports him into a captivating fantasy world. However, instead of continuing his life of violence and power, he is reborn as an insignificant cannon fodder character. The original owner of his new body was a cruel and lazy upstart who took delight in tormenting the villain, a formidable amnesiac figure, until he descended into madness. Once the villain regained his memories, he sought revenge and ruthlessly murdered the small character who had aided him. Determined to alter his fate, Gu Wumao embarks on a perilous journey, utilizing his newfound cultivation system to its fullest potential. With each step, he strives to gain favor from the enigmatic villain, hoping to rewrite the narrative and secure a brighter future. As Gu Wumao delves deeper into the intricate world of cultivation, he encounters formidable adversaries, uncovers hidden truths, and forms unexpected alliances. Along the way, he must confront his own inner demons, navigate treacherous power struggles, and confront the consequences of his past actions. Through the trials and tribulations of his cultivation journey, Gu Wumao discovers the transformative power of love and redemption. As his relationship with the villain evolves, they find themselves entangled in a complex web of desire, loyalty, and shared destiny. "The Gangster's Cultivation System" is a thrilling BL novel that combines the allure of the criminal underworld with the captivating realm of cultivation. It explores themes of personal growth, redemption, and the enduring power of love in a world where the boundaries between darkness and light blur. Note: This novel contains mature themes and is intended for adult readers.
Reu_Penumbra · 1.8K Views
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