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Al Nassr Match Live

Emparejada al Alfa Enemigo

Lucian inclinó ligeramente la cabeza, permitiendo que el sol iluminara brevemente sus rasgos antes de dar un paso hacia atrás y desaparecer nuevamente entre las palmeras. Sabía que ese breve vistazo sería suficiente para dejarla preguntándose si realmente lo había visto o si su mente le estaba jugando una mala pasada. Mientras se alejaba más hacia las sombras, no pudo evitar sonreír para sí mismo. Había algo deliciosamente satisfactorio en ese pequeño intercambio. No había necesidad de palabras; Todo estaba dicho en las miradas furtivas y los silencios cargados de significado. Pero incluso mientras disfrutaba del juego, no podía ignorar la lucha interna que lo consumía. Cada vez que veía a Eliza, sentía cómo sus muros se debilitaban un poco más. Ella no era solo una pieza en su plan; Era mucho más que eso. Y esa realización lo enfurecía tanto como lo fascinaba. — ¿Qué estás haciendo conmigo? —murmuró para sí mientras se alejaba aún más hacia el mismo bosque cercano. El sol comenzaba a ponerse, tiñendo el cielo con tonos cálidos de rosa y naranja. Desde su nueva posición oculta, Lucian observó cómo Eliza se reunía con sus amigos alrededor de una fogata improvisada. Sus risas llenaron el aire nuevamente, pero él podía ver que la mente de Eliza estaba en otro lugar. Sus ojos seguían escaneando las sombras detrás de ellos, como si esperara verlo aparecer en cualquier momento. Un poco más tarde, observaba desde las sombras, su cuerpo inmóvil como un depredador acechando a su presa. La cabaña de Eliza estaba a pocos metros, bañada por la luz plateada de la luna llena. Desde su posición, podía verla a través de la ventana. Su cabello dorado caía en cascadas sobre sus hombros mientras se movía por la pequeña cocina, aparentemente distraída. Pero él sabía que no estaba tranquila. Lo había sentido en el aire, en la forma en que su energía vibraba con una mezcla de ansiedad y curiosidad. Había algo en ella que no le permitía estar lejos, algo que le hacía cuestionar sus propios propósitos. No podía permitirse el lujo de sucumbir a ese vínculo, no cuando su alma estaba consumida por un deseo de venganza que ardía como un fuego inextinguible. Eliza era un punto débil, un riesgo que no podía permitirse. Pero al mismo tiempo, era un riesgo del que no podía apartarse. Lucian cerró los ojos por un momento, dejando que la brisa marina le trajera el aroma de ella; esa mezcla embriagadora de vainilla con un toque de salvaje, algo que lo hacía querer acercarse más de lo prudente. Apretó los puños, intentando contener el impulso primitivo que lo empujaba hacia esa cabaña. Había venido aquí para observarla, para conocer al enemigo o al menos eso se decía a sí mismo. Pero en el fondo sabía que era una mentira. Había venido porque no podía mantenerse lejos. "Es una distracción", se recuerda con gravedad. "Una distracción peligrosa". Pero entonces la vio detenerse, su cuerpo tenso como si hubiera sentido su presencia. Un leve escalofrío recorrió su espalda al notar cómo giraba lentamente la cabeza hacia la ventana, sus ojos buscando algo—o alguien—en la penumbra. Lucian llamando para sí mismo, una sonrisa cargada de ironía y algo más oscuro. Ella lo sentía, incluso si no lo entendía del todo. La conexión entre ellos era fuerte, una cadena invisible que los ataba a pesar de sus esfuerzos por resistirse. Cuando Eliza se giró hacia la puerta tras escuchar un crujido en el porche, Lucian supo que era el momento. Dio un paso hacia adelante, dejando que sus botas crujieran deliberadamente sobre la madera. Quería que supiera que estaba allí, quería ver esa mezcla de miedo y fascinación en sus ojos cuando finalmente lo enfrentara. — ¿Vas a invitarme a entrar o debo quedarme aquí toda la noche? —preguntó con su tono más aterciopelado, dejando que su voz resonara como un susurro cargado de intenciones.
Danica2285 · 4.5K Views

New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live

In a world of constant competition, one man aims for the top. In this new genre VRMMORPG, he plans on becoming the strongest at all costs. The classes, the races, the starting zones, everything is a mystery in 'New Eden'. This game is coming out without a shred of details. The only thing that was promoted was the freedom of skill choosing. Our protagonist Alexander, gamer tag Astaroth, has always dreamt of becoming an E-Sports athlete. His parents supported his dream, but they are no longer of this world. He fully intends on making it in this new game, if not for him, then at least to honor their memory. With no idea how he wants to play his character, Alexander chooses the most mysterious starting race. Will this be his road to success or his downfall? The game assistant certainly thought the latter. "Do as you wish, young adventurer. I only wish to add this. Do not come back with complaints when you realize you have made the wrong choice," the elf said, looking at him with clear hatred. "We will see about that," Alexander flatly replied. "I love challenges," he added. "Very well!" the elf harrumphed. "Have the adventure of your lifetime, as short as it will last," he sarcastically added. Ahead of him lies an uncertain path, filled with trials and hardships. But one thing is clear in his eyes. He will become the strongest player in the game, even if he must step over mountains of corpses to do so. Over are his days of working hard for nothing, it's make or break now! I now have a discord where you can talk with other readers and me. There are also channels to discuss new weapons; characters; classes; or monsters that you might want to design and see incorporated in the story. I will always give credit to the person that created said thing, rest assured. The link is
Galanar · 4.9M Views

Corazón Condenado al Infierno

"[ADVERTENCIA: CONTENIDO PARA ADULTOS] - [HISTORIA PRINCIPAL COMPLETA] Izabelle subestimó el fuego con el que pensó que iba a jugar esta noche. Pero, ¿cómo podría haber previsto que el hombre con el que se había topado no juega con un simple fuego, sino con todo un infierno? ___ Extracto: —Pasar por este matrimonio conmigo podría ser como si estuvieras cavando tu propia tumba. Porque en el momento en que empieces a querer más de mí, te divorciaré. Y en el momento en que rompas tu promesa y trates de luchar contra mí... Te arruinaré y te romperé por completo. Sin piedad. Te arrepentirás de haber conocido a este diablo esta noche —dijo él con una voz suave pero fría. Pero Elle ni siquiera pestañeó. Su mirada tampoco titubeó. Este hombre era despiadado, y ella lo sabía claramente. Sus ojos en ese momento prometían pesadillas y oscuridad sin ninguna promesa de respiro. Pero no importa lo que diga ahora, eso aún no cambiaría su decisión. Realmente no tenía otra opción. —Ahora entiendo... —dijo en voz baja, reuniendo su valor—. Ya que no confías en que cumpliré mi palabra, ¿qué tal si hacemos esto? Preparas los documentos de divorcio ahora y yo los firmaré. De esa manera, cuando decidas divorciarte de mí en el futuro, los papeles ya habrán sido firmados y no habría manera de que pudiera molestarte por ello. Simplemente tendrías que enviarlo a los abogados y hacerlo notariado. Un pesado silencio reinó antes de que su risa incrédula y callada rompiera el silencio. —Me dejas sin palabras, princesa Izabelle —dijo él, sonando maliciosamente divertido—. Pero luego comenzó a asentir con aprobación—. De acuerdo, princesa. Me casaré contigo. ___ Cuenta de Instagram: kazzenlx.x Página de Facebook: author_kazzenlx Servidor de Discord: La portada es mía, así que no la utilices. Arte de la cubierta de @azihidalgo Logotipo de @gisel.arts"
KazzenlX · 273.8K Views

The Artful Match

Brielle is one of the few female hunters at the association. Dealing with useless trainees every six months, she has a low tolerance for bullshit. She no longer believes in love, and nothing will change her mind after what happened to her. She believes that the only thing she can love and trust is her job, where she helps protect the defenceless by killing those who use their abilities to get everything they want. Hunting is a thrill that she enjoys more than life itself. Having a minimalist life, the only thing at home she cherishes is her painting. A vampire that refuses to choose a partner for his sister. Ketan will do anything to protect his loved ones, even kill those that threaten his livelihood. Usually, he is calm, gentle, and collected. He stays hidden away from everyone when he does not want anything to do with individuals until the day he is captured and locked away in a dungeon. After that moment, his life changed for good. Cursing the blood that he drinks, Ketan fights against the pull of drinking more blood from the person that donated the blood. An Excerpt from the book: Brielle throws her arms around Ketan’s neck. “I was so worried about you. I did not know what you were going to do or if you would survive.” Ketan smiled and accepted her hug. “I am sorry for worrying you. I had to do what needed to be done. Besides, I knew that this was going to happen and be as painful as it was.” Brielle starts sobbing in his embrace. “I think that you should take what you need from me, Ketan. You will not be able to stand the bloodlust soon… will you?” Pushing her away before losing control. Ketan moves away from her weakly. “Stay back. I am not in control of myself right now. You should not even be here right now. Leave me alone!” Ketan holds his hand out to stop her from coming closer to him. “I can hear your pulse racing; it’s deafening.” “You were fine a moment ago; now you are you pushing me away, Ketan? I can help you.” Brielle leans down towards him and gently pulls him into her arms. “No, stop. I can’t control myself, and I would never be able to forgive myself if something happened to you. I am not a sedated beast; I lust for every drop of your sweet blood that I hear pumping through your veins, but I must resist. Otherwise, I will harm you in the worst way possible.” Ketan pushes her back and teleports deeper into the cave. “Stay back before I begin to acquire a taste for your blood. It is a deadly thing to tempt fate once again.” Brielle continues to walk into the deep dark cave towards him. “Ketan, I trust you more than I have trusted others. I know that you will not kill me. Just look at how fearful you are right now.” She finally reaches him again. Crying, Ketan grabs her from behind, sits her in his lap. One arm wrapped around her waist, the other in her hair, pulling off the right exposing her neck. Slowly he lowers his lips to her neck, licking the surface testing the flesh. His fangs rest at the hollow of her neck before carefully breaking the skin. He starts to drink her blood deeply, but as he drank, he slowly stopped and lifted his face up, crying while holding Brielle against his body crying. Blood leaking from the bite marks while some drips down his chin. Her body was being held up by Ketan, and her eyes were now closed. Her body seemed lifeless in his arms. She started to slide forward as a deadweight. Ketan catches her and holds her princess style in his lap, rocking back and forth. Crying fresh tears.
Shirokitsune · 200.4K Views

Match Made In Hell: Her Immortal Boyfriend

Hell is much creepier than you think. Forget the flames, the demonized figure, the multitude of the damned. Beneath the underworld's scorched surface, Hell boasted a governance of unholy precision. They reveled in their flawless hirerachy and their arrogance, fuelled by eons of self-admiration, finally boiled over. Crawling forth in their thousands to unleash total annihilation upon their eternal adversary; earth. Era who has seen what it is like to suffer in the hands of the possessed, picked up the reigns of exorcism which was currently regarded as Earth's most thriving business. Exorcism was second to the need of food and water. It was more lucrative than the entertainment industry and heavily influenced by earth's leaders. He was a blend of contradictions; adorable and perlious, captivating and enigmatic. His good looks made him a renowned figure in both realms, while his mastery of stealth earned him a reputation as a cunning and elusive presence. He believed if humans knew the truth, no one would be poor enough to serve the rich. An arranged marriage brought them to be. The need to stop exorcism and the desire to wipe out demons, bringing mankind healing brought them closer and further apart. But what none saw coming was the possibility of a greater evil than Azrael, demonic manifestations, and several lives lost in the name of revealing the truth. |On hold for now and there are future plans for continuation soon|
Peridot_writes · 24.5K Views
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