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Kamen Rider Ore Sanjou

Earth's Alpha Prime

[The System is assimilating Earth with the rest of the vast Universe.] [Congratulations! You are one of the 11 Chosen individuals out of 7.8 billion for the Alpha Program.] [As one of the 11 chosen members of the Alpha Program, you will be among the first from your planet to embark on the Trial Program.] [When the Trial Program concludes, Earth's assimilation with the Universe will commence. Your mission is to survive, overcome the dangers, and grow stronger. Best of luck to you.] ------------------------------------- Book Cover: Dall-E Generated Art, based on a scene in Volume 3. -------------------------------------- Hi there! I’m MN, the Author of the OMNOS REDUX Series, a story that spans 4 Mega Books (~750 Chs), with each having two or more Sub-Books (~250 Chs). The adventure begins with "EARTH’s ALPHA PRIME," the first step in a journey that has seen me grow as an author along the way. In my books, you’ll find interesting abilities, a well-designed system, consistent LitRPG elements, and well-thought-out fight sequences. If you enjoy stories that combine survival, world-building, LitRPG elements, OP MC and a fresh take on the System, then this series is for you. By joining me on PATRE0N, other than the weeks ahead of ADVANCED CHAPTERS, you have the exciting opportunity to customize various aspects of the series, including, MINOR/MAJOR Equipment, Skills, MINOR/MAJOR Monsters and RUDIMENTARY/MINOR/MAJOR Characters. You can make a ONE_TIME purchase for this in the shop section. Your support helps me bring these stories to life and share them with readers everywhere. Thank you for considering joining me. I’m excited to share the OMNOS REDUX Series with you! Any support is highly appreciated and will allow me to keep updating the story! - Note that the 'Charge Up Front' is enabled. Meaning, PATR0NS are charged upfront and then on the first of every following month. Alright then, Cheers! Happy Reading! ----------------------------------- Chapter Release Rate: 4 Chs/Week.  [Mon, Wed, Fri & Sat] @ 23:30 [GMT+8] Discord Server: ----------------------------------- my plan for  EARTH’s ALPHA PRIME (Book 1 of OMNOS REDUX Series[ORS]) {~ Estimated around 750 Chapters} - Total  Volumes: 6 Volume 1: Survival Arc (Completed) {Ch.1 to Ch.129} Volume 2: Tournament Arc (Completed) {Ch.130 to Ch.234} Volume 3: Obelisk Acquisition Arc {~ Estimated around 125 Chapters} Volume 4: Earth Assimilation Arc {~ Estimated around 125 Chapters} Volume 5: Universe Expedition Arc  {~ Estimated around 125 Chapters} Volume 6: Annihilator Arc  {~ Estimated around 125 Chapters} End of the [ORS] Book 1 --------------------------------------------------
MN_1223 · 4M Views


Penny hat drei Brüder: Einer ist ein milliardenschwerer CEO, der zweite ist der jüngste Leutnant des Militärs, und der letzte ist ein erfolgreicher Schauspieler. Diese drei erfolgreichen Männer haben nur eines gemeinsam: Sie schikanieren Penny, ihre kleine Schwester. Die Schwester, die sie nie haben wollten, und die behauptete, ihre echte Schwester zu sein, während die Schwester, die sie die ganze Zeit über schätzten, eine Fälschung war. Nachdem sie ein Leben voller Misshandlungen im Haus ihrer Tante verbracht hatte, kamen einige angesehene Leute zu Penny und teilten ihr ihre wahre Herkunft mit. Sie glaubte, endlich aus den Fängen ihrer Tante gerettet zu sein, ohne zu ahnen, dass sie Schlimmeres erwartete. Mit 13 wünschte sich Penny nur eines: dass ihre Brüder sie liebten und sie wie eine Familie behandelten, so wie sie ihre falsche Schwester liebten. Sie arbeitete und lernte zehnmal härter als alle anderen, nur um von ihnen akzeptiert zu werden. In ihrer Verzweiflung tappte sie törichterweise in eine Falle, die ihr ein böswilliger Mensch gestellt hatte, ohne zu wissen, dass ihre Handlungen zum Untergang ihrer Brüder und zu ihrer Verurteilung zum Tode im Gefängnis führen würden. Am Tag ihrer Hinrichtung hatte Penny nur einen Gedanken im Kopf: Wenn sie jemals in die Vergangenheit zurückkehren könnte, könnten ihre Brüder ihre falsche Schwester von ihr aus verwöhnen! Sie wollte nichts mit ihnen zu tun haben! Und zu ihrer großen Überraschung fand sich Penny an dem Tag wieder, an dem alles begann: am Tag ihrer Geburt. Wie versprochen, würde sie dieses Mal nicht töricht versuchen, die Liebe und Zuneigung ihrer Brüder zu verdienen. Vergiss die Familie! Sie würde einfach eine Menge Geld verdienen, im Luxus leben und eine eigene Familie gründen! Aber Moment mal, warum mischten sich ihre Brüder jetzt, wo sie nichts mehr mit ihnen zu tun haben wollte, ständig in ihre Angelegenheiten ein? Hätten sie nicht ihre falsche Schwester verwöhnen sollen? Warum lassen sie sie nicht in Ruhe?! Und wie um alles in der Welt war sie in diesem Leben verheiratet? Zu allem Überfluss meldete sich dieser Ehemann, den sie in ihrem ersten Leben nie hatte, plötzlich freiwillig als Vater ihrer Kinder?!
BAJJ · 15.8K Views

Wiedergeborene Jungfräulein: Phoenix in leuchtendem Rot

[Status: ABGESCHLOSSEN] In ihrem früheren Leben hatte Adrienne Jiang alle Mittel eingesetzt, um das Leben ihrer Mutter zu retten. Ihr Vater hatte sie vernachlässigt, nachdem er seine Geliebte geheiratet hatte, und ließ zu, dass das Mutter-Tochter-Gespann sie bis zum Ende schikanierte. Der ältere Bruder, auf den sie sich verlassen zu können glaubte, zeigte ihr die kalte Schulter und schimpfte sie stattdessen aus, weil sie die lebenserhaltenden Maßnahmen ihrer Mutter nicht abgeschnitten hatte. In ihrer Verzweiflung wäre Adrienne beinahe in die von ihrer Stiefschwester gestellte Falle getappt. Schließlich ging sie eine vertragliche Ehe mit dem Bruder ihrer besten Freundin, Alistair Han, ein, für den sie schon seit ihrer Jugend schwärmte. Erst dann erkannte sie, dass der Mann manipulativ und obsessiv war und sie nicht aus den Augen lassen wollte. Sie wurde behandelt wie ein Vogel, der in einem goldenen Käfig gefangen ist. Am Ende fand sie durch den Verrat ihres Bruders den Tod, und alles ging im Feuer unter. Nach ihrer Wiedergeburt war sie entschlossen, nicht länger ein Taugenichts zu sein. Lennox Qin, der bösartige junge Herr der Familie Qin, sollte das nächste Familienoberhaupt werden. Aufgrund eines Vorfalls wurde er jedoch verkrüppelt und für unwürdig befunden. Als sich seine und Adriennes Wege kreuzten, kamen sie zu einer Übereinkunft. "Ich werde dich heiraten, um dein Unglück zu vertreiben und für zwei Jahre deine Frau zu sein. Im Gegenzug erlaubst du mir, dich zu benutzen, um die Familien Han und Jiang zu vernichten." Der Mann, der im Rollstuhl saß, hob bei ihrer Erklärung nur eine Augenbraue. Dann verzogen sich seine Lippen zu einem verwegenen Lächeln und er stimmte ohne mit der Wimper zu zucken zu. Doch als die Zeit fast abgelaufen war, beeilte er sich, sie davon zu überzeugen, in ihrer Ehe zu bleiben. "Madame Qin verdient nur das Beste. Wenn es die Welt ist, die du dir wünschst, werde ich sie dir auf einem Silbertablett servieren. Du kannst die ganze Welt haben, aber Liebling, vergiss nicht, dass dir zwar alles gehört, aber du gehörst zu mir." Adrienne runzelte die Stirn. "Aber du magst mich doch gar nicht ..." Sie überlegte, dass ihr Mann vielleicht den Verstand verloren hatte. "Nein, das habe ich nicht, aber ich liebe dich jetzt. Du bist sogar die Einzige, an die ich in diesen Tagen denke." Es schien ihr jedoch, dass nicht nur ihr Mann versuchte, ihre Aufmerksamkeit zu gewinnen, sondern auch ihre Schwiegereltern. Herausgeber/Korrekturleser: ninaviews Warnung für zukünftige r18-Szenen und Themen, die nicht für ein junges Publikum geeignet sind. Copyright2023 anjeeriku
anjeeriku · 41.4K Views

Mein Ex-Mann will mich nach 3 Jahren Scheidung zurück

Lernen Sie Erika Walters kennen, eine Frau, die ihre wohlhabende Familie und ihren teuren Lebensstil verlassen und ihre Identität versteckt hat, nur um den einen Mann zu heiraten, den sie liebt. Einen Mann, vor dem ihre Familie sie gewarnt hatte, wenn sie sich nicht das Herz brechen lassen wollte. Erika stellte sich taub gegenüber ihrer Familie und heiratete Adrian Hart. Adrain war gegen die Heirat, da er nie Gefühle für Erika hatte. Die beiden kamen jedoch wegen der Matriarchin der Familie Hart zusammen. Großmutter Elizabeth. Eine Heirat sollte für eine Frau, die gerade von ihren Schwiegereltern akzeptiert worden war, eine schöne Reise sein, aber Erikas Ehe war das Gegenteil. Als Dienerin behandelt zu werden, gehörte nicht zu den Aufgaben einer verheirateten Frau. Ihre Schwiegereltern behandelten sie alle wie Dreck. Ihr Mann betrog sie ständig mit seiner Geliebten, Felicia Evans, auf die seine Großmutter immer herabgesehen hatte. Nachdem sie mit ansehen musste, wie ihr Mann mit seiner Geliebten im Ehebett Geschlechtsverkehr hatte, konnte Erika die Qualen nicht mehr ertragen. Sie hat ihre Grenze der Belastbarkeit erreicht. Sie konnte nicht mehr zulassen, dass man ständig mit ihrem Herzen spielte, als wäre es ein Spielzeug. Erika griff nach den Scheidungspapieren, unterschrieb mit ihrem Namen und verließ das Anwesen der Harts mit dem Versprechen, dass sie zurückkommen und sie alles verlieren lassen würde, wofür sie jemals hart gearbeitet hatten. Liebe? Sie hat drei ältere Brüder, die sich um sie kümmern. Erika kehrte zu ihrer Familie zurück und schmiedete ein Komplott gegen ihre Ex-Schwiegereltern, bis sie Ethan traf, ihren Jugendfreund, dem sie vor Jahren über den Weg gelaufen war. **** Auszug "Du bist wirklich eine Schlampe", spuckte Adrian angewidert. Erika sah ihn ruhig an. "So weit ich weiß, Herr Hart, sind wir nicht mehr verwandt. Wir sind nicht mehr verwandt, also warum stört es Sie so sehr, ob ich eine Schlampe bin oder nicht?" Fragte sie ihn kalt. "Wenn Sie so ein gutes Auge haben, um zu erkennen, wer eine Schlampe ist, warum haben Sie dann die Hauptschlampe in Ihrer Familie noch nicht herausgefunden?" Fragte sie ihn zurück. **** Wird Erika ihre Rache erfolgreich abschließen? Wie wird Adrain reagieren, wenn er sieht, dass sie weitergezogen ist? Werden Adrain und Felicia ein Happy End haben? Wird Erika Reue empfinden, nachdem sie sich gerächt hat? Wird es weitere Geheimnisse geben, die sie auf ihrer Rachefahrt entdecken wird? Erfahren Sie mehr, indem Sie auf das Buch klicken; Mein Ex-Mann will mich nach 3 Jahren Scheidung zurück **** Hallo Leute dies ist mein erstes Buch Bin noch ein Neuling Also hoffe ich, dass euch dieses Buch gefällt Aber vergesst nicht, mir eure Unterstützung und Ermutigung zu geben Ich danke euch
Sour_corn · 104.4K Views

The Killer "Joker"

My first time publishing please read patiently. Jack is always surrounded by mystery born in the 20th century where they are more evils that good. He is aware of the changes around him and he didn't care since him and his loved ones are happy and save. Happiness is forever so he thought. When tragedy struck at those around him, he taught law was the solution and that the law enforcement officers (police) will help and bring him justice. Then, he saw the bad side of society, the system that no one could help him. That when he decided to put the matter into his own hands. JOKER ---------------------------------------------------------- Context: There are two people in the middle of a deserted street at 4 @am. Rain falling heavily creating a sound proof around. One of them standing and stepping on the other person on the floor with their backs touching the cold floor and the rain is watching their bleeding body that never seems to end. "Please Joker forgive me, I have wife and kids waiting for me to come home", pleaded victim 1. Joker responded menacingly while starting at the man with a cold glear and blood shot eyes, " so you have a life to live? you choosed this path. You should have made a better decision 2 years ago". The man seeing that Joker wouldn't let him go cried while looking at the floor thinking that it was truly his fault he made that mistake and moved on which was wrong. But it was too late to say sorry. Joker stared at him nonchalantly getting impatient to go home and sleep since was past his bed time. Pissed off by the man attitude and state, he said to him. " Stop being a man baby no matter how you cry you are going to die anyways". After speaking, he took his rider gloves from his back pocket and started to wear it getting ready for his next act. Bending down to swat to mach the man's eye level, he holds his victim chin to make eye contact. Tilting his head to the right he asked his victim coldly, any last words? The man started at Joker for a moment by now he had already stopped crying and the rain automatically stopped too. It seems that time was slowing down. Opening his mouth slowly he wanted to tell his wishes but it was already too late. Joker had already snapped his neck in an instant. "Tsk on a second thought when you took action two years ago you didn't give them a chance either, right?", he said talking to the already dead body. After taking his gloves from his hands and putting it in his back pocket he used his pinky finger to clean his ear and said, " Good luck on the other side". He then stepped over the body while on his way back home. After some distance he paused and turned around. "That is..... if some over there will take you of course", he said after thinking then continued on his way.
_Stacy_ · 10.1K Views

WIMB (Who Isekai'd My Body???)

Note: (Disclaimer at end of abstract). Synopsis: "In the heart of the boundless Phantom Continent, rests a cursed region smack in the centre of all that is known, aptly named as the Central Region. A domain shrouded in perpetual gloom, despair clings to every shadow and its sole purpose seems to be crushing the souls and dreams of the unfortunate souls that take shelter upon its land. Life is a fight for Existence and Reality however cruel, is alas never what it seems to be. Whispers of precious ore, ancient artefacts and ruins of ancient civilisations only lead to ruin - factions descend to lay claim to these scraps like vultures, blades quench the thirst of the land with rivers of fire, which mirror the stars from afar that flicker in isolation with an insatiable desire. Amongst the chaotic lands, a tale starts. An adventure, a mistake, a ghost, a foreigner, a world, many worlds, alliances, betrayals, intertwined fates and dangers fraught at every corner. A protagonist that isekai's into a still living being in an earnest bid to grow stronger and a pitiful soul that longs for what was once share a mysterious bond. Destiny is calling, the line between the living and dead is blurred, the powerful shape Reality, however amongst this rollercoaster of events, the shadows vie for their own nefarious purposes, for the shadows are always watching. As if life wasn't a misery as it were, it hit Zuck Borris with the roll of a die - the odds were never in his favour. Firstly, a stranger gave him the old boot - throwing his soul out to the dogs in the streets. Then a mysterious voice started talking to him. Yet it didn't seem to be doing him any favours in reclaiming his flesh and bones. Meanwhile that backstabbing fiend didn't even notice his existence and already seemed to be bringing trouble to his body. Roland, however, was as calm as the ocean bed. Some ignorant fools seemed to be scheming against him. Ever since he answered that damn call, his life seemed to become more troublesome. However, perhaps there was some part of him that smirked at this opportunity, to gain control over his life with enough strength to face all that may come his way. Who protects this Reality, that Reality and everything in between? Can a mortal man spit upon the immortal obstacle that tightens its grasp to crush all beneath it? Can the rivers burn what they touch as the worlds collide and the sun is all but lost? Are answers always to be sought? Turn that chapter if you so dare..." Disclaimers: There will be content in this webnovel that covers potential sensitive areas to some, including - violence (fighting), abusive language (swearing / cussing), concepts of self-harm (some bullied characters may consider self-harm), divide in society (different factions/ power levels) & other similar concepts that usually apply to any cultivation/ sci-fi webnovel. Also, the start is more world-building focused, so do saddle in your seatbelts and work through the first 20 chapters to get a feel of what we have in store. :)
townofdudleysixth · 3.4K Views

The Red Queen of Nothing

“I Lord Tank Albridge, and my family, Pete Albridge, Cleo Albridge, and Fred Albridge, disavow Vinnandra the hateful as our blood. “Today, in one voice we curse the day she joined us, and we’ll forever celebrate the day she has left our ranks! Vinnandra shall not know us, and she is not ours to know anymore.” *** In a world of white-haired dragon riders and black-haired witches, Princess Vinnandra Albridge is born red-haired as the forbidden spawn of a witch-spy and a dragon rider known as the Hateful. Unwanted by her family and shunned by society, Vinn tries to get by everyday unnoticed and alive. However, her simple plans come crashing down when her family disavows her by removing her from her royal bloodline, proclaiming her a traitor to consequently serve as an official slave to the notorious Lenklock dragon riders family that rules in the North. There, it would seem that while Vinn might not be able to groom a dragon, she might make good food for one… not if she had anything to do about it. Vowing to fight for her life and rise above others, Vinn must learn how to break through her blood and reach to whatever minute strength she possesses and become a dragon rider… or something. And it would seem Vinnandra’s vows would be realised in the form of Xander Lenklock—a troubled man and problematic heir who charges into her life, proclaiming a nobody like her his greatest ally and seeking her alliance. For the first time in a long while, Vinn feels needed and wanted—two dangerous elements that ignites feelings she shouldn’t have, and evokes thoughts she shouldn’t think. And in a partnership that might make or break them, Vinn was sure she would do anything to have Xanders’ body, heart and soul. Problem is, Xander has a fiancée who was there to stay… forever. But with her mothers past looming over her, and with shadows of the enemy hidden in the trees playing their ultimate move, even if Vinnandra manages to steal Xander’s heart, will she be able to keep it? Or will her dubious identity destroy everything she has come to enjoy? Will the powers she has come to possess swallow her? Or could she be the enemy that her people really fear? Be whatever it might, the ultimate question remains—Dragon rider or Witch… which is she? ***** VOLUME 1 (Beginnings): COMPLETE VOLUME 2 (Chaos Abounds): ONGOING
JaneSmitten · 197.8K Views

Ero Myth: Godly Gacha System

*MATURE CONTENT *NO NTR Earth awakened a system. Humankind mutated because of the mana, and the system graded them differently according to their physique. The chain of command on Earth changed drastically. Stronger folks went up the scale of power, and every young person wanted to become powerful like their TV idols. But not all of it was rainbow and sunshine. Earth had been one of the last planets who awakened the system, so its power was way behind the other civilizations. 23rd of May of 2134, the year humankind fell. A civilization from another planet came and conquered Earth. Their powers were just too grand, and humankind could not survive. The reason for the invasion was simple: land and energy. When Earth awakened the system and mana, the entire planet suffered mutations. Powerful beasts and rare ores were all over the planet, and the alien civilizations wanted that! Zephyr Caspian had just turned 18 — the awakening age — when the invasion happened. A beautiful woman, Zephyr’s mother, placed him inside a special ship, one that had the power to freeze his body till he found a planet to land at. “Zephyr, get inside this ship, it will lead you out of the planet. Please, my son, you need to survive!” An older man was beside the woman. He had a box in hands. “My grandson, this is the inheritance I’ll give you. Take care of it, and make a good use.” “Mother, grandfather, come with me! Please!” Zephyr begged. Only one person could get inside the ship. Zephyr’s grandfather knocked him out cold, and tossed him inside the ship, thinking to himself it was the only way to save his grandson. Zephyr landed on a primitive planet, and his spaceship was destroyed, making him unable to leave the planet until he restored it. But gladly, the inheritance he got from his grandfather had its use! A special key which allowed him to enter a tavern where the Gods went for a drink and a chat. Missions from the Gods gave Zephyr points to use a type of Gacha System! [New mission from Aphrodite: Find a Milf and suck her nipples] 'What the hell is this mission?'
Ryongul · 269.5K Views

Sweet Waters Throne

The prince of Maldonia, Prince Artemis of House Arteides, the bear killer, the slayer of the elves is crowned King when his father Luca King Arteides dies. Aurora is a seer and a powerful witch who has yet to aknowledge her powers, only Artemis knows of it. Lucian Mithandir is in exile recruiting an army to fight Prince Castellan of house Taelin for the throne of Prophis. Artemis wants no parts of this war, but he is very aware whoever wins the war will later turn to Maldonia. Artemis has no clue that a bigger war is coming which will set out kingdoms on fire, Aurora has seen it in her dreams and it's for the Sweet Waters Throne in Maldonia. The end is uncertain but the ways are clearer, who will sit on the throne after the war to end all wars. The Bastard who's been denied his true claim to the Sweet Waters throne with the mighties fleet in the world and King Artemis of Maldonia who has Aurora and dragons breathing fire. ~ Excerpt Scene ~ "Are you ready? A dragon is not a horse my love" Aurora expressed her concerns. "The dragons are ready to be claimed, Your Grace. I think it’s the perfect time for Artodo to take the skies and be claimed. He and the King have great relationship. He just needs to understand the words that’s all. "Torgo explained while looking at both Aurora and Artemis. "I understand the words." Said Artemis. "Incendio for fire and Valar for him to fly. I know some Low Moor too." It seemed Aurora wasn’t easily convinced, "Knowing the language of our ancestors doesn’t mean you can hang on to the dragon and take to the skies, especially since you are not just practicing. You are taking the dragon to the Mines, in clear daylight." "Exactly, that is the only way we can silence Lord Leoric. I cannot let him take advantage of my sister, I have to try…" Visera interrupted. "He’s ready, I can see it in his eyes." She said with a smirk. Aurora ordered Torgo. "Bring him outside," in Low Moor. Torgo nodded and walked inside the darkened cave with a fire torch. All five dragons were inside the cave perfectly chained. He went after Artodo, the biggest of them all. The black beast, standing at forty feet from head to tail with a wingspan of twenty feet. A terrifying beast to even stare at. Artemis took two deep breaths. "According to my ancestors history, the youngest dragon rider to ever took the skies was ten years old. You’ll be fine." Aurora teased Artemis after she noticed how nervous he was. The dragon keepers placed a saddle on Artodo’s back and two strong handles made of iron and wood for Artemis to hang on to. Then, finally Aurora walked to Artodo — the black beast. She pulled in Artemis and they both touched the dragon’s right eye, soothing him before the take off. "This is your rider now Artodo, you are to obey him from this day forward to the last, as your mother commands." Aurora said this is Low Moor while the dragon hissed slowly. The dragon hissed and Aurora took it a sign that Artodo understood him. She took a step back and let Artemis take over. These two weren’t strangers to one another. Artemis’s touch wasn’t strange to Artodo and he silently lowered his left wingspan for Artemis to climb up. Carefully and slowly, Artemis mounted the black beast. It was no secret that he was scared. When he was on top of the dragon, Artemis smiled looking down and he suddenly exclaimed. "You all look like tiny bees from up here!" Aurora, Visera, Torgo and the dragon keepers laughed. Aurora walked to him and they looked at each other. Their dream finally came true; "Promise me, you’ll come back alive." Said Aurora. "I promise." "And that you will not burn the Mines to the ground. If she disagrees with you, perhaps it’s time to let her go." This was what Artemis truly needed to hear so he may stop his obsession with saving his sister. When he was ready, he shouted to Artodo. "Valar Artodo," and right there the dragon’s feet pounded the ground heavy as it prepared for takeoff.
Ami_Young · 103.5K Views

Whispers of Desires

Volume 1: Whispers Of Desires: A Sense Of Duty In a world where duty and love collide, Nia, the eldest daughter of an aristocratic family, finds herself thrust into a political alliance with the ruthless Vampire King, Kiyoshi. As both kingdoms grapple with the mysterious disappearance of human and vampire children, Nia and Kiyoshi embark on a journey to uncover the truth. Amidst the chaos and danger, a forbidden romance blossoms between Nia and Kiyoshi. Bound by duty, they navigate the treacherous path of their arranged marriage, while their hearts yearn for something more. Together, they must unravel the dark secrets that haunt their kingdoms and find a way to bring peace and justice to their people. "You may kiss the bride," proclaimed the officiant. Nia froze, panicked. She had never been kissed before! Sensing her unease, King Kiyoshi gently tilted her chin upward. His eyes were cold and yet she found herself trusting him despite her misgivings. His lips brushed against hers, soft and tentative at first, then with growing confidence. His kiss was not demanding or forceful, but rather a tender exploration of her mouth. It sent a shiver through her body, making her heart race and her cheeks flush with heat. As they turned to face their kingdoms, cheers erupted, both within the hall and from the masses gathered outside. Though nervous for what was to come, Nia could not help but feel a sense of elation. She was the Queen of Ivamis, and her husband was the most powerful king in the land. The weight of their responsibilities was not lost on her, but she also knew that they would face these challenges together...hopefully. Volume 2: Whispers Of Desires: A Sense Of Truth In the kingdoms of Niameda, Althea, and Ivamis, trade ships are mysteriously vanishing without a trace. When Kazi, the fierce General of Niameda and sister to Queen Nia of Ivamis, risks her life to save the King of Althea from an assassination attempt, he offers her an unthinkable reward - marriage to his arrogant second son, Prince Azreal. Repulsed by the idea of being bound to a man in a society that demands female submission, Kazi hatches a daring plan. She disguises herself as a male guard to infiltrate Althea's royal family and investigate the missing trade ships from the inside. However, her deception takes an unexpected turn when she is assigned as Prince Azreal's personal guard. As the charming yet infuriating Prince slowly breaks down Kazi's defenses, an undeniable attraction begins to simmer between them. But their growing feelings are built on a foundation of lies. Prince Azreal believes his guard is a man, while Kazi hides her true identity and motive for being in Althea. Tensions mount further as romantic rivals pursue Kazi, unaware of her disguise. In a race against time to uncover the truth behind the vanishing ships before it shatters the fragile peace between kingdoms, Kazi realizes the enemy may be close. Can a relationship born from deception survive? And will she unmask the real culprit before all three kingdoms are consumed by tragedy? Volume 3: Whispers Of Desires: A Sense Of Courage Adanna, a plus-size woman of 27 and the third of her family's daughters, fears the inevitable label of spinster as she remains unmarried. Frustrated with her lack of prospects, she decides to take her search for a husband into her own hands. After one attempt ends in disappointment, a friend suggests a bold alternative: a journey to another kingdom, where a competition for a Duke's hand awaits. But this isn't just any kingdom-it's Aerionia, a realm of griffin riders. Accompanied by Princess Serena, sister of King Kiyoshi, Adanna ventures to compete, only to find herself caught up in more than courtly games. A mysterious series of threats and the Duke's father's sudden disappearance cast a shadow over the contest. Will Adanna find the love she seeks, or will danger eclipse her dreams?
BrezzyPro · 78.2K Views

Animara Empire of The Fallen

A world full of humanoid animals called Anisarians divided into 12 different habitat nations. Petty squabbles and past rivalries have erupted into all out World War between the nations, forcing all caught in the crossfire to choose a side. In the chaos are five interconnected stories of heroes and villains, mighty rulers, and humble refugees just trying to make it through the turbulent times they now find themselves unable to escape from. Only the strongest shall rule in an age of betrayal, conquest, and atrocities. But in a world turned monstrous. Some will not give in to what instinct demand's them to be in order to survive. Only time and blood will tell who will stand victorious, or rule over nothing but an empire of the fallen. Note: Some chapters may be unfinished. Still a work in progress as I figure out storylines, structure and motivations. Faction Guide: Allied powers: Ocean Monarchy, Forest Federation, Desert Republic, Northern Coalition. Axis powers: South Pole Empire, Deep Sea Confederation, Savannah Sovereignty, Swampland Horde. Neutral/Territory: Volcanic Isles, Jungle Nation, Tropical Tribesmen, Nocturnal Nomads. Mercenary factions: Army Ant Raiders. Fire Ant's. Visual Reference For look and Art style of each faction: Character/allegiance/title/species Guide: OCEAN MONARCHY: Shena Veso. Lieutenant. Hybrid Shark. Fereen Vosento. Corporal. Flying Fish. Whelios Whelorum. Retired. Octopus. Dregadon Veso. Deceased. Great White. Nora Veso. Widow. Great White Neso: Private/gunner. Tiger Vesa: Private/medic. Queen angel fish. Kiros: Sgt. Sea turtle. Argus. Admiral. Sailfish. Koa. Prime Minister. Sea otter. SOUTH POLE EMPIRE: Veadora. Empress. Albatross. Ryana. Princess. Albatross. Aravos. Exiled Prince/Warden. Albatross. Garotan. Varangian Guard. Polar Bear. Nea. Servant. White Seal. JUNGLE NATION: Naru. Hunter. Orb Weaver Spider. Esiva. Seamstress. Orb Weaver Spider Nadia. Archer. Orb Weaver Spider. Naya. Weaver. Orb Weaver Spider. SAVANNA SOVEREIGNTY: Ryo Sen Serasi: Janissary. King Cobra. Chai'ra. Janissary Apprentice. Cheetah. Kenno. Commander. Crocodile. Darg. Sgt. Warthog. NORTHERN COALITION: Boreca. Queen. Snow Leopard. FACTION FLAGS/SYMBOLS South Pole Empire: White winged Diamond, light blue background. Ocean Monarchy: Three golden Scallop Shells. Sea blue background. Savanna Sovereignty: Golden scarab in center of golden sun, black background. Volcano Islanders: Five different flame's one atop the other representing four different clans. Red, orange, black, blue and white. Yellow background. Tropical tribesmen: Pink waterlily amidst light green background. Nocturnal Nomads: White crescent moon, white star at center. Black background. North Pole Coalition: White Snowflake amidst grey background. Forest Federation: Five light brown interwoven branches representing five different federation states united as one. Forest Green Background. Swampland Horde: Ring of tan teeth, representing ancestors of death to honor in life. Murky green background. Deep Sea Confederation. Conjoined purple lightning bolt striking downward like jellyfish tendrils. Solid black background to represent darkness of the depths. Jungle Nation: Light Green Hexagonal jade ore stone. Dark green background. Desert Republic: ? Garotan the great army of the fist. Iron grey fist set between black and dark green background. Kashan the outlaw prince army of the claw. Blood red claw marks amid bright green background. Army Ant Raiders: White Ant skull amid blood red tattered flag.
Extinct_Vessel · 245K Views

I Am The One Who Digs

In a world ruled by ancient magic, swords, and noble bloodlines, Bones is a digger—one of the many faceless workers condemned to toil in the depths. Day after day, he mines in darkness, extracting materials to feed the noble house’s hunger for wealth and war. He’s told that his work sustains the empire, but all Bones sees is the bottomless pit of need from those above. But when the earth beneath him begins to shift, strange things emerge from the stone—relics of a forgotten age, unearthly tremors, and whispers from the shadows. As Bones digs deeper, he unravels a secret older than the empire itself. What he and his fellow laborers have been unearthing is far more than just ore—it’s a power long buried, one that could reshape the world. And the empire knows nothing of it. Caught between forces beyond his understanding, Bones must confront a choice: remain a tool in the hands of those who control him or wield the power he’s uncovered for himself. But as the line between right and wrong blurs, Bones begins to lose himself in the magic he’s unearthed. His desire to escape his fate transforms into an insatiable hunger for control, and the deeper he digs, the darker his soul becomes. In this epic tale, Bones will discover that true power lies not only in what is buried beneath the earth, but also in the choices one makes when no one is watching. The man who was born to dig may become either a hero who defies the empire—or a villain who ushers in its downfall. The question is: how far will he go before he loses himself? (Still writing casually, maybe 1 chapter a week, 2 if I'm free). (I will also be posting this story on RoyalRoad on username: SirV)
SirV · 1.4K Views

QT: Grace To Grass Counterattack System

He Yuan had accidentally caused his own death. He had no idea he was even dead until he suddenly woke up on the hard floor of an empty room. What had killed him? Well... for future reference, it's a terrible idea to install a chandelier over your bed. As he tried to get his bearings right, a strange guy suddenly popped out of thin air and he was offered a job. The job offer granted him eternal life with the alternative being reincarnation. Most would hastily choose to be reincarnated so they can start a new life but not He Yuan. He was skeptical, why would anyone want reincarnation? Once you reincarnated 'you' cease to exist. He didn't care about what people said about starting afresh, gaining new memories and all that. All he knew was that once a person reincarnated, they get thrown into a different environment, different family, meet new people and in short became a different person entirely. What scared He Yuan the most was losing his own thoughts and hence, awareness of his current self and so, he chose to accept the job. What did the job entail? He carried out tasks given to him by people who were called 'leasers.' They were called this because they leased out their bodies to 'taskers' for a period of time to help set their crooked lives straight. What the leasers didn't know was that the taskers got into realms and helped them so they( taskers) could focus on their own main tasks which was world/realm balance. These realms had 'special ones' who siphoned the luck out of it. Luck was the binding force of these realms so without it, the realms would begin to break apart and deteriorate into unlivable hells. So in essence, leasers gave put their bodies and 'payment' in the form of soul energy, taskers helped out the leasers while balancing the realms and the realms become stable once more. Pretty straightforward right? Yes. But can someone tell He Yuan why these world was so full of hypocrites, Mary sue and Gary stu characters who thought it was excusable to do horrible things just because they were in love? He Yuan grit his teeth. If you want to be in love, then be in love, was there any need to use others as stepping stones?! He rolled up his sleeves and bounced forward. Just you wait as I teach you all a valuable lesson! #Gongmc UPDATES: Twice daily ORIGINAL STORY. Author here: Again, I can't design shit so I snatched the photo from pinterest, credits to the original artist. If the artist demands I take it down, I would do so without hesitation as I only have my lack of talent to blame.
Melted_Ore · 1.3M Views

Under the Lycan's Spell

Gabrielle Lockwood's aspiration for a quiet life with her test tubes and vials takes a turn for the worse when she becomes the target of a group of werewolves due to her research. So, when the handsome Sebastian offers to protect her, Gabby finds it hard to turn him down. However, Sebastian is more than his chiseled form; he is part of an Elite Group of Lycans that will do everything to protect the secrets of Aetheria. Sebastian Devereux is determined to prove to his father that he can lead the Night Riders, a group of Lycans whose existence is considered a legend. So when his father asks him to seduce a mere human, Sebastian agrees without hesitation. Except the woman comes in the form of a small, sarcastic scientist who likes to question everything. A small package of a human being who seems more interested in dissecting him than falling for his charms! What starts as a straightforward assignment becomes a complex dance as Gabrielle's inquisitive nature delves into Sebastian's world. It's all fun and games until a predator starts hunting Gabrielle. Now Sebastian must make a choice: continue his mission and become the leader of Night Riders or protect her with all his heart and soul. ....... Excerpt "I can hear your heartbeat, Gabby," he uttered, his voice deep and husky. Gabby immediately frowned, unimpressed. "What are you insinuating, Mr. Devereux?" she steadied her voice, trying her best not to show the desire that sent shivers down her spine. The thought of him pinning her against the wall almost made her spiral, but she knew this would not end well—for both of them. Instead of giving her an answer, he took a step towards her. "I knew you wanted me, just as I wanted you," he said. Gabby pursed her lips as she tried to take in the small distance between them. She lifted her gaze and stared at his silver-gray eyes. "You must be losing your mind, Mr. Devereux. Being confident is one thing; being arrogant is laughable. Not everyone wearing a skirt likes to spend time in your bed." Some of them wanted to see how fast his wounds heals, she thought as she convinced herself that she was here to study... him. He chuckled, amusement flashing in his eyes. "One, you are not wearing a skirt. Two, I do not want you to spend time in my bed." His gaze darkened as he took another step towards her. "I want you here, right now, in the middle of my office—on my table, on that plush couch, the shower, and against the wall. The bed is for resting, Gabby and trust me, I want to do a lot of things with you, and not one of them involves resting in my bed."
B_Mitchylle · 39K Views
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