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Earth's Greatest Magus

#Top 20 Webnovel Best Sellers 2021, 2022, 2023, and in 2024 #### History is said to be written by the victors. If so, how about Earth's history? Two millennia ago, a young boy named Emery met a tragic fate. In his final moments, he was transmigrated and accepted into the Universe's most prestigious school of magic. “You are among the chosen few from thousands of human worlds. Whether you seize this opportunity or not, is up to you. You are at Magus Academy, the pinnacle of humanity's ingenuity. Magic, science, and might are all within reach for those who dare to pursue them." [Scan complete - Quadruple affinity. Water, Earth, Plant, and Darkness.] "A quadruple acolyte! Only one in tens of thousands of acolytes possess this!" Thus began Emery’s journey together with his 4 friends from the furthest corner of Earth. Each year they returned to Earth to grow, seek revenge, save the princess, conquer the world, and become Earth's Greatest Magus. Their names are still etched in our history books to this day. Authors Note: I have always been fascinated by writing fantasy relating to historical facts. In this story, you will find characters inspired by real-world myth and legend. The universe I created hopefully will make the reader's imagination excited and logically plausible. I hope you enjoy it. ### Here are some key aspects you'll encounter: MC: The protagonist follows the classic weak-to-strong arc. World: Picture a blend of Harry Potter and Star Wars. System: While it's primarily a magic-based story, there's a structured system in place that's easy to follow. Additionally, elements of cultivation. Harem: No, there are several female interests. But I enjoy romance first. So even if there will be more than one love interest it will be deep. Note: English is not my first language, but you'll notice that my writing and English skills gradually improve throughout the chapters. Other: The novel delves into deep research on science and history, enriching the storyline with factual and intriguing details. Give it a read—you might be pleasantly surprised by what unfolds. Check Out the Video Trailer on youtube type "Earth's Greatest Magus"
Avan · 11.5M Views

Me Apaixonando Pelo Meu Marido CEO Acidental

Acordar de um coma era o menor dos problemas de Serena quando ela descobre que está casada! Ela não consegue lembrar quem é. Seus pais planejam matá-la. O que uma jovem faz numa situação dessa? Ela prende o marido rico e bonitão, é claro! Serena não vai deixá-lo ir até descobrir a verdade. Aiden Hawk casou por conveniência. Chantageado pela sua avó, ele bolou o plano perfeito. Casar-se com uma mulher à beira da morte e fazer o papel de amante enlutado. Quando ela morresse, ele estaria livre para fazer o que quisesse! Mas para surpresa de todos, ela voltou à vida! Mais ainda, ela está grudada nele feito cola! O casamento acidental deles vai dar certo ou serão separados para sempre? *Créditos da foto: Queenfrieza Trecho: Os olhos dela se arregalaram de choque quando ele caminhou até a porta do quarto do hospital e a trancou com um clique. "O que você está fazendo?" ela perguntou tremulamente. Ela não gostou da expressão no rosto dele. Ele levantou uma sobrancelha e sorriu maliciosamente, erguendo o canto da boca. "O que você acha que eu estou fazendo?" "Por que… por que você trancou a porta?" "Minha esposa... Você acordou depois de tanto tempo. Claro que eu tenho que passar um tempo com você sem ser incomodado..." Serena observava ele caminhar em sua direção, sua presença parecendo preencher o quarto. Seu coração quase ameaçou saltar para fora do peito... Ela queria saltar da cama, mas suas pernas estavam inúteis e ela não tinha forças...
har_k · 15.1K Views

Marido Com Benefícios

``` Nora fica devastada um mês antes de seu casamento quando descobre a traição de seu noivo. Enquanto lida com essa traição, ela descobre um profundo ardil para impedi-la de reivindicar sua legítima herança. Desolada, mas determinada, Nora dá um passo ousado para retomar o controle de sua vida. Surge Demétrio 'O Demônio', como é conhecido por aqueles que o conhecem, um homem imponente pouco conhecido por ela, que lhe oferece proteção e apoio em troca de um casamento por contrato para satisfazê-lo. Em uma reviravolta do destino, Nora se casa com Demétrio para reivindicar sua herança e lutar contra aqueles que conspiraram contra ela. Mas, enquanto ela batalha contra sua própria família e os muitos rivais de Demétrio, será que ela conseguirá evitar se apaixonar pelo homem conhecido por esmagar as pessoas sob o calcanhar de suas botas. Excerto: Ela havia esquecido que o homem era intimidador e o desafiou diretamente. Em vez de falar, Demétrio se levantou de sua cadeira e se aproximou dela deliberadamente. Embora fossem apenas alguns passos, o tempo pareceu se esticar para Nora. Quando ele estava quase ao alcance do toque, sua mão pousou gentilmente em seu joelho, deslizando-o para o lado. Seu toque se moveu com um indício de carícia, e ele se colocou entre as pernas abertas dela. Nora ficou lá em silêncio congelado, os olhos arregalados como um veado capturado pelos faróis de um carro. Segurando seu queixo entre os dedos, ele inclinou o rosto dela para cima e falou sem pressa, "Você é minha esposa." Ela acenou lentamente com a cabeça em afirmação enquanto o polegar dele lentamente percorria seu lábio. "Eu lhe dei tempo para reunir suas emoções." Mais um aceno. O nervosismo de Nora a fez lamber os lábios, extremamente consciente do olhar intenso dele fixo neles. "Sua razão para o casamento foi garantir sua herança e se libertar da influência de sua mãe." "Sim..." Nora sussurrou confusa. Sua confusão não era sobre a declaração dele, mas sobre as sensações desconcertantes que percorriam seu corpo. O que estava acontecendo com ela? "Está na hora de você cumprir sua parte no contrato, não é?" Ele continuou. "Sim," Nora sussurrou sem fôlego. Por que ela estava sem fôlego? O nível de oxigênio da casa havia diminuído? O ar de repente estava ficando rarefeito? De repente, a mão dele deixou o rosto dela, e ela observou enquanto ele se aproximava ainda mais. Foi então que Nora compreendeu o que estava se desenrolando. Todos aqueles beijos tentadores e que faziam o coração acelerar que ela havia lido sobre em romances estavam prestes a possivelmente se tornar sua realidade. Mas o beijo antecipado não aconteceu. Em vez disso, ele parou perto dela e ordenou, "Beije-me." ```
har_k · 751.8K Views

A Lei da Atração

Tudo começou com um beijo roubado em seu primeiro encontro. [Aviso: Conteúdo adulto *SEM estupro e SEM grandes mal-entendidos!] Status: CONCLUÍDO ****** “Senhorita Lana Huang… Espere um aviso de assédio na sua porta em breve...” Foi isso que Lana ganhou por beijar um estranho para se salvar de um casamento arranjado indesejado. “Até onde eu me lembro, você retribuiu o beijo ferozmente e até dominou todo o beijo. Você claramente gostou do seu momento comigo, então por favor não faça parecer que eu tirei vantagem indevida de você! E eu já disse, estou pronto para te compensar!” “E como você planeja fazer isso, hein?” Liam deu um passo mais perto, tentando intimidar a mulher orgulhosa que nem sequer piscou sob sua pressão sufocante. Lana deu alguns passos para trás, levantou a mão e rosnou, “Pare já Advogado Sy, se não quiser sentir a dor de ser chutado nos testículos depois de ser beijado!” ***** Conheça Lana Huang, uma mulher orgulhosa que escalou a escada do sucesso em sua carreira. Advogada e uma mulher ousada, excepcionalmente bonita para fazer os homens sonharem e babarem por ela. O amor era a última coisa na sua agenda porque ela odiava homens... Mas o destino quis pregar uma peça nela, pois ela beijou sem querer Liam Sy, um homem rico, poderoso e arrogante. Advogado de profissão, fama e sucesso o seguiam por onde ele ia. Um advogado feroz que ganhou todos os casos em que pôs as mãos. O orgulho corria em seu sangue e o amor não estava em sua agenda porque ele odiava mulheres... O que aconteceria quando essas duas... bonitas e belas, orgulhosas e teimosas, que odeiam homens e mulheres... se juntassem e se envolvessem em um casamento? Bem-vindo a um redemoinho de romance entre esses dois - uma montanha-russa de amor quando misturada com orgulho, ciúme, teimosia e ódio... Tapa na cara? Por que não! Com certeza você iria adorar acompanhar a jornada deles, onde ambos correram o risco de se apaixonar... Uma jornada de ódio se transformando em amor... ================ Nota do Autor: Espero que você goste de ler este romance ORIGINAL meu. Este é definitivamente um final feliz. Muitos agradecimentos antecipadamente pelo seu apoio. Com Muito Amor, EUSTOMA_reyna Outros Livros: O CEO Que Me Odeia (concluído) O General Que Me Odeia (concluído) O Doutor Que Me Ama (concluído) Não Me Beije (em escrita) O Indomado: Jogo de Corações A Armadilha da Coroa contate-me em: Link do Discord: twitter: @EUSTOMA_reyna instagram: eustoma_reyna Página do Facebook: @eustoma.reyna A capa do livro é minha... arte da capa por ava_arts38 (instagram)
Eustoma_Reyna · 12.7K Views

L'identité de Madame choque à nouveau toute la ville

Qiao Nian a vécu dans la maison de la famille Qiao pendant 18 ans avant que ses parents biologiques ne la retrouvent. Soudainement, toutes les familles riches de la ville savaient que la famille Qiao avait une fausse fille ! Une vraie fille de famille aisée serait douée, douce et gentille. Une fausse fille ne serait pas capable d’acquérir des compétences et n’accomplirait rien. Tout le monde voulait voir à quel point elle serait misérable lorsqu'elle retournerait dans son ravin après avoir été expulsée d'une famille riche ! Qiao Nian pensait aussi que ses parents biologiques étaient de pauvres professeurs du comté de Luohe. Qui aurait cru que son frère conduisait une Phaeton d'une valeur de trois cent mille yuans ! Son père biologique était aussi un professeur qui enseignait à l'Université de Tsinghua ! Le gros bonnet de la famille de canailles est devenu un lèche-bottes et s'est incliné devant son grand-père… Qiao Nian était sidérée. Euh… cela ne revenait pas au même que dire oui ! Après avoir été libérée de la famille de canailles, Qiao Nian a pu être elle-même. Elle était la première étudiante à l'examen d'entrée à l'université, une star des diffusions en direct et l'héritière d'un patrimoine culturel inestimable… Ses identités ont été révélées et lorsqu'elle a commencé à apparaître dans les recherches populaires de la ville, la famille de canailles est devenue verte. Les anti-fans se moquaient : À quoi ça sert d'essayer de feindre une image ? Tu ne fais que coller à mon frère tous les jours, n'est-ce pas ? Qiao Nian a répondu : Je suis désolée mais j'ai déjà trouvé chaussure à mon pied. Frère Aîné : @Qiao Nian. Permettez-moi de vous la présenter. Voici ma sœur. Grand-père fortuné : Ma chère petite-fille, pourquoi travailles-tu si dur ? Si tu veux un vélo, grand-père te l'achètera ! Les riches et puissants de Pékin colportaient une rumeur selon laquelle Maître Wang cachait une épouse dans sa maison luxueuse. Peu importe combien de personnes ont essayé de le convaincre, il ne l'a jamais emmenée rencontrer quelqu'un. S'il était interrogé, il répondrait la même phrase. « Ma femme vient de la campagne et elle est timide. » Jusqu'au jour où quelqu'un a vu le noble et froid Maître Wang tenir la taille svelte d'une fille tout en se cachant dans un coin de mur et en murmurant les yeux rouges. « Chérie, quand me donneras-tu un titre ? » [Fausse fille qui vient en réalité d'une famille véritablement riche] + [Deux gros bonnets]
Brother Ling · 63.5K Views

La Renaissance du Dieu Immortel Sans Nom

``` La Terre a subi un étrange changement. S'étendant des millions de fois sa taille originale, sa population fut soudainement divisée en deux. D'un côté, il y avait un groupe d'humains technologiquement avancés. Mais, de l'autre, un monde de cultivation avait grandi et prospéré. Les secrets ayant mené à ce changement ont été cachés dans l'obscurité depuis bien trop longtemps... Jusqu'au jour où un garçon né du côté Mortel du monde fut découvert comme ayant le talent d'entrer du côté Martial. Ayant perdu ses deux parents face à une marée cachée, il choisit de tout quitter derrière lui pour entrer dans cette terre de dangers. Quelles vérités allait-il dévoiler ? Que découvrirait-il sur ce qui séparait les Mortels des Cultivateurs ? Quels maux cachés voulaient s'assurer que son peuple ne se lève jamais et n'acquiert de pouvoir ? Et comment ces maux... traiteraient-ils de lui ? ---- Cette liste de choses que je hais est plutôt longue. La première est que je hais être mis à l'épreuve plus que tout. La deuxième est que je hais être mis à l'épreuve plus que tout. La troisième est aussi que je hais être mis à l'épreuve plus que tout. Les profondeurs de l'océan sont trop peu profondes, la lumière du soleil trop faible, le sol trop banal et les cieux trop exiguës. Pour ceux nés de ce monde incolore qui se croient dignes de me juger... Je ne peux que dire que c'est risible. Je suis le Dieu Immortel Sans Nom car même les Cieux eux-mêmes ne sont pas dignes de me nommer. Même sans connaître ma propre identité, je dessécherai les océans jusqu'à ce que seule une terre fendue subsiste, je plongerai le soleil dans une obscurité éternelle, je briserai le sol sous mes pieds et fendrai les cieux avec ma lame. Suis-je trop arrogant ? Quel droit as-tu de penser cela ? ---- ```
Awespec · 61.7K Views

The Void Killer Saga

In a world of advanced technology and shadowy organizations, Kasper de la Fuente seems like just another talented student at the elite Bounty Hunter Association Academy. Enhanced by cutting-edge nanobots, Kasper and his tight-knit group of friends tackle everything the Academy throws at them - from brutal combat simulations to mysterious incidents that push their abilities to the limit. But beneath the surface of intense training and wild parties, dark forces are stirring. When a classified training simulation goes catastrophically wrong, Kasper discovers his enhancements might be more than just standard tech. As he digs deeper, he uncovers connections to the infamous Project Lazarus and the deadly Valparaíso Incident. A chain of tragic events forces Kasper to leave the Academy behind for the neon-drenched streets of Costa del Sol. There, he emerges as something new: The Void Killer, a hunter whose name sends shivers through the criminal underworld. Now, years later, the mysterious Cyber Lich threatens to destroy everything Kasper has built. Working with the enigmatic Douglas Berston and the secretive Paranormal Activity Branch, he must confront an enemy that seems to know his every move. But in a world where technology and darkness intertwine, nothing is as it seems. Old friends become enemies, ancient conspiracies resurface, and the line between justice and vengeance grows ever thinner. The Void Killer Saga - where every shadow hides a secret, and the truth comes at a deadly price.
Andre_Mazzo · 13.5K Views


The Rise and Fall of My Bitcoin Investment: A Cautionary Tale and Appraisal to Dunamis cyber solution Web Recovery What started as a promising venture into the world of cryptocurrency quickly turned into a rollercoaster of emotions and financial turmoil. My foray into the realm of Bitcoin was initially fueled by the allure of its meteoric rise and the promise of untold riches. I eagerly invested a sizable sum, captivated by the prospect of riding the wave of this digital gold rush. However, as the old adage goes, what goes up must come down, and the volatility of the Bitcoin market soon became my undoing. Just as quickly as my investment had skyrocketed, it came crashing down, leaving me with a portfolio in shambles and a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. In the aftermath of this financial debacle, I found myself seeking a glimmer of hope, a way to recover the losses I had incurred. It was then that I stumbled upon the services of Wizard Web Recovery, a specialized team dedicated to retrieving lost or stolen digital assets. They provided a much-needed lifeline in the face of my cautionary tale by using their knowledge and painstaking efforts to locate and recover a sizeable chunk of my once-thriving Bitcoin wealth. I've learned a lot from this experience about the dangers and benefits of investing in cryptocurrencies, and I now approach these endeavors with a fresh sense of care and a greater appreciation for the significance of collaborating with reputable and trustworthy recovery services like DUNAMIS CYBER SOLUTION Web Recovery. I am thankful for this effort and I would also put this out there for anyone to see and get in touch with Dunamis cyber solution web recovery if you find yourself in this kind of worry. Email DUNAMIS CYBER SOLUTION web Recovery at : +1 3433030545
Roselyn_Frank · 84 Views

Legends: War Among Dimensions

Jason Reed, a 21-year-old felt lost in life as he couldn’t seem to hold down a job or find purpose in life. After being fired from his ninth job in three months; this time for ruining a bakery batch by mixing salt instead of sugar, he returned to his crumbling trailer home, the only thing his parents left behind before mysteriously disappearing years ago. Exhausted and frustrated, Jason skipped dinner and collapsed into bed, only to be pulled into a terrifying nightmare. In the dream, Jason found himself in a strange forest where the sky mirrored the ground, with upside-down trees stretching endlessly above. The forest seemed alive, constantly shifting and changing its shape and colors with weird sounds echoing all around, making him anxious to escape. As Jason finally reached a clearing, he discovered that he was at the edge of a cliff overlooking a battlefield littered with the bodies of monstrous creatures. Turning back in fear, he found himself facing the entrance of a massive cave that wasn’t there moments before. Now trapped between the cliff and the ominous cave, Jason has nowhere to run. A chilling tension fills the air as in the next moment a massive red dragon emerges from the cave. It had bright red, with odd rectangular scales and glowing yellow eyes that gave it a strange, digital appearance, like the final boss of an old arcade game. The dragon growled, releasing thick and massive amounts of smoke from its nostrils as it locked its gaze on Jason. Jason froze, hoping the dragon would leave him alone, but his slightest movement triggered the dragon to attack. Chomp! In a single horrifying moment, the dragon devoured Jason whole, jolting him awake in a cold sweat. Shaken, Jason tried to dismiss the nightmare and get on with his day. But his morning was about to take a bizarre turn when he found a small, red metal case on his bathroom sink. It had an intricate design around its border with a blank center that made it look like the design was incomplete. Inside, he found a deck of some type of cards. However, the moment Jason touched the deck, it glowed with a soft red light followed by a piercing ringing filling his ears. He clutched his head in pain, unable to make it stop. When the ringing finally subsided, Jason slowly picked himself back up only to look up at the mirror and freeze. Staring back at him was the same dragon from his nightmare, its terrifying eyes locking onto his once again. Jason’s life was about to change forever as he uncovered the truth about a dangerous experiment, the chaos it threatened to unleash on the world, and his own role in stopping it. Jason's life was about to change forever as he discovered the truth about a dangerous experiment, the chaos it was about to bring to his world, and his role in stopping something that should never have been created.
KingU · 649 Views

Lunar Legacy: Rise Of The Beastlord

"They called me a beast," "They called me a monster," "They killed my mother and took my sister, yet they called me the animal!" "I will make them pay!" After losing his mother and a young age, Jayden struggled with rage and isolation, getting angry at everybody and everything, while still having the dreams of crushing those who took his mother from him But his goal was hindered when he discovered that he couldn't possess an ability, he would remain a ordinary human in a world where power was everything. Years after being sent to therapy, he returns only to get struck by lightning. But before he could die, a mysterious interface appeared in his eyes [Requirement has been met] [System integrating...] [Alert! Non-human genes found in host; modifying system to meet Host's genetic code] [Curse has been forcefully activated] [Congratulations you have acquired the Beastlord system] "Huh? What the hell is this? And what curse is it talking about? Jayden thought as he slowly lost consciousness He wakes up as a new being entirely, receiving various powers and abilities related to nature and it's creatures, but the most incredible was the absolute control over beasts. Now he could achieve his goals without being stopped and get revenge for his mother. While also leading a war with the ancient beasts against beasts from beyond. .... "Mother, i have finally become the animal they say i am," Jayden chuckled, as he stared at the bright full moon "I have become the lord of beasts," he stated, as his body began to slowly transform into a large humanoid wolf. _________ A/Q: Don't mind the long synopsis, just wanted to make it seem more of a trailer-like summary. Anyways so pls add to collection if you like it and also support this book(It's taking part in the current Wpc). There's going to be a lot of suspense and shocking revelations including the connection with my other book(Celestial Speed: Legacy) So if you're a fan of same universe/multiverse and crossover concept, then you'll enjoy it. Gracias!
Red_Hood69 · 2.1K Views

Rise of Yahunyens: Origin

"I Am... The Revolution!", Born God Griswa Skaar, the last of the Skaar Gods, lost his memories as he struck the planet of Aeartha. Later he met allies and observed the cruel events of this world. As the 'God of Revolution/Jilhadid Mackenadock', he won't just free the world from the Yahunyens after 185,000 years of their rule, but the entire Omniverse from Greater God 'Brighter Dark'. This is not a struggle for supremacy. Supremacy itself is a struggle here. While every other story is dealing with weak to strong, this story explores the struggles of being too powerful, yet trying to adjust and control it. But even with too much power you need to cultivate, cultivate differently, using your powers with limits and cultivation of not trying to be stronger but to control your power, because even if you have everything, there is a chance you'll have left nothing (Only MC), if any apocalypse dawns on the worlds because of those powers. Being too overpowered, boon or a curse? Rages are on... Welcome to this 'Cinematically Written' Webnovel. Note: Yes AI has been used here, but ideas, concept, characters, scenes, arrangement, world building, story development, direction, dialogues, plot, action, everything is mine. This is a Human x AI masterpiece for the future. I'll admit, I am not a good writer, but I am a good dreamer and visualizer, so please bear the AI writing (Its's not even complete AI writing, it's just improving the raw writing of mine to a better level) because the story is really good. Its just that I am much more of a cinematographer, director, actor than a professional writer or manga artist, and I am not good at non-dialogue writing for depth and intensity of a scene, I can visualize the intensity, but I cannot present it with uttermost perfect word usage. I just want to bring forth my story and ideas but can't make any films or anime coz I got no money, so I started this Webnovel being passionate about this story. This novel isn't for people who like reading books, but instead who love presentation more than words. I wrote this note because I wanted to be clear and honest so that it isn't unfair to the writers who are really good. And that's why I'll never apply for a contract and monetize it on Webnovel, and it'll remain free forever till the story ends in like what? 10 years? Rest is your choice, it depends on you how you wanna take it. If you wish to read it, then a useful tip is visualize it, don't just read it, and you'll feel the scale. What I wanna convey is read it for the story, the idea and the concept behind it, not just the writing. I hope I have been honest enough to Webnovel. Thank you. Introducing an enhanced genre of mass (something made for a wider range of audience with ingredients loaded for the masses), #SUPERMASS Action Level: Dragon Ball Series and Demon Slayer Story Level/DreamVision Like: One Piece, Naruto and Attack on Titan Other Inspirations: Avengers (Everything in Marvel) and Star Wars A complete package of entertainment containing the elements of all the peak franchises. Also it's a great shout-out to them all, at once! My vision tells us that if any peak franchise is at its peak for all the reasons why they should be at peak, what if I combine everything and bring a new peak (infinity) story including my Origin-al elements too? The purpose of this story is simply fun! And that's why, ascertain the tragedies, histories and mysteries Around & Beyond The World. Trailer out on YouTube and Instagram. Follow me at Instagram @mackenadock
TezarxAI · 170.2K Views

GOAT: Against All Odds

Alvaro Cortez, a gifted young footballer from the humble suburb of Valle Sol, dreams of playing for Blanco Royal FC, one of the most prestigious football clubs in Europe. Growing up idolizing legends and training on dusty fields. 'GOAT: Against All Odds' is the journey of Alvaro the boy with dreams to becoming a famous footballer, One of the greatest. As Alvaro navigates the highs and lows of his ascent, he faces critical moments of failure, redemption, and growth. Along the way, he learns that greatness isn’t achieved alone—it requires the support of teammates, mentors, and an unwavering determination to overcome setbacks. This is a story of ambition, resilience, and self-discovery, chronicling Alvaro Cortez’s journey from a small-town dreamer to a rising star in the world of football. Set against the backdrop of intense rivalries, personal sacrifices, and the relentless pursuit of excellence, it’s a tale of what it takes to rise to the top and stay there. ------ The story would sometimes be fast paced or slow according to the situations. System = check ✅ Critical Injury = check ✅ ( nb : predictable,i mean don't we have a system to introduce) Romance = check ✅ ----- So the system part of the story wouldn't start until quit some time.You know, I don't want anyone to criticize my guy saying he can't do sh*t without system so.And the clubs and players are inspired from irl and i won't use the real names or anything,Cause I don't want any complications later(IYKYk). -----
Daone_me · 6.2K Views

Rebirth: Over the Horizon

[Horizon] A Virtual world where people did the things that they can't do in reality. But. Who would have thought that the world will end and the powers you accumulated on the game came to reality? I was just a casual player. I think everyone would be a casual player. I was a top graduate, had a beautiful girlfriend, handsome face, overwhelming charm. I was nearly at the peak of time. Why did the world end at that time? 'Damn you, God.' 'You made me lose my parents, you made my talent worthless.Now you made me lose my life.' That's was my last word before my life ended. Rebirth!? I think God, was ashamed of himself and gave me a second chance to redeem himself. 'Haha...I will become True God of this time' --- Visual trailer: A.N: What is novel? That is a limitless imagination. Then, why there is logic in it? Readers who are enjoying my novel, I don't like logic like if MC is strong his IQ will be low or If MC is intelligent, his build will be poor, etc. Our MC will be excellent in all the things he knew, So who didn't like that please don't comment or review. Even if you do so I can't change that. Word count: 1200-1400 Daily 1 chapters at 10 A.M If we reached 1M views or 10k collections, I will promote daily release into 2 chapters. Notice: 100 P.S- +1chapter 200 P.S- +2chapter 400 P. S- +3chapter ..... and so on.... Stay tuned! Share it! Support it! Cover is not mine!
Stylish_Demon · 1.8M Views

Azure Empire

"The Azure Empire" In a world torn by an ancient feud between humans and demons, two powerful nations—the expansive Raizen Empire of humans and the smaller, fierce DarkVeil Kingdom of demons—have clashed over land, resources, and supremacy for centuries. This relentless war culminated in the Era of the Rising Sun (330 AD) when Sol Raizen, a legendary human warrior, defeated the formidable Demon King Derous. Choosing unity over annihilation, Sol established a groundbreaking peace, merging the warring realms into a single, grand nation called the Azure Empire. As its first ruler, he implemented revolutionary laws to uphold equality among humans, demons, and soon, elves. Now, over a thousand years later, in the Era of Fornix (1357 AD), the Azure Empire stands as a symbol of unity, ruled by Sol’s descendant, King Dezaral Raizen, who has held the throne for over 30 years. Peace endures between humans, demons, and elves, but tensions simmer beneath the surface. Magic infuses daily life, with holy spells wielded by humans, dark magic by demons, and elves adept in both. Yet as the king grows older, mysterious forces and old grudges threaten to tear apart this fragile harmony. Shadows from the past stir once more, and whispers of rebellion echo from the DarkVeil and beyond. Will the Azure Empire survive the hidden trials facing it? Or will history’s long-buried conflicts once again plunge the world into war? The story unfolds as ancient secrets are uncovered, loyalties are tested, and heroes are forged.
Leo_Marinus · 359 Views
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