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Jing Liu Trailer

Sang Seniman Bela Diri yang Beralih Menjadi Konglomerat Film

[Industri Hiburan + Wanita Utama yang Kuat + Cerita Menarik + Identitas Tersembunyi] Pemimpin Muda Sekte Tang, Tang Shu, yang mahir dalam Teknik Racun dan Senjata Tersembunyi, telah tertransmigrasi dan menjadi pendatang baru tingkat 18, debut sebagai aktris pendukung. Setelah acara variety show disiarkan: Haters: "Aku sebenarnya menganggap Tang Shu itu cukup menggemaskan. Ada yang salah dengan aku?" Ketika Lembaga Penelitian Teknik Mesin Nasional mengumumkan: Miss Tang adalah konsultan penelitian kunci yang kami tunjuk. Haters: "Apa????" Ketika seorang ahli pengobatan Tiongkok yang berwibawa mengungkapkan selama wawancara: Pengembangan jenis obat baru sangat berhutang pada Tang Shu. Haters: "Bukankah ini terlalu kebetulan?" Ketika Departemen Restorasi Porselen dengan terang-terangan menyatakan: Tidak ada yang melebihi Tang Shu dalam bidang restorasi porselen dan kaligrafi serta lukisan. Haters: "Apakah lotus putih ini menjadi sedikit terlalu memabukkan?" Ketika seorang big V Weibo dengan jutaan penggemar tanpa sengaja menunjukkan wajahnya selama siaran langsung... Para haters semua menyatakan bahwa pikiran mereka terpukau! *** Jing Yu, anak kesayangan surga, selalu mempunyai cengkeraman besi dan karir yang sukses sampai— dia bertemu dengan Tang Shu. Di dalam bioskop, setelah menonton empat atau lima film berturut-turut, dia menyadari orang yang duduk di sebelahnya tidak berubah, menikmati popcorn dengan sangat lahap. Tenggorokan Jing Yu bergerak sedikit; wanita ini sedang merayunya. Berhadapan di sebuah kedai kopi, dia secara acak mengeluarkan sedotan dua sisi dan meletakkannya di cangkirnya. Mata Jing Yu merah; wanita ini pasti sedang merayunya!
Rain Chen Zhenzhen · 20.3K Views

Der Kampfsportler wird zum Film-Mogul

[Unterhaltungsindustrie + Starke weibliche Hauptrolle + Erfrischende Geschichte + Versteckte Identität] Die junge Sektenmeisterin der Tang-Sekte, Tang Shu, die in Gifttechniken und verborgenen Waffen bewandert war, war transmigriert und wurde eine Neuling im 18. Nachdem eine Varieté-Show ausgestrahlt wurde: Hater: "Ich finde Tang Shu eigentlich ganz süß. Stimmt etwas nicht mit mir?" Als das Nationale Forschungsinstitut für Maschinenbau bekannt gab: Frau Tang ist unsere wichtigste Forschungsberaterin. Hasser: "Was????" Als ein maßgeblicher Experte für chinesische Medizin in einem Interview erklärte: Die Entwicklung einer neuen Art von Medizin verdankt Tang Shu viel. Hater: "Ist das nicht einfach zu zufällig?" Als die Abteilung für Porzellanrestaurierung offen erklärte: Niemand übertrifft Tang Shu auf dem Gebiet der Porzellanrestaurierung und der Kalligraphie und Malerei. Hasser: "Wird dieser weiße Lotus ein bisschen zu berauschend?" Als ein Weibo big V mit Millionen von Fans versehentlich ihr Gesicht während einer Live-Sendung enthüllte... Die Hater erklärten alle, dass sie völlig aus dem Häuschen seien! *** Jing Yu, der bevorzugte Sohn des Himmels, hatte immer einen eisernen Griff und eine erfolgreiche Karriere gehabt, bis er Tang Shu traf. Im Kino, nachdem er vier oder fünf Filme hintereinander gesehen hatte, stellte er fest, dass die Person neben ihm sich nicht verändert hatte und genüsslich das Popcorn aß. Jing Yus Kehle rührte sich leicht; diese Frau flirtete mit ihm. Als sie sich in einem Café gegenüberstanden, zog sie lässig einen doppelseitigen Strohhalm heraus und steckte ihn in ihre Tasse. Jing Yus Augen färbten sich rot; diese Frau flirtete eindeutig mit ihm!
Rain Chen Zhenzhen · 3.4K Views

O Artista Marcial Transformado em Magnata do Cinema

[Indústria do Entretenimento + Protagonista Feminina Forte + História Refrescante + Identidade Oculta] O Jovem Mestre Secreto da Seita Tang, Tang Shu, que era habilidosa em Técnicas de Veneno e Armas Ocultas, transmigrou e se tornou uma novata de 18º nível, estreando como atriz coadjuvante. Após um programa de variedades ser transmitido: Haters: "Eu na verdade acho que a Tang Shu é meio fofa. Tem algo de errado comigo?" Quando o Instituto Nacional de Pesquisa de Engenharia Mecânica anunciou: A Srta. Tang é nossa consultora de pesquisa chave nomeada. Haters: "O quê????" Quando um especialista autoritário em medicina chinesa revelou durante uma entrevista: O desenvolvimento de um novo tipo de medicamento deve muito à Tang Shu. Haters: "Isso não é coincidência demais?" Quando o Departamento de Restauração de Porcelana declarou abertamente: Ninguém supera Tang Shu nos campos de restauração de porcelana e caligrafia e pintura. Haters: "Essa flor de lótus branca está ficando um pouco intoxicante demais?" Quando um grande V do Weibo com milhões de seguidores acidentalmente revelou seu rosto durante uma transmissão ao vivo... Os haters declararam que suas mentes explodiram! *** Jing Yu, o filho predileto do céu, sempre teve um controle firme e uma carreira bem-sucedida até - ele conheceu Tang Shu. Dentro do cinema, depois de assistir quatro ou cinco filmes seguidos, percebeu que a pessoa sentada ao lado dele não havia mudado, desfrutando da pipoca com grande prazer. A garganta de Jing Yu moveu-se levemente; essa mulher estava flertando com ele. Diante um do outro em uma cafeteria, ela casualmente puxou um canudo de dois lados e o colocou em seu copo. Os olhos de Jing Yu ficaram avermelhados; essa mulher definitivamente estava flertando com ele!
Rain Chen Zhenzhen · 16.3K Views

Le spécialiste d'arts martiaux devenu magnat du cinéma

[Industrie du divertissement + Héroïne forte + Histoire rafraîchissante + Identité cachée] Le Jeune Maître de Secte de la Secte Tang, Tang Shu, expert en Techniques de Poison et Armes Cachées, avait transmigré et était devenue une débutante de 18e rang, débutant comme actrice secondaire. Après la diffusion d'une émission de variété : Détracteurs : "Je pense réellement que Tang Shu est assez mignonne. Ai-je un problème ?" Lorsque l'Institut national de recherche en génie mécanique annonça : Mlle Tang est notre consultante de recherche désignée clé. Détracteurs : "Quoi ????" Lorsqu'un expert autoritaire en médecine chinoise révéla lors d'une interview : Le développement d'un nouveau type de médicament doit beaucoup à Tang Shu. Détracteurs : "N'est-ce pas juste trop coïncidentiel ?" Lorsque le département de restauration de porcelaine déclarait ouvertement : Personne ne surpasse Tang Shu dans les domaines de la restauration de porcelaine et de la calligraphie et peinture. Détracteurs : "Cette fleur de lotus blanche ne devient-elle pas un peu trop enivrante ?" Lorsqu'un grand V de Weibo avec des millions de fans a accidentellement révélé son visage lors d'une diffusion en direct... Les détracteurs ont tous déclaré que leurs esprits étaient soufflés ! *** Jing Yu, le fils favori du ciel, avait toujours eu une main de fer et une carrière réussie jusqu'à ce qu'il rencontre Tang Shu. Dans le cinéma, après avoir regardé quatre ou cinq films à la suite, il réalisa que la personne assise à côté de lui n'avait pas changé, savourant le popcorn avec beaucoup de plaisir. La gorge de Jing Yu bougea légèrement ; cette femme flirtait avec lui. Face à face dans un café, elle sortit nonchalamment une paille double face et la plaça dans sa coupe. Les yeux de Jing Yu virèrent au rouge ; cette femme flirtait définitivement avec lui !
Rain Chen Zhenzhen · 24K Views

Transmigré y conseguí un esposo y un hijo!

``` Era conocida por muchos nombres: Demoníaca, una bruja malvada, una heredera destinada a gobernar el infierno, la más mala y la flor más venenosa del mundo del inframundo. Poco sabían todos, la heredera de la organización de asesinatos más misteriosa tenía un sueño sencillo. Un sueño que muchas chicas tenían: tener una vida pacífica con un esposo y un hijo. Por eso, cuando esta infame líder de la organización de asesinos despertó en el cuerpo de Heaven Liu, pensó que su sueño de toda la vida finalmente se había hecho realidad. Pero la realidad estaba lejos de lo que esperaba. Heaven Liu era una actriz acabada; desapareció de los reflectores en el pico de su estrellato. ¿La razón? Un embarazo no deseado. Forzada a casarse con un hombre que no amaba, el matrimonio se desmoronó fácilmente —casi al borde de no tener arreglo. Con esta realidad que tuvo que enfrentar, ¿sería capaz de reparar los corazones rotos de su esposo e hijo? ¿O continuaría ampliándose la distancia entre ellos? Con este matrimonio sin amor desde el inicio, ¿habría una posibilidad de que pudieran vivir felices en familia? ¿O era demasiado tarde? Lo más importante, ¿lograría verdaderamente escapar de las cadenas que pensaba había roto? ¿O su propio infierno la alcanzaría para arrastrarla de vuelta a los pozos del infierno donde pertenece? ***** Descargo de responsabilidad: La portada no es de mi propiedad. Todos los créditos al artista. Esta es una parte de la Serie Salvaje de la autora. Señorita Heredera Salvaje: ¡Reencarné y conseguí un esposo y un hijo! ```
BAJJ · 392.9K Views

Depois de ser incriminada por sua família, ela foi mimada por um CEO de uma família rica

Jing Yao dormiu com o CEO de uma família rica que tinha fama de se afastar das mulheres. Ela até engravidou. Jing Yao cresceu sem receber qualquer amor de seus pais. Embora ela e sua irmã fossem gêmeas, ela não se parecia em nada com sua irmã mais velha. Seus pais favoreciam sua irmã mais velha. Jing Yao foi obrigada a começar a trabalhar desde jovem, enquanto sua irmã podia ficar em casa sem fazer nada. Jing Yao tinha que pagar suas próprias mensalidades. Uma única bolsa que sua irmã possuía custava dezenas de milhares. Não apenas isso, mas sua irmã mais velha até ficou com seu noivo, com quem estava noiva desde criança. Formalmente falando, Jing Yao era a segunda irmã na família. No entanto, na realidade, ela era tão pobre que nem conseguia pagar seu próprio aluguel. Sua família nunca lhe mostrou qualquer cuidado ou afeto. Pelo bem do casamento de sua irmã mais velha, a mãe biológica de Jing Yao a armou fazendo-a beber com um investidor. Ela foi até drogada. Felizmente, ela estava alerta o suficiente para fugir. No entanto, ela correu na direção errada. Como resultado, ela acabou dormindo com Liang Xun. Depois de voltar para casa, a mãe de Jing Yao gritou com ela. Seu noivo idiota a humilhou. Jing Yao cancelou o casamento na hora. Desde então, ela deixou a família Jing. Mais tarde, Liang Xun descobriu que Jing Yao estava grávida. Ele a procurou e pediu para que ela se casasse com ele. No entanto, Jing Yao o rejeitou. Liang Xun ofereceu diretamente 100 milhões como presente de casamento, e ela acabou aceitando. Rumores começaram a se espalhar na internet. Jing Yao, uma celebridade feminina que recentemente ganhou popularidade, estava sendo acusada de se envolver no relacionamento de sua irmã mais velha. Alguns até disseram que ela era a sugar baby de Liang Xun. Apesar das críticas, Jing Yao publicou uma resposta positiva. "Eu não tenho uma irmã mais velha, e eu sou a sugar mommy de Liang Xun." Liang Xun imediatamente comentou na publicação dela. "Minha esposa está certa."
Mountain Springs · 31.6K Views

Après avoir été piégée par sa famille, elle a été choyée par un PDG d'une famille riche

Jing Yao a couché avec le PDG d'une riche famille qui était réputé pour se tenir à l'écart des femmes. Elle est même tombée enceinte. Jing Yao a grandi sans recevoir d'amour de ses parents. Bien qu'elle et sa sœur fussent jumelles, elle ne ressemblait en rien à sa sœur aînée. Ses parents favorisaient sa sœur aînée. Jing Yao a été forcée de commencer à travailler jeune, tandis que sa sœur pouvait rester à la maison à ne rien faire. Jing Yao devait payer ses propres frais de scolarité. Un seul sac à main que possédait sa sœur coûtait plusieurs dizaines de milliers. Non seulement cela, mais sa sœur aînée sortait même avec son fiancé, avec qui elle était fiancée depuis l'enfance. Formellement parlant, Jing Yao était la deuxième sœur de la famille. Cependant, en réalité, elle était tellement pauvre qu'elle ne pouvait même pas payer son propre loyer. Sa famille ne lui avait jamais montré aucun soin ou affection. Pour le bien du mariage de sa sœur aînée, la mère biologique de Jing Yao l'a piégée en la faisant boire avec un investisseur. Elle a même été droguée. Heureusement, elle était suffisamment alerte pour s'enfuir. Cependant, elle s'est enfuie dans la mauvaise direction. En conséquence, elle a fini par coucher avec Liang Xun. Après être rentrée chez elle, la mère de Jing Yao l'a engueulée. Son odieux de fiancé l'a humiliée. Jing Yao a annulé le mariage sur le champ. Depuis lors, elle a quitté la famille Jing. Plus tard, Liang Xun a découvert que Jing Yao était enceinte. Il l'a approchée et lui a demandé de l'épouser. Cependant, Jing Yao l'a rejeté. Liang Xun lui a directement offert 100 millions comme cadeau de mariage, et elle a finalement accepté. Des rumeurs ont commencé à se répandre sur internet. Jing Yao, une célébrité récemment populaire, était soupçonnée de s'être impliquée dans la relation de sa sœur aînée. Certains ont même dit qu'elle était la sugar baby de Liang Xun. Malgré les critiques, Jing Yao a publié un post positif en réponse. "Je n'ai pas de sœur aînée et je suis la sugar mommy de Liang Xun." Liang Xun a immédiatement commenté son post. "Ma femme a raison."
Mountain Springs · 58K Views

Mein Ex will mich nach der Scheidung so sehr

# WIFE-CHASING Su Wan liebte Jing Chen seit zehn Jahren, und sie war seit zwei Jahren mit ihm verheiratet. Jing Chen war immer der Ehemann, ganz gleich, ob sie allein oder in der Öffentlichkeit waren. Er erinnerte sich an ihren Hochzeitstag und bereitete zu jedem besonderen Anlass Geschenke für sie vor. Sie war sein Augapfel, und er behandelte sie wie einen kostbaren Schatz. Er mochte ihren Körper so sehr, dass man sagen könnte, er sei von ihm besessen. Doch nur Su Wan wusste, dass Jing Chen sich nur wie ein perfekter Ehemann verhielt, weil er ein Mann der Worte war. Sie würde nie vergessen, was er ihr bei ihrer Heirat sagte: "Ich kann dich heiraten, aber ich habe bereits jemanden, den ich liebe. Unsere Ehe wird drei Jahre lang halten. Drei Jahre später wirst du derjenige sein, der Großvater die Scheidung vorschlägt." Als Jing Chen an ihrem zweiten Jahrestag die Scheidungspapiere hervorholte und sie ihr vorlegte, war Su Wan nicht überrascht. Sie steckte heimlich ihren Schwangerschaftstest weg. "Es sind zwar noch nicht drei Jahre wie versprochen, aber Bai Lian ist zurück. Ich kann es wieder gutmachen", sagte Jing Chen. Su Wan nickte ruhig: "Okay." "Du wirst diejenige sein, die Großvater um die Scheidung bittet. Sag ihm, dass du schon jemanden hast, den du magst. Auch wenn Großvater nicht zustimmen will, wird er dich nicht abweisen", sagte Jing Chen. Su Wan nickte: "Verstehe, aber... ist eine Scheidung ein Muss? Und wenn ich sage, wir bekommen ein Kind?" Jing Chen antwortete: "Su Wan, in meiner Welt gibt es kein Wenn. Ich habe immer empfängnisverhütende Maßnahmen ergriffen. Selbst wenn es wirklich zu einem Unfall kommen sollte, werde ich dafür sorgen, dass er verschwindet. Ich werde dieses Risiko nicht auf mich nehmen." An seinem Hochzeitstag wurde Su Wans Baby als Frühchen geboren. Su Wan war in einen Autounfall verwickelt, und die Szene war voller Blut. In einer Blutlache liegend, drückte Su Wan ihren Bauch fest an sich, verzweifelt, um ihn zu schützen. Später gab es Gerüchte, dass Jing Chen seine Braut an diesem Tag verlassen hatte. Er bewahrte den kalten Körper seiner Ex-Frau eine ganze Woche lang auf und ließ nicht zu, dass sie beerdigt wurde. Jing Chen war völlig außer sich. Bis eines Tages Su Wan mit zwei entzückenden Babys an ihm vorbeiging...
JQK · 39.3K Views

Mated at First Sight

Making poison, studying poison, and playing with poison is her hobby and fascination. Saving people, killing people, and torturing people - those are considered her virtues and ethics. Indeed, she is a doctor - a term that might be more appropriately shortened to... physician! She has the medical code of ethics, yet lacks the empathy. Her patient care is purely dependent on her mood. An injury led to a fortuitous encounter, making two individuals completely unrelated to each other cross paths. Later on, as the woman became a military doctor... In their first meeting, she saved him from the brink of death. The location of his wound was "a wake-up call". And in their next meeting, when she offered - to devote herself to him! His response was: "I... am willing." She said: "I was actually just joking." For Mu Lin, there are only two types of people in the world: the sick, and the deceased. For Jing Chen, the world also only consists of two types of people: family, and soldiers. However, when he met her; when she met him, everything was bound to undergo chemical changes. Mini Theater One day, a dandy with an enchanting posture and seductive eyes said: "From now on, all of me belongs to you." This Poison Doctor, leaning forward revealing a slight smile, "Are you serious about what you said?" in a place he couldn't see, the silver needle in her hand flashed with a cold glint. Snapshot Theater In the future, the child asks: "Mommy, why was your taste so bad back then, choosing this daddy to be my daddy?" How contemptuous. Mu Lin: "This is a serious question, I need to think it over carefully." She definitely needed to think it over thoroughly. The child, full of high spirits: "Certainly this daddy is not your true love." The next second, an aria flies past, "Wife," came a voice filled with aggrievement. "Good." People only know that women are oblivious to Master Jing's eyes, but they don't realize that from their first encounter, her figure has already silently approached him. Some say that Mu Lin was taken down off her lofty pedestal by Master Jing, but Mu Lin wants to say, she did it willingly. [I'm incapable of writing a good summary, please refer to the main text for the story! Come and take the plunge!] Moreover: For recommendations check out my older works: [Overbearing Marriage: Cold wife of a wealthy family after rebirth] [Master Jing's colorful life: Doting on a spoiled wife] My new book [Art of Seduction: Master, hurry up and wear a condom] is looking for favorites.
Still Simple · 375.8K Views

Ms. Tan Is The Real Boss

Tan Rou only learned that she wasn’t the Tan family’s daughter when she was seventeen years old. She went from being a rich young lady to living in the slums. The parents she adored belonged to someone else, and this series of knockdowns was hard for a seventeen-year-old girl to accept. She wailed like a child for the sake of proving this was all a lie. The vicious words she spouted had hurt her biological family but she didn’t notice. She thought the Tan family was her real family despite them seeing her as an eyesore, and was even naive enough to want to befriend the Tan family’s real daughter, Tan Jing. Alas, the latter drugged her drink and arrange for a thug to rape her. Tan Jing even brought their classmates along to catch them in the act so Tan Rou was now tainted for life. After being reborn, she looked down at the man she was stepping on. Tan Rou swore not to be a useless wretch in this life or be bullied to death. She would stomp on those who wronged her and make it up to her real family. They wouldn’t have had to die tragically on the streets in the past life had it not been for her. Tan Rou turned completely evil after crawling back out of Hell. Everyone claimed that the real young lady was educated and talented, while the fake young lady was arrogant and incompetent. Tan Rou scoffed upon hearing this. She held back her brother from trying to stand up for her. “We have all the time in the world. Let’s just wait and see.” Just as everyone was waiting for Tan Rou to make a fool of herself… A top-class perfumer, a top scholar, a world champion… The fake young lady’s multiple identities kept getting exposed one after another, bumping her up to number one on the trending search, shocking the world. Wait, where was the promised humiliation?
JQK · 2.6M Views

SSS rank Mother-In-Law to an Invincible Family

[sexual content and lemons warning] Warning: Sexual content, lemons, Comedy, MILFs, Genius Mc and his harem. Possessive MC, Large Harem, Capable Harem members, No Conscience towards men, Mc is a Chill guy until anything happens to his women. ~×~×~×~×~×~×~×~×~×~×~×~×~ I GOT CLICHED!!!. When Xu Qianghua opened his eyes, he found out that he was reborn back in time before the game Immortal Odyssey: Paths of Destiny merged with his world. With only a few items left with him, Xu Qianghua is stunned and unhappy because he had a good life and was not like those who either betrayed or died to some really powerful monster. Until he saw the introduction of them: Family Token (Chaos): A small world with Immortal veins and high-level spirit crystal mines…. Key of the Ancients(Chaos): A mini-world with infinite monsters and riches to collect…. While Xu Qianghua also deals with his wives Xu Qianghua: Mother-in-law this is wrong Sister Meiying: This is not wrong, I need to check if my daughter can be satisfied. The jumps on Xu Qianghua After a few hours Liu Anwei: Brother Qiang, what were you talking with my mom about? Xu Qianghua: Nothing, your mother wanted you to have a new sibling, so she asked for my help Liu Anwei: What? Read as Xu Qianghua and his now new try again with a different path from his past life which might lead them to ruin or become the strongest family out there. ….. No NTR ..... PS: This is my first novel so I will have a lot of mistakes, so if you find any please feel free to comment and I will fix it as soon as possible. ....... Discord Link:
Anime_timez24 · 2.4M Views

The Malicious Royal Businesswoman

When Imperial Grandson Liu Zhao chose his future wife, with a wave of his pen, he circled Gu Jiu’s name. He said resolutely, “I want her!” With a decree, the emperor bestowed marriage. One after another, everyone dropped by to congratulate Gu Jiu. Sure enough, it was her dumb luck to marry the Imperial Grandson. Facing everyone’s blessings, Gu Jiu smiled on the surface, but in her heart, she was cursing fiercely. In her lifetime, the luckiest thing that happened to Gu Jiu was to die of illness but unexpectedly traverse to the ancient times and live a second time. And the most unfortunate thing that happened to her was meeting the Imperial Grandson, Liu Zhao. — It was rumoured that Imperial Grandson Liu Zhao was graceful, elegant, gentle, refined, humble, polite, and courteous. Gu Jiu: Hehe! The world was blind. That man was obviously two-faced, cunning, deceitful, and treacherous, with the ambition of wild wolves and a great villain. He was like the tyrannical male lead who is written by the screenwriter to die in the finale, but fans still feel distressed for him. — It was rumoured that the Gu family’s second daughter, Gu Jiu, was soft, gentle, virtuous, frail, and tender. Liu Zhao: What? Gentle, virtuous, frail, and tender are all fake. That woman was obviously aojiao, selfish, bad-tempered, and narrow-minded—a little foodie with a soft and delicate body that wasn’t easy to push over. — The first time they met: When Liu Zhao tried to misbehave with Gu Jiu, her mind came up with 108 ways of murdering him. Gu Jiu defended herself, pointing at Liu Zhao and saying, “You won’t do!” Pfft! Liu Zhao was completely defeated. — The second time they met: Gu Jiu fell into the lake. Liu Zhao heroically rescued the beauty. Gu Jiu slapped the back of his hand, “Spoiling my good deeds!” Liu Zhao was completely defeated once again. — At last, there came a day when Liu Zhao married Gu Jiu back home. The little foodie with a soft and delicate body that wasn’t easy to push over was finally locked up in his embrace. He said lovingly, “Wife, it’s not early. Let’s enter the bridal chamber, ba.” Gu Jiu smiled bashfully, “Husband, my body is uncomfortable. I’m afraid we cannot enter the bridal chamber tonight.” Pfft! Liu Zhao once again suffered 10,000 points of injury.
blackjack1O1 · 11.9K Views

Rebirth: Over the Horizon

[Horizon] A Virtual world where people did the things that they can't do in reality. But. Who would have thought that the world will end and the powers you accumulated on the game came to reality? I was just a casual player. I think everyone would be a casual player. I was a top graduate, had a beautiful girlfriend, handsome face, overwhelming charm. I was nearly at the peak of time. Why did the world end at that time? 'Damn you, God.' 'You made me lose my parents, you made my talent worthless.Now you made me lose my life.' That's was my last word before my life ended. Rebirth!? I think God, was ashamed of himself and gave me a second chance to redeem himself. 'Haha...I will become True God of this time' --- Visual trailer: A.N: What is novel? That is a limitless imagination. Then, why there is logic in it? Readers who are enjoying my novel, I don't like logic like if MC is strong his IQ will be low or If MC is intelligent, his build will be poor, etc. Our MC will be excellent in all the things he knew, So who didn't like that please don't comment or review. Even if you do so I can't change that. Word count: 1200-1400 Daily 1 chapters at 10 A.M If we reached 1M views or 10k collections, I will promote daily release into 2 chapters. Notice: 100 P.S- +1chapter 200 P.S- +2chapter 400 P. S- +3chapter ..... and so on.... Stay tuned! Share it! Support it! Cover is not mine!
Stylish_Demon · 1.8M Views
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