The Battle of the Apocalypse, by Eduardo Spohr/Edited MTL
Many, many years ago, as many years ago as the number of stars in the sky, Heavenly Paradise was the scene of a terrible uprising. A group of warrior angels, lovers of justice and freedom, defied the tyranny of the powerful archangels by taking up arms against their oppressors. Expelled, the renegades were forced into exile and condemned to wander the world of men until Judgment Day.
But here comes the time of the Apocalypse, the time of reckoning, the day of the awakening of the Most High. The only survivor of the purge, the leader of the renegades is invited by Lucifer, the Black Archangel, to join his legions in the battle of Armageddon, the final clash between Heaven and Hell, the war that will decide not only the fate of the world, but the future of the universe.
From the ruins of Babylon to the splendor of the Roman Empire; from the vast plains of China to the icy castles of medieval England. The Battle of the Apocalypse is not only a journey through human history, but also a journey of knowledge, an exciting epic full of heroic struggles, magic, romance and suspense.