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Rebirth; A Filha Ilegítima Muda os Ventos

#COMPLETO# *É um romance leve e doce com um ritmo acelerado..* "Senhor, você é tão bonito, posso?" Ela se virou calorosamente, olhando para ele, seu sorriso encantador era sedutor assim como seus olhos roxos. Huo Shen não respondeu, mas deixou que ela fizesse o que quisesse, vendo que ele não tinha recusado, ela levantou as mãos algemadas e removeu a máscara cuidadosamente sem mexer no seu penteado. "Você fica bonito mesmo sem essa marca roxa, que pena que você foi envenenado! Que rosto bonito você tem aqui..." Ela suspirou levemente, seu tom soando como se estivesse com pena dele, a enorme marca roxa ao redor de seu osso da bochecha, estava se espalhando e aumentando. "Você não é?" Ele ficou surpreso que alguém pudesse dizer que era veneno, sim, seu corpo estava definhar pouco a pouco... Ele já não se sentia ele mesmo. "Eu? Eu nasci assim..." ************************* Su Wei Wei nasceu ilegítima, fora do casamento, e a segunda família com a qual sua mãe se casou, a tratava como uma serva sem posição na família. Seus meio-irmãos não lhe davam um minuto sequer de atenção, ela vivia nos quartos dos servos com os outros criados da Família Su! Tudo o que ela recebia eram coisas velhas e desgastadas, desde roupas até sapatos. Ela frequentava uma escola de baixo nível enquanto seus meios-irmãos estudavam nas melhores escolas, devido à sua ingenuidade, ela era grata por terem permitido que ela ficasse em sua casa e, assim, ela via tudo de forma positiva. Sua gentileza fez com que eles a usassem, sua fraqueza fez com que eles a pisoteassem, e agora, com um Rebirth, ela adquire experiência de vida suficiente e conhecimento do futuro, como ela vai manobrar para mudar seu destino? Depois de sair da prisão, ela é adotada por um homem poderoso, relembrando sua vida miserável, e ela decide exercer vingança. Com a presença do homem, ela pode exercer poder, mas ela consegue prendê-lo por causa de um favor e assim eles ficam noivos. *Eu não sou o dono da capa, os créditos vão para o proprietário...* Atenção; Não estou criando um Protagonista Masculino frio e insensível que pense irracionalmente e esteja mal-humorado o tempo todo, ele pode ser assim com os outros, mas não com a Protagonista Feminina.... Já disse, é um romance doce e fofo... não há tortura entre o protagonista masculino e a feminina, não espere ver isso nos meus romances.
Kim_Li_0078 · 44.3K Views

Naissance en tant que femme la plus riche du monde

【Un roman de favoritisme, de double pouvoir, de Cartes de Tarot, et de traiter les ordures comme elles le méritent !】 Dix ans de mariage, dix ans de dévouement. Elle a versé tout son talent et ses émotions, seulement pour être remboursée par un incendie prémédité à la fin. Torturée par son mari et trahie par sa meilleure amie. Il s'avère que tout le monde autour d'elle jouait la comédie. Avant sa renaissance, elle était une dame de talent renommée à Ville Capitale. Après sa renaissance, elle est devenue célèbre à Ville Capitale en tant que... une simple d'esprit ! Qui plus est, elle s'est transformée en une riche demoiselle démunie, à la merci des autres. Timide, faible, inutile, incompétente, ce sont les étiquettes qui lui étaient collées. Alors qu'elle ouvrait les yeux une fois de plus, la jeunesse refleurissait, elle était de retour en tant qu'elle-même ! Cette vie, elle revient avec un atout inestimable ! Avec un jeu de Tarot, elle manœuvre à travers tout le cercle des riches ! ** Jeune maître sans égal, il est le chef renommé mais énigmatique de la famille Mo à Ville Capitale. Il est aussi un démon portant une malédiction. Contrôlant la vie et la mort, dominant le destin, il est le leader puissant du Monde Superpuissant. Une telle autorité écrasante et des traits stupéfiants font que d'innombrables jeunes filles se pressent vers lui. L'une est une idiote riche humble et peureuse, l'autre est un 'démon' largement connu portant une malédiction à Ville Capitale. La collision de l'eau et du feu, un entrelacs de froid et de chaud. Personne ne sait qui succombe finalement à qui à la fin. ** Plus tard, le distant chef de la famille Mo, qui ne s'est jamais intéressé aux femmes, annonce soudainement son mariage très médiatisé. Tout le pays est en émoi, de nombreuses jeunes filles déchirées. Après le mariage, il se transforme en mari parfait, aimant tendrement sa femme et obéissant à tous ses désirs. 【Micro Drame】 Une certaine femme (avec un visage froid) : « M. Mo est tellement riche et puissant, moi, une humble fille, n'ose pas ajouter à aucun fardeau. » Le coin de la bouche d'un certain homme se courba en une courbe significative. La femme était si effrayée qu'elle recula immédiatement d'un pas : « Quoi, quoi, que vas-tu faire ? » ...... 【Citations de M. Mo】 *Tu devrais savoir, dans ce monde, à part moi, personne d'autre ne mérite de se tenir à tes côtés. *Si cette ère florissante se terminait, je pourrais encore en établir une nouvelle ! Mais elle, il n'y en a qu'une dans le monde, je, ne peux pas me permettre de jouer ! *Ce n'est que de l'argent. J'ai même donné ma vie pour elle, alors gaspillons simplement.
Deutsche Unforgotten · 44.6K Views

Oberster Magus

Derek McCoy war ein Mann, der sein ganzes Leben mit Widrigkeiten und Ungerechtigkeiten zu kämpfen hatte. Nachdem er gezwungen war, sich eher mit dem Überleben als mit dem Leben zu begnügen, hatte er endlich seinen Platz in der Welt gefunden, bis ihm ein letztes Mal alles genommen wurde. Nachdem er sein Leben verloren hat, um seinen ermordeten Bruder zu rächen, reinkarniert er, bis er eine Welt findet, in der es sich zu leben lohnt, eine Welt voller Magie und Monster. Begleite ihn auf seiner Reise, vom trauernden Bruder zum außerirdischen Soldaten. Vom Säugling zum Obersten Magus. ------------------------------------------- Stichworte: Seelenwanderung, Männlicher MC, Western Fantasy Zeitplan: 12 Kapitel/Woche (außer ich bin krank oder es passiert etwas) Kapitellänge: 1200 - 1400 Wörter Warnung: Der MC ist weder ein Held noch ein Anti-Held. Er ist eine gebrochene, zynische und misanthropische Person, die nur nach ihrem eigenen Vorteil sucht. Wenn du einen verzeihenden, netten MC suchst, der herumläuft und Menschen in Not rettet, ist dies nicht deine Tasse Tee. Dasselbe gilt, wenn du einen unveränderlichen MC ohne Charakterentwicklung suchst. -------------------------------------------- Unterstütze den Autor: ------------------------------------------- Discord-Kanal: ---------------------------------------- Cover von Supreme Magus Lith Verhen von Bocah. Besucht den offiziellen Discord für seine offiziellen Porträts der Charaktere.
Legion20 · 232.5K Views

Das System der Leerevolution

Vor 5 Jahren fand auf der Erde ein Ereignis statt, das heute als "Welterwachen" bekannt ist. Zu dieser Zeit veränderte sich die Welt vollständig. Mana erwachte in der Welt, Tore begannen sich zu öffnen, und vor den Augen jedes Menschen erschien ein holografischer Bildschirm, der seinen "Status" anzeigte. Jeder Mensch erhielt zu Beginn ein Talent, das von einfachen Fähigkeiten wie verbesserter Sehkraft bis zu verrückten Fantasiegebilden wie Pyrokinese reichte. Und innerhalb dieser Myriade von Fähigkeiten erweckte Damien eine räumliche Affinität mit der Fähigkeit "Kurzstreckenteleportation". Zuerst war er aufgeregt und dachte an intensive Kämpfe und die Erlangung großer Macht, aber die Realität schoss ihn schnell wieder zurück. Seine Fähigkeit funktionierte nur in einem Umkreis von 10 Metern um ihn selbst, und seine physischen Werte waren wahnsinnig schwach, so dass er nach ein paarmaligem Einsatz seiner Fähigkeit müde war. Enttäuscht von seiner Schwäche lebte Damien ein ruhiges Leben und tat alles, was er konnte, um über die Runden zu kommen, bis sich eines Tages alles änderte. Damien wurde verraten und in ein Tor geworfen, wo er sich in einem Labyrinth von Bestien alleine durchschlagen musste. An diesem Tag brach etwas in ihm zusammen. Er weigerte sich, länger schwach zu bleiben und den Kopf einzuziehen. Als er aus der Dunkelheit auftauchte, fand er sich in einer neuen Welt wieder und wusste nicht, wie er auf die Erde zurückkehren sollte. Aber er war nicht mehr derselbe Junge, der er war, als er das erste Mal fiel. ===== Diskord: ===== Titelbild von Lia.Audelia
Crocs_is_Dead · 92.3K Views

My Mage System (BL)#

Er war in seiner Welt der beste Attentäter aller Zeiten gewesen, und als er schließlich getötet wurde, nutzte eine Göttin die Gelegenheit, seine Seele in den Körper eines Jungen in einer anderen Welt zu schicken, der im Moment noch schwach war, aber dazu bestimmt war, der mächtigste Magier dieser Welt zu werden. Dieser Junge hieß Kevin, und er beschloss, seine Identität anzunehmen, da er seine Erinnerungen behalten hatte. Das Einzige, was er mit ihm gemeinsam hatte, war, dass sie beide Waisen waren, aber Kevin hatte einen schwachen Geist und einen schwachen Körper, kurz gesagt, alles, was er am meisten hasste. Nachdem er erfolgreich als Magier in die Sonnensekte eingetreten war, gelang es ihm, das Buch zu öffnen, das Kevin von seinen Eltern geerbt hatte und das er nicht hatte öffnen können. Wie groß war seine Überraschung, als er feststellte, dass sich dieses Buch in ein System verwandelt hatte, mit dem er wie in den Virtual-Reality-Spielen, die er in seiner Heimatwelt zu spielen pflegte, aufsteigen konnte. Mit Hilfe dieses Systems wird er sich seinen Wunsch erfüllen, er wird der mächtigste Mensch dieser Welt werden, nicht einmal Gestaltwandler oder Dämonen werden ihm etwas anhaben können. ............ Kevin drehte seinen Kopf zu ihm und als er sah, dass er immer noch nackt war, sagte er, den Blick wieder abwendend: "Zieh dich erst an, dann reden wir." Axel fand ein paar Klamotten, die locker aussahen, und zog sie sofort an, er nahm auch ein Paar Dolche, deren Klingen nur etwas kürzer waren als seine Unterarme, und dann ging er auf Kevin zu und umarmte ihn von hinten. Kevin ließ ihn machen, was er wollte, obwohl einer der Dolche jetzt ganz nah an seiner Kehle war, sagte Axel zu ihm dicht an seinem Ohr: "Ich möchte dir vertrauen Kevin, also gib mir einen guten Grund dafür." Kevin fragte ihn daraufhin: "Was willst du wissen?" Axel seufzte, Kevin mit seinen eigenen Dolchen zu bedrohen, würde ihm nichts nützen, und er riskierte, das Band zu brechen, das sie gerade geknüpft hatten. Dann fasste er einen Entschluss und steckte die beiden Dolche vor ihnen in den Boden, fuhr mit seinen Händen unter Kevins Pullover und umkreiste mit ihnen seine Taille, um ihn noch mehr an sich zu drücken. Kevin hatte diese Wendung nicht erwartet und er spürte, wie sich sein Herzschlag beschleunigte. Axels Hände waren warm und er konnte seine riesige Erektion an ihm spüren, eines war sicher, er ließ ihn nicht gleichgültig. ............. WARNUNG, dies ist keine Slowburn-Romanze und es ist ein R18 BL-Roman mit vielen pikanten Szenen, wenn du also gerne 100 Kapitel liest, bevor mc und ml sich zum ersten Mal küssen, dann lass diese Geschichte aus, sie ist definitiv nichts für dich Ansonsten folgt den Abenteuern unserer beiden Helden, wenn ihr Welten voller mysteriöser Kreaturen, Magie, Kämpfe, Dungeons, ein System, das euch einen schnellen Levelaufstieg ermöglicht, und eine einzigartige und starke Liebesgeschichte liebt, dann ist diese Geschichte etwas für euch. ................ Wenn dir diese Geschichte gefällt, probiere doch mal meine anderen Romane aus: Das göttliche Magier-System Der himmlische Phönix und sein Wächter (BL) Reinkarniert, um das Universum zu retten (GL/BL) Neues Update: Sonntag/Montag/Mittwoch/Freitag/Samstag Viel Spaß beim Lesen und vergesst nicht abzustimmen, zu kommentieren und zu rezensieren :)
CeliaNaya · 19.8K Views

Lord Genesis: Starting out with three Ultimate Talents

\WSA 2025/ This is my first time writing so don't be disappointed if it's not as good as the top authors! I'll do my best to bring the fun! Here we go! ---------- Apocalype in the Urban world?? an event known as the great Cataclysm was the starting point to humanity's understanding of the abstract worlds! an event which tore through earth itself, reducing the numbers of humanity's population! Apex predators born from Mana itself were responsible for the decline of humanity! With the awakening of the gifted, humanity returned back to where it was! but now the protectors of humanity are nothing but shadows of their former selves! Designed to be killers, soldiers owned by their governments! with series of wars constantly breaking out, they were bred to fight and die on the battlefield! in a world where only the gifted reigns, Riley was nothing! a mere non awakened cadet, a rag, hated by his military academy! and deployed to his death on his first day of commission! faced with a life or death situation, a weakling who had nothing, no parents to mourn him! no one to miss him when he's gone, a worthless human! faced with death, he was forced to awaken! Ding! \Congratulations, you have awakened three ultimate Talents/ \Ethereal Summoner Talent, Infinity Talent(sealed), Adaptation Talent/ \Class: Legendary/ \Your Talents has evolved from F rank to E ranks/ Starting out with three ultimate Talents! with the truth of his Bloodline dawn on him!.. The truth of the Bloodnight Household! He's forced to level up! Maxing out his summon harem, Riley's faced with series of unfortunate events! A soldier who lives to die for his government! He has no life! Would he find his? or is his fate designed to be simply a weapon for his country? Who knows!
The_Certified_One · 773 Views

Trapped In a World I Created

[ MATURED CONTENT | NO RAPE ] "You wrote this world to escape me. Now, we’re both prisoners of your own creation." After breaking up with Halcyon, Elle thought she had left him—and their twisted love—behind. To escape the pain, she poured herself into writing a novel, shaping a world where she could control every twist of fate. Five years later, just as she struggles to name her finished story, she wakes up inside it. But the world isn’t as she wrote it. The characters have taken on lives of their own. And worst of all—she’s not the heroine she designed for herself, but a doomed nobody destined to die. When she comes face to face with Halcyon, the buried hatred resurfaces—but so does fear. He’s no longer the man she once knew. He’s colder, sharper, and hell-bent on keeping her by his side this time. No matter the cost. She tries to escape, but the world itself seems determined to pull her deeper into its schemes. Whispers of betrayal, assassins lurking in the shadows, and the terrifying realization that someone else is rewriting her story from the outside. To survive, Elle makes the one choice she swore she never would. "Halcyon Valkar, The Crown Prince, let's get married." ---- Her body stiffened when she felt his hand settle on her thigh, grazing the sensitive skin with a barely-there touch that sent a jolt of warmth rushing to her core. She snapped her eyes shut, her breath coming in ragged, shallow gasps as her pulse hammered in her neck. What is he doing? "What... what are you doing?" Elle finally managed to choke out, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and confusion. Halcyon's voice was a deep, dark hum in her ear, sending a shiver through her as his lips brushed against the sensitive skin just below her ears. "Marking what's mine." His words dripped with possessiveness, and Elle's breath caught. A strange heat washed over her, mingling with the terror coiling in her stomach. His voice was so close, his presence so consuming, she couldn't escape it. "Your... Highness... I-I feel dizzy." She stuttered, her hands shooting up instinctively, weakly trying to stop him from leaning in further. Her fingers trembled as they brushed the solid expanse of his broad shoulder, but it only served to remind her of the power he had over her in that moment. "Shhh... you'll be alright," he murmured, his voice low and coaxing, yet laced with a dark edge. "Don't make noise. We wouldn't want anyone to hear, would we?".....
kshylen7 · 4.6K Views

Blessed by Night

In the year 2033 it began. Gods, monsters, devils, angels, every higher creature from every mythology began to bless those they found worthy and share their powers. Eventually with the emergence of the gates, we realized they were preparing us. The so called chosen heroes who enter gates are known as the Blessed and in it’s become the most sought after career in the world. They are the most famous and well known people in the entire world and some are even the leaders of their own nations. They are immensely powerful, beautiful, and charming beings. After five whole years, we still have no idea what the higher’s criteria are for blessing a human. Despite the seemingly loose criteria, only 1 percent of the population actually end up as blessed and gain the privilege of entering gates and defending our world. With all of the excitement around the Blessed, we seem to have forgotten the most important question. Why are they doing this for us and what will they require in return? —— Discord link is : ———————— Additional tags : - yuri (MCs sister and best friend.) Milf (MC is a milf hunter so most of the women in the harem will be cougars. Character development is a bit slower compared to my other novels because Malachi is meant to feel like a real person. If you start reading this with the expectation that Mal is going to be some cool bastard with no emotions who treats everyone around him like they’re disposable, then boy o boy are you in for the shock of your fucking life.
AnathaShesha · 2.8M Views

Eclipsed By Fate : Zyra and Kieran The Fated Mates

Synopsis: A war-torn kingdom. A prophecy lost to time. A fate neither of them can escape. Zyra Valeris was meant to die. Marked at birth by an ancient curse, she was abandoned to the shadows, her existence erased by those who feared what she might become. But fate had other plans. The night the blood moon rises, Zyra’s dormant powers awaken, and with them, a bond she cannot sever—one that ties her to Kieran Duskbane, the ruthless Shadow King. Kieran has ruled the kingdom of Noctis with an iron will, his name whispered in fear. Cursed by the gods and bound to darkness, he swore never to take a mate—until Zyra crashes into his world, a storm of fire and defiance, awakening a primal hunger he cannot control. The prophecy speaks of a queen who will either save or destroy the world. As war brews and old enemies rise, Zyra and Kieran must decide: fight their fate or embrace the connection that could either break them… or make them unstoppable. But fate is cruel, and love has never been more dangerous. ------- Context: Zyra has just awakened her celestial fire for the first time while trying to escape Kieran. But the moment their bond activates, everything changes. ------- Excerpt: The night bled red. Zyra’s breath came in ragged gasps, her hands trembling as golden fire licked up her arms. The earth beneath her feet cracked from the force of her awakening magic. She had never felt power like this—searing, endless, alive. But she was not alone. A dark presence loomed behind her, and when she turned, her entire body locked in place. Kieran Duskbane. The Shadow King stood mere feet away, his gaze locked onto her with something between fury and hunger. Midnight tendrils of darkness coiled around him like living smoke, shifting as though eager to swallow her whole. The moment their eyes met, the world shuddered. A force—ancient and inescapable—snapped into place between them. Heat ignited beneath Zyra’s skin, foreign and all-consuming. She staggered, clutching her chest, where an invisible thread now tied her to the man before her. His expression darkened. “No.” His voice was raw, almost furious. “This isn’t possible.” Zyra’s vision blurred as pain lanced through her body, a tidal wave of emotions that were not hers. Rage. Hunger. Longing. Him. “No,” he growled again, as if denying fate itself. But it was too late. The bond had sealed. And in that moment, Zyra knew two undeniable truths: She was bound to the most dangerous man in existence. And no matter how hard she fought… she would never escape him. ---
Cuteping27 · 3.8K Views

Blessed to be the Villain

Ethan's head throbbed violently as he opened his eyes, his vision hazy and unfocused. A dull ringing filled his ears, drowning out his thoughts. "What’s happening…?" he thought, his mind sluggish, struggling to catch up with reality. One moment, he was asleep—or at least, he thought he was—and the next, searing pain forced him awake. His vision swam, shapes blurring together in a disorienting mess. But then, muffled noises filtered through the haze—frantic, panicked sounds. Someone was trying to scream, their voice smothered, choked by something. A cold shiver ran down his spine. As his sight gradually sharpened, Ethan's breath hitched. He was on all fours, looming over someone. A girl. Her body twisted and writhed beneath him, ropes biting into her wrists and ankles. Her mouth was gagged, muffling her cries. Her wide brown eyes, brimming with fear and fury, glared up at him. Ethan's body locked in place, his blood running cold. "What the…?" His mind reeled, thoughts slamming into each other in chaotic disarray. "What kind of bizarre dream is this?" Panic clawed at his chest. His breath came in ragged, uneven gasps as he scrambled backward, only to realize his limbs felt sluggish, uncooperative, like they didn’t belong to him. "Is this… is this some kind of twisted fantasy I never knew I had?" A sickening thought slithered through his mind, making his stomach churn. The girl's frantic squirming slowed for a moment, her gaze flickering with confusion as she took in his expression—his trembling hands, his wide, horrified eyes. But the fear returned just as quickly. She struggled harder, her body arching, her muffled screams rising in pitch. Ethan wanted to speak, to say something, anything, but before he could force out a word, a glowing blue window materialized before his eyes. His breath caught. A translucent, hovering screen? "What…?" Lines of glowing text scrolled across its surface. --- [System Activated…] [Host Confirmed.] [Simulating Previous Data…] Ethan wakes up in a mysterious world, bound by a curse that clouds his judgment and forces him into choices he never wanted to make. Struggling with guilt and responsibility, he must navigate the consequences of his actions while uncovering the truth behind the curse and his place in this strange new reality.
Daydreamers · 28.9K Views

Mundo de Mujeres: Soy el Hombre con la clase auxiliar mas OP

Un joven doctor, jamás pensó, que, al hacer su juramento hipocrático, daría su vida para salvar a una pequeña niña, quien, al perseguir un globo, cruzo la calle sin darse cuenta de que un camión la iba a atropellar. En el momento, cuando su cuerpo salió volando por el impacto, es como si su mente se liberara y ya no sentía su cuerpo, todos sus recuerdos de vida pasaron en un instante, y con una sonrisa, no sintió arrepentimientos por morir. Como huérfano, paso su vida estudiando y trabajando para pagar sus estudios, logro graduarse como médico y tenía pensado estudiar una especialidad. Pero el destino no le daría la oportunidad, sin familia ni novia, no dejaba atrás nada más que un seguro de vida, que caería al orfanato que lo crio y que sabe que sería de gran ayuda. Pero cuando pensó que su mente se desvanecería para siempre, como ateo, su firmeza en no creer en dioses o nada paranormal, lo golpeo de la nada, diciéndole que estaba equivocado. O más bien, el golpe fue tan real y en sus nalgas, cuando quiso protestar, solo pudo emitir un llanto. Y se dio cuenta de que había renacido. Ahora, se enfrenta a esta nueva vida, y con una familia al fin. Puede sentir la alegría de vivir nuevamente. Y para su sorpresa, este es un mundo de magia y espadas. Un mundo de fantasía con estilo moderno. ¡Pero algo está mal con este mundo! Las mujeres gobiernan aquí y los pocos hombres son en realidad flores y tesoros que son buscados y perseguidos por mujeres. ¡Quienes los miman y cuidan como si de un hombre cuidase de una mujer! ¡Pero la sorpresa no termina aquí! ¡Sigue mi historia de como un hombre tengo que mostrar mi valía varonil y encontrar mi lugar en este mundo de mujeres! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________________________________ Additional Tags - Male Protagonist, Harem, Love, Action, Romance, R18, Futa on Male, Beautiful Female Lead.
Xian_Suming · 6.8K Views
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