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Ave Dominus Nox

The Ruthless Alpha's Sweet Mate

"Hey, beautiful," she paused, "may I know your name?" Nox asked, not really believing the words that were leaving her lips at that moment. "I'm Dunamis, Aylin Dunamis. What's yours?" Aylin spoke, her sweet, soft voice sounding to Nox as beautiful as a symphony of angels. "Nox, Scarlett Nox, and I, dear Aylin, am your mate." Came the reply, Aylin's eyes widening with realization at the revelation by the Alpha before her. ------------------------------------------------------------- A random visit to a cafe` for a fresh coffee after a soulless morning in the office is the last place Alpha Scarlett Nox expected to find her mate, a sweet-looking omega called Aylin Dunamis. As they begin to explore their lives together as mates, the universe begins to stir. Unexpected encounters, unending hostilities and reunited loved ones appear, making the two wolves begin to realise that not all is as it seems. When the secrets they suffered to keep hidden finally surface, will they be buried under the skeletons they hid in their closets? One thing that is certain is that their meeting may have been fortune's favour, but the road ahead of them had no such sentiments. ----------------------------------------------------------- This is not a slow-burn romance in any way, shape or form. It contains some Futa aspects, if not comfortable, I suggest you don't read. Also, I do not take credit for any of these character images, the credit goes to pixart. This story is in the WSA Contest, so please vote and add it to your collection! Ruthless Alpha x Fiery Omega Girl x Girl
Azalea_Silver · 120.8K Views

Die Braut des Drachenprinzen

*anderes Werk des Autors (Sie gehört dem Dämonenkönig)* *** Man sagt, Gegensätze ziehen sich an, das ist eine Lüge. Gegensätze töten sich gegenseitig! Wenn ein heißes Blut auf ein anderes heißes Blut trifft, ist es vorprogrammiert, dass die Dinge brennen. Genau das passiert, als die aufgeblasene und stolze Elfenprinzessin Neriah aus dem Königreich Avelah gezwungen wird, den forschen Drachenprinzen Barak aus dem Königreich Trago zu heiraten. Neriahs Ziel ist es, eines Tages aus ihrer Ehe auszubrechen und mit der Liebe ihres Lebens, Lyle von den Niles, durchzubrennen. Barak hingegen wird alles tun, um sie als Ehefrau zu behalten. Neriah ist sich sicher, dass sie in einen anderen verliebt ist, aber sie ist sich auch sicher, dass niemand die Leidenschaft entfachen kann, die ihr Mann ausstrahlt. Ihr Mann, den sie mehr als alles andere hasst. Können die Flammen der Leidenschaft aus dem Hass entfacht werden? Kann dieselbe Leidenschaft die Mauern aus Lügen, Verrat und Schmerz niederbrennen? Kann sich ihre Asche in Liebe verwandeln? Auszug "Ich bin eine Rose, eine schöne Blume, zart und kostbar! Aber Sie, mein lieber Herr, sind nichts weiter als ein dorniger Stängel! Stachelig, gefährlich und sehr schädlich!", schimpfte Neriah, während sie mit ihrem Zeigefinger in seine Brust stach. "Nun, du scheinst ein wichtiges Detail zu vergessen, meine Liebe." Ruhig ergriff er ihre stochernde Hand. "Und was soll das sein, mein feiner Herr?" "Dass der dornige Stängel und die Rose zusammenwachsen. Die zarte Rose und der stachelige Dorn, sie gehören zusammen, meine Liebe." "Du..." "Und keine noch so große Schimpftirade wird das ändern. Denkst du, ich will eine Hexe wie dich behalten? Du bist eine Nervensäge. Wenn ich ein Dorn bin, dann bist du ein Stück Fischgräte, das in meinem Hals steckt. Ich kann es nicht schlucken und ich kann es nicht ausspucken! Ich muss es einfach ertragen!" "Du frecher Bastard! Willst du damit sagen, dass ich eine Last bin!" "Na, du bist ja auch kein kostbarer Preis, oder?" Und das war's, sie stürzte sich auf ihn und wollte ihm die Krallen ins Gesicht schlagen, aber er war schneller, fing ihre beiden Hände mit einer seiner eigenen und drückte ihre wogende Brust an seine. Goldene Augen starrten tief in die ihren. Sie waren so grün wie die frischen Blätter eines Orangenbaums. Seine Finger streichelten ihr Gesicht: "Du magst kein kostbarer Preis sein, aber bei den Himmeln, du gehörst mir." Und seine Lippen fielen auf ihre, und wieder einmal wurde ein Streit ertränkt.
AnnieQuin · 856 Views

convertirse joven educada era 1970 con espacio

Lin Xiaowei una joven multimillonaria por accidente descubre que su brazalete de jade dejado como herencia de sus antepasados en realidad se transformó en un espacio portátil al caerle una gota de sangre por accidente. Asi que como amante de las novelas de viajes en el tiempo, transmigración e isekai ya sabiendo el futuro camino de las cosas decidió arreglar sus asuntos de la empresa familiar de la que era presidenta y luego se dispuso a comprar suministros al cabo lo que menos le faltaba era dinero, y cuando vio que podía necesitar mayor cantidad y productos decidió viajar por el extranjero y por muchos lugares del mundo para recolectar suministros, entre ellos fue ganado y aves de corral, semillas, granos de frutas, verduras , aceites sales y condimentos, también muchas hierbas medicinales desde buena calidad hasta pocas de calidad excelente. Compro ropa en grandes distribuidoras de ropa al mayoreo de mujer, hombre, niños y mujeres mayores, por lo cual al llevar una gigante cantidad de productos le hicieron descuento en cada tienda que iba independientemente de su categoría, recolecto mucha pesca marina, asi como productos ya hechos, compro también muchos electrodomésticos, generadores de energía, automóviles, motos, y bicicletas, compro muchos relojes desde modelos económicos hasta modelos caros, compro dulcería, repostería, y aunque dudo también consiguió muchas joyas, oro caligrafías, pinturas, libros tanto nacionales como extranjeros de todos los géneros y categorías, Preparo también muchos aparatos eléctricos como computadoras, tabletas, y celulares, asi como máquinas de coser, maquinaria médica, utensilios de cocina de pesca, de cultivación de flores y plantas, muchas recetas especiales de cada área y muchas cosas más. Para no desperdiciar compro muchas cosas ambientadas en la época de era y las demás eran de era moderna, y otras atemporales, solo cuando el espacio estaba muy lleno se sintió aliviada, el espacio era muy grande y tenía aparte del gigante terreno tenía varios almacenes para cada categoría, uno para alimentos ya creados, otro para granos, semillas y líquidos a granel, otro para ropa zapatos, telas accesorios y maquillaje y skincare. Uno para electrodomésticos, otro para libros recetas, caligrafías, libretas, pinturas para imágenes, plumas, pinturas, otra para juegos de niños y adultos, otro para oro y joyas, otro para accesorios y muebles de la vida cotidiana, otro con refrigeradores para alimentos fríos y congelados, y otros para vehículos, generadores de liz, petróleo, otro para herramientas y maquinaria de construcción, asi como muchos planos para armar maquinaria, y todavía quedaban muchos vacíos para cuando se cocechen lo que se plantó en el espacio. Esta la casa/mansión moderna, que tiene todo equipado para que viva una familia completa en ella. Asi que felizmente cuando regresaba a china después de estar todo un año vagando recolectando suministros y objetos el avión en el que venía sufre una gran turbulencia y ella lo último que oye es la voz ansiosa del capitán antes de caer en la inconciencia hasta que vuelve a abrir los ojos y descubre que efectivamente viajo en el tiempo a la era de 1975 como una joven educada huerfana de martires asi que adentrate en esta historia de como Weiwei se adapta a la era y como poco a poco va subiendo su rango de hasta volver a estar en la cima como en su vida anterior, pero alguien puede decirme porque ese hombre lobo se le pega y planea paso a paso para llevar a su nuera a casa
Darkfairytale8 · 26 Views

Frost-fire: The Curse of Ashen Chains

In the vast and mystical world of Zephiron, where magic flows through the land and forgotten ruins whisper of lost civilizations, two unlikely companions find themselves ensnared in a fate far beyond their reckoning. Vaelin Crowne, a sharp-minded strategist known for his cool demeanor, believes that logic and preparation can solve any problem. Kael Veydris, a reckless yet magnetic force of nature, thrives on instinct and unshakable optimism. Despite their differences, they share one thing in common—an insatiable curiosity. What was meant to be a simple field trip to explore the legendary Labyrinth of Nox quickly turns into a nightmare when they get lost in the labyrinth maze, leaving them trapped in its depths. With no clear way out, Vaelin’s calculated approach and Kael’s gut-driven decisions become their only hope of escape. But when they stumble upon an ancient door, an eerie darkness spills from within, swallowing all light. As they ignite a torch, the shadows retreat just enough to reveal two statues—one depicting a god, radiant and divine, the other a demon, twisted and wrathful. Before they can speak, a chilling gust snuffs out the flame. Then, chains came. A shackle with a long, rusted chain lashed out from the abyss, snapping around Kael’s wrist and yanking him into the consuming darkness. Vaelin barely had time to react before another chain coiled around him, dragging him forward, his vision swallowed by an endless void. When they awaken, gasping for breath, they are no longer in the labyrinth’s depths but standing at its entrance—marked. Heavy iron shackles, now with broken chains, rest upon their wrists, the only proof that what happened was real. The curse has bound them, though to what end remains unknown. They escaped from the labyrinth … but How did it happen? With time slipping through their fingers and the unseen weight of the curse tightening around them, Vaelin and Kael must unravel the mystery of what happened inside the labyrinth before the curse consumes them.
Henry_Stone_7770 · 322 Views

The Dragon Prince's Bride

*Author's other work (She belongs to the Demon King)* *** They say opposite attracts, that's a lie. Opposites kill each other! When a hot blood meets another hot blood, things are bound to get burnt. That is exactly what happens when the pompous and prideful elven princess, Neriah of the Avelah Kingdom is forced to marry the brash dragon Prince, Barak of the Trago Kingdom. Neriah's goal is to someday break away from her marriage and run away with the love of her life, Lyle of the Niles. While Barak will do everything to keep her as a wife. Neriah is certain she's in love with another, but she's also certain that no one can ignite the kind of passion her husband brings. Her husband who she hates more than anything. Can the flames of passion be drawn from hate? Can that same passion burn down the walls of lies, betrayal, and hurt? Can its ashes transcend into love? Excerpt "I am a rose, a beautiful flower, delicate and precious! But you my dear sir are nothing but the thorny stem! Prickly, dangerous and very harmful!" ranted Neriah while poking his chest with her index finger. "Well you seem to forget one important detail, my love." He calmly grabbed her poking hand. "And what would that be, my fine sir?" "That the thorny stem and the rose grow together. The delicate rose and the prickly thorn, they belong together my dear." "You—" "And no amount of ranting and raging will change that. You think I want to keep a witch like you? You are a pain in the neck. If I am a thorn then you are a piece of fish bone stuck inside my neck. I cannot swallow and I can not spit it out! I just have to bear it!" "You insolent bastard! Do you mean to say I am a burden!" "Well you are no precious prize, are you?" And that was it, she threw herself at him with her claws ready to mar his face, but he was quicker and he caught both her hands with one of his own and pressed her heaving chest upon his. Golden eyes stared deep into hers. They were as green as the fresh leaves on an orange tree. His fingers caressed her face, “You might not be a precious prize, but by the heavens, you are mine.” And his lips fell on hers, and once again, another argument was drowned.
AnnieQuin · 305K Views

I'm the Leader of a Tribe that worships Dragons

Nox Kaiser awakens in a strange, new world - one ruled not by technology or money, but by powerful tribes and clans, each gifted with supernatural abilities. To make matters worse, he finds himself imprisoned by one of these tribes. However, things take an unexpected turn when the beautiful girl assigned to guard him seems to develop a deep affection for him. Perhaps too deep. As Nox begins to uncover the secrets of this world, he discovers that he, too, can harness these extraordinary powers. But there's a catch - his personality starts to change in ways he can't control. Meanwhile, the girl he’s grown close to harbors a dark past, one that changed the course of her live in way Nox never imagined. Even more intriguingly, he finds a way to travel between this strange world and his own - Introducing modern knowledge to this, otherwise primitive world. -------------- As this is my first novel that I will publish, don't expect the best story or fabulous character development. It will probably feel more like a wish-fulfillment story with some twists and turns. I will also be experimenting a lot—both with the plot and the writing style—to find my own way of writing. English is not my first language, so there may be errors. However, I will use correction programs to spare you all from grammar PTSD. --------------- -NO ntr, No yuri ; There will be: -spice -lemons (not very explicit though but I will make a discord channel for that) -gore -harem with 3 to 4 woman (might change if readers don't want it) mc is mostly neutral but some actions will be evil ------------------------ I don't own the cover art and all rights belong to the original artist. ##Release every Saturday## Discord:
TheWritingReader · 12.4K Views
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