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Jiang Cheng And Jin Ling

Nyonya Mengejutkan Identitasnya Seluruh Kota Lagi

Qiao Nian tinggal di rumah keluarga Qiao selama 18 tahun sebelum orang tua kandungnya menemukannya. Tiba-tiba, semua keluarga kaya di kota itu tahu bahwa keluarga Qiao memiliki anak perempuan palsu! Anak perempuan sejati dari keluarga yang berkecukupan pasti berbakat, lembut dan baik hati. Anak perempuan palsu pasti tidak akan bisa menguasai kemampuan apa pun dan tidak mencapai apa-apa. Semua orang ingin melihat betapa sengsaranya dia ketika dia harus kembali ke lembahnya setelah diusir dari keluarga kaya! Qiao Nian juga berpikir bahwa orang tua kandungnya adalah guru-guru miskin dari Kabupaten Luohe. Siapa sangka bahwa kakaknya mengendarai Phaeton yang harganya tiga ratus ribu yuan! Ayah kandungnya juga seorang profesor yang mengajar di Universitas Tsinghua! Bos besar dari keluarga penjahat itu menjadi penjilat dan membungkuk di depan kakeknya... Qiao Nian terperangah. Ehm... ini tidak sama dengan mengatakan ya! Setelah terbebas dari keluarga penjahat, Qiao Nian bisa menjadi dirinya sendiri. Dia adalah siswa terbaik dalam ujian masuk perguruan tinggi, bintang siaran langsung dan pewaris warisan budaya yang tak ternilai... Identitasnya terungkap dan ketika dia mulai muncul di pencarian teratas di kota, keluarga penjahat itu menjadi pucat. Anti-fans mengejek: Apa gunanya berpura-pura? Bukankah kamu hanya terus mengikuti kakakku setiap hari? Qiao Nian menjawab: Maaf tapi saya sudah punya pasangan. Kakak Sempurna: @Qiao Nian. Izinkan aku memperkenalkannya kepada semua orang. Ini adalah adikku. Kakek Kaya Raya: Cucu kesayanganku, kenapa kamu bekerja keras? Kalau kamu mau sepeda, kakek akan belikan untukmu! Orang kaya dan berpengaruh di Beijing menyebarkan rumor bahwa Master Wang menyembunyikan seorang istri di rumah mewahnya. Tidak peduli seberapa keras orang mencoba membujuknya, dia tak pernah membawanya keluar untuk bertemu orang lain. Jika ditanya, dia akan mengatakan kalimat yang sama. "Istri saya dari pedesaan dan dia pemalu." Itu sampai pada suatu hari ketika seseorang melihat Master Wang yang mulia dan dingin memegang pinggang ramping seorang gadis sambil bersembunyi di sudut dinding dan bergumam dengan mata merah. "Sayang, kapan kamu akan memberiku gelar?" [Anak perempuan palsu yang sebenarnya berasal dari keluarga kaya] + [Dua bos besar]
Brother Ling · 5.6K Views

L'identité de Madame choque à nouveau toute la ville

Qiao Nian a vécu dans la maison de la famille Qiao pendant 18 ans avant que ses parents biologiques ne la retrouvent. Soudainement, toutes les familles riches de la ville savaient que la famille Qiao avait une fausse fille ! Une vraie fille de famille aisée serait douée, douce et gentille. Une fausse fille ne serait pas capable d’acquérir des compétences et n’accomplirait rien. Tout le monde voulait voir à quel point elle serait misérable lorsqu'elle retournerait dans son ravin après avoir été expulsée d'une famille riche ! Qiao Nian pensait aussi que ses parents biologiques étaient de pauvres professeurs du comté de Luohe. Qui aurait cru que son frère conduisait une Phaeton d'une valeur de trois cent mille yuans ! Son père biologique était aussi un professeur qui enseignait à l'Université de Tsinghua ! Le gros bonnet de la famille de canailles est devenu un lèche-bottes et s'est incliné devant son grand-père… Qiao Nian était sidérée. Euh… cela ne revenait pas au même que dire oui ! Après avoir été libérée de la famille de canailles, Qiao Nian a pu être elle-même. Elle était la première étudiante à l'examen d'entrée à l'université, une star des diffusions en direct et l'héritière d'un patrimoine culturel inestimable… Ses identités ont été révélées et lorsqu'elle a commencé à apparaître dans les recherches populaires de la ville, la famille de canailles est devenue verte. Les anti-fans se moquaient : À quoi ça sert d'essayer de feindre une image ? Tu ne fais que coller à mon frère tous les jours, n'est-ce pas ? Qiao Nian a répondu : Je suis désolée mais j'ai déjà trouvé chaussure à mon pied. Frère Aîné : @Qiao Nian. Permettez-moi de vous la présenter. Voici ma sœur. Grand-père fortuné : Ma chère petite-fille, pourquoi travailles-tu si dur ? Si tu veux un vélo, grand-père te l'achètera ! Les riches et puissants de Pékin colportaient une rumeur selon laquelle Maître Wang cachait une épouse dans sa maison luxueuse. Peu importe combien de personnes ont essayé de le convaincre, il ne l'a jamais emmenée rencontrer quelqu'un. S'il était interrogé, il répondrait la même phrase. « Ma femme vient de la campagne et elle est timide. » Jusqu'au jour où quelqu'un a vu le noble et froid Maître Wang tenir la taille svelte d'une fille tout en se cachant dans un coin de mur et en murmurant les yeux rouges. « Chérie, quand me donneras-tu un titre ? » [Fausse fille qui vient en réalité d'une famille véritablement riche] + [Deux gros bonnets]
Brother Ling · 63.6K Views

Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Qiao Nian lived in the Qiao family’s house for 18 years before her biological parents found her. Suddenly, all the wealthy families in the city knew that the Qiao family had a fake daughter! A true daughter of an affluent family would be talented, gentle, and kind. A fake daughter would not be able to pick up any skills and accomplish nothing. Everyone wanted to see how miserable she would become when she went back to her ravine after being kicked out of a rich family! Qiao Nian also thought that her biological parents were poor teachers from Luohe County. Who knew that her brother drove a Phaeton that was worth three hundred thousand yuan! Her biological father was also a professor who taught at Tsinghua University! The big boss of the family of scums became a bootlicker and bowed in front of her grandpa… Qiao Nian was dumbfounded. Erm… this wasn’t the same as saying yes! After being freed from the family of scums, Qiao Nian was able to be herself. She was the top student in the college entrance examination, a live broadcast star and the heir of an invaluable cultural heritage… Her identities were revealed and when she started to appear on the hot searches in the city, the family of scums turned green. The anti-fans mocked: What’s the point of trying to fake an image? Aren’t you just sticking to my brother everyday? Qiao Nian responded: I’m sorry but I already have a match. Top Brother: @Qiao Nian. Let me introduce her to everyone. This is my sister. Wealthy Grandpa: My dear granddaughter, why are you working so hard? If you want a bicycle, grandpa will buy it for you! The rich and powerful in Beijing spread a rumor that Master Wang was hiding a wife in his luxurious house. No matter how much people tried to persuade him, he never took her out to meet anyone. If he were asked, he would say the same sentence. “My wife is from the countryside and she is shy.” That was until one day when someone saw the noble and cold Master Wang holding a girl’s slender waist while hiding in a corner of a wall and muttering with red eyes. “Baby, when will you give me a title?” [Fake daughter who is from a truly wealthy family] + [Two big bosses]
Brother Ling · 13.3M Views


Mike transmigrated into a world where everyone could change classes and awaken talents. Here, monsters were rampant and alien races invaded! Danger and opportunity coexisted! Only by becoming a class changer and getting stronger through leveling up could one stand at the top of the world. On the day of class change, Mike became a Jester of Fate, a hidden profession in the mysterious class. He obtained a D - level talent "Fate Modification" (a one - time - use talent). He had originally thought it was a lousy talent, but unexpectedly, his ability to exploit bugs was amazing. "Fate Modification": You can modify one word in the fate outline once. (The talent disappears after one use.) Mike activated the talent and directly modified it to: "Fate Modification" (a billion - time - use talent): The talent disappears after being used a billion times. Since then, the darkest hour has come to the world! Fate outline: You are attacked by a Green - Crested Snake, and venom enters your body. After modification: You are attacked by a Green - Crested Snake, and spiritual liquid enters your body. Green - Crested Snake: "Why did this human level up crazily after I bit him?" Fate outline: You use Meteor Fire Rain to attack a group of Succubi. After modification: You use Meteor Shit Rain to attack a group of Succubi. Succubi: "Are you a dog?" Fate outline: You are attacked by a Titan Giant Bear, and after a hard struggle, you are eaten alive. After modification: You are attacked by a Titan Giant Bear, and after a hard struggle, you give birth. Titan Giant Bear: "I'm so confused. How come I got pregnant while fighting?" Looking at the Titan Giant Bear with a kind face, Mike immediately said, "Mom!"
Yidong_Jiang · 193 Views

After I Transmigrated, the Male Lead Blames Me for Not Loving Him

On the first day of college, Jiang Ling'er died from an accidental electrocution in her room. Unexpectedly, she actually transmigrated into a novel. She became the female supporting character whose life was on the line because she tried to steal the female lead's man. Jiang Ling'er checked her bank account and discovered that she had so much money! "This world is wonderful. I should live a good life. I can approach many handsome men, so why should I stick to just one?" She immediately said out loud. "Ling'er, I know you love Li Yan deeply too," Bai Xue said. "Don't make things up. Aren't there other men apart from Li Yan?" Jiang Ling'er asked. "Ling'er, aren't we best friends?" Bai Xue asked. "If this is what being best friends means, I'd rather be a man," Jiang Ling'er said. *** "Jiang Ling'er, what must I do for you to stop bothering me?" Li Yan asked. "Dude, please have some self-respect. Don't overthink things," Jiang Ling'er said. "Drop the act. I won't fall in love with you," Li Yan said. "Please look into a mirror. See what you look like right now. I'm not blind!" Jiang Ling'er retorted. "I think I like you," Li Yan said. "God! Please spare me. Don't torture my eyes with an ugly loser like him!" Jiang Ling'er exclaimed. "You like me too, don't you?" Li Yan asked. "Who gave you guts to say such things? Did God do it? Please look in the mirror!" Jiang Ling'er exclaimed. Jiang Ling'er was rich and pretty. Why did she have to fall for an arrogant idiot? This was her second chance at life. Naturally, she would live the way that pleased her the most!
Nunu · 1.5M Views
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