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Nora Valkyrie

A Herdeira que Lê Mentes: De Impostora a Favorita da Família

Wenyan leu um livro no qual uma personagem coadjuvante que compartilhava seu nome era uma herdeira falsa. Depois que a verdadeira herdeira assumiu seu lugar, a impostora tentou garantir seu lugar na família rica drogando o filho mais velho e fazendo um fato consumado de um arroz cozido, apenas para ser desmascarada pela Família Shen e acabar cometendo suicídio em desespero. Wenyan ficou furiosa ao ver tal desfecho. Como alguém não poderia sobreviver sem o apoio de uma família rica? Não lhe havia a família proporcionado uma casa luxuosa e inúmeros bens de luxo? Apenas vendendo-os já arrecadaria dezenas de milhões. Ela era apenas um caso perdido! Se ela fosse a Wenyan do livro, teria abdicado de sua posição e apenas vivido relaxadamente como um peixe salgado! Mas quando ela acordou de seu sono, ela realmente transmigrou para dentro do livro. Fiel à sua palavra, ela parou de tramar. Durante a noite ela arrumou suas malas, vendeu sua casa, carro e bolsas, e procurou um emprego. - A Família Shen inteira notou a mudança em Wenyan, sua filha adotiva. Não só ela havia se mudado obedientemente, mas nunca mais causou nenhum problema. Ainda mais bizarro era que agora eles podiam ver seus pensamentos mais íntimos! 【Pai, Mãe, eu nunca quis usurpar seu ninho, mas os resultados do teste de DNA da verdadeira filha têm problemas. Na verdade, ela é ainda mais falsa do que eu, a herdeira falsa.】 Pais da Família Shen: ...... Então a 'filha' há muito perdida que havia sido encontrada foi exposta como uma impostora e levada pela polícia para interrogatório. 【Irmão mais velho, aquele colega seu não é bom, ele é um espião corporativo, filho ilegítimo dos arqui-inimigos da Família Shen.】 Filho mais velho da Família Shen: ...... Posteriormente, o colega foi pego roubando documentos confidenciais e também foi levado pela polícia para interrogatório. 【Segundo irmão, você é uma pessoa tão pura e nobre, você não deve estar com a filha da Família Qin, ela está apenas usando você, o coração dela está de fato em outro.】 Segundo filho da Família Shen: ...... Obrigado, vou investigar isso. 【E terceiro irmão, quarto irmão......】 No final, ninguém poderia ter previsto que a filha adotiva mais discreta da Família Shen se tornaria a nora mimada.
Draw the sword with a smile · 55.7K Views

Suami Dengan Keuntungan

Nora hancur sebulan sebelum pernikahannya ketika ia menemukan perselingkuhan licik tunangannya. Saat ia mengelola pengkhianatan ini, ia menemukan sebuah komplotan mendalam untuk menghalangi dia dari mengklaim hak warisnya. Hancur tapi bertekad, Nora mengambil langkah berani untuk mengambil kembali kontrol atas hidupnya. Masuklah Demetri 'Setan' bagi mereka yang mengenalnya, seorang pria tangguh yang hampir tidak dikenalnya, yang menawarkan perlindungan dan dukungan sebagai imbalan atas pernikahan kontrak untuk memuaskannya. Dalam liku nasib, Nora menikah dengan Demetri untuk mengklaim warisannya dan melawan mereka yang berkomplot melawannya. Tapi saat dia bertarung dengan keluarganya sendiri dan banyak rival Demetri, akankah dia bisa menjaga diri dari jatuh cinta pada pria yang dikenal dapat menghancurkan orang lain di bawah tumit sepatu botnya. Petikan: Dia telah melupakan bahwa pria itu menakutkan dan langsung menantangnya. Bukannya berbicara, Demetri bangkit dari kursinya dan mendekatinya dengan sengaja. Meskipun hanya beberapa langkah, waktu tampaknya berjalan lambat bagi Nora. Ketika dia hampir dalam jarak sentuh, tangannya dengan lembut mendarat di lututnya, menggesernya ke samping. Sentuhannya bergerak dengan sedikit belaian, dan dia melangkah di antara kaki terbuka Nora. Nora duduk diam terpaku, matanya terbelalak seperti rusa yang tertangkap lampu sorot. Menangkap dagunya dengan jarinya, dia menaikkan wajahnya ke atas dan berbicara dengan santai, "Kamu istriku." Dia mengangguk perlahan dalam afirmasi sementara ibu jarinya perlahan mengelus bibirnya. "Aku telah memberimu waktu untuk mengumpulkan emosimu." Anggukan lain. Kegugupan Nora membuatnya menjilat bibirnya, sangat menyadari tatapan intensnya yang terpaku pada mereka. "Alasanmu untuk pernikahan adalah untuk mengamankan warisanmu dan menjauh dari cengkeraman ibumu." "Ya..." Nora berbisik dengan bingung. Kebingungannya bukan tentang pernyataannya, tapi tentang sensasi membingungkan yang mengalir dalam dirinya. Ada apa dengan dirinya? "Saatnya bagi kamu untuk memenuhi bagianmu dari kontrak, ya?" Dia melanjutkan. "Ya," Nora berbisik tanpa napas. Mengapa dia tanpa napas? Apakah tingkat oksigen di rumah telah turun? Apakah udara tiba-tiba menjadi tipis? Tiba-tiba, tangannya meninggalkan wajahnya, dan dia menonton saat Demetri mendekat. Saat itulah Nora memahami apa yang sedang terjadi. Semua ciuman menggoda yang membuat jantung berdebar yang telah dia baca di novel-novel akan mungkin menjadi kenyataannya. Namun ciuman yang diantisipasi tidak terjadi. Sebaliknya, dia berhenti di dekatnya dan memerintah, "Cium aku."
har_k · 14K Views

Ehemann mit Vorzügen

Nora ist einen Monat vor ihrer Hochzeit am Boden zerstört, als sie die betrügerische Affäre ihres Verlobten aufdeckt. Während sie mit diesem Verrat fertig wird, entdeckt sie eine tiefgreifende Intrige, die sie daran hindern soll, ihr rechtmäßiges Erbe anzutreten. Am Boden zerstört, aber entschlossen, unternimmt Nora einen gewagten Schritt, um die Kontrolle über ihr Leben zurückzugewinnen. Sie trifft auf Demetri, den "Dämon", einen furchterregenden Mann, den sie kaum kennt und der ihr Schutz und Unterstützung anbietet, wenn sie ihn im Gegenzug mit einem Vertrag heiratet, der ihn zufrieden stellt. Durch eine Laune des Schicksals heiratet Nora Demetri, um ihr Erbe einzufordern und diejenigen zu bekämpfen, die sich gegen sie verschworen haben. Doch während sie gegen ihre eigene Familie und Demetris zahlreiche Rivalen kämpft, wird sie es schaffen, sich nicht in den Mann zu verlieben, der dafür bekannt ist, Menschen unter seinem gestiefelten Absatz zu zerquetschen. Auszug: Sie hatte vergessen, dass der Mann einschüchternd war, und ihn direkt herausgefordert. Anstatt zu sprechen, erhob sich Demetri von seinem Platz und ging zielstrebig auf sie zu. Obwohl es nur ein paar Schritte waren, schien sich die Zeit für Nora zu dehnen. Als er fast zum Greifen nahe war, landete seine Hand sanft auf ihrem Knie und bewegte es zur Seite. Seine Berührung bewegte sich mit einem Hauch von Liebkosung, und er trat zwischen ihre geöffneten Beine. Nora saß da wie erstarrt, ihre Augen weit aufgerissen wie ein Reh im Scheinwerferlicht. Er nahm ihr Kinn zwischen seine Finger, neigte ihr Gesicht nach oben und sprach in aller Ruhe: "Du bist meine Frau." Sie nickte langsam mit dem Kopf zur Bestätigung, während sein Daumen langsam über ihre Lippen strich. "Ich habe dir Zeit gegeben, deine Gefühle zu sammeln." Ein weiteres Nicken. Noras Nervosität ließ sie sich über die Lippen lecken, während sie sich seines intensiven Blickes auf sie bewusst war. "Dein Grund für die Heirat war es, dein Erbe zu sichern und nicht mehr unter der Fuchtel deiner Mutter zu stehen." "Ja ..." flüsterte Nora verwirrt. Ihre Verwirrung bezog sich nicht auf seine Aussage, sondern auf die verwirrenden Empfindungen, die sie durchströmten. Was geschah mit ihr? "Es ist an der Zeit, dass du deinen Teil des Vertrages erfüllst, ja?" fuhr er fort. "Ja", flüsterte Nora atemlos. Warum war sie atemlos? War der Sauerstoffgehalt im Haus gesunken? Wurde die Luft plötzlich dünner? Abrupt verließ seine Hand ihr Gesicht, und sie beobachtete, wie er näher herankam. Erst jetzt begriff Nora, was vor sich ging. All die verlockenden, herzzerreißenden Küsse, von denen sie in Romanen gelesen hatte, sollten nun möglicherweise ihre Realität werden. Aber der erwartete Kuss fand nicht statt. Stattdessen hielt er in ihrer Nähe inne und befahl: "Küss mich."
har_k · 440.3K Views

Esposo con Beneficios

"Nora está destrozada un mes antes de su boda cuando descubre la engañosa aventura de su prometido. Mientras maneja esta traición, descubre una profunda trama para impedirle reclamar su legítima herencia. Devastada pero decidida, Nora da un paso audaz para recuperar el control de su vida. Llega Demetri, —El Demonio para aquellos que lo conocen, un hombre formidable apenas conocido para ella, que le ofrece protección y apoyo a cambio de un matrimonio de contrato para satisfacerlo. Como un giro del destino, Nora se casa con Demetri para reclamar su herencia y luchar contra quienes conspiraron contra ella. Pero mientras lucha contra su propia familia y los muchos rivales de Demetri, ¿podrá evitar enamorarse del hombre conocido por aplastar a la gente bajo su talón enguatado? Extracto: El museo ha olvidado que el hombre era intimidante y lo desafió directamente. Más que hablar, Demetri se levantó de su asientos y se acercó a ella deliberadamente. Aunque solo eran unos pocos pasos, el tiempo parecía alargarse para Nora. Cuando casi estaba a distancia de tocar, su mano aterrizó suavemente sobre su rodilla, moviéndola de lado. Su toque se movió con un atisbo de caricia, y se colocó entre sus piernas abiertas. Nora se sentó allí en silencio congelado, sus ojos abiertos como un ciervo atrapado en las luces delanteras. Atrapando su barbilla entre sus dedos, inclinó su cara hacia arriba y habló sin prisa —Tú eres mi esposa —ArGó Demetri. Ella asintió lentamente con su cabeza en afirmación mientras su pulgar trazaba lentamente su labio—. Te he dado tiempo para reunir tus emociones —le dijo él. Otro asentimiento. El nerviosismo de Nora la hizo lamerse los labios, consciente de su intensa mirada fija en ellos. —Tu razón para el matrimonio era asegurar tu herencia y liberarte del dominio de tu madre. —Sí —Nora susurró confundida. Su confusión no era acerca de su declaración, sino acerca de las desconcertantes sensaciones que le recorrían. ¿Qué le estaba pasando? —Es hora de que cumplas tu parte del contrato, ¿sí? —Continuó él. —Sí —susurró Nora sin aliento. ¿Por qué le faltaba el aliento? ¿Había descendido el nivel de oxígeno en la casa? ¿Se estaba adelgazando repentinamente el aire? De repente, su mano dejó su cara, y ella lo vio acercarse más. Fue entonces cuando Nora comprendió lo que estaba sucediendo. Todos esos besos tentadores y emocionantes que había leído en novelas estaban a punto de convertirse posiblemente en su realidad. Pero el beso anticipado no sucedió. En cambio, se detuvo cerca de ella y ordenó —Bésame."
har_k · 1.5M Views

Sr. Presidente: O senhor é o pai dos meus trigêmeos

"M... Marissa! São meus filhos?" Os olhos de Rafael não se desviavam do rosto adorável das crianças. "Não, Rafael. Eles não são," disse Marissa com um sorriso falso, "Eles não são seus. Lembra?" ela piscou os cílios de maneira bem dramática, "Nunca fomos casados!" A irmã mais velha de Marissa Aaron, Valerie Aaron, abandonou seu namorado cego no dia do casamento e fugiu. Para salvar a aparência, a família de Merissa implorou para que ela se casasse com Raphael Sinclair. A ironia? Ela não podia dizer ao seu marido cego que não era Valerie, mas sim Marissa Aaron. No dia da bem-sucedida cirurgia de olhos de Raphael, Marissa ficou sabendo que Valerie havia voltado para tomar seu lugar de direito como nora dos Sinclair. Marissa tentou explicar ao marido que era ela quem havia se casado com ele, mas ele não acreditou. Em vez de tentar mais convencê-lo, a desolada Merissa decidiu deixar a cidade sem contar seu segredo. Raphael Sinclair era a clássica definição de galã e o único herdeiro do Grupo Sinclair de Indústrias. O que ele faria ao descobrir que todo esse tempo a mulher que lhe ofereceu amor e seu corpo não era Valerie, mas sim sua irmã mais nova Marissa Aaron? Como ele reagiria ao saber que era o pai dos bebês que Marissa estava esperando? Ele iria atrás de Marissa e reconquistaria seu amor? E a pergunta de um milhão de dólares! Marissa seria capaz de perdoá-lo e amá-lo novamente?
JessicaKaye911 · 1.4M Views

Husband With Benefits

Nora is shattered a month before her wedding when she uncovers her fiancé's deceitful affair. As she manages this betrayal, she discovers a deep ploy to hinder her from claiming her rightful inheritance. Devastated but determined, Nora takes a daring step to regain control of her life. Enter Demetri 'The Demon' to those who know him, a formidable man barely known to her, who offers her protection and support in return for a contract marriage to satisfy him. In a twist of fate, Nora marries Demetri to claim her inheritance and fight those who plotted against her. But as she battles her own family and Demetri's many rivals, will she be able to keep from falling for the man known to crush people beneath his booted heel. Excerpt: She had forgotten that the man was intimidating and directly challenged him. Rather than speaking, Demetri rose from his seat and approached her deliberately. Although it was a mere few steps, time seemed to stretch for Nora. When he was almost within touching distance, his hand gently landed on her knee, moving it sideways. His touch moved with a hint of a caress, and he stepped between her open legs. Nora sat there in frozen silence, her eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights. Catching her chin between his fingers, he tilted her face upwards and spoke unhurriedly," You are my wife." She nodded her head slowly in affirmation while his thumb slowly traced her lip. "I have given you time to gather your emotions." Another nod. Nora's nervousness made her lick her lips, acutely aware of his intense gaze fixed upon them. "Your reason for the marriage was to secure your inheritance and get away from under your mother's thumb." "Yes..." Nora whispered in confusion. Her confusion was not about his statement but about the bewildering sensations coursing through her. What was happening with her? "It's time for you to fulfil your end of the contract, yes?" He continued. "Yes," Nora whispered breathlessly. Why was she breathless? Had the oxygen level in the house dropped? Was the air suddenly thinning? Abruptly, his hand left her face, and she watched as he drew closer. It was then that Nora comprehended what was unfolding. All those tantalizing, heart-pounding kisses she had read about in novels were about to possibly become her reality. But the anticipated kiss didn't happen. Instead, he paused near her and commanded, "Kiss me."
har_k · 3.8M Views

Transmigrated to Game World with SSS Wife

[Ding!] [Welcome to the fantastic world of Aether Babes!!!] [Title granted: King of the Cosmos!] In his first life, Nick was an avid gamer. One of the top-ranking players in the gacha game Aether Babes, he never thought in a million years he'd be transmigrated into the world of his favorite game. However, it wasn't everything he imagined it to be. Somehow all the gods were dead, leaving him as the new King of the Cosmos far earlier than his character was supposed to be. More than that, it seemed like his favorite game actually contained the worlds of many different games... And as the King of the Cosmos, it was his duty to conquer every game, obtaining ultimate power. Finding himself in a dangerous plane of existence filled with exotic monsters and demons and even more nightmarish creatures he never dreamed of fighting in real life, Nick has to fight relentlessly just to stay alive. Luckily, he has the help of his favorite waifus! Incentives: 50 Gt = 1 extra chapter, up to 5 times. 100 Ps = 1 extra chapter, up to 10 times. Gifts: Every 1,000 coins is an extra chapter, up to 5. Super Gifts: Castle= 10 chapter mass release. Spacecraft = 20 chapter mass release. Gachapon = 50 chapter mass release and Valkyrie creation. Super gift mass releases cap at 50 a month, and are guaranteed by the 1st of the next month after it is given, as long as there are 10 days left in the current month. Couple warnings: Few lemons. Though the characters will be close and intimate, I do not plan on making many detailed scenes, at least at the start. Also, there wouldn't really be the chance anyways, as imminent danger is lurking around every corner. MC will be OP. Combined with his gacha knowledge and wide assortment of Valkyries (The waifus he summons) he himself is also op. To be fair, some of his enemies, especially the Endwalkers, are op as well. Also, it will be a progression based OP. Ch2 MC would not be facing the same enemies as Ch 2,000 enemies. Yes harem. NTR one time and its against abusive husband. No yuri. The harem will be filled with many different waifus with different pasts and dreams etc, so you can expect a bundle of different personalities as well as tropes like Tsun, yandere, etc. NO F* INCEST!!! NONE!!! Book will be addicting hehe. If you enjoy, don't forget to shower with powerstones, golden tickets, and gifts!!!
PhoenixTheShiba · 48.4K Views

Godnet - Valkyrie Protocol

After the betrayal of Luciferel, and having to deal with the Nephilim problem God made a few changes to how Heaven was run. Time does not quite flow the same in Heaven, so God was able to draw inspiration from millennia of human history. In the end, God chooses to structure things like a mega-corporation with him as the CEO and his archangels acting as department heads. To keep the threat of another angel rebellion to a minimum, every few years the angels would be ordered to change departments. To ensure that things ran smoothly and that the communication between departments happened in a timely fashion a Heaven-wide internet was established called Godnet. Due to an accident caused by mistaken identity, John Smith was killed by an angel on her first day in the Department of Death. By the time she released her mistake, it was far too late to "just" put him back in his own body. In an effort to correct her mistake the angel tried to have John Smith be reborn in the universe she originally was supposed to have a John Smith die in. The Angel was originally in IT for Godnet so she thought that it would be not too difficult to hide her little oops by altering a few records. However, she got a call from Upper Management during the process of having John be reborn. Figuring the " proper" department would step in to finish the process, the angel left to report to upper management, not wanting to receive an even bigger punishment than what she was already going to receive. In her rush to leave, she forgot to close down the connection to Godnet.
Mindviper81 · 91.7K Views

Shattering Humanity

The most eclectic epic ever inspired! With the whole globe snowed over, humans are no longer on top of the ladder. Violent aliens have forced humanity into various locations of hiding, and an evil ancient clan reveals itself. Taking control of sanctuaries all over Earth as Mafia Bosses, Dictators, Conquerors, and other forms of leadership, in an attempt to prove which is the strongest amongst them. After being in hiding for three years, humans have begun to acquire "abilities" just from slaying one of these aliens. Shortly after leaving their sanctuary/apocalypse training academy, two old friends, Katsu and Saku, are matched together not only as an academic team, but chosen by the last surviving "Creator of Humanity". Each one is 'blessed' as the vessels for the universe's contemporary forces and use their unique abilities to achieve their own (secretly combative) goals. Accompanying them is a female descendant of the greatest 'unknown' Scandinavian sword fighter. After being revealed to about her destined lineage, and the lost "mythical" history of her highly respected grandmother from the Viking/Valkyrie Age, Shelly is determined to retrieve all of her slain grandmother's stolen weapons from a both physically and magically gifted covenant of witches. If you have a beloved purpose you can't live without, do you truly have any freedom? If you have complete freedom to do or say whatever you desire, do you truly have any purpose worth caring about? [All art is not done by AI but by my good friend Amon-kun] ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ WARNING/DISCLAIMER: This series spotlights coincidental parallels between various religious scriptures, and scientific theories but is in no way discrediting or belittling the beliefs of others whether that be Creationist or Evolutionist. The views, ideas, and conversations between characters aren't in any way meant to change anyone's beliefs. The conscious use of certain psychological elements from theistic ideology and out of context holy verses is only to support this fictional plot and it's characters. As well as aid the reader as to how one could theoreticize or philosophicize the plot. Instead of using various conflicting ideologies to shame or undermine those who believe, the intention is for deeper thinking and uniting those who believe peace and tranquility between humanity is most important above all.
SasukEntertainment · 117.5K Views

The Trillionaire Mafia And His Contract Girlfriend

"She fell first, but he fell harder" Grace Chen’s life changed from being an illegitimate daughter of the Chen family to the top mafia’s girlfriend when she was offered a contract she couldn't refuse. “Once you sign the contract to be my girlfriend, then this house, the car, maids, and an entourage will be yours.” These were Raymond’s exact words before he handed the contract to her. She had been a punching bag to her stepmother and needed some excitement before her terminal disease finally killed her. Curious as to why he had chosen her of all people, she came to realize that he was fulfilling a promise he made to her mother. How was he related to her mother? She had to find out, no matter what it took. And being with Raymond meant being at risk; his enemies were more than his friends, and they all came for her, but he was always there to protect her. "Remember, Grace, you are there for the money; don't let yourself fall in love, and don't let him love you,” she reminded herself every day. She needed the money and power to avenge her stepfamily, who treated her like a slave.  What happens when Raymond finds out that the woman he vowed to protect has been mistreated all her life? And then he comes across her bucket list: B1: Get out of this hell of a house. B2: Let my stepmother beg me for mercy. B3: Make my dad choose me over Nora. “Boring,” he sneered, and he decided to rewrite her bucket list. B1: Get married to Raymond. B2: Have a baby with Raymond. B3: And, finally, let Raymond make your stepmother beg for mercy. Since he had vowed to protect her, he was going to help punish every person she planned to, and he made sure to protect her at all costs. But he soon finds himself drawn to her. That’s not the case for Grace; she believes she will die soon. Will he succeed in taming her and making her enemies pay, as he had promised Grace’s mom? or will she succeed in pushing him away and living her lonely life till the heavens call her? And what happens when Raymond finds out about her illness? Will there be a way? When Grace finds out about her mother’s connection with Raymond, things change direction. How could her mother have such a relationship with Raymond XU? Short reel scenes of this novel is found on TikTok, watch it and fantasize with me TikTok username: introvert4452
T_RAE_23 · 241.6K Views

Animara Empire of The Fallen

A world full of humanoid animals called Anisarians divided into 12 different habitat nations. Petty squabbles and past rivalries have erupted into all out World War between the nations, forcing all caught in the crossfire to choose a side. In the chaos are five interconnected stories of heroes and villains, mighty rulers, and humble refugees just trying to make it through the turbulent times they now find themselves unable to escape from. Only the strongest shall rule in an age of betrayal, conquest, and atrocities. But in a world turned monstrous. Some will not give in to what instinct demand's them to be in order to survive. Only time and blood will tell who will stand victorious, or rule over nothing but an empire of the fallen. Note: Some chapters may be unfinished. Still a work in progress as I figure out storylines, structure and motivations. Faction Guide: Allied powers: Ocean Monarchy, Forest Federation, Desert Republic, Northern Coalition. Axis powers: South Pole Empire, Deep Sea Confederation, Savannah Sovereignty, Swampland Horde. Neutral/Territory: Volcanic Isles, Jungle Nation, Tropical Tribesmen, Nocturnal Nomads. Mercenary factions: Army Ant Raiders. Fire Ant's. Visual Reference For look and Art style of each faction: Character/allegiance/title/species Guide: OCEAN MONARCHY: Shena Veso. Lieutenant. Hybrid Shark. Fereen Vosento. Corporal. Flying Fish. Whelios Whelorum. Retired. Octopus. Dregadon Veso. Deceased. Great White. Nora Veso. Widow. Great White Neso: Private/gunner. Tiger Vesa: Private/medic. Queen angel fish. Kiros: Sgt. Sea turtle. Argus. Admiral. Sailfish. Koa. Prime Minister. Sea otter. SOUTH POLE EMPIRE: Veadora. Empress. Albatross. Ryana. Princess. Albatross. Aravos. Exiled Prince/Warden. Albatross. Garotan. Varangian Guard. Polar Bear. Nea. Servant. White Seal. JUNGLE NATION: Naru. Hunter. Orb Weaver Spider. Esiva. Seamstress. Orb Weaver Spider Nadia. Archer. Orb Weaver Spider. Naya. Weaver. Orb Weaver Spider. SAVANNA SOVEREIGNTY: Ryo Sen Serasi: Janissary. King Cobra. Chai'ra. Janissary Apprentice. Cheetah. Kenno. Commander. Crocodile. Darg. Sgt. Warthog. NORTHERN COALITION: Boreca. Queen. Snow Leopard. FACTION FLAGS/SYMBOLS South Pole Empire: White winged Diamond, light blue background. Ocean Monarchy: Three golden Scallop Shells. Sea blue background. Savanna Sovereignty: Golden scarab in center of golden sun, black background. Volcano Islanders: Five different flame's one atop the other representing four different clans. Red, orange, black, blue and white. Yellow background. Tropical tribesmen: Pink waterlily amidst light green background. Nocturnal Nomads: White crescent moon, white star at center. Black background. North Pole Coalition: White Snowflake amidst grey background. Forest Federation: Five light brown interwoven branches representing five different federation states united as one. Forest Green Background. Swampland Horde: Ring of tan teeth, representing ancestors of death to honor in life. Murky green background. Deep Sea Confederation. Conjoined purple lightning bolt striking downward like jellyfish tendrils. Solid black background to represent darkness of the depths. Jungle Nation: Light Green Hexagonal jade ore stone. Dark green background. Desert Republic: ? Garotan the great army of the fist. Iron grey fist set between black and dark green background. Kashan the outlaw prince army of the claw. Blood red claw marks amid bright green background. Army Ant Raiders: White Ant skull amid blood red tattered flag.
Extinct_Vessel · 251.6K Views
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