The Candle And The Boy
"The Candle And The Boy" is a profound psychological drama that tells the story of Ren, a young man living in a reality intertwined between life and death. After facing a mysterious death, Ren begins to search for the truth behind his demise, uncovering painful secrets about his life and family, particularly his mother. Throughout his arduous psychological journey, he encounters "the man with the red face," who seems to lead him toward the truth. However, with every step Ren takes, the illusion he lives in becomes increasingly evident. The novel explores philosophical concepts of death, truth, salvation, and illusion, transcending the traditional boundaries between life and the afterlife.
The story raises deep questions about the relationship between personal pain and the search for meaning, and how the past can manifest in frightening forms that compel us to confront deadly truths about ourselves and those we love.