In the aftermath of a colossal showdown, Alexei Stark, known as the Hero, emerges triumphant, having absorbed the boundless powers of the vanquished Overlord. This fusion of might elevates him to an unmatched pinnacle of strength, bestowing upon him unparalleled abilities.
However, as time passes, the thrill of battle wanes, leaving Alexei disenchanted with the monotony of his invincible existence. With no adversaries capable of challenging his might, the once-glorious fights devolve into lackluster encounters, prompting him to contemplate the futility of his retired hero status.
Choosing seclusion over the limelight, Alexei relinquishes his heroic mantle, seeking solace in the tranquility of isolation. But fate, in its enigmatic ways, intervenes. A looming threat, formidable and menacing, emerges on the horizon, casting a shadow over the fragile peace he sought.
Reluctantly pulled back into the fray, Alexei re-enters the arena not as a protagonist seeking glory, but as a mentor, a guiding figure on the sidelines. Embracing the role of a side character, he channels his vast experience and wisdom to nurture a new generation of heroes, coaching and imparting knowledge to prepare them for the impending darkness.