Anohisa Mnarhotevhi
In a world scarred by the cataclysmic impact of a meteorite, an apocalypse unfolded as alien monstrosities descended upon Earth, plunging humanity into the abyss of extinction. However, salvation emerged when a group of supernatural beings, the first line of defense against the alien invaders, arose to protect what remained of civilization. These extraordinary individuals waged an unrelenting battle to secure a sanctuary for humankind.
Now, a thousand years have passed since those dark days, and humanity has transitioned from the brink of annihilation to the conquest of nearly the entire Milky Way galaxy. The original group of supernatural defenders, known as the "Twelve," possessed awe-inspiring abilities called "Absolutes," which functioned as inviolable rules governing their powers.
In this new era, 99.99% of the human population awakens their unique abilities at the age of five, becoming essential contributors to society's growth and safety. The unfortunate 0.01%, who do not manifest their powers, are carefully protected by the government. These individuals, while lacking personal abilities, possess a unique specialty: their presence greatly enhances the cultivation environment for those who have awakened.
But our protagonist stands out as an exception among the unawakened. In extensive testing, he is found to lack the specialty that typically accompanies those who do not awaken their abilities. The question that looms is whether this assessment truly reflects his potential. As the story unfolds, the protagonist's true capabilities and his role in this reshaped world will come to light, unveiling a captivating narrative of discovery, power, and destiny.